HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-11-14, Page 5'VARICOSE VEINS CURED I" NONAMESUSED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks "Heavy work, severe straining and evil habits in youth brought on Varicose Veins. When I worked hard the aching would becorno severe and I was often laid up for a. Week at a time, My family physician told moan operation was my only hope—but I dreaded it. I tried several specialists, but soon found out all they wanted was my money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogues. Ono day my boas asked mo why I was off work so much and I told hint my condition. IleadvIscd me to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy,as lie had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square and skillful. I wrote them and get 'Toe 115W lUETHOD TREATHEWS. My progress was somewhat slow and during the first month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. Manner, I continued treatment for three Months longer and was rewarded with a complete cure. I could only earn $12 a week in a raachine shop before treatment, now I ani earning S21 and never loose a day. O wish all sufferers know of your Valuable treatment. 151100010 0. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD SEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent -end most serious diseases. They sap the very lire blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious complicatione. Bewaro °Mercury. Amoy suppress the symptoms—our may METHOD emus all blood diseases. YOUNG 011 MIDDLE AGED MEIS—Imprndent sets or later OXASASSA have broken &nen your system. • You feel the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally, physically and vitally you are not the mat you 11504 10 boor should be. WIll you heed the danger signet! BEADER ntrZ:auitt9Ilingut?illni.,Intl TltOlTmleolP will cure you. 1Vhat it has done for others it Wal'ao fer you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest °Pinkie Free of Charge. Bodo Free—"BOyhOOtl,ManhoOd,Patherheed." (IllUttrated) on Diseases of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE, No manes on boxes or envelopes. Everythijm Confidential]. Question List and Cost of Treatment ! FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. Dsts.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Si., Detroit, Mich NOTICE All letters front Cauada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, outif you desire tO Imo us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and trent no patients in our Wituleor officewhich are for Correspondence Alia Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters,as follows: -- DRS. ICENNEDY & 10ENNEDY, Window, Ottt. Write for 000 11180020 address. 41. 11. • BUSINESS CAROL W • IeintL hU eircf.illitl°arrillagijeVIloentles. (11 - aa Winery, Turnoerry street, Brussels, K. 0. T. M, Brussels 'Teab of tee Alsoombees. No, el hold tb mintier meetings itt the 103.1ge Room, bonier block, ou the let and tiro TUOULy eveiliags 0 peon Monte Vieleure slWaye weleoule, A, 80 .1 Eltd, (ant, a, sictiCirthi, L1. WM, SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICE N SE dice lu the Post Office, Ethel. 80-4 JOHN SUTHERLAND ROISSAtiene FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. VI S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - ,a.• • sae, will Hell for better prices, to better teen, in less time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't °barge auyttneg. Dates and orders eau always be arranged at this °Mee or by personal application, i.EBAL ANC CONVEYANCINS. 'UT M. &EMIL AIR— Y r • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, dm, tiLeoe—ti tewart's Blook 1 door 800 031 or Central Hotel, So Bolter lor the Metropolitan Blink. pktOTIDFOOT, HAYS & RILLORAN li Alt itIliTERS SOLICITORS, Noranine iumsto, ETU. W. YtwonrooT, K, 0. It C. RLTO J. 1.. Krt,r,onse Oltioes—'1'hoge formerly oceatiled by Mesas Cameron & Bolt, tionamoa, Osramo. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL TO L.IVERPOOL T. T. S. 8, "Victorian" and "Virginian" T. S. S. "Tunisia -it" and "Corsican" Set lin gs every Friday MONTREAL. TO GLASGOW T. 8. 8. "Grempien" and "Resperian" T. 8. 8. "Suandinevittn" and "Pretorian" Sailings tvery Saturday T FIAVRE & LONDON Service of tnoderate priced one ulnas cabin no steamers. Settings every Sunday Null informe tion as to rntes, on appli 14 - Mon to W. H. KERR. A gent Allan Lite, Brussel& „........,,,,........,..,., r k k.A4' Get the Best ! It Pays ! , F.' Among the mime positions our 001- g logo hes recently filled were two worth /LL • smelled $1600, We are now trying to >E ,iS .6111 one at $1000. Demand for our erect. r 0 mites is fully five tines our supply. .........................00ELLIOTT Y TORONTO, ONT. tois a Business College of the highest Ye i grade. Several former students of 0 1 1 other Colleges are now in a ttendonce. a It pays to get a bmde est. ' declaim' If 81 you got It In the right School. Write for catalogue. Enter now. 4 0 Oor. Young and / W. J. ELLIOTT, 4.4 Alexander Sta. 3Principal. *AIM 024kWAVATAVVVR2VAUWATAVarstig r-Ilsvg,Artoccor.vinxinve.w.A. WILL YOU gG7jusENTRAL GTHATFORD. ONT. Write for the large free catalogue of 10 tlik school, and you will learn how 61 you can sUccood. It will then rest 61 with you to decide if you will suc- 61 ceed. We are placing students in positions paying $000 and $700 per ttentun. tmO..we 1 ' tt=lilare"altiettic.inu"ntyl°." A'. Ii.2 time to enter our Masses is NOW, Write for our free cetnlogue at once. Pric 1/4V0...6==0,41extvxm059eYea3ish1011.!9.74,0 D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. 0,4 -.- The Listowel Ilusinm 1 , ----. college .4 Po [ , 4‘7141:TrfArsTe01'g:Irat,,,YoavanITaat '70 hire to EDWIN Q. MATTHEWS, Prin. 0 N'iM telhagagilig Wig,' npA-oxvravio rea--ttr: Winter Term at .0.152,Yantaxava-vamwavavv, vzv Blood, Pure, Rich, Rod Rosy glote in the faee, spitekling eyes, vivacious spiritg are all the 2001 0,01160 of good blood. No silver way exists of pule( ying and enriching the blood than to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. By their gentle action on the howele, kidneys and liver they filter every impurity from the system, leav. Ing it wholesome and able to clo the work netoessary for the main tenesice of health, 0 be won, look well, and feel al. Ways at your beet, tree Lir. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, a truly wonderful medicine for young and old. Pelee 25c at all dealers, W. H. LOVE 41 Funeral Director and Embalmer I Orders promptly mid caro - fully attericleti to night or day. Phone 228, ETHEL, ONT. 6',"..--41-91-V"Ir'ir11"0"I",lir,r • Business Cards OR. T. T. M'RAE Bachelor or Medicine, University of Toronto ; Leconetere and Graduate of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. ; Post -graduate Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chicago, ILI. Ex,Elouse Surgeon to 81. Mich- itePs Hospital, Toronto. Office over IN IL Smith's Drug Store. Tele- phone connection with Ortinbrook of all hours, DR. M, FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physleian and Surgeon ; Post Graduate cmareee London New York and Chicago nos. pitolo. Special attention to Menage of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. DR. WAROLAW - Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls, Office opposite 610.0, 25111 Ethel. MAUDE C. BFOYANS opHTHALmoL.OGiST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, McCormick Medical College, Mien° is prepared to test eyes and tLb glassesat her ofiloe over Grower's Restaurant, lieu:owls, On Thursday, Fridey and Saturday of every week. Office hours 18 to 12 0, m. and I to 0 p ni. In Toronto, at 71" Spadinn ave.. reannind- er of time. Phone IVO Weir Rata RV I!' BRUSSEL.S Goma 00 0111 (30180 NoRTH Ball 7:076 m Express 10:55 a ni exprese 11 20 a ni Mee 1:59 p m Express 2:55 p m Express 8:52 p10 Camitarax fCIPZC --- WALTON To Toronto To Godorich Express 7:11 It m I•Express 11:55 a m Express 5:57 p inI Exprese 8:40pm WROXETER 'Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 5:55 p00. Going West - 12:46 and 9:47 p. All trains going East connect with 0?. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Looal A gent. Taal gews Jtem TORONTO Daily Globe or Daily Mail from now to April ist for $I 00. FIRST monthly Horse Fair at Brussels this season will be held Thursday, Dec. stii, Mark it down. A stirse.x thief took a silver envelope opener and pen -knife combined from the counter of THE POST last week. IF the party will fetch it back we will have their name engraved on it free of charge. The end of the petty pilfering isiKings ton penitentiary. Is your husband cross and irritable .An irritable, fault finding disposition is often due to a disordered stomach. A. man with good digestion is nearly always good natured. .A. great many have been permanently cured of stom- ach trouble by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. For sale by all dealers, WOMEN'S 'INaTITUTE..— 001 Thursday afternoon crst inst., the topic at Brus- sels Women's Institute will be "Patriotism in relation to women," to be introduced by lames Bowman M. P. A report of the Convention at Toronto which will meet next week; will be given by Mrs. James Ballantyne, the delegate. BOARD OF HEALTH--TIIO Provincial Board of Health has issued instructions to physicians that all cases of measles. whooping cough, and mtunps must be quarantined as are scarlet fever an3 other diseases. Physicians and nurses must report in all eases. Houses must be platkardeti and children kept at home. This isa new regulation. "Ib is a ;steam.* to tell you that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the beat cough medicine I have ever used," writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell, of Lavoiria, Go. "I have used it, with all my children and the results have been highly satisfactory." For sale by all dealets. ' A GOOD many special freight trains are runniug these days. Few of them haul coal. Who's to blame over this coal tie-up anyhow ? Tee public are being bleached over the head of it and • then do not get supplies. There's a nigger in the fence somewhere and the man who can poke him out with a rail should be regarded as a public benefac- tor. THE WAY THEY DO IT IN ESSEX CO — Albert Fox has come across with a good tomato production story. He planted six acres, most of Which ORME out well and delivered to the factory sufficient to bring him a cheek for $em Mr. Fox is not only a progressive farmer but one who makes every acre pay and while lie has raised tobacco which brought the top notch price, he is of the opinion that tomatoes are a more satis- factory crop in every way. • FooT BALL SEASON. -011. surgeon, sharpen up your SAWS, keep arnica in kegs, in readiness for broken jaws and dislocated legs. Take down your trus ty battle axe tor 11111Dll'AtiOn Stunts have remedies for damaged backs and much disfigured fronts. Otte let us grease the ambulance and make it snug inside, for now, with pomp and chump- etance, the foot ball teams collide. They have de -brutalized the game. SO certain experts say ; now SO innocent and tame that even girls could play. And yet I notice every, year that grewsome stories come of players who have had an ear or head knocked out of pluinb. And some go home wit:. broken ribs and Some for life are lame, which makes me think that maybe fibs are told about the game. Isar be it from an old fat pote to kick at any sport that does not get the players goat and put bion out of court., But foot hall in the ages when it hadn't been refined has killed and crippled scores of man—but ell that is babied, They have it now so tempered down its safe es blind man's heft no player gets a bagful crown—theriea nothing fierce or rent), Aud yet, oh Sawbones, just the same, I'd greaso lile ambulanee, for In the sweetest, tamest game. some acci- dents may chance. joss Luta OLD TIMES.* rile Welke'. ton Herald says —In Sonie hotels 61 Walkerton bums are titled up like phutos along the wall, end it is only necessary fur a citizen to en er aud Make a noise like buying to start theist moving forward like model' pictures. ILBALANCC OF YEAR PRES.—As a special indnee Inept to new subscribers Tax Posr will be sent to any address in Canada or' the tarnish Empire until Jatmary 1, 1914, for $1 paid in adearice, The boy'a appetite is often the soune of,tuntwement. If you would have such an appetite take Chamber, lain's Tablets. They not only create a healthy appetite, but strengthen the stomach and enable it to do its work naturally. Poe sale by all dealers. MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS.—Tbe regular •monthly Horse Fairs will be held in Brussels 1815 0100500 as 1151101 the dates of which will be :—Thuisday. Decern. bet' 31.11 ; Thursday. Jan. 20d, 1913 ; Thurs lay, February etli ; Thursday, March oth ; and Thursday April 3rd. Date is always the Thursday before the first Friday iu each mouth. Brussels Horse Fairs are top notchers and are at. tended by the best outside and local buyers. Clip out the dates for further reference. STRATFORD lltaTitICT LitlitARV Ass°. CIATION. —The 4th aunual meeting of the Stratford District Libiary Associa- tion will be held in the Public Library in the city of Stratford, Thursday and Friday of this week opening at to a. m, An intetesting program has been pre- pared. Association includes Huron Bruce and Perth Counties. There are 16 Libraries in this Co. J. Davis Bar- nett, of Stratford, is Me President and makes a splendid officer. W. R, Nur. sey, Inspector of Public Libraries, (0 011 the program and is a compendium of Library informatiou. No Liniment Can Cure It That pain between the eyes isn't neuralgia. Many think so, tout it hi catarrh, plain ordinary catarrh that needs attention right now. Your properlead is to use "Catarrhozorte." Doctors recognize it as a cure that surpasses all others. Save, because it does reach thetrouble ; safe, because no drugs to take, you breathe its healing vapor direct to the course of the trouble, and cute is guaranteed. Two sizes, 2:5c and $1.00. Sold every- where. War WEATHER INSURANCE,— This year's grant of $to,000 by the Ontario Government for wet weather insurance will be required to meet the losses sus- tained by the agricultural societies. J. Lockle Wilson a few days ago stated that the reports showed that the losses were less general than last year, when tbe full amount of &Immo was also re- quired but the amount would hardly suffice to meet the requirements. It is' divided on a pro rata basis, the maxi mum to a society being $3oo. No grant is made to cities of 30,000 or over. SECTION 12 of the Public Libraries Act states that "The council ot the municipality in addition to all other rates and assessrueuts levied and assess- ed for Municipal purposes, shall levy and assess 31 each year a special rate to be called the "Public Library Rate" sufficient to provide the amount esti- mated by the hoard as hereinbefore provided but such rate shall not exceed oue•balf mill in the dotter unless by a vote of two-thirds of all the members of the Council such rate is increased to an amount not exceeding iu the whole three- foul lbt of a mill ili the dollar " MORE RENIEDI ES. —"YOU Ought to Walk five miles a day," the learned physician said ; "your bigger than a load of hay and you will soon be deatl, unless yon take more exercise, so go and hit the road and try to lose, dad burn your eyes, that aldermanic load." 1 walked five miles and now 1 lie upon a couch of pain ; my tendons are all pulled away and I ntn one biz sprain ; there is a spavin on my knee, n ringbone 011 my shin ; when I Cell find that doctor he will have his bead caved in, "Oh, sleep out doors and get fresh air " another doctor cried ; "why do your sleeping in this lair, with swarms of germs inside ? The air that heaves sends to men inhale, and breathe your fill and when your well and strong again, I'll send you in my bill," 1 slept last night upon the roof and when I woke lust now. 1 found some icebergs on mv hoof and more up- on my brow. And I am all bunged up wall cold. 000010101 sing a note ; and all the quinine 1000 hold I'm pouring down my throat. One louging rankles in my dome, I have one great desire, which is to seek that doctor's home and set Ole same afire. Su after this when I have ills that make me groan and rant, I'll take the good old-fashioned pills that cured my uncle's aunt, Pay More and Get The Boot A cheap flesh blooming emer remedy le nevee sottisfitelawy, The best is Putnam's Pathless Corio Exta actor, (erste but ot cputeter, and is guaranteed to cure thoroughly. Use only Put- nano's, Fordwich Who'll be Poetonaster Miss Grece Ayiesworth left foe Toronto where she will commeoce training foe it !mese, The Bishop of Huron, Bishop Wil - 1111,111S, ad mi nisteved the 1( 10 of Confirmation in • Tel 0 i iy ohm eh, For dwich, an Sunday last. 0. E. Leppoted, or Walkerton, and principal of the public school, was elected president of the East Bruce Teacheee' Association. LATE 11108. GIBSON.— Relery nee was made last week to the demise of Postmaster Gibsoti and the following sketch Will be of interest to many :— The late ble. Gibson was horn M. Darlington Tp., Comity a Dorimm, nn Feb. 12, 1848, moving with his palette to the Tp, of Caetwright, where hel, was married to Merges et Braden in the year 1808. Moving from there to owick township in the following year, he resided on ft Paten just, East of the village of Fordwich. Ile was a License 00m. inissiener foe East Moon District for it number of years, and also anstiee or the Peace, resigning said ounces to become Postmaster here in 1900 which posithrn be held Op to the time 01 1)10 death, Ole %VHS a •member o Fordevich Lodge. A.1. & A.Ms also THE BLESSING Fred Anguish, who has been station agent here during the pain, Summer Ions been appointed to the same ;see- the, et Caledonia. Ale. McNeil, (of oF IA DOW eharge tot' the UVP Morris Healthy Mothers and Chi!. &Boor, REPORT.—Following le the report of fa, S. No, 8 Morris for the dren Make Happy Homes mow, of October. Glasses examined Iit ietoryi, SiNielling, Composition end • Motherhood is woman's highest sphere in life. It is the fruition of her dearest hopes and greatest desires; yet thou- sands of noble women through some de- rangement havebeen denied this blessing. In many homes once childless there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound makeswomen normal,healthyandstrong. This is evidenced by the following letters which are genuine and truthful: London, Ont.—"I wish to thank you for the benefit I received by taking your famous medicine, ippipmbis,tv,,L,I.,.0,?#: Lydia E. Pmkham s 4 4': V eg e ta b I e Com - *ass pound. Before my baby was born I was so ill I could not stand long or walk any distance. I had to lie• down nearly all the time. After I took your medicine I felt like a new wo- man. I could work from morning till night and was happy and well. I aorta lily think it relieves pain at childbirth and recommend it to everywoman who is pregnant. You may use this testimonial if you like. It may help some other woman."—Mrs. FRANK CORRIN, 132 Adelaide St., London, Ont. Brooklyn, N.Y.—"I was ailing all the time and did not know what the matter was. I wanted a baby but my health would not permit it. I was nervous, my side ached and I was all run down. I heard that Lydia E.PinIcham's Vegetable Compound was good and took the medi- cine. I have now a beautiful baby and your Compound has helped me in every way."—Mrs. J. J. STEWART, 299 Hum- boldt St, Brooklyn, N.Y. 0. 0. F. He was a Fenian Raid veteran. Besides his widow he leaves three sons :— Edwin, of Prince Albezt, Sask. ; &Mt., of New Lis - keel d, and Harry, of Foldwich, and five daughters :—M es. \Vim Mont- gomery and Mrs. Geo. Willis, Ford- wich ; Mrs. E. A. Harris, 2nd cum of Howiek ; Mrs. R. E. McCallum, Listowel ; and Mrs. Alex. Hill, Owen Sound. His aged Inothee, four broth - 00, and three sisters also sm vive. The funeeal, which was largely attended, took place 00 Monday, 4th inet., from the family resi- (lance, North Main et., to the Presbyterian chnech, where the service was condueted by Rev. A. 13. Dobson, assisted by 'Rev. 1111% Andrews, thence to the Fordwich vemetery, where the service was retur by the Masonic Or der, a large number of • the brethren being present The floral tributes were most beautiful. The pallbearers were D. Sanderson, 0. Davidson, \V. Ryan, Inc. Benne- berg, his. Hunter, W. Bi -own. et. Don't waste yone money buying strengthening plastees. Chambe- lain's Liniment is cheaper and better. Dampeto a pieee of flannel with it and bind it over the affected parts and it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all dealers, Leadbury There was a very pleasant meeting of the Ladies Aid in connection with Bethel church at the home of Mrs, Albert Dundee. Officere fon- the year were elected its follows :—Mrs. .1/avid Crawford, Peesiclent ; Mrs. David Boyd, Viee-President ; ales. 13. Ito, Secretary ; Mrs. Albert. l)ntaltts, Timm:let. About 35 ladies were peesent and these meetings are vel y enjoyable. The ladies are working for to, new church. Atwood The (Truett mill has beet' closed down for this you. ISlina 0mile:it met last Saturday for general township business. On Novembet• the 1st, a night set, vice commenced at, the local telephone office. There died in Atwood on Novem- ber 1st, Katherine Coulter, beloved wife of James Outhbertson, aged 59 years, 10 months and 3 days. Funeral took place front her late residence, Main street, Atwood, on Monday, Nov. 41h, to Elm, Centre cemet evy, Clerk Lochhead reports that there was filed with him on the 31st day of October 1912. a petition by the rate- payers of the Township of Elunt, praying fee the submission to the electors of a By -Law prohibiting the selling of liquor!, commonly known as "The Local Option By -Law." FOR CONSTIPATION A Medicine that does not Cost Any- thing, Unless it Curoe. The active medicinal ingredient, of Rexall Orderlies which is odorless, tasteless and colorless is a campains tively new discovery. Combined with (11 her ex ti emel y valuable i to geed 1 en ts, it Porous a perfect bowel regulator, in- testinal i n vigorat or mod s teeng th oiler. Rtutall Oetlerlies are eaten 11160 candy and are notable for theie agreeableness to the palate and gentleness of acot 1011. They do 1103, 0(8060 griping oe any dis- agreeable effect or once 01 venience. Unlike (thee preparations for a like purpose, they do not create to habit, bit instead they act to ovetcoure the cause of habit acquired throttgh the use of ordinaey laxatiVe cathartics itnd harsh physic and pertnatiently remove the eatree of constipation or irregular bowel action, We will eeforni your money With. MAL argument, if they do not do es we gay they will, Two sizes, 25e and 10e, Sold only at, one Store --the Rexall Store, It, South, t al y wor t. antes arranged i n or et tof meek :—Se. Mt:Atter, Jt'. IV.—A ndrew Nichol, Se, III.— Eleie Caution, Norman SPeir. Jr. M. —Plovence Kevriey, Maggie Glaris, Annie Little, Annie Aleock, Russel Meks, John McNeil, Sr. IL--biary McNah, Maigaret Maslen,Lillian McAt•ter, Margaret Hanna. Jr. IL -- James Duncan, Florence Nichol, Wilmer Kerney, Clifford Mate's, Barbara Beatlehaw, Sr. Pt. IL— Allan Speir, Everet Niehol. Sr. Pt. L—Stanley Marks, Mary Aleock, Marguerite Little, PloreneeBrad- shaw. je. Pt.— Excellml — Verena Clark. Good— Eldred Miller, May Cook. F. Jtavasse, Teacher. When Your Back Hurts Of course it's hard to work, Stoop- ing over hurts, lifting is tedious, and you wonder what to do. Ever try Nerviline ? Nothing like it for weak or lame back, It penetrates to the core of the pain, eases from the first application, brine cure that defies a relapse. No liniment is so clean, so soothing, so certain to kill molecular, rheumatic or sciatic pains. Your dealer sells Nerviline 111 large 25e bo t tl es. Why not try it. Goderich The Needle Festival of the Baptist church ladies will be held on Tuesday, Deo. 3rd, W. Skimmings had walnuts in his garden this season, the circumference of the busk being 91 Metres and di- ameter the same. Collector Campbell has already re- ceived over $35,000 of this year's taxes. This is a good showing. A discount of 2 per cent is allowed until the 15th Met. Dave 'Wilson, Britannia road, is nowsable to walk up town, with the aid of his crutches'. It will be remem- bered that in jumping from a cite in Toronto he put his hip out, of joint and he has been laid up ever &tree, Goderich Organ Go. installed a new Canadian dove -tailed jointer made by the Linderman Co., of Woodstock. This is one of the most improved machines of its kind in the world, 35 feet Icing and weighs 8 tons. F. P. Lawrence & Sons is now the name of the firm handling the Cana- dian Expeess, G. N. W. Telegvali and G. T. R. 'ticket agency business, F. F. Lawrence having taken his two sons, Frank H. and John .A., into partnership with him in the business with which they have been associated for a number of years. The annual meeting of the Goderich Horticultural Society was held in Secretary Lane's nffice, the attendance being small, but composed of the vet- erans who have led the work for the past years. The election of officers for 1912-13 resulted as follows :—Presi- dent, Dr. 'W. F. Gallow ; Vice-Prea., Registrar Wm. Coats ; Sec.-Treas., Wm, Lane, Go. Olerk ; Directors, Wm. Warnock, R. C. Hays, J. 0. Lod thwai te, S. Morningstar, Jas. Mitchell, C. A. Wells, A. Farrow, D. J. Neftel and D. McEvoy. Auditors, Sheriff Reynolds and Crown At wimpy Seeger. It was agreed to again hold monthly 'fleeting during the Winttor, for the discussion of horticultural uabtels, commencing with the second Monday in December. Listowel Listowel factories are working over- time to catch tip with orders, Rev. Dr, Hugh S. Dougall, of St. Thomas. conducted the services in the Methodist. church Smiclay. J. Livingstone left mi a trip to the West. He will visit his scut Dr. R. Livingstone, in 'Melville, Sask. Sunday, Nov. 17, Men's Day will be observed in the Methodist church, when men will be in charge of ser- vle.s.St. Geo. Hawkins, Dominion Immigration officer for Northern Oo. tariO, is spending a few days at his town.hoino 111 ay H of the 0. P. R., has been appointed baggagemato on the Guelph-littruilton line and is now on lois new run. Bishop Williams will visit Ohrist church Sunday morning, Nov. 24th. Ole will preach at 11 o'clock and administer the tate 01 Cotifirmation. Dr. and Mrs. Philip and Miss Ada Thompson left for San Francisco, Cal., where they will spend the AVinter. They expect to return in bl ay. The petitions for the Wallace Rural Mail routes have been signed and sent to headquarters, and it is ex- pected tenders will be adyeetised for "Dneneceiiber -8 and 9 the anniversary of the Listowel Methodist church will be celebrated. Special services will be held when Rev. Amos Thomas will be the speaker. A. W. Zurbeigg, late of Si. Mary's, has purchased a half interest in the halting business of his heather, Al. F. Znebrogg, The new firin will be known as Zurbrigg Bios. Anniveesary services of Listowel Baptist church will be held Sunday, Nov. 17th. Rev. J. W. Salton, of Harniltom who is one of the chnrch's leading men, will be the preacher. The many friends of 13 v. Bricker will be sorry to heat! of his serious illness. He underwent an or?eration at Guelph hospital for en internal trouble. The opmettion was it most critical One but was successful and Mr. thicker is doing as well as can be expected. A. meeting teas held in the library basement for the plumose of re- organizing the town hockey club. Officers elected ..—lion, Pres., P. NV, Hay ; Hon. Vice Pres., A. Roos ; Pres„ B. L. IL Bernfeld ; vice -Pros., Watson ; 2nd vice -Pees,, De, mailloourenze; e8,telLy, Bstiecelkmeitit:rey: • G. fteddon ; Treasurer, P. NV, Raines; Managing Committee, the president, manager 11111 Bioxatn, NV, Zink - ham and J. Battu. It was decided to enter a te11111 in the junior 0. 111. ,A., and also lmm the Northern, League. A. debate was held in the young intou's parlor in the Methodist church, subject being :— "Resolved country bole' men have done snore foe the up- lifting of mankind than city bora men." Judges were Geo. Bray and W. J. Morrison, Speakers for affirma- tive were :—.111. G. Matthews, 3. Squires, Won, Spence. For the negative :—I -I. Wilson, W. A. Rid - dots and John Bailey. Decision was giveu the negative. After debate a mock parliament was formed. The leader of Howse was E. G. Matthews and leader of Opposition, H. Wilson ; Speaker, Mr. Murrison, B. A. STOP HAIR FALLING TO -DAY IL won't cost you a cent to peev6 that you can stop falling hair and peevent baldness, for Jas. Fox will supply you with it bottle 'of PARIS- IAN Sage and if yon are not satisfied with the result as Fox will refund the full purchase price. The same guarantee applies to clan - (befit splitting hair, faded hair or scalp i teb. PARISIAN Sage is the most refreshing and invigorating hair dressing In the world, It preserves the natuvalcolor of the hair and im- parts to it a glossy appearance that all admire. Lame bottle 50 cents at 11 dealers evesYwhere. The girl with the Au- burn hair on every package, •oosoo••••0•0••••••••••••••,••••••••••smo••••••lisossa • • • • REGINA • • • • • • • • • • 7 Jewels, 16 size, swing ring, • • Nickel case $ 8 20 17 Jewels, 18 size, swing ring, • Nickel ease 13 20 • • 7 Jewels, 10 size, 20 -year Gold Pilled case—. 11 76 • • 17 Jewels, 18 size, 20 -year • Gold Filled cases11 75 7 Jewels, 0 size, 25 -year • Gold Filled cases14 40 • 15 Jewels, 6 size, 25 -year • • Gold Filled case 16 40 • e• • • • • Louis Blake, • oestesoose•••oesseoeste 8004 0000041100.00000000.010111111111111110 PRICES! BESIDES being a high grade watch in every respect Regina Watches are sold at prices that are within reach of an. Here are the prices that some of the popular grades ate sold at : These watches are all adjusted to two positions and temperature and are aH guaranteed for three years. Sold by • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jeweler and Engraver Walton • GOLD DUST digs deep after germs Gold Dust not only cleans but sterilizes. Soap merely washes over the surface, leaving a greasy film behind it. Gold Dust "goes to the bottom," and insures absolute purity, and sanitary safety. Why not sanatize your home, as well as clean it? Soap needs muscle help; Gold Dust does all the hard part of the task without your assistance. Gold Dust is a good, honest, vegetable -oil soap, to which are added other purifying materials in just the right proportions to cleanse easily, vigor- ously, and without harm to fabric, utensils or hand. Gold Dust is sold in 5csize andlarge pack- ages. Thelarge package means greater economy. "Let the GOLD DUST TWINS do your work" ossuolososi Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, LIMITED, Montreal. Makers of Fairy Soap (the oval cake)