HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-12-26, Page 8Greeting To our Customers In sincerely appreciating your generous patronage during the past year, we wish to extend to yenthe Good Will of the Holiday Season, And trust that the New Year will prove the Happiest and Best you have experienced, New Year's Cards Aeknowledge your Christmas Gifts by sending a New Year's Card, We have a choice litre which con- tains new designs never shown be- fore, New Year's Post Cards - 50 each and 2 for Sc. Also New Year Calendars with views of Brussels - 150 each Cook Book Free If you have not yet received one of our Cook Books, please ask for one when in the store. It is worth having, ?.fie_/X+__r Store DRUGGIST F. R. SMITH AND STATIONER. pica]. Reb3s gums HAPPY New Year. RENEW for Tits PosT. THE POST gives the news. READ THE. POST clubbing offer on page 5. GooD Morning'! Have you had the chicken pox ? ARE v5ur bens laving any of those 35 cent a dozen eggs ? ?tome Schools closed last Friday to re -open Monday, January 6th. MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of next week, January and. Attend it. COUNCILLOR DAMES shipped a Car of baled hay from Brussels this week. NEW YEA&s Day will be a public holiday and all the business places closed. POSTOFFICE hours at Brussels post - office on New Year's Day will be 8 to 9 3o a. m. and 5 to 6 p. m. Goon use bas been made of the light, snowfall during the past week. Ir came at a very opportune time. Tut students who are attending the various outside Educational institutions are home for the holidays. CHEAP rates on the railways for New Year's in the shape of single fare, good going on Tuesday and returning Thursday, BRUSSELS Skating Rink will be in charge of Gordon McDowell this season and he will no doubt do his best to please the public. MuxtcreaL Nomination in Brussels Monday 3oth inst., in the Town Hall, at 7.3o p. m. There should be a large attendance. Three school trustees will also be nominated. JOHN PATTERSON, of Brus ;els Elec- tric Light plant, has taken the job of wiring the Anglican cbutch, Listowel, for the new incandescent light system which will replace the use of gas. Work will be done this week. BABY DIED.—We are sorry to state that the infant son of Dr. Fred. and Mrs, Gilpin, of Chicago. died Thnrs t'ay of last week and was buried on Pridal. The parents will have the sympathy of relatives and friends in the loss of their baby toy. DOUBLY KIcxaD.—It is said W. J. Palmer, who recently removed from Brussels to Mowat, Parry Sound, met with an accident. First the cow kicked hint on the leg and the following day he received a hard bang in the back by one of the horses, A man requires •a rugged constitution to stand much of that kitel of treatment. We hope Mr. Palmer will soon be as hearty as ever. HYMENEAL.— THE PosT received a wedding announcement meat from Idaho n thise tv ek containingthe pleasing h P eosin infor- mation that Miss Mary J Coates. formerly of this locality and daughter of Jno, and Mrs. Coates, of Cranbrook, Ont.was married on Wednesday of last week, 18th lustat e . Bellevue, vue Idaho to Rufus E. y Buchanan. They will h wt] be at home after March est, We wish Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan many happy and prosperous years. NOMINATION meeting in Brussels will be held next Monday evening, opening at 7.30 o'clock, for the nomination of a Reeve, four Councillors' and three Public School Trustees. All the mem- bers whose term have expired are eligible for re nomination. The probabilities are there will not be an electron. Elec- tors should attend the meeting, so should the nominees so the former may hear what they propose to boom Brus- sels in 1913. Talk la not enough either as something more tangible is required. MUST BE STOPPED OR OFFICE CLOSED,— Postmaster Scott says if the conduct of some of the folk who congregate in the postoffiee waiting for the 9 D. m. mail distribution does not improve he will refuse to open the office at night. Some mornings, between peanut shells, re- fuse paper and other debris, nearly a patent pailfull bas to be swept up. In addition to this the boisterous carrying on of some of the people is neither cute nor manly and will not be permitted to continue, A Word to the wise should be Sufficient. Punic Library Board met last Satur- . clay evening with Reove Leckie,. F. Rowland, F. S. Scutt, F. H. Gilroy and W. H. Kerr in attendance. Accounts were ordered to beaid for new books, ks, magazines and daily papers and coal etc. Treasurer instructed to finance the situation until the annual grant was re- ceived A eonitnittee was appointed to arrange for a short course of popular entertainments for which season tickets will be soldat a low , rate, lectures. c:nw'ert and a good impersonator to be sec i• • ell, 'Ilan last regular meeting of the Wom,•n's Institute was held on Dec. /9th with the President in the chair. Aftorthe business of the meeting VMS transacted, Mrs. Robert Dark gave an excellent paper on the "Evil effects of slander," The sewing contest Was postponed until the Januitry meeting, when we hope to see a good number taking Gramophone Phone se lection s were I a edb r r v M . Turns p Y r, The next meeting is 00 Jae. rbth when the sub- th ject "Citizenship" will be presented by B Rey, Dr. Oaten. 1 a TRAINS from the East have been very late, BRussELs chopping mills are very busy. READ the advertisements and save money thereby. THE POST'S telephones are 31 and ga. Hello ! Do you catch on ? SOME very tasty window dressing was done by our merchants for the Christmas trade. A, 0. U. W, lodge will meet Friday evening of this week. Every member asked to attend to deal with some im- portant questions. A LARGE quota of people from Brus- sels and locality attended the services on Sunday and Monday's tea meeting at the new church at Walton, 1`xE postoffice did a rushing business in connection:with the Christmas snail, some of the days hours being required in distribution by the postoffiee quintette. —0 Pus driving mit found. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this notice at Tun Pose. PrANo box orator, good as new,• for a le at a bargain. May be seen at 3. -Oliver% livery, Brussels, M. H. LAKE, Telephone lineman, Hones and lot to rent or for sale. Applyto D. EWA;N, Brussels, 21-tf —0_ THE Central office of the Rural Tele. phone has been a particularly busy place for the past couple of weeks but notwithstanding the constant rush the young lady operators have attended to their duties in first class style. An- other switch board will soon be neces- sary judging by the rapid increase of 'phones. MRs. JNO. N. RNECHTitL CALLED Home,— Mrs. 1. N. Kuetchel, one of the pioneer residents of Huron County. passed away at Seaforth on Saturday evening of last week after a long illness, 'rhe deceased lady was the mother of Mrs, (Rev.) D Perrie of Wingham, and Wm. Knechtel, of McKillop, and a former well known resident of Brus- sels. Rev. 1Mr. Perrie and Mrs. Perrie and members of their family attended the funeral at Seaforth on Tuesday. FINE LECTURE — The lecture on "England, Ireland and Scotland" given in the Methodist church here by Rev. C. 0. Johnston, of Hamilton, was one of the treats of the season. Although the weather was very unpropitious all who ventured out were richly repaid. There was not a dry feature in the. lecture of 2 hours, Rev. Mr. Jobuston is a;ready, eloquent and very pleasing speaker with a fund of up-to•date humor that illustrated the various points of his address. The reverend v rend lecturer made outs good case for the trinity of nationalities but showed w d the t the com- bioation— A s seen in the Canuck ryas possibily better than either singly, He prophesied a great future for Canada. A heartyj;vote of thanks was psssed t o Rev. Mr Johnston tor his splendid effort. Rev: Dr. Oaten oc- cupied the chair and introduced the lecturer in eulogistic sentences. Those who were 001 in attendance missed a fine lecture well worth going miles to hear. "LITTLE STARS."— The Birthday Party of the •'Little Sta s" Mission Band of Melville church, was held on the evening of Dec. trth. A choice ro ram was presented, P se ted Miss iss P Lizzie Ross,the Superintendent p tendentpresiding,as follow •— s. :—Recitation ation by Elston Monte chorus, by 7 girls Secretary's report jean Elliott : Treasurer's report,Jean Moore ; address, B. S. Scott ; recitation, lack 'Warwick ; recitation, Archie Stew art; chorus, 6 little girls; recitation, Florence McNaughton ; chorus, 8 girls ; solo, Elston Moore ; chorus, 5 boys ; recitation, Florence Stewart ; recitation, Inez McNichol ; recitation Rhoda Hew- itt ; solo, Russell Moore ; recitation, Douglas Walker ; cantata by 7 girls Mite box money and that taken in at the door totalled $17 5o. This was the nth anniversary of the Band, whose membership is 7o. Miss Belle Hender- son bas been giving interesting "Mis- sion talks" at each meeting on the fields covered by our church. 42 was the largest attendance and the smallest 22. 4 were present at every meeting. JUNIOR LEAGUERS.—A very enjoyable time was spent by members of the Junior League at the school room of the Methodist d st church . After various ace.. g - supper was served, a treat of confection- ery given and an interesting program presented, It was as follows :— Gramophone; The League song ; prayer by pastor ; Christmas story, Margaret McCracden; recitation, Marjory Robin- son ; solo, Margaret Wilson ; recitation, Clara Anderson ; song, Mary and Dote - thy Row'and and Marjory Robinson; recitation, Freddie Lowry ; chorus, League ; Christmas story, Myrtle Heist ; duet, Lyla;and Irene Wilitieson ; reading, Clarence Anderson : song by 8 girls ; recitation, Geo, Baeker ; address Rev. Dr. Oaten ; recitation by 6 boys Christmas Tree unloaded of penny hags which;totalled *13.00 for Missions: recit ' anon Ward Buchanan anal' t gramo- phone hone • National o a Ali he in. p Mios Leat herders is the Superintendent of e Junior League with Misses Florence uchanen, Alta Pryne and Mae Wood a assistants, The Metropolitan Bank Capitol Paid up Reserve Fund • • Undivldod Profits • - 81,000,000.00 • 1,280,000.00 138,048.08 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience arranged especially for Farmers or those living out of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any of the parties in whose name the account is opened. $1.00 OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY. MANAGER CURLING.—A meeting will be held in the Council Chamber Friday evening o this week at 8 o'clock, to organize fo the season. All interested are asked to attend. Witt RECEIVE,—Mrs. Leckie will re calve next Monday from 4 to 6,3o p. m., with her niece, Mrs. Allan thulium, (nee Miss Geraldine McEwen) of Tor- onto. Mr. and Mts. Hurlburt are ex- pected on Saturday and will remain for the New Year holiday. CONCERT AN UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS.— The School Concert Thursday evening of last week attracted a packed 'rotvn Hall, despite the disagreeable weather of the day. Program took about 3 hours but was so varied, interesting and excellent that the interest never lagged. There was not a poor number and the young folk and those who trained them were heartily commended for the very pleasant evening afforded. Where all did so well it is not our purpose to offer 00mment excepting concerning the debate. The affirmative was well championed by Harvey Hoover and Miss Beryl Oaten, for Brussels, while the negative found valiant defenders in Miss Dorothy Dickson and Miss Elliuor Hamiltou, who went into it as old seas- oned debaters would handle it. Mr. Vanvelsor, Wroxeter, Rev. Mr. Camer- on and M. Black were the judges and gave decision for the visitors, which was heartily applauded by the audience and specially pleasing to the 3o or 40 Wroxeterites who were present. Prin- cipal Scott was time keeper. The reading of the "School Journal," by the assistant Editress, Miss Jessie Menzies, evoked hearty applause. Drills were specially well put on Hall was neatly decorated. The financial proceeds totalled about $84 0o after free admis- sion to the scholars. $30 of this was sent as a Christmas present to the Sick Children's Hospital and the balance after expenses will be utilized in pur- chasing pictures, &a., for the school. The program was as under :—Cborus, School ; Chairman's address, W. H. Kerr ; dialogue, "To Mauro" ; chorus, Glee Club; recitation, Dorothy Holmes; chorus, "Looking for Santa" ; Debate, "Resolved that the English are superi- or in endowments to any other people in History" ; girls chorus, "0, Can- ada" ; stocking drill by boys ; dialogue. "The Rnggle's Xmas" iu two scenes ; piano duet, Beryl and Beverly Oaten ; recitation. Byron Wright ; motion exer- cise, Xmas Candles ; chorus, Glee Club ; recitation, Bert Lott;" solo. Marjorie Campbell ; Play, "His Old Sweet Hearts" ; evergreen drill by girls ; read. ing of "Journal" ; address by Principal Scott• Many expressed the hope that another entertainment would be given before the Winter was over. f lwas located here as pastor of Knox church. It was Mr. Young, who per r ++ formed the marriage ceremony when George and Mrs, Brown, Queen, street were married at Clifford, 35 years ago - Old scenes were revived by Rev. Mr. Young having tea with Mr. and Mrs. Brown last Sunday evening. Church Chimes Melville v le churchservices se vrc es ne t x Sunday will be in charge of Ray. Mr, Hilts, ' of Stirling. The usual meetings of the Leagues and the weekly prayer service were cancelled this week in the Methodist church G. A, Hood, Pontiac, of C Mich. A former member m er of the Brussels ussels choir, will sing a solo next Sabbath morning in the Methodist church. Thursday .day afternoon of next week the Annual meeting of Melville W. F. M S. will be held ata o'clock -when reports will be presented by the various office bearers. It will be election of officers Rev. H. S. Mahood, of St. John, N. B., a former Congregational pastor at Paris,preached for a call al at the Con- gregational church, Stratford,' Sunday makcg a total of three under consider- ation for the vacant pulpit. LIFE MEMBERSHIP —The members of Melville church Auxiliary of the W. F. M. S. presented Mrs. George Thomson, who has been Treasurer for the Past ta years and who is at present in California with her sou, James, with a Life Mem- bership certificate as a mark of apprecia- tion and love for faithful service cheer- fully and competently' rendered and wishing her a safe return with restored health to her son, It was a thoughtful and well deserved tribute on the part of the W. F. M, S. An interesting Christmas service was held on Sabbath afternoon in connection with the Methodist Sabbath School, Solos were well sung by Misses Alta Pryne, nurse Gerry and Dolly Jarvis ; duet and chorus by Miss Minute Walk- er's class and a Christmas carol by Eva lamieson, Zelma Lowry, Menotti Dun. ford. MarjoryRobinson, Mary and A Dort OhvRoivland• recitations by Fred. Lowry, Eldred and Audrey Miller and May Skelton ; and short addresses by R A. Pryne, on "Bethlehem"; B. Gerry on "There was no room in the inn" and F, H. Gilroy, on "Thou shalt call His name Jesus." The offering of over $53•oo was forwarded to the Sick Child- ren's Hospital, Toronto, There was a good at•endance and everybody did well. Last Sabbath Rev, Mr, Young, of Clifford, preached in Melville church at both services. Aliholtgh on the retired list and well up towards 75 years of age, the reverend gentleman preach- ed with earnestness and power. Morn. ins~ lex[ was from the 84111 Psalm:— The Lotd God Ina sun anti shield, &c The evening subject way "The thief e E o n the cross.' Rev. Mr, Young rs not a arranger to some of the older residents Of Brussels, He preached here 37 years e ' a e ev, amnol ago before the 1 t R S Jone People We Talk About Miss Ruby Plum is visiting at Mitch- ell. - Miss, Nina Rogers, of Mt. Forest, was here for Christmas. Harry Duncan is home from Moose - jaw fcr a holiday visit. Charlie Richards was home from Harniltou for the holiday, Miss Clara McCracken was home from Toronto for the holiday. Miss Barbara McKelvey, 13. A., of) Paris, is home for Christmas holidays. Miss Lin. Colvin arrived home from Toronto for a holiday visit on 'Tuesday. J. Leslie and Mrs. Kerr, rif Clinton, were here for Christmas with relative;, Miss Elsie Wilton is home from El- mira and inc from Colborne for Christ- mas, Bobs Campbell. Mill street, is holiday- ing with relatives and friends at Lon. don. W, H. and Mrs. Merklinger, of Han- over, are here for the holiday, visiting at N. F. G-rry's. Miss Nettie Brown is home from her millinery situation at Sault Ste. Marie. for her vacation. Councillor Muldoon was up against the prevailing ba 1 cold and well nigh tied up at his home. Mrs. Robt. Kerr has been ill with the grippe and pneumonia but we hope she will soon be all right. Miss Laura Bateman is home for the holiday season. Miss Pethick, of Sea - forth, accompanied her. Misses Belle and Sara Mei,suchlin, of Toronto, were hese spending Christ- mas with their sisters. Misses Carrie McCracken and Hattie Downing are home from their respec- tive schools in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly and daughter of Detroit, are holiday visitors at the hone of John and Mrs. Long. Miss Edith Deadman is horde from the Model School at Clinton. She should make an A 1 teacher, Quintin McBlsin, of 'ruscotors, is renewing old friendship's in this locality. THE ESTABLISHED 1875 OF CANADA ,pD OFp/Ct, TORONTO SENDING money to any point in Canada, the United States or Europe is safe, economical and expeditious when this Bank's drafts and money orders are used. '14 BRUSSELS BRANCH, 3. F. Rowland, r D Pi Manager. Mrs, Jno, Lott was under the doctor's care for a few days this week with 1:, grippe. Miss Phyllis Griffith ani? Wilfrid Mc- Fadzean spent ,Christmas with Listo- wel friends Rev. Dr and Mrs, Oaten and family Christmassed with Dr, and Mrs. Stewart at Belgrave, John Pugh, of Mitchell, is home from the West where he spent the past Sum- mer at, his trade. Dr, Robert Knechtel, of Winnipeg, was here last Tuesday. He came East to attend his mother's funeral. W. J. and Mrs. Hunter, of Oshawa. are here on a visit with relatives at Brussels and Cranbrook, W. H. and Mrs. Willis and family, of Wiugham, were at B. Gerry's fo Christmas. Station master Kyle is still confined to the house but we hope be will soon be on duty. G F- and Mrs, Eddie, of London, and D. A. Fortune, of the same city, were Christmas visitors at Jno. Currie's, Mill street. G. F. and Mrs Longfoot and daugh• e:s, of Stratford, spent Christmas at the home of George and Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Longfoot's parents, Miss Manniug, of Hamilton, and Herb. and Mrs. Cunningham and children, of Palmerston, were here for a holiday visit with relatives. Robe. Ross and daughter, of Kin- cardine, and the Misses Ross, of Chesley, were welcome visitors at the home of David Ross, Elizabeth street. Russell Brown is home from Moose - jaw where he has had a position as druggist. Since hiving up the job he took a trip into Dakota before coming East. Principal Scott has gone to his home at Collingwood For the holiday. • Was McPherson, assistant an the Coutinu ation school work, is holidaying at Winghsm, Rev. Dr, Oaten gave an address at the Presbyterian Pea meeting Monday evening at Walton and F. H. Gilroy assisted in the musical program, Miss Alta Pryne being the accompanist. Mrs. Walter Jackson, formerly of Brussels, and ber son Chas , of Kin- cardine, will spend a few months in California with relatives.and friends, Mrs. Chas. Jackson will visit at Galt . Pope and family are removing from town and will take up residence ear Shakespeare where Mr. Pope 'will ollow farming. While sorry to see hem remove from town we wish them uccess, He was a former resident of Grey town- ship. n 'Will, Strachan, Jack Leckie and Carl t Holmes are enjoying their holiday from school in Toronto [vitt[ their home folk in Brussels, Miss Jo. Ross, of Toronto, and Robt. and Mrs. McAlpine, of St. Marys, are holiday visitors at Mrs. Wm. Ross-', William street. Miss Levine Armstrong and Miss Georgina Kerr, who have v bee i u t lteud• ing the t Central Business College, Stratford are nn. George Robb has beet fighting s very severe cold and an attack of congestion n of the lungs but we hope he will soon s b George Cunningham, V. S., of Moosejaw, is here on a visit to the parental home. He is the eldest son of Jno, and Mrs. Cunningham, Turnherry street. and ha• been in the West for a number of years. D.B.4i and ,e. McDonald of Chatham, were etehetef r c o a .h holiday I t h ids v visit, D•in isdoing n well' m the Maple gi a e city and has a first•cless butcher hist• ess on corner of Queen and Richmond treat. We wish him continued sue - e be a 1 to be about ASU suet. cess. •+•+•jMF•••4414••F••F•d'•l••9•• F •••••N•'t••'i'•'tl••N.'i'•••9•••F• t •+♦•h •GiveSeosibleJ?resentsj 4- ,d,�..�a, •F • • 9• +1• • Buyfarthofut01• re • • •1• ••i l H E custom of sending useless presents is out• • date. The gift mosta appreciated is one that of T PP at not ,� only gives pleasure as ;t present but gives pleasure all the year round as something useful o and good. We can only give you a few hints. Come •� in and we will show you everything in furniture. • Cabinets Tables Chairs Carload 3• 1 • •F • , Waiker Black • s $3 ik•-+.0.+A•F!•Ft�*•_*Ettf ilt+AE Parlor Parlor Music Library China Dining Kitchen Kitchen Morris Reception of Rattan Japanese Rockers MODERN N - R SH AKE D OW would cold be accept- able et- able to an house -keg er—a P Y couch byda a P. comfortable bed by night ; a handsomBuffet, Sideboard or Combination. Or something all will enjoy A Piano or Organ A New Rug Or Carpet A New Suite for Parlor or Dining -Room • We will deliver where and whenfyou direct. Our special feature.—Modera:ie Prices. • Dr. George Ross. of Wingham, wee a Christmas visitor at the parental home here. Jas. Sherrie ate his roast turkey with Walter and Mrs. Sharpe sot Goderich on Christmas. The latter is a sister to the visitor, Jno, Kincaid, of Queeu's University, Kingston is visiting relatives in Brus- sels He is a cousin to R. J, McLauoh- lin and Mrs. R, Thomson, Adam Scott, of Clinton, was here for a short visit with his sisters, Mrs, P, Watson and Miss Margaret Scott, and also called on other old friends. We congratulate Miss Edith Dead- man on her success at the Model School and hope she will enjoy teaching as, much as she hasher student days. George and Mrs Heist and children, of Chesiey, were here for a ta,ptily gaib- eriug at D. Heist's. Alpert street. Henry Haisi, of Grindstone, Mich„ another son is also here, Mrs. Kerney has been quite ill during the past week. She is getting up in years so cannot battle off puysical ail - men ts ilments as well as years ago, Many old Friends hope she rimy speedily recover. Mrs. Gilbert McCslluin, William street, a Morris township pioneer, has been in poor health and relatives are anxious about her. The old lady is 35 years of age but has been remarkably smart, Will. Ainley, a well known former resident of Brussels, is holidaying here for the Christmastide. His home is in Toronto where he has bean for the past 7 or 8 years He has a warns spot in his heart for Brussels. S. and Mrs. Carter and Miss Myrtle spent Christmas v ith Owen Sound friends, They attended the wedding of Miss Maggie Griutoldbv to Mr. Sword. Allan and Mrs. Lamont, of Grey township, were also guests at the marriage, ..•.•.•.••.•..•••.•.••.• • • • • We wish • : all our Friends • • • • • • •• a Y Z very Happy 4 Prosperous I o • ♦• New Year • 0 • and desire to return our • hearty thanks for the s liberal patronage extend- e ca ed to us during the past • o • year. • e O • • 2 ames Fox •� ♦ • Z. Druggist and Stationer •• •0 • BORN ORdto.. In10051 is township. on December tat to Mr, and Mrs. W. H, Craig, a son (Earl Gordon,) MARRIED BaTANs—MOKELVEY - At 'Havelock," the reai,lenee of the. hride'a parents, Brussels, en December W55, by lieu. Mr. $errhi Mr. J. Harvey Brynns to MIPs Alexcenn Alma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win, Mc - i elvey, of BBrusaels. D1LWORsri—ESn,nsaen-At the residence of the bride's parents, Ethel, on December 2415, by Rev. D. wren, M. A., 13. D., Mr. Russell R. Dilworth, of McLeod, Altn„ to Miss Pearl T., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Bremner. GAitNEss — BRAnNooK, — At 81 Andrew's Manse, winghe n, on December 28rd, by Rev. D. Perrie, MC Prank Garnese, Town- ship of bosh, Nipissing District, 50 Wee Bessie Brad mock, of Howiek. KRAUPER—LAsioNT,—lnithel, on Deoeniber. 18 5, by Rev D. Wren, M. A. B, D., Mr, John Krouter to Miss Minnie 13. Lamont daughter of the tate Malcolm Lenient, all of Ethel, DIED OHAMPrON.—In Chicago, Iii., 00. December 20th, Frederick Oltsinpion, in his 55th. year, GILPIN.—At 0040 Jackson ave„ Ohteage Ill„ on Deoeniber 20th, .7. J., sol of Dr, tired. and Mrs. Gilpin, aged 2 weeks, BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat 5 02 5 02 Oats 82 88 Pesti 80 1 00 Barley 47 65 Butter - 05 96 766 755 10 00 11 00 George-from writes a cheery {tote Ho, the West :-Am sending you I Potatoes amount to balance subscription and a Hay few dollars to mark it in advance, wool wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy, New Year. If you are tronbleb. with chronic constipation, the mild and gentle THORO'•BRED DIIRRAM BULL$ FOR' effect of Chamberlain's Tablets makes 6 BALE, -6 of them roans, as good as I ever them especially suited to your case. had. AMOS SMITH,Lots 07 and e8, Con, 1, For Bale by all dealers. Grey. Trowbridge P,.•. Phone 211 Moloe- worth line, 20-4 The People's Column O•••••e••••••••®e•••••••o•w•®®rsee®essoso•••••••••ee•e•. •. Brussels Daylight Stare G. N. Marco • 4'aP,,n1,^�,nl ,�t,itsi,�pryPk+hpa, U1ili �b!W'lu'trlr'hrt'4,^t'4. V, si{i,r�,,vrp,nP'h,•i a,,h•'4�'0�4r'h��h�4,'�I'il,'Ip�t,,bPtnl� n r • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 4' n 4' D • • • s • 0 • • • • 0 • • • a to • • • • •, • • • • • IS IS s • • •• • •• Ready for the Holiday Shopping Season ; • 0 • • 0 0 08 Many Suggestions for Holiday Buying will be found . here. • Fors me ` o time been planning for r thi s great • Sho i n Festival and n now as the time PP gels near at hand • we are placing on display the most exquisite as well as the most useful articles for Holiday giving. Here °s you will find Gifts suitable for young and old at prices 8 that will suit the most economical. • • 0 Ladies' Fancy Collars and Belts All the latest styles. See our New Fancy Linens Five O'clock Covers, Centre Pieces, Tray 'Cloths and ,Doilies. : • Ladles Hand Bags •Good assortrrtentin the pop- s • alar sizes and, shapes, 36c to 3,011 • • s S Ladies' and Children's • Golf Jackets One all wool kind, Good • • patterns. • Ladies' and Girls' Fur Sets w Odd Ruffs, Muffs, &c. • • New. Special values. • • • • • • • •• Handkerchiefs We are showing a very large range of dainty new..Haud- kerehief8 for Ladies, Child- ren and Men at low prices. Suggestions in Footwear Women's Fancy house Slip- pers. ars Misses' and Children e house Slippers, Men's House Slippers. Ladies', ' Gels d os , Boys' ' and Men's9 Hoe key Boats. All 51'005 iri Granby Rubbers Men's Shirts, Ties, Gloves, Braces and Underclothing New Goods. Lowest'Priees, Men's and Boys Sults, Ulster Coats Dress end Fur Trimmed Summits • • • • 0 • 0 • tic • • a • • • • • f1 E 0 0 Ladies' and Children's Cloth Coats . 20 and 25 per cent, less than regular. • • • Jf Happy New Year to All. w • • •1.N1. 45 La' ne • •••11.•••••••••••iER•••esooe ieseeoe.•••••ERa••••00