HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-2-13, Page 41�"' past To the Public
�+.l,cE1'ttsseis l
1 [LIR 11r
, i lSGAR i
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How willing each in cosh ore ren w Iling to
"boos," Brussels? 'Puck is too cheap to
perrrl' of banking on it.
13ARalb't'ea R'WeLL Was a Vtetint of
legi•ippe last week awl unable to be
present at the upeuing of the Ontario
Leg h.l to e. e
No Canadian suffreget'e should throw
pepper in the eves of the M. P's same as
l•er English sisters. It's hard enough
to get the said M, P's. to see. things now
nlit.ue the pepper.
A VALUATION placed upon the propos
ed new Bank Act of Hon. W. T• White
by flo t. Mr. Motherwell, Minister of
Agricnl in•e. Saskatchewan, is that the
Act is not worth a hill of beads to the
Western farmer and will in no way lin-
prove the cooditiou.
SOME people say a merry ocean rate
war may be carried on next season and
if so a great rush in passenger traffic
may be expected: If you are thinking
of making a visit across the briny 1913
would be a good year to go unless the
old time combination is ouce more re.
A GREAT farewell send.aff is being
prepared by Princeton, N. J. students
for President elect Woodrow Wilson on
March 1st, when he removes to the
White House at Washington on the 3rd
prux, after a residence of 27 years.
President Wilson will be escorted to
r e t Parisian e
We are Aa rt s for ani Gage, and a P
wo Know t Guarantee he . Genuine
tq I
PARISIAN Stage, the quick -acting
hair restc
restorer, le ulrwiteet
To stop falling hair.
To cute dandruff,
To aura itching of the scalp,
utTo,, put life loth faded hair,
To stake Marsh hair soft and luxuri-
To make hale grow, or money back,
It is the most delightful hair dress-
ing made, and iso great favorite with
ladies who desire beautiful and luxnrt-
ant hair. Large bottle only 50 'lents.
The R, T, Booth Co., Ltd, Fort Erie.
Out., Ottuaditui makers.
Jas. Fox, Druggist.
Is it not a blot, and a notorioush
black one, on our civilization to notice
that prize fights are still permitted in
this Dominion 7 True they are some-
times beautified by such euphonious
designations as "boxing bouts," and ex-
hibitions of "Manly art," but nobody is
green enough not to know that this is
only a dodge to outwit the present law
and give the pugs a stand-in with the
police. Such displays are training
schools fol bis satanic majesty and old
"Clouty" need not. busy himself very
much while his "sparriug partners" are
on the job. What about the Canadian
youth 7 .
For a sprain you will find Chamber-
lain's Liuitueut excellent. It allays
the pain, removes the soreness, and
soon restores the parts to a healthy
condition. 25 and 60 cent bottles for
sale by all dealers.
Washington by a big company of the
tuwustolk on a special train. This is
not a bad recommend.
WE are pleased to notice that legisla-
tion is being provided that will debar
the placing of insane people in jail until
there is room at the asylums -now to
be designated as "ho-pitals for the in
sane.' This will mean the immediate
increase of accommodation at the latter
Hs it is sad to relate the population of
these institutions is growing
very rapidly.
QUEBEC Provincial Government do
ing its best to improve condition of the
people educationally. This year the
grant will be about a million dollars.
1 ,creased salaries toteachers, closer in-
apection and a more vigorous enforce-
ment of school law are elements working
out a Netter state of affairs plus an alert-
ness on the part of the government and
A 'response by the people. The old stig.
ul.t of {Mitered,/ will soon disappear.
OWING 10 the ill health of Mrs. Ayerst
at Edmonton, Mr. Ayerst has resigned
lis office as Secretary of the Temperance
Presoeiatiou and will resume his former
office as Provincial Inspector for Ontario
having special supervision of 'the up-
holding of the law where Local Option
Ilea been carried. Mr, Avers' proved
himself to be an energetic, skillful and
fearless officer and delinquents will re.
quire to walk straig it or suffer the pen-
alties for the time to come.
J. LocKxe WiLsoN, Superintendent of
Agricultural Societies and Fall Fairs,
advised the delegates at the Fairs' As.
sociation last week to cut out the mid-
way at the rural Fairs. No ane will find
much fault with this advice but why not
broaden the suggestion and proffer it to
the big fairs who are and have been
great sinners in the past and also school
masters as well to the country Fair ,dir-
ectors by the prominence given to the
"sheeny" business and doubful quality
of entertainment.
Kam. the Dominion Alliance Conven•
tion in remembrance. The dates are
aStit and 27th lusts., and the place of
'fleeting Massey Hall,11 Toronto Single
fare on railways if oo delegates attend
3 ga
anti heeure the proper credential cerci•
State. There is no doubt about the fact
t tat tate Alliance stands for more to -day
;han in any previous period of ifs his-
tory. About 3/5 of the Provinces now
under Local prohibition and fully 3/4
have recorded good majorities in favor
of the abolition of the bee. No dire
results appear to be overtaking Ontario
for so doing.
'rug dear brethren of the Dominion
Senate, who do little for their pay and
have no elections to run, think their al-
lowance should be boosted by another
1812o0 or $r5oo per vear. If the whole
• Senate got the "boost" the country
wonld run 05 just the same and a heavy
la Int expense cut off, Members of
1 ,Nascent are also lamenting that with
t te leeh'c st of living they can hardly
ke, it the wolf from the door on $2,500
pet :session and free mileage 05 the rail.
WRVS. Will the electors please purchase
ata additiodal supply of handkerchiefs
and prepare to show sympathy by 3o
d Bythewayhow
etas of
Y weeping.
would It be if duties on a number of
household and other necessities were
stricken off by tate Dominion Govern -
meat and money saved to the -people
thereby ?
Roost Iv
Sr. IV. -Examined in Geog., Hyg.,
Arith„ Or. Reading, Spell. Lit., Grant..
Comp, and daily work. Honors 75°%
Pass 6o"%e
R. Ste wart ......:8o' A 'rhomson. 59
B Campbell 74 *T McLauchllu.58
L Wrigbt....... 73 A McLauchlin... 56
H Currie ...69 'V McCracken.. 54
F, Rands. .....67 *V Sinclair ...,...43
*LAment .65 M McFarlane ....46
Jr. IV. -Exam. in same sbjects as
Sr. IV.
D Ross ......7o W Buchanan..... 64
14 Gerry. .... .....70 S McLanohlin..•.55
*H Stewart 69 L McCracken ....41
R Hewitt ,..,.,,64 M Carter ..........35
E Cameron 64
• Missed One exam.
D. SSIMit .
ROOM 111
Sr. III. -Exam. in Spell., Hist.,
Arith. and daily work. Honors 75.
Pass 6o.
B Wright .,76
F Hutson
C Best
P Barkley
R Moore
H James
f Warwick 59
Jr, III. -Exam. in Gram . Read„
Lit. a ill daily work 11 tillers 75. Pass,
M Barwell 82 M McLauchlin...56
H Lott 81 V Harris 56
GThomson...-. 74 A Drage52
E Jamieson 73 W Harkness ....so
M Hoist....., 71 E Tomltuson 44
M Dunford .6q R Currie............44
N Ross ...........66 W Roe 41
S McLauchliu...,64 'W Burgess. 4o
J Thompson 59 *J Jamieson .30
0 Hemingway .. 57 G Baeker,..... ,,.24
M Cameron 56 C Haist t,4
Those marked* missed exam.
Mi Skelton 58
F MlcNaughton 57
A Fox • 53
C Moor • 47
JPox.. ••• ..... ••••47
M Pawson 43
***A Currie .27
Sr, II. Exannined in Arith„ Mem.,
Lit.. Spell. and daily work Honors 75
Pass 6o.
D Holmes ........82 W Snider.. ...... .67
0 Jarvis ...........7q A Stewart 64
M Wilton .79 W lames 62
I McNichol .....,.7q D Currie...,58
E Burgess 72 *V Lowry 52
C Anderson .72 L Cooley ..,,......48
M Campbell 69 l Harkness 37
Jr. II -Exam. iu Arith„ Lit., Spell.,
Read., daily work.
.85Drage 6o
'rhomson .L
R Kerns ban
...8 G Kernaghan ,5
4 7
g g
ar k
la ,.,.82 * D Walker
L B 55
E Hollinger .....8o L Snider 46
M Oliver 76 M McCrackeu,...4,
F Stewart ,.....,72 G Snider ,.......4i
*j Lowry 62 *M Wood .40
* ,Missed one Exam.
G, Ross.
Class V Exatn. in Arith., Spell.,
Lang., Dep and daily work.
r Burgess ..... .,.,92 M McLauchlin 78
IC McLaren.......90 E Moore 75
F Oliver 89 L Platt 69
B Hemingway ...87 1-1 Drage 65
H Keys 86 *1'rbuell. 61
13 Cameron 85• *E Oliver 57
Class IV, -Examined in same.
Clayton Lott 67 *Leslie Hulmes...55
*Lyla Snider.„-
Class III - Excellent. -G, James. J.
Walker, L. Thuelt, E, Jarvis, W. Mc.
Dowell. ,Good -A. Thomson, E. Mc-
Laren, H. Weymouth, G. Barwell.
Class II. -Excellent, -1i,. Sievenpiper,
D. Thomson, Good -E, McKay,
Class L- Excellent,- 1, Millfgau.
Good -M. Snider.
Men Rule By Faroe, Women By Charm
And yet because they live leas
strenuously, worsen neglect the early
evidences of failing vigor. The wise
woman will not permit her therms to
be robbed by ill -health: When she
feels appetite failing, nerves getting
on edge, color fading, she takes
Ferrozone. How it sharpens the
appetite 1 How quickly rich blood is
available to r'estor'e color to the
cheeks buoyancy c to the step.. Better
r at, 0z ue. You'll feel like a new
try r o e
being, with new vigor and ability to
confront life's difficulties. Yen are
sure to bless the day you commenced
11'errozone, Sold everywhere in 50c
o Verybest of Style and Comfort. Must be
solto make room for too Buggies which are
now building at the Ewan Carriage Factory.
Don't forget the Reduced Prices on Cutters
for 2 weeks only. Call at once. We will sat-
isfy you in Style and Price.
D. Ewan Carriage Factory
Brussels, Ont.
•••••••••••••••••o•••••••• •••••••••••••o••••••••••**
Cutters ! Cutters !
Just a few Cutters teff
Reduced .Prices for 2 Deeks
no aulall headway before 1t was de-
tettbetl• '1'lie mein via of the Baptist
• Church, have scoured the ll'orestel•e
• Itll,ali1 will bold servioes there a
• 141 they can build a new clluroll. TG
• ie likely that 1 he old building will .be
s completely reinvttlyd as the walls alt
foil id to be in good shape. A number
• of the books have been taken ont1 of
o the water in the basement, and are
a7 I being 0 'itd in Pei ngle's factory aold
• 0.1 Abner Oosens',
Molesworth '
O BiRE,tn MAKING. -:hies Jean McPhee,
• ihotior graduate of liutisetaottl iieil'Itae,
o 81t,Donald Institute, Guelph and ex-
* pert demonstrator, will demonstrate
bread and pastry making 1u the Indies
of 81oleswo'tb, fu Orange Hall, on
Friday, Feb. 28111, sllowhlg how easy
itis to snake the nicest and ligheat
bread in 4 hours, also. showing easy
methods of pastry making, A'liss
McPhee canes here highly eecoin-
tiMended froth all parts of Canada and
is a pleasing demonetraturof the
highest order. Bvery lady in the
town and surrounding country should
Lake advantage of this deanonateatiou
and hear some of the latest and most
approved Methods of cookery. Meet-
ing to open at 2 80 p. m. sharp under
the auspices of the 1Votnen'e Institute,
Members and non-members heartily
=Seaoot, REPORT. -Following is the
report of S. 8. No. 3, Morris, for the
month of January. Classes examined
itt Arithmetic, Literature, Writing,
Geography anti daily work. Names
arranged in order of merit :-Sr. IV. -
Ivan McArter. Jt'. IV, -Andrew
Nichol, Willie Clark, Gladys McNeil.
Sr. LIL-Normlan Spelt,, Jr. III.-
Johtt McNeil, Russel Marks, Annie
Alcock, Maggie Clack, Annie Little.
Sr. IL -Margaret Hanna, Mfaey Mc -
Nab, Lillian McAt•ter, Margaret Mc-
Neil. Jr. II (part u). -James Duncan,
Clifford Marks, Florence Nichol. Jr.
II (part I). -Evert Nichol, Allan Speir,
Primary Class. - Stanley Marks,
Eldred Miller, Vernal Clark, Mary
Alcock. F. BItyANs, Teacher.
SCHOOL REPORT. ---S. S. No. 10,
Morris, for January "-Sr. 1V, --Total
540. Honors 405. Pass 324. George
Moffatt 415, Teressa Robb 359, Maggie
Richardson 324, Harvey Outt 27],
\Val Ler Messer 192, Moffatt Miller 107.
Jr. IV. -Totals, sante Sr. IV.-Zehna
Turvey 448, Viola McLeod 431, Mary
Miller 218, Herbert Powell 158. Jr.
III. -Total 490. Honors 368, Pass
294. Addison Fraser 367, Harvey
Robertson 302, Hazel Robb 194, Melis-
sa Johnston 127. Sr. IL -Total 530.
Honors 397. Pass 318. Elva Ramsay
402, Christie Forrest 895, RstLia Tilr-
vey 327, Verna Johnston, 202. Jr. II.
Total 465. Honors 349. Pass 219.
Spatting Johnston 118, Margaret Mil-
ler 89. Sr. L -Total 100. Hnno's 75.
Pass 60. Harvey Johnston 67, Gordon
Mnffalt 47. Gertie Robertson 46, Anna
Wheeler 29, Laura Johnston 18.
M. E. 11IcLErLAND, Teacher.
Jas. Spain, who is a well known stock-
man of this township, purchased a
very fine young Durham bull front
Harry Smith, of Hay township, near
Exeter, one of the best known breed-
ers and prize %viuters in the country.
The name of the animal is Spring -
horst Stamp =86799= sired by the
famous Mutineer.=80006. The farm-
er's Advocate in speaking of Mr.
Smith's herd says :-Thttt blood will
tell, and that the superior qualities
of some lines are prepotent enough to
transmit those qualities from genera-
tion to getter/Won, was again ex-
emplified at the late Guelph show,
when four fit st-prize winners in the
Shorthorn classes proved to be grand-
sons and daughters of that renowned
bull Gold Drop
-44722-, -447�2- that. for so
many years, at the hand ofth the Spcin-
hurat herd of Harry Smith, of Hay,
Ont„ produced for him more prize-
winners than any other bull in
Canada, imported or Oanadian-bred,
ever produced. The Guelph winners
were : Ben, first -prize two-year-old
steer, sired by Beta Wyvis 72869 ; Jim,
first -prize yearling grade eleeg, sired
by Visconti' Vanity 72870 ; Lancaster
Lily, first in the slio•tbore heifer calf
class, sired by Mutineer 80000; Mis-
chief 15., first. Shorthorn yeaeltug
class, also won the Pt•ince of Wales
prize and grand championship over
all breeds lt,r the best flat 'ut'utal of
the show, sired by Village Bridegroom
72308, Ail these great sires were bred
by Mr. Smith,
Do you know' that more real danger
lurks in a coniulou colt) 11331,1 in any
other of the minor atltueuts y The
safe way is to tape Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reliable
preparation, and rid yourself of the
cold as quickly as possible. This
remedy is for sale by all dealers.
Mins, W. J, 'Plenty and son, Brytes,
of Oakville were guests of Mts. J.
M las Lizzie Barber is in Toronto tit
the Legislative Chambers doing steno-
graphic duties,
Council granted 1515 to Children's
Aid Society, after hearing Mr. Elliott,
Cott by Secretary.
Miss Helen Wilson has gone to
teach the primary department of
Milton Public School,
R. W. Johnston, late of Paisley, is
here in ch+u'ge of the Marble Works.
that his father recently purchased in
the fire department do 1101 take kindly
to tate recently passed regulation that
tell must attend all fires and stay un-
til the apparatus is put away or have
thole pay reduced. A member of the
council was nn hand at the Baptist
cluu•ch fire, anti kept track of every-
thing 0) see that the new regulation
is lived up to. It is rune -wed that
there may be some vacancies in the
department ancon.
BAPTIST 00011(11 BURNED.-- Flee
breaking out. at 5.80 on Wednesday
oilast; week completely gutted the
106.1 Baptist chuich entailing to loss i
of 56,000, which, however is pretty
well covered by insuraance. Nothing
whatever was staved. Overheated
pipes is assigned as the cause of the
blaze. The church, a brick structure,
was erected in 1876. The membership
is some 300. It is understood that
the erection of
steps lookingto a act t a
larger and more tap -f0 -data edifice will
be taken almost imruediately. A
handsome pipe oigan, installed bet a
few months ago, was lost in the
flames. The local fire brigade put up
a good fight, bot the blaze had made
••••••••••••ono••••••••••••••••••• Y•••••••••••••••pv81
o •
a The 0
S °
•• _ Link -Blade at,
The Cream
. ,a,irN
' Separator
for You
• This is no empty Bluff but the fruit of many years eXperienae With
• this and with many other Cream' Separators.
•••••♦•0••••••••••••••••00 ,••••••••••••••••eeeeeee e l bated Feb, 4153,1018
LEARN why yon should buy the Simplex and tw oiler, of its un-
rivalled close skimnning; of its simplicity and accuracy of con-
struction ; of its freedom from Trouble and Repair Expense ; of
its Eaee of Turning and Cleaning and of its Record ,as a Tittle and
Money Saver. -
As "Seeing is Believing" and "The Peon/ of the Pudding is the
Eating" dome and see "The Ptavol'ite ifverywhere it Goes," Be seized
of the opportunity, which is yours, to taste of the sweets of operating
a Simplex and you will be a Simplex Booster like every other user.
N■ G�
Ar gent
y Brussels
�� 7
Doubled Up With Cramps
Stomach feels like an infernal
machine and you want relief mighty
quick. Nothing does the work half
so soon as Net value. Why it kills
the pail' instantly. If your bottle is
empty getanother today. Nerviline
keepe the doctor bill small because it
cures little ills before they, grow big.
Nothing for indigestion, lieartbut•n
and ctamnps like Nerviline, Large
bottles fur 25c,
'CRN TO Y. M. 0. A. WORK. -Calgary
Herald says of a former well known
resident of this locality :-The Herald.
was officially informed that Rev.
Reheat. Pearson, 13. A., of Red Deer,
has been appointed the new General
Secretary of the Y. M. 0. A. in Cal-
gary. "Bob" as he is familiarly call-
ed, is tvell known in Oti,lggcry and to
all the province, being President of
moray of the amateur associations.
Being all athlete of no iueau ability
himself, he takes a keen interest in
all healthy sport, and when he wan
assistant pastor at the Central Metho-
dist church in this city took an active
part in the. Young Men's Club at-
tached to the church. While at Red
Deer Mr. Pearson has done touch
valuable work among the young men
of the town, and has organized a club
there which is to run en the Innes of
Y. M. 0. A. It is not expected that
Peat'8oi1 will continence bis duties
as general secretary until about May
next. Mr. Ballantyne, who has been
appointed natinnal 'secretary for
+W4esteut Canada, will have the super-
vision of all Y, Mi. C. A. work from
the head of the lakes to the coast, and
he will report direct to thenational
council. He will bestationed at
either Winnipeg 01' Calgary, itis said.
-The Calgary Albertan remarks ;-
Rev. Robert Pearson is returning to
Calgary, this time as Secretary of the
Y.. Ml. 0. A. Calgary people generally
will welcbnle the change that brings
him here. He is a very fine tjipe of
Otatadianand al good example for any
young Calgariaul. He is a 'broad-
minded man with high ideals and an
upright life. Fortunately the change
that brings Mr, Pearson to Calgary
will not deprive the city of the pres-
ence of his predecessor, Mr. Bellew -
Lyne, who is a very valuable citizen
and leas done excellent work as local
Secretary of the Y. M. 0. A.
Ourpeu' ptstmasti'I', Fred Salter/lit
t. ala
' nL'
+ y 10 ll 1 lit a
Ul Ill l 1 9 1
tuumal t 1St >
e n
Inst week.
I Is assistant
as Miss
tangy 1
Robinson, cit \Vroxetet
Presbyterians t ial,s ate pi epttt iug for an
Old Time Soiree tt, be hotel 111 the
'',vtt Hall, CloriP on Friday evening
Pelt. 1401,
\Vm and \lea. Deuuuerllne, of 12t1)
eon., solved into town and took 11p
residtateo ht the place i'wrnteely 011'
rented by \V, (1. 1\'ard.
At the hast regular meeting of
Onurt lftwiek 0, O F, No. 84, the
wing 'Allem
t o Metalled !.ailed
,'t a tl ,t Ia
"nauint, year ;--0. It , O. W, fteirb-
tied ; Vat 0. Tt J. H, Rogers ; 1tt•c.-
See , 't, 11, (alltsuu ; b'iu, Sec„ 0. 3,
Bradley ; Treas., Geo. Mapleton ; 8.
13., James Walkout ; J, 13., Chats.
'1'hctntpsnn ; \\'u elwit ids, Orlando
Wade, Chris, Severe ; Chaplain,
Whig Rogers.
The Town Hall here has been closed
the owner, Vin. Brown, sr„ claiming
that he will not open iC to the public.
atty. longer, as he has not time to look
alter it properly. Building is a first-
class one, only it needs a few repairs
and fixtures, anti we have heard that
it can be purchased for a small stun.
Tide is the season of the year when
mothers feel vel'y much concerned
over the frequent colds contracted by
•their children, and have abundant
reason for it as every cold weakens
the lungs, lowers the vitality and
paves the way for the more serious
diseases that so often follow. Ohaut
berlain's Cough Remedy is fatuous
for its cores, and is pleasant and sa'l'e
to take. For sale by all dealers.
Stock & Poultry Specifics
FREEWe will send absolutely free, for
the asking, postpaid, one of our
large 64 -page hooka (with in.
sert), on the common diseases of stock and
poultry, Tells how to feed all Binds of heavy
and light horses, colts and mares, mll.11 cows,
calves and fattening steers, also how to keep
and feed poultry so that they will lay as well
in winter as in summer, It contains 860
recommends from all over Canada. from people
who have used our goods. No farmer should be
without it.
You can fatten cattle and hogs in a month's
less time by using our Royal Purple Stock
Specific than you could possibly do without it,
thereby saving a month's feed and labor add
the cost to you will not be more than 51,60 for
six pigs or $1.00 for one steer. It will keep
your horses in show condition with ordinary
feed.. If you have a poor, miserable -look-
ing animal on your place try it on thin one
first and see the mar,etlous result which will
be obtained. Our Stock Specific toil' increase
the milk flow three to rive lbs. per cow per
day, while being fed In the stable. A 50c
package will last a cow or horse TO days.
will make your hens lay just 08 well in the
winter as In the summer, and will keep them
free from disease. These goods are pure and
unadulterated. We. do not use any cheap filler
to make a large package, entirely different
from any on the market at the present tine.
Royal Purple Stock Specific, 60c pekgs.; four
60c ockge„ in an air -tight tin, for 51.50.
Royal, Purple Poultry Specific, 25c and 50a
pekgs.. and 51.50 air -tight- tins that hold
four SOc 1)01,00,
Royal Purple Lice Killer, 25e and 500 tins;
80c by mail.
Royal Purple Call Cure, 20e and 50e tins; 80c
by mail.
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 600 bottle; 600
by mail.
Royal Purple Cough Cure, 00o, tin ; 005 by
Royal Purple Disinfectant, 26c and 500 tins,
Royal Purple Roup Cure, 26c tins; 80e by
Royal Purple Worm Powder, 20o tine; SOe by
Manufactured only by ,
Theta. A,aenkins Mfg. Co.
Royal Purple Su .slit s and Book-
letsp e . pi 1 00
lets maty be obtained from
A. C. Baeker A. McDonald & Son
Brussels Gran brook
Abstract of the Accounts
FOR 71115
For the Year 1912
hood $
6080 44
Consolidat ed
41 81
(fount,//levY 882 69
Shoof n uant loan 2241 08
School grants -17p M orris 26 Sz Tp.
Gray tU 40. Gov, grant 9400 380 97
School Lotus -1 . Gt u, .., 2 00
Tp. or Morris5 26
Amount levied 888 40
Local Improvement love 1885 34
• B1.11.41108, M orris & Gt ey Phone 00 . 1011 04
• Sinking Pond . 8778 19
• Generic & lames Bx lew No 8, '09 ,. 1556 08
d .14
1 v NO. 1 0
156 88
9 Brussels, ninrrls &'Gra•y Phone Co, 10^04 25
• Resident I x,•s 2050 29
• Dog tax
• Licenses ,.. . , ... ,..e ............ ....:4928 00
Y Mems
• Rents . ... , • 806 06
• Miscellanooue receipts 77 06
e $85768 48
County account $ 077 80
Consolidated account 10421 31
School loan806 05
moo 169054
LocalImprovement aeounL 8489 54
Sinking fund .. 6 24
Isedge Bylaw No 4 '02 ,•, .. 010 44
Brussels Morris & Grey 'Phone 0o...
10878 10
Geraligh street sower - 44 05
u James BY law SOU 20
John s
John street sewer 018 W
Salarioa .......,..,, 768 00
Printing and postage 62 84
Interest 11 55
Law muds •,,.. ... .. 08 75
Roods and bridges - 7011 117
Fare protection 420 76
iitreaitightleg 666 90
Town Hell and Scales .. 108 40
Library Board 287 80
Mldoellale,tus 822 21
Bromide, Morrie & Grey 'Phone Co,1000 00
Cash on hand - 8017 27
4827x0 48
Consolidated account ,. 5 1168 00
School nttnunt . 170 81
School loan .. 007 50
Loenl Improvelnen6 fund - 280 55
• Stoking fund ., 2107 80
e Brussels, els, Morris & G0'' 'Phone 04 ..,, 1215 52
0 Gorski- &,I nm ealiylew 405 84
- $6841 I1
County rate' short $ 21 00
Current tonna 10181,00
Flahleigh Street sewer 108 00
John street sewer 108 00
Leant account , .,.,,.•............. 080 84
Oaeh on' bend , 8017 27
$ 8841 11
• Cash on hand..... $ 8617 27
• Unuolleeted taxes.... 101 80
O I rive
cent additional ` 1 ts 8 00
• I Tp of Morris aehenl 04 80
• Lookrilgn By'lsw No 4, '02 :...... 602 t0
• Benao*la, 5590110 & Gr0y 'Phone Oo 48100 07
• Town Rall... .
• Band lloOrnnlents and Weigh scales490 00
• PIN. deportment _., 4000 00
Pahl lo Reheat 000000
• Mortgages and real estate,.......;.„ , , 14024 21
• Municipal debentures 0002 80
• Town hell 860 00.
• .T. T. Wood 802410
eGaulle & ,'amen t 1207 88.
To bolande 2560 82
0 $ 20
Consolidated loan $27200 00
Publln School .. 7400 00
Local Iinpmvement 4007 54
Lookrldge By-law No 4,'02 .., „ 602 70
Garside & ,Thmea „ 1075 40 Bruooels, Morris dt Grey 'elms Co•61008 75
$ 20
We. Ile Auditors of the Corporation of tie Village of Rrusaelo for the year 1012, having ox,
Ambled ten armee' 5* of clan Treasurer and 011 vomiters and aeeeunto of the Ctrporat1O,, have
• toreport the ionto correct as per foregoing Statements`
30I13 I 1tJ7c' ICOI;T,
• 0. 17. McLA111O17, Auditors.
1913 Catalogue Now Ready
UO pages brim full of good thinga, 500.
tains valuable -Information for Lite farmer,
tnarltot gardener and private planter, 12.
14 00 of the l to t and bait, world-wide
i lrodncto s. :Valuable seme. Your
choice of U new wnr•atiee alat unnamed
(not for sale until 10141 absolutely free
everyorder, withr
1 rd r, In gc or smell. Don't
delay writing. WW1 this w'th your name
and address. Your request will receive
special attention. State' if you grow
- vegetables or flowers for market, as we
have a special ',rive list. Write to -day
while We fresh in your mind.
Dept. 8 4
The People's Column
1ttNT,-The home ruomttll' vacated by
John H Kerney, who moved to Guelph (knownna Oho Rugera piopertY, Turn berry street, is
offered for sale or if not sold will be rented..
There le 11. eatnfln•tubte house, good stable end
134acres of land with n double entrtteu. Rite
garden, &e. For further particulars apply to
W. B. Karr, of TUX POST, who holds the keys
It is a choke 0,ot to live in aid will be Aoki
reasonably. 27.1f
FARM 5011 SALE: The tondo, signed offers
Ma tine farm co mil:ting of about 186 notes
adjoining the town of Clinton, for Mlle. She
farm is n1 a goad state of aultivatio0, and baa
good buildings, brick )(unse, bulls born' driv-
tog house, pig pen, oto., all emuparnl hely now..
A first -elms young orchard containing all
kinds of fruits and a leo small fruits. The
fano in well fenced and drainedin'd unit is a Very
o•,thome. For further par Gtathtrd apply
on the premises
I address
28-tf JOtiY 77012L1ANCE, Clinton,
=OR SALE 01110 LET. -A. good •olufort-
able dwelling end two lots in Brussels.
Tertua easy, Apply to P. S. SOOT':, Auction-
eer, Brussels, or to B. S. 000E, Fordwioh, ll48,11
FAROII17011 SAL:EBeing South halves of
Lots 64 and 55. Coo. l, Morris township,
Huron Co , coutandng 105 mored. Ott thu 201'111
Ido good frame house 22x0034 feet ; kitchen
10x223 ; wood. shed 20280 ,• bank ban 86600 -
etrew shed 60x40 ; total -to 16x00. Slone wail
with good mtnl,ling under barn. 2 never fell.
Ing wells and a good orchard. Only 34 mile to
school find 1 mile to church and post office,
Price $4,000. Deed wily he when ou unplicatlon
to the proprietor. SVA LTER L. BROCOKER.
RIDGE, Jamestown P. 0. 51.301
1 00 AORIOS or LAND for guile, IN miles
North of Hen forth. Goad clay loam,
all cleared and under cultivation. Hanle barn,
cement floors, large flameholiso, newly point-
int•ed; good wells at born end booth • buildings
and fences in expellent repair. A11 frivol home
clumprtlt, Ontly (Miss) 8081E GOVENl,0CK,
FARM' FOR SALE, being South half Lot 25,
(ion. 4, Morrie township, Huron Co., con•
ta1111ng 100 acres more or less. On the prem -
Taos ie a frame house, hank barn, good orchard,
well. windmill, 859, All cleared except about
an acre .iinlmtol 134 miles distant. Only 2t
miles from Brunmla. U three 0f Pall wheat in
and about 60 acres erected down. For price,
terms and other information apply on the
preminee or 1f writing Brussels P. O. Phone
120. Or E. S. Scott, Brussels.
11-tf A. L. KERR Proprietor.
Maitland Bank
Short Horns for Sale
Seven Scotch Short Born Bulls 0 to 20 menthe
o'd, reds and tonna • big. smooth ort otyli*h ;
ehnloosi bre, ding-dome'bell RCM, Rndn, Harr
Renner•, and Campbell Besides, None better
for milk and hoof. Will be sold et any reason•
able offer an.' on easy teras.
DAVID 51103E, Ethel.
Thousands of amid Mona young people
are being instructed in their hones by
our Home study Dept You may iitdsh
dt College if yen desire. Pay when-
everyouwish. 'Thirty Yea's' Exper-
ience. Largest Grtinera 1h Oauada.
Hater any Clay Posltlotls guaranteed,
If you wish to save board aid lean
while you earn, write for particulars.
Win9 h
am Rosiness o
s College
GEO. SPOTTON, President ,
tamen4r _._. z ; 3=9111t131WI ruIIIIM1
At your home without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parentlyhopeless cases no
matter what yo age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes
•up-turebecomes Strangulated
when you can be cured ?
De not wait - fill in coupon
Age,.,.... Time Rup
Single or Doable
Address -
mid return ttlltn t
88 Caledonia 8t.
Dena A Stratfo' d, Ont,
d' {
.ie 4