HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-1-16, Page 4Ia c rxxose.l$ Vogt NO REASON FOR DOUBT I +••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,....•••••••••••••••••••••• t A Statoment of Facts Backed by a i"`ILII2,a13AS.' JANUARY 16, r9t3 Strong Guarantee We gnat elite,. eonlpl&Le relief to all sufferers Tenni conelipation. 111 every A Trip To California THE • • • • . Busy Hum .,,/,,,,,,,„„ ‘ : • • . . . ' ,.....`.."1 ' • of "White Loaf" and s�rfn�';1 6 "Prairie PrideFloury • Peoples' Mills p., Rt+y6, a is heard !t ' _ ��+11a.�tt �1l'� •• • • e as the are striv np to �� VVt"t ' 1 1 fill - Y 'FL • a rs 'promptly. Have • s, "—•�•.y • von Over tried either f their 1'' a e K i • ltvutde? Wellyou "better bad" — • • - ln1 ih - • if you wish to know what good E' .,.., .-+-- • • Bread and Pastr'yandOakes are, • 0 • "White Loaf" is made of selected Fall and Spring heat blended t • • while "Prairie Pride" ie made from the choicest of Spring wheat. • • There is no doubt of their superiority and the prices make these the • • best and most economical flours on the market. A trial will convince • • •you. 0 • • • • • • .... :t: SBS i::ii' • : Pryne Milling• Y Co. • • are •desirous that all outstanding accounts be paid before Dec. • ♦ 31st. We buy for cash and sell on small profits, therefore all • • sales must be cash. .Positively no more ceedit will be given after • • case where we frill we will supply the medicine free, .__ Rexall Ordevlies are a gentle, live dependable and safe bowel regu- lator, teenb re-etab! quiet, easy way. They do nut cause any irncu0veuicuce, griping or nausea. They ale so pleasant to take and work so easily that they May' be tak- en by anyone at any time. They thoroughly tone up the whole system to healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable and ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We can- not too highly recommend them to all sufferers from any form of consti- pation and its attendant evils. Two sizes 10c and 25e. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store -The Resell Store. F. R. Smith. • 1.)U.#R Sta.—Justa few lines. We left Walton at 13 p, m, un the lush ult., meet our lrieude rat Linwood and left Guelph at 8.80, deur a coin• forcible ear reach' ug London in good time and left at 8.36 p. in. for Detroit. Crossed the river on the ferry and look the Wabash at 12.80 for Chicago. We had folding chairs and slept some, Left Chicago at 9,80 next day and go to Kansas City at 9.15 that night. Left there at 10.15 and crossed the Mississippi river at 4 p. m. on the 18th. There is Lot much grain grown here, mostly corn. The farmers take the cobs off and let the cattle and horses into the fields to help themselves. Have no barns, just small stables. Reached Dodge City for breakfast. m This is a gragrowing prairie country and lots of grain out yet, some in stook andsome in stack ready for the threshing. Dec. 19th.—Gold night, some snow and frost. Got to Alleghany at midnight, arrived at Gallop at 8 a. m. on the 20111, had breakfast. This is the line between New Mexico and Arizona and Needles is near the line between Atizoua and California. Got to San Bernardino, where Mr. Barnhill met us with the auto. 3 days fermi Chicago to Cotten. This is a good orange growing district and Mr. Barnhill has 95 acres of orange bearing trees. There are 100 trees to the acre and yield from 3 to 6 boxes per tree. There was a strong wind from the North for 4 days and we felt some of it but it calmed down Sunday night and since that dime has been some frost at night. Thermome- ter fell to 30 and 32 but it takes down to 25 or 28 to hurt the urauge. This is the time of the year they get the worst gales. There is a lot of oranges down not a bit the worse tor using but then they plow them down as it does not pay to ship them and they have no other market. They ship the best right from the packing house just taken from the orchard. We are staying here till after Christmas. The nights are cool. I put the ther- mometer out in the sun at 11 and it registered 120 and on the other side of house in the shade 85. We went to the Redlands on Mouday and went up the Smiley Heights, a most beautiful view over the town and orange orch- ards. There are nice driveways and walks, beautiful flowers and it would take a small book to give the nacres of wlat is to be seen there. Mr. Smiley was a millionaire had a beauti- ful residence and the surroundings to correspond. He died lately and left a beautiful park and library to the Citizens, There has not been any rain here for months and they are irrigating every day. Mr. Bat'nhill uses 780,000 gallons every day. Just now they expect rain any day. The high wind makes it very dusty. We had roast turkey and plum pudding for Christmas dinner. We are all well and expect to go on to Los tingles tomorrow. Yours truly, Gass JACKSON. WHAT DO BBUSSEIITES SAY? To the Editor of Tau Pose. : Oasis Sta.—With your permission 1 would like to borrow a little space in your valuable paperfor the purpose of trying to "Boost" the town. We have started the New Year, a new Council has been elected and in my humble opinion the next move should be to fund a Board of Trade so that they can work in conjunction with the Council ill matters of vital interest to Brussels. Poseibly the best way to start this movement would be to ex- plain what a Board of Trade is and what its put poses are. A Board of Trade is a co-operative enterprise, instituted for the purpose of correcting abuses, eradicatiug ex- isting evils and promoting construc- tive measures by the umalgimation of forces iu a broad-minded, get-to- gether, unseltish effort in place of the mdiviclual and unprogressive method in vogue. The membership shuuld be composed of business men of all class- es, regardless of creed and political affiliations, whose energies are direct- ed to the commercial, industrial and civic interests of the comduuity in which they live, men who realize that they have a duty to perform to their town and that the creation of a spirit of good fellowship and the opportuni- ty afforded to exchange ideas amply repay them for time and money ex- pended. It is the resolutions adopted by commercial organizations of this kind that have so much bearing on the laws of the c0uutry and the enthusi- asm, energy and backing of Boards of Trude that result in the materializing of many propositions that vitally affect the business interests of the country. A Board of Trade should aim to awaken in each citizen a spirit of civic consciousness, a 5011011080 0 that will culminate 10 a conviction that Brussels is the very best town of its sire on earth and we want the other fellow to know it. We want "Boosters." A number of people consider that a Board of Trade is an institution for men of personal influence and wealth °lily. This is a Wrong impression, as I mania to say that in the majority •f Boards of Trade the members acre moderate business men and of limited Means. They take a business view that a Board of Trade benefits a town, Itimproves facilities. directs public ee„timen t into channels conducive 10 the most good and advocates measur- es that will mean more business and prosperity to everybody: 110 In an item 0, "A Dying Town"-- you read ,"jll odyn that never' has anything to do in a public Way is on the road to the cemetery. Anyone who will do nothing for hie town is helping to dig the giisee. .A tater that ' curses the town i'umnrshes the casket. The man se selfish as to have no time from his bestows to give to the town affairs is making the shroud, The They r sense and Conic. theY s L '81 uatulu's functions n in a s 1 man who does not advertise is driving the hearse. The man who is pulling back from any public enterprise throws bognets on the grave. The eau who is howling hard times all the time pteaches the funeral sermon and sings the Doxology and thus the town lies buried from all sorrow and care." I trust that Brussels is not in the "dying list" yet and I hope that these few remarks of mine may start the ball rolling and that the result will be a thriving Board of Trade, Yours truly, "BoosTER." It Imparts Strength Just thunk of the enormous streugthening power Ferrozone pos. sesses,—consider what it did for H, V. Potter, well known in Kingston, "I was subject to spells of dizziness. For eight months I had intense pain in 1117 right side between the should- ers. 1 was almost.incurable with weakness and lack of vigor. Often 1 scarcely ate ally breakfast and felt miserable all day. Netvous, easily excited, troubled with heart weakness T was in bad shape. Ferrozone, re- stored and nourished me back to health in short order." Whatever your weakness may be Fetrozone will cut's. Price 50c per box at all dealers. Row we Spent Christmas in California It was very hard to believe it was Christmas this year, with the sun shining, no fire wanted and sitting on the veranda with strawberries for dinner instead of plum pudding and watering the garden vegetables, just coming up, with the hose. You don't need to think because we are out here that we cant entertain Brussels people for we had Geo. and Mrs. Jackson from 8th line, Morris, for a few days and were delighted to see some one from home. We started off to climb 1st. Wilson bubbles. Jack- son and 1 got tired after we were up half a mile and sat down and ad- mired the country with all the urauge groves below, while Mr. Jackson went up a mile. We picked some branches ofolives very much like black cherries on the tree and guava they are like little apples and taste like red cur- rants. They make jelly of there. Next day we went to the grape field. They are about done but we got a few bunches of the large black grape; a late kind. Ground was covered so many had fallen off. Coming home we picked up a few oranges and lemons that had fallen from the trees. The groves are planted up to the sidewalk and no fence between. One often sees fruit lying on the road, the boys using theta instead of stones. Another day we went to Pasadena to see the Rose Tournament. It was a wonderful parade, every conceivable kind of rig covered with flowers, some roses, carnations, poiutsettes and violets. The coach of state, with the Queen, was an auto, like a swan and was surmounted by an immense floral crown from the rear of which was draped a pink chiffon curtain looped back like a canopy at 'each corner was a crown of pink carna- tions and roses with fringes of carna- tions, Another float had a boat com- ing through the Panama canal. There was an old fashioned bobsleigh covet- ed with cotton batting to represent snow, with some real grandfathers and grandmother's in furs and wits, Eleven bands, boy scouts being drill- ed as they marched along, four pipers playing and 100 men behind dressed iu the kilts got more cheering than anything else that passed. Tandem driving, one pretty carriage covered with puintsettes was drawn by 20 little black ponies with white harness and lilted with Iittle girls, all dressed in white and flowers in their trait•, It would take too long to tell of all the different things. 11 took one hour and twenty minutes to pass and there were 100,000 people there that day. It was with difficulty we got into a car to. get home. We were to the Ostrich Farm but there was such a crowd it was no day for sightseeing and that will have to be for another time, As Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were leaving that night for San Francisco we could not wait. There are said to be 150,000 tourists in Southern California just now. When I was going to the store the other day I meta harry who had come from Los Angeles on the car to visit a lady two houses up from ours, She looked at lite very hard and when she got to her friends she said she saw some one on the street very touch like a Mrs. Thomson she used to know in Brussels twenty years ago. The lady told her she was quite right foe slie was here and brought her down to call. The visitor was a bliss Cash from 14th oe 18th of Gey, :incl is 11oty a Mrs,,Stockdill, We have had it quite ~arta, 80 in the shade, but tonight it hag got cold and orange growers are warped to light thole emudge pots in ease of Pryne Milling Co. • December 31st, 1912. • • • 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••e •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • frost. There are very few of the oranges picked yet. Some were sent in time for Christmas but the most are picked in the end of January and February. California expects to send 47850 cars of oranges slid lemons and 1000 cars of celery. A large quantity of celery was sent to New York and Chicago in time for Christmas. East of ns there are 27,000 acres of walnuts and the value of the olive crop is three trillion dollars. Strawberries are just about over. Jim is improving. He has gained a few pounds and is looking a good deal better. Yours Truly, Mae. G. THoafsoN. MANY ed our bays and glrks have lust resolved Baa of our Casudlea FIELEE MAPLE LEAF PINS - You can ears ono tea, s.•'lly Yon only kayo to do three tieing.. FIRST. Right away new—take a port eat* Or a sbeet of paper and writs out the fun names (Christian names and surnames) and full ad- dressee of TEN boy friends or chums whom you know would like to earn aortas pocket money. (Hoye between 8 and 16 years of age— no two in the same family.) SECOND. Sign year name and address at tate bottom of the card or sheet so that we will knew who sent the list- THIR•. Mail the list complete with flus cents In coin or stamps to us right away, addressing your letter te, Sales Division, the 'Witness,' 'Witness' Clock, Montreal, Your list of nada should be mailed within seven (7) days after you read Dila .plaedld offer. Just as siren as wo get your Wt of names, we will seed one of these beautiful Souvenir Pins to you and you will like It Imtaense- Should your Minns have had ex. perlence In magazine er newspaper selling—so much the better—frond THEIR names. Ws doa't tall you why we wast the names—because perhaps -you don't care; it you do, or M you yourself want to earn good pay for work for us ---why tell ua in a latter and we will explain our whole money -making Dian to you --and besides you will learn 'Salesmanship,' THE 'WITNESS; 'Witness' Block, Montreal. It Croopo Like A Serpent Steals through the system like a thief in the night. That's how catarrh acts. Don't trifle with such a scourge. Don't experiment with a doubtful treatment. Time and experience prove that Oatarrhozone does .cure, that it gives quick relief and so thoroughly destroys the disease, that it dies forever, Get Oatarrhozone in the first place, and your cure is assured. In 25c and $1.00 sizes at all dealers and guaran- teed in every case. W. C. T. U. NOTES W. 0. T. 73, MnJTING —The regular meeting of the W. C. '1'. U. will be held on January 24th, at 8 o'clock in the Public Litmus,. There will be a Round Table Conference as it applies to Local Option contests in charge of Rev. Dr. Oaten. THREE OHEEae Fo11 THE Towx- SHIPB.—•Who can say the sfarmer do not want Local Option 2 A unique demonstration in connection with the local option campaign, which ended with a mass meeting in the City Hall Owen'Sound was the result of the resentment of the farmers of that section against the insinuation that they did not cornu to town as before local option came inti, force, because they could not get liquor. A a on - 080 0105 movement on the part of the farmers culminated in a procession of nearly 250 sleighs and cutteve, loaded with a cheering crowd, which parad- ed the streets of the town led by two hands. The streets were thronged by thousands, wino watched the pro- cession. Many of the horses wore covers on which were painted, "Busi- ness, Not Bars," "No Licenses Want- ed," "Vote for Local Option." The farmers came from the tnwnships of Sarawak, Sydenham, Derby and Keppel, which surround Owen Sound, all of which are under local option. WARNED AGAINST WHITE -SLAV- ERS. --A cable to the New York Trib- une from London says :—A warning against "White Slave" traffic, has been officially issued to the telephone operators of London after the warn- ing given by two instances of the methods by which unwary victims are entrapped. The first tells of a girl operator who received a telegram purporting to be from a friend, asking for a meeting. Fortunately the operator happened to meet the friend before the time of the appointment and thus discovered that the telegram had come from an unknown source and the name forged. The girl report - rd the incident and inquiries were officially set afoot, thus resulting in the cliscnvery that the telegram had name from a man known to be cnn- nented with the "White Slave" traffic. The second case concerned a pretty telephone operator who was met out- side the exchange by a woman in the ganb of a hospital nurse. The woman said that the girl's father had met with a fatal accident and asked the girl to go to the hospital. As the girl's father bad died a considctable time before, she told this nurse tl mis- take hall been made and this too was reported. It was f0lll)d that the nurse wits 1110 agent or "White Slavers." The notice also falls 'attention 40 eases f egged t" ' uhttis beingt of- fered to girls in lad we). trains. It would seem permit lu6r a 1'( t 1 has l„' lutlt all the e could l a 1 i t 1 effect that told be desired in 1 ultaust an end lis the !tell vi Lill of penem 'i s. Here is a remedy that will cure your child. NVhy waste time end money experimenting when you ural get a preparation that has 10011 a W1,1 Id - Mortgage Sale OF VALUABLE 50 ACRE FARM In the Township of Grey, In the County of Huron Pursuant to the powers of sale contained in n certain Mortgage, which has been duly regia• tared, and which will be produced at time of Bale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, by F. S. Scott, auctioneer, at the Oen• tral hotel, in the Village of Brussels, County of Baron, on Tuesday, January 21at,1918 at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the following lands, namely :— All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Grey, in the (Jaunty of Huron, being nom posed of South Halves of the South Halves of Falun Lots Numbers Twenty- e1x and Twentyseven, in the Tenth Conoesaion of the said Township of Grey, containing Rfty acres of land be the same more or Less. This property fa well situated as to markets, being only two mica from Ethel G, T. R, statim,. The soil is &good clay loam. Well watered with gond well. On the premises is n good bank barn and log house, also a good orchard. Terms of sale—Ten per cent, of the purchase money in Dash on the day of sale and the bal- ance to be paid within thirty days thereafter when the purchaser will be entitled to a deed and possession. Property will be sold subject ton reserve bid Furtherpnrtioalars will be made known of the time of sale or may be had in the meantime from the and ereigned. F. S. SCOTT, M. G. CAMERON. Anetioneer. Mortgagee's Solioltor, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of George Kelly, late of the Township of Mor- ris. 1n the Conuty of Huron, farmer, clecea'ed. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sea, 66, Chap .28, of the Statntea of Ontario I George V., that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said George Kelly, who died on or about the i5th day of Oct- ober, A. D. 1912, are required on or before the 9thday of February, A, D. 1918, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Executors. at Walton P 0., their Christian and surnames. addresses and descriptions, and a statement of their [lemmata egnfnet te said estate and also the nature of the security (If any) held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the Executors will pre. Beed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have got notice, and that the MAW Executors will not be liable for the said 00881a or any part thereof to Any person or persona of whine claims notice aha ll not have been recall,• ed by them at the time of such distribution. Dated this 7th day of January, 1918. FRANCIS A KELLY, 1Exetitors MARGARET KELLY, 1 wide reputation by its cures of this disease 11)111 cell always be depended u on 2 It is known everywhere tui 0lnunbeelatill's (lough Remedy, and 1 is a Illedieipe 1(1 real nievit, For sale by all dealers. Wi11, liiu0nUungh, wife and child, of \S'inn! peg, lire visiting the former's mother, Ills, 1, ,(1iUnllough, Scieioi' o' erols Ilii. prosperous I Jnr, \Icl,ulh:ugh Is n pt p druggist, of Winnipeg. 111' 11118 two ,Irug stores, 0110 au hugatt 1100. and ant' on 81101.111 mike sl. The flu/Mein] 31lttrinent of St. Marys shows 1110 following expenditures by Comllnlittees :—Cemetery 00111 initli8, I seal 'As 3788,75, expIId11nr'e $883,95 ; Feinting and 131111iouery committee, $121476 Assessment committee, $228.73 ; Resler counuitte0, 5427,00 ; 'of. H„ 5221.48 ; Board of Works, 510,- 275 90. The Oullcgiate'Institute Board relief veil 56008 40 ; Publ lc: School Bolsi (1 58810.32; unci Separate School $579.24. FDR BALD HEADS A Treatment that Costs Nothing If it Falls We want you to try three largo bottles of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic on our personal guarantee that the trial will not cost you a penny if it does not give you absolute satisfaction, That's proof of our faith in this remedy, and it should indisputably demonstrate that we know what we are talking about when we say that Rexall "93" Hale Tonic will retired baldness, overcome scalp and hair ailments, and 1f any human agency can accomplish this tesnit, 1t may also be relied upon to promote a new growth of hair. Remember we are basing our state- ments upon what has already been accomplished by the use of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, and we have the right to assume that what it Inas done for thousands of others it will do for you. 111 any event you cannot lose anything by giving it a tt•fal on our liberal guarantee, Two sizes, 50c ai,c1 $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedy in this community only at our store—The Rexall Store. F..11. Smith. b+ THORO'-BRED DURHAM MILLS 1001! ssLg,-6 of them roans, as good as I ever had, AMOS SMITH, Lots 07 and 00. Con. 1, Grey. Trowbridge P.O. Phone 211 Moles• worth. line, 20.4 FARM FOR SALE, The undersigned offers his fine farm oonekting of about 185 ao•e. adjoining the town of Clinton, for sale. The farm is in a good state of oultivaton, and Stas good buildings, brick hone, bank barn, dile. ing house, pig pen, eto., all comparatively new. A first-olaes young orchard containing all kinds of fruits and also small fruits, The farm Is well fenced and drained and to a very desirable home. For further particulars apply on the premises or address 28.00 JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton. ELIGIBL E PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO Rasp.—The hone recently vacated by John H Kerney. who moved to Guelph (known. as the Rogers property, Turnberry street, is offered for sale or if not sold will be rented, There is s nom Portable house, good stable and 1X acres of land with a double entrance, Fine garden, &a. For further particulars apply to W. H. Kerr; of THE POST, win holds the key, 10 is a choice snot to live In and will be sold very reasonably. 27•tf ••e•••••e•••••••••*••••s••n e•••••••••••••••e•seesee•e tee••••••••••••••seseeeeeo : •• • • SaerificRe Sale . • • • •••• • • • • Fit Ethel • Cash Cash •9 • • • • • e • • • •• a • • • • • e • •e •• At Any Cost Sale Opens Wed., Jan. 15th at 9.3o a. ln. For 10 Days Only Geo. M. MitcheII's Entire $6,500 Stock —010-- D ry --01'--- Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Furs, Mil- linery, &c. Will be placed on sale for to Days only, beginning Wednesday, January 15th; 1913 At 9.300. in. Ontario Cash Relief At any Cost Sale Opens Wednesday, Jan, 15 At 9.30 a. m. For to Days only. Geo, M. Mitchell ETHEL Come to this Sale if you have to Walk The Cause of this Sacrifice Sale Circumstances have so shaped themselves that I must slaughter my magnificent stock, I must raise money. I am forced to sacrifice my stock in order to save my good name. The demand for money brought this Sacrifice Sale on which I pass along to you• I must reduce my stock by offering for cash at an rice. It isnoti necessaryto into details g the high-class merchandise I carp • gorelating g carry for everybody in Ethel and vicinity is well aware of the fact that anything bought from Geo. M. Mit- chell, at Ethel, was the best money could buy. Come and see for yourself. Sale opens Wednesday, Jan. 15th, at 9.3o a. m. w • • • 1 1 Positively this will be 'the Largest Sale on Record 10 Days and 10 Days Only. CEO. M. MiTCHELL7-. • ROYAL PUE',1.--'14E Stock & Poultry Specifics maa 0 ' will send absolutely fru', for FRE M Cie asking, postpaid, one of our ,,,satmais.,-, lurks 64 -page boalla tuvaii i.^.- sert), on the common diseases of ale a au4 poultry, Tolls haw to feed all binds of llva,y and light hams, colts end marcs, toll ii cows, t also how to kap fatteningsteers, calves and ul and feed poultry do that they will lay to wall In winter 11'1 in 0111m1er, It eontnins 860 recommends from all over Canada, .from people wha have used our goods. No farmer should he without R. You can fatten cattle and hogs in a months less time by. 110151! aur Royal Purple Stook 5peci111 tan hyou could possibly do without It, thereby asking a month's feed and labor MI the coat 10 you will not be more than 51.00 for six pigs or 51.00 for one steer. 11 will keep Your homes 111 allow condition with ordinary feed, 71 you have It poor, miserable -look- ing animal on your place try it on this one first and see the martellona result which will be obtained. Our Stock Specific will increase the intik flow three to live lbs. per cow per day, while being fed In the stable. A 60e pookuge will 1101 a cow or horse 70 clays. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY .SPECIFIC will make your hens lay lost as well in the winter as In the summer, and will keep them free from disease. These goods are pure and unadulterated. We do not use any cheap filler to make a large package, entirely different from any on the market at the present time, Royal Purple Stocl, Specific, 000 pekge,: four 60e nekgs., in an air -tight tin, for $1.60. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 26c and 105 pekge„ and $1,60 air -tight tine that hold four 500 pelma, Royal Purple Lice ICiller, 20c and 60c tins; 80c by mail. Royal Purple Gall Cure, 26e and 00e tine; 80c by mail. Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 60c bottle; 80c by mail. Royal Purple Cough Cure, 600 tin ; 00e by mall. Royal Purple Disinfectant, 26e and 50c this. Royal Purple Roup Cure, 26c tine; 00c by mail, Royal Purple Worm Powder, 250 tins; 80e by mail Manufactured only by TheW. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. London,Canada Royal Purple Supplies and Book- lets may ire obtained from A. C. Baeker, Brussels The People's Column Call SALE 011 TO LET,—A good• comfort• able dwelling and two lots in Brussels. Terme may. Apply to F. 0. Salome!. Aue dor oar. Brussele,or to B, S. Oona, Fordwleh_ Odin FArial FOR SALE.—Being South salvos of Lona 69 and 65, Con. 1, Morrie township, Huron Uo , containing 100 acres, On the farm tan good frame ltonae 22x8034 feet ; kitchen 1812234 • wood shed 20s00 ; bank barn 88x00• strew rued :10x40 ; few -to 0x80, Stone wall with good stabling tinder barn. 2 never fail- ing wells end a good otabard, Only 34 mile to school nod 1 mile to thnrch and post office. Price $4,000. Deed may be seen on application to the proprietor. WALTER L. BRIICKEN- IMIAGE, .lnmestown P. 0, 61.8m 1 OO ACRES 01r LAND for sale, 134 ms ile Norte of Sentorth. Good clay loans, an ulem•ed and under cultivation. Bank barn, cement floors, largo frame house, newly point- ed • good wells at barn and house ; buildings and fences in excellent repair. An ideal home cheap. Apply (Mies) 808IE GOVENI.00K. 8eaforth, Ont. FARM FOR SALE, being South half Lot 26, Con. 4, Morris township, Huron Co„ con- taining 100 acres more or leas. On the prem- ises is a frame house, bank lawn, good orchard, well. windmill, &a, A11 cleared except about an sore School 134 miles distant. Only 234 miles from Bruaoels. 0 acres of Fall wheat in and about 60 nares needed. down. For price, terms and other information apply on the premises or if writing Brussels P. O. 'Phone 120, L1A. 0 0 F. S. Scott, Brunets, RR, Proprietor. Maitland Bank• Short Horns for Sale • Seven Scotch Short Horn Balla 9 ton months • old,reds and roans ; big, smooth and atylish ; • chocest breeding—Campbell Rose Buds, Marx. • Bonutvsand Canlpbell Stymies. None better ® for milk and beef. Will he sold at any reason- able offer an' 011 easy 10rnla. DAVID MILNE, Ethel. • • • • • • • e a • e • e 0 • ETI. OME STUDY Thousands of annbftiona young people maiming instructed in their hotline by our Hone study Dept. You may Ruirh at milieus it you desire. Pay when- ever you wish. Thirty Yeas Expor• tepee, Largest trahnere in Canada. Enter any day Poaitdona guaranteed. 1f yon wish to save board and learn while you earn, write for parttoulara. NO VACATION Wingham Business College CEO. SPOTTON, President t3 RUPTURE Cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how Tong ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age 'Gime !tap Single or Double .,.a,, Natne . .............•..,,., ,.,..... Address atl(1 return to Phone ®J. S. SMITH 2215 ss Calodonla St, D', t t A sir.. At ov Ont. ht mini • 1 r