The Brussels Post, 1913-1-9, Page 3STEEL BAR IIIRIJOGH BRAINfT1113 WEARY smuf,n Au.A TIMM iercoyEREe Axe AT WORK FOUR WEEKS LATER. 1 THAT COVERS PAIN • din/dances of flow Life Peretete In These Thought to Bo Fatally Injured. Physicians and employes about hospitals are constantly astounded . • at the relatsvely alight damage done to the gray matte e within the skull tap after what he' thought a fatal bullet wound, Rays a writer in Har- per'a Weekly. I have witnessed ore than ono such perforated brain that suffered so little harm that a jail aentence followed for the pitiable creature, True enough, most of them die, hut many of them remain alive long enough to tell all • about the affair to prevent the po- lice from looking for the perpetra- tor of a dark and dastardly deed. Thus, it may be realized how con- tinuously the mind of man will fur- ther the vital activities of the body. He thinks steadily, he talks eon- :lootedly, his pulse beats violently, he breathes, he lives long after the bullet has plowed an extra furrow AUGUST BEREL. A man who has defied and beaten Bismarck, and who has caused the Women are Thelosolveli to Blame Keiser more qualms than any of in for Much of Their Suffering. 'other subject% meet be a remark - Women are weal, a able personage, and such. Indere!, yeunder rsmi'e they will try to hide pain and 115 Allguot Belfol• the lemons leader eufferiug that any man could not ef the Carman Socialiate, who has Mat published the story of his life. bear patiently. If women would only remember that their frequent Though 73 years of age, Bebel is still active, and his influence was failures of health arise from feeble or impure blood their lives would be smoother and they would longer retain their natural charm. When the blood fails then begin those dragging backaches and mat' Social Democratic movement, which polls 4,260.000 votes and sends 110 members to the Reichstag. Bebe! was the son of a working- man, and his childhood was spent in dire poverty. He was apprenticed to e. tarner, and had to work for 13 hours a day at the lathe for a wage of eighteen pence a week. Ile was an orphan before he reached his never greater than it is to -day. Ile has possessed a seat in the Reich- stag for close on half a century, and he is one of the founders of the Ger- headaches; unrefreshing sleep that causes dark linea under the ayes; elizzineas; Ate of depresaion; pal- pitation or rapid fluttering of the heart; hot flashes and indigestion. Then the cheeks grow pale, the eyes dull and the complexion blemiehed. Women should know that much of this suffering is needleas and can he promptly remedied. Purify a.nd enrich the blood through the use of Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills and your suffering will vanish. Thousands of women know that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have brightened their lives by reeking the new, good blood of health, and so toning up all the vital organs into healthy, vigorous action. Here is an instance from among many. Miss Cora A. Cor- nell, St. Catharines, One, says: through his brow. Often the end "F.ver does not come ---except when the vjr. since the age of fourteen have surrered reley with pains in my back, and severe headaelme. I, was also much troubled with indi- gestion and had to be extremely careful as to my diet, and some- times did not feel like eating at all. Some two years ago the headaches became so bad that I had to give up my position. which was clerking in a store, where, of course, I was constantly on my feet. I took a po- sition in an office, where I could be seated most of tne time, buteven then I suffered terribly most of the tai nerve centres are severed—for a definite interval after hislast wishes have been expressed. It is uselets to fare far afield for examples of this ;strange human re- sistance 'to death and disintegra- tion. There are on record many— too numerous, in fact, to mention. That of Patrick P. O'Hara is one e them that is perennial in 'its in- terest. O'Hara was a granite blas- ter; he was engaged at the crucial moment in tamping dynamite into the serpentine crevicie of a precipe time. As the medicine I had been tous cliff. The tamping device was taking did not help me I finally de - a vanadium steel machet somewhat cided to try Dr. Williams' Pink less than 15 poundrein weight, but Pills. I got a supply, and soon felt -• only a little more than an inch in they were helping me and I oon- diameter. When the explosion tinued taking the pills for several 1 cleared away it was discovered that months until I felt perfectly well. this bar of steel had been driven Although my doctor advised me • right through the luckless laborer's not to go back to my old position, eranium. I decided to do so, and have not 11 penetrated the left cheek just felt any ill effect. I never have beneath the high cheek bone, went backache now, seldom a headache, on up just behind the eye socket and all traces of the indigestion and into the brain, and passed out at the very pinnaelo of his dome- eharexi head. At the top of his head there remained a roligh, la,cerated hole larger than a half -dollar and as long as a goad but cheap cigar. His optic nerve was severed, but except for the unilateral blindness, he was quite strong and at work four weeks later. Swallowed Hardware Store. Mountainous to the imagination in the record of its almost unbeliev- able, resistance to death or destruo- tion is the ease of A. S., a carpen- ter, 21 years old, reported by Prof. William S. Halatea,d. of the Johns Hopkins Honpitel. This young man fell into the hands of certain hilari- ous _students, and, while saturated more or less with their open-heart- ed hoepitality, made so bald as to boast of his prowess as the only ',original human ostrich in captivity. Challenged by a wager of cheese and small beer, he sat himself down and swalleswed 208 various and sun- dry articles, consisting of nails, tacks, keys, watch chains'horse- shoe /utile, knife blades, handles, tins, dog collars and two and a half ounces of broken glass. In hiss ac- count of this marvellous human goat, Prof. Halstead has attached a photograpbof the contents of the stomach as removed by him five days after this drunken saturnalia of nails and needles, knives and chains. Exactly four weeks alter - ward this iron -fed young man left the Johns Hopkins as sound as a oowbell. This was twelve years ago; and he is Mill alive and well to -clay. 4 • ..., Heart Was Stitched. The irmontestable 'proof of the human mechanism's strength and efficiency under the worst possible conditions is to be found in the nu- merous non-fatal injuries and tteci- dents to the heart. A boy recently stabbed in a street fray was left with the dagger run through the heart, He was taken to the hospital and the heart was stitched. He re- • covered. A man of 65, sufferingfromparosia, from paresis, passed a hatpin into his heart. He had some slight dis- turbance of his heart-beat for it month, and then fully recovered. Slhgers and Diet. "Methane 'stimulants should be avoided; they reale the voice heavy and irritate the throat, A hard drinker almost always has a hearse, Mr. August Bebe!. teens, and even as a child be was faced with the problem of how to educate himself. What spare mom- enta he could snatch he devoted to reading romances which included "Robinson Crusoe," "Uncle Tom's Cabin,". and Scott's novels. After completing his apprenticeship he tramped from city to city as a jour- neyman in search of work. Ulte have disappeared. I cannot speak, mately he we. sable to start as a too highly of Dr. Williams' Pink mately he was able to start as a Pills, and I hope this letter will but when he became a political agi- help someone who suffers as I used tator he lost many of his best cus- tee. tomers. Sold by all medicine dealers or When Bismarck passed his reprete by mail at 50 cents a box or six sion laws Bebel was confined in a boxes for *2 50 from The Dr. Wil- fortress for three years, but whilst liams' Medicine Co., Brookville, undergoing detention he was ele,ct- Ont. eel to the Reichstag by big majori- ties, and throughout his career he DOGS TAUGHT TO STEAL. has aroused the greatest enthusi- - asm and loyalty amongst his follow - While Canine is Chased Master Ace ere. quires Money. The success of the polioe dogs in . STEADY HAND. Paris, France, has had a singular A. Surgeou'a }land Should he the result. Thieves have taken -to train- ing the intelligent companion of Firmest of All, man. Two men entered a store and ask- ed for a pound of cheese. The wo- man who dispensed each wares has- tened to attend to her customers. While thus busied one of the men drew the lady's attention to a dog which had stolen from the display of poultry a large chicken. At onee the woman gave chase, whereupon the men helped them- selves to the till and got away with some $20, The woman failed to catch the dog and upon her return disoovered her loss. Meanwhile the intelligent beast went home and laid the chicken at the door of a mean flat, without so much as tearing the skin. A passing gendarme observed the strange sight and waited. Present- ly the two Men approached and were phomptly arrested, the spoils, including edibles and valuables of various sort, found in the flat being taken to the police station, where the thieve await trial. Unique Birth Register. In Holland births, marriages and deaths, instead of being recorded in newspapers, are • indicated by windmills. When a miller gets mar- ried he stops hie mill with the arms of the wheel la a slanting position and with the sails unfurled. His friends and guests frequently db likewise with their mills, in token of the oeremony. To indicate a birth the wheel 19 stopped with the arms in at slanting position, but at a more acute angle than for a mar- riage and with the two upper tnils unfurled. Shpuld a miller d:. the sails -of hie mill are all furled and the wheel is turned round until the arms forrn an upright cross, in which position they art left until after the fueetal has taken place. harsh voitim Never sing directly after eating. A :anger should not cat greasy meats. No dishes made with flour should be eaten, lf one does not observe this regimen it will he found nearly impossible to sing aeolorature, paselagee as they should be tong," Thie s the opinion of OarStreitMan. Ono primadonna in a vegetarian, Her diet is con- fined wholly to vegetables, fruits and bread coeasionally. She dritiloi eenly water. Another singer avoids teeeets, and pantry, and Stover tamielleS eoffee. She never allows soneklege if possible, in her pro. ewe for she hes decided opintorte Do Your Looks itClEllA ITCHED Quite Satisfy You? 11 Your Color is Bad, if You Suffer From Pimples, Here Is Good Advice. Fins nouns in Two weskit Quickly Extracts Corns Gives Instant Relief To use. Putnam% Gaya Exitance is to feet enrol tense The wand disappears, toile reel better wi mace, another application or biro and tbc darn doss away. Matt/Inn ever known eine ea 011011 es Futanin'e Itztreeter — it's so eon', no main. Isee, eo demi oxtails to not Mit any land at seen Must csar grew on font et men. rnsasin's Estractor meter tells, ISA,. per bottle, soul see ri lajlieg that Lots the letite. 409114094d hr dreelitInes. Miss Nettie E. Callaghan, a well- known young lady in Middleton writes as folloivs: "I was affectail for two years with a rash, and ugly looking pimples that spread over my face. My color was poor, and my blood evidently completely out of order. Certainly it was a moat despairing sort of a case, because various treatments did but little to help me. A friend of mine in To- ronto, Ont., advised me to get Dr. Hamilton's Pills, so I sent at once for five boxes. In two weeks I felt like new—looks improved, spirits rose, and I felt I was getting well. 1 have used this remedy for a long time, and now wouldn't be without it." If you are 10 ailing health, have blood disorders, stomach trouble, or hetielealies, Dr. Hamilton's Pills will help yon All drug- gists and storekeepers seql .12.1h Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake aim Butternut. 25e. per box, five for $1.00. Sent postpaid bv the Ca- tarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada,. • Fixing the Reeponsibility. "You can't always rely on wea- ther predictions." "My dear sir." replied the cli- mate expert, "weather predictions are absolutely correct and scientific: It's the climate that ia unreliable." TAKE NOTICE. Wo publish simple. etraight tentimonl- als, not press agents' interviewm, from well-known people. Proni an over. America th testify to the merits of MIN ARD -61 LINDE:ENT, the beat of llonsehold Remedies. hiLNARD'El LINIMENT CO.. LIMITED, Value Beneath the Surface. "How much are these puppies, little boy I" All a quarter 'cept twat one, and he's thirty-five cents. Ho swal- lowed a dime yesterday 1" 'PILES CIIRED 12 9 TO 12 DAYS 11 PASO fifteen years 1 have suffered ilr4's'letlatFIVItiterellretetttrtdeer eptelo from insomnia., indigestion and tug. Blind. Weeding or Protruding Pile; in nervousness as a result of coffee drinking," said a Burgeon the other day. (Tea is equally injurious be- cause it contains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee). "The dyspepsia became so bad that I had to limit myself to one cup at breakfast. Even this caused me to lose ray toad soon after 1 ate it. "All the attendant symptoms of indigestion, such as heart burn, palpitation, water brash, _wakeful- ness or disturbed sleep, bad taste in the mouth, nervousness, etc., were present to such a degree as to incapacitate me for my practice as a surgeon. "The result of leaving off coffee and drinking Postum was simply marvelous. The change was 6 to 14 days. 500. Consplenons. "How did you feel at that fash- ionable wedding I" "About as conspicuous au my pickle dish looked among the jewel- ed bronzes and ropes of pearls." blInard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cain. Girl's Pity. "It was Ring Midas, wasn't it, who turned everything he touchiid to gold 7" "I believe so." "Poor old fellow,'" "He never could eat a pickle with his fiegers." CONSUMPTION wrought forthwith, iny iaand steach- All metering front consumetion, coughs, ed and my normal condition of gi?Iga'wgerar ilgio%ttasiirefd"%trrIliirtglrell health was restored." Name given Ware of my meill'elne. It never fails. It satisfies you that it dam You Reed. «15. 11 COPELAND 613 earm Ave., ret -onto, Ont. upon request. Read the famous little book. "The Road to Well - villa." In pkgs, There's a reason." Postum now comes in concen- trated; powder fern, called Instant of thous are too poor to buy one. Postum. It is prepared by stirring a level teaspoonful. in a cup of hot ?mania Liniment cures motitheria, water, adding sugar to taste, and -- enough cream ta bring the color to Sure COM golden brown. Miss Laffin—What has became of Instant, Postum is convenient; our friend Mr: Cla.y1 there's no waste; and the flavor is Mr. Rand—He has taken employ - always unlace.= Sold by grocete— merit in a powder -mill for aut 50 -cup tin 30 cts., 100 -cup tin 50 months. ets. Miss lafin—How strange 1 A 5-etlp trial tin mailed for gro- cer's name and 2 -cent steme. for postage. Canadian Pasiaiiii Co.i Ltd., Windsor, Ont. The best men are sot always blowing their own trumpets. Most Left Workman's Wife $73,40. Mrs. Langson, the wife of a ship- yard laborer, of Diniston-on-Tyne, neat Gateshead, has come into a fortune of $75,000, left to her by a yotith whom she once befriended by giving him food and shelter before be went to Australia, where he prospered as Is farmer. An all his relations had died he left all his property to Mrs. Larigeon„who it - tends going to Chili, of which oeun- try her husband is is waive. Demonstrating. Vire. Pry—Whitt is all that noise in your house, Willie 1 Willie -'-Ma told pa I was just like bliie always fightne—andpa raid r wasn't, and now they're Leek' it mit. AND BURNED Until She was Nearly Crazy. Began with Watery Blisters. On Ears, Eyes, Hands and Ankles. Could Not Sleep for Scratching. Cuti- cure Soap and Ointment Cured. termunrick Ea., Fredericton, 15. bed a very bad Mize of minute. The trouble began with watery blietere and itehed and burned until Iowa nearly crazy. It was cm my ears, eyes, hands and ankles, 1 could not keep the bed clotheever me at night for the smarting and Whine. hly ears would await I would scratch until tbe blood would run and then form a scab. I felt es if I cooed take a knife and cut the flesh au my hands, la would disfigure my face and make it smart and burn and swell. I could not Neap at night for scratching. .1 tried everything 1 hoard of without setttng any benefit. I used tote of home remedlea such as lard and sulphur. and oleo was treated for it. Then 1 tried Outleura Soap and Ointment and they gave Inc great ease. 1 used thorn about tour months and I eas happy to may 1 am never troubled 110,7, The Outicura Soap and Ointment cured tne completely." (Signed) Mni. A. R. Thorny.. con, Mar. 9. 1912. The regular ascot Cutteura Soap for toilet and bath not only tends to preeerve, purify and beautify the akin, male, hair and hands. but mesiste in preventing inflammation, irrl. Melon and clogging of the pores, the common mute of pimples. blackheade. redness and roughnese, yellow, oily. toothy and other un- wholesome conditions of the skin. OuUcura Soap and Cutleura Ointment are Fold throughout the world. Moral sample of each mailed free with 22.p. Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug Si Chem. Corp., Dept. 440, Boston. IL 8. A. NORWEi?913 C EISEN. -e. -s Special Duty of the Chief Police- woman. The appointment of another pol- icewoman at Christiania now brings the feminine police force in Norway up to seven, three of whom are in Christiania, two at Bergen, one in Stavanger, and one in Christian - sand, says the London Standard. 'Phe special duty of the chief policewoman in Christiania, Ser- geant Osen, is to keep under sur- veillance girls and women suspected of livipg immoral lives, and female beggars, while her two colleague,: interrogate women tramps, and, if deserving, render them help, look after the children and see that they are kept off the streets as vendors and beggars. The policewomen all perform occasional night duty and patrol :some of the worst quarters of the city. With the exception of the policewomen at Chrittiansand, who wear it complete official uniform, the wotnen are •dressed in plain clothes, only wearing green capes bearing a small medallion stamped with the crown and lion of Norway, to distinguish. them from ordinary citizens. Schools In India. Evidence of the slow progress in the work of enlightenment achieved by British rule in India is contained in a recent census report published in the Gazette of India at Calcutta, which shows that only 6.345,582 per- sons are attending schools. Ground for complaint is found also in the fact that there are fewer girls in the schools than boys. Much satisfac- tion, however, is expressed by the Indian authorities themselves at the speed with which literacy is advanc- ing throughout the Empire. tenni One •i9ft0M0 QUININE" That Is LAXATIVI1 IBROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E W. DROVE, Cures a Cold in One Dar, Cures Drip In Two Days. Ste. ------- ERA NCE HAS NAIIONAL COOK. Two Examination:: Held to Cboose Professor to Teach the Art. Franco now has an official geok with the title of professor of cooking at the National School of Agricul- tural and Housekeeping Instruction at Grignon. A title worthy of even a German business card, is the com- ment of the French newspapere. Thie new chair of cooking it: the idea of M. Pains. Minister of Agri- culture. The examinations, held on November 11, ie order to choose the bearer of this momentous titls. consisted of competitions in all branches, cooking, the making of soups, sauces and other accossoriee, cutting and cooking meat, game, fisla vegta,bles, careen., pattiee, en- eremets, pastry. inxit and vegeta- ble preserves and the making of cakes and desserts. Those who took part in the com- petition were requested to get up a luncheon, the menu of which was chosen before the examination by the jury. The concurrent° also had to prepare preserves and give a les- son before the students of the school. MI candidates who pre- sented themselves had to be be- tween the ages of 25 and 40 and Con- form to many other requirements. such as being able to show their birth eertificates, a certificate show- ing their French nationality and also what previous experience they had. Best French 000ks come, it is said, from the district around Nancy, although Loraine until it be- came German property had a great reputation. Uncle Josh Says: "In this here season," said Uncle Josh this morning, "I'm allus glad Nature didn't give me ears like a jackaas fer they must suffer like sixty w'en they git cold all way, by jinks I" litInard's Liniment elan Cows, Eta, What He Pelt. The teacher had asked the chil- dren to write their autobiographies. and the essays were not very pie- turesque, "Now, children," she said, 'I don't want you simply to write the happenings of your life; write what you really feel inside," Little Willie, in his second attempt. wrote: "Inside I feel a heart, liver, lungs and stomach. and inside the stomach I feel an apple, a corn ball, Mn. Rand—Not at all. He washed to break himself of smoking. The exile may be glad there is no place like home. a pickle and it glass of milk.' Cramps at Night -(wire Prompt Remedy Agonizing Pain prateted hy Keeping Nerviline Ilanti?" - On the Shelf. A case in meat Illustrated. Deadly cramps—the symptoms are not to be mistaken. Suddenly and without warning the patient experiences such agony in the sto- mach as to contort the countenance wets 1,0 ilI rut yours, Gold Medalist, and cause him to cry aloud for help. BRITISH AMERICAN OrgiNIICO, 6O5503,MCIItrInS Then it is that the wonderful wer of Nerviline can make itself Just what you need after hard day's work—A Refund's tug cup of LIPTON'S TEA Goes fartiaest for the MOW* .111”1101100%10.4.441~Aaglat Panted FOR 951.5.- 11. W. DAWSON. Illiriety Colborne Week Toronto. ilvtDi'Datgles-E,71171,1:;, Cheer, and an ilneY tri'Me CZ Et ENTY.SM A CR wrrit teem t.--1 handlings and apple orchards MAO eos Miles from Hamilton. 9. W nAtregOle Terente. ONE 11TINDRED a00408 nn OXY0103) County: coil nioe elay leers; Ore acres timber; three serer orehard, ens, story frame bailee wernunber of (Unhand. lugs: close to market, railway atation and large eheese factory. Rural mall dente ery, Would exchange for city, town en village property or for :mailer farm The Western &sal Below. London, Ont, . AGENTS WANTEO. HOl'a WORM 17 TO 110 PElt We trent relInble ndrilea 10 klita far es at home, whole or eparo thee. We furnish machine, yarn, teem Send roar name and address at once tor rail nerd. colors. The Canadian Whnleanle bating Co.. Dept, W., Orillia. Ont. STAMPS AND COINS. ,Z TAMP COLLECTORS—RIINDEED 018'- 1 Foreign /Maraca, Catalogue. Album. only Reven Cents. Markt) Strang) Canna ay. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS CAN CUR, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETU.. internal and external, eared with, out nein by our home treatment. Writ. %I 3 before too late. Dr. Denman Medical Co.. LimiMd. Collinewood. Ont. fl ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD. Ir der Stones. Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments pointively mired with the new German Remedy. 'Sane;,' price 91.50, Another new remedy Diabetes.iNfellitos, find aure enre, 10 Sne ,Anti -Din beteg.' Price *103 trona direct. The Elated Mannino. druggistat's turing Cornpanfe...°1 Canada. Litiliteel. Winnipeg. Man. n lite , AI CHEN ILLE 0111? -17,,i soot Mods a he, 01, hanging., she LACE CURTI4INS Dulto.arkiEhA Regular it of the bowels is an absolute nem - shy for good health. Unless the waste Matter from the food which ' collects there is got rid of at least once a day, it decays and poisons the whole body, causing billet:stens, indi- gestion and sick headaches. Salts and other harsh mineral „purgatives Irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr. Morstee Indian Boot vegetable --regulate the bowels efactively without weake wing, sickening or griping. Dee Dr. llitorsef's bacliso Moot Pills 1130. 04 1881.31 1-404 25EggInc1Ihat0rSigli9 trawler 1', 55 ,00lw.i tetieltot. 104 Aagm ors wistoenets ninnelKittnt 40.7": !a. R. „roans was. po felt—it cures so quickly. "Last summer I was striken with a frightful attack of cramps. I feared the pain in any stomach would kill me. "My eyes bulged out and the veins in my forehead stood out like whip -cords, "My cries attracted a neighbor, who came to my assistance, and in a moment or two handed me half a teaspoonful of Nerviline in some sweetened water. "It seemed as if an angel had charmed away the pain. In ten seconds 1 was well. Nerviline has a wonderful name in this locality, and is considered best for cramps, diarrhoea, flatulence, stomach and bowel disorders. I urge all my friends to use Nerviline. "MANLEY M. LEGRADE. "Williamsburg." No home is safe or can afford to miss the manifold advantages of having Nerviline on hand in case of accident or emergent sickness. Large' family size bottles of Nervi - line, SOo. ; trial size, 25c., all deal- ers, or The Cattrrhozone Co., Buf- falo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. _se Ready Answer., Beggar—"Can you help a pore gent, mister 1" Passer-by—"Hum. What sort of a gent do you call yourself 7" Beggar—"A indigent, sir." itteheen, Try Merino Eye Remedy Nt,8„..th,g_Fe...fisoo—souscu.ekly. YourAtatIvi17,`.`..Z!,M2:11:2 10 esoh Psolosge. 221719011 le Mel- " oYes A711,74.N,Tar,;=:11;;7',II e e TttIr111'P117727-";org:5,4..140 O tlgabcg°'rtl2pt%16Vg. Menne Eye Remedy es., Chicago His Meaning. When a man says he has no poli- tical ambitions it generally means that he doesn't think he ha.s 'any prospects worth eonsidering. blinded's Liniment mires nistemnor. --- Animals as Thermometers. Crickets have a tendency to chirp synchronously or in time with one another. It is claimed that they chirp more rapidly in warm than in cold weether. The increase has even been rated '111 four chirps 51 minute for each degree the temper- ature increase. Certain animals appear to act as barometers, says Harper's Weekly. It is said that while frogs remain yellow nothing but firm weather may be expected, but that should their coats begie 50 assume a brown hue bad weather is apptortehing. A .spider seen spin- ning its web in the morning heralds a fine day ; if seen in the evening, then at least the whole of the night, and the following morning will be fine. If it is raining and the owl sereeches, better weather will erisne. The Candidate (passionately) — "Prom the day I was twelve earned ray own Heir g 1 1OWO tin Malt it penny! atentlenvie I testae Myself! '['he Veava 1 .01, tnade 11, «111S181.0.." 11 Toronto Keeps Growing And It Is Sure To Figure Your profit In five Petrel—El* roomed Nouse with all oonvenlenoes, 92,200 to 92,2110, brIngIng In ids to 520 per month rant, and tan be beught gash S500 or 800 Own. Will seen pay far Dealt Write ter particular*. J. B. LeKOT & CO. 771 Queen E.. TORONTO F.1.00 leewe vs, ...Fr Another Thought. "Sometimes I feel eure," said Bil- kins, "that 1 once sat on a throne and waved a sceptre," "And now," remarked his cheery wife, "you are going to stand on the back perch and wave a nig beater." That when you put a salve onto your child's skin, it passes throufh the pores ' And enters the blood, just as surely as if you put it into the child's stomach? You would not put a coarse mass of animal fat, colored by various mineral poisons (such as many crude salvos are) into your child's blood by way of the stoimach? Then why do so by way of the pores ? Take no rite. Use ecreyt the pure h.rbal carman provided itt Zam,htok. Z na-BuR contains no trace oi Any animal al or .and o p‘lsonoua sainaraleol 50 &lig maim Front start balhaish Ili LI 'aunty larnbal. It wi'A heal cameo ofeett, absent - ern, etuphotrn, vatic:ow :lima man burns and bruises ease quickly titan pay etnet k owe preperattoo0 it to a il.nplico quickly stops the 102901515 of as tans or eta, cum Ott, intamed soros and idnoi.pohornor, b is a combiondan of hailing posocsand scisornic posit/. Ask those who IMVC psovtd 18, tbrwvists wend enve 0416 boo cr Zahalha Alen.n.4.,fiv 044