HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-11-14, Page 2eilabeiteleallatieleabagatiaeseteatateeitait
Fashion Hints
The Boudoir.
The collarless blouse has done
much to improve the shape and col-
or of the throat of (those who have
patronized it Lor some time past,
and it is not em'prising to find that,
haying achieved that rare beauty, a
perfectly modeled neck, girls are
loth to abandon the corsage that
Instead of accepting the high
throat band rigidly wired to keep it
in place, they are declaring their
adhesion to the corsage without a
collar, and are about to wear it very
much more open in front than it
was this time last year, with a tulle
transparency if a covering is re-
quired for the out-of-door toilet.
Those who are dubious as to whe-
ther the new fashion of the V-
shaped corsage will suit them
should take a looking -glass and ex -1
amine the oontour of the neck most
Tinee'a hangers begin their with-
ering task in front of the neck, and
if signs of age are appearing it is
necessary to begin a series of exer-
cises at once, and to practice them
conscientiously day after day.
Standing in an easy attitude, with
the hands on the hips, in front of a
Iooking-glass, the head should be
moved backward as far as• possible
and the under jaw be thrust out at
the same time, so that the stretch-
ing process upon the chin is felt.
Colors Should Be Studied.
The value of color is something 1
that a clever dressmaker under-
stands fully. Two dresses can be
cut alike, line for line, but in differ-
ent shades of the same silk, and one
of them will make a woman look
slender, straight and supple, and
the other will give her an unaccoun- 1
tably dumpy, round-shouldered,
square -cut figure.
All women ought to make a care-
ful study of colors, whether they
have a professional interest in the
matter or not.
It is especialIy important for wo-
men of small means, who have so
few gowns, that they must live with
these of their choice very intimate-
ly. A woman who can buy 20 or 30
dresses a year can afford to make
an occasional mistake when her
fancy for a trying Dolor or a too
daring line carries her away for a
moment. She can hang a unsuc-
cessful dress in a closet and forget
about it, and it does her no harm—
helps her, perhaps, in choosing
more wisely in the future. She does
not suffer from her folly. But a wo-
man of small means, whd meets
with a mishap in her choice of her
one new gown, must wear it whe-
ther or no—a harsh commentary on
her vanity, her poor judgment or
her bad taste.
The best plan is to choose careful-
ly and buy slowly.
Fashionable Colors.
This is the time of year when
colors change just as hats and
Court blue is one of the latest.
It is a cross between electric and
Taupe has shed its brown tinge,
and has acquired a tint like ele-
phant grey.
One of the prettiest blues is blue
vig, a deep and yet' bright shade.
Shrimp is the favored pink,
A glorious red which looks ex-
tremely well with white is called
rouge venetian.
Chalk white is en vogue.
Aramanth is a claret shade.
Caramel is another pretty edition
of brown.
Verdigris is one of the emartest
Mimosa is a yellow that verges on
Petunia is the successor of the
fuchsia medley, with the purple and
red tints predominating.
The New Handbags.
Handbags grow more and more
luxurious, but one of the novelties
of this season is especially conven-
ient because it is fiat, light and
very compact.
This bag, which is not, much thick-
er than a man's wallet, is envelope
ehaped and measures 11 by inches.
It can he had in various shades of
eofb antelope or in seal morocco,
and can have either a silk cord, or,
what is more popular just now, a
leather handle.
The lett/riga of the bag are its
chief recommendations; besides
pockets for money, papers, valua-
bles, it has a purse, card case, mir-
ror, powder puff, small buffer, nail
$le a id'a small comb.
In Iceland every man and woman
over the age of twenty -eye is al-
lowed a vote, and women are eli-
gible for office under the State.
During the last twenty years land
in the United 1-Cingdoin devoted to
farming has decreased by more than
half a million acres,
Willie's Big Sister ---Willie, what
de you mean by climbing upon Mr,
Sapleigh'e chafe 1 Come dawn at
tnoe. Willie ---I'm Makin' kr his
soft- opot.
Tea when you are tired,
pal'%icularly if it's
OT ,i1!!
Goes farthest for the money
Beery Pale Innurod Seg
day,, against breakage
Cords elide when you move. No
pufeya, no bameas—iust comfort 1
Wane ahmmed MSS'. en turtl.s.
50c. et Dealers or
postpaid for SOD.
t(pRoriouricED EASY)
Ritmo 5U5PetIDERC0.T011eliTO,CAft,
Now is the Thins to Think
Consult any or your neighbors who
have used the "Champion" Evapor,
ator. They will tell you to install
before the snow is on the ground.
Costs no more to buy now than in
March. Write for free booklet.
58 Wellington St., MCNTREAL,QUE.
Oil was used for burning in lamps
so far back as the twentieth cen-
tury before Christ.
At the tender age of three, mas-
culine conceit had gripped that
small boy with a relentless clutch.
Ele had kissed a little girl of three,
and she was rubbing her lips vigor-
ously. "You mustn't do that
again," said the boy's mother,
"She doesn't like it. Just see how
hard she is trying to rub your kiss
off." "Qh, no she ain't," said the
boy, "she's rubble' it in."
It is CrUiiFial
to Neglect the
Ski and Hair
RINK of the suffering
entailed by neglected skin
troubles — mental because
of disfiguration, physical be-
cause of pain. Think of the
pleasure of a clear skin, soft,
white hands, and good hair.
These blessings, so essential
to happiness and even suc-
cess in life, are often only a
matter of a little thoughtful
care in the selection of effec-.
tive remedial agents. Cuti-
cura Soap and Cuticura Oint-
ment do so much for poor
complexions, r e d, rough
hands, and dry, thin and
falling hair, and cost so
little, that it is almost crimi-
nal not to use them.
Although Cuticura Soap end Oint•
went are mold by druagfete and dealers
everywhere a postal to "Cuticura,"
Dept. SM, Bourton U.S.A., will secure a
liberal sampple of each, with 32 -pogo
lx oldet on Skin and Sealer Treatment:
Manebester Sees Them Increasing
Manchester, England, is about to
take measures to bring about bet-
ter hygienic conditions amongst the
Chinese laundries, so many of which
have lately been established in the
city. The Manchester correspon-
dent of the Lancet says: "It ap-
pears that the number of small Chi-
nese laundries condneted by China-
men has increased at an astonish-
ing rate, and at present about 40
are established within the city area.
On the advice of the medical officer
of health, the sanitary committee
has now decided to issue epecial no-
tices in Chinese characters warning
against spitting on the premises.
and pointing out that penalties will
be imposed for any offence in that
direction. There is a prevalent
belief—but whether based on fact
or not, it is difficult to say that
spitting is very prevalent in some
Chinese establishments, and that
this act is not confined to spitting
on the floor. Spitting is said to be
q part of the process in some laun-
dering businesses, as in the ironing
process it is stated that the opera-
tor expectorates freely on the arti-
cles which are being dealt with, and
that as an aid to the sustained se-
cretion of saliva chewing gum is
largely practised by the laundry
Method Has Been Devised For
PIanting Scalps,
Dr, Szekely Ferenez has devised
a method of implanting hair into
the scalps of bald-headed persons.
In carrying out the process the
scalp is first carefully cleansed and
anesthetized with a solution of
vovoeain,e. The operator uses a
number of small hooks, made of
gold wire, and in the eyelet of each
hook a doubly folded hair is insert-
ed. The hook is then pushed into
the scalp with the aid of a Pravatz
needle, of which from 300 to 400 are
in readiness all prepared with hook
and hair, and, of course, thorough-
ly sterilized before use. When the
needle has been pushed into the
1 scalp it is turned at a right angle
and then pulled out, leaving the
hair under the skin fastened by the
f outstanding end of the book. As at
I one sitting not more than from 300
Ito 400 hairs can be implanted, a
full head of requires from twenty-
five to forty sittings. assuming that
from 10,000 to 20,000 hairs will
cover a head. Dr. Szekely is some-
times able to apply the treatment
every alternate day, If there is an
inflammation around a hair this is
pulled out and the inflammation
promptly ceases.
Mothers having once used Baby's
Own Tablets for their little ones
will always be found using them as
long as there is a baby in the home.
The Tablets are acknowledged by
thousands of mothers as being
their best friend in keeping the lit-
tle ones well. Whether it be con-
stipation, colic, indigestion or
worms; whether baby is suffering
from cold or has simple fever, or
whether his teething is difficult, the
Tablets are the one safe remedy
which will speedily cure him. They
are guaranteed by a government
analyst to contain not one particle
of harmful drug and may be given
with benefit to the new-born babe
or growing child. Sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont,
Romantic Husband—Ah, how I'd
like to be back again on the old
Prosaic Wife—Huh 1 But I notice
yen had no desire to be back until
you knew the harvest work was
Cure For Consumption.—For consume.
tion, weak lunge lingering Coughs, laryn.
albs ,flCnd bronchitis, Namus and adflr,.sses
of th8ee only given a few days to live by
epeeialiet and doctors, after taking this
cure are alive and well, will be sent on
request. Write Wm. R. Copeland, 011 Pape
Ave., Toronto, Ont.
Far Better.
Miss Waflee—"George said I was
the best singer he ever saw,"
Mrs. Hitt—"Wouldn't you rather
be the best singer he ever heard?"
minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c.
Mutual deception is a popular
game during courtship,
The following conversation one°
took place between two Quakers: --
"Martha, does thee love me?" ask-
ed a Quaker youth of ono at whose
shrine his heart's holiest feelings
had boon offered tip. "Why, Seth,"
answered she, "we are commanded -
to love one another, are we not?"
"Ah, Martha, but does thee regard
me with the feeling the world calls'
love?" "I hardly know what to-
otell thee, Seth. I have greatly
feared that my heart is an erring
one, I have tried to bestow my
love on all, but I may have somta
time thought perhaps that thee
was getting rather more than thy
Mlnard'9Liniment bursa Distemper,
Ne'd New, Rich Blood to Restore
Them to a Healthy Condition.
Actually in need of food to nour-
ish the body and yet afraid to eat
because of the racking pains that
follow. That is the condition of the
sufferer from indigestion—a choice
between starvation or mar:erase
The urgent need of all dyspep-
tics, of everybody whose organs of
digestion have become unfit to per-
form their important duty, is for
stronger stomachs that can extract
nourishment from food. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills give weak sto-
machs just the strength they need
by enriching the bleed supply, thus
giving tone and strength to the
stomach and its nerves, and enab-
liug it to do the work nature in-
tended it to do. Thousands of
cases of indigestion have been
cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
of which the following is but ono
instance. Miss L. A. Brown, Port
Albert, Ont,, says: "For a number
of years I was a terrible sufferer
from indigestion, and as a result I
became completely run down, and
suffered from backaches and nerv-
ous troubles as well, I had to force
myself to eat, but never enjoyed a
meal owing to the awful pains that
followed eating. Life was becom-
ing a burden, and as medicine after
medicine failed to help me I felt I
was doomed to go through life a
constant sufferer. Finally a mar-
ried sister strongly urged me to
try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and I
have reason to be thankful that I
followed her advice, as they have
fully restored my health, and I can
noiv enjoy all kinds of food with-
out the least discomfort, and my
friends say I am looking better
than I have done for years. At all
events I know I feel like a new per-
son, so shall always praise Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills."
Sold by all medicine dealers or
by mail at 50 cents a box, or six
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Experiment Sussessful in Northern
Shortly before Earl Grey left
Canada an his return to England
he suggested the establishment of
a herd of reindeer in the northern
parts of western Canada. Earl
Grey had always taken adeep in-
terest in the work of Dr. Grenfell
on the Labrador coast and in north-
ern Newfoundland, mindful of the
great boon the reindeer has been
to the people there in furnishing
transportation, meat and milk. Last
year the forestry branch of the De-
partment of the Interior at Ottawa
purchased fifty reindeer from Dr,
Grenfell and shipped them into the
Great Slave Lake district. Now
that experience has shown that the
deer can be shipped with a fair de-
gree of success and that the animals
can quickly adapt themselves to the
climatic and other conditions of the
remote parts of the north-west, the
herd will be increased by other
large shipments. There is now no
doubt that the reindeer will be a
boon to these northern districts,
The policy which the United States
Government is following in Alaska
might be laid down in Canada. The
pian followed in Alaska is that any
responsible man who wishes to es-
tablish a herd of reindeer for him-
self may do so by making applica-
tion to the Government for as many
as he can feed and care for, He is
given over twenty or thirty animals,
as the case may be, and at the end
of a certain period—three or five
years, as agreed upon—he must re-
turn the same number to the Gov-
ernment, and keep for himself all
the surplus stock bred and raised
from the herd during the allotted
term.—London Globe,
The Strongest Argument.
He—What, in your opinion, is
the strongest argument in favor gest gu t n r of
woman suffrage.
Clever Suffragist — The mental
calibre of the women who oppose
Love and reason are seldom
Ike Pilsin is authority for the
statement that if the fellows who
bragged that their words were as
good as their bonds paid him what
they owed he'd be able to keep his
word oftener.
ED, 4
ISstyFi 45—'12
But Much Pulpwood Found In Lao
Labiobe Region.
The Forestry Branch of the De-
partment of the Interior has had a
number of parties out during the
past season continuing the exami-
nation of the unexplored districts to
find out the supply oh timber on
Dominion Lands and determine the
lands which should be reeerved per-
manently for timber purposes.
These parties are generally in
charge of graduates of the Forest
School of the University of Toron-
to, The work for the season is al-
most completed and the parties are
now returning from the field. Two
of the parties have already re
Mr. S. Ff. Clark examined during
the past season the district lying
north of Lac Labiche and east of
the Athabaska River in Northern
Alberta, which is along the route
which was proposed for the Alberta
Great Waterways Railway, The
season was wet, and, as the district
was found to be covered largely by
muskeg, the examination of it was
difficult. The muskegs were almost
impassable, and the few trails that
were found are in poor condition.
In spite of the condition of the
trails quite a large number of peo-
ple were going in to Fort McMur-
ray to locate.
It had been reported that there
was considerable large timber north
of Lac Labiohe, but the examina-
tion brought out the fact, which has
too frequently been the case, that
the quantity of large timber is small
and only in a few scattered areas.
There is, however, a large quan-
tity of immature spruce and jack
pine, which needs only protection
from fire to be a valuable crop for
pulpwood or lumber. The land is
generally covered with muskeg,
and the soil, nowhere first-class, be-
comes lighter and sandy towards
the east, where ib consists of sandy
jack pine ridges with muskeg be-
tween. The undrained' muskegs
make the timber growth slow, hut
the whole district is more suited for
timber than for agriculture.
And Toot it From a Motor Car.
"If you were on the horns of a
dilemma between a nice poor young
man or a horrid old rich man, which
would you take?"
"I'd take the horn of plenty." ,
A druggist can obtain an imitation of
TtINARD'S LINIMENT from a Toronto
house at a very low price, and have it
labeled his own product.
This greasy imitation is the poorest ono
we have yet seen of the many that every
Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to intro.
Ask for MIN.ARD'S mid you will get It.
Not a Permanent Return.
"I see your married daughter is
home again 1"
"Yes, but only for a visit, my
dear, only for a visit."
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Vegetable Battery.
Scientists tell us that there has
been discovered in the forests of
India a strange plant which pos-
sesses in a very high degree aston-
ishing electric and magnetic pow-
er. The hand that brc;aks a leaf
from it receives instantly a shock
equalato that which is produced by
the conductor of an inductive coil.
At a disbance of six metres a mag-
netic needle is affected by it. The
energy of this singular force varies,
but in times of storms las intensity
increases in striking proportion.
One never by any chance sees a
bird or an insect light on an electric
plant; nature seems to warn them
that they would find their. death.
Bad r'lloCS�
is the direct and inevitable result of
irregular or constipated bowels and
clogged -up kidneys and skin. The
undigested food and other waste mat-
ter which is allowed to accumulate
poisons the blood and the whole
system, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills
act directly on the bowels, regulating
them—on the kidneys, giving them
ease and strength to properly filter the
blood—and on the skin, opening up
the pores. For pure blood and good
health take
Dr', taw's ds
Indian .oat )Pi1I s
,s . •.,la GI- rat Tr 3EeaE '
Prote,ot — Pressesrvo — Elealut.lfy
Samples and Booklets on Application
JAMES LANCM11IB & CO., Limited
18746 Bathurst Street TORONTO
ase ,•
o Maypole Soap ere
buts so
Web Maypole
Soap there is no
trouble and no muss
in home dyeing,
byes cotton, Wool,
silk or mixtures. 24
eoiors-will give any
shade. Colors IOc,
Black 15c -.at yout
dealer's of postpaid
With booklet "Mew
to Dye' hem ro8
F, 1„ .12.2IC'T & CC, Maitre►]
Slokheadaches—neural gin headaches—splitting,
blinding headaches—ail vanish when you take
Na-Dru-Co Headache Wafers
They do not contain phenacetin, acetanilid,
morphine, opium or any other dangerous drug,
25o. a box at your Druggist's. 123
NATIONAL pace a CHEMICAL co', Or 00000A, LIMITS,,,
Should Have Good Light fsFr Stu.dying
A poor light strains the eyes, and the injurious effects may
last for life. An oil lamp is best. The light from the Rayo
Lamp is soft and mellow. You can read or work under it
for hours without hurting your eyes.
The RAY,, is constructed scientifically. It is the
best lamp made—yet inexpensive and economical.
The , made of solid brass --nickel plated.
14nP' Lana, Lighted without removing chimney or
shade. Easy to clean and rewick. Made in various
styles and for all purposes.
Dealers .Ever, whero
essig SWIZZ
pbl4a 4
ANY, Limited
ran 'IJ I i'1 r .• r
Thies elegant store 18 tho greatest money making anti pleasure providing 0,101 000` Danced sad you cat dW
In today palling the guest candies 10 011. your Wendt.
atomm.°contain 0 of theme F°mplote
ntock of lino Chocolat., non.
one, Butler geoleh, Loren.
atea, Condypans, Itle00s, oto.,
a., -oil 1n lovely glans Jars
end metal sear 01008, tho
1110 as to any big candy
Wa oleo provide a tine
.center with drawers for
:leak, the magnl0aoat sat of
.•mdy scoie0 you see above
.,tallow,, n1 pe apt 010,1ght
udy with,stook servo Don.
cebever °,,all sit a ofd e
candy store 000l,,,, of the
Than beeidenll Wow..
aerial alma or enlile1 sad
storr��re Attlf-i{{fdfe EW¢',, F- OW
p ��ll
moo 00 each coact r,, model u p the
y� sale mildo 30111 Is comp
iota with baokloak.Od geymend le awonderful Dreamit
nays end girls, get able candy store and you will be
the envy of all your mond,, Wo will Niro It to you eon.
N0towlih the elegant cashrasieter and nil, if you w111
▪ ll among 1 our frle,ule,only 3p botWapotonrdoltghttal
Royal 409suese Perfumes at only 100. each. They etas
In ail lovely odors—W1,1to Bono, Coulsdon, Illy of the
In Boo large manes Wood
with beautiful goldyfor l' label.'.
Everybody vents tide lovely perfume at only 1ta, a
bottle. rt 00111, Inco hot pekes.
It, WiAnand
d,°biu°ru 000010loyy truly SS.00 ccddrtthe
complete sandy 0lor exactly ne illustrated .bavn
`011010, sed en 1332310 cont to yap ABSOLUTbt.1�
FREE. Thin h1 a wonderful offer to bright boy. an
gimp. Ile the Drell to your neighborhood to get til.
wonderful store. Addr000,
Dept. 0. 309, TORONTO, CANADA.
rNllO for young men as Telegraphers
and Station Agents after six months' at-
tendance here. Advancement rapid. Day
and Mail Courses. Write for free book ill,
Dominion School Railroading, Toronto.
tornal and external, eared without
pain by our home treatment, write us
before too late. Dr. Belltaan Median/ Co..
Limited, Collingwend. Ont
Al tars free. Specialties Agency Box
10.6, Winnipeg.
Clowning and curling auh RIO Glows cleaned
These can be sunt by post, i0 per oa
The best place Is
Recommended in Prince Albert Dis-
trict, in Saskatchewan.
The Forestry Branch of the De-
partment of the Interior has again,
during the past summer, had par-
ties out examining the timber on
some of the regions still in the
hands of the Dominion Govern-
ment, with a view to reserving from
settlement lands more suitable for
forest growth than for farming.
Some of these parties have finished
the work assigned them and have
made their reports.
Mr, C. H. Morse made en exami-
nation of a district north-west from:
Prince Albert lyingbetween the
Shelbrook branch of the Canadian
Northern Railwtay (on the west) and
the thiixl Dominion meridian (longi-
tude 106 degrees), and recommends
that the tract between the meridian
on the east and the Sturgeon River
on the west should be made a forest
reserve. This land is not pure sand,
but has some stretches of sand
among lands of better quality;
none of it, however, can be classed
as good agricultural land, At the
present time this tract carries, in
places, a good :stand of spruce, as
good a stand as will be found any-
where in the country. The repro-
duction of the forest is good, and
this should make one of the moat
valuable forest tracts in the west.
The rate of growth is good. As it
is calculated that the presentstand
of timber, which is held under li-
cense, will be out out in ten years,
it will be seen that the necessity for
looking for e future supply is close
at hand.
The tract lying between the rail-
way and Sturgeon River was found
to be of good agricultural quality,
and, as the timber is pretty well
cut out, it was not considered ne-
cessary to recommend any further
reservation beyond the time re-
quired for the removal of the •pre-
sent stand,
Tt taken n truly great man to eon-
vince other people that he is great,
Minard'B L1ulmetlt Cures eatnet in Cows,
H. W. DAV,SON, Ninety Colborne Street,
Good House; Buildings; Orchard.
Cheap and on easy terms,
t buildings and apple orchard; about
Sive miles from Hamilton.
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto.
O y don market, soil clay loam, two
acres orehar'd, frame horse, bank barn.
Will exchange for city, town or village
properly, or for larger farm. The Wost-
cre Real Estate, London, Ont.
Neglected Duty.
"She blushed for shame."
"When someone questioned her
the other night she had to adroit
that her children had kept her so
busy she hadn't haat time to read
the latest novel."
Are your hands chapped, cracked
or sore ? Have you " cold cracks"
which open and bleed when the akin
is drawn tight? Rave you a cold
sore, frost bite, chilblains, or a "raw"
place, which at times makes it agony
for you to go about your household
duties? If so, Zam-Buk will give you
relief, and will heal the frost -damaged
skin, \Anoint the sore places at night,
Zam-Buk's rich healing essences will
sink into the wounds, end the smart-
ing, and will heal quickly,
Mrs. Yellen, of Portland, says: "My
Mande were no sore and cracked that 1b
was agony to put them near water.
When I Bid so they would smart and
burn at if 1 had Scalded them, I seemed
tarifa unable to get relief biota anything
I pub on them mail I tried. Zam-Buk
and it mlrlceegled when all •else had
failed. It closed the big eraoke, gave
me eoso, soothed the inflammation, and
in a very short time healed my hands,"
0051.538 also caret chajtng, ratites, /sinter
edrdlna, )Biel, tilderr, jespesng ars, tore Asada
and ba0ke, (assesses, pnnpdea,' rineloortn eta
n ets, burnt, lrtfites, scalds, enraino. Zl/ MU
amnesia and stars*, dr post fres /ton the Tani.
gee no., Toronto. Price 010,1 a Gem.