HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-11-28, Page 7leefrefiefeseettelleeellevielkev4Wale Fashion Hints Oiseeeeteoeseeteeteseieseesee Paris Styles for the Coiffure. The hair at present ie worn so simply' that it is absolutely essen- tial that some ornamentation must be worn, especially for dressy ev- ening wear; and to offset the low, flat ,coiffure it seems to be the fash- ion to load the head with gigantic sprays of paradise or aigrettes, un- til they resemble a head covering even more ponderous than a hat, says a Paris letter, A little while ago French women worehate with their dinner dress and thought nothing of entering a theatre after a restaurant dinner garbed in decollete dresses and with argo picture hats covering their eade. In ninny cases the hat was orn during the performance, and the boxes the fair occupants nev- dreamed of removing their be - ed millinery. 'nglish women, for years past, entered the theatres and res- nts minus head coverings. In at a great number of smart trants, the wearing of a, hat ictly prohibited. Not only the English woman abide by rule of the restaurant proprie- r and enter his place of businees ouly in a low-necked, light-colored evening dress, but her hair must be ooiffed and arranged so that the wearing of a hat will be unneces- sary. Of course, without a hat the French woman would not think she was correctly dressed, unless there were something to take its place, for to the French woman her head - covering is her crowning glory and she respects it and gives consider- able attontioi to it. Then came head dresses. Not the simple, mod- est little ribbon bands or bands of gold or silver, but wonderful af- fairs, poised on the head as only a French woman can poise them, and arranged, moreover, so that when seated in the theatre, the one be- hind has less chance to see what is trauspirlbg on the stage than if the hat dere worn. Not all of the head-dresses are exaggerated. There are some shaped like hel- mets, fitting well down over the head and with only one upstanding aigrette or paradise placed in front.' The average man, seated behind, can manage to see the stage from time to time. The young girl has followed the fashion laid down by her English cousins. When she accompanies her parents to a play or to a restaurant she is noticed for the extreme sim- plicity of her coiffure. Generally, her hair is parted in the centre. If it is naturally wavy, very good; but if she boasts straight tresses, then they are carefully undulated to resemble natural waves. Plaided Silks as Trimmings. Dark -colored serge dresses in seal brown, navy and black are often brightened up by the use of plaided silks for the waist, or the introduc- tion of these bright -colored patterns for the collars, girdles and a por- lion of the sleeves. In some cases, when the plaided waist is seen the skirt material extends into the waist section in bib or jumper ef- fect. Narrow pointed directoire col- lars extending in sharp points over the shoulders are also made of plaid when the waist is developed in the dress material. Robespierre oollars, turnback cuffs and military girdles and sashes are also made in these fancy silks. Silk dresses plaided off with yel- low,- red and green on a, dark blue, lelaok or brown background are used with buttons tb Harmonize, for in- stance, amber balls or blue buttons with red or green centres. They are applied in profusion both on waists and on smarts. - Double Skirts. Akthough the plaited skirt is promised a revival, numbers of the new Paris model suits have still skirts which, although rather tight at the ankles, are ample enough round the hips and knees. There are ways of giving width to these gowns which prevent them from 'developing into anything which is likely to recall the hobble. In some cadge the seam is left open at .the foot in modified Direo toire fashion, while a still better expedient is that of the two skirts, one above the other, and both of which have one opo seam in a dif- fereet place, au that plenty of free- dom is gained in this manner, the skirt remaining, however, narrow in appearance, and the opening un- noticeable. In choosing a wife, young men, use your ears Its well as your eyes, The Royal National Lifeboat In- stitutien was founded in 1eg4, and lay 1888 had saved 33,243 lives. A Camel, When burdened, can travel 25 miles s day; when unbur- deneclo iia Many as 00, or even 00, *1111 16 ANAEMIC GIRLS SEEM EVERYWHERE Nine Out of Every Ten Show Symptoms of This Serious Trouble. So steadily does anaemia under- mine the health of young, growing girls and young women that it is rightly regarded as one of the greatest enemies of her sex. Nine women out of ten are bloodless, more or less, and in many Oases neglect has allowed anaemia to de- velop into hopeless decline, There is a security and new strength for weak tired girls and women in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple.' They actually make the new, good blood of health that banishes the "always ti 'ed" weakness, and the continual backaches of anae- mia. They drive away headaches, the low spirits, the palpitation of the overworked heart and the fits of nervousness that mark the wo- men whose weak blood is unable to nourish their wasting frames. Dr. Willams' Pink Pills have given health to unhappy anaemics in cas- es too numerous to record. Here is ono example. Miss Hattie B. White, Whitehall, Ont., says :— '.`Some two years ago I became very much run down. I consulted a doctor who told me that it was a bad case of anaemia and nervous - nese. I had most of the symptoms that accompany this trouble, such as headaches, a tired feeling, poor appetite, and pallor. The doctor's medicine did not seem to help me and then I began changing from one medicine to another, but with no better results. Finally at the suggestion of my mother I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got two boxes and by the time I had taken them I began to feel bet- ter, This cheered me very much, and I continued using the Pills un- til I had taken nine or ten boxes. When I was again enjoying the very best of health, and had gained in weight as well. I have proved in may case that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a cure for anaemia, and can recommend them to similar suf- ferers." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.30, from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. The Counsel of Despair. "I want a piece of meat without any bone, fat or gristle," said the bride, on her first trip to market. "Yes, ma'am," replied the butch- er. "I would suggest that you take an eggs,. - A New Way to i1ake Money. I am making a fortune selling Pure Fruit Candy. Any brainy person can do likewise ; so if you want to make more money than you ever possessed send ninety-six cents in Canadian stamps to cover the expense of mailing Seventy- seven Pure Food Candy Formulas, and the moulds to make the candy. I will send them prepaid, and help you start in business. I am glad to help others, who, like myself, need money. People say "the candy is the best they ever tasted"—therein lies the beaut- of the business— the candy is eaten immediately and more ordered. Yon don't have to canvas ; you sell right from your own home. I made $12.00 the first day; so can you. Isabelle Inez, Block "L" Negley, Pittsburg, Pa. An optimist is a man who is thankful for a lot of things he doesn't get. 'MARVELOUS' C[JRES or SKIW EP1JPTON Four Children Constantlyerratch ng. NearlyTore Limbs Off. C:'lredin a Month by Cuticura Soap and Ointment "Two of my daughters and two of My 00111 were suffering from very bad heads, the dos. for ordering my daughters to have all their hair cut off so as to prevent It from spreading all over their beads, and to of tI ettrouble 1n order to be able to r u b some o 1 n t- Molt, which he gave them, well Into the sores. These.. sores started n emald blotches k0/r� Y which got larger and larger and then beret and epreed all over their heads, and in some cases down their backs and bodies, Tho doctor said It was eczema, but they seemed to be daily getting worse. The sores forinel like little bolls, then Sled with matter, and looked like abscesses. They became all Inflamed and irritated, causing theta to be constantly rorat®hingthemselves. This made the sores urst, and the matter flowed alt over their cads. Wo had 4o cut their linger nails and et times to p115 gloves pdn th0it bands, the irritation was so bad, to keep tilt m from digging Into the Reath and at tight they. would nearly tear their limbs off. The bolsters would be literally covered with blood. "The teachers would not let them attend school for fear of Infection spreading among the ether 611E404 do I resolved .t0 try the Oakum Remedies, which I found to benefit my children greatly. I continued with the Chtleura Soap and OutieSre Ointment for ono month, end the result Is a marvelous cure" (Signed) George Arthur Robinson, 7 ifltzwltliam St., Hoyland 00110505, nr. Barnsley, Yorks., Eng., Jan, 8 1011, Although Outleura Soap and Ointment aro sold theuu-1,mtt the world, a liberal sarnttile OMR, of re, with 82-p. book ou the skin will be sent 1reo, 4n ap3lteation to Potter D. k O, Corp." 46 Columbus. Ave, Boated, U. 8, A. TIGERS SHILFUL STALKERS. Eualla4 Resident of India Tells of Animals' Methods. Most wild animals may, in a sense, be termed "specialists" with reference to the manner in which they approach their prey. The tiger is great as a stalker. His feet may be said to be "shod with eilence." As illustrating the proficiency of the tiger in this respect there may be cited the experience of an English resident of India. He had been much annoyed by tigers and at last tied a bullock in a clearing and took up his own posi- tion in a tree to wait until the big cat should come after the bait, The ground was eovered with dried leaves, which, in hot weather, are so brittle that even the walking of a bird over'them can be distinctly heard for some distance, In a short time a large tiger slip- ped out of the forest and slowly edged his way toward the bullock. His method was so elaborate and painstaking that the man watching was fascinated to a degree. So carefully did the big beast put down each paw. and so gradually did he crush the dry leaves under it, that not a sound was to be beard. Between him and the bullock was a stump about four Poet high, with long, projecting surface roots. This plainly the tiger regarded es a for- tunate aid in his operations. He got upon one of the roots, bal- anced himself with infinite care, and so was able to walk quickly and silently as far as the stump. He approached so gradually and noise- lessly, and his color against the brown leaves was so imperceptible, that he was close upon the bullock before the latter perceived him. ,e School Boy Drunkards. Remarkable statements concern- ing drunkenness amongst Ruesian school children are made by Mr. Consul H. M. Grove in his report on the trade of the Moscow district for 1911. It is admitted, he writes, that inebriety is very rapidly in- creasing among the school children in Russia in general, and in Moscow and the Moscow provinces in parti- cular. Out of 18,134 school boys in the Moscow province, from the ages of 8 to 13 years, 12,162, or 66 per cent., have taken to drink, and out of 10,404 girls of the same ages 4,733, or 45 per cent., also drink. 'b SCOFFERS Often Make the Staunchest Converts. The man who scoffs at an idea or doctrine which he does hot fully understand has at least the courage to show where he stands. The gospel of Health has many converts who formerly laughed at the idea that tea and coffee, for ex- ample, ever hurt anyone. Upon looking- into the matter seriously, often at the suggestion of a friend, such persons have found that Pos- tum and a friend's advice have been their salvation. ' "My sister was employed in an eastern city where she had to clo calculating," writes a Western girl. "She suffered with headache. until she was almost unfitted for duty. "Her landlady persuaded her to quit coffee and use Postum, and in a few days she was entirely free from headache," (Tea is just as injurious as coffee because it con- tains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee.)"She told her employer about it, and on trying it, he had the same experience. "My father and I have both suf- fered much from nervous headache since I can remember, but we scoffed at the idea advanced by my sister, that coffee was the cause of our trouble. ' "However, we finally quit coffee and began using Postum. Father has had but one headache now in four yearn, due to a severe cold, and I have lost my headaches and sour stomach which I am now con- vinced came from coffee. "A cup of good, hot Postum is satisfying to me when I do not care to eat a meal. Circumstances caused me to locate in a new coun- try and I feared I would not be able to get my favorite drink, Pos. tum, but I was relieved to find that a full supply is kept here with a heavy demand for it." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a reason." Ever read the abovs letter? A now ono appears from time to time. They ore genuine, true, and full' of human Interest. d. Tough. "More tough luck," whispered his wife. "Well, what now?" ho muttered, "You know Mies Green never sings without her musk?" rryes "Well, she's brought her music." Among bachelors between the ages of 30 and 40 themortality is very high -27 per cent.; among married men of those ages it is only 18 per cent. French oolonfee and dependencies in all parts of the world have an area of four million square tilos, and a population of forty million., Minard'e Linitttent Cures Code, so, ARE YOUR HANDS :p,Nr1,ePEA Lam.Buit Will Cure Them. The particular danger of chapped hands and cold eracke (apart alto- gether from the pain) is that the cold is likely to penetrate and set up inflammation, festering, or blood -poison. Directly the skin is broken by a cut, graze or scratch, or chaffed and cranked by the ac- tion of the cold winds and water, the one necessary precaution is to apply Zara-Buk freely. The pure herbal juices from which Zam-Buk is prepared are so per - feebly combined and refined that the immediate effect of these Zam- Buk dreesings is soothing, antisep- tic, and healing, Mrs. O. M. Phoen, Neuchatel, Alta., writes ; `"I must tell you how pleased I am with Zam-Buk. My husband had an old frostbite on his foot for many years, and had tried almost every known rem- edy, without any effect, but the first application of Zam-Buk seem- ed to help him so much that he persevered and the sore is now cured. We would not be without Zam-Buk in the house." • Zam-Buk is also a sure cure for piles, eczema, ulcers, abscesses, scalp sores, blood -poison, bad leg, eruptions, etc. Pus purely herbal composition makes it the ideal balm for babies and young chil- dren. Ml druggists and stores sell Zam-Buk 50c. box or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Try also Zam-Buk Soap, 250, tab- let. What Queen's Clothes Cost Her. For morning: Serge walking suit Walking shoe .... .. Sable stole and muff Gloves .... .... .... Lingerie .... .... .... Corsets $ 35.00 12.50 30.00 750.00 2.50 100.00 50.00 $980.00 For the afternoon: Gown .. $ 125,00 Hat 75,00 Sable coat .... .... .... 10,000,00 Shoes .... .... .... 10.00 Corsets .... .... ..". .,00.00 Gloves 2.50 Lingerie ... , ..... 200.00 $10,462.50 For the evening: Court gown .... ,"..... $1,000.00 Shoes ,... .. 25,00 Corsets .... .... ... 50.00 Lingerie .... .. 500.00 Gloves .... .... .. 5.00 $1,580,00 ATE $35,000 OF FOOD. Voracious Eaters Cause of Others' Starvation. The advice which Sydney Smith gave to Lord Murray on the subject of dint was probably sound, "If you wish for anything like happi- ness in the fifth met of life," he wrote, "eat and drink one-half of what you could eat and drink. Did I ever tell you my caleubations about eating and drinking? Having ascertained the weight of what I could live upon so as to preserve health and strength, and what I did live upon, I found that between ten and seventy years of age I had eaten and drunk forty-four horse - wagon loads of meat and drink more than would have preserved me in life and health! The value of this mase of nourishment I consider to be worth $35,000. It occurred to me that I must, by my voracity, have starved to death fully 100 per- sons. This is a frightful calculation, but irresistibly true." THE ELECTRIC COBBLER. Sounding akes Deathanti ltncl His Beachl of Old . Shoe. When the great shoe factories de- monstrated that they could make boots and shoes better and cheaper than the best hand cobblers, these knights of the awl and last were relegated to the past -or they man- aged to eke out a meagre living by repairing worn boots and shoes, And now comes the electric eob bier, and the days of the hand cob- bler and his bench are numbered, says the Electric News, The elec- trio cobbler, suet as can be found in most large cities, consists of one long machine, which is in reality a number of machines connected on the same A.A. This shaft is turned by an electric motor. The electric cobbler fixes shoes while you wait. It will sew on a sole, put on a patch, fix the heels or reline a shoe in a very few minutes, as all the work is done by machinery at a high rate of speed. And it is not to be denied that the finished product is fully as good as though the best cobbler had spent a half day on the job. If the shoe needs resoling, the attendant pieks up and places a piece of leather of the right size and the machine stitches it fast to the upper. At the next machine an emery wheel cute down the edge of the sole and trims it to the right shape. The next machine finishes and polishes the edges. From the stitching machine to the polisher is but a step, and the work is done long before the old fashioned shoe- maker oould have the shoe fitted to the last. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. Mrs. Ulderic Roberge, Lac Long, Que., writes :—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my baby who suf- fered from stomach trouble and vomiting, also from constipation and they completely cured him. I can recommend them to all mothers as the very best medicine fox' young children. The Tablets are super- ior to all other medicines, not only because they promptly cure sto- mach trouble, constipation, colic, etc., but because they are guaran- teed to be absolutely safe"and free from all harmful drugs. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. is One Idea. "What are these society people we hear about?" asked Mrs, Corn- tosseI. "I dunno," replied the farmer, "but as near as I can make out they're jes' folks that make a re- gular habit o' wearin' their Sun- day clothes every day." itinard'o Liniment Co., Ltd. Gentlemen.—In July, 1905, I was thrown from it road machine, injuring my hip and beck badly and was obliged to use a crutch for 14 months. In Sept., 5506, Mr. Wm. 0u:rid e, of Leehnto, urged me to try MINARD'S LINIMENT, which 5 did, with the most satisfactory results, and to•day I am as well so ever in my life. Yours sincerely, his MATTHEW x BAINES. mark "Husband, I feel that we ought to give the people next door a din- ner or something." "Why so ? They have never done anything for us in a social way." "Yes, they have. I learn that they fed our cat while we were away." The "SALADA" Tea Co, have issued a writ for $5,000.00 against W. Brittain, Grocer, of Toronto, kr selling bulk tea in paperbags as "Salada" Tea. Genuine "SALADA" is sold only in sealed lead packets, Clergyman — "Now can anyone tell me what are the sins of omis- sion?" Small Boy—"Yes, sir. They are the sins we ought to have done and haven't." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. "What interested me most in eny travels," said Henpeck, "was the mummy of a queen I saw in Egypt," "Wonderful, eh?" asked his friend. "Yes, it's wonderful how they could make a woman dry up and stay that way." Mlnard'i Liniment Cures Oarget In Cows, A. Warm Tribute. It was in a 'little country town in the west of England, says the Bristol Mirror, and Mr. Goodman excellent citizen and kind-hearted man, allowed himself, much against his own will, to be chosen mayor for the fourth time. After the event, ho met Mr, Jones, one of his warmest admirers, who shook him. heartily by the hand. "I'm right sorry, Mr. Mayor," said the worthy man, "thev've put - ten on yon the trouble of officiating for another term with all your many calls and worries of business; a far worse man would have suited us—hut that was just the trouble. We couldn't find hint -wand it'e my opinion as he ain't to be found," "Ile is a self-made man, I am told," "Quite true; but his mo- ther-indaw ineists orn making some alterations," "ro submit to a headache is to waste energy, tiro and comfort. A. To stop it al once simply take NA-DRU.CO Headache Wafers Your Prugglst will confirm our statement that they do not contain anything that can harm heart or nervous system. 25o, s box, NATIONAL urine AND CHEMICAL 00. OF CANADA. LIMITED. 124 INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD Makes Cows Give More Rich Milk. international Stock Food conquered England, just as it conquered Canada and the United States, by proving to the Dalry Experts that itis the greatest milk producer and health restorer in the world. The test wail made on three cows from the dairy herd of S. W. Hackney, Esq., Leeds. England. Chairman of the Yorkshire Federation of Dairy Farmers. Quantity and q hilly of milk was tested for a cer- tain time—then 'International Stock Food" was added to the regular feed, INTERNATIONAL STOCK 7000 ebowed an increase lo Mins of 14,2 pinta daily, and 1.21 pounds of butter daily. This proves that international Stock Food, added to We regular feed will Increase the quantity and im- prove the quality of milk from every cow,, it allows that International Stock Food aids diger, tion and keep town in better condition. It proves that (nternatioaalStock Food is a rnoney-maker for the farmer—that every farmerwho owns one. ora hundred, cows should feed International Stock Food every day. Make the test yourself—weigh the mills you are getting now—then feed International for a few weeks• and weigh again. Then you'll see how Inter. national Stock Food will make mooey for you. Interrinational Stock Food dO•a., Limited 4 co¢x vicar dtr,000 Stara DDoak Are an Preuss!. ant .r lie 'elle, If You Value Your Eyesight You will equip your reading table with a g Lap Authorities agree that a good kerosene oil- lamp is the best for reading. The Rayo is the best oil lamp made—the result of years of scientific study. It gives a steady, white light, dear—mellow. Made of solid brass, nickel plated. Can be lighted without re• moving chimney or shade. Easy to clean and rewick. At Dealers Everywhere. THE TIDMPEoRIAL OILCOM6PANYd1PELWINlrniteol MONTREAL HALIFAX ST. JOHN 'O o 0 You move d those "EZEen" cords slide Shoulders free, shirt smooth, but- tons seoure. hack Pair In+ saran Agnlnat 80,'okago tit 865 Dn-ye. n,,mlna .5055.6 L6e. At a,al,Y. ar Dolt. radar 50 o,uta The King Suspender Co, TORONTO Canada xa .t. AT G- MT A g.' CREOSOTE 31:S.n1.1C2.y•3Lee Protoot — Prop orvo — Beautify Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANGMUIR & CO., Limited 18948 Bathurst Street TORONTO "There ain't nothin' very bad about me, ma'am, there ain't," said the beggar at ne back door, 1 "Think not?" said the la,iy with the spectacles. "How about your grammar?" Cure For Consumption,—For oonsump• tion, weak lnnga lingering coughs,laryn. HOB and bronchitic. Names and n,itressee of those only given a tow days to live by Specialist cud doctors, after taking this cure are nitre and well, will be seat on request. Write Wm. R. Copeland, 911 Pape Ave., Toronto, Ont. Occasionally a man commands re- spect by merely looking wise. Mlnard's. Liniment Cures Distemper. Use or Abuse? Parents and children often differ in their views concerning the uses to which various articles should be put. As thus: Mother (at breakfast)—You ought always to use your napkin at the table, George. George—I am using it, mother. I have got the dog tied to the leg of the table with at. sample frog If yeti write Nations* lira 4i chemical co, of Canada, Llrfttted, Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. LT UNDRED ACRES—COUNTY HALTON 3� 33.. Good House; Buildings; 0rehard. Cheap and on easy terms. EPENTY-8IS ACRES WITH GOOD buildings and ..pie orchard; about five miles frn•n Hamilton. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. 112 RICE FLOUR MILL—IN A THRIV. �a ing village in Western Ontario; big local trade; situated in the beet farming district in Ontario. Will exchange for Moe prayed farm, city or Toronto property. The Western Real' Estate, London, Ont. MALE HELP WANTED, A IXTY TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS t 7 monthly waiting, for young men as Telegraphers and Station Agents after. sir months attendance here. A,lvanoe- ment rapid. Day and Mail (Mersin. Write for free. Book 18. Dominion School reading. Toronto. Toronto. Ml5(Fti aNFn,te ei ANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In- V ternal and external cured rtnoat pain by our home treatment. Write of before ton tote. Dr, Hellman Nedioal Oa. Limited. reeliee...-.,4 0..,. �V AC Desi 1Mx eC MartSeltr teher "d Mink, alive. Blake Vannatter, Sallina. fad, Ontario. DYEING I CLEANING 1 Fel the veru bast, send your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING GO." Look for agent in your fwn, or semi diroot. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, THINGS 'WORTH KNOWING ABOUT r;,,HR1STMAS BUYING Write today for Catalogue. it's FREE. The Le Roy import Co., 13 131^.or 3t. E. - - Toronto. CHAMPION EVAPORATOR MAKES THE BEST SYRUP NOW is the time to give yourMaple Syrup business serious attention, Order now and have your Evapo- rator in place before the cold weather sets in. This insures care oryour first—and most profitable —rune asap. Write for hooklet. THE GRIMM h1$C. CO„ LIMITED 58 Wellington St., MONTREAL,QUE. II WIN'S NiliZSEIN8Sa, WELLAND COUNTY, ONT.-