HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-2-13, Page 7w a+ im o va ea a •stoa/evtr Young Folks eve'rues arm evwtvo True Courage. WHAT A REAL TONIC WILL DO Strikes at the Root of Disease and Glues Now Health. ' If you look in ,aur ,dictionary you will find the word "tonic" defined as "a medioine that increases the strength and vigor of the system." It was a cold day. Dicky and rills telaresavxoa)pbonoilliarne'sPink ands Dorothy started off to the kinder- garten together. Their home was g on one oorner of the blook, and the fifty, not sick in bed, but without strength and ambition, utterly tired out after a day's work. No one organ seems to be at fault, yet the whole .system is looking in health, They do not sleep well and are al- ways tired and nervous, many have headaches, backaches and stomach trouble. All these people need the tonic help of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The beneficial influence of school on the ether, and since they did not have to cross the street, they sometimes went by themselves. They walked along, hand in hand. They never quarreled, and they always shared their games, Dicky was a year and a half older than Dorothy, but she was stronger. When they were not far from the school a large, playful dog ran to- this medicine reaches the whole ward them. He had none but system. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills friendly feelings for the two little do more than relieve the symptoms, people, but alas, he knocked Dicky they actually remove the cause of down 1the trouble. The case of Mrs. J. H. Fortunately, the teacher was just behind them, and she picked up the little boy; brushed his knickerbock- ers and dried his tears. But as she did so, she said, with a laugh: "Why, Dicky Dodd I Don't be a ooward 1" Two or three of the children heard what she said, and looked at Dicky with scorn. "Dicky Dedd's a coward! He Dried when the dog knocked him down!" they said. Dicky was unhappy. And when, at dinner, Dorothy said, in all sym- pathy: "A big, bad dog threw brother down, and brother cried," Dicky knew before his father opened his lips just what he would say: "Oh, Dicky mustn't cry for a lit- tle thing like that! He must be a brave boy, not a coward!" The next morning Dicky looked out for the clog. With leaps and bounds, he came running toward them just as he had before. Dicky equeezed himself up against the wall. "Coward! Coward !" he heard two big boys say. His eyes filled with tears, and then they laughed at his tears. Dicky was ashamed of himself. Efe felt that he'was a Dry -baby and a coward, but be could not help it. The dug was big and heavy. Dorothy was indignant. She looked at the big boys, and said, "Brother is not a coward! He only wants to give the dog plenty of room 1" How Dicky loved her I Dorothy always made him feel a little hap- pier when things wore going wrong, But he knew that he was afraid of the big dog. e` The next morning no dog was in sight. Dicky drew a deep breath of relief. And the next day there was no dog, nor the next, and then it was Saturday, and Sunday, and no school! By Monday morning Dicky had forgotten his enemy. He took Dor- othy's hand, and went down the street to school They had not walked hall's block when the dog appeared, and began to caper about, for he was full of life and energy. He made straight for the children, wagging his tail joyfully. "01 1" cried Dorothy, in alarm. Generally she was afraid of no- thing, but this morning she was not her bright little self. Dicky saw the dog, but he heard Dorothy's cry, and' thought only of his •sister. He ran in front of her, and faced the dog. "Don't you touch her 1" Dicky shouted, in his loudest voice. "Site's my sister 1" The dog wagged his tail, and licked Dick's face. Then he boun- ded on. ' Dicky had his arm round Doro- thy's neck. But the teacher's hand was on his shoulder, and the boys were watching him with respect. "I'll carry Dorothy'e books," said one. ' "You scared that dog," said an- other.. "Dicky can be brave when some one else is in danger," said the tea- cher. "After all, boys, that's the true courage." And Dicky gave a little whistle. He was so glad that he was not a coward, after alll—Youth's Com- panion. Dark Among Stars. Absohttely dark spaces among the stars have puzzled astronomers since the time of Herschel. In Milky Way.photographs, Dr, Kopff has noticed an, almost complete ab- sence of faint stars immediately around certain neh:ulae, with an abundartoe of such stars within the nebulae end far outside. A late suggestion by Dr. Esliin is that the margins of such nebulae may be too diffuse to become illuminated and yet dense enough to absorb light. If shish an assumption be made, he finds *het, it explains not only the blank surrounding spaces (bat ,the dark holes and lanes within the bright nebulae, Percival DePuyster says that he Is positively frightened when he thinks. what would have happened in him if he hadn't been given rich perm -Ate. Sharpe, London, Ont., is one in proof of the above statements. Mrs. Sharpe says :—"I was so run down and weak that life was a burden. The least exertion would exhaust me so greatly that I could hardly breathe. If going up stairs, I would have to rest several mine -bee when I reached the top. My heart would palpitate until I felt as if it would choke me. I was extremely nervous, in fact a complete wreck, and would sometimes have to re- main in bed for a couple of days or more at a time. I found no help from medicine until I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and my experience with them was that they made a complete cure. I gained in weight and my friends tell me I look younger than I did ten years ago—I know I certainly feel youn- ger. I feel sure that What Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have done for me they will do to other women if given a fair chance." If you are at all unwell do not fail to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and you will find new health and strength. Sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. �. SUDAN SELF SUPPORTING. Promises to Be a Great Wheat and Cotton Country. To -day, if the history of the past ten years has not already enabled it to do eo, the Sudan fully justifies its existence and the money that has been expended on its develop- ment. To -day the Sudan, the terri- tory about which Col. Stewart, in - doming Gen. Gordon'e opinion that it "is it useless possession, ever was •sb and ever will be so," wrote that no ono who has visited it can escape the reflection, "What a useless pos- session and what a huge encum- brance on Egypt," gives the lie di- rect to all the pessimistic views ex- pressed as to the possibility of ever snoceeding in converting it into a working and profit giving'conoern. To -day the Sudan is freed from its financial dependence for current expenses on Egypt. A great future lies before the So - den, greater penhsps than most people imagine even to -day. As it stands the Sudan promises in the near future to become one of the greatest cotton and wheat produc- ing countries of the world. 'l1 Waterloo hi London. Waterloo Bridge, which has been badly damaged by a motor -bus, was pronounced by Canova the noblest bridge in the world, says the Lon- don Chronicle. He declared that if there was nothing else to see in London, the sight of Waterloo Bridge was well worth the trouble of a journey from Rome. The Mar- quis do Vermont, who was a con- temporary of Canova, also admired the bridge but its name grated on hies. "Wherever I go in London," he writes, "the name of Waterloo greets me. Besides Waterloo Bridge (specially re -christened) to remind sus of our defeat, Waterloo Road and Waterloo Street, there are Waterloo hotels, Waterloo aca- demies, Waterloo public houses, Waterloo eating houses and Water- loo shops of all kinds and descrip- tions. The ladies wear Waterloo bonnets and tit ogentlemen Welling- ton boots." SAVE THE BABY. Baby's Own Tablets are the one safe medicine to make 1i:thy well and keep hien well. They ave guaranteed by a. government analyst to be free from all injurious drugs and are absolutely safe to give even to the newborn babe. Concerning them Mrs, Oscal' Bedard, Manseau, Que., writes have used Baby's Own Tablets and have to thank them that my little one is living to -day. I know of nothing to erlual them as a children's medicine." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The. Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A SIR WILLIAM, EARLY BIRD Sir William Mcokcnzie may be a priuoe of railroading, but he has re- mained all his life one of the most deinocralir and unpretentious of Hien in ordinary personal relations. Nor is he anything but proud of the modest beginninge of his boy- hood, and the earlier years of man- hood, when he applied hie best abil- ities to the tasks nearest to (rand. The other day Sir William was motoring to hie office with an aris- tocratic English friend. Passing the Legislative buildings he stop- ped the oar and ran up the stops Sir William Mackenzie. to enquire for a certain official. It was then only 8.30 a.m., and no Government employes were on hand. Sir William returned to the car a trifle disappointed. "I believe the world is sleeping later in the mornings than it used to," he remarked to his companion. "When I was a young fellow I had my breakfast over every winter's morning by seven, and was ready for work." "This was in the university?" queried the visitor. "This was in the maple bush," corrected 'Sir William, with his ao- customed crispness. Chest Colds, Bronchitis Can't Be Cured By Cough Syrups FOR THE SIMPLE REASON THAT COUCH SYRUPS CO STRAIGHT TO THE STOMACH WHICH ISN'T AFFECTED. The direct -breathing cure, "Catarrho- zone," which Instantly reaches all affected parts is best Remedy. Just note the following chart—it clear- ly shows how tho vapor of Catarrhozone when inhaled covers all the breathing or- gans in the nose, throat and lungs—that is why Catarrhozone always cures—it gets where the trouble really is. "I can speak of the wonders Catarrho- zone did for me," writes .7..P. Fernandez, an important .figure in moroantiia life in Georgetown. "I had all the distressing symptoms of catarrh—head was stuffed up —had a profuse discharge from the nose —I hawked and gagged and had to weak throat. My care buzzed and I had con- stant pain over the eyes. Catarrhozone cleared my head, strengthened my throat, took away that rank breath and soreness In the• nose." If you have any lotus of oaterrh or throat.troublo, cut out all experiments— use Catarrhozone—it's reputation is world- wide. A complete outfit with sufficient medication to last two months and au indistructible hard rubber inhaler costs $1.00; smaller sizes with glass inhaler, 25e. and 60e. All druggists and store• keepers, or post paid from the Catarrho. mono Co., Duffelo, N. Y., and ICingston, Canada. .I. SUGAR. MAY BE LOWER. Record Crop of Beets in. Europe This Year. The high cost of living has trou- bled Europe almost as much as it has this country. There seems to bo one ray of comfort; for 1013. ' The price of sugar is likely to fall, Most of the sugar in, Europe is beet sugar, and the crop of sugar beets last year has been enormous. For the whole of Europa the crop ex- ceeds by thirtyesix per tient. that of last year. In addition, the quality is extra fine; in tome tests the beets were fownd to 'haus seventy-one per cent. more sugar than those grown last year. Between the great yield and rho soperiat' quality the amount of. sugar produced will be nearly twice as great. • +14 Success may be a mystery, but hard work will solve it. SHE COULD NOT I NOIR CUP OF TEA DOCTORS AGREED TORONTO NURSE 11A1) I RIG.II'r'!i DISEASE. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured. her after five years suffering—Felt a bene- fit after first box. Toronto, Ont,, Feb. 3 (Speoial).— Mrs. Alberta Goffn, a nurse, liv- ing at '10 Wright Ave., this city, has been interviewed in regard to her reported cure of nervous or Kid. nay Trouble by Dodd's Kidney Pills. She states that the report is true in every particular. "My sickuess," Mrs. Goffin says, "was caused from a nervous break- down and what the doctors called incurable Bright's Disease brought on by cold and long weeks of nurs- ing. I suffered for five years. "I was treated by three doctors and was a patient in two hospitals, but gradually got weaker, Reading the experiences of other sufferers like myself lead me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, At that time I was so weak and nervous I cxould not hold a sup of tea without spilling some of its contents. "I felt a benefit after taking the first box of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and eight or nine boxes cured Die so completely I can now walk a mile without fatigue." If you haven't used Dodd's Kid- ney Pills yourself almost any of your neighbors will tell you they always euro Kidney Disease in any form. His System. Madden—"How much does Bai- ley pay for his clothes?" Wilkins—"About one instalment, I think." The Nova Scotia "Lumber Sing" sayer "I consider MTNARD'S LINIMENT the BEST liniment in use. I got my foot badly jammed late( I bathed It well with MINARD'S 1I- MENT and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. MoMIILLEN. The things that are put off until to -morrow are usually finished just 24 hours late. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. "Did youse gin anything?" whis- pered the burglar on guard as his pal emerged from the window. "Naw, de bloke wet lives here is a lawyer," replied the other in dis- gist. "bat's hard luck," said the first. "Did youse lose anyt'ingI" PILES CURED IN 8 TO 14 DAYS Your druggiet will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to aura any ease of Itch. Ing, Blind, Bleeding ur Protruding Piles In t to 14 days. 50o. No man is ever so good but what there is some cause to be sorry for the woman who married him. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. A Literary Betrothal. Insoriptions in complimentary copies of learned works do not al- ways serve the graceful purpose to which one was dedicated by the celebrated Professor Wilson of Edinburgh. When Jibe suitor for the hand of Professor Wilson's daughter had gained the young wo- man's approbation, she of course referred ham to her father. Having stated his case, the younger gentle- man was asked to bid the young lady to come to cher father. Her obedience was prompt. Professor Wilson had before him for review a ponderous volume, on the fly -leaf of which was duly inscribed, "With the au'thor's oomplim:ents." He tore this fly -leaf out, pinned it, to his daughter',s dress, solemnly led her to the anxious lover—and went back to his work. Bennie, aged four, met Henry, .aged five, and the following con- versation ensued : "Whatsmatter your head?" "Bumped it one ceiling." "Ona stepladder?" "No. I was playin"'ith my papa ona floor an' I was sitting on his tummy." "An' nen what?" "Papa sneezed." El). 4. 1sSU DUTCH CENTENARY. Do You Wish to Im- Itegslns Prestige in Art and Sol- enee in fast 100 Years. prove Your Complexion, This tl l bt1 kingdom f Hands or Hair? If you wish a skin clear of pimples, blackheads and other annoying eruptions, hands soft and white, hair live and glossy, and scalp free from dandruff and itch- ing, begin today the regular use of Cuticura Soap for the toilet, bath and shampoo, assisted by an occasional light application of Cuticura Ointment. No other method is so agreeable, so often effective and so economical in treating poor complex- ions, red, rough hands, and dry, thin and falling hair. Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment have been sold through- out the world for more than a generation, but to those wishing to try them with- out cost, a Iiberal sample of each will be sent free with 82-p. book on the care and treatment of the skin and hair. Address `Cuticura,' Dept. 25D, Boston, U. S. A. HAS A. MIND OF HIS OWN. King George Will Not Be Treated as a Figurehead. Firmness of character is not con- spicuous among the virtues of King George, whose love of peace, do- mestic and other kinds sometimes causes him to be leaf •by anybody who understands the virtue of tact. However, usual docility occasion- rallygives way to fits of utmost stubbornness, and in such cases it is useless to attempt to make him change his mind. Some leading politicians have just found this out, for the King has suddenly refused point blank to bestow any titles on people whose only claim to such dis- tinction lies in the fact that they have contributed generously to- wards the political funds of the party in power. King George has been showing his entourage more and more his determination to keep a firm grip upon his own affairs. • One hears in the privacy of the Court of attempts made by Cabinet Ministers and other public person- ages to (treat the King as a figure- head, and to expect him to sign doouments without having any idea of 'their purport. His Majesty's practice in these matteils is as firm as that of the late Queen Victoria, who caused much surprise and no little chagrin in the -eassly days when she refused to append her name to a document the meaning of which had net been fully explained. It is said that on a recent occa- sion the King showed his sense of the fitness of things by withholding his •sanction to a paper for which a statesman in a hurry sought his signature at a moment's notice. The throne is a very real power nowadays, and its influence tends to increase rather than diminish. DON'T NURSE CORNS TRY THIS REMEDY You can't be disappointed with Patnam'e Corn Extractor: It is not only the oldest Corn Doctor, but as thousands know, it is the beet. Putnam's Extractor is not a. greasy salvo that rune all over the foot and inflames it,— no, Putnam's 1s mode to go right at Borns—to root them out for all time to Dame. You can remove your oor i quiokly with a 26o. bottle, sold and recommended. by druggiett. 'i. The average man has a lot more to say about what ho is going to do than about what he has done. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. "That wasn't a bad epigram on the Magistrate's part," said the somewhat educated tramp who had been convicted for vagrancy. "What did he say 1" asked the tramp's pal. "Seven days," came the re- ply. "That ain't no epigram, is it 2" "I'm sure it is. 1 asked a parson once what an epigram was, and he says, 'It's a short sentence that sounds light, but gives you plenty to think about."' NA -DRU -CO �' Ruby Rose Cold Cream A toilet delight, with the exquisite fragrance of fresh roses. Makes chapped hands smooth and soft and keeps them so. Preserves the most delicate Complexion against exposure to the severest weather. Try it— you'll certainly appreciate it. In 25o. opal jars, at your druggist's. OF CANADA, LtM1raD, l8� NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL co. 11---'718. I -120 year •.ie 1 e King Dill o Holland celebrates a hundred years of progress, alter years of despair. In 1818 Holland was a o1'ipple. The nation which had been one of the teachers of Europe, which de- spite its emelt size had been the, oradle of the arts and sciences, 1 which boasted great painters like 1 R.eilibrandt-, Hais and De Hoogb, great dialecticians 'like Erasmus and scholars Pike Grotius—this na- tion hand sunk almost to the level of la neglected province. But in the hundred ,years that have gone by holland, despite re- verses, both at home and abroad, has reasserted herself, and the Dutch, though a small people hummed in by large military Gov- ernments, hold a high place among the nations. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Europe has been their debtor for lessons in science, in international law, of which the Dutch were the founders; in hortioulture and agriculture. Her ancient University of Ley- den has produced in the last gener- ation De Sitter and Kamerlingh Ganes, who equefied helium, and at her northern University of Gronin- gen ,the great Kapteyn sits in the chair of astronomy—whence pro- ceeded the twentieth century theory of the double drift of the stars. It is not surprising that Holland should seize the opportunity of com- memorating her hundred years of remarkable progress by bolding a centenary. The chief feature of this centenary- will be the inaugura- tion of the peace palace at The Hague. OPERATION FOR PILES FAILED Zant-Bak Was Then Tried and Worked a Cure. Writing from Peltier , B.C., Mrs. C. Hanson, wife of the proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, says: "I suffered for years with bleeding piles. The pain was so bad at times that I could hardly walk, and or- dinary remedies seemed utterly un- able to give me any ease. Finally I decided to undergo an operation, and went to the Sacred Heart Hos- pital in Spokane. There they per- formed an operation and did all they could for me. For a time I was certainly better, but within 1.3 months the trouble started again and the piles became as painful as ever. I tried liniments, hot poul- tices, various `pile cures,' and in- deed everything I could think would be likely to de any good, but still I continued to suffer, and the shoot- ing, burning, stinging pains, the dull, aching and wretched 'worn- out' feeling that the disease causes continued as bad as ever. "One day I read about Zam-Buk and thought I would try it. The first one or two boxes gave me more ease than anything else I had tried, so I went on with the treatment. In a short time I began to feel al- together different and better, and I saw that Zam-Buk was going to cure me. Well, I went on using it, and by the time I had used six boxes I was delighted to find my- self entirely cured. That was three years ago, and from then to the present time there has been no re- turn of the trouble." Druggists and stores everywhere, 500, box, or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. tF An Easier Way. "Her parents sent her to Europe in the hope that she would get over her infatuation for young Flub dub." "An easier way would be for them to let her marry him." SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA. Attractive rates- will be seated via variable routes, atlording the finest seen. ery. The Los Angeles Limited, leaving Chicago daily 10:16 pan. for Southern Cali. forme, the San Francisco Overland Lim. ited. leaving Chicago 8:30 p.m.. less than three days en route, provide the best of everything in railway travel. The China and Japan Mail leaves Chicago daily at 10:45 p.m. for San Franolsoo and Los An. moles. Illustrated iiterotnre on applioa• Mon to B. Ii. Bennett, G..3., Chicago and North Western Ity,. 46 Yonge St.. Toronto, Ont. Locating It. Teacher ---"Tell me, Susie, wlratis the equator." Little Susie --"It's the waist line of the earth." When Your Eyes Need Mire Try Muria. Eye Remedy. No Smarting—Feels Irhio—Acte Q,Nrkly. Try it for lied, Weal, Watery Eves. a and Granulated r yolids, Ilhte- Cramming down ill -chosen food, and rushing back to work, loads straight to dys- pepsia, with all it means In misery, Proper habits of eating, with a Na-Dru-Co Dye, meta Tablet after each meal, restore good diges- lion, health and happiness. A box of Na-Dru-Co Dys- pepsia Tablets costs but 500, at your Druggist'a. National Drug and Chem- ical Co. of Canada, Limited. 148 FARMS FOR SALE, H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street; Toronto. etCOD STOCK FARM OF 600 ACRID$ A with Three Houses; large Dank Bator. Must be sold quick. Price is very low. Cv EVEnAL DESIRABLE .FARMS IN 1� Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the marry for Quick sale. T HAVE OVER ONE nuNOIBEl) 6002) IL farms in different sections of Ontario on my lint. If you want a farm nonsuit me. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. 0 NE ltUNDitED ACRES o$I'on2) County; soil gravelly loam, frame house; frame bank barn; other outbuild• lugs; close to railway station and market, Apply Gee. Mars, Thamesford, or Western Real Estate Exchange, London. STAMPS AND COINS. Q TAMP COLLECTORS—IIIINDRED DIF - 1 forent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue. Album,. only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. jli,% T ANTED — LIVE WILD ANIMALS, all kinds. Pearson, Poultryman. Guelph, Ont. 114 ARGAIIT — REGTTLAR 2So. SHEER Music at wholesale. Sample Dopy 6e. Specialties Agency, Box 1836, 'Winnipeg. Gt ANCER, TUMORS, LIMPS,. ETO.. internal and external, cured with. out pain by our home treatment. Write us before ` too late. Dr. Bollman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. GALT., STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD. der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy, "Sannl," price 51.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Mellitne, and sure euro, L Senors Anti -Diabetes." Prioe $2.05frond druggists or direst. The Sanol Mannlao- taring Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg. Man. CARPET DYEING and Cleaning. This is a specialty with the British An-,erloan Dyeing . Oe, send nett t•oulnrs hypos L and we ate sure to satisfy Gold Med allot. Address Box 293, Montreal. When buying your Piano insist On having an OT°�'t' =_ Lel Piano Action BOILERS New and Second- hand, for heating and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. Agents for Stnrte. vent Ven..iiaang and Heating Systemm. POO.SON'RON1we2" TORONTO Engines and Shipbuilders FREE TRIAL Fennanttitr. Nothing ghlto no nice is a buatItlul head el hair. Let us send youabsolutely free one treatment of Luxurine, if it is only to prove to you that it colors grey hair and makes!! grow, stops itching, remo- ves dandruff and makes the. hair of man or woman or child heavy and beautifully.. glossy. You have only to send us youraddress, with 10c, enclosed for mailing and packing, and we yix�Ill send you anywhere' our treatment, at our owe bxpense Write to -day. Address DR. PRO5S13, Dent. 2 203 Co,bmiseiener Street, Montreal. Mother (summoned by defeated nurse)—"Oh, Maudie, darling, how can you be so naughty,?" "Eas- ily, TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE PROMO Quinine Tablets, Druggists refund money if it fails tocure. 15. W. GROVE'S signature is ea each box, "This letter from your son at college is short," "So's my son. That's why he wrote it." Minard's Liniment. Cures Distemper. Putting it Up To Him. "Patienee is a virtue," said the trilled Book in each 1 neltage, 20 1110 is. Irian phlloaopllically. compounded by our eenl,ets—not aaPm.entMed- ',,,,,, ," replied his wife, who opine"—but used In svccrssfnl l.hd•slulnns':rruu- `dee fur ninny ed iii \ nv douicntrd to rho thtb- lie and anis bvtin,pgiata nn 26e and Meter itnnle. thought he ought to be earning melee lilyo :salvo in Aaeptte Tahoe, 200 anon boa more, ' . t sd I'll provide the 'pati- Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago ence for this family if you'll only provide the hustle." Telling the Bees. The tea -tern of "telling the bees" ss often referred bo by those inter- ested 11 curious happenings. Ili some parts of England it has always been the habit to inform the bees whenever there is a death in the family, partieulsrly when it is that of a master or mistress, game One raps upon the board supporting rite hives and says:. "Mourn with us, the master (or Ynietr'css) of the house is dead.' It is thought that if this duty is neglected the bees will die ; and many old ,•:erv'all ts' are fond of tel]iu„ how the bees pine away when no one thinks to give thein the sad nlrasuge, xrs°tr'�t• Pate Al) htla�u,,-'t`YM 44 SAtltple fres d.yoU W'rtio National Drag �x ey atr,c,lt to '5f 'C5,inda, 1.lmltedd,, TolOnto.