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The Brussels Post, 1912-12-26, Page 5
BUSINESS CARO, VITk1. MoO 1 i ACIIE -- N 11 w Heater o Marrs e L Marriage Leto Brussels, U, 8110 at t}rooppy,'rarnookry, street, Brueaels,. K. O. T. M. BTuesols ,Tout of the Muopabeoa, No, 24 hold their regular meetings b 6.a yt t u 4240 d lrI Room, 0Y801 Block, ou the rat and 8rd 1'aeaduy oveuipgtl 01 euou montn A, SO.4 EigitorOulu, A. A. ale(4111UE, lt, la. • 41 - •a...a..i..A..®..46.41 W. H. LOVE FuneralDirector ia actor 1 and Embalmer Orders promptly and care. I fully attended to night or. "11 day.n 2 P1)P a 28, 1 ETHEL, ONT. • T`►7T-y- - • WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER! Business Cards Oo' MAttJ.UAGE+' LICENSEti Sloe In the Peet etaee, Ethel. 804 JOHN SUTHERLAN D 048082008., FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. 1.17' S. SCOTT AS AN AUO'l'ION- bettea81r, Will sell for better prima, to r mea In lees buts and lees charges than WI/ ether Auctioneer la East Huron or Ice won't linage auythlug. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by p unions' application, DR. T. T. M'RAE • i Bachelor of Mediohle, University of Toronto ; l;loantiate and Grndusto of the College of nate ma anti and Surgeons, Ont, Post -graduate Chicago Eye, (Dar, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chicago, HI, ose Surgeon to St. Mirth,Torat net's Hospital, Tormlco. OIBoe over P. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele. phone connection with Uraubrook at all hours, OR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. T hyeiolnn and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos- Muds. Special attention to disease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyestestedfor glasses. DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night malls, Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE 0. BRYANS LEGAL AND LIONVEYANCINt. OPHTHALMOLOGIST %% NI SINCLAIR- 1• Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyaueer, luturyrublio, dao, Ultloe—e tewart'a Block l aver North of (Matra' Hotel. Solicitor for the Mebropolttau Sauk, pig/CID/1'00T, BAYS & BILLORAN BARRISTERS, SOLI0ITORS, NOTARIES PU11020, ETC, W. raom:moom,K.O, R 0, HAX8 J. L. KILLo11o( Otloea—Those formerly ocoupled by Masers Cameron a Holt, °obetime, ON'renro, ALLAN LIRE Royal Mail Steamers ST. JOHN HALIFAX LIVERPOOL Prom St, Jolla Prone Halifax Virginian Dec. 20 Dec, 21 Hesperion Deo. 28 Direct Corsican Jan. 8 Jan, 4 Grampion Jan, 17 Jan. 18 BOSTON PORTLAND GLASGOW Prom Boston Prom Portland Corinthian Deo. 19 Pretorhui — Deo, 2e Sicilian, ........... Jan. 2 Ionian ... ...,.....,, — Jan. 9 Nmnidian Jan. 18 — 1' Pull information1 s Eo rates. e70., on until] r Mon to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan fine, Brussels. r-4-W CL+IOval4NagOA v, ...iX AvaiY=5.5` 8:i Winter Term from In. 2 ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. A • a or L la well known as one of Canada's Be t Business 8olmoie, Our graduates are 6.o in strong demand beonase busine. s firma know theyrender super) eenvioes. Satiafnotlon follows superior P" training bat never follows inferior training. Get the best. . You want it. We give it. Write for naw Catalogue. 1 Cor. Young and W.W. ELLIOTT, Alexander Sts. Principal. triitM Iseiteiec`Yeeeeust<exiivaeaevesxi�4R Winter Term from Jan. 6 STRATFORD ONT. does 1,101'e•far uta x01)118 110 1(11d grad u. rhes than dually other similar 801100)a. Courses are up- to•etnto and instructora are experienced Graduates areplaced in good position, The three applica- tions reoeived to -day offer average sal- ary of $1180 per annual. y Three departments —commercial, h r hand and. Telegraphy. 0 O t rte our free eatalogue ab Write far g lQA creme, r4 D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. aiY vav t r,Aeyvirly.Ataye'rr,l�0yvr�:t�e.�Aw:rA'mYts 5 0 tati 6.,v' 'MY mbvf,Y.G�SYA'43Y'>4'�i.Iy1ivA'¢wG d. ..0 The Business Ltowe' college Tenahea Aotunl Business in bout De- ,Q psrtmente. The attendance of stud,. este le constantly increasing. New Years term opens on Monday, January lith, 1918 ) EDWIN 0. MATTHEWS, Prin. fal sat+a� ;aan,ttsdma'P,ise.k:at a'a`Pa'fiV't¢t'P,msMth • Have You a Farm l... a m for ;Sae The Publicity Aesoaia tial for Intron County intend to publish n 1114 uP farm properties for . Wein this county, and ash nny,person having a farm for eoto to send Gei law' y member of the Executive, named below; Pa6.tienler0 1 such farm,deem ibin it and stating price at which thewill Sell. Wlien advts. ofsfllciont farms have h on received, iho Exlot o 0111 publish the 1114 it circular farm for generel distribution in t1) Oki Land and 0r the united e a States, �e',ear)without adars may to he obtained Edythe', the xecutivee may be obtained from an of the �x Executive— .; e— e u v y .1' G.REI enfortli. c� G, Pres., s JOHN L®OKLE, Vlou•Pros., Brussels, B. C. MUNNINGS, Trees„ Goderloh. JAB, MITCLHELI Sed,, Goderloh Emulative Committee. J; ht. . GovRN0,00,, Reeve of'tilolilltop, Winthrop P. 0, • MAvon S1.07'r017. Wtnghain ; Wti, Gram, Reeve of Cl nton P.O.' Jon A 4 r 1 $1111110. N R Ns o tn, Pres. stent Clinton l' offiredo l ReavoofBxeter ; THOS. HtA0mnWn.li,s1,. Ino nl(lo. l • 1 non ; R: W. LlyoNosgoNg, Reeyo of Grey, $ pprleli'P, 0 Personal graduate Department of Ophthal• oology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago, III., is prepared to test eyes 1111d tit glasses at her office over Grewar's Restaurant, Brussels, ion Thursday, Prlday and Saturday of every week. Office hours 10 to 12 a, 2n. and 1 to 0 p. m. Phone 1219 M :CStri ct • ' ltus Cranbrook (Intended for last week) Mrs. Ray Pear was a visitor at Mrs, G. Sparling's last week, Mrs. Seele spent a week with her daughter, Mrs. Naylor, at, Setbfot•th. One of the old litndlnarks, the flax - mill, has been sold to R. McLeod, Bth con. Hartley and Miss Annie Menzies 'were at Carlingford last week attend- ing the tnnerel of their cousin. A. McDonald has arrived home from the \Vest• and looks as if the country had agreed well with hint, Leadbury Salnuel Crawford, who has spent the past Summer in Manitoba has returned. The magnet has a strong drawing power for Saul. Walter Davidson had 1L speaker on Local Option at Bethel church the other evening but through luck of advertising the attendance wets small. John J. M0Ga"1 the' well known horse man has againmade the l 1 e sale of another entire colt from his famous stock holse •Louden's Favorite," the purchaser beirmg Thos. Bvadwell, of Clifford and 8011.0 sold for $400.00. Mr. McGavin'0 horses are known fee and )vide for their fine breeding qualities. Wroxeter (Intended for last week) We regret to learn that John Harris is 011 the sick list. Chas. Pope, Pf Brussels, called 00 friends hereon Friday last. Robert Miller, of West Toronto, spent last Friday in the, village. Mrs. Parker, of Clifford, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. F. Aitchison. W. Barton has been transferred to a branch of the Royal Bank at Clif- ford, leaving last Thursday. The scholars of the Presbyterian Sunday School give an entertainment in the Town Hall T'htu'sday evening, proceeds to be sent to the Sick Child- ren's Hospital, Tor'otlto. John Earls, who has spent the last 11; years at Ouper, Sask., returned home on Friday and will spend the Winter with his patents, Robert and Mrs. Earls, of Howick• Seaforth Joh,, McOlymnnt has returned after a year's absence in the West. Frank, and Walter Logan, . of Portage la Prairie, are vising:relative•s here. John Millson, of Bothwell, spent a few days lust week the guest of Adam Gays. John Broderick, van tvay mail clerk on the. London and, Owen 80111141 breech, was 11ete last week. S. A. and Sit's. Dickson and child- ren, of Edmonton, are the guests or the former''s p010011ts, Postmaster and Mre. Dickson. Owing to an outbeetrk of measles, Lite commencement exItclleS at the Collegiate Institu.te have been post- poned until after Christmas. Miss Mary Walker, of Regina, and Sant. Walker, of Winnipeg., have at, rived home to spend Christmas with theil' parents, J'no. and Mrs. Walker. 'Miss Francis Roberts has retureed house after eev0ra1 months' visit with her sister, Mrs. Russell, Red Deer, Alta.. While on her way home Miss Roberts stopped off for a couple of weeks to visit her sister, Mrs. 1)1. N. Henry. Rev, John Berry, for sevoval years rectos of St. Thomas' church, has been, transferred to Hertford, and leaves for that plebe in a few weeks. During their stay in ,'8ettforth 1811(1 Mrs, Gerry mid family have made a host of warm Mends telio regret their departure. ' Rev. Mt'. Brown, of Mulford, woes to Seaforth. PRIZE \\INNER8 t.A WINTERR FAIR. —Witho111rice n tioSesf m (h 111" off more peizesat the Guelph Winter PLIr than an .other I wn in Ontario and.11 1 i V s owed aoucl is cl that the est stock is Palma 1)> this vicinity, In cattle awards. John McLean took four. firsts and one second. Thomas Mc. Millan, one first, three seconds and three thirds, Horses,' --George Dale & Son, bine first. Thomas McMichael, cue first and -'nae second. Wm. Riper one second, In poultry, John L. Brown wit,IP Itis Canada Royal White. Rocks practically swepb. the boards 1.1141 80011 all specials for'( bite Rocks, Tile above )results are gratify lig to t both ownore and citizens and a ban (lust will shw try be tendered them. 1's Munni B t t 141 s Minnie 06. tie daughter ,' Jere, Beattie, is home fron,l Seidel' Columbia for t e Chrtstinus season. Mrs. I'.., llitks has returned from 'Toronto, where elle received treat- mefor her eyes, which have trouts• 4. led her fur some titue, Stewart Scott of Toronto , is spend- • ing his htlidetye here, (end ie giving his former employers, HLewrtl't Bros.• a hand during the rush, • With the exception or the front. • slope, all the ontelie ' wor•k on the • new Oarrtegie.Libl'tu•y 1)111 been coin- , plated, 1111d teruperary heating • eyelet!: 11 now being installed so that. .1. 1. the plastering anal inside 081)13111 ,•l, work rimy be commenced. The • building was commenced ou Sept. 4' 14th and had it trot been for the very wet, weather would have been well nigh finished by this time, • 4* Gorrie OBrr.—Friday night 131) lust„ 416.1, Ester 81, 23ill wee 1.8.1(1')) set ions( y i11 with a par1Llylio stroke, and LPlltl shied in au uut;uusrinits stale 11111(1 Suu(lay noun, when deal 11 relieved her suffer- ings. The deceased was a native of It eland and entre, to Hiss country 47 years ago. She was married to l2c bt. McGill and they Walde thl•il home on the 12th rue.. Hawick 11i11i1 eight yelrls ago, ellen ithey relived from rat In life and ,,loved Into the village. Site was iL monthly of the Methodist elm, ch, and was in her 67th year. Besides her husband, there are left to mown her I(t88, one son, Wm., 3,, of Tut nberry,an11 two daughters, Miss Istat, 1t Hume, 2111d Mrs. Robt. Fergu- sm1, or Orange Hill. The funeral took place on Tuesday 1.0 the Goole cemetery, the servieebeing conducted in the Methodist church by her pastor Bev. Mr. 19 i bbert A Des Niceties 11111A1 had an attack of muscular rheumatism in his shoulder. A friend advised him to go to lint Springs. That meant an expense of $15000 or snore. He sought for a quicker and cheaper way to 0111(3 {t and found it in Chamberlain's Lini- ment. Three e lays after the first a - pliedinn of this liniment he was well. Sold by all dealers. Grey SosouL REro5T.—Follow ing is the school report for S. S. No. 1, Grey, for November told December. Examined in Spelling, History, Arithmetic, eratore, Oomposition, Geography mid Hygiene. Total 659 ; honors 488 ; pass 390:—S r. IV—,leanirant565, blel•viu Miller 352, "Willie Somers 807. Sr. 1.1[—h11Ly Atensteong 561, ',Malcolm Engle 192. Jr. 1II—:Merriam Lowe 511, "Willie Engle 223. Examined in Natr,,'e Study, Arithmetic, Spelling, Literature, Lang. and Comp., Geng. and Hygiene :—Sr. IL-3 i m Aeinstr•ot>g 565, Cecil Somers 514, Willie Miller 505, *Clereitee Rol liege' 437 Jt II-- Willie Pei ire3-4 9 Pa1lI1 L+.x(elleul• —Jessie Millet., t J Ili Russell u tri C-rtlutt Good d —Robot t Bliglc Ernie (,uelt ane PC [ — ]' x6. elle tit Margaret Alcoeh *Those who missed one or more exam- initlions. PEARL BARKER Teacher. SCHOOL }•{'SPORT.—Rrpol•1. for S. S. No. 8Grey, for November told Dec - 01111181. her cent obtained its follows : —Fourth Cla-e, examined hi all sub- jects—Stuart (1t'a1,t 77, 81,101,11, 310/1111 73, 151iza 11611111 08, Bessie Smith 611. Thi,,I Class, examined in all subjects- Heron Cardiff 76, Charlie Smith ;73, Albert Oat diff 65, 38.8. McFarlane;64. Second. Class, examined in all subjects —Willie Smith 77, Willie Macdouttld 76, A nide Mettler 74, Roy McFarlane '72, Mary Young 72, George Bishop. Sr. First, examined in Writing, Arith- metic, Reading, Spelling and Class Worst—Elsie Smith 88, Chits. Dietoer 88. Primary—Good—Willie Bishop, 1391 v Cltldiff, Elizabeth Smith, Fair —Clifford Cardiff, Oalneron Strachan, THOS.. ARMSTRONG, Teacher. 'TLE L trl'l ETHEL SPARLING.—The Ninga. (Man.) Netts, of December 51.11, give, the following particulars of the demise of a ynnng lady whose parents formerly lived in Grey township, she being a niece to the late George Sperling, of Ornnbrook, and Nlrs. incl. Skinning of Brussels —Ethel 18101101, Sperling, danghtcr of A. and Mrs. Sperling was bort( in Goderieh, on Ont. 8, 1885. At the lige of five she atone to Manitoba with "her parents anti the family settled in Ninga. Vele she lived fm• twenty years and by a life of unselfishness andearnest- trees endeared herself to all with whom she castle 111 contact. Shec>llose the pitfessiou or muse as her life work and ill Mat eh, 1910 she entered the Beall4011 hospital 1111r 1 to Lake her training. Hero again her beautiful Christian 1`.111(1 meet. !ha(1e )ler n favoiite with sister 11110108 and patients. Duping her second SuruuRel• in the.hllspitat she served a long term on night (duty and in the Fall she had a vel y severe attack of typhoid fever. She r0lurm'd to duty but a year later she )again took ill. This time several 1.01(11)1 ll:ati(lna eliding with p11H11(110)11a did the work, 11 (1lurost seems to us that earth needed iter that her life was not complete, but God called her and on Wrdneedty afternoon, Novem- ber 27211, he toolc her lobe with Him. The beautiful spotless soul had gone to its Maker. The following clay the family all returned home from Bran - 'don ancl nu Friday the flmetal was held. Frew the family .residence the casket was borne to the Methodist ehurPh by six menthol: of the Y. M. 13. A. 1.1f the church 1.0 which Miss Ethel still belonged. Rev. Mr. Allison, of Boissev1Lin, assisted by Rev. Mr, Anderson, pttetol', ill the so - vice. Nurse Dunn au intimate friend of the deceased sang. s At the : r, lose of the church .et lev v . a IlliLll. wee t(1 v the cemetery where thebody was laid in the family t. IIIPId1 a10 V • ed , ' tl t n .great sorra lV and their e inptit L Y F yo. for Lhe bereaved family in neatly btlultieni flood tributes and the church coal 1 1 d not accommodate the crowds who carne to pay their last re- spects to the one who had gone from earth to heaven. Cross, red and white carnations and ferns. Nursing Staff , Crescent of ca11a0 anti mule, Hone, H. II. Swallow hospital ; Cores; pink and white carnations and srnila1, 1{912 A Carnations s , Wreath of ruses, cheystulthclrlunis' fere) and smilax, Mise Eirtl'es end' Mrs. Hatcher i Roses •A�•'h►•hi+.+•�t••9.41'N.i••+.•• 41• b•d'••t•f4'MFof•'F 't•ch••i'`+.4.,•F G. M. Elliott has *old his douse at the corner Emit sl s • rofLa street 5)11))t 1 it a ptul 1 educed rood O. t d t 4, L. Moore, manager of the An1eeicati Road 141itcbine Co., who will wimpy it the house 014 Cambria load, to the rear of the one mid to N11'. Moore, has been purchased from ■ •Mr. Elliott by Mrs. Wm, Millan, of Colborne, Walter Ii, Ilarlison, jeweller, was 2)1(1011 ser'lousl ill Saturday evens( Y I fS, 14th i 'Ynst ,, 1, adoibnduuhis eondo tYPrices tion toes suds that 1 was' l e removed to Alexandra Hospital. A. successful op- eration for appendicitis was performed and the patient is repotted itis making favorable progress., What they Mean to Holiday Buyers E have a I-Ioliday stock that is first in Variety and Quality and Fairest in Price. During the month of December we will give great Bar- gains to our customers on all cash purchases. This is the largest and most complete stock of the latest in all lines that are to be found in an up totrate 1 Jewelry Store, Watches Watches of every desm'ipricer from $6.00 up to $75.00. Ladies' Long Chains, from 2.50 up Neck Olains and Lockets 2.00 up 14k Pearl Brooches, 1.75 up Btacelels, 2.60' up Collar and Belt Pins, 25c up Solitaire Diamonds - 12.00 to 225.00 Pearl Rings, 4.00 tip Signets, 1.25 up Opals and Clusters, 1.25 up Hat Pins, Unlbrellts, Plash Purses, Necklaces— 1.25 op to 2(1,00 Gentlemen's s Watch Chains, gold filled - 2.00 to 10.00 Fobs: from 50c up Cuff Links from 25c to 5.00 Scarf Pins from 40c to 10.00 Tie Clips from 25c to 1.50 Signet Binge from 4.00 to '7.50 Stone set Rings, 4.00 to 125.00 Military Brushes, Umbrellas Smoking Setts Ladles' and Gents' Gold and Sliver Umbrellas Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas with detachable handles, Suit Case Umbrellas from $3.50 up. whirl],' 7L a 1411 1ve 1 !tlp 1. 1 went on the old style o Umbrella as they c111, be, used on any detachable top, as 11 is a_well known feet that the italidles ere as good as I,ew when the tops are worn Pat. Fancy China A large assortment of Fancy China, consisting of open stork Hay iland hand -paint e(1 and while and gels} ; Caney pieces in Bon -bons, Cream and Sugar Setts, Fauey Vases, Cups and Saucers. FERN POTS Clocks Clocks Mantle Clocks in oak and block Finish and imitation 111E61 We, 6.00 up. Grand Father Clocks, 35.00 Chime Clocks, 5,00 to 75.00 Kitchen Clocks, 3.50 up Gold Clocks, 2.00 and up. Cut Glass Water Sets, Berry Bowls, Cream and Sugars, Spoon Trays and other fancy pieces. Brushes and Manicure Pieces Sets of Brushes and Manicure Pieces in fancy eases, for men and tvonle,,, at prices of 8.00 and upwards. Optical Goods We have completed a course its Optics 11041 are able to test the imperfect eyes and give glasses to give perfect vision . by the wonderful clew;tvay—the Shad- ow Test. Try our Fit -U Mounts, 4.00 up, guaranteed for 20 yea's. Or Comfort Oables, 4.00 up, gtuuanteed for 20 years. Satisfaction guaranteed. • i°• • • • ✓r • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • '1 • • • • •• • •s • • • • • • 411.• • 0 Musical Goods v •♦ 0 0 1847 Roger Bros.' • Knives and Forks 50 doz. Spoons, 4.00 doz. up •r Fancy Serving_ Spoons, .Gold Meat Forks, Knives and Ca. Forks in Community Silver. Violins Rictus, G 1 Cars Au totter a6. s Nlaotluhus, Accordions, Moo h Organs. Silver and Ebony TOILET SETS BRASS CANDLE STICKS 65e per pair and'up Call and: inspect the class of goods we handle. It is hot a long way off to the gift -giving day. Now is really the time to make your Jewelry selection and have the articles laid away until wanted. W. F. Stretton Jeweler & •• • • ♦ •• • • • • •• • • •• • • • Optician • • • Marriage Licenses Issued. Try one• •44+•+•+•44,444•40+•÷•+••••4444•+!4•44444••+•+•+••••+•4 4.+• Fordwich Wm. Hainstock, of Kelslern, Seek:, has arrived here and will spend the Winter with his brothers and sisters. The contract of earrying the snail from the post office to the station has been re -let to the present carrier, 0, Rogers. Jas, and Mrs. Hunter, Fordwich, Ont., announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Florence Pearle to Jaynes Gordon McVicar, B. Sc„ of Smith, Lyon County, Nevada, U, S., the marriage to take place it) the early part of the new year. 1 AO !••4141• 4141 • Nr � A 4•♦••If Special Notice' i Photographic LThe •Maitland Studio will 6•be open for business on Christmas Day and also on New Years Day, Come and get your Photo taken, Gw F. MAITLAND •••••••••••••N••••••••••• Norman and Wallace Edgar, of Peace River, and W. Cooper, of Tugaske, are visiting at the home of Jas, Edgar, 2nt1 can. In the Municipal Election held in Prince Albert, Sask., N. W. Morton was re-eleoted mayor by a majority of 221, the largest vole ever polled ■ in that part. Ed, Gibson, son of 111rs. Thos, Gibson, of this town, headed Cthe poll fol' Alderman, by a total �ISvoteof 608. Tins PosT has made arrangements to club with the following papers and will be sent to any address except the United States 50 cents extra) at the following subscription prices ;— Weeklies Pos3 and Torouto Globe. .... $1 60 Mail and Empire. 1 60 Loudon Advertiser 1 60 London Free Press .,_, 1 80 FamilyHerald and Star 1 80 " Montreal Witness . 1 80 Farmers' Advocate to 2 85 Northern Messenger g 136 Dailies PosT and Toronto Star $2 35 Toronto News . 235 " Toronto Globe ............. 4 50 11 Toronto Mail -Empire... 4 50 " Toronto. World 3 00 " London Advertiser 2 80 Call at the office or remit the amount by P. 0. Order, Ercpr'ess Order or Registered Letter addressing THE POST, Brussels, Ont. Morris A cow belonging to Mre. Redman, 7th line, died from the laceration of her throat, occasioned by a piece of wire she had picked up while eating corn stalks and corn. At the primes cows sell at (10W it will mean -quite a. loss. OWNS 500 ACRES 170W.— R. B. Alcock, 6114 line, is certainly becom, ing a bonanza farmer as he now has - 500 acres of land. His last purchase was the Olennan farm, containing 100 acres on the 7111 line for which he paid $2,200 and in which he struck a bargain. F. S. scot) nude the sale. We wish Mr. Alcock the success his enterprise deserves and hope his broad acres may bring him large re- turns. HE ADVERTISED AT LAST,— There was a man in our town, And be was wondrous wise ; He swore (it was bis policy) He would not advertise. But one sad day he advertised, And thereby hangs a tale, The ad was set in quite small type And headed "Sheriff's Sale." s THE o \... - �,+W' 1✓�f 8♦ losy s� a 41. • st r• fill all :inlets 'promptly. Have ',!Sse4-,-"' i7 s iX a , • ',.tom y,S • of "White Loaf" and �, 1 6� li ^` • "Prairie Pride" Flour it Jr. l•Sr tt;,a�dl(p' 1 o Peoples' Mills .yAf L gt. t6. up tai., `F FLC?UR i i iy heard as they al's striving to ticy);,..: q :,, you ever tried either of their • •if you wish to know what good ' ?: e6.. •_ o • Bread and PastryandOukes are, o • "White Loaf" is made of selected Fall and Spring wheat blended ; • while "Prairie Pride" is made front the choicest of Spring wheat. • There is no doubt of their superiority and the prices make these the 4 • best and most economical fours on the market, A trial will convince • • you. •_ • •• • • • P ry n e Milling Co. • • • • • • • ••Pryne Milling Co. • • • • are desirous that all outstanding accounts be ♦ • g paid before Dec. ♦ 31st. We buy for cash and sell on small profits, therefore all • • 'sales must be cash. Positively no more credit will be given after ♦ • December 31st, 1912, ♦, •♦ •••••♦••••♦oo••q•o♦••••♦••a.•♦•••••••♦•♦•••♦♦o♦•••♦•♦• and carnations and fern wreath from Brandon Physicians; Magnolia and carnations with Ethel draped on ft•oln the Methodist church and School of Ninga; Wreath' of white chrysan- themums, Ethel Osborne, of Ninga : Briquet chrysanthemums, Lolo Boyd, of Ninga ; ArbuLhvita wreath, Mrs. McKinley, of Ninga ; A hand walked motto harp with while strings cut,froth Mrs. Collie, Miss Potter and M. Lewis Spray Y of 04I1Le and white t e carnations arid ferns from Wade family ; :Very large wreath of white roses, white and pink carnations from citizens of Ninga ; wreath of white (mul'piuk ('uses and carnations from Oke fain i1y, Boissevaitl ; White wreath, Mrs. Kennedy ; Wreath (11)1ysanthemumsand Alberta fern, Freeman and Mrs, Ferries ; Bognet, Mrs. Wm. Thompson ; Pink roses and carnation spray, iss A. 14Iay, Winnipeg. Clyth. Miss E. Gibson has opened a dress and mantle making establish- mentin the Eluckstep Block. • David Taylor, W110 11119 been farm- ing. {p the West singe the Spying, re- turned to spend the Winter with his wife, Frank Metcalf, who has been in 'the Weerclnring the past f'ew'' 111011ths 118 one of the Dominion fruit inspeo- ttirs, has returned, Public School staff and members of 'Trinity church choir, were e(Jtert1ill- edverrell` H n all.. 1 fee 3 an evening at J Y v 1 g t1) home > the necP4 1 1 s, .G,o P totlll. 'The anlv(L tU1r , A1, 6.l ]1L Y hand, of Wing - ham, passed through 1 1)(1H and while stopping 111 held a 11 Id amt PI service t1 1 g CH o the Street, playing a few pieces of music Trinity Sunday school held a very sect' e vsfulIrl • pl ellrlrie tree and entre.- tai ninent in IYLCh-tain(nentin Xhduetry Idall at which there was a very good attendance, The parts were all taken verywell by the sehnla1's. Tax Collector Somers was a busy tnan until 110 got in most of the taxes. There is only it matter of (1209 out. 8111nding on Which the dal}llglleets will have to pity the 5 per, cent in• 01etVs0. • Ed, McMillan who, was in the Clin- ton Hospital for some weeks recover- ing from the effects of the operation for appendicitis, has returned home fully restored. Yon will find that druggists every- where speak well of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. They know from long experience in the sale of it that. in cases of (1011ghs and molds it eau al- ways be depended upon, and that it is sale to take. For sale by all deal- ers. Goderich Godericll will have only an Inter- mediate team in tete 0. H. A. this sea- 80Sn, heriff Reynolds went to Toronto to attend the funeral of the lane D, Mc- Gillicuddy. (3. 11.. Elliott, ,irrigation engineer for the Dominion Government at Calgary, Is visiting his home Isere for the Xmas holidays, FI. R. Long, Principal of Victoria School, has received certificates as an instructor in physical training and as a cadet instructor. Mr. Long took a six weeks' course at the Loddon mili- tary school last Summer, Feed. Robot Won has received word 'd of 1114.88000ee i)1 the civil service ex- aminations he (vied recently atToron- to. He qualified for a position in the outside division of the civil service, The Malaita of the junior examina- tions of the Ontario College of Phar- marY, held recently, have been an, nnnneel and d awtal those g st. whu were su tessfn) are two Go der( • altYo , b a J. Platt It l rut L an Id 0. L. Cool tis, At the Fat Stock Shot v at Toronto this section of Huron 0ot111ty tvas' resented bytwo ate ' ars a yearlingand tL two-year-old, Ohl bred Y and. fed b d. A. 8liallough, of Dungatn)on. Stephen Aud1'ews was the exhibitor, The yearling steel' tools 3rd prize and the two-year-old animal was awarded 41h Drize. lances Lisk, of Ontario, a whi' 1)211 11 these. ()lessee for several ears past, took 1st molts Y 1 Y 416., Mallough puroh:wed a young itupoetecl cote at the Show foe the int trovement of Mord ! (lis •••••••••••••••••••••••••!••••••••see••••••••••••S•• • •UP—TO—DATE • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •. sGifts w X m ,'sl....l •• o Ready for You • IS Charming Gifts Plenty of them • 4. • See the New Ideas In our Holiday Stock o • • WATCHES 0 From $1.00 up. Our prices the • lowest. Dont fail to see our line • • • • CLOCKS • Newest in Fancy Gilt, Cuckoo, • Parlor, Bedroom, Dining Roolrl •p and get prices. and Kitchen Clocks. • JEWELERY • The latest in Pearl Set Goods, 10k and 141c Brooches Necklets Pen- • dents, Diamond Rings, Signet Rings,. Ladies' and Gen� ts' Fobs.. Lat•ge •• 0 dine of Bracelets, Tie Pins, Eat• stings, Etc, • • Fountain Pens, Novelties, Ebony Goods with and without Cases. •w. Large line of Xmas and New Year Post Cards,. • • 4141 Tags, Seals and Booklets. • • • New designs in Silverware Out Glass, Fancy China, Hand • •0 Bags, Pipes with and without cases.A.fety good Violins,, which to 1L• 0 ©.. � good value at the prices we ask. • Be • at 11p -to -date SANTA CLAUS— its • els No di cl ltie ffi 1 s if you make your u6. 4 sal' ' Y s t Coons, fromour lit p Merck o f Dolle •and • • Toys or from -a6.. varied r P stock of aIp) ro• d • priate ate Xmass Gifts. • fl • 1 .i$ Christmas Jo isa • 11 the •year Jo when 111 Y 1 6.v •I rho gift Is a KODAK. Don't fall to see • • ti 1 ee n w lineforr X Was. • ' -.aa tai ., -. r Our Welcome to Xmas Buyers • EGM(, Z Otr Prices win Articlob pu rohnbbd x 11. please you. graved free ofolrx. w •WL ADT1 S JEWELRY Y T o • Xt o $1101!0..02•00.4.0C•1 1•m mo wykti1Nomogim tirs