The Brussels Post, 1913-1-9, Page 4Thousands o1 aulbtlofe yomlg people 1 neebeing instratod hl their hones by Rome 8tudyDept. Yen maydnih NDMESTOOf at ()ultege 1f you desire, Pay when• ever you wish. Thirty Years Bxpar• lance, Largest trainers in panda. Enter any day. Positions guaranteed. If wiiiley07earn, save w write tartinuluis NO VACATION • C b t Crusets ,ass WATCH YOUR CAA , EAojES ,,RVfd. tiny JANUARY g, 191, '. 7iIE ben i9 gtieen, W;a1Tz igr3 instead of 1912 at the ter' ,. head f veer u lett ars, ASig J. $. Willisntl W are t e g Volt vand CO n, t lair A tit th e+ter. o p 4that be on their discernment, No better time to renew for THE Pos'1• than just now. We thank the hundreds who have Already attended to this duty and hope those in arrears will catch the fever and square up, Tug Yogtb'sCompaaiop gives the following golden advice ;-Keep an eye ou the job ahead but keep the other eye and both bands on the job you bave, TORONTO T O 11 as set the pace on Tax Reform and bee giveu Sir James Whitney the hint. It is not unlikely however, that if a Provincial election ensues before the granting of such legislation the Queen city would re- turn at least a quartette of the Premier's supporters to burk the passing of such an Act. A safer way will be to elect M. P le's. who are pledged to show fair play in this knotty problem. IT la H notable fact that out of the "seven wonders of the world," so called, in years long passed, only one - the 1 r Ylao. 4 or lighthouse g use at Alexan- dria -was designed for the public good, Compared xr d e p with seven wonders of modern times, such as wireless tele- graphy, appy, re.) ephone. aeroplane, radium, gutiseptics and antitoxins, spectrum analysis, and the X ray, they pale into insignificenee. Every oue of the latter has exemplified over and over their utility to serve the human family. We commend to readers of 'Ins POST in Brussels a le' ter in this issue ,i d_}. "Booster." Read what bele-rneagned you think as we do 'Needy, Bays and if conclusion that ee tee will come to the rightbaneeil;'li✓oe has a hold of the selw a a,bauspike to aid in giving Brus- -,s'a'"lift," It need not necessarily be very radical but exercise quickens the circulation of more than the blood and sets the heart beating in a way that gives warmth and vim to the life and advancement to maey an enterprise. Let us join a "Brussels Boost Bunch" that should include every resident of the place, Will you be one ? RupYAao KIPLING is an odd stick in teeny respects but gets off many a note well worthy of being kept in remem- b tune, Here is a sample as it relates to the people who have to work and the jay they may get out of it: - "And only the Master shall praise us. and only the Master shall blame And no one shall work for money and no one shall work for fame Bet each for the joy of the working and each in his separate star, Shall draw the thing as he sees it, for the God of things as they are." Ir all the promises' and pledges made during a Municipal Election campaign could be crystalized into performance many a boom, and probably boon as well, would eventuate. 1t is a great blessing never -the -less that many of the balloons are exploded before they get back to terra firma as the "gas" was evidently on par with the proposed scheme. There is room however in every municipality for the practical optimist who will attempt, and often '• succeed, toparryout policies of progress and aggressiveness that a thousand pessalnists would never discover, Let us be glad we are alive and lend our shoulder to the wheel when lifting is to be done, WHAT are you proposing for Igt3 to improve the neighborhood in which you reside? Will you work iu the developtueut of the eoustruetive in the business field, the moral zone or the religious circle ? One "lifter" is worth ten score mere "leavers," hence the necessity of being allied to something that has in its composition what will be a real serviceto your community. It may be the public school ; perhaps the lodge ; perchance along charitable lines or kindliness to the old folk end those domiciled under your roof but "what- ever your hand dudeth to do, DO it with vour might" and get at It as early in 1913 as Yon possibly can. "Yo 1 heave" and something has to move. ,Doetteloti Parliament will now settle d ,wn to business and in addition will 5 rt to are. paper bullets on the naval q '•s' tuft; If they talk until next C , ,i mas Tittle Hot is new can be said on the .question but botWitltstanding this fact Mousse -chi df dollars- of public money will be squandered on "hot air" recitations and "dialogues instead of being spl3lied on the, .reduction of the public debt. el3r„000,o6o will likely he spent Asa Mart off 00 the bevy business, o s 'a this isoil` I-1 Mr. Bordetre palls{', with a good majority behind him, end the vote might feat As well be (akan ou p3tartie l VigRuneo to the Priao of , Luxuriant and Radiant. Hatlr If dandt elf the tiourislonent thhat belongssL to l the ' stair, it will soon begin to fall. Furthermore it will Ince its life iusd I.lustreand will beooule doll, faded and even gray. Ifn n have Y at t i slots 1 la o f t Y 11. '' fi al cl 111 fl right 1 l t t to pale J}J gout d • ' bdruggist t ggiat to -day and get a 60 r ef G b uL l o of ?A RT ANSnge. This delightful hair,tanlc is Jas. FoxOkilldan- druff genus,clean the heastop hair d of nd ail scalp, tandttpreserve tthe a colors and beauty, Or money back, Aml it does just what it is guaranteed to do and that's wby it sales are so enormous the countl'y over, PARISIAN Sage is the favorite of refined women. One bottle proves its superiority, a n t • 0 n 0 r the opening day of the House as mouth hence as tar as the probable re sults are concerned. If the questio were to submitted ' t ked to the stertors th discussion might be extended so tha the voters would wake up to the ander standing of the issue but Hon. Mr Borden is too coy to venture on the thi lee. The Liberals night have been i power •yet had they not been to sanguine the other way on another issue, IN the practical comments of Pete McArthur, the well kuown Exfrid town ship, knight of the quill, he deals with the proposed ro P Bank Act b the y Dominion o Government under four well defined heads that will stand careful thought. They are as follows; -(i) Government inspection t o protect depositors and the !r, from • Publ' reckless and incompetent 1nC o et ant P management, (z) A currency whose redemption ti oil will 1 Pbe. secur edi w taw ut the use of the depositors' money, (g) Spine form of security for the depositors, (4) Means of preventing centralization of country's capital in few bands noticeable secti,pn of the ore provision to ]van ..- - bnl makes ranchers tic ; 'orin'o"ney to farmers and hr -ee'la the security of their grain „tees, cattle, &c. The banking system of to -day is a big advance on that .of 20 years ago and in the great majority of cases the various agencies do their best to serve the public and yet guard banking interests, which they have a perfect right to 03, Helps Mon To Work Hard That's what Ferrozooe does 1 it eup- plies the additional strength that en- ables a man to maintain health under difficulties, "Last spring I was so completely fagged out I could not work" writes J. W. McNichol ' of Turnbull, Man. "In the morning I was tired -limbs ached all over, Had no appetite, was sleepless, nervous and unhappy. Ferrozone pub new life into me. Now I eat heartily, nerves are strong, I sleep well. I know the joy of health.' It's by supplying nourishment and good blood that Fet'rozone builds up ; try it -50c pet' box at all dealers. A. Ot 11r W. 0E0 RATES OBTAIN Affirming Justice Riddell's judg, meet, the Divisional Court Tuesday dismissed the Grand Lodge's appeal, and made perpetual the injunction that prevented the enforcement of the new A, O. U. W. schedule of rates, The in Martha and until then, it is Lodge will meet a id, nothing further will be attempted in connection with the draft passed at the last meeting, The Grand d ing d e "here and below." asst pay costa Both Chief Justice Mulock and Justice Clete regard the omission of notices to the subordinate lodges as fatal to the I'seent amendments. A MATERIAL oBANGE Chief Jus(ioe Mulock says : "The change proposed by the Mill aniend, meet is a most material change. In fact, it is difficult to imagine any al. tampion in this compact which might ave more serious results than would ne affecting the assessment rates, and I cannot assent to Mr. Johnston's onteution that they may be charged tthe mere will of Grand Lodge, ithout previous notice to the subor- inate lodges, as required by section 09." Justine Sutherland concurs, "As pointed out," remarks Justice Ctube, "the amendment wad a pro- 13SaI to increase ncrease Lha rate to b nearly nubsirtg the amount of the by d in the report which had been sent 1111 to the local lodges. Had there een a general notice that a change ould be made in the rate, leavibg satiety open, the delegates (hen fight have been instructed what to o, but where the proposed increase as definitely stated and the amend, ent greatly enlarged the liability of e class affected, this was to spring question upon the delegates for hich they might be wholly unpre- hed and uninstructed. NOT LEGALLY PASSED "I, therefore, think that the a- tnendinebt was not legally paseed by the Grand Lodge. "But there ie anotherground, which I think equally fatal to the defend. ant's eon ten tion. The represeutative from each lodge repleeented a nuns- ber of voters, and upon any queation for decision by the Grand Lodge, it was the number Of voters SO tepee - stinted by the delegates from the local lodges that decided all queatlons there submitted, It is quite clear that no attempt wag made to ascer- tain how the actual vote stood, BPEOfAz,ASSESSMBNT LEVIED "'!Pliers tat a11ldaVits to Show that the amendment is b su) orted 1p y the necessary two -third votB, bat ole have. not been permitted to filo this evidence," An Official Said today. "We levied it speole1 asecesntent in ,. SWITCHES TRANSFORMATIONS POMPADOURS CURLS PUFFS; Etc. MAKE Tule TEST PROF, F. G GNENWE OF -TORONTO pp IVill be atthe IY me'r- IC an Hotel, BRUSSELS Wednesday, January 15th with a urge and varied stock of the newest Par- isian, London and New York Creations in Hair QAods, Ladies with Cioohaidlueiestein'rimprov Transformations. The new . d ' est i Duelsfi 6 /1 are very dainty and attractive. We invite your inspection of these goods, Dorenwend's Sanitary Patent Toupees for Men who are bald, are so constructed that only the wearer will know that it is not their own hair. They give it the pioteetion neceseavy to physical health, Adjust them- selves as readily as your own hair would. Light, strong, made in any style abode or shape. The only Sanitary and Patented Toupees 4 A 9 M n A 4£ ACtur od. Dorenwend Co., of Toronto, Ltd. (Tho House of Quality Hair -Goode) 103-10S Yonge 8t, How To Toll If roue Hair Is Dleoasod Even if you have a luxuriant head of hair, you uuty want to know whether ibis in a healthy condition or not. 08%of tate people to 1. need el 1 I ala hale !u tonic, Pull a hale out, of your head, if the bulli t b 5251 the onto of the root head., a white ht to a[1 16I1I t I elk• 1 ur it moves •' rte 1 that + lhi hair i ) - t s lint «no, l toad • 1e(u' tention if its loss l uta prim) pi. at, If the bulb is pink :1110 fell, tdictavoided. il a r Is healthy, Vere want everyone whose Italy re, quires t1'eatmeot to try Rexail "98" Hair! Tonic, FVe, promise that It shall not cost anything if le -does not give satisfactory results. It is designed to overcome dendt•uil', relieve ecalp irritation, bo stimulate the hair routs, tighten the hair already in the head grow hair and overcome baldness, It is because of what Rexall "03" Bair Tonic has done and our sinceto faith in its goodness that we want you to try it at our risk. Two sizes, 50e and 81.00. Sold only, at ce y usto' -The iQ 1 T3,e X aZ1 Store. ' , tc t e. r. It. smith. h. great cold waves over the entire country. • A reactionary storm period will take up and prolong disturbances 011 the 14th, 15th and 16th, The Mals period is central on the 15th, with Moon at. first quarter and near the elestial equator. 'Falling barnntetee Lange to warmer, with possible tutu• er lightning and thunder about the 8th will bring continued g rued storms in- to thea e re actionai'y days, eliding in general snow storms, with big cold wave following for several days. A regular storm period covers the 9tlo1 to the �4t h ,being he 21st K".-,Cex")1?lt't'"'f)"ti � r..a= Hv extreme n th , a north ''^�'"'11t��}eill on aha 22nd and in ei•igoe on the 23rd. This period wit culminate 22he nd, 23rd and o24th,clprogressing tto the eastward, in low barometer, and waic with stiff dhigh gales imthward,, 011 follo by rising barometer and a cod ave sweeping ft'oni the northwest Tinto the southA dit c c 1 1 November, but hope we can get along L NToun )s lLta�i until the annual n meeting Illi�%r g ge ..—rr,.r.bi p Oli wilt + 'y ase nnnlor . itP ltt OFY rv"awaaLE wantatelia.,fr1"t.r"0 ACRE FARMIn the Township of Gre jan In the Countof yr ed Y Huron w ie period Covers the 191,11 to 24th for a cough .vat net • te.iie medicine leinteeen,.:.„.. or cold take Ohember- +- •- a dough Remedy. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers, NICKS' JANUARY FORECASTS A reactionary storm period is central on the 3rd, 4 11 and SL•h. The chief astronomic causes of disturb- ance at this time, are the equinoxes of Mercury, Mars and Jupiter. The month will open with cloudy, unset- tled weabber•. Fulling barometer bringing rain, sleet and snow, will pass over the country, from meat 'to the east, on and next to the 8rd, 4th and 5th. Sleet will be a [narked feature of these storms, especially in central and northern regions and with a low dip of . the barometer heavy snow will fall, and a wave front the northwest will wind up the period. The moon is in the extreme south on the 6th, pollingg cold at- mospheric tides southward from the north. Don't be unprepared for a vicious winter storm and weather. A seismic period covers the 4th to 4.4.4.•1.4•0 i•d••i•'i••F•I•,,,3F++•F•F•1.4i•+4.4• a. • Boot 4 H • andd• Shoes * at Pursuant to the powers of Bale contained in in a certain Mortgage whioh has been duly rests• tered, and which will be produced et time of be sate, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, by P. S. Scott, auctioneer, at the Con- of$u,on,OnTuesday, January 21st, 1818 at 1 o'clock In the af ternoon, the following lands, namely ;.- All and 1 of land and premises situate] certain nd being Bu in on, Tbeing eo npoxed of South the of the Swath Halves of Farm Lots Numbers Twenty• six and Twenty-seven, In the Tenth Concession of the acid Township of Grey, containing $ray Beres of land be the same more or less. This property 1e well situ°ted as to markets, being only two miles from Ethel” G. T. R. station. The soil is a good clay loam. Well watered with gond well. On 111e premises is a good bank barn and log hoose, Moon good orchard. Teeryms of sale -Ten per cent, of the purchase aneeto in paid within thirty days ththe m after when the purchaser will be entitled to -a deed and poeseaaion, property will be Hold Subject to a reserve bid. Farther partieulare will be made known at the time of Bale or may be had in the meantime from the undereigned, P. S. 80OTT, M. G. QAetERON, Auctioneer, Mortgagee's Solicitor, Notice to Creditors Iu the matter of the estate of George Kelly, late of the Township of Mer - ria, in the County of Boron, farmer, deceased, Netioe is hereby given, pursuant to Seo, 68, Chap. 28, o1 the Stptutes of Ontario I George V., that all erect it ora and others having Wehrle against the skein of the eaid George Belly, who died on or about the ISM day of Oct- ober, A. D. 1912, are required on or before the 9th day of February, A, D,1018, to send by pont prepaid or deliver to, the undersigned Executors, at Walton P. 0„ their Christian and surnames, addreaeea and deseggratpptioue and a estatstatement s dal their tnature of° thensecurity lo(if .i, any) held byy them. 1 And further take notice that after such last .l. mentioned date the $xeoutore will pro. .} cited to distribute the assets of the decensed 4, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having r regard only to the claims of which they shall the' xi have of not ice e 1 and that the Bald d Executors wit will or anynot be any for the said onsets whosclaims notice shall nbt have been persons ed by them at the limo of anolt distribution, Dated this 7th day of January, 1018, FRANCIS .1 KELLY, MARGARET KELLY, fIDxeautore d• 8 d 4. .t, Money Saving Prices T. 9, OUR Great An- 4. nue,] Sale in the 4. interest of Cash Buyers + starts on Saturday morn- ,t ing, Dec. 7th, and will t, 4. continue for 30 days,when + + Shoes of all kinds will be 4. offered at Greatly Reduc- ed Prices, 4. •d This will be your last 4'chance at these,prices to secure your Shoes' for future use as wen as present needs, as the priSSpring for � ill be so Muth in advance of present pl'lces that yotf will save over 25 per oeet by buye ing at this Sale, We want the Cast, so of- fer you this great annney saving opportutlfty. +++++++++++++ 4, tF f +4. 44 4. I Richards; N R the 10th, central on the 7th. veguiat storm l onthe9th, extenditiglf omsthej7th to the 13th. A number of decided stoma Will pass eastward)), across the country during and immediately following (hie period, bringing a pro- longed spell 'of heavy uterine and hard winter weather. This is at the centre of the Mars period, com- bined with Vulcan, Mercury and Jitp-. iter, Much'the same ehat'aoter of storms and weather existing at tale time, and for several storm per lads previous, will prevail through Jan- uary y Febr nary We believe that wide, dangerous blizzards will visit mostpll'(s of the country, 'With, tro- picalstorttis in the south, ending in FOB AGED PEOPLE Oki Poiko Should De Careful in Their $oiectlon of Rogtdative Medicine We have a safe, dependable and al- together ideal remedy that is ptu ti- cularly adapted to the requirements of aged people and persons of weak constitutions who stiffer from censt[- patian or other bowel disorders, We titre so cet•tahl that it will relieve these complaints and give absolute satis- faction in every particular that we offer it with our lersonal guarantee t}tat it shall 0001 ttit steer nothing if it fails to substantiate our claims. This remedy is malted Rexeil Orderlies; Rexall Oidet'fies have a soothing, healing strengthetling, topic ,and regulative action upon the bowels. They ronioVe all irritation,' dryness, soreness and weakness, They'-1t'Qstoee the bowels and associate o'gans to more vigorous and healthy active ee They are eaten like candy May be taken at any time without trleon_' venienr ,e ion r not Citrase eeryr[ )tit . nausea, diarrhoea, eltt'eeeiveg Iti(ise nees, flatulence or other disagreeable elfeet. Price 25e and lOe, Sold 01117 a( one store--The,1lexail Stove. 15, ing central on the 22nd. Watch for '22ea)d, 21rd rthquake repo! is nn and about 5110 24th, onthet20G1i,t2711t and 28eliperiod Mout or1 t ho CelasGial equator the :ZO calling for rapid rise in temperat 1' I a1n bi• uu i+ 6 n t.lor viLl { , 71 (lei b 1 1 y t 5 th(r t user storute nn ttud touch ailOw 51)d change to ranch col wit fa' vied u the e 'i p i e(1. The ' eat' In 5011 !L • s 1 t e )fat ,:� ,lattl uta y toil) pr atmmttlt of ha1'd winter sterna and weather• l'he Aials petted, 8511(11 oe tin' 16th, will beghi to domninate wettlhel• enuditions early in December 1912, told the state general' character of star100 tend weather�1prevailing dur- ing the hist Italy of Decenber will Inst into ttntt practically aft through )tuluary )ani into February. It lnusl be kept [n ll)ind that we a1•e near thte oot,tte of file Jupiter period and tlntt extreme 0110 pheuonlenitl 9toi'ng and weather changes are to be ex- pected, We warn out• reatdets against deadly cold waves. Mrs. beet tr ibI Tabor, of sickiheadache oe )for about five years, when she began tak- ing Chamberlain's Tablets• She has takhave 'c lietWOd 1011', s Sick ] headachesd ) is caused by a disordered stnrnitch,for which these tablets ai'e eaperiallee in- tended. P1'y them, get well atnd stay well, Sold by all dealers, • avid y, had e misfortune to' get his of tleg tbroken hie helping's neighbor move it builcl- 2L tele ' ROYAL PURPLE falls Stock es Poultry Specifics 1 is t}), 1P,. will arnd absnlntcly 1rea, for '�,',', 1188• n skn• , 'e ) taat- Ur b, 1 aid 1 0 I1� u f oc r lava t .,ta al- it u a V1 vg books a 1 :' ( 1.1 14- ing Bert], on the common dixeasoa of btu .tc and [tri pa7ltry, fella how to feed all hinds of heavy m11.11 Ca " t1 it 0 ac p di- and far poultry d ui r a h 1 Y o that they will Y la as Y well and that date Rising bat neetet w tier oa[vesigand fattening steers 1 alsos howl i 1 alt ing e pupils pia in •the satiny room n Carlingford Publte School presents, (betiot acllet,, Nortggf} ltiities, 'with tN.,,;,,,,ltiiit y brushes, Ile went to a h r , t ar tis, Dr. W. B. Chappell, of Edmonton, was aChristmas visitor eon in Be is paying a visit to the Sold hots e in Blanshaed. Stratford Presbytery will hold a Sabbath School and Young People's Society Conference in Knox church, St. Marys, on Thursday, Jen, 18111, afternoon and evening, one dayGfo win Feed s, tJaneaMitchd a fine elll. The animal was six months and one day old and dressed 283 the of pot' Alive it would weigh 275 lbs, SOME �/ YF THE BRIGHTEST BOYS IN CANAOA ARE EARNING MONEY ANO PRIZES A BOY'S CHRISTMAS POCKET MONEY ANY BOY ran turn his spare time into Xmas pockei minty by selling copies of the WEEKLY WITNESS and the CANADIAN PiCTO- UAL. You can build up a regular route in a short time which will give you a permanent weekly income We give you a•free start in Business and besides The best boy wins in winter us in ams wt. n tenon 0 400 recommends from all over Canada from 0801,16 a'ho Lava need our geed°, No fanner aloud tc without tt, You can Batten cattle end -1 Imes in n month's teas lima by uutna our itoynl 1'urp148 Stoulr Speeby thou yea 0euld -sensibly det without. It, thereby saving u InunlYn: read and labor as.i the nigs or751.101�for one stteer. thee1will kern your home la eliov condition with ordlnare feed. If you ha0e a poor, miserable -Wok- ing animal on your place try it to this one first and tau the nrartellous result which will be obtained, Our Stank Specific toil' inereaae the mills flow (lore to live lbs. per cow per day, while being fed in the staple, A 60e Package will last a oow or horse 70 days, ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC will mr eke your v u bens lay'u ]et ass• well in t winter as in the summer, and will keep thein free from disease, These goods are pure and . unadulterated,. We too not vee any cheap tiller to make a large package, entirely different from any on the market at the present time. Royal Purple Stock Specific, 007 pekga.. fon' iOs Pokes.. in nn air -tight tin, for 21,60. Royal Purple t'onitty Snecifie, 250 and 10, pekga., and 21,60 air -tight tins that hold four 50d -Achim, Royal Purple Lice Killar, 25e and 60e tins 80a by mat. Royal Purple Oall.Cure, 255 and 50e: tins ; 80e by mala, Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 500 bottle; 60e by mail, Royal Purple urnle Cough Cure, 600 tin; 60c by mail Ro a v 1 Purnle DJsinfoctent,..2j,c and BOr Royal Purple,,, rktirir' .Core, 200 'tint ; 300 by "ivail, Royal Purple Worm Powder, 261 tins.; See by. matt M0uufa5tut'ed only by • TbeW. A..lreaakins Mfg. Co. London, Canada Royal Purple Supplies and Book- lets miry be obtained from A. C. Baeker, Brussels The People's Column COR SA LB 012 TO LET, -A good sgnlfort- able dwellieg and two Iota in Brussels lrsetod,o�ser,Busels, or IS. (oo,, SrdwioliIIu ARM FOR W.A.-Being South helves of Lore 14 and 86. Con, 1, Morrie township,. Huron Uo , containing 100 acres. On the farm is a good frame house 21x00;¢ feet kitchen 1802236 ; wood sited 20x00bank barn 86x00; Straw sited 30x90; le°ll.teldx6a, Stolle well with good stabling under barn. 2 reVer fall• iteg(c welts and n good orchard. Only 31 mile to ' school end! mile to Werth and pout oinoe, Prloe $4,000. Dead may he seen on application to thei proprietor. TBR L. BtSOKHN•RI0GIDJamsown fil•8m 1 100 AORES 010 L ANDror Hale, 131 mile° I alt cleared and under cultivation.dBank barn, cement floors, large Lame house, newly t al,,1- ed; good wells at barn 'and house • buildings and fenoei In excellent repair. An {deal home 011085. Apply (Mies) SUSIE GOV-010.00X. . Seaforth, Ont. • • CARM 5105 SALE, being South half Lot 20, Con. o�aerelsHOO1tainig100crsmoorles,the pren- . lass ta: 0 frame house, bank barn, good °reined, well, windmill, Bao. All cleared except about 1 an acre. Sohool i13s'miles distant. Only 2� miles from Brussels, 0 ael•es of Fall wheat le nod about 60and 0g acres seeded down. For price, 1tpremises twit writing 1007,0eele P)0. .Phone 26, Or P. S. Soon, Brussels, 11.11 A. l.. KRRR, Proprietor, Maitland Bank Short Horns for Sale Seven Seotoh Short Born Bulb; 9 to20months old, rade and Beene-; big, smooth and atyltsh ; choleest breeding-Oman/bell Rose Buds, Marr Beauty, and Campbell Bessies, None bettor for milk and beef. Will be sold at any reason. able offer MI? on easy terms, DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Wingham Business College , CEO, SPOTTON, President Shetland. Pony, Cart and Harness or $100.00 in Gold. SIMPLY. SIGN Mb COUPON AND MAZE. IT TO -DAY 1ylratta 0, rULGtt. 7115 'WdrlWBSS ' �R'itn.ei' Df.,(, Montreal, Qui. Doto ............. Name a.80 ,ire i .her! )i bedsore iiel fig til all sheet hew 1 may alit U. lietru5l61 Skitle,t( Nay, if i. da, Boa( ,peels, fttt,sd SPECIAL BOY CQUPQti Ara. ...w ,..... " TOWN .,..... .,.;,..,, Print . RUPTIIRE cured At your home without pain, danger or operation, My'nlethod will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your ages is or how long ruptured, Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when yuu can be cured.? Do not wait Fill in coupon n p Age,,,.,, Time Rum...,,...., Slagle or Double Name . ,,,. Adt1! ' ass .., 17730 returtr to J. S. SMITH ea Caledonia 8t, ' bt,ltt A Str'atford,.Ont.