HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-12-26, Page 1VOL. 41 NO, 26
New, Advertisements
Greet r
d r,-
r .11.8 tort1t-T..
W wishes -Jim
Mit, tonne -Timor'
Balls for snlo-Amos Smith...
iR :istri.ct . lel
The Peesbytetiau Christmas Tree
entertainment Was a fine. success.
Good program was rendorecl, well as-
sisted by Mr. Pink, of London. Pro:
ceede $00.00,
There Was a large attendance at the
Local Option meeting last Saturday
evening in the Presbyterian church.
Rev, 13. Spetioe, of Toronto, gave a
clear cut, practical address'anilRutit-
v en MaeDonald's Sotos were well
We regret to state that MI's. S.
Welsh, of East Wawanosh, took her
own life err Christmas morning in the
woodshed by hanging, while her bus -
band was at the barn. She was about
years of age land had been 'melau
choly for some time, Deceased was a
slater to the late Finlay Anderson
and is survived by one daughter and
4 sons. The sympathy of the com-
triunity goes out to the bereaved.
Moncrief f
Miss Anna Dunlop has arrived
ilonle after an extended visit of ten
weeks with relatives in the U. S. She
took in the sights at Niagara Falls no
her way over with her uncle and
aunt and then went from there to
Wilkesbarre, Pittston and Scranton
in Pennsylvania State and also, to
Elrhira,NewYork State. Miss Dun-
lop stayed off two clays with. Miss
Peet in Hamilton on her wn v home,
She enjoyed a. fine trip and a very en-
joyable visit.
The Ashley, Penn„ correspondent
says :-"Mrs, Anna Dunlop, of Maty
street, Ashley, Penn., passed away
recently after an illness of pneumonia
at the advanced age of 88 years, 5
months and 28 clays. Mrs. Dunlop
was a woman of fine Christian
character, a devout member of the
Ashley Presbyterian church, which
she faithfully attended, rain or shine,
whenever able to do so. Her loyalty
and devotion to her Master was an in-
spiration to all. She was a woman of
high -principle and of deep piety, es-
teemed -by
s-teemed-by all who came in contact
with her, who admired her many •
qualities and graces and as a neighbor
hen was sympathetic and helpful:
She was an active member of the
Missionary Society and for several
years was President of that organiza-
tion and
rganiza-tionand her help .and her influence:
will be missed by a wide circle of
friends. She was the widow of John
Dunlop, who died twenty -oyez) years
aro. Sheis survived sit v ed bythefollow-
lu -
f l lv
io;, children:—Robert Dunlopattd.
Mee. John Ichter, of Ashley ; David
and Allan Dunlop, o1' . Wilkesberre ;
Mr's, Albertson, of .Elmira, N. Y.
and George Dunlop, of Monet'ieF.
Twenty-one geaudchildren and seven
great grandchildren also eurvive." IYIr',
Dunlop attended the funeral, Mrs.
Dunlop visited here at varlons times.
- 1
G, A. Hoocl, Of Pontiac, Mich., was
visiting relatives and friends here.
He is the youngest son of Mrs. George
Hood, of I31y,th.
On account of the illness of her fath-
ee,'Miss Bessie Muteh, who has been
teaching near Blyth for the past, six
years, has resigned her position, On
leaving she was the recipient of many
handsome gifts, among which were a
gold -handled umbrella with name and
school section eugreved on it and a n
ebony toilet set.
CL'ianbroek oeen air rink is booming
What about Oran brook hockey
team 1
Other.Craubrook items may be real
y c
Do page 5.
Arthro, Pen nor visited at Stratford
and Mitchell.
Miss Calder, of Toronto, is hese for
the holiday.
W. J. and Mrs: Hunter are here
from Oshawa.
'Herb. and tared. Jeschke,"of Detroit,
are visiting here.
Albert Foerster is holidaying at
Londomand Detroit.
Sleighing liveried up the getting
about of farmers and others,
Jas. Long, of Nledora, Sok., is visit-
ing under the parental roof.
Earl Reymann ie s endin ' the
holiday with Loudon relatives,
James Cott and tamily of Blyth,
spentChrietmas at A. McDonald's.
Miss Julia Buker, who is' training
for a nurse at Chatham, is hereto", a
Jas. Noble is away 'to Peery Sound
District where he may take a haud its
Rev. Mr. Patterson, of Toronto,
preached in Knox church last Sunday.
and will be there next Sabbath also.
Quite a number from tine locality
Attended the new Presbyterian church
opening at Walton, least'Sucday and
AnythingSam. Balfour uncleetakes
to do is generally well done. The lat-
est is the possession of an industrious
hen who has presented her owner with
a round dozen of baby chickens,
While out of the .usual ptrograin this
is an evidence of up -to -lateness al
though in some other important met-
tersaYL'. Balfour is in the rear gulud
despite the many eligible ladies in this
9 T
N:ti T
1 M1
Naturally ' You would Buy
Men'.s P
A. theme Men's Furnishing Store
Oar's is the Men's Furnishing Store filled he niuenlts
for Men such as rt
Neck Scarfs
Neck Ties
Cuff links
Suspender Sets
r Ilas
20th Cen, Clothing
Fur Coats
Fur lined Coats
Harrington ton Naas
['aril r t Shoes
Coat Sweaters
Jersey s
F it is a'Suit or OvercoatY
ou want, buy it in the 20th
ndy ora pair- of Stylish Shoes, buy
the Celebrated Hartt Shoe, noted for its style, fit
an y
d wearing dualities. Sold only »y
E. Dunford-
To idly Friends
'1"> :ny friends and others.1 wiser to
say that. rumors end statements abon
my husband, George Whitfield, lir
not true, 1 may have made statemen l
in my delicate condition of loath
which Inow ret'r'act, I wish a kind
public and my husband to Novi ve"and
forget the post: (Signed)
Mrs. McNair has returned from a
visit with olcl friends in the Past.
All'. aid Mee. Carter, of Listowel,
and Mr, rind Mr's, Cartel', of Avouton,
are % lentil's at Ohns. A lderson's,
The IBndeavor Soeiely of Knox
church has insn, d a 11 Ile program of
topics for the new year our of which
gond should come to the uuanbers.
Alien (trace I;, i1tnier is viel1iu r MissEdith t> eeuiau at Luckuoty. 6
Daniel anal Mrs, J2ckrnier, nI 011>> ton
were here for OhrisLwas holidays,
Nomination for Municipalhonol•s
will be held bele next Monday in the
Township Ball,
Miss Mina Elliott and Bliss Ella Mo-
Kineon are home for the Christmas
vacation. The latter will not return
to her school,
The pastor preached' a fine Christ-
mas sermon in the Methodist church
last Sunday from the text"Thou shalt
call Hie slants Jesus."
We are sorry to ileac that our old
friend, ,Jno. Dunbar, 4th cum, is not
having vet'y good health just now but
his many friends hope for speedy r'e
Keep Lhe Shredded Wheat Banquet
'in mind. The date is January 6th.
if you never Made a meal on shredded
wheat now is your chalice for a sur-
MATRIMONIAL., -Oa Wednesday cif
last week the home of W. J. and Mi's.
Stephenson was the scene of a very
pretty wedding, when Miss Minnie B.
Lamont >vas united in marriage to
.John Kreuter, of. Ethel. The bride,
tvho was unattended, looked very
charming in a travelling suit of grey
whip cord serge, and silk blouse with
trimmings of baby Irish lace. She
carried in her hand a boquet of cream
roses and maiden hair fern. The
groow'e present to the bride was a
gold ol'eseellt set' with pearls. The
travelling haat of the bride was a black
heave!, ti'immled with black plume
and sil k loses. The happy cgnple left
on the after noon pain for Stratford.
Tntontn, aed. other points. Rev. D.
Wren, 11, A., B,D., was the ofii.ciating
clergyr]utu. 'Mr. and Mrs. Kreuter
will reside here and eo mience mar
Vied life with 111e hearty good wishes
of a Wide circle of relatives and
r+o ,..r.t•.r,r•i.•r'Fa•a•.;.•I•-:••t•a•a•.q.•t+++
and '
Money +
etIUR Creat An-
nu'al Sale in the �
interest of Cash Buyers +
a starts on Saturday morn- +
Ing, Dec, 7th, and will
continue for 30 days,when
Shoes of all kinds will be 4'
j offered at Greatly Reduce
ed Prices,
1'Vinuiil'ed:Barr, of t,heGuelph, is ton ate, Church Holiday visitors in the goons of
thgta few days at her home, on a s* Opening
Lhe 9111 con.
W. H. KERR, Proptit:tor
Public School will open on Monday,
January 0th, melee the new teacher,
Bliss Dan brook.
Now that the marriage fever has
set in we expect it may carry off
several parties berme' it stops.
Rev. 141r, Patterson, of '1'oennto,
will conduct the servicein the Presby-
terian church here next Sunday after-
Invitations are riot for the marriage
of Mitts Elizabeth Jarle Kerr, ,of this
Ineallty, to Reginald U, Nettle, of Ba-
leen len. Wedding will lake place :ru
81. David's church,: Heufryn, on
Wednesday, January 811-1, at 4 p, m.
Lion Liriday's Methodist Sunday
Sohool Christmas Tree Ln Ler tainmeut
came off in A 1 eLyle iisthe 'Township
Hall with Rubors McKay holding the
refus," Program consisted of instru-
rnenttalmasse, tveitations, dialogues,
&c. G. W. Pollard made a first-class
Sacha Claus, Financial proceeds
were $36.00.
HYMENEAL.—A quiet weddingtook
Face at the bonne of Robt. sanAirs.
Bremner, on Tuesday ' afternoon, et
4.30 o'clock, when their only daughter,
Bliss Pearl J., was married to Russel
R. Dilworth, of McLeod, Alae, Rev.
D. Wt'eu, B. D., performecl the Gere -
loony under an evergreen arch in Lhe.
parlor. 81es. 1McFt.dzet n, of Brussels,
played the Wedding Mur•cli, Beide,
who w:ts unattended, wore a becom-
ing gown of pale green satin. After
congratulations thecompany sat down
to a fine wedding dinner. 811., and
Mrs, Dilworth, after a holiday visit
with relatives will retake their home
in the West, The groom is a son of
R. and Mrs. Dilworth, of Ethel. We
wish the happy young couple health,
weal LI' and happiness.
A11 the members of Mrs. John
Stl•achaul's family were home for
Christmas, a very pleasing feature at
this'glad season.
Last week 'Charles B. F. Dow, of
Gourock, Scotland, arrived 'here on a
visit with the Alex. Forest family and
other relatives in this locality,. It is
9 yetu•s since he was here before.: Me.
Dow is engaged in motor boat build-
ing and likes to get over the ocean for
an ccasional holiday.
ARM SOLD.—The 100 twee farm of
ex -Councillor Cutt, East of here' has
been sold to David Badgely, of Morris
township,.for the sum of $4,650, pos-
session to he given by Feb. 20th. We
have lint learned what Mt, Cat pur-
poses turning his attention ,to but
hope Ire will notgetfar away. The
people of the community will find Mr.
Badgely tan honest, honorable, indus-
trious man, whose old neighbors will
be sot ry to part with hint and Mrs,
Miss Margaret McDonald, 4th con.,
+ is home from'
Toronto for Christmas.
Dr. Robertson, of Ogllingwood,is a
+ holiday visitor at Mrs. H. McKi.nnon's,
+ 7t11 con.
Miss Jennie Rands, who is principal
+ of Goriie Public school, is borne for
her vacation.
.t, 'Mee. Robert McLean, of Seattle,
Wash., is here on a visit with her:
+ father, John Dunbar, 4th con.
t Miss E, Dickson, who is Leeching
+ near Arthur, is enjoying a holiday
+ visit at her home on Con. 11.
+ The caveLaking of Roe's ohnrch is
+ now in charge of J. B. Lake and
family who will look after it well, no
.t. The family of Jno. B. Lake spent
+ Christmas at the home of Mrs. Ed -
+t ward Bosman, of Winghem. Mrs.
+ Lake is 0 claoghtee.
Miss Addie Grant is home for the
vacation froul her position as teacher
+ inHowlett 'township. She is re-eu-
+ gaged at an increase of salary.
+ Rural annual School meetings are
being held to -day. One discouraging
+ feature of these gatherings is the
{ small attendance at some of them.
+ Last week Bli Smith was holiday-
ing with the Killongh families at
+ Dungannon. The latter were former
residents of Grey and relatives of the
A fine tune was spent at the Sab-
bath School entertaimeit at Union
church last week. Rev. Mr. Wen
occupied the chair and the program
was' flue.
We arc lad
g toreport that Law-
Yeuce Wheeler who has been ill with
typhoid levee, is able to move shout
once move and we hope will regain his
castninet'y gond health.
Miss .Teas Armstrong, who is at-
tending the Normal School at Toron-
to and Harold, of Stratford collegiate,
toe here for the Christmas holidays
visiting relatives and friends.
.Tarbes Brown 'wife and family, of
Expanse, Sask., are here nu a visit
with the fortner's parents, Deputy,
Reeve and• Mrs. Beoivn, 10th Con.
Good reports come froth the West by:
Mr. Brown.
MinnOrptt ELECTxow,—In case of a
Municipal Election in Grey the fol-
lowing will be the Deputy Returning
Officers and Poll Clerks :—
Div, D. 1.1,. 0. , Poll Cleric
1 John McEwan Chas. Simpson
OiliWinvn el}r, Norionhtril 30110Ritchie
H; R. Elliott
4 N. AkcTeggarb D.X. Livingston
5 G. 17. McCall W H. Love
0 Antos.
Smith l Saint.A i
eGeo '
7 A, Ravwanll GVm. McCall
Next Monday will be Nomination
Day, the exercises taking place at the
Township hall, Ethel from 12 to 1 p.
't'her'e is usually a large attendance oft
ratepayer's and an • interesting discus•
of Municipal pa affairs. All the
members tV
s f1912Council
telethon field lot rei-ele.et e, Whethee
will be are "acclamation settle -
be a, query shirt[ the cloe-
1 ing of the nnnumation hour. Sone
think it Iniby go that way.
This will be your last
chanee at these prices to
secure ,your Shoes for'
future 080 as well as
+ present node, as the
prices for the coating
Spring will be so much
q, ht advance Of present
prices that you will save
+ over 25 per cent by boy -
at this Sale.
�+ g t
�l• We want the Cash so of -
'12 for you this great money
saving opporin'nity.
Splendid Success. — Pastor and People
The dedication services of the new
Presbyterian church at Walton were
successful beyond all expectations.
Fine weather, good sleighing, toll
moonlight and the Christmas season
all helped to make it a reel)! d success.
Rev. Dr, R. P. McKay, r.f 'Toronto,
ex -Moderator of the Osie Assem-
preached an Sunday •.;,ted by
pre (Rev. Mr. Lundy) and
Revds. Messrs. BallanLyur', Lundell
Edmonds, Walton ; and Ctuswell,
\•Viuthrop. The tsunamis were most
powetful. In the morning he preach-
ed on "Christian Love;" in the after-
noon on "The right heart for service '
tend at night on `The'eall of the world
and the tr•inrnphs of the Gospel in
Ohina." His messages gave a new
vision, a 1100'faite and a new iuspira-
tion to pastor and people. Congrega-
tions were very large, , many being
present from Brussels, Ct'aubrook,
Mouerief1, Winthrop,. Londesboro'
and Blyth. The service of prates by
the choir was most appropriate. Miss'
Wiltse, of Clinton, gave three choice
solos in fine voice. Free-will offerings
were hearty; amounting to nearly
Al on day nitlhtfnll 1000 en le er
present at'tlie Fowl people
ladies had transformed beautiful
new basement by Christmas decora-
tions, mottos, &e., and it was a pretty
scene, Entire basement was filled
with tables; decorated, well lighted,
and waited upon by a large number of
yoaug men and maidens, The 'ar-
rangements were first-class and high,
praise was given to the ladies for the
fine Xmas supper.'. After all had been
well satisfied it was found that basket-
fuls of cooking Were still left and 30
choice fowl still uucarved.
Program began at 8 o'clock with all
the artists present and for two hours
they delighted the immense crowd
that filled the beautiful edifice to over-
flowing.. Rev. R. A. Lundy, the gen
ial pester, presided and kept every-
thing well in, hand. A flue program of
music was rendered by the chore ably
assisted by Mrs. McGuire, ofSeafot;th ;
Miss Wlltse, Clinton; Miss. Francis
and Mr. Francis, Loudon ; and Mr,
Gilroy, Brussels, 2lisses Edmunds,
Gaediner and Harrison were the elocu-
tionists and excellent addresses were
given by Rev, Mr. Ballantyne, Lon-
don, a beloved formerastor of the
church ; Rev. S. C. Edmunds, Walton ;
Dr. Oaten, Brnsse]s ; Revds. Turner
and Jewitt, Blyth, The program was
pronounced the -best ever given in
Welton, Proceeds of the supper
totalled $415.00.
The special services will be continu-
ed next Sabbath when. Rev. Dr. Gau-
dier, Principal of Knox College, Tor-
onto, will preach at 10.30 a. m. 3 and
New church is a veryfine edifice
web planned, well builtandwith all
modern conveniences for Sabbath
School, Young People's work, Ladies'
work, &o. The contractors were hun-
ter & Sou, of Cuanbrook. The sub-
contractors were Parks & Brown,
Mitchell, masons ; Whittaker & Son,
London, slaters ; Wilton &Gillespie,
Brussels, iron work and furnaces • F.
McOracken, Brussels, painter. Lux-
fex-P1'istu (Jo., Toronto, installed the
windows and these were .presented t0
the congregation by the Young Peo-
ple. The seats and furniture, costing
$1,000, were purchased from the Val-
ley City Seating Co., Dundas. These
are given by the Ladies' Aid' Society,
which has already raised $1300.00 for
the Building Fund, Mx'. Ament,Mus-
sels, won hearty approval for the flee
material supplied for the building.
All tbese received a very hearty vote
of merited praise for their high class'
'J Posy joins with all the Chris-
tian people of the community in:heart-
iest congratulations to pastor and
people on their noble gift to God, and
their heroic and successful achieve-
ment.' Well done, Duff's. May it be
the beginning of newer, and nobler
and larger things for this historic and
united congregation.
Additional Grey news on page 5.
Alex, and Leslie Lamont •are holi-
daying at the old home, 10th con.,
during. the College vacation,
PENDlrUBE,—The" annual Financial
Statement. for Grey Township for the
past year is printed and shows the
large amount of rummy handled by
the Council, the most of whioh they
have no control over, to be as fol-
lows : Total receipts with lust year's
Malice $91,007. For salaries and al-
lowances there was expendedPostage, $1016:
Health, 6 Posta e
stationery, express,p$8 • rinting etc., $137 ;'
Charity, $30 ; Oa. rate, $5143 ;• Roads
and bridges, $4384 ; Gravel, $514 ;
Debentures, $8861 ; Schools, $8554 ;
Sheep killed by clogs $615 ; Ditches
and drains, $101 ; Municipal drains,
$11898. T
are about 80 Muni-
luni.cipal drains in Grey from first to last
which is a big chore -in themselves to
look after.
Geo. and Mrs. Ferguson, of'Toron-
to, were here for a holiday visit.
Next Sabbath the special services
Duff's new church will be continued.
Rev. Dr, Gaudier, of Toronto, will be
the pteacher at 10,30, 3 and 7 o'clock
Miss Ellie Rowland,, daughter of
M. Rowland, "14th con,,, McKillep, is
on the sick list, but, her many friends
hope she will soon be fnlly restored to
good health.
Last week J. J. Pollard sold a heavy
drift mare to . W. Oudmoi•e, of Sea-
forth, at the fancy price of $325.00.
She was a good one, 6 years old and
bore out the reputation of the owner
for A 1 stock.
The usual service in the Methodist
chnt'oh was withdrawn so as to permit
the members of the congregation to
attend: the ()peeing of the new Presby-
Letian church last week.
RURAL MAIL,—We have authority
for the statement that Rural routes
will be in operation In McEEiltee and
North bohndai'y shortly. Tenders
ate to be asked for. Rave you sent in
your application for a box 1 If riot
see to it at once so that all prelimin-
aries will be cleared out of the way.
On New Year's night eon Entertaln-
meut will be 'held in the Methodist
church. Choice program of vocal
and instrumental music, readings and
recitations, 11Jisses Beck, of Hareiston,
81iss Echndnds, of Exetee, and others
will take pau't. Mi', Brown, of Fuller-
ton, is expected. Refreshments will
be served. Entertainment will begin
at 7,80 o'clock.
Shovelsi s )
G b (n, of London, is spend-
ing a week with relatives Here,
(4, F. Mercer, of the Royal Bank,
went to Durham on Tuesday to spend
John Harris still continues very ill.
We hope to learn of a decided irn-
prnvetnent soon.
Leslie Mehtnighlin, of Winnipeg,
is horse for a four weeps' visit with
his )anent 11
Marton land Mts. Bowe and little
stns, of Dunnville. are guests of the
former's father, Geo, Howe.
Our school staff, Misses Doll, Me.
Leod, Mc'Lanchlin, and Martin left for
their homes on Thursday last where
they e will spend l,he Christmas turas Gan,
p v
Christmas Tree Entertainment
of the Methodist church wee a great
success. A well filled boli was sent to
t1e Ohlldren's hospital from the Sun.
shine club,
Miss Beatrice Howe, of London
Normal School, is spending her vaca-
tion at her home here.
Stewart 1'JcKercher, who has been
attending Toronto University is home
for the Christmas vacation.
John and Mrs. Rae, of Eady, are
spending two weeks with the former''s
parents, D. and Mrs. Rae, of Howick.
John McTavish, of Battleford, Sask.
a former well known resident of
Turnberry, is visiting relatives and
friends in this locality.
Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin and little
daughter, of Winnipegand Mrs.Flank Sanderson, of Toronto, are
nests of their mother, Mrs. Jas.
Thos. 0. McCall, 8th line, has been
laid off duty with laryngitis.
• Last Friday James Bowman, 14I. P.,
arrived home from Ottawa for the
'holiday being token by the Dominion
Miss Annie 'Cowan, who has been
teaching at. Oshawa, has been engaged
by the trustees of Button's school for
1913. Salary will be $800. •
J. B. Tierney, .4th 'line, has been
having quite a trouble in his neck but
we are glad to state be is improving
now and we hope will soon be all
During Lite coming season Albert
Crooks, 4th line purposes adding. 20
feet to the centre of his bank barn
with cement wall also extended. This
will give him a barn of 60 x 72 feet.
The gravel has been hauled by Mr.
Crooks so -as toget an early start.
'Work ceased last Saturday au the
Blyth Oreelc drain to be resumed next
Spring. August Gull", has the con-
tract and has l! miles of it done, out
of8miles. The past work has been
through smarm and consequently a
slow, tedious job. Drain is 12 to 14
feat; wide on top.
S. S. No. l pupils jubilat�ed last Fri-
day afternoon and under the direction
of Miss Fear, the teacher, the pupils
good gave
g d account of themselves,
Program consisted of music, dialogues,
recitations and the unloading of it
Christmas Tree in which Santa Claus
was represented by James Brown.
The chair was taken by John Parrott.
ne of the trustees and the afternoon
was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
DIED lit OuxcAGO.—A telegram fi•om
Chicago last Saturday brought the
ad news to the Champion family,
6111 line, of the demise, on Friday, of
rederick Champion, who want to
hicago a month ago in the hope of
e(teting his health,' The remains
ere brought home and the funeral
vas held on Tuesday afternoon to
russels cemetery, Rev. Dr. Oaten
ondueting the service, Deceased
vas hero at Helmeev]lie, Huron Co.,
bout 55 years ago and resided at
iltereut periods at Auburn, Donny-
rook, Whitechurch and Bluevale
efoie locating in Morris township
ast March. 23 years ago he married
Ise Marthai
Milner andsh
e and
family of 6 sons and 6 daughters
u'vive. The subject of thisotice
ad been poorly for the past 5 years,
suing contracted a eold which de-
eloped into pneumonia, the effects which he wits never able to shake
off. Mrs h
,Jose '
Joseph Nixon f Luokno
1 0 deceased s sister '
I r to t.
d ca.ased
and d l.tvo
brothers, 141oses anti Albert, reside at
and New York City, reslaer-
tively. The hereavetl family will
share in a largo measure nI sympathy
In the corntnnuityin 'hell. Sorrow at
this glad season of the year,
Russell and s, Wheeler, ler oFSou
ampton, are here enjoying a visit: at
their parental houses.
While working on the Guhr dredge
Jno, It, Bell, 8th line, got struck close
to the right eye by the handle of a
shovel, that made a very sore .bruise
e has been running the gauntlet as
to how he got the black eye since,
David G. Smith, 6th line, Govern,
meat Employment'Agent,will be
able to supply hired help, either male
or female, if applications are made.
early in the season, Information may
be received by writing him, Brussels
osLofflee, o1• calling 'phone No. 8816
ir nie , Grey and Brussels easel line.
TIC5. The following figures are glean-
ed from the annual Financial State
meet prepared by Reeve Shox•treed
and Treasurer Shaw :—Expended on
roads and bridges, $16,908 ; drainage,
$13,743 ; debentures, $8,2558 ; school
purposes,11$5'884 ;stationeryandprint-
g, $ ; salaries and allowances,
$7755 ; Board of Health, 519 ; charity,
$78 ; sheep killed by dogs, M. The
above with 8264 part Co. rate totals
$46;728, Total receipts were $83,477.
which included balance of $21,782 on
hand, from 1911.
Nomination Day next Monday al,
the Township;Hall, under the manage -
moot o
f Officer McEwen.
There is not likely to be any shortage
of candidates for municipal honor's.
Rumor bas it that the present Reeve
Dray have Councillor Elston as his
opponent and for Councillor in ad-
dition to the three members of this
year's Board, Messrs. Thuell, Fraser.
and Laidlaw,• the names of M. Kelly,
Geo. Procter, W. J. Henderson, T.
Forbes, A.. lowlett, Walter Ynill
and Thos. Miller are mentioned. In -
serest will be added this election
from the fact that it Local Option
contest is on, as is the ease in Turn-
beiTy and McKillop. The electors of
East Wawanosh and Grey townsllihs,
West and East of us have already
adopted the By-laws. People who
have been over a large section of
Morris say if the vote turns out Local
Option will carry.
GATBI]R1NG:—The annual Christmas
entertainment of the Jackson church
Sabbath School was held on the even-
ing of the 17th inst., and was among
the most successful of the history of
these interesting events.: A good
program was well rendered and en-
joyed by all. It. was as follows :--
-Chairman's Address ; song, "Sunday
School Volunteer Song",- recitation,
"Christmas Sparkles, Mary Roger-
son ; dialogue, "Going to the.
Dentists" ; recitation, Bliss Maines,
Blyth ; violin music, Wrn, Sholdice,
'Wise Lily Jackson and Miss Sholdice ;
reading, Miss Mills, Blyth ; duet, Lily;
Jackson and Maggie Brown ; dialogue,
"Sale of a wife" ; duet, Mrs. R. Fear
and Miss Spat:ling• recitation, Lily
Rogerson • violin solo, Lily Jackson ;
slr 1, Win. Jackson; Blyth 7
dialogue, "Bridget's Investments" ;
solo, Miss Carr, Blyth ; violin music ;
reading, Superintendent Howlett;
duet, Misses Carr and Mills ; recita-
tion, Mrs.' Ray Fear ; singing, "Santa
Claus" ; recitation, Irvin Wallace ;,.
dialogue, g Marrying a Poetess" ; song
Melds McElroy; violin music ; recita
Lien, Miss Mainee ; singing, "Men of
the North" ; National .Anthem. Pro-
ceeds totalled $22.00 and will be ap-
plied to school purposes. The chair
was occupied by Rev. Geo. Jewitt,
the pastor. Everybody enjoyed them
Mrs, Dookett spent Christmas at her
sister's, Miss Bella Armstrong, 6th
line, Grey.
Reg. Neale, who was formerly en-
gaged with. Charles Kerr on the farm,
is expected holne for the holiday. sea-
[[Miss Jennie Thompsonis home to
spend Christmas vacation. Site is en-
gaged to teach Fordwich Public school
for 1913.
Brussels Scheel Board
The School 33oarel met on the even-
ing of Dec. 13th, in the Board roots.
A11 the members present.
Minutes of last meeting read and
Following accounts tvert presented
F. R. Smith $ 5 40
Gerry & Walker.. ,1.8(1
P. Ament 6 97
Wilton & Gillespie, coal .....,... 851 59
Moved by James Fox, seconded by
M. H. Moore that the above accounts
be paid. Carried.
Report of Public School Inspector
Field was read and flied after being,
discussed. It was very favorable.
On motion of R. Leatherdale, sec-
onded by Jas. Fox that the request of
R. Henderson, caretaker of school, for
increase of salary be granted and that
it be $25,00 per month, commending
with January 1918. Carried.
Moved byl
AI. H.
J. Moore, seconded by
Cunningham that the three junior
teachers have their salaeyincreased to
$500 per annum, same to commence at
this rate on Jan. 1st, 1018. (tarried,
A L. Stewart, eldest sou of the late
Donald Stewart, formerly a well know»
Britsselite, iS Superinto'edent of Imtnan-
tial Presbyterian Sabbath School, De-
troit. He�
she d
u make
a good c.o.
r.Lan To linaatsiulv.••-.At a largelyattended meeting of Gtrthrie' church
congregation Harristou held Monday it
was unanimously decided 'to ektend a
call to Rev, N, :1, Percy, M. A., of'.
lou e
d sboro. The stipend pf•otnised is
t o
e nand t
$ , toot
weeks' Vacation. CR
tt tion.
A. G.
Stewart, 1,:'
the Gnu •
g tgo at'
Geer e
Grey, the Board of Managers,
and Join Meiltlojuhn tile session, were
appoin ed to euepor't the On before the
Presbytery of Snu);ecn, end). Motley
to 1 '>> ,eiit 1110 eon itt egatort before the ..
Presb ttr f l3