The Brussels Post, 1913-1-16, Page 1VOL, 41 NO.. 29
be rus
New Advertisements
(Io. Connoll—w. Lone
'ro-rent-ivies, Parkor
You'll like It-Joe,1",x.'
*16 Reward -.H. R Nate.
ltadcoad priers• -I. 0 lnr•barde.
borne ter sole• -nervy A ttw octl,
meek-Wongsnie-(#. N. au:Laren.
l+ill CCi ..etas
REFER IT To Too Pecieoe.—At tt
meeting of the Weet linnet Liberal
Executive held on Sn1urday the fol-
lowing eertoletion was unanimously
adopted : 'That this meeting is not
In favor of the proposed expenditure
of $85,000,000 on the Dreadnoughts
to he manned, maintained and con -
balled by the British Admiralty, but
would prefer the•gradual building up
of tt Oe tedian,mavai force, composed
of Canadian ships, manned, main -
tamed anis ander the control of the
Oanadian 'Government, so that the
nuinhood Mf Canada and not her :
money alone, may be available for'
the defence pf the Empire in any
time of need, And this Meeting is
strongly of °pillion that Sir Wilfrid
W. H. I ERR, Proptie$or
Lender and the Liberal Opposition
should use every elforl to prevent the
ministate of the proposal now before
the Houseef Cnmwons,"
Jieoeie Forsyth, of .Brussels, has:
been engaged by David Ramsay, let.
Ihae Morris, for the next 8 or 10
months, to assist on the farm.
John Cult will bold a clearing auc-
Hon sale of frtrrn stook, implements,
am., on Friday, Slat inst. He bite
cold his earm turd purposes removing
to Goderich for is time. Mr. butt will
visit the West, where he has intct'eets.
Sessooi REPORT.—Following is re-
port of S. S. No, 4 Grey for Fall
teem. JIOOOrs 75% Pose 00%. Se.
IV.—Laura liryans 70, Edith King
78. Mary Smith 63. Jr, IV.— Elsie
Johnston 29. Se. III.—Adeline John -
Ron 87, Gordon AicItven 58. Mae
Burke 31, George Selling 21, Hainitl
Jacklin 15. Sr. II.—Alex. King 69,
James Thomson 68, Berrie Lalte 41,
Sr. L—Willie Balfour, Feed. Hayden,
Alpheus Ki ug, led nit IFIaulittot.
Jr. L—Willie 13(alfonr, Evelyn 'Holt,
Maggie McEwen, Richard Jacklin,
Stanley McDonald. B.—Ella Fraser,
Robert Ballingal. A.—Gertie Puyn,
Ben Hayden, Sylvester' Rayneed,
••.•....., 4•••••4••••44••.•••••••.•••
Reduced Prices in
.• ,..., .....
4,-elt • ,• ,•.
• • To clear them out we have reduced prices on o
all Felt Shoos andBoots. •
Men's s Heavy Rubbers
At Reduced Prices °v
Boys' Heavy Robbers
At Reduced Prices •
Hockey Shoes
Ladies and Gents .
at Right Prices @`
Harness Department d
Saskatchewan Robes, regular $8 75 Reduced to 7 76
Gnat Robes, regular 9 00 Reduced' to 7 50
Blankets reduced in ;rice. ••
Harness, Heavy and Light, at Lowest Prices. -
Two seta Second-hand Single Harncss at $5.50 and $4,00—Great value p
o 4.4!••••••••••••••••••••••;••••••••••••••••••••••••••
4 i
Overeoatsi • vercoat
u s
• e
• e .
• Cost! •
• �i � l fi
.• ttsm�se s
p .�A..�.Z.s
4• - .L. •
• e
N account_of the mild season •
•we find that our Overcaf .
stock is altogether too
large and consequently have de-
cided to make a Clearing Sale of •
of all Men's, Boys' and Children's ••
Overcoats at and below Wholesale •
Cost Price. i
. 4
We do
not ask you to take a
choice of certain lines at cost—but
any Overcoatin our whole stock
you are at liberty to take'with -u
at or below Wholesale Price, •
Don't delay but take this op—
portunity while it is offered to se-
cure a good Overcoat at a low
price. '
We are offering al o
Bargains in Men's and Boys' Suits
in which we can show you a good
range to choose front.
Don't the forget _ 1 Over-
coats at and Below Cost.
need them. We dont.
F►. Strac-
• •.N.44i
Sybil' King, Oreil Payn, Mai gavel,
Thou:sou, Lily Jack lin, Andrew Jack -
lin, Isabel lthouscn, Pearl Jackll',
'l'fl(ht Belli ngttl, Fred Selling,
T, AR11tsynONO,'Jcaeher.
P, Patrick will build a large teed -
eta hen house here next Spring,
Verne McDonald, tvho bad the nlis-
foi'lnne to (rate •0 his 41'111 taro weeks
ago is getting ttiong nicely,
A nntnbor nr ynung folk attended a
dapping 11l'ly :11 Onnnilllor• .r', v,
Edgar•'* on Tumidity evening
Nottli H tn(nan hay eeetwe(1 the con -
Inlet. of milk diuving no this route
for the toning Snpnner at a slight
rail:ta e% 0 prier,
'1.'. It. Reiinett end T. W. ,1 cklin
made 0 bh.inees trip to 13russele on
\Vettmesdray Tap former was re-
Plected a 1)/1121.1 OP nl' Kest I•lurnn
Aglietilltirel Society mid was named
(L delegate to the Pairs' Asoociat ion
at Toronto.
Dnnean and Mrs. Robertson, of 9th
Zine East Wawaliosl,, have got nicely
settled in their new home. We wet -
mire them to Belgeavo.
Belgrave lVonet's Institute will
meet in the O. 0. F. ;Miall Tuesday
neat at 2.80 t" ,n. A literary pro-
gram will be given and a Talent sale
heti, Full tot et:dance'is requested ae
business of importance will come up.
The annual cnngeegaticoal ineetieg
of Bel gra ve Preebyteria:1 chug ch will
be held next. Tuesday afternoon et
2 o'clock, Reports for the pen year
and electimi of office itearere will
constitute the chief business of the
The inaugural meeting of Grey
township Council was held here Inc.
Monday. Officials 01 1912 will cont
thine to serve the municipality foe
About 100 new fanning male have
already been inenuttetured by Messrs,
Cole Welsh and the latter will go
nut as salesman in the near future.
\\'P wish them the hest of success.
TM?. SAME AS CASH,—During the 10
day big Sale at G. M. Mitchell's butter
end eggs will he taken the salve as
rash, Avail yonreelf of this sale for
-big bargains. See advt. 011 page 4.
Mks Sadie Brown, of Sarnia Gene' -
al hospital who has jilt graduated,
and Misses Mary and Bessie Brown, of
Logan, all nieees of .1. K. and Mrs.
Brown, were visiting with them dur-
ing the past week.
A nntilher from this locality talk of
going to Brussels next Tuesday even-
ing -to hear Rev. Dr, Bar'ber's Travel
Talk no "The Pyramids of Egypt"
which he visited' a few years ago.
The Public Library has secured him
and the Lecture will be given in the
Towti Ball.
IV. E. and Mrs. Loons and child-
ren. of Wilkspo•1, Ontario 81c, and
Mrs. Ackert anis little son Harry,
Mr. and Mr's. Congram, and Miss
Pearl, of Holyrond ; Max Raynard
and nc eh !khan, f
n Luck now Mrs.
George Yeo and children, of Bluevale ;
S. and Mee. Thtirnpson, of Lncknoty
Hansa, Armstrong and son Thomas.
of St, Marye ; and air.. and Mrs, Dob -
5011, and children were the holiday
guests of 0. and Mrs. Milliard.
Wim and airs, Rattle, of Hanover,
recently of On. Lirneiick, Irela ,
p a law days with their cousins
hi St, Malys. lit'. and Mos. Bettie
aro retry favnrallly impressed with
Canada and the Canadians and pur-
pose ine:king their home in Hanover
for the present. 61,. Matte is a direct
deseeudialt of 13a,hata Heck, the
fnuuder of Methotliern din Canada and
the United States. I3is father was
born. in the same house as Barbara,
w s (( great great aunt of his.
At the annual tneeting of the Pres-
byl0:10?t congregation That of
heat week Robert 'Bare occupied the
chair. A very satisfactory sport
was presented by Seeiatary.Treasurer
A. 13. McDonald showing the total
receipts to be $082 and Expendi-
tnre $010. J'he various .depart-
ments are alive to tite best interests
of the work. Board of tManagers•con-
eist of team: Lake, Ivie Campbell,
Thous, Bowes, .1. If. Brown and •A.. H,
McDonald, A new pastor is expeeta(1
shoetly as 0u1eessor to Rev. D. B.
Mol$ae .emoted to Arnulw.
Au0nai Oyster Sapper of the Women's
Institute will be held on '1'hm'sdav
evening, Jat,1t(ry 23rd, in the Dil
worth I•ta.11. The ladies aro putting
forth a special effort to make this th
most seccesafnl supper they have ever
had and they always rtceonplish what
they sot oat to do. These aunttal
suppers have been growing in popu-
larity until now 'they have cone to
be among the most irtlportaut events
in the season's entertainment. A.
good program has been arranged,
mostly of the best local latent trod in
view of the fact that in some previous
years some have been tillable to at-
tend owingto the limited number of
invitations 'issued, it has been de-
cided that year to snake the invite-
tions move general and to 'charge a
email fee of 2501 for visitors,' to help
pay the expenses Itieubers of the
Institute ie fire requested to piny their
annual dues on the night of the
SoOtrouni, WHIIAT.BAN CRT. -4
Veey sueceseful Banquet under the
auspices of the Methodist church was
given nn. Monday evening of dust
week. Slipper was held its the Town-
ship Hall and was miser the inanage.
merit of the Shredded Wheat Co.
With J. Hewitt, oNL' ionto, in charge.
The varied (otosr8e
provided v t
s a
s lomdld adv(; i ' '
(6(tnant n
p f Canada's
greatest nai(1001 food. A most ex-
cellent program ryas given in the
church .slum the following numbers
were presented Chore; by the choir;
pi ayer by the pastor' , chahytlan's ad-
dress, Rev, 0, Wren ; sola, Miss
Florence Whitfield ; reeding, Otunley
lirtll ; tuldrese, J. Hewitt, Tomo to,
subject, "Natural fOod, its rehmion to
Empire Building" ; nrcheetra ; solo,
1/I Ise flea tetra 1'W:111hJd ; 10(1ding,
t3liss Rea McLellan ; orchestra ; ad-
dress, Rev. J. W. Bibbed, Govele ;
duet, Misses MabelSpeiran and Gladys
Whitfield ; rousing, Miss Bernice
Cole ; or'ohestl•a, The financial re-
turns were $55,00 which amount will
go tow:eels defraying expenses in con-
nection with the closing in of shed
and church repairs.
It is rumored A. McDonald has sold
his store end will go West in the
near Intut'e.
All who were at .the C. 0. F. At
Home report a good time. Three
sheet ad'o• the boys.
Knox church held its annual meet-
ing Tuesday, Jan. 14th. Mrs. R K.
'McDonald was appointed Secretary-
Teeasueer• and Win. Cameron Secre-
tary. We need, a pastor everybody
Jos. Sanderson, of Ford wich, was
in the village on Tuesday.
Miss Sophia Robinson was a visitor,
in WI nhint last Thursday.
Miss Cassie McDougall entertained
a number of her friends on Tuesday
O. D, Simpson, of Stevensville, is
spending a few days with friends in
the village,
Miss A. Bnpl'er, ofi Turnberry, left
for Huntsville on Friday where she
will teach school.
Mr, and ;airs. Kitchen, formerly of
Essex County, havo moved to the
Rasmussen .Block.
Mrs. James Stewart, of New-
bridge. is the guest of Mrs. Gen.
Hanle and other relatives bete.
F. V. Dickson is having an auction
sale of his real estate and household
effects 011 Thursday. The fancily ex-
pects to leave for their future Home
in Toronto on Saturday.
The cotnnnercial importance of Blue -
vale -has at hist been recognized and
we are now getting mail three times a
day. The morning papers now reach
here before noon. A couple of rural
'nail routes from Bluevale,.Z,y0, will
--shortly be opened.
An effort is being made to organize
a Literary told Musical Society in
Bluevale. The Trustees have kindly
offered the use of the school house for
the meetings and an organization
meeting was held there .on ,Wednes-
day of this week. As there is not
much recreation in Bluevale in the
'Winter a Society like this in which
everyone could take souse part would
make life more enjoyable. Arrange-
ments are being made to have a piano.
An oyster supper will be given by
the Women's Institute in the Presby-
terian church on ,Friday. January
241h. The !h supper is in aid of
the net
hospital for consumptive children
which is being opened by the Nation-
al Sanitarium Association. 'Work
hue been conducted by this Associa-
tinn s0 successfully that the number
of deaths,yearly frn'm tuberculosis in
•Ontu'io is now one' thousand less than
it was a decade ago. As the new in-
stitution is to be devoted to children
it makes a special appeal to the hearts
of the people. A good program will
be given after the sapper and a dona-
tion table will be held at which useful
and fancy articles will be on sale. The
ladies will be grateful for any saleable
articles to help tills good cause.
teresting meetingof the Women's In-
stitute was held on Thursday, .ian.
9th, at the ironic ,'of illes,"'Messer,
The President, Mee. 'Peter King was
in the chair. Miss Cora M. Messer
read a report of the recent Provincial
Convention field in Toronto at which
delegates representing 22,000 of On-
tario's best women discussed tnpice of
such vital importance to the Nation
and the hoinie its Immigration, The
health pf the school child,: The terrible
problem of the feeble-minded, Agri-
enitul'al-and domestic education in
the schools, Injustices of Canadian
laws relating to women, Responsibility
of Society for neglected children and
neatly cabers. alis. II, Ditmtlent then
read an excellent paper on "How to
keep well and happy," showing how
the ohs conception of sickness as a
visitation of Providence had given
place to the scientific study of its
causes, which thil)ws on the individu-
el, to 0 large extent, the responsibili-
ty for his own health. She Hien
showed how health and happiness can
be preserved by following such estab-
lished rules as, fresh air, sunshine,
good food sanitary unnditious in the
Lloeie and eotnmunity, regular rest
anti 10001a1inn knd kindliness and
optimism in one's point of view. The
President enlarged on this subject of
Optimism by a palter on, "Phe bright
side,"' showing that in spite of the
evil and 01ongthat is heard of every
clay (mit aro likely to give us a
gloomy 5(00 of modern life, ten times
as notch gond is being clone which
Clore not get into the news reports he-
nauee it is not sensational as evil al -
wive is. Among the good ivories that
she laid special ennphnsis upon was
tri 'stn isY -•
e t, M, ign to stamp out the \\ hate
plague, to deseuse which has brought
sorrow to neatly every fancily bot..
which is gradually being ennquei+cd
by the devotion of good and generous
people.,' After onetime bright, paper
entitled "Odds and ]Ends" lead been
toad by
Mrs, Messer, ,the meeting ng
ale -
plans for
g an (vete),
PO '
ups,rtin aid of, the work caviled on
by the National Senitavinm Ass0cia-
l ion 11)1(1 tinned in Mee, Klima( paper.
'.Glee next meeting Will be addressed
by the Proviecial delegate olid will
also be 1ehl at the hone of Mrs,
Messer, The Women's Institute de-
serves tile support of all tyoute 1 be-
Oauee 1115 working l'ot' the highest 10-
t('lescu of the eonin111111ty end the
1/01x1e toil 110 °thee Society Is so bi na(1
In lug a11n4 &n(1 Alt the salve tilde 50
practierd in Its efforts,
James Morrison, of lleavesford,
Maiitoha, was a welcome vieitoe at J.
Drumatr's last week.
The gravel has been hauled for the
proposed 1100' thumb to be built next'
Summer by the people of t',.ipn con-
\Veil• Lineham aid sol., 11111„ 0f
0lcotoks, Alta„ visited et .th'. Ben.
mi(m,'912111 con. The later will take
a coarse at Guelph College for the
WI titer mot'ths,
Owing to the fact that John Latta,
9611 col. has leased his ftu'1n and will
visit the West, he announces an
auction stole of farm stock, implements
sz'o., for Tuesday, Feb. 4th, 'F, -S.
Scott will be the auctioneer.
Miss J. B. Robb, teacher in 17, S. S.
No. 12, Gey and McKillop, received
an acknowledgment from the Trus-
tees of the Sick Ohildeen's Hospital,
Toronto, for sum of 83.35, contrib-
uted by this school at Christmas.
By doing this act of kindness the boys
and girls of this school show they
were anxious to help in a small way
somebody's Child less fortunate than
they 41.0.
FIRE IN SCHOOL 130Uest OF No. 10.—
Abnu18 p, m, on Thursday of last
week as Wilfrid Whitfield and some
friends were driving past school
house No. 10, 12th con. Grey, he
noticed the glare of fire and on closer
examinatfol found it was really so.
0(tlling for help Ohas. Buttery and
Wm. Whitfield soon arrived and by
aid of snow the fire was soon put out.
On examination it was discovered that
fires had been get in the teachers desk
and in two of the school desks. Two
of these had gone out but the 8rd
was making good headway with the
scribblers and other books and the
dry material of the desk. A lamp,
enppnsed to have been taken frons
Union church was found in the school
house, Some parties noticed light in
the building about 7 and thought per-
haps there tvas to be a meeting. The
door was not locked. A new school
world no doubt have been a necessity
had not the fire been nipped at the
start as the pnrnp was not in working
order and the structure is frame,
The Trustees are offering a reward of
$25.00 for information leading to the
i 'i
ao nv erro n of the guilty party and itis
to be hoped whoever it was that they
will be nabbed as it certainly was a
daring, silly thing to do.
Mrs, Thos. Cook and son are visitors
at Alex. Cloakey's,
Edmund and Mrs. Brewer, 4th line,
each had a tussle with lagrippe.
Th.e township printing for this year
was awarded to Pal BRUSSELS POST,
Rumor has it that black quarter has
s1 r
1 ory r itself
among some of the cattle
herds of this township.
This week James Bowman, >lt. P.,
returned to Ottawa to fill his seat in
the Dominion Parliament.
As soon as weather and water will
permit there will be a lively hustle to
get the steel bridges finished.
Mr. Woods, of Regina, was. visiting
at S. Walker'eduring the past week.
He is in the ',oat estate business.
Mise Maggie Shedden, 4th line, is
sp`endingthe Winter in _Brussels but
will likely return to the farm in the
801ph Shaw, who was home for the
vacation returned Obis school which
opened last week. He is a good
teacher, sal ei it
101$ will see the municipality's work
done by the same staff as served in
the past d as years with the exception of
the veteran Assessor, Jno. Watson,who resigned, will be succeeded by
Tans. Miller, a young mum well and
favorably known in Morris township.
The .only nes face at the Council
Board is Crntnciltnr Duncan Johnston,
$27,578.88 was the total amount of
Tax Collector Procter's roll for 1912
and he leas collected it without any
rebate. It means a lot of work but
he is an old head at the job having
served 12 years. 5 per Dent will be
added this year atm. December 14th,..
it is said, which will have a hastening
At the annual meeting of S. S. No.
4 Councillor Thuell was appointed
chairman. Frank M,eCutcheon was
Pe -elected trustee and with D. Jordan
and Robb. Scott constitute Board.
W. H. IMcCutcheon got the ,wood
contract at $2.85 per cord, The care-
taking of the school will be looked
after by Wm.,Thuell at an annual fee
of 835.00. Miss McNabb is the teacher
and does excellent work.
the last day of the old year Michael
11, Kelly departed this life in the
presence of his wife and family, after
an illness of seven days from an at-
tank of pneumonia. The deceased
had been in good Health up to the
time he was taken ill, but when
pneumonia set in it brought death
with it. Sad, sed it Is indeed that
this deem' young father and husband
has been taken from hie wife and five
small 'children, the 'eldest being' but
leu years old, but Gnd willed it and
itis Dur duthat; all
ditty to submit to thaa
,mvelful will. The deceased was in
41st year and besides his wife and
family he leaves his father and
mother (Jas., and Mrs.' Relly,) 5
brothers and 1 sister to motuth, the
loss of ono mourned by all, ; Mr,
Kelly wee a devout t me°
ber of the
Roman T m n Otathnl mel
i inn ah
The funeral
rvhioh took place on ran, 2nd was
largely etleedecl, the cortege being
fully rt mile long, showing the esteem
at which deceased wag held. The re-
mains were taken to St. Michael's
church, Blyth, where requiem High Brussels Council
Mass was offered, up for the repose of
his soul. Rev, water Dunn con-
ducted the funeral service and ins
10(01 nt was nude in R. C. cemetery,
Morris. The pallbearers were Itis 6
brothers and his uncle, John Phelan,
Hie wife and little cbildeen have the
sympathy of their many friends and
acquaintances in their sad hour of
BUDDER DRATB.— Hugh Watson,
aged 38, died vett' suddenly at his
borne here Monday. After breakfast
he complained of feeling unwell, and
while sitting in his chair suddenly
fell forward and was dead in a fete
minutes. He is survived by his
brother John, with whom he resided,
and three sisters, Mts. Campbell.
Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Pritchard, all
of Lucknow,
W Ingham
Morris Beckwirth has gone to
Aylmer, where he has accepted a
position as baker.
Mrs. Walton, who recently under-
went on operation, bas improved auf-
8ciently toreturnto her home.
George Carr, a young roan, resid-
ing five miles from here,. had his leg
broken ih two places between the
ankle and knee, in his bush when, as
he was cutting wood, his horses slatt-
ed unexpectedly, and one of the
chains swung around quickly.
Farewell services e s were held in the
Salvation Army citadel Sunday by
°apt, Pugmire, prier to his departure
for Loudon, England, where he has
been transferred. Sinoe Capt. Pug -
mire has been here he has secured
over 40 converts. -
"WEE Boo's" DEAD.—James Mc-
Michael, one of the earliest pioneers
of Huron Oounty. died at his home in
Seafortb early Monday at the age of
89 years. His death is mourned by a
large number of relatives and friends,
8510 became warmly attached to hlrn
by his genial disposition. Mr. Mc-
Michael was born in , Karkomains,
near Sanquhar, Durnfries-shire, Scot-
land, March 9, 1823. At the age of
18 years he came to Canada with his
parents. At this time he had served
four years learning the joiner's trade,
which he followed for 10 years after
his arrival in this country. One year
after his arrival, he bought a fatal of
one hundred acres in Hullett, for
which he paid $225. He cleared six
acres, and then rented it forgive years
for the clearing of 20 acres. Mr. Mc-
Michael was the fleet tax gatherer in
Hullett. The taxes on his own place
were eight shillings and sixpence,
which is about two dollars of our
money. At that time the English'
money system was in use iu this
country. In I852 he went_to Aus-
tralia. As there were no steamers
the voyage was made by sail boat and
occn •e
d sixteen weeks. On his ar•
rival there 'he went to work in the
gold diggings, a rather hazardous em-
ployment as the miners then mostly
consisted of criminals who had been
transported from other countries.
The method of extracting gold from
quartz was then unknown and the
mining was mostly done by eachman
digging for himself. This work Br
ing him sore eyes he retrained at it
only four months, and then turned to
his trade taking some contracts for
building. He remained four years in
Australia and then returned to Scot-
land, going by way of Cape Ror'n.
While there he melded Margaret
Laidlaw, of Dumfries -shire, He
brought his bride to Hullett, and im-
a Bt011e house On his
farm, where he lived for 20 years.
With his wife, he made two trips.
hack to his native land, the first in
1877 and the second in 1883. Two
years before his second visit to the
Old Country he had retired from the
farm, and had moved to Seaforth,
where he resided thereafter, On
Nov. 24, 1908 he was bereaved by the
death of his wife. In 1895, Mr. Mc-
Michael started the game of bowling',
on the green which has become ex-
ceedingly popular. He was president
of the, bowling club front the time,
when it was organized. He bought
the green and presented it to the
club, On account of his fondness for
playing the small balls he was known
among his fellow -sportsman by the
name of "wee Boots." The funeral
took plane on Thursday afternoon
from the Methodist. church to the
Maitlandbank cemetery.
Turnberry Council
The Council for 1918 met last Mon-
day at Bluevale. Reeve Mulvey in
the chair. Minutes of December
meetings approved. Two applications
were presented for the Clerkshi,.
Paul Powell and W. Mines applied
for the vacant Clerkship, the former
was eleoted. Folio wing ap poi ti tm en ts
were made :—W. S. King was ap-
pointed' Assessor. Robt. Black
and Benson Oruikshanit were
appointed Auditors. W. R.
Crtlikshauk to the Board of
Health ; A. Cleghot'n, Jas. Elliott
and Chris, Jobb, Sanitary Ins eotol's
and Dr. Redmond, Medical Health
Ofleets A. gratuity of $100 Wes grant-
ed Jno. Burgess, the reldt•ing Clerk,
in recognition of past fttithf it service.
Council will continue to meet in Mr.
Burgess' office. .All parties interested
,in the Bolt drain are notified to meoi;
h1th C da
e to s office, ffice Feb.c., at tZ
+, p rd
. 18.18 t e ' e ,
V CL pressed Y
$ adnac
ct n1
1 t pts If rr
7 I
wlcich 0011)0111 adjo111'nsd t0 went 'b(.b.
3, at 10 11, 01. Account of ]East
WaWenosh re 7,etla011 bridge 95021 heft
over, In the future all motions most
be made in welting,
The 1913 Couheii met 48 per Statute
on Monday of this week and after
taking the usual declarations, .1,
Leckie, Reeve and Geo. Muldoon. A,
Mc0uire, R. A. Pryne and John
H. Hewitt, Oounoillora took then'
Minutes of last meeting read and
Following accounts were presented
F. S. Scott, Election expenses ..$ 4 00
W, H. Kerr, printing .. .. .. 3 00
M. Jackson, wood for Hall....: ... 244
W. Anderson, atteiidtng scales
for 1912 15 09
F. McQracken, work at Hall 4 00
Electric Light 17 59
Jno. Davidson, wood for Hall260
R. Thomson, street watering1 59
Moved by A. McGuire, seconded by
G, Milldoon, that accounts be paid.
Moved by Geo. Muldoon, seconded
by A. McGuire, that John Ferguson
and G. N. McLaren be appointed
Auditors for the Village of Brussels
for 1913 ata salary of $10.00. Carried,
Moved by Geo. Muldoon, seconded
by J. H. Hewitt, that the Business
Tax of W. Oakley be remitted for
1912. Carried.
F. S. Scott was re.appoiicted a mem-
ber of the Public Library Board for
the next tern.
VV. Jewitt was re -appointed on the
Board of Health for 1913.
Moved by R. A. Pryne, seconded by
A. McGuire, that =a grant of $291 be
made to the Brussels Public Library
for the present year, that being 3 mill
on the $ of the total assessment, as
per statute. Carried.
Moved by J. Hewitt, seconded by
A. McGuire, that any money required
be borrowed from the Sinking Fund
for current expenses at 5%. Carried,
Street Committee, Muldoon, Hewitt
and Reeve.
Finance -Committee, Pryne, Mc-
Guire and Reeve.
A short discussion was engaged in
relative to improvement of streets, in-
troduced by Councillor Muldoon. It
was decided to have Committees wait
on Grey and Morris township Councils
to confer with thein as to stone
crusher, &c. •
Council then adjourned until Mon-
day evening February 3rd.
Annual Meeting
d on
n -rho
creased of
s, 'm
Niger. Father Hogan, assistant to Rev.
Father west, of St. Thomas, has been
appointed parish priest at Clinton sec-
needing Fattier Dunn, I3tyth is also in
charge'of the Clinton priest.
e been sitting in my
shack, a• reading the new almanac and
before I begau I seemed quiet a sound
man, but now I am hopeless, slack 1
As strong es a Government mule, I
gambolled round like a fool, with ;1
spirit at ease, though I'd every disease
that was krla451 et medical school 1 In
the night I slept like a log ; my ap-
petite ue're missed a cog ; I was feeling
so gay chortled all day ; now my soul
is euveloped in fog. For I find I have
ague and chills, and glanders and various
Ills ; I must cut out the meat and the
things good to eat, and 'fill, my old
system with pills. In ailments I',n
certainly rich, seed my song has a heart.
rending pitch ; I am side tri and out
with the measles and gout, and the
mumps. and the seven year itch. Mau --
and quinsy are mine.; when it
comes to lumbago I shine ; I have
shingles and croup and .1 cough With a
whoop and my stock of dyspepsia is
fine. My rivet is 01 cut of whack, and
my stomach keeps jumping the track;
and the book says the bung has been
lost from try lung and my kidneys ere
tuck i
to nv back. Now lucky it tvaS
hat I found that nlmnnac lying around 1
might have supposed I was healthy,
nor doted my ;stomach with drugs by the
The anuuul meeting of East 1
Agricultural Society was het
Wednesday afternoon in the
Hall, here. President Leckie i.
chair. Minutes of last meeting
the Secretary -Treasurer's report
presented and adopted.
Officers were elected as follows
President, John Leckie.
let Vice -Pres., A. C. Dames.
2nd Vice -Pres., Peter Scott.
Directors -0, Turnbull, T. M
R. Nichol, A. Stewart, R. MaDO
1'. R. Bennett, Jas. Burgess, T. A
bald and N. F. Gerry.
Hon. Directors—Miss Annie
Mrs. A. Currie, R. C lie, Mre. W.
W. H. MoOracken, D. Milne, R.
Taggart, Geo. Thomson, 0. Eck
and W. H. Kerr.
Auditors, F. S. Scott and A. Strach-
an. Malcolm Black is Secra
It was ;
a decided not to
hold a
Fair. Date of Fall Fair was set
Thursday and Friday, October 2
3; customary days- Expert .
are asked for Heavy and Light ,
and cattle and Sheep:
Secretary Black and Director
nett were chosen delegates to
annual meeting of the Fairs' Ase
tion to be held in Toronto
month and the affiliation fee ordered
to be sent.
A discussion ensued as to laying
creased emphasis on the first da
the Fair and it is expected that
Cattle judging contest by.. youth
Weed -Seed -exhibit a Bee.keeping
with perhaps s
sports for children may be decided
upon. Vice -President Dames off
to give $10.00 for prizes in cattle j
John Cern:theta, 008 the oldest anti '
best khoem residents of ;Hamilton, tidea
at the age of tee, -
The steettehipt alranium was stranded
MI :treat H301' Halifax. All the hili, -
88(1ge1•a were safelytaken off, .