The Brussels Post, 1913-1-16, Page 51
lace to the riNI Office, Ethel. 20-4
". • sun, will HOC /or bettor prices, to
0,110P WOO, in less time and lees charges
than any other auctioneer in East Huron or
woi't anoxia, anything. Oates and orders
can always be arranged at labia office or by
swthe! epplioation.
V V • barister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
ootary 1ubli dea, Wtlee-litewart's Sleek
door Nor tb of Central Betel,
Sollaitor for the Metropolitan Bank,
W. l'avrofeem, K. O. 16 0, EAU
0010811-'r08e formerly °coupled by Messrs
Cameron Le Bolt,
09215114, ONTARIO.
Royal Mail Steamers
Prom St. John From Halibut
Crampon Jan.17 JOE. 18
Tunishn .Inia '11 Jan. 20
D,.. Jan. in Feb 1
uorgoan . . ....... Pelt. 14 Feb 16
Grahipian ........ Feb 22 DI, i es
Front Boston From Portland
Numidian Jan. 16 —
Ceriathinn ..... — .Tan 25
Pretorian.... Jan. 80 —
Scandinavian — Feb. 6
Sicilian .., Feb. 18 —
Full information as to rates, 060., on uppli.m.
tion to
Agent .A Ilan Line, Brussels.
' 4'172 .'ssiSSW,Ssa.S.v.iSersys .S.M.S.W2SasAscae sae te,
frif All Desiring the Best .
w in Business and Shorthand Education g
I are Invited to write for the large cabs- ,g1,,
logue of the Popular ke
404 This School has now the greatest nt• tendanae in its history. There is a reit- ei
son for it. We havem m
roofor ore. ,t1,.
A 'Phis amy be your best opportunity, 61
w Decide now to enter our School 0
at an early date. Our gradates q
readily get positions,
Oar. Young and i W. J. ELLIOTT, 0
Alexander Sts. f Principe'.
sceisw,VosslittS WeeteSttesteserstisressed
fi Winter Terrnfrom Jan. 6
doea more for its students and griffin- ;a
etas t111111 do any other similar P0110014,
areo+ ere up tai In te and instructors 73
are experienced. Griiduntes are placed
In good positions. The three nephew.
dons recriv.d aday offer average sal-
ary of SING per annum.
Three dope rtmen ta - Commercial,
Shorthand and Telegraphy.
Write for our free catalogue at
onee. a
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
GM vassessrmasem msseassess,WaYestol (WIN";
%LW sararoSSASSM.SsarimavarASeseses,
The . Business
iL!.towel 0
Tonehee Admit Business th both Do -
16 The attendithee of stud
mita is constantly increasing.
New Years term opens on Monday, g
January 015,, 1018
is prepared to simply the best
goods in Windmills, Lon and
Wooden Polyps and Stable
FibtingS, Suell as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, &c.
Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give 100 a call.
IL HAMANN, Cranbrook
Mrs. A. R. Tabor, of Cider, Mee bed
been traubled•with sick headache fm,
about five years, when she began lair.
ing Chant berlitin'e Tablets. She hits
taken two bottles of them and they
have coved her. 81016 heetlaehes is
caused by as dienedered 61 01(1401)
which these tablets are especially
tended, Try I hem, get well and slay
Well,' Sold by all dealere.
W. H. Love -
Funeral Director
and' Embalmer
IOrdere promptly and miss.
folly attended to night OP
day. Phone 22s.
• Ar-y-r-rv-r,r4P-ir."-"" •
by a beothee and eister of the bride.
After a sheet holiday trip, Mr, mei
Ales Kay %rill take up their residenee
in Al 11 irisin Hat, where t he groom
has resided for stone time. ThIA
young couple'e Inge eieele of friends
here jolt) ni heartiest congratulations
and best wishes,
There died hi Swirl. Oin vetit, Sask.,
0(1 Deceinbto 20, Ohristina Gray, be-
loved wife or W, .L .Buckinghttm and
datighter of Andrew and Mrs, Getty,
oi Listowel, Denth was caused by
fleinnonitt aii1 1110 1101:11101011 had
going West the family 1116(1resided ID
Business Cards Oollingwood, Her husband, otte
eel; ill only a stunt time, Before
daughter and three sons are left to
DR. T. T. M' RAE Mourn the loSs Of e. loving STUN RIM
01,10. n ty of Toronto ,
040006(4(0 (51161 Graduate of the College of Phy
tautens and Surgeons, Ont. ; Posu.gradnate
Oblong Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat idonpital, They All Failed
Chicago, 111. Ex•Rouse Surgeon to St. Mich- Many have tried to devise a COM
VAN Hospital, Turento.
Office oyer 11,14, Smith's Drug M401.0. Tele- cure eqiial to Putnam's, but after
phone conneation with Uranbrook at all hours, MY Yetift, nothing 1111,8 001110 Upon
the market that an painlessly cures
corns and wa eta, Don's experiment,
use ther best, and that's "Patient's."
Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduate °outsell
Londonilskle./, New York and Chicago Row
pitals. Special attention to disease of eye, tar,
nose and thront. Eyes tested for glasses.
Boner graduate of the Ontnrio Veterinary
College. Day and night mills. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
mxtuoe 0. BRYANS
Personal graduate Department of °What-
mology, McCormick median/ College, Uhiengo,
111, 1,4 prepared to 1501 eyes (1(1611166)0551,801
her omoo 080)' UPPOPRP'A lteNttoNotht, Brussels,
en Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
week, Office 11011144 1 to 6 p, in. Forenoon-.
by appointment, Phone 1210.
61110M91)r OMR i411.14 War
1(0)1 707 011± I Express 10:55 a in
1i:sprees 11:25 a in Mall 1 59 p rn
Ltxpress ...... 1:Slpn. Express 8:62 pm
caxar?W1 AWIFIC
To Toronto To Goderich
tilxpress 7:11 a ni I Express 11:66 a 111
Express ..... 2;57 p inI Express 8:40 p 10
Going East - 7:66 a. m. and 8:56 p. in.
Going West - 12:413 and 9;47 a in.
.1.11 6115100 going East connect with 0. P. B. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
istrict Rew5
Lead b ury
Miss Ciara Davidson is home from
Baden for a holiday.
Skating is the order of the day at
Walton and Leadbury.
Miss Mai gleet McLaughlin has gone
to London foe a vacation.
Wm. Grigg, of Moosejaw, Manitoba
is visiting his sister, Mrs. E. Con -
TI? Scarlett, who has a splendid
poeition in Toronto, is home suffering
ft•om 1111 attark of inflammatory
rheumatism. We hope for a speedy
Will the person tylin found a gentle-
man's long delving glove some time
ago please leave the 866010 >5.6 the shoe
shore, Walton, and oblige the owner
very much.
Alias Geeta Ross left to supply for a
month in Hensel' school, the teacher
there being sick.
Arch. Scott, jr., has returned to
Knox college, atter a pleasant two
weeks' visit with his uncle John Scott,
Miss Helen Laskin, who 11118 been
visiting her parents, Rev. and Ales.
F. 11. Larkin returned to her chitin in
Wesbminstee Oollege. '
Mrs, McNamee, of Lucan, and
slate' of Mrs. 13. 13 Gime, died on
Sunday of last Week. She had a
number of fuel in town, who will
be sorry to hear of her death.
After. the stewat ds, of the Christmas
(lance, had completed Untie find work
they presented the Seeeetary, A. D.
$Llther?alId, With a heantif I Morph;
chair, to slum their 64)1)1 56111)1011 of
his seevines in making the (110100 6061
a success. Mayne J. C. Greig made
the pt esen Union, and accompanied
it with a very eomplimentsay address,
and Mr. Suthei land, although taken
completely by surprise made a soil able
liens, and thanked the stewards num.
sinceeely. At the same ineetin a
heaety vote of thaeks was tendered
Mrs. J. \V. Livingston, for the yeey
able Manner in whieh she directed
the work done.
When ynii 68(1)51 16 reliable medieine
for a enngh or cold take Chamber-
laites Cough Remedy. It can always
he depended upon and is pleasant and
safe to take. For sale by all dealers.
R. A. Paul, son of R. 8. and Airs.
Paul, has been' appointed manager
or the Saskatoon blanch cif the Feld -
Lewis 00., Limited, bui Id i ter ening t rtie-
terS and 001113111U n g engineers of
Word has been received that Dr.
Wheeler Green, 1,1 Wand Rapide,
Mieh,, was seriouely injined tlreee
161017. While crossing a teack he
was steuelc by n 11 R11 10intibile with
setious 500)1? 16. The doctor formerly
conducted a veteeinney • sittgeon
reactice in Elmira and Wellesley vit.
age, where he is well and favorably
'known, lie is a 60)181)1 of A. B.
• Itsv--Ssterrt.- A quiet wedding
took Owe, in London on Moliday,
January 0th, at the residenoe of O. 13.
and sirs. Smith, 805 Piccadilly street,
when their daughter, Lanett Isabel,
was united in mareittge With 'I', IL
Kay, or Medicine Hat, Mta., fnisherly
of Listowel. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev, (31010)1 (hails, in I he
preee)1ce o5)1y ht1Tordiatn eelatives
of the eon tra ti lig part 1110, • The bride,
Who WAS friVell away by her father,
Ante charmingly gowned in navy
4/11111, With lace and, chiffon trimming
The beide and groeth 5101')) attended
Wm. Kinney visited with friends
in London.
Miss Nellie Govenincic has rethrtied
to Stral ford.
Norman and john Hanna RCP home
from the West,
Renbe11 and Jaines Hart have re-
turned rrnm Toronto.
Rohl. Dodds jr., left For Fort Erie
10 vieitliie Maitre Melvin.
Ales. Wassleti and son Harry smelt
the holidays with London Mends,
Ales. Pete] Dudley, of Mussels, 51/19
visiting her inothee, Mrs. H. Warden.
John Zeigler, Manly, left for Tor-
onto to take a coure.e 111 Business
OM lege.
J. Montgomery left for Detroit
where he bus securecl a, good position
1(5 (menet' I els
Venni; Webster, or Lontlitil, has mi-
ni' ned home. after spending a, week
with friend's here.
Me. Campbell, who was visiting et
the home of A. G. and Mrs. Oehler,
lute returned home to Walkerton,
Sohn Murray sold the Arnold burn
to Chas. Piper of Logan, for $450 00.
Mr. Pipet, will have it 'pito-wed at
Mrs Thos. McIlvoy has returned
From Berlin after spending a. few days
with her father, who has been very
Thos. Govenlock,- who has been
spending his holidays with his parents
Reeve and Mrs. Gnvenlock, has re-
tuned 10 1115 duties in Steelton.
Persons troubled with partial
paralysis are often vary much benefit-
ed by massaging the affected parts
thoroughly when applying Chamber-
lain's Liniments This liniment oleo
relievee rheumatic pains. For sale by
all dealers.
"OLD MAN ONTARIO."- The fol.
}Owl lig item refers in .7no.
Tiffin, father itf Rev. Air. Tiffin.
former Methodist l'8 01' here s-'111:
original Ohl Alan 0111/1 lin 1)81")
11111.011 County, Nn irsidon't of the
Provinee, p11011161)? 3', furnishes a
better type of the Canadian pioneer,
or exemplifies more strongly the
splendid elle ram erislies 01 1148 gener-
ation than John Tiffin, now residing
on Broelt street, in anderich. It is
63 years 51(1(11 he settled in Colborne
township, nem. Nile, and during all
the time since lute lived on the same
farm. Although 83, 15 18 only a shot 1..
time ago that he found it necesisary to
give up the country life and remove
with his soil and daughter to town.
11118. Tiffin some Team ago,
'L'himstoicis of people have become
P011111111 with Al r. Tiffin's features,
and his figure in character
'stir poses about. the Eaten throng':
Pictmee 1(1 "Old Alan Ontario," with-
out khowing who the original was.
R. R. Sallows, a Goderich photo.
gettpher, who supplies pictures to a
great nottly Onnticlian and United
Slates magazines, is et nephetv of
Mr. Tiffin, and has -made a number of
111001 in teresti ng Missives of his ;woe
on the rains 6611 1.141 110 la 1101 ed eo long
N. Al 000111101, Sain Hunter and other
Canadian cartoonists always present
"Old Man Ontario" as a man or the
same general appeavamat. "John
MeWhitiney 115 orw a the few men I
ventembee as being here when 1 came
o 11115 met of the conetry," said Alr.
Tiffin in the 0011114 6)1 nal in teresti
eeview given the Free Press on
'ties Day. A not her is
0)1(15))?))' 1?, Goclerich assess -
OP, 51110 1111N 1101 It.41,1)e,1 so great ail
ago by it go( ei many years."
Tiffin WON 1111191 111 Cumberland, neat.
Carlisle, in England, end was but 18
when his Whet', the hue. Jnsepli
flifin, clone with his family. 1(116111
rovoino aistrint, he 811111(141 (101 with a
emnpanion For what was then the lite
teeth, np toward Lake Hutton.
erileto were opposition stage lines
cont Hamilton just then," Me. Tiffin
•elated, nentulticted by men nettled
Hobson and Daly. The result was
hat we got up here for $1.50 each,
nd got tip in a comparatively shoet
hue, travelling, of ,comee, night and
lay. " A t. Halt We were advised by a
avert) keeper Lo keep right oil in the
ake. Teattspertation 1 411 09 1'1.0111 N-
and points weee very high on grain,
re pole Led out and there would be a
novo favorable tate ont, by water.
Ve took his advice, "I bought iny
undyed acres for 117 poitiols 10
or less 1111111 2000, This was
it May 12111, 1848. We made our
eadquateere in a little log !loose on
he eighth coneession that wail all
lied %vitt) hay, except about, the lite -
lace and on Jane 13111 01080d Over
o the faern on the ninth. "Phe
oads in those days were very rough,
lostly corduroy and any amount nr
rnflook etude allotting Up 1401.000,
leading wee by 021011, and our from
nplements consisted of a broad -
laved plow with wooden beam, the
ekle and cradle and hoe. Wheat
as the prinelpid crop ; we would
tap one toning wfitert and sow fall
heats. 13111. we cortitinly grew gond
ffetnert." This WON 1165' 0100 Of the
g wheel house, end iteually ehnteh
nviees were held in theme Imildiege.
r. Tittle well reealle spreial MID VireS
eing held in the (helmet, mid how
1' people would Daryl in 111041' days
attehd. 110v, Santnel Fear Wee
Advice to Expectar.:. r!lotfacro
The experience of Motherhood is a try-
ing one to most women and marl:s dis-
tinctly an epoch in their fives. Nut on.
woman in a hundred is prepared or un-
derstands how to properly care for her-
self. Of course nearly every ;mean
nowadays has medical treatment at
such times, but many approach the
experience with an organism unfitt( d
for the trial of strength, and when it
is over her system has received a shock
from which it is hard to recover. Fol-
lowing .right upon this comes the ner-
vous strain of caring for the child, and
a distinct change in the mother results.
There is nothing more charming than
a happy and healthy mother of children,
and indeed child -birth under the right
conditions need be no hazard to health or
beauty. The unexplainable thing is that,
With all the evidence of shattered nerves
and broken health resulting from an un-
prepared condition, and with ample time
in which to prepare, women will persist
in going blindly to the trial.
Every woman at this time should rely
upon Lydia E.Pinkham'a Vegetable Com-
pound, a most valuable tonic and invig-
orator of the female organism.
In many homes
once childless there
are now children be-
cause of the fact
that Lydia E. Pink-
htun's Vegetable
Compound makes
women normal,
healthy and strong.
Liver Spots, Pimples, Dark
Dircies Under the Eyes
RTC 1111 signs of the system being
elogged. The Liver and Bowela are
inactive and the 8) 01(1(011) l weak
tram undigested footle and foul 1411405.
the freat fruit remedy, will make
you eel like a new pereon,
Wiiiiiipeg, 111110 27, 1911
After taking three boxes of youe
Mg Pills rnr 81.0r11uch and fives
, troubles 1 feel Hosing and well and
the to do my own k.
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi-
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held is strict confidence.
superintendent of the district for the
Methodist church. He penciled in
North street church. Goderich, then a
•mission, once a month, and a student
assistant also once a month, melting
e. forthightly service. Even in those
days the G arterial Signal was publish-
ed. "It's editor then, Tom McQueen,
was the first man I ever voted for,"
said Ale. Tiffin. There was great 021.
(110(1501(1111 the country at the thne
of t he Fenian alarm. "I had a load
of grist at Piper's mill, Goderich,"
said Mr. Tiffin, "when word came
Fenians had landed on the Bay
field rotol. I thought I woeld get the
flour safely home anyhow, and 1 did.
everybody turned out, and start-
ed for the scene of action. We hadn't
a thing in the way or actual weapons,
only pitoliforks and the like." Mr.
Tiffin'S farm ii Oolboene has been
sold to a, Afe. Snell, of Turnberty
township, for about $7.000. This is
the first time it hali changed hands
since 63 years ago, when it brought
117 pentids. There are line buildings
on it now, of course, and it has ex-
cellent orchard land.
"Skidoo" For Your Headache
Ascertain its cause and the cute
isn't hard to fhicl. Look to the
stomach and bowels. Aren't you
constipated, isn't youe liver sluggish,
isn't the stotuach failing in its mis-
sion 1 What yo tt need ts the (sienna-
ing tonic influence of Dr. Hamilton's
Pills.Theie effect is lasting because
they aid all the ailing organs, flush
out all unhealthy matter, and tone
up the stomach. With Dr. Handl-
ton's Pills your stomach gets a chance
to recuperate, and dries so quickly.
Foe 1 eal buoyant health use Dr.
Hamilton's Pills 1 egularly, 25c per
box at all dealees.
Mrs, .AleVittie and children, of
Aylmer, (010 )1,): Present, visiting with
her parents.
Miss Edythe Gidley 15 80 much im-
proved in health as to be able to
leave the hospital and is at present
5116711114 at her home.
The eitildren of St. Andrew's
(Mulch 81111day School were treated
to an enjoyable drive on New Years
Day anti were stewed with Mitch in
the biteatiten5 of the church after.
W a yds.
171)) annual exhibitioh of Huron
Poultry and Pet Stock Assneiation
16111 190 held at, Goelerich on January
21, 22 and 23. J. 0, Pnwiley, who is
one of the dieeetors of the Association
het e will exhibit six teeth •
The election for School Tenstees
resulted 111 the retitle) of the three
menthe's who eat at the Beard 111
1912. There was'a large vote polled
the 1 esult being as P1110188 De.
J. E. Charlesworth, 118 ; W. James
Sims, 102 ; Di-. .7. A. Mc'Paggart, 86 ;
Joseph Stothers, 81. The first Hine
names theetioned ulong with Geo.
Whit e and J. 13. Ohellew comprise
•the Board for 1918,
A. quiet but pretty wedding took
place at 8 is tn. nn Christmas at the
home ne Win. and Ales. 'Seclude, of
East, Wawanosh, when their young-
est daughter, Clara Eiizabeth, was
united in matrimony Co \Vnod vow
Geoege Bradley, of Torotito, Rev..
George Jewitt officiating.. The wed-
ding march was playell by Mise
Emma Al ay Leith, of 'Myth, cousin of
the beide. The only tittencittnis wee)'
reletives of the beide and grotto'.
The happy couple Etre speeding 1)1(51)'
honey mono at Ogritinsbutm N, Y., 1'6.
6:11>115114 to Toronto for their home
The Aylmer Express has the P1
1(1511)514 to say of A. MeVitlie, 0(1>) 19. of 8. H. (41(1107, rind who is well
and favorably known heve, at one
time hey' iig hero a resident of the 1
town "A. MeVittio, who has hoes
ennotteted with G. R. Christie at Co
foe the mist few 370(6)6, will 1) ((1.0 this
week to aceetO a. pOSiliell Wi 11 Reiner 'II
Brea, of Wellesley Ont a
.0J60 26,. 01. TER
Sold at all dettlees in 25 and 50 mint
boxes oe mailed by The Fig Pill Co,,
SI. Thomas, Out. Hold in end reeorn-
mended le Brussels by J. Fox Drug-
tut ers of Knitted goods. He will
trave1 for the firm eastern and
northern Ontario. Mr, 111)11(2 61), his
98110 (06(1 children will all be missed
by many friends here, oho have
learned to respect and eideern them
for their time worth as good citizens,
and everyone is genuinely sorry to see
them leave. Success go with them if
they must go."
Mrs. Joseph Sellers, Bluevale, bus
been very ill of late. Her many
friends are pleased to hear of her re-
Charles R. Turvey, 2nd line, Morris,
enteetaitied a number of his young
friends one evening Met week, All re -
p011101 enjoyable time.
The 13mud of Audit of Criminal ac-
counts Watt 111 SeSSiOn last week in
Crown Attorney-Seager's office.
On account of Mr. Porter's ill -
health, the Bell Telephone 00. has
appointed 11, illcLacil1lIn, of Stratford,
to relieve him as manager of the
local blanch.
We are sole y to learn of the serious
accident. to Jatnes Breckenridge, who
fell on the 0)? P1111 y sidewalk on Mon-
day of last %seek and sustained a
fracture of the thigh.
Walter E. Kelly, Tuesday of last
week took the oath of office as police
magistrate under his recent appoint-
ment by the Provincial Government.
He has already entered upon the pet-
foernance of his duties.
John G. Chamney, of East Wawa-
noshsbas been charged with obtain-
ing money under false peetencee from
Cyrus W. Scott, and on a hearing
before Mayor Reid was sent up for
trial by the County Judge.
The settling of the bank near Mene-
set. resulted in the tender and baggage
11165 1)? the Saturdm
ay ornini
g 4th nst..
0. P. R. passenger train leaving the
track. The passenger cars were
beought back to Goderich. The
passenger trains were able to run cm
schedule time by transferring the
paseengerr, at the scene of the ac-
cident, to &nether main. The line
Was clear at 6.30, and the damage
done was very slight.
When Children Are Sick
They eat something that disagrees,
catch cold, have cramps or colic. If
there is pain just apply Nerviline,-
Ws good to rub on, and for the inside
it's most comforting. Effective and
pleasant, you can't find a household
panacea to equal Nerviline. Used
with satisfaction for half a century
and in better demand every day be-
muse it does stop pain, ease suffering
and cure the thousand and one ills
that constantly arise in the family.
Large bottles at all dealers for 25c.
Soo. S. Onwati, who is very sick,
underwent ttn opetation and is im-
proving slowly.
E. R. and Mts. Eaten and children,
of Monsejaw, are visiting with Win.
and Mrs. Danbrook, 10th con.
Alelrose Clamp, Atwood, intend
holding their anniversary on Friday
evening, Jan. 2466h, in the untsic hall.
The sad news reached Atwood of
the death Of Mrs. Jno. J. Hannnond,
which occurred 10 Peterboro.
J. A. Turnbull lett fol. 16 three
months' trip to California. ;011 his
way 110010 lie will visit in Vancouver
and other points in Western Canada.
°REESE it 13051511414.- Annual meet-
ing of the Elnet Cheese and Buttes.
Alanufacem lug 0o., Ltd, was held at
the Factory on Saturday, Jan. 411),
with laege number of shareholders
;stetson. .1, A. Turnbull was chair-
man with Geo. Lochhead as secretary,
Treasurer's and Auditors report 18168
read and which colitained the follow -
ng figures :-Receipts for butter,
$0222.92 ; 1(1111 amount' paid patrons
and but ter -maker, $5991.185 ; total re-
ceipts for cheese, $50,759.06 ; paid
patrons for milk for cheese, $44,249.-
77 ; paid for manufacturing. $2,319.47
paid milk drawers, $2,201,01. Total
number, of pountle cheese, 386,586 ;
total lbs, milk made into cheese,
4,287,032) Average lbs, milk to lb,
cheese, 11 09 ; Average price per lb.
cheese, 13.18 ; Average test for cheese,
3,41 ; tone of cheese during season,
198 tons 586 lbs. ; total number of lbs,
be I ter, 20,04016 ; total lbs, cream made
into butler, 21,131; total Um, milk
rbade into 585) tel, 298,531 ; average
s. fat per 100 lbs. cream, 28.009
avenge lbs. fat per 100 lbs. milk,
3.601 ; average lbs. butter per lb. of
fat, 1.19 ; average price per lb. butter.,
81.052, The tate5 to be charged for
making milk and cream into buttee
58M1P1 then coesidered and On a vote
being taken resulted that the rates
be the stone as formeely. liobt. S.
Ballast tyne was re -appointed Sales-
man and Ivy Smith, Auditor, Fol-
lowing were elerted Directoes for the
ensuing year by acclamation- Jail.
Donaldson, jr., Iatinett Newlsigging,
Thoe. 'Dickson, Adam Wilionglib
uld I. 13. Hamilton, 1r. After the
15110114 meeting the directors elect
net and organized as follows
'resident, Jas. Donaldson ; vice,
President, ,las, Newbiggingi Sec.-
reasurvr, Geo. Lochhead ; Ancliter,
`hos, 18, Shearer,
Supplementary meetings will be held
in Division No, 1,--Davul Borns, Ilan.
1101111, Feb. 5 to 15 , F. E. Milieu, O. A.
College, Guelph, Feb. re to 28; Wm.
Scarf, Durham, Feb, 5 to sa ; Mrs. W.
J. Hunter, Pleasant, Feb 5 to 28.
Fordwich, Brown's Hall. . . .... ,....Feb. 5
Shawn* Foresters' Hall ......... " 6
Jamestown, Victoria Hall 7
Molesworth, Orange Hall. " 8
Ethel, Township Hall " to
Moncrieff, School House
Walton School. ....... .. .... ..
Winthrop, Calder's S&L,- .... " is
Hada* School House " 14
Belgrave, Foresters' Hall, ..... " 15
Win Town " is
13?yth, 11811'y " 18
Nile, Orange Hall • " re
Dungannon, Orange Hall , " 2o
St, Helen's Mechanics Inst, Hall" 21
Kline'', McDonald Hall " 22
Horse Fairs!
Regular monthly Horse Fairs will be
held in Brussels this season as follow$ :
THURSDAY, JAN. 2nd, 1913
FEB. 8th, 1913
1511.15. 6th, 1913
APR. Sid, 1013
Leading Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present
SAY girls, How many of you can
tun) 111e ha vel a stocking in a Knitting
competition or 10116 a pair of mittens
with tbroe ill tiala On the back? NOW
dont all stool up at one or we'll never
be ohle to count you.
11 370011' children are subject to at,
tacks of croon, watch • for Olio iirst
57.85 em, hoarseness. Give Chamber.
lam's Cough Remedy as soon as the
child becomes hoarse and the attack
may be warded off. For sale by all
•Clubbing List
THE POST has made arrangements
to club with the following papers runt
will be sent to any address (except the
United States 50 cents extra) at the ,.
following subscription prices
POST and Toronto Globe. ... . $1 60
Mail and Empire. 1 60
London Advertiser...-1 60
London Free Press 1 80
Familylierald and filar 1 80.
Montreal Witness 1 80
Farraers' Advocate 286
Northern Messenger 1 86 ,
POST and Toronto Star. ... . . ....... $2 35
" Toronto News 2 35
" Toronto Globe . 4 50
Toronto Mail -Empire... 4 50
" Toronto World 3 00
'‚London Advertiser 2 80
Call at the office or remit the
amount by P. 0. Order, Expl•ess Order
or Registered Letter addressing
• Brussels, Ont.
se•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••it :
• •
• The •
• '..11;' •
e •
• ,..,,,,„,
YSimplex •
• ,, ..'•
• . •
• ii .t4 Link -Blade •
• •
• •
• .
• Reserve •
e Capacity •
. :
When we tell you that the Simplex
• has a RESERVE CAPACITY of from
• i to A we mean that it will skim clean
• under like condition% this amount
• 1. , more than will tithe's of equal adver-
o tised eapacity.
What it is and the
Benefit to the User
• The advantages of having this Si 111 plot Reserve Capacity are that •
e• perfect skimming 18 165812110(1 under adverse conditions such as 1-
O Skimming cool milk.
* Taking a very rich cream.
• Slack speed of the crank and bowl.
Al ilk naturally hard to skim on 6600012111 (51' the advanced peeled of
lactation of, or the kind of food fed the 12051,
Or on account of the bowl being slightly out of balance, which last •
• trouble can not; be formcl in a Simplex on account of its Self- •
• Balancing 130w1 and Self -Centring Bearings.
1 To avoid Cream Separator Worry buy a Simplex
I N S Mclauchlin,
Agent •
•I••SssoIoao•Iee$•5,6,IVO esseemo••••••••••••••
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you and make a man of
you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all
pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel so tlmt
nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become briht, the
face full and to
clear, energy returns the body, and tho moral, physical and.mental
systems are invigorated; all drains eeese-no more vital waste f rom the system,
You feel yourself a raanand know marriage cannot be a failure. Don't mt, quacks
and fakirs rob 7011 06 your hard earned dollars.
Peter E. Sammons relates his experience:
"Isms troubled with Nervous Debility
for many year& I lay it to indiscretion
and excesses in youth. I became very
despondent and didn't caro whether I
worked or not. I imagined everybody
who looked at me guessed my secret,
Imaginative dreams at night weakened
me -my back ached, had pains in the
back of my bead, bands and feet were
001d, tired in the morning, poor appetite,
angers wore shaky, eyes blurred, hair
loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in
the fingers setin and the doctor told me
140 1056061 paralysis. / took all kinds of
medicines and tried 111007 Brstmlasa
physicians, woman electric betfor three
months, but received little benefit. I
nittC1 9rOtt firgieig AFTER TREATMENT
drietors. Like a drowning man'T commenced the XIV?? 31STROD TREATMENT and it
saved my life, The improvement was Rice magle-I could feel tlas vigor going through
the nerves. 86009 cured mentally end ph:17810aq. 811080 sent them teeny pate:ens
and continue to de so.
peculiar to Men,
atinorers jzfrITrocalanroRnELE. BOOKS FREE. U unable to call write for a Question
Cr. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Si., Detroit, Mich.
An letters from Canada Must be addreesed
to our Canadian Correspondence Departs
slenimmiegemee meld irt Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally tali at our Medical Institute in Detroit Os we see and treat
no patient* 111 our rasa offices 'which are for Correspondence end
Laboratory Lor Cana Ian business only. Address all letters AS follows t
DRS, KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, nat.
wAto for 'surmise* Waren.