The Brussels Post, 1913-1-2, Page 4tintostis rust BALIOW COMPIEKION
tarred In the °Metre.' at Beeeseist •
Leman emetetthg et
the 0111111•••••••••••••••••••*••00teeettraenesegiegfesegesseeterensetess
intlieetes i toligestlon, eonsti petiole
ef11,1R ,DAY, JANUARY 2, .19t$ .0/. liver trouble. FIG PILLS will
regulate your syseern end build up We T, U. MOTU
ferrety' I
II To Insure a Good ginner •
THIS is lira and "there's lack in odd
utunbers" gave -Rory O'More.
Tex Reform should come at the next
.treesiou of tbe Provincial Legislature,
Tete best kind of a creed Is to believe
that we cared° somethiog to make the
world bettez. Do you believe tbat ? If
so a lively campaign looms up before us
with no shortage of opportunities to
tieq lire the right kind of muscle by
taking advantage of every good word
and work,
kgreserort is being called to the
Short Conrse training that is offered al
the Oularin AgrieullUral College.
Great privileges are offered at small
eoet in stock judging, poultry keeping,
fruit culture and care, butter making,
trod other Hues of equal importance to
lite home and etre evniltiu nitv, A letter
or postal card to Professor Creelimin,
Guelph, would bring you full informa
tion regarding the course you desired
to take. Try it before the busy season
comes on.
Maas ter3 the best year of your life
up to this period of your history. The
year:, wheel by so quickly there is little
time to waste if you wish to accomplish
what belongs to true mauhood and
womanhood. Good resolutions are all
right but putting them actively into
use every day is better. If we turn
over a new leaf at this season of the
year we should see to it tbat it is not al-
lowed to tarn back in a short tine but
that optimism, and progress in the best
things of life are practiced so regularly
that they will be interwoven into the
very fibre of our being. Make rer3a
year of great advance.
WEDN6sDAY, 15th inst., is the date of
the annual meeting• of East Huron
Agricultural Society. There sbould be
a large attendance as there is no doubt
of the good work that may be accom-
plished by such a Society with proper
ideals as to the object of it. The place
of meeting will be the Town Hall and
the houre.3o p, m. Will you be there?
The meeting is a publie one and conse-
quently open to every one, All mem-
bers of the Society have the right to
vote on election of officers and any ether
item of business. A faithful and effici-
eot officer drops out in theperson of est
Vice President, George Robb, owing to
his removal from Brussels to St. Cath -
urines, He will be greatly missed.
Moteney of next week will see the
• pupils of the schools back to work,
With the advent of examinations only
• six months of there should be a settling
down to study and acquirement greater,
possibly. than bas marked the past
term. It is a fatal mistake to loiter
until near the close of the term
and then expect some miracle .o be
wrought to "make the grade." It is
the completion of each day's tasks in
the day that count well when the
reckoning and testing days come. An
ambition to top the list is worth ten
thousand "dont care" and will leave as
indellible impression on the individual
who is determined to succeed all
through his or her career. It pays to
"get a move on" in study as web as
everything else.
NEXT Monday will see a lively conflict
in many a municipality over Local
Option By -Laws. There never was a
time when the baneful effects of the
traffic were presented than to -day.
A perusal of the daily., press will prove
this to tbe most incredulous. Some
argue that if Local Option carries law
will be violated and consequently it
should not be passed, By this line of
reasoning the present license law should
be annulled, as every week scores of
men are being fined for infractions. The
history of inmates in jails, penitentiar-
ies, asylum& poor houses, orphans'
homes, 8ec., is largely traceable to the
liquor traffic, while the poverty, distraes
and unhappiness of many a home
charges up its big account to the same
cause, An epidemic that would cut
down as many victims in a year as fall
by John Barleycortt would create such a
stir and alarm every person, with the
public good in mind, would be thorough-
ly aroased, pressing for means:to abate
it. There is no good reason why a bill
of divorcement should not be passed be-
itveen the bar and a web kept hotel or
house of public entertainment. Some
people say cutting off the bar puts the
house out of busleess. If this is true
a el if the rnaittenance is only possible
at the re:pease 01 thosgewho patronize it,
with he long train of -sad consequences,
eotli century eivilleeition and the brother-
. hood of men slioulp say stop. le every
community the histoty 01 those who
parley with intoxicants has been and is
a sorry one and the was to better condi-
Wens is to retrieve the cause, The ballot
is the Most potent factor in this work
and is a trust no one should esteern
lightly tier ase without the most mature
thought as to ate future.
the netVeforeell So that you ean sleep
and enjoy life. Al all dealer25 at
50 oente or The Fig Pill Co., St.
Thomas, Oa, Sold and recommend-
ed iu Brussels by J. Vox druggist.
John Burgess Resigns
A Veteran Municipal Clerk.
John Burger. of -Sluevale, who has
for many years been Clerk of the
Township of Tertiberry has resigned
011 arp,pwl• rif feeler., health. Me.
Burgess has been a good official and
has given the Township faithful
service. He has also for years been
Secretary for the Bluevale Cheese and
Butter Company resigning this office
also. Mr. Burgess has a large circle
of friends who will hope that his
present trouble with cataract on his
eyes will not be of long standing and
that he may be spared for many
years. Mr. Burgess is an uncle of
James Burgess, of Brussels locality.
Mrs. Margaret Knechtel, of whose
demise reference wae made in last
week's issue of Tax PosT, one of the
earliest settlers of Huron County,
died at her home in liarpurhey, Sat-
urday, Dec. 21st., at the age of 83
years, 6 months. She was born in
T'hirlsow, near Sanquhar, Dumfries-
shire, Scotland and was one ate fame.
ly of ten childreu, who with their par-
ents, Robt. McMichael and his wife,
moved to Canada in 1841. Steam-
boats were not in use at that time
and It took the sailing vessel in which
they came 6 weeks to cross the ocean
and they were detained four weeks
more in the St. Lawrence River,
Fermi Hamilton they travelled over-
land in wagons looking for land and
came to the district then known as
Huron Tract. While prospecting
they arrived at a fine creek in a part
now known as the township of Me-
Killop. Along the banks there was
a beaver meadow with plenty of hay.
There were thorn trees there and
wild plums, black currants, goose-
berties and strawberries. This seem-
ed to the mother to be the land of
promise and she decided that there
the family would lodge. They called
their farm the "Standalarre." Sept.
lath, 1846, Margaret McMichael Was
married to Jolla N. Knechtel, of Eg-
mondville, who with his parents, had
come from Germany. There was in
Bgmondville at that time only a store
a saw mill, a brewery, a trumety, a
shoe shop and a few houses. In Sea -
forth there was only a small shanty,
and the ground was a swamp. At
Egmondville there were 4 children
born ;-John who died when 8 years
old ; Grace, now the wife of James A.
Wilson, of Saginaw., Michigan ; Daniel
who died in Chicago 2 years ago and
Valetitine, now of Victoria, B. C.
While in Egniondville, evety year
the family had fever and ague and on
this accouut they moved to Brussels,
which was then called Ainlayville.
This was in January 1855. At that
tine it took two days to make the
trip when the roads were good. In
the Spring and Fall at certain swam-
py places a load had to be dumped
and taken across piecemeal. In Ain-
layville a log house was bnilt, the
partitions being made of leather taken
from Egmondville. This was the
third house in the village, one having
been built by William Abney and one
by a Mr. Ponder. Mr. Knechtel
started there with a shoe shop and a
year later opened a store. Some
years thereafter he built a tannery
and in the same building ran a harn
ess shop. He tired of these occupa-
tions however and finally gave thezn
all up and went to foaming. In Brus-
sels 7 childt en were born t -Margaret,
who became the wife of Noble ChM,
of Seafotth, and died 11 years ago ;
Abraham, now in the Forestry Branch
at Ottawa ; Robert, who is a doctor
of medicine in Winnipeg ; Annie,
wife of Rev, David Petrie, VVinghant ;
Ames, a ,bachelor, who has lived
with his mother a farenee
near Walton and Thomas a farmer le
Saskatchewan. The family then cone
sistecl of eleven children and besides
these a niece, Dateline, had been
adopted, who became the wife of
Daniel Stewart of Brussels. In 1
the farrn at Breese's was rented and
Mr. kneehtel went to Manitoba and
purchased a farm near killavney and
started a store in the village. This
was a great mistake. lie was then
70 years Of age and the rigorous
climate with discouragements of the
new country, caused hirn to lose his
health and be died in 1804, in Brua.
eels, where the family had continued
to reside. Ales, Knechtel then sold
the property and moved to Seaforth.
She WW1 a devoted member •of the
Presbyterian • church. Her religion
was not dettionsteettlee, but ormeieted
in kiwi deeds rathee time many
Worde, Her quiet Christian graces
endeared her to her family and her
Marry friends, Het remitting were in -
Vote for Uteri Option in Morris
The Boy or the Barrel.
Close out the treating system by
•Treating is the great curse of the
open btu.
Loottl Option abeolutely Stops the
treating system.
I come fvorri it Owe where Weal
• The licenor traffic is doing what it
• 2 mu to break down the Home.
O That will 'Wok to the vibe" Metall a • The only possible way eo regelate
• New Empress Range -0 the liquor Liminess is to legislate it
et out or butineas.
0 1 /ewe 'lever yet hearel a reason
• nble excuse for tying up the saloon
Local Oiption,
• •
Six years ago Iowa had 8200 saloons
on Oct. 15, 1912 there were 762.
Seventy five per cent ot het people
now live in "dry" territory,
Insanity has decreased in Kansas
under prohibition from fifty six per
hundred thousand people in 1904 to
shifty eight per hundred thousand
The Lackawanna Railway Company
brie issued orders that none of its
employees are to enter saloons.
Lectures on alcoholic poisoning are
delivered before the German army
by order of tbe Getman Emperor. •
Railway coin part les, depart men t •
stores, inanufactories and mho' large
corporations ave refusing to employ •
num who touch liquor. •
If it. is a email sacrifice to discon- ;
three the vise of liquor., do it for the •
sake of others if it is a gveat sacrifice, •
6008a cons In Chicago closed !eat
. To Enjoy your Pudding . to the full •
Iltve your Ceram titIcen by Li •
Simplex Cream Separator
O and the hotel burliness together,
The town or Orillia has never seen
steel) progvese and prosperity as bas
pre eldled since Looal Option passed,
If ley leeriness depends upon the
suecess of the liquor traffic then
Ll re warner, 1 reu oue of itethe hater.
1 dont want to spend the money
that. !should clothe and feed my wife
mid children althe bar in order that
I Way got my hotel accommodation a
little less.
A farmer's wife would rather drive
eleven miles to 0 dry town and go
home with a sober husband than
five miles to a wet town and return
with a drunker) one.
The liquor people think far mere
of the business man wbn takes a
la a
• •
do it for your own.
Fortyeflve per cent of the children •
eared for by charitable and humane •••
societies come to their pitiable stew ;
through intemperance of patents Or •
, guardians •
The directors of the British So-
Mete, for Prevention of Cruelty o
, Children declare that "It is trot an
exaggerated estimate that 90 per cent
of the cases of neglect inquired in-
to by the Society's officers are due to
habits of immoderate. drinking on the
part of one or both parents."
An act waspassed in Iceland pro-
hibiting the mportation of alcohol-
ic liquors from and after January
1 1912. and the sale of liquor after
January 1, 1916.
The late king of Denmark said
"Few if any of my actions since I
became king have given me more
satisfaction than that of signing the
prohibition law of Iceland."
• Wishing all an enjoyable time and a Happy and Prosperous
• New Year we have marked prices for the balance of the year and are
• here to help you make ie such.
• Er -Extra special prices on all styles or our Washing Machines.
If you wish that Dew Dress Admired
By all have it made on a
New Home Sewing Machine
Let me Whisper.
Leatthe good man of the house or some guest may be overcome
and outdone by your having all these good thing, and it may not
happeu, yet that life of which we are all so feed, will mite day
flicker ansi pass out. Have your earning power secured to your
dependants by a poliey in that strongest and biggest, dividend pay-
ing of all Compamies-
f Na S. McLauchling Agent
1111601118086008•6418008000086080 Tealt0000•0•00•410600•41168009
decided position even if it is for Local
* (Woe than for the jelly fish who
O doesn't: know on which side he hi.
; The final word :-On Monday, Jan -
uary fith when you enter the poll
and stand pencil in hand with nobody
between you and your Maker think
of youv sons and daughters, and vote
J. Tndhope, Orillites big manufac-
turer, who was opposed to Local
Option before it passed :--"I believe
Ovillia is the cleanest town in Canada
to -day and Local Option is almost en-
tirely responsible for that."
Maitland Bank
Short Horns for Sale
Seven Scotch Short Horn Bulls 9 to 20 mon the
old, reds and roans ; big, smooth and etylish ;
elioicest breeding -Campbell Roe Bude, Mare
Benutys end Campbell Besides. None bettor
for milk and beef. Will be sold at any reason.
able offer and on easy terms.
This beautiful picture, in co'orS, f ree. Ti every member of the great 'WitnessFamily who will sand as a
lint of 10 names of boys who will to likely to sell the 'Witness,' together with 2 cants M stamps to cover the
cent of postage, packing and handling, we will aellVer-Free--the beautiful picture of 'Skating,' measuring' 2118
No barrier, however formidable; no obstacle, however insurmountable it may seem to the timid or faint-
hearted boy, col" bar the way to any boy possessed With honest msi earnest enthusiasm.
Lincoln was consumed ffith a desire for education, He walked six miles to borrow a grammar, and after
returning borne with the precious prize, burned one pine knot after another while he studied Sts problems, He
did net dream of rhe White Ranee In those toilsome days and nights Whop his enthusiasm urged him en, Who
shall say it was not the early enthusiasm that made him the liberator of millions of his fellow men and a he, -G
or every boy the civilized world or,-
Boys are alwage dreaming about genius of what It own accomplish, and wondering 'why they do not have
It. They do not understand, perlilA. that enthusiasm is the right hand Of success, and that persistency peeforms
Ientractes, They do not rea1:7,e, as , Ott do, that the great majority of men who have risen to be SuperIntendente,
managers and Proprietors of great businesses, found their first Opportunity at the bottom runge of the ladder,
and in their boyhood desireand eleesuree. .
The 'Witness' eat help your bey and others. They will surely earn geed Wean:lee If they do a Mete work
for the 'Witness' every veek: but better than that -they will become more self-reliant and more manly, Read
how easy it is to sell the 'Witness.'
fuer ion&s:-,4 got AV arse ten papere tido eveming after •
m.y on
school, and um elie a few selnutie of cauvAaSeteSre
e*ad ire Ward a member of people 1wItre wod bey, but atot get to tem 811, X amebae ral ordefor AO momP141' Tours truly. PTATD EDWCD, earo liri.-I receivod live copieJr he Witneee taterdaY evei5 8014 AM 82 is fiveMenntel` 2 MOJohse. r Mope rn win the poy
Tour ittneeriely, erelleettele voefet,*,
Verses. oelle doel here, I reeeteea 16 Gopiral at 8 tan; all gong at 8, Zeros** 01114.TAfArtj, -1. %
Snot danailum bare
!Cour boy is Making fife 111. new; let the 'Wiener*. help. We ao-,,petats with paresis In developing their
Address, The Witness,Witness oc ontreal OuP
9 0
Sleia."""*.""*"*"*".....0.......effleffeRreefeeees09.0000.Weviompowsommolmompomiimmimiftwaimmemmmummit,....4 .
Stock & Poultry Specifics
Wt will send absolutely free, for
the folkink, Peetettlti, one of our
hew 64-enge hooka (with in.
sere, on the common diseaaeti of lleek and
poultry. Teth' how to feed nli kinds or heavy
and light horst., colts end Mares, milch cows,
wives and fattening steers, also how to keel,
and feed poultry so that they will lay as well
In winter as in StiniMer, It contains 020
recommends from 011 over Canada, from people
who have used our goods. No farmer should to
without it.
Yeti can Niles cattle and hose 1,1 n month's,
less time be using uer Hoye' Purple Steak
Specific than you mild possibly do without It.
thereby seeing a nientles feed and labor nod
the cost to you will not be more than 91,20 foo -
Is Mau or 61.60 for one (steer, It will keep
your horses In show condition with ordinary
feed. 1f you have n poor, miserable -look-
ing tinting' on your place try it on thief one
first and see the marvellous result which wilt
be obtained. Our Stock Specific wit' inerenee
the milk flaw three to five lbs. per cow per
day, while being fed M the citable. A 50e
package will last n cow or horse 10 days,
will make your hens Iny lust as well in the
winter as In the summer, end will keep them
free from disease. Thom geode are pure and
unadulterated. We do not use any cheep diler
to make a large package, entirely different
from any on the market at the present time.
Royol Purple Stock Specific, 50e pelsgs. ; four
60c tickets.. in tin silr-tight tin, for 01.60.
Royal Purplr. Poultry Specific, 250 and 50e
page.. and $1,60 Mr -tight tine that hold
four 50e Pekes.
Royal Purple Lice Killer, 2Se and 50e tine;
30e by mail.
Revd Purple Gall Cure, 26e and 60e tins; 80e
by mail.
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 50e. bottle; 60e
by mall.
Royal Purple Cough Cure, 60e tin; 60c by
Royal Purple DIsinfectont, 550 and 50c tins.
Royal Purple Roup Cure, 26e tins ; 30e by
Royal Purple Worm Powder, 26c dins; 30c by
Manufactured only by
London, Canada
Royal Purple Supplies and Book-
lets may be obtained from
A. C. Baoker, Brussels
The People's Column
F011 SALE OR TO LET. -A good eoutfort.
able dwelling and two lots in Brussels.
Terme easy. Apply to 3051, 5007.1!, AU0t1(111-
eer, Bruesele, or to B. S. 000K, Fordwiali. 0.8m
11.410USE AND LOT for sale or to rent. -As
I purpose leaving Brussels shortly zny
house and 101 00 Tuenberry 'Area, South, is
offered for sale or to rent. POPSeeei031 can be
had April 1st. Apply at once to
.1. W. KERNEY,
Phone No, 80 Brume's,
CARbl.FOR SALE. -Being South lialvee of
Lots 54 and 55, Dm. 1, Morris township,
H111.011 00 , containing 100 acres. On the farm
is a good frame house 22x110X feet ; kitchen
18x22X ; wood shed 2040 ; bank barn 08x00 ;
straw shed 30x40 ; lean-to 10x110. Stone wall
with good stabling under barn. 2 never Mil.
Ing wells and 0good orchard. Only X Mlle to
school and 1 mile to church and post Mika
Pelee 6400. Deed may be seen on upplicution
to the proprietor. WALTER L. BRECKEN-
RIDGE, Jamestown P. 0. 6/-0ni
1 00 ACRES 00' LAND for mile, IX miles
North of Seaforth. Good clay loam,
all cleared nnd under cultivation, hank barn,
cement noon, large frame house, newly. paint-
ed ; good wells at barn and house • Moldings
and fences in excellent repair. An ideal home
cheep, Apply (Mtge) SUSIE GOVENLOCK.
Sea forth, Ont.
FICARM FOR SALE, being South half Lot 25,
con. 4, Morrie towinthip, Huron 00., con-
taining 100 norm more or less. On the prem-
ises 00 frame house, bank barn, good °relined,
well, windmill, SM. All cleared menet shout
15 0000 School IX miles distant. Only 1114
miles from Brim/lets. 6 norm of Fall wheat in
and about 50 nares seeded down. For price,
tonne and other information apply on the
amulet's or if writing 13ru0sele P. 0. 'Phone
120. Or F. S. Scott, Linseeds,
1110 A. L. KERR, Proprietor,
111111/121magsmeggegamiliffll IMINIIIIIIMINSI
Thousande of ambitione young People
011 being 1nstruoted in them
ir hoes by
our Home u e Study Dept. Yomay thin
at College if you desire. Per when-
ever you Wiell. Thirty Years' Exper-
iellee. Largest trainerin Canada
Enter any day. Positions geftranteed.
If you wish to save board: and learn
while 700 men, write for particulars.
Wingham Business College
GEO. SPOTTON, President
Cu red
At your home without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Oo not wait - fill in coupon
Age Time Rup
Single or Double •
and return to
88 Colotionl• St,
Dept, A StratfOrd, Ont.