HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-11-28, Page 5,
W•11. Moo:MA.01ERN —
• hseoor of Marriage Lloenses, Of..
soft at Grocery,Lnraborry, street, Brussels,
K. O. T. M.
Brussels Brent of the Mauoobena, No, 29
hold their regular meetings m the Lodge
dtoom, booker Bloch, on the lin and 8rd
Tumidity evenings of anon month
Visitors always welcome.
A, 80 d ERS, Com. A, AtoGUII'i8;, t(. 1s
gate in the Poet Otllae, Ethel. 80.9
• nen, will sell for better prices, to
bettor men in lata time and leas charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
be won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at thio Moe or by
p 4rsuu0l application,
�/ IYl SU4ULAIli—
o • glia, ttor, Solloltor, Oonveyanoer,
Notary Public, da. tllsoe—Stewsrt'e'blook
t door Ninth of Oeu teal Rotel,
Solloltor tor the Metropolltao Bnob.
W. raouneooT, K, 0, B 0. Have
J. L. K(LLonAN
Meet—Those formerly 000upled by Meeare
Cameron b 21016,
U eDIMON. Oarnuo.
Royal Mail Steamers
Christmas Sailings
From St, John Prom Halifax
Corsican .............. Nov. 80 Direct
Victorian Deo. 8 Dee. 7
Granpion Deo. 18 Direct
Soilless every Friday
Front Portland From Halifax
Soandin avian Deo. 12 Dec. 18
Sailinge ovary Saturday
From St. John
Lake Erie Deo. 12 Direct
Sailings every Sunday
Full Information as to rates, mc., on apply na-
tion to
Agent Allan Line, Hru8eels,
rAtm x.;>t W.4v1wade avaYaceodva ;>'csvAI
Winter Term from Tan. 2
le well known as one of Canada's Best
Boalnee9Scltonls Oar graduates are:
in strong demand because bit',inesa 1.
firma. know they render superior
servioee. Satisfaction follows superior •
training but never follows inferior
training. Get the beat. You want it.
We give/lt. Write for new Catalogue.
Cor. Young and W. J. ELLIOTT,
Alexander Sta. Principal.
Y r
�yrs>�c,� � �����ta�� �
-iftrAvilgIIa'P,RA'-eA�Rto,;mr,,,,,,o 5YE�a,i62�R
Winter Term from Jan. "6 6
does more for its students and gradu-
ates than do any other similar schools,
QOourn04 are up.Or Bite and Instruct
are experienced, Graduatel are planed
to good positions. The three npplioa.
Mons received (0 3vrd In•dn offer feel overageanh
nt•y of $1188 per annum.
'abase demi rtmente—Commercial,
Shorthand's and Telegraphy.
Write for our free catalogue et
D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal.
V;myon.Avsy.Av,w1v:,yty52Av lAtaydv,;,.1
The r • usiness
CoIIe ge g1Ltstowel.
°9 g,
„�� Teaebea Actual 80010(308 ht both De-
818381ien20. The note lc:T . f e6ud- y
ante in oonstnntly bioranaing:�. �`'
New Years term -opens on Monday,
January 0th, 7918
• Vft isit�9t�4,fra'y�Y�i f4>a'V(c4aV�ct>agic4a�%S>a
Rosy Cheeks For Palo Girls
Don't be (lcbtu4'ed ff0u strength
and spirit, don't give in to illness and
despair. Fervozonesupplies tone and
Vigor Ulm -nigh which all functions of
womanly life 8110 ;maintained an(1.
fortified. Prom Ne;v Richmond.
(e. oar
t comes the following Q r £ n statement
from Mrs: Isidoren' n "
B Iia Result . I
take deep. pleasure in testifying to the
powerful influence of Fert'nz(ine. For
years my 1anghtee has been pale and
sickly—showed signs of advanced
anaemia, Her lips got 60 white and
het cheeks so devoid of 00108' 1 feared
consumption. I can certify Per -
rezone made an excellent Ottre, and
th•day hl,q daugbtet's health is the
best." 50c pet' box ab all dealers..
•r 4‘J.4.` rtLi �A...1,• 'fire. Toronto Daily Globe Is making i
1 W. H. LOVE
0+1. 0 1 I e
Funeral Director . Cominion and Provtu0ial Parliaments '
"It ie a pleasure to tell you that "'
Ohantberiain's Cough Remedy is the
best cough medicine I have ever THN'O
v �1p1Jl
cued," writes Mee, Hugh Oanpbell, of
Lavonia, Gn. "I have used it with all For Years R
children i land the Y 41 results h C5tOre
! ave been dT
bet o Health
highly satisfactory." For sale by all by Lydia E. Pinkham's V
sleniete, '
C8 special offer f e• lour Montle; at Si, �'D{�' (°
Send your subs: lhmug h '!'nit Pos•r, .\U��1
ibis will cover the west f I 1 h.
Samuel Westlake, it well known
eeaident of Uodei'ich township a,Jd
hf• pot i13 about foul' 'months in the
harvesting operations as an engineer.
spealts highly of the country as
Par t
as he naw 11 and is mach pleased
1 with his experience there. He re -
i prate an ev0rlage of 25 buahels to the
. acre where he worked, d
1 gives
mid vcs
1 praise to the 0. P, R, for the eelir'ity
wit11 which they were handling. the
crop. The shipping conditions this
year al's a great improvement over
those of last year, to the delight of
growers. Saw, is a hustler, and be
says that is the only hind of a man
who can succeed out West.
A Statement of Faoto' Baokod by a
8jvong Guarantoo
We guarantee complete relief to all
sufferers from constipation. In every
ease where we fail we will supply the
medicine free.
ltexall Orderlies are a gentle, effec-
1 , and sere bowel .regia-
1loot', strengthener and tonic. They
eg- 1•e -establish t)atnle's functions in et
quiet, easy way. They do not cause
tiny imam venie11ce, griping o1. nausela,.
They are so pleasant to take and
writ, work so easily that they may he Ick
•ng, en by anyone tit 'ttuy time. They
at{- thoroughly toile op the Whole system
i to healthy activity.
ltexall ()lase lies are unsurpassable
and ideal for the use of children, old.
folks and delicate persons. We can-
not too highly recommend there to 411
sufferers from any (men of constipa-
tion and its attendant evils. Two
sizes 10e and 25c. Remember you atm
obtain Rexall •Remedies in I hi4 aonl-
1mtnily only at one store.. Thr• Rexall
store. F. 11. Smith,
1 and Embalmer
Orders promptly loud' care-
fully attended w night or
Phone ie 228,
Business Cards
Baobelor cf Medicine, University of Toronto
G+centiato and Graduate of the Ootiegeof Phy,
atoians and Surgeons, Ont, Post -graduate
Chicago Bye, Har, Nose and Throat Hospital,
Uhloagt,o,111. Hx•Houee surgeon. to Sc. Mieh-
tel's 1110opital, Toronto.
Olfieo over F. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele.
Atone connection .with Urnnbrook at all hours.
Physician and Surgeon ;Poet Graduate eom•ses
London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Roe•
pitals. Special attention to disease of eye, ear,
nose and 11110118, Eyes tested. for glasses.
Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary
Collage. Day and night calls, Otfloe opposite
Flour M111, Ethel,
Personal graduate Deportment of 0p hthel
.11ology, MDUermtoit Medical Dollege, Wtcago,
flL, (s prepnrnd to tent uyyea mid nt glaaaen nt
9181 0ffl a over Grewal"39 Re8taarnmt, 131000810,
on Thursday, F1lday and Saturday or every
week. OMee hours le to 12 n, nt, and 1 to 6 p.
111. Phone 1210
Gnaw, TEIVAO( Rare way'
Goma 000'03, GoiN0 Nof(T8
211111 7:07 a m Express 10:55 a n3
Express 11 :25 a In I Mail 1:69 p m
Express .,...... 2:55 p m Express.,8;52 p m
. Pesti NSDItil tN ft al ale
To Toronto To Goderich
Express 7:11 a in Express 11:55 a m
Express 2:57 P in I Expl'0 4 8:90 p
Going Emit - 7:05 a. m. and 8:55 p. nn,
Going West - 13:40 and 9:47 p, 111.
All trains going East connect with C. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B, stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
rural /Inas t.ers
Melville church Ladies' Aid have
eancelled:;St. Andrew's ...banquet in the
town Hall un Friday evening, Nov.
inducement to new subscribers THE
POST will be sent to any address in
Canada or the British Empire until
January r, 1914, for $I paid in advance.
THE POST has sent out a budget of
smell accounts and more will fallow.
Individually the amounts are small but
collectively they toot up to hundreds of
dollars. We hope for a speedy reply to
the reminders.
Don't waste your money buying
strengthening plasters. Ohambe-
l11in's Liniment is cheaper and better.
Dampen a piece of flannel with it land
bind it over the affected parts and it
avi11 relieve the pain and soreness.
For sale by all dealers.
Goon SALARIES,—The Stretford Busi.
0055 0, liege is the school for ambitious
young men or women, .this term it re.
celved twenty applications for every
dudeut graduating. Several of these
applications offered $1000 or even more.
Schon. CLosING.— According to
regulations, the close of the school
tern is oil December amid which is
Sunday.. That will
necessitate tate
on Friday.Tile opening. by regu-
ofthe new term is,m1 January
3rd, which is Friday, and therefore the
crowning is likely to be set forward to
Monday. the 6th of January.
Two CONVENTIONS.— The Ontario
Sunday School Association wilt hold
two Couventions. next year, one at
Ottawa, which will be the official Con-
vention, and another at Oweu Spund.
The estimates for the corning year 'a-
mount to St 2,c, o. The extension fund
has already reached the sum of $3,500,
The gal(1eu jubilee convention in 1935
will be held in Toyota r.
Is your husband Cross and irritable
An irritable, fault finding disposition
is often due tort disordered stuniach.
A man with good digestion is nearly
always good natured. A great many
have beenpermanently
ed of st
ach trouble by taking Ohantbei•lain s
Tablets. For sale by all dealers,
THE POST like all other weekly papers
in Canada is required by the Govern•
ment to pay one cent a week postage on
papers sent to United States subscribers
or 52 cents a year, consequently a rate
of $r.5o is charged to our American
subscribers which leaves 98 eeuts only
to the publisher. The Canadian daily
papers are permitted to enter the United
States without extra postage.
INDIAN SuMUER.— Another spell of
Indian Summer weather succeeded a
cold snap and we have been enjoying
a fringe of the sunny southern climate,
Weather prophets end those who claim
that they know something about signs
say that the weather until.
Christmas will be good. In the mean•
time merchants say that business is
better than it hes been for years and
tiiattheir heavy Winter goods are sell.
ing readily.
Bee -rex THAN 'fits BE.T,—While it is
generally admitted that The Family
Herald and Weekly Star sof Montreal,
is the hest family and farmer's weekly
paper' printed, .the Publishers are
determined to matte it still better.
They are sparing no expense to give
it subscrlbei•s of 1913
bigger 1
9 3 1;
than eget 'Their beautiful picture,
"Mother's Treasures," is a delightful
subject for the home and it is safe to
Say that no one who receives 8 copy
would part with it tor double the money.
No Mistake tail be made in sending
one dollar for that great weekly paper
for 1ma, Every' subscriber gets the
picture, "Mother's Treasures " size
Its by 29 111011186, free. It Js the 'biggest
dollar's worth offered to.day,
Matto' 1'aNGLE,—Owing to a disagree-
ment between the Bell Company and
certain independent telephone compani-
es, particularly In Outmio, over clauses
of the agreement under which they ex.
change business, the whole matter will
probably come before the Railway Corn -
mission for rehearing at an early date,
'!'base vexed questions were argued be-
fore the late Judge Mabee and were
thought to have been settled, but
owing to recut ring difficulties among
the companies it was re-opeued.
FI (MON OLD Bows,—The annual meet-
ing' of the Huron Old Boys' Association
of 'Toronto, will be held in the Qaeeu's
Hotel l'ridav evening, Nov, 29th, at 8
o'clock, for election of officers and
other important business. Addresses
will be delivered by Hou. Dr, Pryne,
Minister of Education, and His Wor-
ship Mayor Hocken, '1`110 annual mem-
bership fee of so cents is payable at this
meeting and it is very desirable that
every Huronite in the city should be in
active membership in the Association,
which earl Ile accomplished by the paS-
ment of the said fee,
Mothers, Hero It Is I
A friend and comforter, Ito un-
ceasing aid in every house for the
1rundred and 11110 ailments that (111
turn up. Nerviline is ton valuably to
be without. 1f some thing eaten
cig15en trouble, if its cramps, indi-
gestion or heudarhe, Nerviline cures,
For cold of the chest. aching liutbs.or
lame back rob on Ne•vil{ne and get
ease at once. As a family safeg0aed
nothing is known to excel Nerviline.
Get the large 25c bottle from yon;
Fred. Snlheran is steadily improv-
During tile last couple of months a
number of petty thefts have ,been
committed Jn this neighborhood, 1
Sacrament of the Lord's Hipper and part contents situated in the
will be dispensed in the Presbyterian 1087112/11) of lllanta by lire on October
chuic y, n Ford c. dtick and Gori 18 on 31st, which ;vas paid. A8am Gray,
Rainey, sr„ 2w1o, dlu lug the of Elute, claimed $00 for to COW killed
from ast 11l Eeaweekd lhitseg wbeen sueernoi'ferind g allotvec1. A 1 accoon unt September
$60 for 20,
r and
the 0etimetl Hospital at Guelph.
ing was paid. Applirltlinus for in.
Sol.heran received word from sllrltllee. were accepted to the 31111011nt
bile Past Office Lnspertor at London of $65,225. Meeting adjourned till
that he was likely In be appointed to Dec. 17th.
the PooLulastership of the
village of Fo'dwieh. Mrs. Willis, Seaforth
the present postmistress, will re- It is the intention of the choir of
main 1m I'3111 charge until 11r, Sather- the Egmondville church, to give a
1611 hits I'e('nVel•ed fi'mll his recent. ill- choir c0uoert, on Dec, 6.
nese, and afterwards site will continue Mrs. 1. A. Wilson was in Platte -
rte 1t4di911tnt.. villa hast week, tattetiding the &moral
of her aunt, Mrs. Tiros. Hall, who
died there on Monday.
We al pleased to hear that Miss
Helen Fear, is improving and will
seam he able to be out again. Nils,
Sleet is doing las well as oat) be ex-
Miss Margaret Landsborough,
daughter of Mrs. ,ins. Laudsleirongh,
of Peeker9mi11 township, 0nrumitted
suicide Tuesday everting of last week
by (lrownidg herself in a bul•lel of
water. She had been despondent for
some time and was being citee1301ly
;watched. but tnanagetl to get away
from the house and 27180 (0111(81 ;lead
la few minutes later hi 1a barrel. of
water near the house. (Jammer De.
J. G. Scott. decided an -inquest was
unnecessary, it being a clear ease of
etable Compound.
Canadian women are continually
ing us such letters as the two follow.
which are heartfelt expressions of gr
tude for restored health:
Glanford Station, Ont.—"I have ta-
ken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound and never
found any medicine
to compare with it.
I had ulcers and fall-
ing of womb and
doctors did me no
f`J good. I suffered
41 dreadfully for years
until I began taking
your medicine. I al-
so recommend it for
nervousness and in-
digestion. " — Mrs.
H8NR8 CLARK, Glanford Station. Ont.
Chesterville, Ont. — "I heard your
medicines highly praised, andayear ago
I began taking them for falling of womb
and ovarian trouble.
"My left side pained me all the time
and just before my periods which were
irregular and painful it would be worse.
To sit' down caused me pain and suffer-
ing and I would be so nervous some-
times that I could not bear to see any
one or hear any one speak. Little specks
would float before my eyes and I was
always constipated.
"I cannot say too much for Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
Liver Pills, for there are no medicines
like them. I have taken them and I
recommend them to all women. You may
publish this testimonial," —Mrs. STE-
PHEN J. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontario,
Listowel checker players will play
the Atwood club here cm Dec. 6111.
Stanley Ford, n£ 601011, 111(5 pur-
chased the grocery 0Ln(•k of E. E.
Han11i1'of•d land will take p0sse0siou
next: won 111
A nen' shod is tieing erected at the
Bale itt. church, and Jim. Hamilton is
having a new bare pal up 0n the site
where. the old (ire 2Va8 burned some
flute tug".
Barnet \Viletry, who is well known
ausl 1011813 esteemed. sustained some
bad tojui'ies by a ulisfnr1nue ,with a
ladder hill. be seemed to be doing
fairly well until tun attack of sciatica
set; in from which disease he suffered
much and which Cory 1e11ve5 11111) in a
fatter critical condition.
the pictorial
u ,1'
supplement of
Sat nl ht 5 Globe s
S tomcats lit an iuteesl'-
big and l emarltable group pi :tit a of
eleven pioneers of Elena now spend-
ing litre's eveniliJ,rr in the vilingc 0f
Atwood. Possibly the outstanding
figure of the group is Donald. Gordon,
now in his 02n(1 year', who still eat Hes
the mail to At wood past office, a
position he Ince held continuously
since 3866. Others in the picture are J.
W. M113ah1 raged 80, .1. 13. Hamilton sr.
80, Robert. Ford 84, Alex. Angus se.
80, John 13011 84, Robert Forrest 78,
Lennie' Pelton 73, John G1011a111 78,
Robert Hamilton 84, and ,T. W. Boyd
A meeting of Dieeel87'9 of the
1011m Parttime' Mut nel Flee To9ur-
aace Oot)lpany wits held in the Agri-
cl11lt1r,91 11x11, A',wand, 'Tuesday,
19111 11181, Mein bins of board pleseilt
excepting Ales4(s. Grieve and Bakei'.
Mr. Rothwell o:rupied the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and
c0rnfiwned. Samuel Acheson, of
hlma, pres0391081 1a claim for' $1500.00
for his balm and Conlonts destroyed
by fire on Ontobee 21st, white) was
paid in full, J. W. Wilson, New
Jersey, claimed $36`5.40 for his barn
The 110 s appetite is Often } pl fol the
source of amazement. If you would
have such an appetite lake Chalnber-
litin s Tablets. They not only create
a healthy appetite, but strengthen the
91nn111011 and enable it t0 do its work
naturally. For sale by all dealers.
11. Kat'ges has purchased the shoe
stock of D. Schell
3, Holt, who recently underwent
an operation for appendicitis in the
General Hospital, Guelph, has return-
ed to his home in Wallace..
N. Metz left for Los Angeles and
El Ueltt•o, Cal1Fnrnill, to spend the
Winter 'with his daughter, Mrs, T.
pagan, and his sail, }lemma lend
}tarry Metz,
T Women's
Anxil` r.
Y of Christ
church have seemed the store former-
ly occupied by tyle. Osborne, where
they will hold a Bazaar on Dee. 601,
hot it 1tfteenoon and evening.
A. Il. Smith left hast weep on a trip
Lo lfedieine Flat, Alta., his .advice and
experience having been sought in the
establishment of the first daily morn-
ing paper for Southern Alberta.
• •e•s•ss•sssesses•••sa••0•1e•••••s•s•s••••••s••s•e••0
®, ® o
s ESIi)DS being a highgrade watch •
'711 every uspeet Regina Watches 0
1u a Heltl at prices that are v'
! e r obit }
1 O
!'eat: ,
j ....
all. � �%
Here 1 '
• u prices that 8
• some'ofthepnptllergradesatesoldtat:; T '
•, 7 Jewels, 10 0120., swing t lug, __1",(L_:=1,111'
• Nickel case ............. $ 8 20
• I:7 Jewels 18 size, saving ring,
• \ s
Nickel case 18 20 / • 11 12 1 w
• 7 Jewels, 16 Mao, 20,yem. ' o •
• Gold Pilled case...,. ��} 'j . •
th Jewels, ,e 11 75 .'10 .6ttaX no ,2 •
size, 20.Yrrtr •
- s
Gold Pilled case,11 75 9 3s o
7 Jewels; 0 size, 25•yetw
Gold Filled case—. 14 40 oil'•.
15 Jewels, e 8
yeH 6 • 4-
size 2r ' .
, � ea'
v r
• • •
eeees•••d•••sss11•••••••••t pisseeeoetlleeeesesseesesses w
Gojd Fined ease „, 16 40
Theon watches aro \ •rr ��;,• At" .v 0
ail atrU land two ''
Positions and tela or throe, and aro all ^; •
a'uarantood �or firer, ears: -`--' •'
Sold •
by Jeweler and En"rru �.
Lout er
� rli/alatoli i
Fred. Taylor, of Ottawa, null form-
erly o1' Listowel, known hi the sport-
ing world as "Tile Cyclone," The
Human Cotner," and "Ty Cobb" of
professional hockey, has signed a
001tt'ae1 to play during the coming
Winter with the Vancouver hockey
team in the Pacific Cotter. League,
H. B. M1rphy, K. 0., N1. P., says
the G0v0rnlileet. bas finally accepted
the site for the three acres for the
erection of the Drill Hall on the agri-
cultural property, which will be cap-
able of being used for exhibition pur-
poses by the Agricultural Society,
and has requester that the deed be
pepat•ed wilh(>ut delay.
W Ingham
Miss Myrtle Imlay was visiting
friends in Ethel.
Winghatn citizens contributed last
year over $200 to the Bible Society.
Mrs. 'I
S emmon
of Ethel has
the guest of her niece, Mrs. R. Tindall,
B. line.
Sunday, December 1st, Rev. C. 0.
Johnston, of Toronto, will preach
morning and evening in the Metho-
dist church and or Dec. 2nd, will de-
liver his poet -due lecture "English,
Irish and Scotch."
The cases of J. 0. McGregor and
Geo. Oruiltshank against the ere,
potation of Wiugham for damages at
the time of the Spring freshet, were
settled out of court, it'IeGi egos re-
ceiving $40 and Cruikshanks, $35 in
full settlement.
Genrge hl. Young, one of Huron's
clever boys, who has trade 1)118 mark
in North 1)aknta, has just been elect-
ed to Congress, with a majority of
10,000; Having previously so ved two
terms as State Senator. His salary
will be $7,500 a year. This gentleman
is a nephew of Mrs. F. G. Sperling
being her brother's oldest son, an
grandson of the Lieut. -Col. Young.
Shake Hands With Asthma
Awfully distressing is asthma. But
worse if possible when combined with
Bronchitis. Relieved quicker by
Carat rhlzole than anything else—
cured so thoroughly by "Catarrh -
ozone" that it doesn't 1'etgl 0.
Catarrhozone's healing vapor is
breathed right iuln the lungs, des-
troying vile 12(1110(3 (>L' Asthma and suc-
ceeds in the 11)001 chronic cases. Try
it. J'wo sizes. 25e and $1.00, at all
The friends of Cyril Carrie will be
pleased to hear that he has been of-
fered the position of 31881ettan1 of the
Church of the Ascension, Toronto,
Graham Ross, eldest son of Rev.
Gen L Ross, while at la
at the
Col,hist,gymnasium, broke a bone
in his right alta, and is now nursing
the injured ;umber in a sling.
The visit to 00derieh Friday or hast
week of Hon W. H. Hearst, Minister
of Lands; Forests and Mines, under
the auspices 01' the Board of Trade
Was an event of sleep into est
to litany of our citizens.
A young Englishman named Silk,
employed at the Furniture factory,
met with an accident while running
a saw, when 1e got his fingers of the
left hand caught and they were so
badly lacerated that four fingers had
to be RID pot aced.
George Porter, whose long and
painful illness is sincerely 'regretted
by an out citizens, turas removed to
Alexandra Hospital, in 11e hope that
the change would help hire but the
latest 1eimete are that he is 11013
On Sunday afternoon of last tveek
while on his way t0 Knox church,
.larges Buchanan, sr,. was stricken
with weakness and lead to be taken
lutreeand put under medical care.
It is apparently a slight paralytic
stroke, but his couditigii is such as to
cause grave anxiety to his family and
many friends.
Mrs. Geo. White's art)> is healing op
Isaac Brown has cussed flown his
eve pontor for the season.
The flax mill slatted up on Monday
of last t'
1st 2
e it
e to thresh this year's crap,
Luxlott 1'di11 has practically decided
not to npera1e the sawmill next
\Voman's 0nild of Trinity church
intend holding a Bazaar and Sipper
in Industry Ihall am Dec. 12th.
The Metlrodist8. S. will hold their
annual Christmas 9'1ee ehte1Llti11.
trent in Indnstey Hall, Tllnrs81) y
evening, December' 1011i.
111•s. I'lyslop,l Dounimion Organizer
of 'tine SVotnan8 'Oliviathul Tenlp('l-
al uh Union who is spending a short
time .
in Huron
Comity will
Ire In
Blyth Thnt•sdny evening 28th hist,, to
give an address•
Quite a 1)1119113111 11Ceie1191113 0renrred.
at the home of Mrs, Wm. Mason on
Sunday ahoy noon of last week, When
1Mitetee Go8lnt climbed up l0 1110
01pc18 Shelf 1utt1� somehow ,phtlled it...
from the vv1a11. 1t fell nn 11,19 mother
w110 10119 siltitfg im,nediately tinder',
tShe received sornn severe Cots abut
he .lend and face, neceasitlatlng
medical attention.
ytb, 10 hone 1310101 the 'West, where
When You Eat Too Fast
you have indigestion, perhaps crl91)p8,
or in any case the system ie over-
loaded with .natter that should be
eliminated. Breath gets bad, eyes
look dull, headaches are frequent.
Why not cleanse and purify the
whole system, why not strengthen
the stomach, enrich the blood and as-
sist ynnr overtaxed digestive organs i
Easily done with Dr. Hamilton's
Pills ; their action is most gratifying.
In every case they give the exact as-
sistance the ailing organs require,
You'll feel lit and fine, eat with a
relish, sleep like a top, have a clear
color, and restful sleep if you regu'
late your system with Dr. Hamilton's
Pills. Price 25c per box, at all deal-
Pr is said that Wm. .Tannings
Bryan will likely be Secretary of
State in President Wilson's Cabinet
and have a large share in the councils
of the party. A big task is ahead of
8 * 9
BETWEEN old members going out and
new men coling iu it will almost be
necessary for Maitland Presbytery to
appoint CO Introducing Committee,
There are now four vacancies and all
good charges. While regrets are felt
"1 know he is only 38," ,said 000
young lady to another at a 1Onlal
function, "brat he looks like 50,', >
"Better say lie looks like $V, re-
plied the other.
Young men who use PARISIAN
Sage ;lever grow bald because the hair
root is supplied with plenty of nature's,
own nntu'lehment, which cleans at ail`
times all abundance of healthy hair.
Young man, if your hair ie thinning
out i if that bald spot on the top of
your head 10 beginningto spread. tory
PARISIAN Sage. It, is guaranteed
by Jae. Fox to stop falling hair, banish
dandruff and scalp itch, or money
back, 50 cents al, all dealers every -
over the severing of old ties many good
wishes will be accorded .the departing
pastors and hopes entertained teat�
the men who take their place
will exhibit Ibe thine zeal and
spirit in fur hexing the best interests'
of the work. The (lay of the long pas-`,
torates is evidently not on the program
of either pastor or people as in days of
Sick Headaches,...i.
are not caused by anything wrong in
the head, but by constipation bilious.
nese and indigestion. Headache
powders or tablets may deaden, but
cannot cure them. Dr. Morae's
Indian Root Pills do cure sick head-
ache in the sensible way by removing
the constipation or sick stomach
which caused them. Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills are purely vele.
table, free from any harmful drug,
safe and sure. When you feel the
headache coming take
Dr. M
V a
orae s
Indian aa»•t Pills
digs deep after germs
GOId Dust not only cleans but sterilizes.
Soap merely washes over the surface leaving
a greasy film behind it.
Gold Dust "goes to the bottom," and insures
absolute purity, and sanitary safety. Why not
sanatize your home, as well as clean it?
Soap needs muscle help; Gold Dust does all the
hard part of the task without your assistance.
GOId Dust is a good, honest, vegetable -oil soap,
to which are added other purifying materials i
just the right proportions
to cleanse easily, vigor-
ously, and without harm
to fabric, utensils or hand.
Gold Dust is sold in
5csize andlarge pack-
a es The large g package
means greater economy.
do your work"
Makers of Fairy Soap (the oval Cake)
We desire to call the attention of all thoee
afflicted wick ally Blood or Skin Diem• to
our New Method Treatment as a guaranteed
cure for these complaints. There is no ex-
cuse for any person having a disfigured face
from eruptions and blotches. No matter
in the blood and expel them from the
system. Our vast experience in the treat.
meat of thousands of the most serious and
complicated cases enables us to perfect a
euro without experimenting. We do bushiest
on the plan—Pay Only for the Benefit You
Derive. If you have any blood disease, con-
sult us Free of Charge and let us prove to
you how quickly our remedies will remove
all evidences of disease; Under tho influence
0f the New Method Treatment the akin be-
comes of
oar, old Wanda
and blotches
heal hair
enlarged 1 glagai are eeeyesd,Pollee
out hair grows !n again. return, oyes become
victim, 111318 5 and energy.opens and the
victim realizes a new life has opened up .W
Send for Booklet on Diseases of: Men
If unable to call, write for a Question Litt
for Home Prostment
D 2s. K E
Cor, Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
NOTICE Ali iette'rs from Canada must be addressed
G to our Canadian Correspondence Depart
eaumenssersiassa mettle Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally call et nue 112edical Institute int Detroit es we see and treat
too patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and,
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Andress all letters as follows:
DRS. KENNEDY 8t KENNEDY, 'Morar, Oat..
Wrlfo for bur} fkfwate nddrees,