The Brussels Post, 1913-1-23, Page 4d. odor
h r el # YOU TAKE NO BISB I : ••••••.40•••••• Pi•,iA`,N•Ot?.•O..•••••••••••••4.•Y..••:
TRUB. el) AY, jANUARiY 23, 1913
Tarts is it poor Hockey Winter so far
owing ;le the open weather.
W14 AT ab
cut the establishment of
Rural mall routes through the Gray and
Morris townships ? If the facilities are
to become general then the people of
these mtt
ielpalltiee might as well share
in the eonvenienceas their neighbors,
HON. GEO, E. Fossett will sail for
Australia ou February 14th, trom Van-
couver, 13. C„ to attend the Imperial
'trade Congress to eoevene there. He
represeuts the Dominion of Canada. It
will be au important gathering and may.
mean much to this Dominion if our in-
terests are well looked after.
THERE's room for reflection. In the fact
that out of the hundred millions of ex-
ports Canada sends to the U. S. about
one fifth are constituted of agricultural
and food products. Over a million
dollars worth of wheat was sent to Uncle
Sam. iast year and this; with a duty of
25 cents a bushel.
KING BROS., of Calgary, .who sold
cocaine, were fined $Soo and sent to
penitentiary for a year. They plead
guilty. Such penalties should teach law
breakers that it pays to observe and
obey the Statutes. Those wbo take it
into their beads to ruu contrary to pro-
hibitions need not ask, with much ex-
pectation of:receiving, great leniency at
the hands of the courts.
DssPITE the barrier raised by the non-
sansical tactics of the woman suffraget-
tes of England the cause continues to
thrive. Denmark is among the latest to
accord the equal franchise to women by
a vote of 95 to 12 in their Parliament.
About the only requisite as to qualifica-
tion among the men, if 25 years of age,
is to have a good character and not
paupers. Thus the kingdom of woman-
hood is widening and we believe for the
good of the world.
AUSTRALIA A A 58rovin strongcom-
g a
petitor t o Canada as a field for emigra-
tion From the British Isles and it is up to
our Government to see that this Domin-
ion is properly represented and the
truth and nothing but the truth told.
A satisfied home -seeker is one of the
best advertising agencies, heuce the im-
p t nee of securing the right class of
settler by giving him the most liberal
privileges and opportunities in connec-
tinn with his possessions.
G RRAT interest will centre round the
test of the anniversary of the great
Missionary traveller Livingstone coming
in March It will he observed by thous -
nods of churches and young people's
societies and these services will no
doubt give a great impetus to Mission•
ary progress, proving as it will of large
educative value to the rising geueration.
The event will be emphasized in this
locality from the tact that relatives of
the heroic Livingstone reside in Listo-
W R guess thousands of soldier boys on
the Turkish battlefields have expressed
the sentiments voiced in the 'chorus of
'•Teuting on the old camp ground," as
follows :—
"Many are the hearts that are weary to-
Wishing for the war to cease
Id my are the hearts looking for the right
To see the dawn of peace,
Tenting tonight, tenting to -light,
Tenting on the old camp ground."
Tuts is the age of philanthropy and
brotherhood and it is palticularly notice-
able in the plans and purposes seeking
to better the conditions of the poor and
those in i11 health. A harbinger for
good is the way people of wealth, in
Canada, are unloosing the purse strings
and supporting In a very practical way
many movements conducive to au up -lift
to those in ueed. Educational institu-
tions are also sharing in this generosity
and as a consequence schools aud col -
le ea are taking on newcourses g coo s s to con -
term to the needs of the day. It will be
well if aove i
w s i e oversight is maintained
50d a progressive yet not too variable a
program is marked out. Blindenan's-
baff is a poor game in educational
INDICATIONS paint ,t0 a victory for
Home Rule in Ireland. Some say it
miry become law is May 1914. It pass-
ed t in the House of Commons by a
80 jarity of to and has been a partite
•> 01 retry bone of contention for the past
47 •. eras The second reading of the
bill in Ino House of Lords is set for
ilex Monday. There was no demon•
stration, outside of hearty cheers by the
supporters of Home Rule, when it was.
carried. 13odar Law, M. P„ urged.
Ulster not to permit the fires of resist
sues to die tett but this does not appear
to be the attitude of a goodly number
who were formerly opposed to the bill,
but are willing to give it a trial in its
amended form,
Qyr iioputestlonTilanlsd piton Motmeek
Is ek
liVe pay for all the medielue used
it'll t trial, if our 1 the 1t m r' matt falls
aire l
t ,Y
to completely relieve you of coned,
potion. IVe take ail the risk. You
Vale not obligated to us hi any way •
whatever,ifyou accept our offer, • ---
i •
Oouttl anything bemore fair you ?
1 t
1 a
Is there any re whyshould I
et L v aeon you1•
hesitate to put our clads to actual •
test ?
The most scientific, common-sense
treatment Orderlies, 1
ren mentis Rexall Ut fel res whist
are eaten like caut1y. They ere very
pronounced, gentle and pleasant in
action, and particularlyagreeable in
every way. They do not cause
diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence griping
or any inconvenience whatever.
Rexall Orderlies are particularly good
for children, aged and delicate
We urge you to try Rexall Orderlies
at our risk. Two sizes, 10e and 25c.
Remember, you can get Rexall
Remedies in this community only at
our store—The Rexall Store, F. R.
The following letter has been sent
by the Ohildreu's Aid Society of Hur-
on Co. to the various municipalities :—
DHAR SIR.—The Executive of the
Children's Aid and Humane Society
of the County of Huron has instruct-
ed me to mail you a copy of its first
annual report. The Executive desires
to call the attention of your Council
to the work that has been done for
the improvement of child life in the
country and would like every mem-
ber to know of this work, so that if
any eases requiring attention sbould
be known to exist in your municipali-
ty they may be reported to the
County Inspector, G, M. Elliott.
eOn November let, 1911, Mr. Elliott
was appointed County Inspector by
the Society, with the approval of the
Provincial Superintendent, J. J.
Kelso, to devote his time to the work
of this Society. A glance at the en-
closed report will give you an idea of
the large number of cases that have
been found to require his attention
and will convince you of the necessity
of having such county officer and of
continuing the work of this Society.
It is the aim of the Executive to es-
tablish in each municipality a branch
society or a corresponding member,
that it may be kept informed of local
.A. heavy financial obligation has
been assumed and the principle ad-
in funds is that "What
benefits all should be supported by
all." Ibis therefore urgently request-
ed that each municipality in the
county should make a contribution in
aid of this work for our children.
A representative of the Society will
be pleased to have an opportunity of
waiting upon your council and ex-
plaining further the necessity and
benefit of the work. The Inspector
or Secretary gladly will tail receive and
answer any communications or in-
quiries. Yours faithfully.
Whores Does Consumption Begin
That first little tickle becomes a
cough, the cough grows severe, is
neglected and travels down to the
lungs. Treat throat trouble before it
gets severe. Catarrhozone heals,
allays inflammation, sures throat and
bronchial trouble quickly. A. marvel
worker is Catarrhozoue which pre-
vents thousands of Catarrh victims,
from contracting consumption. Re-
commended by doctors, proved by
time to be unfailing. Oatarrhozone
•is just what you need. 25c and $1.00
Bold everywhere.
Fire at Donegal facto
Considerable interest was mani-
fested by this community on Wednes-
day of last week when an investiga-
tion was held in the Music hall, At-
wood, to take evidence as to the
condition of affairs and the burning
of the Donegal Cheese factory which
occurred at midnight on the 22nd
Of October last.
Joseph E. Roger, Coroner and
Ohief of Police, Toronto, presided,
while J. 0. Haight, of Waterloo, act-
ed in behalf of the Waterloo Mutual
Fire Insurance Company which held
the insurance.
Inquest opened at 10.30 a, m. first
witness called being Geo. 'Woodcock
who was employed ae oheesernaker
for Mr. Knipe, he being the owner
of the factory at the time of fire. The
evidence taken was somewhat start-
ling as to the poor condition of the
building, it having been erected about
35 years ago and proper repairing had
not been done. Mr. Weber, who lives
in Listowel held a mortgage on the
building for $2,000. Mrs. Geo. Wood-
cock was called and corroborated
statements made by her huaband as
to the conversations in their house.
Thos. Male, Listowel, gave evidence
as to the insurance policy he having
transacted the business,since the
transfer from Mr. Gamle, a prior
Owner of the factory to Mr. Knipe,
Emerson 'Vipond, a patron and
Secretary of factory, gave evidence in
which he had conversations with Mr.
Weber, making enquiry ae to the
purchasing of the factory for the
patrons. Mr. Weber offered to take
between $800 and a $1000 for the
building, the patrons offer was $000,
but as the mortgagee had not the,
power to sell, no action was taken.
Richard Tennant stated that he was
employed by Mr. Wilson to Work his
farm, situated close to Listowel and
Weber also worked with him during
the past Summer. In conversation
Mr. Weber mentioned having mort-
gage on the factory and, in order to
get his money out it, he wished it
was burned and offered him at differ-
ent tithes from $25 to $100 to fire it,
but Mr. Tenant absolutely refused.
Sohn Knipe's evidence was mirk
the sitme, as to condition of factory
with the exception of having put in a
new floor, Tie also said Webber of-
fered him $160 to barn it, Mr. Web-
r told theirs eii� e had h man in Lista
t t
Wit. �� •
N account of the mild season
wefind that our
stock is altogether too
large and consequently have de-
cided to make a Clearing Sale of
of all Men's, Boys' and Children's
Overcoats at and below Wholesale
Cost Price.
We do not ask you to take a
choice of certain lines at cost—but
any Overcoat in our whole stock
you are at liberty to take with you
at or below Wholesale Price:
Don't delay but take this op-
portunity while it is offered to se-
cure a good Overcoat at a low
We are also offering Special
Bargains in Men's and Boys' Suits
in which we can show you a good
range to choose from.
Don't forget the Over-
coats at and Below Cost.
You need them. We dont.
welte to do th'e job, but got frightened
j g
away. Mr. Kui eadvisedhim to take
over the factoryfromhim and sell it
to the patrons. After the Ste Weber
thought the cause was a spark from
engine and asked him not to mention
anything about being offered money
to burn it.
On resuming Cecil Wilson, of Listo-
wel, stated that he knew Mr. Weber
and he offered him $100 to burn it
and.afterwards raised figure to $150
but he also refused to having any-
thing to do with it.
Joseph Wilson, Alfred Allison, Jno.
Cooper and Samuel McOourt gave
short evidence in regards to the fac-
tor y.
Mrs. Minnie Weber, stated that she
knew Mr. Weber had an interest in
the factory but did not know much
about the affair. She teetifled as to
Mr. Weberes whereabouts on the night
of the fire, he having stayed at their
that night and did not know
about the fire until noon the next day
when the word came over telephone.
Edward Weber. a son of Mr. Web-
er, gave rambling evidence and knew
little of the affair, as lie had never
talked with his father over the uiat-
Daniel S. Weber, an elderly man,
could not remember very much of the
conversations that took place. Be
stated that he lived int Listowel mov-
ing there three year's ago, and held a
mortgage on the factory during the
past six or seven years. He denied
offering money to any person with ex-
ception of Mr. Tennant and that was
done in a joke, (Maimed he did not
know as to how the fire originated
and personally did not want the fac-
tory burned.
Elma Township Council
Council elect for the Muuicipatity
of Elma met in the Agricultural Hall,
Atwood, Monday, Jan. 18th. Geo.
Lochhead was appointed Olerk at a
salary of $400 per arunun. All work
in connection with Registrations,
Judge's Court and Municipal and
Award Drains to be extra. A. M.
Sweeten, was chosen Treasurer at a
salary of $135 per annum and 515 for
preparing Irinaurial Statement,
Thos. G, lentrliii'e anti Geo. L. Adams
were elected Auditors to audit the
accounts for the year 1912 at a salary
of 515 each, E. L. Ha'penny will be
Assessor at a salary of $85. Win.
Scott, Reeve and S. S. Bothwell were
a pointed members of the Board of
Health to be paid 52 per day and
travelling expenses attending meet-
ings of Board and D. A. Kidd, M. D,,
was named Medical Health
Officer at
is Certainly one of the most disagree-
able ailments which flesh is heir t•.
Coated tongue—bitter taste in the
mouth—nausea .-dizziness—these
combine to make life a burden. The
cause is a disordered liver—the cure
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. They
go straight to the root of the trouble,
put the liver right, cleanse the stom-
ach and bowels, clear the tongue and
take away the bitter taste from the
mouth. At the first sign of bilious -
seas take
Dr. Morse's '°
Iadian.Root Pills
Reduced Prices in•
Felt Boots &Shoes •
To clear them out we have reduced prices on
all Felt Shoes and Boots,
Men's Heavy Rubbers
At Reduced Prices
Boys' Heavy Rubbers
At Reduced Prices
Hockey Shoes
Ladies and Goats
at Right Prices
Harness Department
Saskatchewan Robes, regular $8 75 Reduced to 7 75
• Goat Robes, regular 9 00 Reduced to 7 BO
• Blankets'reduced in price.
Harness,Heavy and Light, at Lowest Prices.
Two seta Second-hand Single Harness at 55,50 and $4,00 -Great value
1. �'1 RI A Rte
• !r/ H 1 11
#••+.••••••• *so •••••8N••••••NNi•••••••4••i0•••+i.*Hp
a salary.of $100 for Making three
regularrispections of the `l'ownehip
and 51.00 f'or, the (lest µtile and 60
coots for every additional anile while
performing his duty attending to 00u -
t4 iu iA 8et al,'
t t di 4 s
Sheepvaluators for the t v i h'
1 f oL ts,lpof
E+hna are es follows viz,—Div, No. 1,
David Edgar ; No. 2, Jas, R. Shearer ;
No.J, o
3,S. Cowan ,No, 4 Thos. 1.A
Hamond ,• No. 5, Jos, L, Moro, eiteh
to be paid 52 foe each day engaged in
ally I leeeeset'y business connected
with their duties.
E, H• Swing, of the Atwood Bee,
was given the
a g contract for general
printing at the sum of of 5115 for1918-
and 250 copies of the 1pluauoial.
Statement, 150 copies of Auditors'
Alistracb and 300 copies of Voters'
List to be included in said contract.
Ooutwit adjourned to inset again on
Saturday Feb. 15511, at 10 o'clock a.
m. for receiving Auditors' report anti
for general township business,
Here is a remedy that will cure your
cold. Why waste time and money
experimeutieg when you can get a
preparation that has won a world-
wide reputation by its cures of tilts
disease and can always be depended
upou ? It is known everywhere as
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and is
a medicine of real merit. For sale
by all dealers.
Perth County
There were 25 deaths registered iu
Mitchell last year, 23 births and 32
T. S. and Mrs. Ford of Mitchell, will
shortly leave for Florida, where they
will spend part of the Winter.
A local branch of the Fruit Growers
association was formed at the meet-
ing held in Harmony Hall, Granton.
Police Magistrate Lawrie St. Marys,
sentenced Dan. Ross, a prohibited
lister to 30 days at hard labor in the
County jail for being drunk.
Sheldon Fuller, the six year old son
of Abner Fuller, Church street, St.
Marys, lost the first finger of his right
hand in the cog wheels of a cutting
Mise Florence McKay, St. Marys,
has been incapacitated the past two
weeks through an injury to her knee•
received while tobogganing on New
Years Day.
Quite a number of Bannock com-
munity wet at the 0. P. R. station on
Saturday afternoon 11th inst., to bid
farewell to Mires Mary E. Switzer who
left for China, her mission field.
South Perth Fanners' Institute
with the assistance of the Ontario
Department of Agriculture, held a
Live Stock judging Convention at
Mitchell ou Friday and Saturday o
last week.
Logan township Council met and
organized on Monday 18th inst., with
Reeve Moffatt in the chair. Francis
Jacob resigned as Clerk, and Marvin
Leake was appointed. The other
officers are Assessor, R. G. Jarmuth ;
Collector. Thos. Ready ; Treasurer,
T. M. Linton ; Auditors, 0. C. Rock
andJ ohn A. Rudolph.
Salaries of Mitchell ' h 11 officfats are as
follows :— Olerk, 5475 ; street coin-
missioner and day constable, 5460;
night watchman 5350 ; assessor, 5125;
auditors, each 525 ; am additional 525
to day constable and niglitwatchulan,
providing appointees remain in office
the full year. The appointments are :
Clerk, A. D. Cameron ; Street Oom-
missioner, W. Engram ; Nightwatoh-
man, W. Cooper ; Assessor, W.
Ryan ; Auditors, 0. Woodger, W.
Babb ; High school trustee, Dr.
Smith ; Poundkeepers, W. Schafer,
You Run No Risk When You Use This
We promise you, that if your hair
is falling out and you have not let it
ago O fat' you elm repel' the damage
too e t
lready clone by using Rexall "93"
Hair Tonic, with persistency and
regularity, for a reasonable length of
time. It is a scientific, cleansing,
an tiseptic, germ iaide' pi operation,
that destroys microbes, stimulates
good circulation ato0nd the hair
roots, promotes, hair nourishment,
removes detail uff and act to restore
hair health. It is ns pleasant to use
as pure water, and is delicately per-
fumed. It is it real toilet necessity.
We want you t0 try Rexall "98"
Hair Tonic with our promise that it
will cost you nothing unless yon are
perfectly satisfied with its use. It
comes iu t.wn sizes, prices 50c and
$1.00. Retnenlbeie you can obtain
Rexall Remedies in this community
only at our store—The Rexall Store.
F. Ft. Smith.
Stock igc Poultry Specifics
FREE lth'.ee waski111 n send Pet abaolutelylone
d free, foru of o r
,37o p
largo hoops (with in-
sert), on ihu common diseases of stook and
poultry. Tette how to teed .all kinds of heavy
1151stht h,r
ts and marts, 7
calves and d7ticnn Meets,also ow to keep
and Iced poultry so 41 at they
will lee us well
in winter as in summer. It contains 080
recommends from; all over Canada, from people
who have used our goods. No termer should be
without It,
l n s In amntt's
You can f leen cattle d hogs g o 1
loss time by using, our Royal Purple Stook
Speelan than you could rousibly do without it,
t.wraty s.i,iu;L a ni.,,th'.. f,,d and labor and
the cost to you still not he mere than 81,60 for
six pigs or $1.0u rri Ohs ower. It will keep
your I,on'ses Ow..0 eu„ditIun with ordinate
teed. If you have a poor, miserable -look-
ing animal on your place try It on this one
Brat end e P 1. :: r13;31 rerttlt which will
be obtained. Cur Swett Specific will increase
the milk flow three to five lbs. Per cow per
day, while being fed In the stable. A 50o
package will last a cow or horse 70 days.
will make your hens lay fust ns well in the
winter as 1n the summer, and will keep them
free from disease, These goods are pule and
unadulterated. We do not use any cheap Oiler
to make a large package, entirely different
from any on the market at the present time
Royal Purple Stock Specific, 50e mites, ; four
60c pekes., in an air -tight tin, for 01,50,
Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 25c and 800
pakge,: and 51.60 air -tight tins that hold
four 50e pekes,
Royal Purple Lice Killer, 25c and 500 tins;
300 by mail,
Royal Purple Gall Cure, 26c and 50e tins; 800
by mail.
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 500 bottle; 80c
by mail.
Royal Purple Cough Curs, 50o tin; 60c by
Royal Purple Disinfectant, 25c and 50e tins,
Royal Purple Roup Cure, 25c tins ; 80c by
Royal Purple Worm Powder, 26c tine ; 80.e. by
Manufactured only by
Theta. A. Jen skins Mfg. Co.
London, Canada
Royal Purple Supplies and Book-
lets may be obtained from
A. C. Baeker, Brussels
W. Stone and P. Goi deer ; Vence -
viewers, R. Babb, W. Squires, J.
Golinitz, T. Skinner, S. Nicholson, E.
Hance ; Engineer, J. Boger ; Library
Board, Rev. Dr. McRae ; Band repre-
sentative, F, 0. Hord ; Board of
Health, W. Lester.
The Public is OftonYaked
Unscrupulous dealers actuated by
large profits often recommend corn
cures "as good as Putnam's." There
is only one genuine Corn Extractor
and that is Putnarn's Painless which
is tL miracle of efficiency and prompt-
ness. Use no other.
Auction Sales
PLe8aNTs, °MAIN, &o -F. S. Scott, ante
DDoneer, has been instructed by the uudersign-
ed to sell bypublic auction
at Lot 8
A Con, 0
Grey, on Tuesday Feb. 4
9. d y e tit, :- 1 o'10 8lr the
following valuable owl g v u bl6 years ly 1 mere 8 yeare
old, 1 apnu mares 6yenre old, IHneknay mare
4 years old, 1 driving hone 8 years old. 8 year.
ling geldings, 2 Spring fillies 1 horse 0015, 7
cows supposed in calf, l heifer supposed in
calf, 1 furrow cow, 7 yearling neon, 2 yearling
heifers 14 Spring salves, 1 brow sow, 20 young
ggs will weigh about 76 Ibe anon, I Collie dog,
hene, 1two•farrow riding plow, 1set dm -
mond harrows, I bone grinder, 2 dozen saltpaths, 800 bus, Bumper Sing seed Date, 160 bus.
barley, 200 bus, feed oats, quantity of hay and
other artiales. Sale unreserved as the propri-
etor has leased his farm. Terms -All sums of
Fe and under cosh ; over Shot amount 8 mos,
credit will be given on furelehiag approved
joint notes ; 4 per Dene off for posh an credit
amounts. *rain and hay to by cash.
JOHN LOWS. Proprietor.
PLEltnnen, FUtSNITUite, db0.-F, e.:molt,
Auctioneer, bas been instructed by the wider.
signed to sell by public cu,tion at Lot 5, Clots.
1, Grey, on Friday, Jan 814, at 1 'emelt, the
following valuable property ;-I Clyde horse
7 years old, 1 Clyde mare 7 yHOS oldsupposed
in foal, 1 general purpose mare 7 veers old, 1
gelding rising 2years bred by Admiral Vna-
He 6 co s
y, we supposed in calf, 1 farrow ow now, 4
heifers lsing 2 years. 8orkshi rising 2 yearn, 8
Inge 4mont 1year, limber ofhens, d sow, .
Inge 4 months old, a number r nein, 1 r No,
H of out,
1ris er,Ma 1 y-Hary l'Iar•rie binder nr I 4
0 foot out, 1 Massey -Harris cultivator new last
Spring. 1 seed drill, l hay rake, 1 set diamond
harrows. 1 Bet WOO lbs. Wilson's nabs, 1 rub-
ber tire top buggy, l open buggy, 1 Brookville
Butter, 1 Walkervtlle wagon, 1 wagon box, 1
1 box,1 bis rack 1
pig y turnip pal, 1 sl double
milt, 1 stone boat,' 1 grindstone, 1 not double
harness, 1 set single harness, 1 robe, 1 stringof
bells, 1 two -furrow kehuttplow, 1 single
vyilkineon plow, 120 -foo -lo t ladder, 1 cr10 tont
naw, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 anger kettle, 8 or tons
of hay, a quantity of oats, a quantity of ter.
nips, 1 New Scale -Wil lin piano nearly new,
1 Grand Jewel coal range, 1 Favorite churn
No. 8, 1 De Laval cream separator nearly new,
1 Royal weahing machine, 1 kitchen lounge 1
wardrobe. 1 kitchen oupbeerd • 2 oak barrels,
forks and other nrtioieatoo numerous tomen-
tion. Sale unreserved as theproprietor ham
sold hie farm. Terms -AIV Bohn Of $5 end un-
der meth • over that amount 10 menthe credit
will be given on furnishing 'improved joh,t
notes 5 per cent allowed off for can&on credit.
amounts: JOHN OUTT, Proprietor.
94'•'e4'e•9.1-e-.,F349+ p,.;,:'..q.ur4F,Nrir'I••$'4•trN4'rh.•4'•4'4,+'d•'II1r,F.M.p•4.•k•h'4'•4••F•F4'•i•.;.'1'
4. 4.
4. etch
s r Just arrived another fine assort-
• .)�. t { , 1 ment from the best makers. +
• -tier -
Our reputation and wide expel-
• L ' ience along with the makers'
,�. ,. guarantee is at the back of every
r ,[• .
Watch we sell.
9 • 4'
4' �
4, • 4.
4 4 '•N
p +1 4.
3 +
l'• 4.
'i' 4
9 9 se
Elgin, Waltham,
Hampden an, d Regina
Watches always in stock.
Our Prices are unbeatable
We will convince you on dile matter if '•i'
you will favor us with a call.
J. R. Wendt g Jeweller
& Engraver .;.
Wroxeter, Ont. 4.'
+'tII-•i+'t l 1"i+•1'u-1l'I•'N+M,l'F•14-1.94.4•l'ti••"H'+++• 004.4•
Notice to Creditors
In the mater or the .estate of George
I Belly, lisle of the Township of Moi •
rim In .the Couto F
Y of Huron.
farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pm'seent to bee, ere
Ohne. 21), of the 81,150 ea of ()Mtn Ho I George
Ve. that all tired hors lied others having 01aln,s
n ainet the ciente e' slid o
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whose &lsime notion 018 11 ((Ohne() been reoeiv-
ed h,v them at the time of nob distribution.
Dated. this 7th dey of January, 11
The People's Column
FARM TO .RENT OR HELL, -Tho under-
signed wants to either sell or rant his
Perm, Lot 20, Con. 1L, Grey. The farm Is 0no
of the best in the Township and has 80 its
good cenfortoble Mame house and bank born,
95 acres under cultivation. For further par -
heelers ripply to F. S. Scott, Brunelle, or to
the underelguad, on the ppremises.
1teem.-Tice hens recently vacated by
John H Kerney, who moved to Guelph (known
as the Rogue property, '1'urnberry street) fa
offered for sale or if not sold •will be rented.
There is it comfortable house, good stable and
1M stores of land with a double eu trance, Fine
garden, &o. For further particulars apply to
W. H Kerr, of Tura Poem, who bolds the key,
It is it 01101(50 s lot to live in and will be sold
very reasonably. 27-tf
=ARM FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers
r his One farm conal+ting of about 185 sores
edjohdng the town of Olinton, for sale. The
faro) in lira good state or cultivation, and has
good buildings, brick house, banlr been, driv-
ing house, pig per, etc., all oomparat Ively new.
A Rret•eloae young orchardcontaining all
kinds of fruits and also small Melte. The
farm is well fenced and drained and Is a very
desirable home. For further pnrtioulars apply
on theromisee or odd nes
28-t1 JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton.
FO15 SALE OR TO LET. -A good oomfori-
nble dwelling and two lots in Brussels.
Terms easy. Apply to F. S. SooTT, AlLotion-
ser, Brussele,or to as. DOOR, Fordwieh, 0.Ore
=ARM Folt SALE. -Being South halves of
Lots 64 and 55, Oen, 1, Morris townehlp,
Huron Co , containing 100 acres. On the farm
is a good frame house 22x803( feet ; Irltcben
18x22}(; wood shed 20x80 •, blink barn 118x00 •
straw abed 80x40 ; Venn -to 18x00, Stone wall
With good stabling under barn. 2 never fail-
ing wells and a good orchard, Only M mile to
H011oo1 and 1 mile to church and post office.
Price 54,000. Deed may be seen 0n application
to the proprietor, WALTER L. B1EOKEN-
RIDGE Jamestown P. 0, 51.500
1 OO A01188 Or LAND for We, 13{ miles
North of Sea Porth. Good clay loom,
all cleared and under cultivation. Bunk barn,
cement dooms, large frame house, newly palnt-
od • good wells at barn and house ; buildings
and femme hl sxaenent repair, An ideal hone
cheap. Apply (bliss) SI�SIE GOVENIACK,
Soafortlt, Ont.
=ARM FOR SALE, being South half Lot 26,
Cep. 4, Morris townehlp, Huron 41o., eon-
tattling100 actress more or loss. On the prem-
ien U
;sell. a Memwindmill,
,none, bank barn, good orchard,tbout
well. wtndScho ,fie. All cleared except about
an acre School IM miles distant. Only 235
miles from Brussels. tl acres of Fall wheat 1st_
and abort 50 acres metaled down. For price,
terns and other information apply on the
premises or if writing Envamels. P. 0.'Phone
120. Or F. S. Scott, itruaeela.
71-tf A. L.KEI111, Proprietor.
Maitland Bank
Short Horns for Sale
Seven Scotch Short Horn Billie 9 to 20 menthe
old, reds and roans ; big, smooth and stylish
ehnicest breeding -Campbell Rome Bude, ]dare
'Beaune and Campbell Missies, None better
for milt and beef. Will be sold at any, reason-
able offer ant' on easy tarma.
Thousands of ambitious young people
are being inetruetod in their ;tones by
oar Home Study Dept. You nilly Stolen
at College it you d0siro. Pay when-
ever you what. Thirty Year&i Expel.-
lenee, Largeet trainers in. Canada.
Eater any day. Positions geang steed.
TP yon wish to MVO board and learn
while yon earn, write for pnrtictilars.
Wingham Business College
GEO. SPOTTON, President
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Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait - Fill in coupon
Age Aloe [top
Single or Dgnble
Name ...... ,..
and retutn to
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fit Dept. A Stra,tfordlOnt