HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-11-21, Page 7SN 5�
wi esaBwe.At oao'a4wereby'GEOWOIVG GIRLS AND ALL
Should Keep Their Blood Supply
Rleh, lied and Pure.
Young Folks
BaLy Bear's Party.
Baby Boar loved the birds, and
so Mother Bear' was not much sur-
prised who Baby Bear dropped his
wee portidge spoon at the broak-
fast_tp;Ylle, and said in a shrill voice:
,,. 44.".et s invite all the binds to a
party I"
"We will' ive the party to -mor-
row," said Mother Bear, ".But
what shall we offer the birda to
eat 7"
"Blackberries and honey," re •
plied Father Bear,
"Once I saw a robin eat a. wiggly
worm!" said Baby Bear.
"I'll tell von what we better do,
Father Bear," said Mother Bear,
You take a walk round the edge
of the woods and find out what the
birds like best to eat."
Father Bear set out gaily enough,
but he came back looking sad and
"We can't have the party I" he
said, "I have been asking ques-
tions, and what do you suppose I
have learned? The robins eat
worms, and they eat so many that
we couldn't dig enough to satisfy,
one robin I"
"Then suppose we give a little!
party, and invite only catbirds?"
said Mother Bear,
"Catbirds I" exclaimed Father
Bear, in a big, gruff voice. "Cat-
birds eat grasshoppers — thirty
grasshoppers at a time 1 You can't
buy jumping grasshoppers by the
"How about the handsome king-
birds?" asked Mother Bear,
"Kingbirds must have gadflies,"
grumbled Father Bear, "gadflies by
the peck I"
"How about the swallows?"
questioned Mother Bear. She had
noticed that Baby Bear was wink-
ing hard to keep back the tears.
"Swallows must have flies I"
roared Father Bear, for he was all
out of patience. "And spotted
squash -beetles I I'd look well
stooping over in our garden five or
six hours trying to catch squash -
beetles for oompany I"
"We might ask chickadees," ven-
tured Mother Bear. She saw two
big tears rolling down Baby Bear's
cheeks, and that is why she men-
tioned chicadees. "They like
"One chicadee," said Father
Bear, in gentler tones, "would
much prefer five thousand five hun-
dred and fifty canker -worm eggs
in a day. I think we'll not invite
"Cedar birds?" murmured Mo-
ther Bear.
"Cedar birds dine on caterpillars.
We could fill the wash -tubs, I sup-
pose, and pass them round!
"Blackbirds spend half their lives
phasing insects and eating weed
seeds. Our old friend phoebe -bird
works for the farmers. She eats
weevils that spoil wheat and peas
and beans. The wood -pewees eat
house -flies. Woodpeckers and
meadow -larks, hawks and all owls
have strange appetites !"
Baby Bear covered his face and
This would be a sad story if it
ended here, but it does not.
The birds loved Baby Bear, and
when they found out why he cried
so loud, they came in flocks to com-
fort him.
After that, when Baby Bear
awoke, ho always saw hundreds of
birds in the garden searching for
bugs, worms and grasshoppers,
And that is the reason why the
Three Bears have such a wonder-
ful garden.—Youth's Companion.
Ayrshire Man Gave Other Prison-
ers Unwoted "Nerves."
'A prisoner in an Ayrshire (Soot -
)and) prison has been giving to the
physicians and prison officials an
anxious and worrying time. For
two days and nights he kept singing
song after song, without any Inter -
vale for food, and ceased only when
sheer exhaustion caueed him to
He came from the prison farm
and entered his cell singing the
"Glory" song. Ho was threatened
with punishment if he did hot give
up, but he seemed not to hear the
warnings. He sat in his cell appare,
ently quite happy til'll the never
coming "Glory" song got on the
nerves of the other prisoners, and
he was removed to a Dell which was
as nearly sound proof as possible.
All through the night, all. next day
and next night he kept on singing,
until at the end of forty-eight hours
he suddenly ceased, and he was
found lying on the (leer of bis cell
In a swoon,
When twelve hours later, he re-
covered in the Prison infirmary he,
bad no recollection of having been
singing at all. All he said he could
remember was trhat he seemed stud
denly to lose his memory when sit-
ting in the prison van and thought
by had faitted, That he had been
singing for two days was a great
t0 him.
Duringi 1911-12 there wore 1,090.
fewer pr sonars received into pi-
lot in rngland and Wales "for in-
dieteb)e offenoos tried summarily"
Mutt in the previous year,
On every hand you see women
and growing girls in the 'deadly
clutches of anaemia. Slowly but
surely a palur as of death, settles
on their cheeks; their oyes grow
dull ; their appetite fiekla ; their
steps languid, Daily they are be-
ing robbed of all vitality and
brightness, The trouble, if neg-
lected, bocomea more acute until
the signs of early consumption be-
come apparent. What women and
young girls in this condition need is
new, rich, red blood, and there is
no other medicine can do the work
of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, in mak•
ing this new, good blood. These
Pills make girls and women well,
and bring back the charm and
brightness of perfect, regular
health. Here is a bit of proof. Miss
Lillie O'Carroll, Norwood, Ont.,.
says :—"About two years ago my
health began to fail. I was weak,
run down and had no ambition for
anything. I had frequent head-
aches, would be completely tired
out after the least exertion, and
had little or no appetite. A doc-
tor who was giving me medicine
finally told me he feared I was go-
ing into consumption, which, .of
course, made me very much down-
hearted, At the medicine I was
Itaking was not doing me any good
I decided to try Dr: Williams' Pink
Pills, and 1 shall ever feel grateful
that I did so. My story may bo
summed up in the words "nine
' boxes of the Pills fully restored my
health—perhaps saved my life, and
I am now as strong and healthy as
any girl."
Every anaemic sufferer can ob-
tain equally good results through a
fair use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills.
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
mail at 60 cents a box or, six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
She Had Read Joke Books.
Husband—You don't mean to say
that you have been trying to bake
Young Wife—Yea, but yeu have
nothing to fear ; I put two dyspep-
sia tablets in each one.
Mlnard's Liniment Co,. Limited,
Gentlemen,—I have ueerl MINARD'S
LINIiMENT on mi vessel.. and in my family
faoironand for oIhoaansy rdaiyt Ilia and
I- would not start on a voyage without
It, if it cost a dollar a bottle.
Sohr, "Storks," St. Andre, Iiamouraeka.
Plain Speaking.
"I see you passed a candy store
on your way here this evening?"
"How in the world did you ever
know that7"
"Because you didn't bring any
candy with you."
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
An Alibi.
While the talesman were being
examined for a murder trial in the
West one was asked if he knew
what an alibi was.
"I think I do; yes, air."
"What.do you understand by it?"
The talesman reflected for a mo-
ment and then, with a hesitancy
indicative of graveness; replied:
"An alibi is when the fellow who
did it wasn't there."
Skin Ali Covered
ftp Erultiou
N. Ytourl
Tried Many Remedies 3 or 4 Years.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured.
A Quebec man, N. Henri Tardlf, of St.
Casimir, writea in a letter dated Mar. 81, 19711
"I had a very bad elan, all covered with
eruption, eight years ago. I have had all of
both my shoulders covored withit, and the
high part of my areae, and my+ faro, but It
was the worst on my shoulders. I tried many
different remedies to cure lt, but nottllrg was
any geed. At last.I went to an apothecary.
Ito naked mo If I bad over used Outicura
Soap and Ointment. Itold him no, and I
bought a box ofCuticura Ointment and a
cake of Outicura Soap, I used three boxes
of Cutkura Ointment, but I am glad of
the same, for latlon1a Soap and Ointment
cohiplotety bared mo of my skin eruption.
I spread the. Cuticura Ointment on all my
Toro parte, and 5 think that in washing my
taco with the Cutloura Soap, 11 hindered my
eruption from Itching and burning. I tried
ptany remedlee during three or four yearn
but Cutleura seep and Ointment cured matt
(Signed) N. Henri Tardlf.
Concurs Soap and Ointment are Sold
throughout tho world, but to those who
have suffered much, lost hope end are with.
out faith In any treatment a liberal sample
of each with a 32-p, booklet on the sklit
and scalp wilt he mailed free on appllcatfon.
Address Potter Drug de (doom. Corp., flit,;
Columllua ,Ave., Reston, U. 0. A.
Berlin Police Obliged to Take Ac-
tion Against Physicians.
The British correspondent of the
Journal of the American Nodical
Aesoeiation sends this oommunica-
tion relative to the illegibile preen
criptions written by physicians;
"One of the bad habits prevalent
among physiciaua is the writing of
illegible prescriptions. The Berlin
police authorities have thought it
necessary to call attention to this
evil in a Letter addreseed to the
Executive Committee of the Berlin
Medical Chamber, In this letter it
is noted that of late ntietalces have
often occurred, due to the fact that
pharmacists either eould not road
the prescriptions of physicians on
account of the poor chirography, or
else misunderstood them, and filled
them incorrectly. The danger re-
sulting from this was lately increas-
ed through a circurnetanee not pre-
viously observed, namely, that phy-
eicians in increasing numbers fail to
add explicit directions to their pres-
criptions, even in caves of aetive
and poisonous remedies, and there-
fore deprive the pharmacists of an
important aid.
"It has already happened that
medicines for external application;
have been given to the public in
place of remedies intended to be
taken internally. An illustration of
suob an occurrence is the following
case which recently came to trial.
An apothecary, C. B., who was em-'ploved in a large Berlin pharmacy,
read and dispensed atropin in place
of morphine, which was written on
the very illegible prescription. The
result was that elm patient, in this
case the wife of a physician, suffer-
ed a syncope (collapse) on taking
the medicno. The apothecary was
accused on the ground of criminal
carelessness. However, the court
acquitted him because the evidence
showed that the writing on the
prescription was so illegible that
atrnnin might have been read very
But Change of Food Gave Final
Most diseases start in the alimen-
tary canal—stomach and bowels.
A great deal of our stomach and
bowel troubles come from eating
too much starchy and greasy food.
The stomach does not digest any
of the starchy food we oat—white
bread, pastry, potatoes, oats, etc.
-these things ere digested in the
small intestines, and if we eat too
much, as most of us do, the organs
that should digest this kind of food
are overcome by exteiss of work, so
that fermentation; indigestion, and
a long train of ails result.
Too much fat also is hard to di-
gest and this is changed into acids,
sour stomach, belching gas, and a
bloated, heavy feeling.
In these conditions a change from
indigestible foods to Grape -Nuts
will work wonders in not only re-
lieving the distress but in building
up a strong digestion, clear brain
and steady nerves.
A woman writes:
"About five years ago I suffered
with bad stomach—dyspepsia, indi-
gestion, constipation --caused, I
know now, from overeating starchy
and greasy food.
"I doctored for two years with-
out any benefit. The doctor told
me there was no cure for me. I
could not eat anything without suf-
fering severe pain in my back and
sides, and I became discouraged.
"A friend recommended Grape -
Nuts and I began to use it. In less
than two weeks I began to feel bet-
ter and inside of two months I was
a well woman and have been ever
"I can eat anything I wish with
pleasure. We eat Grape -Nuts and
cream for breakfast and are very
fond of it." Name given by Cana-
dian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont.
Read the little book, "The Road
to Wetiville," in pkgs. "There's a
Ever read oho above letter? A new one
appsars train time to time. They cm
Genuine, true, and full of human interest,
Breaking the News.
Pat—"Mrs. Flannigan, yure mon
Moike has just fell off th' seaffoldin'
and killed himself, boded."
Mrs. Flannigan (collapsing) in
Pat-"Aisy, aisy ! 'Tis only his
leg that's bruk. It's rejoiced ye'll
be to hear it when ye thought he
was killed fur-mt."
Minaret's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. '
Learning by Love Letter. ,
"Love letters between young men
and women are an excellent me-
thod of teaching literature," says
Dr, Arthur Holmes. tifio it must
be done tactfully. We have known
a young lady to break off an en-
gagement because her fiance re-
turned her lova letters with the
spelling errors neatly corrected in
red inky.
"John, am all right for the
"My dear, I hardly know what
you oonafder all right. You have a
dab of powder on each ear, but
none on the tip of your. nose."
Mlnard' I.telmt ret Cutw Colds As.
Baby's Own Tablets are
good for all babies, They
are good for the newborn
babe or the growing child --
the babe who suffers fram
constipation or the one whose
teething is difficult or who
has indigestion, colic, worms
or any of the other babyhood
ailments. The Tablets ban-
ish all those troubles—they
are perfectly safe ; being
guaranteed by a government
analyst to contain no opiates
or harmful drugs. Sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr,
Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Sir Thomas Lipton is prince of
story tellers. Here are a oouple he
told only a few' days ago to a news-
paper man :
Six dead sheep saved me from
jail last spring.
It happened this way : I was mo-
toring from St. Albans along a
beautiful road, one magnificent ev-
ening. In the car with me were j
two friends; a very competent!
chauffeur was running the machine.
Suddenly a flock of sheep rushed
out from a lane directly in our
path. Before the car could be
stopped several sheep lay dead up-
on the road. At the very moment
the oar stopped an officer came rid-
ing up, but he did not know or care
who was riding in the car.
"You have got to go to the jail,"
he said. We started to explain.
"That'll do, now," he said, "Yon
can explain in the morning."
Suddenly an idea came to me.
"Ofmoer," I said, "at least, as
long as we are to be punished for
killing the sheep, to say nothing of
paying for them, you will permit us
to make you a present of them."
Instantly the officer's manner
changed. He upbraided the owner
Sir Thomas .Lipton.
for his carelessness in allowing the
sheep to stray out on the road, and
then turning to the chauffeur, he
"You, sir, must have been a very
fine driver to have only killed six
of the sheep. I should have thought)
you might have killed a great many
more, I wish you good evening."
I came over on the Caronia this
last time, and on the trip a very
dear friend of mine introduced me
to a young doctor, a young man in
whom he had taken a great inter-
est. The young physician was a
nice looking young man, and I liked
his face.
"Would you mind," I asked
him, "if a man old enough to be
your father was to give you a woe
bit of advice?"
"Indeed and I wouldn't," he was.
quick to answer. "In fact, I would
thank you kr it."
"Well, then, my young friend, re-
member this," I told him; "Never
forget to tell your patients to driuk
lots of tea."
When It'll be Most Needed.
"Got your furnace going?"
"Yes, unfortunately,"
"Why unfortunately 7"
"Because every time I go down
to take care of the fire I know
blamed well that the coal I throw
on so recklessly now would comp in
mighty handy if I could only hang
on to it until next March."
It omens to go against the grain
of some men to admit that their
wives may be right.
Excellent Shooting, Fishing an
Moose hunting.
Nova Scotia is rapidly beeoming
one of the meet popular tourist re-
sorts on the American continent,
The healthful summer climate and
the great variety of sport available
make the province an ideal vacation
land. No part of Nova Bootie. is
more than thirty miles from the sea,
and the country is full of the charm
of scenery and the magic of hietori-
oal assomation. It offers excellent
game bird shooting, including wild
fowl, forest birds, and shore birds.
The two great garne fish are the At.
lantic salmon and the speckled or
brook trout. A leaping tuna, weigh-
ing 680 lbs., was captured off the
Nova Scotian shore by hook and
line on August With, 1911, and con-
stituted a world's record. The
same gentleman, Mr. J. K. L. Ross,
of Montreal, fishing with the Duke
of Connaught, was fortunate
enough to land another tuna,
weiehing 600 lbs, Nova Scotia af-
fords in generous measure the finest
sport in America—moose bunting.
About 800 moose are shot every
year. Bear and wild eat are numer-
ous. The woodland caribou is plen-
tiful on the island of Cape Breton.
Three Months in Hospital and
Came out Uncured.
Zam-Bnk Cured Him in Few Weeks
Mr. Fred Mason, the well-known
upholsterer and mattress manufac-
turer of St. Andrew's, N.B., says:—
"I had eczema on my knee, which
caused me terrible pain and incon-
venience, The core parts would
itch and burn and tingle, and then
when rubbed or scratched, would
become very painful. When the
knee got warm, it burned worse,
and the itching and burning and
smarting were almost unbearable.
I tried various remedies, but got
no better, so I decided to go to
Montreal and take special treat-
ment. I received treatment at the
Montreal General Hospital for
thirteen weeks, but at the end of
that time I was not cured, and al-
most gave in. A friend advised me
to give Zam-Buk a trial.
"Almoet as soon as applied Zam-
Buk stopped the itching and the ir-
ritation. I persevered with the
balm, and it was soon evident that
it would do me good. Each 'clay the
pain was reduced, the sore spots
began to heal, and by the time I
had used a few boxes of Zara -Bilk
I was quite cured,
"Since then Zam-Buk has cured
blood -poison in my finger.
For eczema, blood -poisoning,
piles, ulcers, sores, abscesses, vari-
cose ulcers, bad leg, cold sores,
chapped hands, cuts, burns, bruises
and all skin injuries and diseases,
Zam-Buk is without equal.
600, box all druggists and attires
or post free from Zam-Buk Go.,
Toronto, for price. Refuse imita-
"I don't care a brass farthing,"
owes its origin to the days of James
II. of England, who debased the
coinage and issued worthless brass
Cure For CensumptIon.—For consume.
Mon, weak inns lingering cement, laryn.
rttte and bronchitte, Names and addressee
of those only given a tew days to live by
specialist and doctors, after taking thls
cure are alive and well, w1It be sent on
request. 'Write Wm. R. Oopeiaad, 611 Pape
Ave,. Toronto, Out..
The man who bets more than he
can afford to lose deserves to lose.
Minard's Liniment Cures Cargst In Cows.
All They
"Burglars broke
last night."
"That sol Did
"Nothing except
into our house
they get any -
my hushatid's
ag Broadway, New York,
"I bongltt some of your GIN PILLS
at Victoria, B.C. last September. Your
remedy I fiud, at 6o years of age. to
give perfeet relief from the Kidney and
Bladder Troubles incident to one of ray
age. T urgently recommend GIN PZLIS
to friends as tieing Use one thing that
does me good," E. G. WOODFORD.
Soc. a box 6 for $2,30, Money bock
if GIN PILLS fail, Sainple free if you
write National Drug and Chemical Co.
of Canada, Liiuited, Toronto, tat
ED55 A.
Toy Steam Engine
has blued otos.
boiler and ere box.
fitted with Steam
wltiurle,. 0elot3
vdtive anti olegk
Wick spirit burner
Polished braes fit.
rings, Almost one
loot high.
Bend its your
name and address
and we will sono
Ckrietmao, eats monis
and floral post,
cards to roll at 10
Dente a set (elx
beautiful Dards h.
oath cot). when
Sold Bond tee the
Money, and we wilt
Bondyou the en
gine, all charges
drepnid, Write to.
lay. Address
50MER•Olenti Ori
MM. no, Toronto.
o4 d
When You Get
Run Down
—catch cold easily— and dread, Instead of
enjoying, llu keen winter weather. -then you. need
Na-Dru-Co Tasteless
Preparation of
Cod Liver Oil
'1'M i Na-Dru-Co Compound embodies the well-known nutritive and
curative elements of Cod Liver Ott—Hypophosphnes to bulld up the
nerves—Extract of Wild Cherry to act on the lungs and bronchial tubes—
, and Extract of Malt, which, besides containing valuable nutriment Itself,
helps the weakened digestive organs to assimilate other food.
The disagreeable taste of naw Cod Liver On is entirely absent,
and the Compound is decidedly pleasant to take. in 50e. and $1,00
bottles, at your Druggist's. 906
Thos efferent Mom 0 the greatest money making and ylsa.ne. providing eut05 ever offered and ren .m .tesa
fa loam, Wiles the tfnets caudle. to 011 roar
Each of
we woo arta'
Moms meta. eomplete
Mos, D utter Booteh,°Lamy
nen, candy sane, tlese.,etu„
ala, 013 le lovely slut 1.,a
and metal candy so.m the
mem m 14 any big pandt
w. No ,mold* a dna
mentor ter with drawers for
.k, the ,a.nlncnt see of�ywgba4
Mustafa it,dhtsd
platform, nu a.t of b,loht
m :it, , eeetal moms matoce0r01 Dabs.
candy ,s and In
feet sandy store boalneaa of the
Then boe,dee.11 tk3won,
derful stook of .endlee and
tr,oto nteinr�a,} E CIV{g7 pABH REosayea
01is AH Ex'rRA PREs NT
ll teen swot ,model of the big each resisters methyl
*100 00 ea3h 3 0,030 rep prem 0019 ...Ia. 141. corn.
State with hankl0at andkeysand blawoadmfulprmeni
Doge and girl., get this candy coon and you will be
the envy of 041 reaar (mends, We will Myatt toyene...et
poll funned, yoor'friendn:on 4mullet.
30 c itie of ul a,i,bignl
In lova. odors -White Itea nto. only 10a.
Lt! ofeon.
Lily of the
10 0,; Heliotrope.ttl wood Ings 61101 coI4 fiord
b 3D
E ane fume bottles with 1»auaf .gold toad {ee. a
Everybody wente ihle mods partuae a1 Day ace, a
Ladle. It molls h1te bot cones,
�re u. onrmm,neey a n1, 93.00, ons to
en 31st„ e.,dy store goody u ifmatretad .hove �p
FRi a,nd aft totnderfl 000 ABSOLUT.LY
EE .'Nie is n wonderful eiar to bright post ted
rimes . shins '.4 0 6a Vaal' neighborhood to 0.4 iw
• Dept. 0. 309 TORONTO, CANADA.
" .^v^.'-"3 w+,E1r- • • ., rv!>;✓
SW' x ,rr cw:ra:a. 1 xa „• ,.,•v. p•
Efficient. .Will heat a good sized room
even in the coldest weather.
Economical. Burns nine hours on one
gallon of oil.
rnament 1. Nickel trimmings ; plain
steel or enameled tur-
quoise -blue drums.
Portable. Easily car-
ried from room to
room; weighs only
eleven pounds; han-
dle doesn't get hot.
Doesn't Smoke
Doesn't Leak
Easily Cieaxled
and Re -wicked
Lasts for years
At Dealers Everywhere
will require Ilya 'Neared Tele•
grsnhers and Station Agents. Good
wages and advancement rapid. School
endorsed by railways and has direct tele•
granh wire connection, Fria Book 18 ex.
blain,. Dominion School Railroading,
, terunl and external. cured •,thea,
Dein by our borne treatment. Write co
before ton lets Dr, Actinism Medical 0o.
Limited, Pnllingwood, Out
A/ Tare free. Speataltice Agency Bos
1836, WInnlpeg•
r.7. , AT til' 3'` .".
037r.t.imo...scitra SEM 011.11.30.S4
Protect -- Prot gb.arve --Bon only
Saumples and /Booklets on Appli,nt(on
JAMES LANTMUIi2 Js 00., Limited
1870 Batburet Street TO1'1ONTo
Tice Heart ofa Pirt.no lathe
Ac•elt»ta, lmnlat ort Vitt
Plano fA�ction
slid Flues Wil.
for Flumes, 1ngincs and Boiters
test more end: $0 bulld 'e... ... .
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety cereerno Street,
Gond Rouse; Bulldtngs; Orchard.
Cheap end on easy tonne.
4�vEVENTy.SIY ;wane wI'nIt Goon
cl buildings and apple orehardi about
ave miles from Iiamiltan.
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto
1. tortes in two thriving town, in
Western Ontario, Doing geed butane's.
Splendid opportunity for the 'right man.
The Western Real Estate, London, Ont,
sed d' leather bonen banginge, oleo
wrlta p.l n,4 'o .,at. yours. Ui Gold hlarlalist.
. ea1TI SH ANt6t0sN bYe 1ND CD„ 633 233, Montreal
xty 'fto,asand trsat r0 now seed las
X01' Raw Fins, Wity cot yowl Ws
psy highest prtcea and mtprest ot.sraes,
5l,erad 06000440.30, «Mdoodtaonv nems
pra1lty p00ddn 1010 0 0, 0 011 on6 9f w4, 31.00
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