The Brussels Post, 1913-1-30, Page 7Young Folks 0 e o tb o. m owa�te vlvei arc The Puppet Party. When Fred came into the living - room he carried a email uups,inted wooden table that ho hall made himself; he placed the table in front of the open fire, and near enough to warm its eurface. Ho was fol- lowed by Bob, who carried a square of glass under his arm. "Naw,,, Fred began, "who will bring me two volumes of 'The Book of Knowledge' 1" Betty brought the books, and gave them to Fred; he set them on the table so that they held the square of glass in a horizontal posi- tion. "How about the puppets, Molly 4" Fred asked. Molly opened a blank book and showed a number of tiny figures cut out of Tice and silver papers. They were not more than three-quarters of an inch long, "Good!" Fred said, when ho saw Molly's dainty work. He laid the little men and women aide by side on the table, and be- neath the glass that formed the ceiling of their ballroom. "This," he said "is going to bo an experiment in electricity." With a warm, dry black silk handkerchief lie rubbed the plate of glass vigorously, and after a while the tiny figures began to leap up to the ceiling of their ballroom. "They're dancing t" Betty cried. "They aro attracted by the eiec- trioity that I have developed by rubbing the, glass," Fred explain- ed. "They will soon fall again." It was as Fred said. Again he rubbed the glass. The figures were again attracted, and began a wild dance that made the children laugh. After that, the mere touch of his hand on the glass set the figures moving. "Tho success of this experiment," said Fred, "de- pends on having she glass and the handkerchief dry and the table warm." After the children in turn had made the puppets prance, Fred said he would try another experi- ment in electricity: He brought in two tumblers. On the edge of one he balanced a clay pipe so that it swung back and''forth freely. "What I shall do," he said, "is to make this pipe fall without touch- ing it or blowing on it, and without moving the table." He rubbed the second tumbler briskly on the sleeve of his coat un- til the glass was electrified by the rubbing. "Now, 'watch!" Fred said. They watched him bring the glass close to the pipe, but without touch- ing it. They then saw the pipe turn toward the glass, and follow until it dropped from its support. "Please let me try next!" Betty begged so eagerly that Fred allowed her to try the experiment. Betty touched the pipe. and down it fell; "Oh, it's, broken 1" •she cried. Big tears stood in her eyes, but Fred told her that it did not mat- ter, and that on another day they would try another electrical ex- periment with something that would not break. Youth's Companion. BURYING IN "PIGEO11T HOLES." Pretty Hard to Mourn at the "Grave" of a Spaniard. A rather curious—and to our idea, says the Wide World Maga- zine, somewhat unpleasing—custom obtains in Spanish cemeteries. All round the burying ground a build- ing is erected 'whose design-, can only be compared to that of a nest of pigeon holes, often seen in post offices and similar institutions. Each pigeon hole is a tomb. When a person dies his relatives hire a pigeon bole for five years, and the body is placed inside. The end is then scaled ftp with mortar and a memorial tablet affixed on the out- side. The lease of the pigeon hole may be renewed at th•e end of the five years, but if it is allowed to expire the tomb is unsealed and the bones removed to make way for an- other tenant.' Needless to say, the arrange- ment has some good points. The apace taken up by the "pigeon hole cemetery" is comparatively small, as is also the cost of burial. Pic- turesqueness is, however, ocnapio-_ nously .absent, nor is sentimental grief catered for, as it would be im- passible to go and mourn at the grave of a person buried in a pi- goon holo ee thigh up that a .ladder was needed to reach it, To such as prefer the old-fashioned graves tbs central opaoe of ground is offered, blit the "pigeon holes" are the most popular. 3t About 100 street accidents occur daily in the limited Kingdom, At every action ask yourself this question :---What will be the conse- quence of this to mel Tommy—"rather, what makes roe so bad 1" Father—"Oh, that's. becausemy m, t,>ier P used to pat me NO MINA on the head fist being a Pott )04." LA GRIPPE'S VICTIMS Left Weak, Miserable and Prey to Disease in Many Forms iIOBBINS O1' NOVED YOUR. Foot and headgear Collected by Dowager Queen of Italy. Collectors gather togotber artae tiles more or less interesting but -- probably few go in for euoh bol y *bleats as those chosen by a distin- guished Britisher says 'Tit -Bits. 014 doors are the ebjcet of his desire, His dere come from 914 houses, castles, and abbeys of historical in- terest, Some time ago ho obtilined at considerable cost a door through which, during the French revolu- tion, Marie Antoinette, Charlotte Corday, Denton and Itobeepierro passed on their way to the guillo- tine. Probably nobody of to -day has a strong desire to bring together a great variety of teas and snuffs. Lord Petersham, however, a noted man in his day, had a hobby for ac- quiring various kinds ,f tea and snuff, All around his sitting -room were shelves, en the one side laden with canisters of Souchong, Bohea, Congou, Pekoe, Russian and other teas, and on the other with hand- some jars containing every kind of stuff that the oollootor could lay hie hands on. The Dowager Queen of Italy is the possessor of an odd collection, one that hes the interest of associa- tion. It comprises the foot and headgear of royal personages of dif- ferent periods, . It is said to in - suffered from headaches, loss of ap- elude a sandal worn by Nero, a pair petite and extreme weakness. I of white slippers that belonged to Mary Queen of Scots, shoes worn by Queen Anne and the Empresa Josephine and gloves that were the property of Mario Antoinette. g___ ---- ENGLAND SOBERING UP. Ono of the most treacherous dis- eases afflioting the people of Can- ada during. the winter months is la grippe or influenza. It alrnoat in- variably ends with a oomplicatlon of troubles, It tortures its victims with alternate lovers and ohille, headaches and baukacbes. It leaves him an easy prey to pneumonia, bronehitie, and oven consumption. Indeed the deadly after-effects of La grippe may leave the victim a cllronio invalid. You can avoid la grippe entirely by keeping the blood rich and red by an occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. If you have not done this and the disease attacks you, you can banish its deadly after-effects through the use of this same great blood -building, nerve -restoring medicine. Here is proof of the wonderful power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills over this trou- ble, Mr. Emmanuel Laurin, St. Je- rome, Que., says: "I was seized with a severe attack of la grippe. I was obliged to stop work and re- main in my bed for several weeks, and while I appeared to get over the first stages of the trouble, I did not regain my usual health. I did not sleep well at nights, and would arise in the morning feeling tired and worn out. This continue ed for about two months during which time I was taking treatment, but apparently without avail. Then I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got a half dozen boxes. By the time I had taken three boxes there was a decided im- provement, and actually before I had completed the sixth box I was enjoying my old-time health. I was strong we ever, could sleep well and eat well, and no longer suffered from lassitude and headaches. I have proved the value of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for the pernicious alter -effects of la grippe, and can therefore recommend them to other sufferers." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the trouble in the blood, which they enrich and make red and pure. These pills cure all troubles due to bad blood, and if you are ailing you should start to eure yourself to -day by taking this great medicine. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A. Chester of "Dont's." Don't sprinkle salt on the tail of temptation. Don't try to get the better of a man who hasn't any. Don't be satisfied to pay as you go. Save enough to get back. Don't get married with the sole idea that misery loves company. Don't follow the beaten track un- less you are satisfied to remain beaten. Don't accept advice from a man who never offers you anything else. Don't expect Opportunityto come to you with a letter of intro- duction. Don't trust to luck. gine-tenths of the people in the world guess wrong. Don't buy your friends. They never last as long as those you make yourself. Don't envy the rise of others. Many a man who gets to •the top is mere froth. Don't greet misfortune with a smile unless you are prepared for a one-sided flirtation. Don't make good resolutions un- less . you constantly carry a repair kit with you. Don't place too much confidence in appearances. Many a man with a red nose is whits all the way through. Don't forget in times of peace to prepare for war. That's about the only use some of us seem to have for peace. , Don't fail rto have an object in view. Many a man leads such an aimlese existence that he could fire at random without hitting it. CONSTIPATION' CURED BY BABY'S OWN TABLETS Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can me to relieve her little ones from constipation and all other stomach and bowel troubles. They act as a gentle laxative, are pleasant to take and are absolutely safe, Concerning them Mrs. •Philippe eat. Pierre, St, Perpetue, Que., says; "My beby was badly eonetipated and was arose all the time, Nothing I have her seemed to do any good till I• Isogon Baby's Own Tablets. They aro the best medicine in the world for little ones and quickly relieved my baby." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by plait t 25 ee,!es a box from Tho Dr 'di- Hams Medicine Co., B ' i M Out. Patience May be a Arta*, or it may bo simply lasinoea. Consumption of Wine Reduced to One Bottle Por Capita. England is becoming a more so- ber, though, perhaps nob a more godly natkn. About thirty-four years ago the population of the United Keigdom consumed about three bottles of wine per head, and now it is little more than ono bottle. The popula- tion is larger and so the wino mer- chants are not all ruined, and they sell whiskey, which has a great Ileal to do with the decline in wino drinking. It is am age of realism, and whis- key and even port are not treated now with proper respect. We have, aoocrding to Messrs. Gilbey, a "Curtailment almost to vanishing point of the after dinner setting"; in the old days men would rever- entially empty the decanter before lighting a largo cigar, but now they take email ones, or oven a cigarette, and it is to be feared sometimes smoke them before finishing their port. A GOOD BR]IAFAST.' Some Parsons Never Bnow What it Roans. A good breakfast, a good appe- tite and good digestion mean ev- er'bhing to the man, woman or child who has anything to do, and wants to get a good start toward doing it. A Southern men tells of his wife's "good breakfast" and also supper, made out of Grape -Nuts and cream. He says: "I should like to tell you how much good Grape -Nuts has done for my wife. After being in poor health for the last 18 years, during part of the time scarcely anything would stay on her stomach long enough to nourish her, finally at the suggestion of a friend she tried Grape -Nuts. "Now, after about four -weeks on this delicious and nutritious food, she has pinked up most wonderful- ly and seems as well as anyone can be.' "Every morning she makes a good breakfast on Grape -Nuts eat- en just as it oomes from the pack- age with Bream or milk added; and then again the same at supper, and the change in her is wonder- ful. "We can't speak too highly of Grape Nuts as a food after oar remarkable experience." Name given by Canadian Postern Co,, Windsor, Ont.—Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs, "There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A now one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest, Gleanings. The greater part of your trouble lies in your, fancy, therefore you may free yourself from it when you please, Let every action tend to some point and be perfeot in its kind. Happiness lies all in the func- tions of reason, in warrantable de - tires and virtuous practice. Reason and the reasoning faculty need no foreign assistance, but are sufficient Lan their own purpose. Love affirms its owe worthiness, it imparts to *theta its good, and finds its life again in the well-being of others, • What eau be more delightful than prudence? To be furnished With that faculty of understanding whith keeps a mats from many a Me storkholpe him to good• axis is his business. teniae is one of the primal obli. gations whiob proceed from love.— Marcus 'Aurolitle. HE FOUND THEM NO FAITH CURE BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CLEANED OUT W. F. BLACK'S SO1AnCA. Ila was in an agony when a friend gave Jilin a box. Now he mom - mends them to everybody. Newcastle, N.B., Jan. 20. (Spe- cial).—In those cold fall days when the chill winds crystallize the urie acid in the blood and cause the pangs of Rheumatism and Sciatica to bring sleepless nights to many a home, a man's best friend is he who con tell hie neighbor of a sure cure for his tortures. Such a friend is Win. F. Black, of this place. He suffered from Sciatica and lame back. He was so bad that he could nob lace bis boots or turn in bed. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him and he wants all his neighbors toknow of the euro. "Yes," Mr. Black says, in an in- terview, "I was so bad with Scia- tica and Lame Beek that I couldn't lace my shoes or turn in bed, when a friend gave me about a third of a box of Dodd's Kidney Piffle. I started taking them without much faith in their curative powers, and found them all they were recom- mended. "Now I am recommending Docld's Kidney Pills to all sufferers from Kidney Disease." Dodd's Kidney Pills are no faith cure. They're a simple but sure euro for diseased kidneys. The largest battleship under construction is the Japanese ship Fuse. When completed, she will have a displacement of 32,000 tone, and be able to fire a broadside of over 20,000 pounds—nearly three times as much as that fired by the Dreadnought: Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Sire,—I have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT for the past 25 years, and whilst 3 have occasionally used other lint. meats 3 can etufely sad that I have never used any equal to youre. If rubbed between the hands and in - baled frequently, it will never fail to cure cold in the head in twenty-four houre. It is also the Best for bruises, epraine, Me. Yours truly, Dartmouth. J. G. LESLIE. Eight hundred and eighty-one thousand, two hundred and forty- one births and 527,804 deaths were registered in England and Wales during the year 1911. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BR0M0 Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to euro. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box, 25e. "Your hair wants cutting badly, sir," said the barber insinuating- ly to a customer. "No, it doesn't," replied the man in the chair ; "it wants cutting nicely. You out it badly last time!" Minaret's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Gibbs—"Stout people, they say, are rarely guilty of meanness or crime:" Dibbe—"Well, you see, it's so difficult for them to stoop to anything low." SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA. Attractive rates will be quoted via variable routes, affording the finest even. pry, The Los . Angelee Limited, leaving 0111cago daily 10;16 p.m.• for Southern Cali. fornix, the San Francisco Overland LIm- ited, leaving Chicago 8:30 p.m., less than three days en route, provide the beet of everything in railway travel. The China and Japan Mail leaves Chicago daily at 10:46 p.m, for San Francisco and Los An. geiee. Illustrated literature on applies. tion to B. H. Bennett G. A., Chicago and North Wcstoru Ry., 46' Youge St., Toronto, Ont. The British aeroplane fleet com- prises about fifty machines, of which some thirty • are practicable, mod- ern craft. Minard's Liniment Cures Dlstempdr, That Was All. "Skillings, how came you to quit work for Spotcash & Col" "We had a difference of opinion as to the value of my services for another year." "Was that all l" "Yes; I thought I was worth $400 to them, and they thought I wasn't worth. 40 cents.. So I quit, What else could a self-respecting man do?" BD, 4. ISSUE 4— 3. Catarrh brands You An "Undesirable" So Loathsome is the Disease That Pow Will Associate With a Catarrhal Victim. Is Your Trouble Catarrh? Poor remedies have given Catarrh the reputation of being incurable.. But it is Durable, easily and quick- ly. Snuffing a powder or ointment up the nose won't" ours Catarrh, rimonv; while those of the Probes - neither will tablets, douching, or tent religion must reach the years etomaoh medioines cure. These of eighteen and fifteen. The same treatments fail because they only rule obtains in Portugal as Spain; affect local conditions they do not but in Russia and Saxony the sten- remove the cause, which is germ dard of the marriageable age is life established in the lunge, bron- again raised to eighteen years of ehial tubes, and nasal passages. age for the man, and sixteen for the Ordinary remedies do not reach woman. these remote parts, but Catarrho- Fourteen and twelve for the two zone does, for it is breathed through sexes is the minimum marrying age the inhaler into every air oell ,in in Switzerland. But perhaps Tur- the lungs, into every air passage in key carries all before it in the the head and throat. No matter youth of its brides and bride - where the Catarrh is Oatarrhozone grooms. Here the girl and boy who will reaoh it. It ]tills the germs, can walk properly, and who are heals sore spots, clears the naso and capable of following the religious throat instantly. Universally used; ceremony, are permitted to be pleasant and clean; guaranteed to united in wedlock. euro or money refunded. g Don't be an object of aversion to First and Last. everyone you meat—get Catarrho- zone to -day and use it regularly; it will ewe your Catarrh, Bronchitis, Throat Trouble, spitting and gag- ging. Large size 60o. All dealers or the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. THE AGE TO WEED. Turkey Carries the Palm for Youth of Brides and Grooms. ' Tho ideal age to marry is said to be—in the British Isles, at any rate—at the age of twenty-five for the man and twenty-two for the woman, although legally a boy of fourteen may, if he s : desires, take to wife a bride of twain, providing both have parental ooneent, says London Answers. Iu Austria a girl and boy are nl- Iowed to Male a heat e for tbem- sr'v.,, at the early age of fourteen; while in Spain the intending hue - band mute have passed his four- teenth birthday, and the bride that of her twelfth anniversary. In Ger- many the flan must be eighteen, and the same age for husbands pee - veil,' in France and Belgium. The man and woman in Hungary adhering to the Catholic faith may be fourteen and twelve respectively to enter into the holy stake of mat - Nall Knells. It behoves one to be careful even in so prosaic a matter as the pre- cise day aeon which one manicures one's nails. For it is popularly supposed that trim them on Mon- day and you will receive news be- fore the week is out. Do them on a Tuesday, and it is almost certain you will inherit or buy a new pair of shoes somewhere about that time. For sustained health, do your par- ing on a Wednesday; but, to ob- tain wealth, defer the operation till Thursday. If you would avoid trou- ble of any kind, never touch your fingers with scissors on a Friday. Miss Saturday, too, if you are not a good voyager. But of all other days in the week, beware of cut- ting them on the Sabbath Day. H ONE OF '1i11L Lady—"Are you leaving us so seen, Nora1" New Oook—"Yes, mum. I never stay long in one plane, mum." Lady—"I see, You're one of those cook tourists!" 5. Don't Cut Your Corns, This Way Better Storekeeper—They are society people. They belong to our first and last families. Customer—You mean "first fami- lial!" Storekeeper—No; first and last. First to ask credit and last to pay. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. An eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that the most wonderful discovery of recent years was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just think 1 As soon as a single thin layer of Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or sore, such injury is in- sured against blood poison! Then again. As soon as Zam- Buk is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to akin disease, it stops the smarting. That is why children are such friends of Zam-Buk. Again. As soon as Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin's surface are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is Zam-Buk's secret of healing. The tissue thus formed is worked up to the surface and liter- ally casts off the diseased tissue above it. This 18 why Zam-Bek cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Mardi, of .101 Delorimier Ave., Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Company and told them that for over twenty- five years he had been a martyr to eczema. His .hands were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zam-Buk was introduced to him, and in a few months it cured him. To-day—over three years af- ter his cure of a disease he had fon twenty-five years—he is still cured, and has had no trace of any return of the eczema! All druggists sell Zam-Buk at 60c. box, or we will send free trial box if you send this advertisement and a le. stamp (to pay return postage). Address Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Postmortem Chat. Two Irishmen were working on the roof of a building one day when It's a fool trioti to gouge out corns, one made a misstep and fell to the and dangerone too. Don't wear loose ground. The other leaned ver and boots—remove the corn by applying ealled :— "Aro yez dead or alive, Mike 1" "Oi'm alive," said Mike, feebly. remedy works wonders, "Sure you're such a liar Of don't oases the pain, lifts out the know whether to belays yez or not." corn. brings comfort and "Well, then, Oi must be dead," sound feet at once. You said Mike, "for yez would never buy a 250. bottle of Put Ham's Painless Corn Extractor, mom.mended by druggists. Soleful Maisie. Putnam'e Corn IOxtra0tsr. Tho result in magical. Thee Wishing to make his neighbors think he was a fine musician, Brown installed a mechanical piano near a front window of his home, where he spent hours each day pedaling out melodies. "Your father is a great piano player, isn't he 1" one of the neigh - bore remarked to Brown's boy Wil- liam one afternoon. "Yep," ',celled William, "but it makes his feet awful sore." W@len Your Eyes Need Gari Try Merino Dye Remedy. No Smarting—Fools One—Acta Quiettly. Try it for ltd Weak, atory Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Blue, Crated Book in each Packe,ro. unrino is laompon dad by ottr Oanlletl—Bet it"P�,,tent Moa• ma' -ut *sod in eu000sefal Pbysialaue' 1' o - 1c0 fpr 0¢,t0aly Scan. Now dodtaato,,li to tbpp� are: 506 and 001d bs salvo inata of Want 600 er nettle, 501,000 01y0 cavo in A0optio Tnb00, 250 and 600. Murine Rye Remedy Co,, Ohloego Great Britain parries en more trade with Germany than with any other ootlntry. Franco and the tlitited States are her next beet customers. Mlnerd'a Liniment Cunt Cerget itt Cowie, dare to call me a liar if Off. war aloive." A good way to have all the friends you need is notto need any. PILES CURED IN 8 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PASO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch- ing. Blind. Bleeding or protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 60c• Seven thousand six hundred and eighty-one persons were imprison- ed for debt in England and Wales during 1011. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto, China's Code of Manners. Acode of manners has been is- sued by President Yuan Shih-k'ai, including the following articles; 1. To salute: Take off the hat and bow. S. At important ceremonies, telt as funerals, '.marriages and national festivals, take off the hat and bow three times. 3. At every- day eeremonies take off the hat and bow otos. 4. When meeting in the street take off the hat without bow- ing. 8. Woman must obey articles 1 and ifi, but they will net take off their ]te , !Cite *me decree fixes the a of monis and women's ooetutfldl{, IIISFIO[JRED wrrN�i ERIJPTJOWS GN FACE Body Covered With Running Sores, Could Not Sleep from Itching and Pain. Cross and Fretful. Triad' Fifty Remedies Without Result, Cured In Mne Days by Cuticura, Soap and Ointment. 80 Champagne St., Montreal, Quebec.* "I have a ilvo-year-old boy who was suffer. Ing from what the doctor said was "le gratel o," His body was all covered with running acres. The trouble started `with pimples end opened up into sores, Of course scratching, made it worse. The drup. Mae appeared on hie face and disfigured him awfully.. G1CaN Tho boy could not Bleep at night from the itching and pain, and I did not know what to do with him. It made him cross and fretful. If I have tried one, I have tried fifty remedies without result, At last I got samples of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and often using them two days I noticed a change. I than boaght a full-sized cake of Cutictltsy Soap and one box of Outicura Ointment and I used to give the boy a hot bath daily using Cuticura Soap freely, and then applied the Outicura Ointment, Ho had suffered three months with the horrible disease be. fore I started to use the Outicura Soap and Ointment, and nine days after the boy was cured and bas not been troubled elnce.'1 (Signed) E. Cloutier, Dec. 12, 1911, Outicura Soap and Outicura Ointment ars sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. A Bingle set is often sufficient. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32.p. Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug 1, Clem. Corp., Dept. 40D, Boston, 11. FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. HUNDRED ACRES—COUNTY HALTON: Good House; Buildings; Orchard, Cheap and on easy terms. tyi EVENTY-SIR ACRES WITH GOOD 17 buildings and apple orchard, about five miles from Hamilton. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto, FIFTY ACRES 1N KENT COUNTY— �L• Soil, sand and clay loam; building( in good repair; close to market and rail+ way station. Pride two thousand. The Western Real Estate. London, Ont. STAMPS AND COINS. C1 TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED 01F. i� Parent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue, Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS CANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, -ETC.. internal and external, cured with. out Pain by our home treatment. Write ns before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical Co.. Limited, Collingwood. Ont. el ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD. der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy. Sandi," price 51.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Mellitne, and sure cure, to Sanol's Anti-lliabutos." Price 52.00 from druggists or dlreot. The Banal Manufao. D ngle Vi. op ny of Canada. Limited. W YOUR OVERCOATS and faded Suite would look better dyed. IP no agent of ours in your town, write street to Montreal, Box 33. .Gold Medalist. British American Dyeing Co. BOILERS New and Second- hand, for heating and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. Agen'e for Marta. • vant Ventilating and Heating Systema. POISON 1500 ' 0R520 TORONTO Engines and Shlpbulldere The Soul of a Piano is the Action, Insist on the .a TT RIGEL' Piano Action FREE TRIAL tAL And ht it Crow Nothing Quite so nice as a beautiful head of hair. Lotus send you absolutely free one treatment of Luxurtne, if it Is only to prove to you that It colors grey hair and makes It grow, stops itching, Tema vas dandruff and nukes the hair of man or woman or child heavy and beautifully glossy. You lave only to send us your address, with leo, enclosed for mailing and packing, and we will send you anywhere our treatment, at our awn "expense. Write to -day. Address DR. PROSSE, Dept 2 203 Commissioner Street, Montreal. "I remember you cured me of the same trouble a dozen years ago. Why don't you use the same treat- relent now 1" "A dozen years ago l" echoed the doctor. "My dear sir, the medical profession has made wonderful strides since then and I couldn't think of such a thing." The "Triple Alliance" is the name given to the understanding be- tween Germany, Austria, and Italy, adopted in 1883. "Wonderful soil here," said the traveller; "I've never seen each big corn." "Yes," said the fanner, "and we bad to plant e dwarf vie riety to keep it down to this size." sample fres If you writs National erns erorO65 h1011 Co, of Oaaidda, LImitld,