HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1913-1-2, Page 5p a BUSINESS CARDS. W R. MCCRACKEN- ! 1O�000r of Marriage Lieenses, Oh lice at Grocery, Turnborry sweet, brussels, K. 0. T. M, Brussels Inuit of the klueoubeee. No, 24 hold their regular meetings in the Lodge Boom, Stamm Sleek, ou the Ist aud 8ril Tuesday evenings oi essti mouth VIWtur i1Wy8 weleonie, A, SO 4 MRS, Own. A. MeG1711110,11, h WM, SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee la the Post °Mee, Ethel, 50.4 JOHN SUTHERLAND maintstion, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 141 S. BCOTT AB AN ADOTION- A: • slut, will sell for better prioes,01 better won in lees time and lees charges than any other Atietioneer in East 1210100 05 he won't Large anything. Dates and ordera can el yule Le arranged at this office or by O 05001161 ItyplicatiOn, LESAL AND CONVEYANCING. 3,ki M. „SINCLAIR- v r • Barrister, soitottor, conveyaocer, Notary Public, rho. uffiee-10 towart's block t door Nor Mt or neutral Hotel. Solialtor for the Metropolitan Bank peOUDFOOT, BAYS & KILLORAN ... e. — fi AERINTERS SOLICITORS, NOTARIES itIRLIO, 82(1. w, eacomnrow, II. 0, 0 0, HATE. T. L. litx.x,onss °Mem—Those formerly °coupled by AfolOWS 0Cameron & Solt, GODErti0e, OrerklUo. 0 ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers ST. JOHN HALIFAX LIVERPOOL From St. John Prom Halifax Coratean .1811. 0 Jan. 4 Grarnpion Jan, 17 Jan. 18 Tunisian Jan. 04 Jan. 25 Heeperian Jan. 81 Feb 1 BOSTON PORTLAND GLASGOW From Boston From Portland SIcllIlul Jan. 2 Ionian Jan. 0 Nninidian .Tan. 10 Corinthian — Jan. 26 Full information as to rates, me., on appll tion to ' • W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. d Winter Term from Jan. 2 ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. to Well known as one of Canada's Best 53 Entsiness &heels. Oar meditates ere in strong demand because business 1 firms know -51107 501111.0)' superior eervioes. Satisfaction follows supeelor training but never Nilows inferior training. Get the hest, Yon want it. J We give:lb. Write for new Catalogue. Con Young and Z VV.I.11. ELLIOTT, Alexander Ste. i Principal. ..10;i /12WS9XV,ON'rsVestiVA7A'grA922WriVa'52 h‘. Winter Term from Jan. 6 /..CENTRAL fai/1/1/1/11 sTRATFORIL ONT. does more for ite students and sunlil. ates than do any other shailar schools. Courses are ttp lambda and instruel ors are experienced. Graduates are placed in good positions. The three 'tootles - Lions received to -day offer average sal- ary of MIN per annum, Three departments —Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write for .our free cattilogne at once. 0:15. McLAOHLAN, Principal. WAYWAVAA..1/4,7= S lit a/41W W.. 4 ,L.W.4 tiS Lstowel °illness College Teacher' Actual Iltisiness in both De. partments. The attendance of stud. ents is constantly increasi nip New Yeers term opens on Monday, January 0511, 1018 EDWIN O. MATTHEWS, Prin. E v=1,tonviinguks‘vsvgaguotrgov.riapj: RAYMANN is peepaeed to supply the beet goods in Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittinge, such tte Piping, er Bowls for stock, ikc. Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to, Give me a cell: IL HAMANN, Cranbrook W. H. LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer IOrders promptly and eare- fully attended to night or day, Phone 228. ETHEL., ONT. 0 1* -11'10"1""1"1"."7".V"1"1" 0 ..._... ....._ BLISIOOSS Cards ............ ' ' - DR. T. T. NI' RAE enoluder of Medicine,. University of Toronto ; Meenviate and Graduate 02 11110 College of Phy• 41010110 011d surgeons, Ont. 1 Post -graduate Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and. Throat Hoimital, dhluego, In. Ex -House Snrgeon to 81. Mich- iel'a uospital, Toronto. peke over 12'. 15. entitles Drug Store. Tele - 'hone connection with Oranbrook at ell hours. OR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL.. ONT. eltysioinn and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses London (Beg.), New York and (Miens° Hos. 1)101110, Special attention todieense of eye, ear, 1000and throat. Eyes tested for glasaeS. DR, WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite ?lour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal gradente Derartment of Onlithal. aologY, MeCormick 61e410,1I Onliege, ill., prepared to I0e5 eytet and fib glatiees at lier onion over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels, on Thureday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours 1U to 12 0, in. end 100 p 111, Phone 1219 GAILlea rgiffNie Nazz,vrar BRUSSELS GoING SOIPBI GOING NORTH rlifil ess7 a m seeress 10:55 a n, Express 11:25 a In Mail 1:69 p m Express 2:55 p m Bxprese 8:82)2 ru CatNieldidoV PaCIFIV —.— WALTON UM Toronto To Goderioh Express 7:11 a m I Express 11:65 m Express 2:67 p 10I Express 8:40 p rn wevoXETER Going East - 7:05 a. in. and 8:56 p. teeing West - 12:40 end 9:47 p.10. All trains going Emit eonneet with C. P20. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T (3.15. stations, (41110. ALLAN, Local Agent. fatal gems Items MUNICIPAL elections next Monday. TOWN schools will re -open on Mouday January 6t11. AN advertisement in the Pasadena Star reads :- 1 have sharpened and repaired one thousand lay n mowers in beautiful Pasadena. I would rather be A lawn mower expert in beautiful Pasadeua than be a banker any place else on earth. Persons troubled with partial paralysis are often very much benefit- ed by massaging the affected parts thoroughly when applying Chamber- lain's Liniment. This liniment also relieves rheumatic pains. For sale by all dealers. Ur Sue Rises.- The printing bus) ness is being bit hard by the isise 1)1 prices of everything timed. Type that cost 48 cents a pound three months ago is to.day selling for doe a pound ; 'inks have advanced 15 per cent ; papers of all kinds 25 per cent ; envelopes to per cent ; and another raise of so per cent after the sot of January. EARLY EASTER, -As Easter in, 1953 will be observed on March 23511, the date is the earliest since 2865, a matter of 48 years ago. It is also interesting to note that never again until 2tio8 or some ninety-five years hence, will it be so early. This practica'ly precludes all of us who will observe next Easter on March 23rd front any possibility of participating in any festivities in A. D., 2008, Mrs. A. R. Tabor, of Cider, Mo., had been troubled with sick headache for about five years, when she began tak- ing Chamberlain's Tablets. She has taken two bottles of them and they have mired her. Sick headaches is caused by a disordered stomach for which these tablets are especially in- tended. Try them, get well and stay well. Sold by all dealers. MATRIMONIAL.—The many friends of W, Robinson, Provincial Inspector for the London Life Institance Com- pany, will bepleated to learn of his marriage which took place in the Cronyn Memorial church, Loudon, Monday evening, December 9051. to Miss Isabelle Ruth, only daughter of Mrs, James Taylor, of Elias street; London. The wedding was a quiet one, and immediately following the cere- mony Mr. and Mrs. Robiuson left for a short trip to Detroit. They will re- side iu Londoe. In recognition of the event, the Agency aud Head Office staffs of the London Life presented Mr. and Mrs, Robinson with a hand. some set of dishes and clock as an ex- pression of their good will. Mr. Rob- inson is a native of this vicinity, and he has a large circle of friends Isere who will unitewith Tun Pose, its con- gratulations and good wiehes. WROXICTER WON.— The Wroxeter News of last week. reports the visit of their debaters to 13ruseels as follews :- 'rhe people of Wroxeter have every reason to be proud of their school. Great was the rejoicing lest Thursday night on the return of the sleigh loads from BrtleSels atter the first of the series of ieter•Collegiate debates, About 3 veet from town 10 cheer the debaters to vie my. The subject of the debate wee 'Resolved 01100 5110 English people are superior in endowments to any other people in histery," Brussels had the affirinatiVe their debaters being' Beryl Oateu and Harvey Hoover, Dorothy Dickson and Elinor Hamilton argued ;that both the ancient Greeks and the Germans of to.clay are super- ior to the English. The most remark- able feature of the debate was the east., finent, oratorical style of the Wroketer debalets. The Brussels school provided an 'excellent progrem which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The people of Wroxeter and Brussels are looking FOR CONSTIPATION 1 A Medicine that 0000 not Co* Any. ening. Unless It Cures The active 10 ('11511 (1151 ingredieet of Rexall 01 derlies which is odoeless, tasteless and eolorlesa is a contpaea- vel (10)8 .overy. Comb' tied with other extremely valuable ingre- diente, it, forme a perfect, bowel regu- lator, ill lost1o0111 Viguralor 15(1(1 Strmig the ;ler. Resat II Ord eeliee are ettLell like candy and are notable for their agt ettahleoess Dm 510,15.5, and gett5 leness of action, 'rimy do not (!n1108 gelping or any diaagreeable effeet 015nconvenience. thrlike (151111' preparatunts for a like pm pose, they do not GI ettlE /1 11(15)111, but 51181(01A they act to rive:some the cause of habit acquired 5 through 1110 use of ordinary 11115(555 "('0 cathartics and harsh phyeic alai pet inanently re- move 0110.0aose of constipation 111' it, regular bowel maim). We will refit nd your money With- out, argil n t hey do no0 do as We say they will. H5000 250 rued 10e, Sold oely at one etore-The Rexell Store -le. R. Smith. forward with homes) to the return de- bate in Wroxeter sometime in the !new ear, 1731111 5150' INWrITIPIR IVIIIIITINGA, Supplement:Iry meetings will be beld in Division No 1.-D2(8id Boni, Ban - nosh. Feb 5 to 15 , F. 13, Millen, 0 A. College, -Guelph. Feb, 17 to 28 ; Wm. Scarf, Durham, Feb. 5 to 28 ; Mrs. W. J Hunter, Pleasant, Feb 5 to 28. Fordwieb. Brown's ... . .. ....Feb. 5 13luevale, Foresters' Hall ... " 6 Jamestown, Victoria Hall Molesworth, Orange Hall, " 8 Ethel, Township Hal("10 Moncrieff, School House ..... " 1 Walton School " 22 Winthrop. Calder's Hall " 13 Harlock School House 24 Belgrave, Foresters' Hall " 15 WTown ..... " 17 Blyth, Industry Hall " r8 Nile. Orange Hall Durtgannon, Orange........."20 St. Helen's Mechanics Inst. Hall. " 21 ICintail, McDonald Hall " 22 7 Blue Pills No Longer Used When the stomach needs cleansing the bowels increased activity, the hem. nelditional power, don't use mete:neat pills, try Dr. Htunilton's. Vegetable 111 composition, extremely nrild, yet sure to flush (rot all im- purities and wastes, no remedy is so well adapted for family use. Positive- ly a. cove for biliousness and sick headache, unfailing in constipation and bowel trouble, exceptinnally.good for indigestion, no medicine is so universally needed in every home as Dr. 14tunilton's Pille. Omni for the young. the old, the sick, and the well ()nos, the benefits of Do. Hamilton's Pills are manifold. Sold everywhere in 25e boxes. Atwood Rev. .1. C. Reid, B. A., of Wallitee- burg, spent Ohristnets with £,'12't ,ds in town. Alex McKay Mel purehased the farm of Y. 11. Coghill) and will take poseessioe 110 Pell, let. 301111 B Cowan, or Donegal, 1 eneiv- ed five 01 WS Bel keillre 110gSql1 the 011(15111 Whit el. Pair. J. and Mrs. Ward And AOC Nelson, of Edmonton 10e visiting at the home or J. W. M'cBain, Mts. Waters father, Up to Oetober lot, Thos. Farrell dretv remn the Huron Cheese Co. $1,000 for milk :4005 to that factory clueing the past. Summes, Queue Anderson arrived home from the Wesl on Tuesday night of last week to spend a few weeks with his parents, Robert and Mrs. Ander- 80 11. The many friends of Harry Ratcliffe will be glad tn know he was able to come home on Monday of last week after being in the hoepital at Strat- ford for the past three months, Goderioh L. E. Datimey 1(118 returned from his trip to 1 lie,Panifie Coast. Prize lists for the exhibition of the Huron Poultry Association to be held in Godevieh January 21, 22, and 23 are being issued. Walter H. Harrison.hwho under - \yea an operation in Alexandra Hospital on Dec. 15, was so .for re - novel ed that he was) able to go home on Chrielmas Day, Mansgee McLean, of the Opera House is having the interior repaint- ed turd brightened up, and expects to have 11 50 nmeh improved condition for New Year's business. On Christmas Day Chief Posbleth- waite found a num lying on the street so paralyzed with booze and mid that he was nearly dead and Thoisday morning the unfort :mete was brought before Mayor Reid, wise sent 121(1, 10 jail arid notified Dr. Taylor that the 11150 wan evidentelv on the. verge of seeions illness, He had worked all SuMmer on hike vessels, but not a dollar remained of his season's wages, The case for insurance on a horse, tried in Goderich three weeks ago, Is saki to have cost the objecting loam, noes company from 't$700 to 5800, Mr. Ryder, before and after the Division Court proceedings al , Exeter was to Accept 5100. '1'. 11, Kay, of the Medicine Hal News, is spending a few days in town. Mitt annual exhibition of the LIMA:- wel Poultry and PetStack AssociatioIt is being held hi the 'rum' Hall on IVedneeday and Thursday Jan. 1st 41'.11is2.111.71iite, Biwa, Is the peond possessor of a rentaekable grade Holsteitt heifer. It WAS first milked ilt the age of 14 months, and WAS milked for 10 months. Al. that age, while the pasture was good, she gave 30 pounds tif milk pee day, She is now d years, 0 loon the old and le giv- iog 50 lbs. of milk per day. Tuesday evening of last week the meinbere of the Listowel Club and other ftiends of L. K. Hacking met in the club tmonts to bid him farewell, J. N. Hey acted as chairman and in It rely woiels explained the nature of the meeting and oft behalf of Lester's many friends presented him with a gentleman's (55 1(11 bag. Doctors Change Their Methods Years ago they fought catarrh by internal dosing, They saw this ruin- ed the stintiach and changed to the ozonafied air MUT, better known as "Oatarrhozone." This treatment is suee 10 (31110. It, goes to the source of the disease ; it destroys the causes that maintain catarrh and even in the worst eases permanent cure is guaran- teed. Fannie with Calmehozone is imposeible. Antiseptic, healing and far -1 eachiog, it's bound to cure every Lime. Endorsed by 21201(1 15115(1 twenty thousand physiciatis in America alone and sold in 25e and 51.00 sizes by all dealers. THE V01013 OF THE TILE I am only a hole in a humble vocation, Yet I greatly conteol your civilization am very tenacious, and hard as 'a stone. And am like old Mastitis 01 holding my own, So Inv 11)9 down, keeping me straight in the ditch, And, while pet are sleeping, I'll be making you rich. Every farmer of pride dearly loves to provide Foe the futurethe sm) and the daughter ; So give me a chance, and Pll greatly 9(111(12100 Every acre I drain of its water 1 And here's my great beauty : I ant always on duty, Out of reach of the "bulls and the A.1,(11)%vvahve2:: Your in your grave I'll on- line to slave For your children -their children - and their's ! My habits are good -I require no food - (My joints are all made without (1ntelm) And I always abstain when deep 111 Lite deain, Front vein ything stronger than waiter. 11 your land is too wet: and you're burdened With deist. And incumberance begins to decree, Obey Nature's laws by removing the cause, Drain your fermi or it will drain you. 'Tis so foolish to plant where the goose and tire -tomtit Might paddle from March to Septem- ber Yournight as well sow on a Novem- ber snow, And expect seed to grow in December. Some farmers are failing and weeping and wailing, And blaming the good Lord without reason, When if they would, stop throwing seed in the slop, They might, raise a on crop every season. Most farmers lament the money they've spent; For the things only made kb beguile 13111 never as yet did a farmer regret The money expended in tile. Does Your Heart Rutter You .1trusw heart fluttering means you're not as well as you should be. It's an evidence of impaired nerve and muscular powee. To obtain cure, try Ferrozone ; 5(1 1(08 a special. action on the heart as etsen in the case of Thos. Grover of Cole Harbor, N. 8,, who says ; "If I exerted myself it would being palpitation. To carry any hetivY weight or go quickly up- strn s completely knooked me out. When bad attacks came'' on I lived in fear of sedden death. PeiTOZ011e gave my heat t the yeey assistance it need- ed, and no I am buffo well." For heart or .nerves it's hard to excel Ferrozone, 50c per box at all dealers. LOCAL OPTION IN MORRIS TOWNSHIP Matt Monday a Local Option contest will be fonght; in Morris Township. The following will be the form 02 1120 ballot used, minors the X :-- tO 6' .4 4., 0,01,.. •••••3•11•11i1 For Local Option Against Local Option The ballot as marked indicates that the eleetoe votes for the 13pLaw. It retjares 8-8 majority to 5,51 1,5 hence every eleethe faroeable to the minas shonld get out oe Election day its by staying at home the votee really eounte amtinst.. Good wishes are good tt$ far as they go but; don't count at 5 p. tn, IT GROWS HAIR Here are Pacts Vsts Want YOU to Prove at Our Risk 111 all our experience with hair Lollies there ie one that has done more toward gaining our confidence than any other, 11 really believe this remedy, knowu 50 Rexall "98" 1 Hair Tonic is so superior to other "reparations that we (11291' it 50 7015 with our personal and unqualified ontise that If you line it and it doeseif 5 prove lit ever y irtly ettl 552W1. tory to you, We ti 111• upott your met request at out strive, velum) to you the money you paid for it. }lazuli "93" Hail Tonle acts 00100 U. finally destorying the germs which. 0.re tiStlally responsible for baldness. 10 SCIS" 411 petteteat 0 to the roots of the hair, ell Ululating and nourishing therm It is a 1,1091 ilia toilet Heeessity, is deliemely per- fumed, and will not gum 1101 perform - rattly stain the hair, 'We want you to get n 11.111- 1.1' Rex - all "93" Hair Tonic and tee 11 its dir- ected, If it does not tenet 1. scalp irritation, remove dandt MT, prevent the hair from falling Out :out 10 ornote an increased growth of lode and in every way give entire satisfaction, come buck and tell us and gat your money back. Two sizes 50e and $1,00. Sold only at our store --the Rexall SU:vv.-F, R. Stnith. MRS. RICE "TR MRL PREACHER" The 'Welland Telegraph says of Mrs. Rice, who visited ,Brussels and delivered a street oration against Local Minn, as follows :- • Representing himself to be an agent of the Brunswick Collender Company manufacturers of Pool Tables, a young man entered Stern's pool room, East Main street, on Tuesday after- noon and endeavored to sell hisb the exclusive right of a game called billi- ard pinocle. The 10951 02 the game was placed at $24, while the agents commission pay- able in advance, was 53. Mr. Steens became suspicious and promised to see the self-styled agent later. He notified the police and had them arrest the man, who was stop- ping at the Dexter House. The man gave his name AS Chester Riee and said he had gone to a local legal office and had the agreement drawn there. The name "Bake" had been otnittted from the Callender & Brunswick Company and this is what aroused Stearn's suspicion. When Rice was put through a cross- examination by Chief of Police Laing, be said that he had attempted to raise the money to assist in paying his mother's hotel bill, said that she was stopping at the Dexter House and did not have enough money to pay her bill. Rice told the police a story of a pelt of his Life and that. of his mother. 11. 80.111 that she was the Mrs. Rice, who spoke in Welland against Local Option several months ago and assert- ed that she 11)1(08 receiving as ninth as 540a day from the liotel-keepers As' 80(11011)1(11 of the Province Lo give her "honest." opinion of the "evil effects of the Local Option Law." He 8(1111 111(10 she first stetted as a speaker for the Liquor traffic in an American state when his father an Episcopal elergymen took to drink and left, the church. She was forced to support two small children and when She receiued an offer of 85000 from two liquor interests to speak for them during their campaign she ac- cepted, although she was in her heart opposed to the teaffic. At the end of the campaign She had received noth- ing the liquor people refusing to pay het. the promised money. Her children were then takeu away from her by the Aid Society, as she was unable to support them. They were placed in a convent and she had not seen them since, although she made numerates efforts. In Ontario she was travelling with a man mined White and speaking against Local Option. Recently, he said, his mother had not been living up to her temperance ideals, although. she was a temperance woman at heart she spoke against the Local Law. To col roborate this story the police went to her suite in the Dexter House. Mr. White who is accompauying Mrs. Rice, refused to say a word but gave permission for the Chief to talk with Mrs. Rice. Ten or fifteen minutes Were required to arouse the Woman front a sort of stupor in which she seemed to have fallen. She complain- ed of illness. When she Wee filially awakened she tearfully admitted 01)921 101)55 her eon had told was only too true. She said she required the money he W11,0 trying to raise. When interviewed by several news- paper men next day Mrs, Rice said she came to Welland from Hamilton just toe a rest and did not intend speaking here, although she expected to return in several weeks. She denied the story her son told and explained it by saying that he was somewhat irresponsible.. I never received a cent in payment from the hotelkeepers 1 am simply doing this because I do not like to eee the country reined by Local Option," She said that. the conversation be- tween herself an11 the police was purely peivitte and regmeed no ex- plariation. "Al heart I believe in tecuperanee but only by total peohibition and not local Option. Mrs. Ride said she had spoken.on both aides of the Women's Suffrage question with equal ease," Why Ohoet Colds aro Dangerous They lead to pleurisy and pneu- monia. Follow the advice of W. 13. Powles of Powle's Corners, Out, who says : "I used to be stibject to attacks and although I used most everything nothing relieved quickly till I dis- covered Nerviline, I have used it .for pleurisy told sore (hest and found it just; the pectper thing, tor lannbago or No111%1;410, it's ronelt as lightning, cheerfully recommend Nerviline:" Strongest, eleanest, most pain des.- troying liniment on earth Nervi - line, 25c bottles sold everywhere. THE POST LETTER SOX In rernittag subscription for 1918 A. W. Robinson, of Battleford, formerrvell known resident of Wroxe- ter, says r -Mild weather in the West, with good chancee of a mild Winter.. Battlefood Yeti prosperous and bourniog, From Nis,noe, Sask., eomee tile fol. lowing :-Iternittiug you for 1912 and 1918. Tho weather 18 fine and very little snow. Saskatchewan is hold- ing the fort with 47 Libel al members to '7 Conservatives. How is that P Wishing you the compile:etas of the season. Yours truly, N. M. RICHARDSON, Do Your Pool The Pinch? Not of poverty, but of corns, ach- ing corns, that can be cured by Putnam's Oorn Extractor 5 -Don't suffer, use "Putnanes"-sold every- where in 25c bottles. Here is a remedy that will cure yone cold. Why waste time and money experimenting when you can get a preparation that, has won a world- wide reputation by its ernes of this disease and can always be depended upon 2 It is known everywhere as 0 11 tun berlai n's Oough Remedy, and is a medicine of real merit. For sale by all dealers. When you want a reliable medicine for a cough or cold take 011100ber- lain's Cough Remedy. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For Bale by all dealers. MONTHLY Horse Fairs ! BRUSSELS Regular monthly Horse Faits will be held in Brussels this season usfollows THURSDAY, JAN. 2nd, 1913 FEB. 15112, 1913 • MAR, 611), 1913 • APR. 3rd, 1918 --- Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present Ethel The annoal meeting_and election of officers for L. 0, L, G81 was hold on Monday 28rd Deo, au 2011(1108 2- W. M., John kiryans ; D. 14,, Jos. Welsh ; 011ap„ Robb, Barr Ree, -See., Geo. 151. Alitchell,A Fla. -Sect, Edward Stephenson ; Treas., Andrew Meace ; Led,, Russell 'Jove ; D. of 0L, Geo. E. ist Oom., Irwin Raynard ; Tyler, Percival Stephenson. Parisian Sage Stops Dandruff And Hair Loss This Great Hair Tonic, Grower anti Beautifier now Sold allover Canada The R. T. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont„ Canadian distributors of PARISIAN Sage, have authorized Jas. Fox to refund the price to any purchaser if PARISIAN Sage does 1101 banish dandruff, stop falling and splitting hair and scalp itch. But PARISIAN Sage will do more, It will promote a new growth of hair 12 5110 hair root is not already dead and will preserve the natural color of the hair. It pots the radiance of sunshine hr. toOhe hair and makes it beautiful and good to look upou. Women who use it ouce throw aside all others -50 cents at all dealers. Clubbing List TDB Posr has made arrangetnents to club with the following papers and, will be sent to any address (except the United States 50 cents extra) at the following subscription prices :- Weeklies POST and Toronto Globe 51 00 " Mail and Empire. 1 60 London Advertiser 1 00 London Free Prese 1 80, FamilyHerald and Star 1 SO Montreal Witness 1 80 Farmers' Advocate 2 85 Northern Messenger 1 35 Dailies POST and Toronto Star-- 52 35 Toronto News . 2 35 " Toronto Globe ....... 4 50 Toronto Mail -Empire... 4 50 Toronto World 8 00 " London Advertiser 2 80 Call at the office or remit the amount by P, 0. Order, Express Order or Registered Letter addressing THE POST, Brussels, Out. $4.0•0404D0004404.4******4444•0,04.4.00*******44•••••0.414410 • ..: 0 0 •• THE • • • o • Busy Hum ......_ „....%,c., , 4.., .-• :f • • • • • • • • of "White Loaf” and *1 .,..31“...4 -.•••kr 'E'.C.:X 0 A 1 .,:,44..,% 0 0 "Prairie Pride" Flour cf. l. '', fi.i :44, si OfC • • • • O Peoples' Mills Sf 41 Ar'`,e44'1'° & \ • • i . d fill all orders pi omptly. Have 4'.1t1Z', 11,-2YR. • .. O is heard as they are steiving to • 53"• . • you ever tried either of their , „......• .e.5' 5: ".t; • 119(111115r Well, you "better bad" • ' -..g-• -.7.....,.- --5-- • -' • • 4 • if you wish to know what good es Bread and Pastry and Oakes are, • 0 ; "White Loaf" is made of selected Fall and Spring wheat blended ; • • • • while "Prairie Pride" is made from the choicest of Spring wheat. • • Theve is no doubt of their superiority and the prices make these the 0 • best and most economical flours on the market. .& trial will convince • • yu. • • o * •• • Pryne Miiiing Co. • • • • • • • • • • • • Pryne Milling Co. • • • • are desirous that all outstanding accounts be paid before Dec. .e. • 31st. We buy for cash and sell on small profits, therefore all • • sales must be cash, Positively no more ceedit will be given after : • • December 31st, 1912. • • + • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• o•••••••••••••••••••••••••• YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS Cured by the New Method Treahnent 0" NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of young and middleaged men are annually swept to tt premature AVAVO through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Blood Diseases. If you have any or the fol- lowing symptoms consult us before it is too late. Are you nervous and weak, despot- dent and gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark (stroke under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and lomat, sediment in Mine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable MoodS, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, oto. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our Now method 'Treatment min cure 3(011 0015 make a man of you, tinder its influ- ence the brain becomes active, the blood purified, so that all pimplea, blobilieS and Mears disappear, the nerves becomo strong as steel, so that nervousness, beshfulness and dee. pendency vanish, 015 0150 becomes bright, the face. full and clear, energy returns to the body and the moral, physical and sextud systems are invigorated; all drains cerise -no more vital waste from the system. Don't let (pranks end fakirs rob yea of your hard earned dollars. Was will cure you ,o1 no nay. EVERYTITING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER, No matter whet:as treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Claret. Books Free—"The Gelder. Monitor" (lnustrated) 00 Secret Diseases of Mee. QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DIM.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Si., Detroit, Mich. our.NoiricE All letters from Canada must be addressed 40 our Canadian Correspondence Depart, geemsomitioass meat ha Windsor, Ont. If you dedre to see us personally call at our Medical institute in Detroit at we see and treat no patients in oar Wiedsor oilicet which are fa CorreSpOlidanee and Laboratory for Canadian business tady, Address all letters as folloral DRS. KENNEDY & XENNEbt Windsor, Ont. Witte for our private address,