The Brussels Post, 1913-1-9, Page 5'r
W. H. 1-,OVE
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Orders promptly and Care.
fully afteoded 44.0 night ot.
day, Phone 228,
aTHEL., ONT,,toeR(11E N-
10,91ntirilteea72.tie at G000ry,1uetrWelirtise1.
•K, O, T. M.
Brussels ,Tent et the hieee,theee. Ne, 44
hold their regular meatiegs in thc; Ledni
Boom, Seeker Bleak, On 0126 let and Ir.
.Tuesday eveuinge 01 44444111 4444411(444(4
Visitors always weleuem.
A, 80441441o<, cone alocitTIEN, 44 ,
OF Mellittitikrlii L.WhINSEti
race in the 1.1110 Balm:, Ethel, 80-4
eLe • Ball, W111 sell tor better prices, to
better mn, eln less time and less charges
'thau any other Auctioueer in Mast Huron or
he won't °barge anything, .Unto and orders
;an always 440 1444441404404 at HMI offilee or by
trersoual applioatIon.
i 131.N
• Barrister, Solleitor, Conveyancr,
N uteri, Puling, ike. otece-s ',swerve Blook
l door Nor tit of lou Era! Hotel,
Solicitor 1044 0)38 ;Metropolitan BUM,
Beatturiente, iietaeleette, NOTARIES
W. Paul:1D.800T, 1t 0, Hart
I.,. Rua,rinstt
miletts-'enose formerly ()coupled by Messrs
Cameron & Holt, -
t• .00nittott, iurriale.
Royal Mail Steamers
Pa.crin St. Jelin Prom Halifax
Corsican .... jan, 44 Jan. 4
Gratapion ........ Jan, 17 Jan, 18
ann. '44 Jam 20
liesperian ....,,‚,‚,.,,Ta,,, 81 Feb.1
'Prom Boston Prom Portland
Sioilian... .... . Jen. 2
Ionian ....,.. ..... ....... — Jan. 0
Namidlan Jan. 16
Corinthian — Jan. 25
leferntation as to rates, rim., on spell at -
tion to
Agent Allan blue,, Brussels.
a All Desiring the Best
SP in Busbies and Shorthe id Edn
are Inviter] to write for tilte 10474 00440'
'ogee of the Popular
This School has now the erenteskate
tandance in its history. There is a row 6
eon for it. We have room for more. 0.
This may he your hest opportunity. E
Decide now to enter <air School
at an early data. Our graduates sO
readily get positions.
Cor. 0341447 0114 Z. W. J. ELLIOTT, ;.;
Alexander Sta. Principal.
gcApozp4Mgcg roSgto,Vigrail=re2r414
'et= Meneeevesewe eeeeneneneetweeteeM ert,
g Winter Terrn from Jan. 6
does 01010 4401' itsatm:Unite end grad Irf6
ates than do any other sindiar schools.
Clourses 44440 1144 to -date and instructora
are experienced. Graduates 01,0111000d
in good positietts. The three applica-
tions,rlay offer averege sal-
ary of 71180 per anunm,
roThree depertmenta Orwornoroial,
Shorthand and Telegraphy.
61 Write for our free catalogue at 7e.
en once,: • _
10 D. A. NIcLAOHLAN, Principal,
neentmeneenenn entettleeeneeetesean Mee
the IBusiness
A Ligtetvel
.1 College
Teaches Actual Business in both Lio.
pettinonts, The attendance of stud-
eats 11 01414s4401!Increasing. t
NOW Years term opens 011 Pl1011day, •
.1041444115'044),, 1018 . 5.
eeglietietennitee`aientre eteeevanneeeeefen
is peepared to supply tile best
gciods in Windmills, 10,44 184144!
Wooden Palette and Stable
ribtinge,nuelt ILO Plpiog, Witt -
ex. Bawls for eteck, &e.
Eepaive to Metope pronipely
attended •to. ••
G44V0 31414' 11, 41811,
• . ,
L MUNI Cradrook,
Business Cards
tiechehm of bledlonte, 01114401441144' of Toronto ;
..;ieezi unite and Gredeate ef the Lionel/et:if illy.
•eoutas end Surgeons, Ont. ; Posterredunte
Chioege Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 8100 441581,
!1lai444o, 111. 111r1-1(490 SUrgerin to 61,44oh-
01144ee over E. it.'‘,7:',4168 Drug Store, '1'010-
oh one 00111100414444411 (Jrenbrook at all hours,
and Surgeon ;Post Graduate courses
London (Eng.). New York and Chicago Hos-
pltels, Special attention to ditieuse of eye, ear,
nose and throat, Eyes bested for glasseS.
Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calls. Office opposite
irlour VIII, Ethel,
Personal gradunte bopertment of Ophthal-
mology, inctiormick Hedentl College, chieugo,
is prepared to test eyes and lit glasses rit
her office over Grower's Eeetriarant, Brussels,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every
Week. Office hours RI to 12 it, in. and 1 to 6 p.
Elwin, 1219
&LIND Atewie Batzwar
Sonic tiotiTn Goma Nommt
7:07 a ut Exprese 10584, ni
Express 1244280 In Mali 1445044 10
Express ...... 2:55,p ni !Uprose 8:52 p m
ete.radv Pet CIVIC
To Toronto To (.4 oderIc)3
Express 7:11 a in I Express 11:55 a in
Express 2817 p 111 Express 8:40 p m
Genic Bast - 7:05 ii. m. and 8:65 p.
Going West - 12:46 and 9:47 p.
All trains going East minima with 0. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. statione.
GEO, ALLAN, Local,A gent.
Mistiirt littos
Miss Edythe Adams, of Onceple
visited with frienas here over last
Simon Witmer, 044444444 14.4411 family. of
Edmonton, ave his parents
and brothers here, after all absence of
about, 20. years.
Miss Evelyn McLauchlan, of inde-
pendeece, Oregon, is the guest of
relatives 0.1111 friends in this vicinity.
Miss Eva Sperling has been engagecal
Lo teach in 2441144)113'Juniot. room at
salary of $475 Per Year.
Miss ?mot Hanna has accepted a
posilion tea Leacher Grey county,
While Miss Donnelly has Leen re-en-
gaged eta eatery of $650 per year.
The Ladies' Aid Soetely of Cavan
chinch held theie animal meeting the
nest week 114 Deeeinbee at the heine or
efes. tingh Alexander, when there,
was 18 good attendance of ladies pres-
ent. Mem: the tisnal business of Lhe
meeting the following officees were
elected for the coming year :-Mrs.
Carswell, Hon. -President ; Mrs. R.
Archibald, President ;. M vs. J. }Ellen,
letVece •, Mrs. G. Habkiek, 241(1 Vice,
efts, J. M. • Govenlock, Treaeuree
Mrs, J. G. Grieve, Secretary ; Miss el.
McOutle, SeceTrees. of Tidings ; Mee.
J. McClure, Teeasurer Scattered liel
nes • Mee. A. Oubhill, Mies he Coven
[nail, Miss el. McCune anti Miss 3.
&ha, Topic emninittee.
A Storehouse Poe Poietins
You May nob think 80, but that's
what you become when the kidneys
are affected. These organs eleenee
the body ; they are the filters that
remove from the blood the waste.
nattetei• that eo18 like deadlypoisin
on the vitality and 110141111of the
syetem. Henuilton's Pills edam -
late all excrethey and secretory
oegens. This enables the bitted to
quickly replenish itself and esteblishee
perfecb heeleh. No medic:hie does
such teethe; good as Dr, Hamilton's
Mandrake and Butternut pills, 25c
at all dealers.
Bert. Stewaet, of. Toton to, visited
at hie borne here. .
J. S. McKinnon, ofToro5 to, visited
1)10 84404401', Mrs. Dr. Milne.
Thornton Fear, of Highgette, visit-
ed friends in town last week.
John Hirons, who has been visiting
with bls parents here, eeterned to
Miss Annie Spofford, who is 541011y.
444244 foi 11 411000 4121 844. Josephet Home.
tal, Loulcm, WAS visibing with her
mother here.
Win. ,lohnston's livery barn Was
injured by fire. Fortnineeely the ilre
was discovered before lb had 'Made
441I101 IleadWay enabled those
(14844 044 the seen° 141 gei. all the horses,
11441111103 and Many of the vehicles re-
moved. The fire Lo 'gain) was soon* at
week ana had two steeittos of wittee
playing on the flames wieh good
effect, 44(111 1(0444444 the Confined pretty,
1(4(14111 44,0 one Emotion of the Welding.
Part of the intevior wee pretty badly
diumfgeil and with hay and (401.9
WM:Alias the 1090 044111011 is covered
by, hematitic.
The membere of Blyth L O. L.
063, held theie antinel meeting on
Monday evenieg of 118844, 444814414 After
Lim itsnel businees told been teatit.
acted the election cif offieers tone
phew and irefreeinneete Were served
10 the members :- W. M., 3. le;
Tattian ; D. .M4, • 0, W. Stesvere ;
Chaelaine , Feed, Haggitt ; Ree.e
ceolary, Fred, Toll ; FitteSee„ .
Robinson ; Treas., W, H, Moe.
Eleoy ; Direetne of Ceremonies, Jas.
iff141"1ikl,151t;61» 02I eei;r,„1/1itui'3,', (.1,
P44111, Toll With elbSon, 154--itt.
Succelesette.-- The Sunday School
of St. .A41411'44 4421$ church, Molesworth
held 144.14 ituntuti entertainment, oil
Friday eveellig Ieee, 20t44i, peen, ee,„
a, ehowded house to heal. the very
exteenent program Rivet( by the 111011!.
1)0)8 1444 814444' seheol ttiel file ees
ustuil those taking pert did credit to
elitheieleee, 2144 3441 lIle
44)415,444111 WAN W(.11 retelered 4443(41
appleciated by the lodge
end vele, 444! 1.44,141,4444(4 andienee,
McDonald eilog 4)41111'( 1144 Senteh oongs
4411114111) WOPO ('(1 1,1) Ind itsi.ipttily received
A special feature of (J)4 evening was
the preseidaLion of 13ibles by the
1)11.0101. 141 14 111111111)0L 4444 b413/4 and girls
who 1144(1 repeated the Shorter
Catechism and Scripenve Memory
hieing the year. A treat
of 14111 get. Wag given to 319(1 111Pa1b1.1.4
044 1441(1 school, The last and most 111.
tei esthig item wits the distributemi
4(44.44' 44144 oft the heavily lieleilecl
Ti ete Thr reeeipts
moue Led to i5b541144 $30 00.
Persons troubled with pale ial
pernlysie ..ri,,1104.171.1114.h benefit-
ed by massaging the effected p14r1.8
11101..1mill), whet applying Ohnuther.
lithee Liniment,. ThiS 11111 11,0141 Ails°
101 344111-0 I hellinatiC peins, For sale by
all dealees.
Roy Paul who is enperlineuding
building opteations 1,, Saskatoon and
Jack lettel, 4(1 114, Oahu hes, /LIT 44,4410
goests of their parenis town.
Wm. 01' Legan, had a.
!MATO IV 1.1.31411310 from tiein44 injured
while driving I° town. On meeting
an auto hie imam bolted and Lhe
81)111 10 were severed remit the buggy,
wheel came near turning ovev. 1111.
Anglee hold ol Lhe lines and pt event -
ed the animel from emitting away,
his Geoege Keith has 4421 large
sLeawbeiry plant on which, were
eleven large beeries, three of which
were ripe. Last Fall Mrs. Keith
noticed the plant in lice. garden
in full blooiri, anti trans-
planting it into a, flower pot, has
since kept it in the house. The
1)04441411 44441) hie go and well developed.
Following officers were elected for
1913 for the 1V. 0. T. U. :-President,
Mt', T. 1,, Hamilton ; 1st vice -Pies.,
hfise Hendee; 2ncl vice -Pees., Mrs.
Melee Hellman ; 31.11 vice -Pres., Mrs.
Howete 12 ; 4th vice -Pres., Mrs. Pur'
cell ; -Sec.. Mrs. Adelph ; Ree. -
Sec., 19'l,'o. R. A. Olhooie; eniblem com-
mittee, Mrs. Dowd ; sick and visithig
committee, Mies erey. The Unice'
meets 1,110 lest Tuesday 044 041011 month.
Like A Now Disease
New to the mini who never had
corns is the pain relieved by Patient's
Ooth Ex newton Old eorntt end new
ones (heed eptiekly by "Putnam's."
Sold ever
Randolph Et sk ine has been engaged
44o'1148714 81 S. S. Ne. 7, Slum.
Matthew eiteveiisim lert to visit his
brether, INeu. Steveiimin, ttt Cheyen-
ne, Wyoming,
IL A. Thomson sold one of his fine
13,11.1 ioge botsee 10 P1, C. Kidd, of
List owel at $800. It was shippeed to
the mental school meeting J, et.
Ritininmel Wag appointed trnstee in
Mi.. Barton's place, 1011080 term had
The Fawners' Itistitute of North
Perth held thee. in Atwood
on January 8th, in the •afternoon and
A very !inlet but pretty wedding
took plaee at the baime of \V. J. Gilk-
insini, 12111 con., num, Wednesday
Den. 25111, at, high noon when • his
daughter, Bert ha May, was united in
marriage to Clias M. Hamilton, of
Tateeeefelt. The bride looked pretty
in 18(1(811117' ese of blue eilit as she
enteved the olivine to the attains of
music .playod by her slater, Mies Ethel,
Her I eavelling suit WAS of brown
tweed witii white benne!. hat. The
geonnt's 4444.446eo the bride Was a hand-
some n.old Watch and fah and to the
organist it 8111114411 ('81 of pearls, '['ho
lutopy couple left on the 3 20 t(net) for
Toronto, St, Catharines and Niagara
.00,0TORS ADVISE ,.1,,,,:lvainoo the sys(nin of undigested
f....1, e,tii gases, exceee bile in Ilie
opERATIoN „,„. and waete matter in the buwele
will innettir your health, The beee
system vegillator is MU PILLS. At
all ciente:lion and 50 veins or The Fig I
Saved by Lydia E, ?inkhorn's iin'il:Itig,viti,,,,I,s.,,c,i,l'irz111,4,,,,a11,,,c.bySujit.1 if1;imit
Vegetable Compound.
• Alvin Merle, efunro, ehot a fox mid
44444.14)483(044 018 we to Mitchell and 44141dit ter .$7.50.
Th e th
eod lot t ea, meet ing, 2111811144.4)
New Y0142"$ (eget( was a envoi sueceile
Proceed,, attiouhed 10 $175.00,
The annual eneuthig of the Buhl
Perth Ageicultui al Society will b
at St, Marys on Wednesday, Jan
Old Council, Fullerton 5011'11811
Swarthmore, Penn, - "For fifteen
years I suffered untold agony, and for
one period of nearly
two years I had hem-
orrhages and the
doctors told me I
would have to un-
dergo an operation,
but I began taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com-
pound and am in
good health now. I
am all over the
Change of Life and
cannot praise yourVegetable Compound
too highly. Everywoman should take itot
that time. I recommend it to both old
and young for female troublee,"-Mrs.
EmIleY SUNIMERSGILL, Swarthmore, Pa.
Canadian Woman'S Experience;
Fort William , Ont. -"I feel as if I
could not tell others enough about the
good Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable
Compound has done for me. I was weak
and tired and I could not rest nights. A
friend recommended your Compound and
I soon gained health and strength and
could not wish to sleep better. I know
other women who have taken it for the
same purpose and they join me in prais-
ingit."-Mrs. Wm. A. HUFFY, 631 South
Viekar Street, Fort Williams,Ontario.'
Since we guarantee that testimo-
nials which we publish are genuine, is it
not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound has the vir-
tue to help these women it will help any
other woman who is suffering in a like
manner ?
If you want special advice write to
Lydia N. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi-
dential) Lynn, Naas. Tour letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
Woman and held in strict confidence.
Fans amid congratulations awl best
Limon Poultry Associallon will be
held in Goderich, January 21, 22 and
The new ambulance for Alexandra,
Hospittil for which the yourig ladies
rif the D. 0. E. have been working foe
some time, arrived in towri in time to
be called a Chestnuts present.
The choir of North Street Methodist
thumb will have an otgan recital 01.I
Thursday evening, huitutry 161,11,
when Ernest F. Pridhani, one of the
cleverest of Canadian organists, wil1
be the chief alt) action,
The tretnsfer of the late Hon, M. 0.
Cameron iproperty to the Ilnapital
Board wits formality eoutpleted, the
tuuney paid over and the deed execut-
ed in the name of the Board.
Here is a remedy that will thee yolir
Why waste time and money
elem.l imenthig wlien you can get a
preparation that has W011 a well&
wide reputation by its cm es of this
cliseese hid can alirays he depended
upon 44 It is known everywhere as
Ohamberlaites Cough Remedy, and is
it medinine of 858844 (1142118. For sale by
all dealers,
Solemn, REPORT. -Following 18 the
School Report., of S. S. No, 8, Grey for
November and December. Standing
given in per cent. Si, 1V.-Examin.
ed in Literatnre, Onmposition, Arith,
Art, Gen., Writ., History and daily
week. Gmee ude Ames 75, Geo. Hall
58, HI. --Exam. in Lit., Comp.,
ArteGeog., Writi»g, History
and daily wovic.-Stanley Ilia/ 78,
*Lillian Jacklin 55, Jr. III.-Lexamin
ed in same.-*Eclith Ames 69 ',Baal
Lowe 40, S. II.-Exarnined in Lit.,
Avith„ Art, Geoge Writing, Comp.,
and daily wolk.-Bobbie Jacklin 57,
*Wilfred Hoy 38, Etywen Somers 31.
xamied in same. -*Lennie
Sinclair 80, *Tom Janklin 48, Cecil
Hall 88, Pt. II,- Examined in
Report of Ethel Cheese Factory for 1912
Sales lel us. Milk Lbs, of
• Reoeived, Cheese
May 17 ... 80358 2617
elay 31 1001/81 8803
June 15 ..,......,150043 14425
,)l1110SD 157182 14060e
miry 15 ...... .,165981 140581
Aog. 15 . 298314 25934e
Aug. 81 .... „ 139408 131014
Sept. 15 .. 117411 108709
Sept. 30 . 185919 133929
Oct. & Nov. 248777 23699
1546172 141083
Lbs. Milk to Pi ice
lb. Cheese per lb.
111 01: 8881 al . $ 851 08
1211 67
11.1 12e 1857 22
11.81 12e
18 11777547 5025
8871 55
10.8 1188 81/146 1793 27
10. 5 1 1447 20
10 49 ' (18 8(18 12) 3101 65
1701 82
— ---
10.985 13,05 18460 42
• Receipts
13aJaime rem 1911 .„.. ..... ..... ........, $ 2 50
Value or cheese• ... 18460 42
Ptnes .... ..... ..... .......... ....
—5 55 18467 02
Amount, received by pitti.ons .... ...... ,•,..$ 16675 54
eenicnitit paid to hankie ....0 ... . „ .• 867 52
ak i it g of cheeee ....... . ...... „ ......... • 1822 47
Cheese boxes .................... „.„ .„ 200 12
Scale board, inn clvds arid milk book . .... ..„„ 18 10
Insimatice 18 25
Association Membetship ticket .. .. .... ........ 2 00
Seeeetavy's salaey ..... • . . ... „.., .,....... . ...... ... . .. . ... . 25 00
Hall reef $1,00 ,• prin ti tig repoets, $1.00 2 00
Telethon ng, aoo A lid i t or, 8.00 ...... • ..... ...... (3 00
Pasteovizing, 48.12844 discoutit nn elieque, lOce. , .... 48 66
----- 18445 66
Bolan 00 • r... ..... . . . . $ 22 26
Average the of milk to lb. cheese . .... ....„ 10.985
Avelage peligi or oh e0grn pee lb.....
Omit of leak nig Per 100 1 be...,.. ... ,„ . . $1.e19
Dr. lviorse's
dogged IVA impurities. nut PHU
1 rom thhebow4.0ame otunte-^a eYetann
' seatreaengthent e sued stinee%r"latevether eleei
Iarenddopeinft: Ith:p00:30:thiPsion.111.0
are very differentebut which all terise
euro many common ailments which
Tbese organs inunrdair!,1), throlt_oir
the accumuleted 11310er:tees, an•d tem-
Minn and simEar oilman, vaniah.
Dr. Morse's' Ireelet1 Root Me do
Save Doctors' Bills
Vert. re-elected without rippoeition.
• Reeve Le 1', W. Tether. enninethirs,
AriLle, Art, Spell , and 1Veteing,
Lou e tat, Viola eliteliell
04, Joe elm tit, 57. Si. Pt, 1, Excel.
lent.-ieyle Ames. Jr. pt. 1. Excel -
11(3' Bose. Good.-- May
.11101c) i 1, Hort on Lc We, !Phase (1(4411
1.. miseed (1110 114' more extuninitteoneC
.HEATRICE CURRY, l'ettelier.
George and Ili re. Finellnier, of 131481 -
mink, Sa9k., ere I) ol ny i 9) g' with
relatives 114 )11 telends M 111
At the vegetal. meeting 1, 0. L.
No. 878 (Morris Lodge) 0, .1 lewing
officers WPM elected - . .11„ 3,
Brydges ;L). AL, 3no, theeenewe ;
Chen., juo. Netheey ; Ree WM.
T. Brydges ; FineSee., G. Shoe..
bottom ; 'Treas., Re Foebes ; Lece,
.1110. Casemore ; 1). of 0., J. W. Shoe -
tionsees Kreaan.-J. D. MeEwen,
1st line, wet with a heavy loss on
Wechiesday evening of hue week,
when Clive (144 1118 horses were killed.
Maleiven Ined let, the hoeees out
044 844)13 stable foe water and they went
clown the road and on to the track
and wete killed being struck by the
engine on the evening train from
London.„ There were two sucking
110118 (841(1 one year old. Two othee
horses were injured, knit it is thought
they will recover. Fortunately it, was
not. Mr, hicEweles heavy horses, but
as it is be has lea three/militias worth
111,1 1008 than $800.00.
It Rings In Your Ears
That saute cough is everywhere you
go, deep and hollow because con-
sumptive. First it, was catarrh which
could have been cored by 08,444641)1).
000(58. Moral, never neglect a cold,
trifle with catarrh, go to your drug-
gist and get Catherhozone. It's in-
stant death to voids, cures them in a
few 11111itites. Throat trouble and
catarrh clisappette as by magic.
Outarrhozoite is the great throat,
nose and bronchial retnedy to -day.
Thousands use it, doctor's prescribe
because it does relieve
quickly and cure thoroughly. Two
sizes, 25c awl $1.00 at all dealers.
Allan mid efts, Bond, of Winnipeg,
are visiting Mrs. Bond's parents, Tno,
and 2112 8, Beattie,
leeway Postmaster A. D. Suther-
laed eays Monday of last, week was
Lite !easiest, day they have had in the
post office in his experience of 22
yeam, Tbey sold $08 worth of stamps
and handled etacks of parcels.
Mrs. 301111 Beattie teeelved Lhe
pleasant news last week that her
idece, Mrs. Garland wine has been
down South for health is on the
road to recovery.
14lI Ada G'ovenlock, who has been
teaching al, Burnt River and Miss
eiabel of the Technical school, Tome -
Lo, lira spending their holidays with
Weil ente, .1. and Mtn. Govenlock,
A.1111M13 meeting of Turubet teeA.gri-
oultnial Society w
ill be held in the
Council Chamber, Winghatie Friday,
January 17th, at 2 p.
High School hockey boys met and
organized, electing the Ifollowing
officers Manager, W. Buchanan ;
Sec.-Treas., A.. Wilson ; Convener of
Oom., 144, Day •, Capt„ W. Haines.
Directors of Turnberry Agricul-
Weal' Society have made amange-
nients for a concert which will be
held in the opera house Tuesday
evening, Jan. 14th. The following
well-known artists will furnish the
program Geo. Neil, Scottish
Vocitlist ; Flora McIvoi. Craig, concert
eopiane ; 211158 8. May Rance, olocue
tinnier ; Eddie Piggot, singing eotree-
tthetVnilightun Hockey, Olub has been
organized for this 50(400)) with fol-
lowing officees :-Honorary President,
be, a. P. Kennedy ; Peesident, 0. G.
VanStone ; lion. Vice Peesidents,
Geo. Spobton. J. W. Mcleiblem, 11. .1.
Dnyle ; Managemeet Committe, Jas.
Phalen, le Mitchell, Hairy McLean
Manager, T. Elliott ; Seeretary, R. A.
Ouerie ; Treas., R. Monks.
The membeis of the chnh• of St.
Andeetv's lei esbyt mean chuech spent
a vety pleasant time at; the home of
le W. and ales. Meleibbon, the gal:h-
oeing being for the .purpose of the
tuemboes showing their kindly feeling
to the Leadee, Gen. W. Cline. An
(34883' 111)144)1', -upholstered in loathe). and
tie pm were 44 )1414441440(1 to Mr. Cline,
who Lendereil his hearty. thanks to
the membees or Lite choir for their
kind remembrance.
Steel Knife In The Flesh
That's the sensation experienced by
Robert Price of '144001011, Oh. He
knew it wits Sciatica and of emnee
used "Nerviline." As usual it, cm ed
and lin sitys ; "No liniment, can excel
Neeviline. Severe mans made my
side lame. It WM 1101O 11. steel knife
ththogli 11142 4414481), 1 'rubbed
in lots of Nerviline and WM completely
ent ed." .1'.. '1447(111)1' slum for Net viline
to ease Sciatica and theinnatisto. It
Rinks into the core or the palm ciu es
It in ehnet, melee. Large 25c bottles
ail elealevs.
Perth County
The horees 111 the vioinify of St.
ilitteys, eve aftlireed with distemper of
int her a severe !chid,
Miss Nellie M. ()leek, of alidlend,
Ont., has been appointed eeventh
teacher (4.4, 44)4(1 Collegiate Inetitete et
St, elteeye al, a salavy ol 8750,
Repoo, 110,0 fl that many Didion
tenets Mitchell ave beteg stroplied
with liquor.. by certaie people of 0,11e,t
town. 111 suet! ended, Where aonvic.
Wins are made the Police letagistvate
hes made ep his mind to hsne. 5116
heaviest films,
eam. Betz, H. R. Greenwood, 3, 0.
Roy, W. 4. Rouvii,
Paley Near, of Toronto, sou or Jocob
Near, late a St. Marys, who is a grade
oete 441 nogineering from Tomlin)
Univereity, has been eppoilited City
Engineer of St. Oatharnies,
Robert Kemp, of Shanawan, Mun„
(444440 1414(41 deughter are spending the
Winter in Se. Marys and vicinity,
Mrs. Kemp is a daughter of Mrs. Jos.
Lavers, Water stteet. 4444,. Kemp
went Weet from (Ale 4th line, Blah-
s , 21 years (44go. He 18 110444 the
050110). of three.guarters of a section
044 11421,11. His bi °there, John, Thomas
and Alex. are all out Weete the form.
er two being there 35 years and the
latter 82 years. Thomaa has a whole
section and 0)41113 of the other two a
half section and all well otf.
Kemp reports 8110 Fall a very wet one
although the wheat crop was good,
Threshing was going on 111 acme
pieties when be left, Land is worth
04) his ueighborhood from $80 to $40
an acre depending on the soil and the
buildings. His brother who is retie.
ing asks $40 an acre for his entire
Horse Fairs!
Regular monthly Hca se Fairs will be
held in Brussels this season 185 444)1101004
THURSDAY, JAll. 2nd, 1013
FEB. 81h, 1018
MAR. 611), 1913
APR. 3rd, 1918
Leading Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present
• eeee
'Plie congregation of the Lutheran
chureh, elonkton, made Ihe heart of
their esteemed pastor, Rev. T. finagle
glad ou Christmas day by presenting
him with a beautiful side-
board aud a lerge arm chair for hirn-
sell and another for his respected
wife, His other eongeegation, Fleet
Lutheran ehutch, Logan, also present,.
ed Mr. linegli with a fine banging
lamp. Such tokens of esteem at this
happy season epeak well for pastor
and people.
Clubbing list
TEE Pow has made arrangements
to club with the following papers anct
will be sent to any address (except the
United States 50 cents extra) at the
following subscription prices :—
POST and Tamp to Globe.. . ... $1 80
" Mail and Empire. ........ 1 80
" London Advertiser 1 80
" London Free Pie.....1 80
" FamilyEterald and Star 1 SO
" Montreal Witness . 1 80
" Farmers' Advocate 2 35
" Northern elessenger 1 35
POST and Toronto Star.,,,,.,, $2 35
" Torou to News . 2 35
" %ellen to Globe . .. 4 60
Toronto MainEmpire... 4 50
" Toronto 'World 8 OU
" London Advertiser 2 80
Call at the °Bide 01 remit the
einount by P. O. Order, Express Order
or Registered Letter addi easing
Brussels, On t.
•••004.440•••••••••••00•41.00 ;,00•40.0•4,11,•••••
.1 •
Bus y
• of "White Loaf" and
a Prairie Pride" Flour
• Peoples' Mills
4 ht hertrd its they are striving to
• 1111,811 orders 'prompt' y. Have
2 von ever levied either of their
4 teemed 1' Well, you "better lied"
4 if you wish to know what good
Bread and Pastry and Oakes are,
"White Loat" is made nf selected Falland Spring wheat blended; et,
:Iwhile "Prairie Pride" is made from the choicest of Spring wheat. •
There is no doubt of their superiority and the prices make these the •
4 best and most economical flours on the market. A trial will convince ;
• you.
• •
• Pryne Milling Co. i
• 0
• • • - - •=sr: -.1",.7,.s. ... . .. , •
• •
: Pryne Milling- Co.
are desiroos 44110.44 (811 outstanding aecounts be paid before
4 8181. We boy for cash and sell on small profits, therefore all 40.
• sales must be cub. Positively no more reedit will be given after ;
December 31st, 1012,
• ' 0.
„ *
0 4010•41,44,4.4•444,0************* *4.4•••••••••••••••••••••••
The maim control all aot1ona of tbo body 00 58.1 any-
thing that debilitates them, wilt weaken all organa at
the system. Early Indiscretions and Ewe fief have
ruined theusands of promising young men Unnatural
Drain. sap thoirvigorand witalltyand they never deWelen
to a proper couditionof manhood. They entain weak.;
lines, mentally, physically and Sex1141134. How genteel?
.a.reyou nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy,
speckg before the eyes with dark circles under diem,
weak back, kidneys trdtable, palpltation of the heart,
besltful, debilitating dreams, sedimentMedea pimples
on 4110 44000, ayes sunken, bellow cheeks, careworn 6Y,
Premien, 440044 080110445', lifeless, distrustful, lackenergy
and strength, tired morning'
s 1'44811554 bights, change,
aisle moods, promaturedecay,bone peeve hair loose, ete.
This la the eonaitionour NowMethod Trammed is
Wo have treated Mensal of f etfoalMot 4
time and de not bay(toaypeemLcol1111100
and we will tell you Wheth
447041 are curable ornot.
Wo guarantee rural* enter of
Free Sortildet on Dittman of Mee. 144 unable re call
Write for
Weaderful Nervoes Sistine
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswo
to out44
wissossisSiiteliniela tient
see us p04444071411))' tall at our Medical Itt
its paiodts our "Windsor offices
Laboratory for Cemadiat biteinets o
Id St., Detroit, Mich.
re hum C.anade 1313191 1442 addtessecl
/median. Correepottdetice Depart -
u1 Windsot, Ont, 2144 yott desire to
stitute in Detroit tie we see mud treat
whet are Lor Correspondehee end
Addrese tell Utters as follOWSt
wgto roe Onr PrOnte address,
NEDY Winseor Oste