HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-10-31, Page 8Olive OH
Something Xoti'Ohould
jxnovw about it.
JE yam wooled to buy Oak lumber
and the plan delivered yellow
Pine you would know tbe differ-
It's not so easily however with
Olive Oil, Different so-called
Olive Oil may look alike and taste
Oily, but they don't act alike.
We have no story about importing
it direct from Italy but we have
the-Cauadinu Government report
on the Oil we sell. It is absolute•
ly pure, Yee can depend on get-
ting a first-class article at this
A Vanity Box
moth the purchase 3f Ono
Tin of '
Violet Dujce Talcum
We are giving away a very neat
little Vanity Box, complete with
mirror and powder puff. Now is
the chance for the ladies to secure
an article for the hand bag that
will be found very useful indeed.
Get one while they last.
Glycerine Soap
Two kinds -Rose and Violet,
Mekes you feel as fresh as a rose.
2 large cakes 2$c.
Photo. Snap Shots of interesting events. in Brussels
5c. each
road f .etas Pius
TUESDAY next will be Nov. sth.
Mess clipping season is at band.
FLOWERS still blooming in some gar-
A. 0. U, W. Friday evening of next
W. EMICH's Auction Sale Saturday
afternoon of this week.
$r.00 in advance pays for THE POST
until the close of 1913 to any Canadian
postoffice. Postage extra to the U. S.
LoaNE AITCIaEsoN is the new baggage -
man at Brussels G. T. R. He comes
from Wingham. Garf, Shoebottom,
who was here, was sent to Durham:.
Port Tax. -If you are over zx rears
of age and undet 6o you are liable to
the payment of $t.00 poll tax if not
otherwise contributing to the municipal
exchequer. Tax Collector Oliver will
have his eye on von.
OPERATION. -One day last week Mrs.
J. J Gilpin underwent a successful op-
eration in the removal of an internal
growth of the tumor or abscess forma-
tion. She is making a good recovery
we are pleased to state.
Tax COLLECTOR OLIVER has been noti-
fying taxpayers of the amounts due.
Last Tuesday he received 1E1 cash on his
first round $152.74. The full amount
or the roll calls for $10.397.19. Tax rate
is same as last year. 5°%, added. after
Dec, 14.
CARD OF THANKS. -We wish t0 ex-
press our sincere thanks for the
sympathetic words and kindly deeds in
connection with the illness and subse•
(cent death of the late James Fulton.
The memory of these will not soon be
forgotten and we hope all concerned
will be rewarded.
GOT His CHEQUE. -This week Hugh
R Elliott, one of the Fenian Raid Vet-
erans of x866, received a governmeut
cheque for $xoo, He did duty with a
Company wbose headquarters were at
Owen Sound and would be able to
shoulder a gun yet if occasion demanded
it but is employed at the more peaceful
avocation of chopping in the bush just
MARRIED. -As will be observed by
e McGregor, of
'h •e James notice elsewhere
g .
Bellwood, Ontario, was married on Oct.,
15th to Miss Frances Maud Williams, of
Saskatoon, Sask. Ceremony wee per-
formed by Rev. W. McDonald, of Sud-
bury, at the manse. The groom is a
former resident of this locality and is a
brother to Thomas McGregor, inventor
of Brussels. We extend congratu-
Sot1ND.-W. J Palmer has purchased
the Hammond Bros. sawmill at Gorrie
and will take it down and remove it to
Mowat, Parry Sound District, where he
bas secured a big contract of cutting
timber, Mr. end Mrs. Palmer and
family will consequently be removing
from Brussels we are sorry to state.
W. J. should do web in the North as he
is an old hand at the mill business.
LITERARY CLUB, -Last Friday after-
noon the following interesting program
was put on by the Literary Club at
Brussels School, President Athol Mo-
Quafrie in the ebair :-Chorus by 8
girls ; dialogue by Bethel Kerr and
Lovette Ballantyne ; trio by Misses Fox.
Gerry and Menzies ; recitation, Ella
Clark ; duet, Jean Elliott and Beryl Oat-
en; recitation, Pearl Payne; duet,
Stella Gerry and Nellie Fox ; reading,
Katie McDonald ; Old Maid's Drill ;
National Anthem. Next Literary will
be on Nov. 8th,
OBITUARY, -At the family residence,
Brandon, Manitoba, the death occurred
of Mrs. John E, Smith, on Monday,
Oct. 21st. Mrs, Smith was web known
to many Brussels r-sidents, being Mar-
garet Ann Hunter, daughter of Jae. M.
and Mrs. Hunter, late of Durham, Oct,
She was born in London but when very
young her parents moved to Brussels
and thence to Durham. Later she at-
tended the Coilingwood Collegiate and
in 1878 was married to John E. Smith,
of Brussels. In r882 Mr. and Mrs. Smith
moved to Brandon where they have since
resided, Besides the sorrowing husband
Mrs. Smith leaves five children :-A. W.
H Smith, Barrister, Brandon ; Hunter
Smith, Rapid City ; and Misses Ste11e,
Beatrice and Laura, of Brandon,
GOING To CALGARY.•-- Cline Scott,
teller in the Standard Bank here, has
been notified that he is promoted to the
Calgary agency and will leave for the
West next week, While we are pleased
t., see him climb the ladder and believe
he '.vlll do well in his new appointment,
Ilia -eel oval will be regretted by many.
MI'. Scott took an active interest in
ethlellc sports and made good at what-
ever be undertook, whether es stir
pitcher of tbe Base ball nine, goal keep-
er of the winningFoot Balt team or on
the ice with the Hoekeyites. He will
be greatly missed, As one of the home
bons we Wish Mtn coitinuedprosperity.
Calgary will soon be able to torn) an
Old Boys' Club of Brusselltee, et the
rate they are locating there, al there
must be more than a couple of score
from fhb; locality there now,
ADDITIONAL local news may be read
on page 5. Turn to it.
A CAR of flour was loaded by the
Pryne Milling Co. this week. Its desti-
nation is Aberdeen, Scotland, via Mon-
LMT week Robt. and Mrs, Dark mov-
ed to aparttnents in the McCracken
block, having sold their home on Albert
street to Geo. Crooks who took posses-
sion last week also,
THE annual meeting of Huron Co.
Children's Ai 1 Society will be held at
Goderleh on November 12th. Delegates
from the Branch Societies of the County
are invited, J. B. Smart, Superintend-
ent of Child Immigration, Ottawa, is ex.
pected to be present and address the
Toaan'B for sale. Enquire of Gmo,. Bonn,
A now well bred Ancona cockerels for sale
from fine laying strain. Enquire at THE Posy.
Ooetts Doc, 2 years old, bleak and tan,
strayed frons the premises of the undersigned,
Answers to the name of 'Joe" Information
leading to his recovery will be thankfully re-
ceived, H. MOAnsea.
Phone 1218 Morris.
WINTER Term at Listowel Business College
opens on Monday, Nov. 4th.
Buttery duster found. Owner may have it
by proving property and paying for this
notice. Tam Pow.
Is you intend taking a Commercial Coarse
the best time to enter Listowel Briefness Col-
lege ison Monday, Nov. 4th, the opening day
of our Winter Terni. 17-2
PrasT-oxiss house and lot for sale. Conven-
ient, corner lot. Has good stable. Apply to
D. EWAN, Brussels.
Ix= the art of saw filing that other experts
fail to ken, and will gum, set and Ole same to
your fancy. TAM MoGasooR, Brussels.
JERSEY cox. due to calve in February, and e
2 -year old roadster Filly for sale. Phone 21.
It. EmiDmason, Brussels.
Dwmnr1No rooms to let above stores. Com-
fortable and convenient, I. C. RIOHARDe.
count of intending to remove from
Brussels to Whitewood, Sask., W.
Elnigh, James Street, bas announced
an Auction. Sa'e of Household Furni-
ture, etc,, for Saturday afternoon of this
week, at 2 p. m. F. S. Scott will be
the auctioneer.
RECEPTION. =The MacLeod, Alta, paper
aaya of formerBrusselites ; -Mrs. (Dr.)
P, W. Richards received for the first
time since her marriage on Friday after-
noon at her home, on Nineteenth street,
MacLeod, Alta , Mrs. E. S. Bishop re-
ceiving with ber. Mrs. Richards was
charmingly robed in white duchess satin
bodice being trimmed with a draped
fiche of dainty lace fastened at tbe
waist by a pearl cabocbum, while the
skirt was made in simulated tunic effect,
outlined by the same pretty lace, Mrs.
Bishop wore a blue silk gown with
emerald green triminings, daibty toque
adorned with shaded ribbon. Mrs, H.
Curtis, of Nanton, wearing a gown of
blue and white stria ed silk, with toque
en suite, poured tea wbi e Mrs. G. L.
Cuuuingham, in a beautiful gown of
ivory ninon with black plumed picture
bat cut tbe ices, • The tea table was
perfectly adorned by an Irish crochet
centerpiece with two band painted vases
filled with fragrant pink and white
carnations, with broad white satin rib-
bon entwined round the bottom of each
vase and tied in a large true lovers'
knot in the centre while dolyies were
placed on the polished table for the
cakes, candy, etc. A large company of
guests called daring the afternoon to be
introduced to the bride and to wish her
good luck. Mrs. J. T. Donee, Mrs. R.
J. E. Gardiner and Miss Ormond were
the assistants.
The death took place with tragic sudden-
ness Monday afternoon, October Etat, of
Airs. Smith, wife of John E. Smith, one
of the most prominent of Brandon's
citizens. Mrs, Smith, who MES 54 years
of age, was with her daughter, Stella, at
the time engaged in her 11onsehold
duties and was passing from the kitchen
to the diniuig room when she was sud-
denly attacked with a fit of apoplexy and
before her husband who was in the city,
could be called, expired. Mrs, Smith
was one of the first ladies to make her
home in Brandon, Coming here in the
very early days, be family left for a time
and settled in Eureka, now known as
Beresford, where a farm was worked and
a store establittbed with success. Re.
turning to Brandon many years ago, the
family enjoyed much prosperity and as
stated became one of the most prolnin•.
ent of the Brandon ramifies. Mrs,
.Smith leaves two sons and three dough-
tern, Archie Singh, solicitor, of Bran
don ; Hunter Smith, of Reedit city ; Miss
Stella Smith, Brander, and Miss Laura
who is at college at Winnipeg and Miss
Beatrice, who is attending a school of
Elocution at Boston. Mrs, Smith only
returned from the Old Lend last Aug-
ust and was feeling unusually wen.
Two, years ago .while the family were
g in the Old Country Mrs, Smith
had a stroke of paralysis that detained
her and her daughter, Miss Stella, for
several months, Interment took place
in Brandon, Many old friends here
deeply sympathise with Mr, Smith and
e Metropolitan Bask
Capital Feld up -
Reservo Fund • - - -
Undivided Profits - - -
joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by any
of the parties in whose name the account is opened.
Miss Jessie Halliday was on the sick
list but we are pleased to know that she
is able to be about again.
Jno. and Mrs Cunningham, of town,
spent the Thanksgiving holiday at
Palmerston with Herbert and Mrs,
THE Loyal Legion will bold its meet-
ing Friday afternoon of this week .at
4.15 o'clock, in the Library audience
room. All the members and all intend-
ing to join are requested to be present,
day evening a jubilation was on in the
school room of the Methodist church,
viz the burning of the mortgage on
the Parsonage by the Ladies'
Aid; who,; Pad been the , chief
agents in collecting the funds for wip-
ing tbe debt off, Dr, Oaten, pastor,
presided and the program WAS as fol-
lows :-Deet "Britannia forever,"
Misses Gerry and Pryne ; Secretary's
report by Mrs. Geo. Lowry ; congratu-
latory address from Trustee Board by
B. Gerry ; guar ette, Misses Hingston
and Pryne and Messrs. Prune and
laekson ; remarks from Quarterly
Board, W. H, Kerr ; reading Mrs. (Rev )
Oaten : burning of mortgage by
Mesdames Plum and Paul, late Presi-
deutaud Treasurer of the Aid ; cheery
words from the pastor ; solo, "Just
think of His Goodness to you," Miss
Hingstou. Miss Bailey presided at the
orgau, jAbont $17,30 was raised by the
ladies in principal and iutefest and they
certainly did their part nobly. The
Methodist church very eligible property
is now clear of debt.
OBTAINED A D[v0RCE.--...,'.'Phe following
from Boston refers to people formerly
well known in Brussels, Mrs. Hunt be-
ing formerly Miss Li11a O'Connor be-
fore her marriage. to Rev. E. W. Hunt,
who was rector at Exeter for a term :-
Because her husband, Ernest W. Hunt,
for many years a Unitarian minister.
maintained a friendship with a Miss
Fish, a younger woman, whom be kept
at his home, Mrs. Lilly M. Hunt, Super-
perintendent of the Ladies' Home, Bos-
ton, was granted a divorce. •'My bus
band said it was necessary for his mental
rebound that be should go out with Miss
Fisb frequently," testified Mrs. Hunt.
"When we urged him to get some work"
her daughter told the court, Ile said
"we were insulting biro ; that it was be-
low hie dignitl to work and that he
could not find anything to suit 111111."
SUDDEN CALL, -Wednesday morning,
Eneas Crich, a well known resident,
left his home to attend to his accustom-
ed route as one of the cream gatherers
for Brussels factory. When be reached
Reeve Sho .
rtreed's gth line Morris, he
chatted with Mrs, Shortreed for a few
minutes but was suddenly stricken with
apoplexy and never rallied. passing
away about g p. m. Deceased's former
home was in Tuckersmith township,
afterward residing in Grey township be.
fore locating in Brussels. He was mar-
ried twice, first to Miss McDonald, of
Tuckersinitb, by wbgm a son and daugh-
ter, (Hugh J., in the West and Mrs.
Castles, of Clinton,) were born.
The suddenness of the call
came Rs a great shock
to Mrs. Crich, who is a daughter of
Richard and Mrs. Roe. of Brussels,
MIr, Crich was a quiet turned, indus-
trious man who enjoyed the esteem of
a wide circle of friends. He attended
the Methodist church and belonged to
tbe Canadian Order.of Foresters. Mr.
Crich has 7 brothers and 4 sisters, all
of whom, with his mother still survive.
The date of the funeral was not known
when Tux Pose went to press. Mrs.
Crich will be accorded the sympathy of
the community in her bereavement.
Church Chimes
Monthly Missionary Day in the
Methodist Sabbath School next Sun-
The regular services were held in the
R. C. church last Sunday, Rev, Fr.
Blair being in charge,
Rev. Mr. Lavery, of Kilsyth, Owen
S3und Presbytery, will conduct the
services in Melville ,uburuh next Sab-
bath at the visual hours.
Rev. D. Perrie, of Wingham, was the
occupant of Melville church pulpit last
Sunday and gave two good sermons.
The pulpit was declared vacant at the
morning service,
A thoughtful and impressive sermon
was preached last Sabbath morning by
Rev. George McKinley, B. D., of Luck -
now, from the text "Not by might, nor
by power but by My Spirit."The
reverend gentleman went to Cranbrook
for anniversary services i1' the after.
noon and evening.
Last Sunday evening a Praise service
WAS held in the Methodist church, The
choir was augmented by 0 number of
male voices and the latter sang "Song
of the New Crusade" and "Lead on
Emmanuel," Ih addition to the Web
known hymns the choir rendered "Ibe
Glory along" and "I shall see him," and
Miss Hingston took the solo In "The
Angel's chores," with violin accom-
paniment. the choir jotniug in the
chorus, B. Gerry presided and gave a
very seasonable address on "The crowns
of the Bible,•' having to do Largely with
the Thanksgiving anniversary.
Lady Mulook, wife of Chief justice Sir
William Melock, tiled Monday in'Peron-
to after an illness extending oyer a cons
siderabie period,
People We Talk About
Miss Kathleen Wilton visited at Lon-
Mrs, J. T. Wood visited at Berlin for
a few days.
Chas, Richards, of Hamilton was home
for the holiday,
Mrs. E Crich, was a Thanksgiving
visitor at Clinton.
Miss Mabel.Thomson was visiting at
Stratford and Granton,
Miss Gordon wvas'a visitorwithold
friends at Palmerston.
Mrs. J. F. Stewart, of Toronto, is a
visitor with Mrs. Leckie.
0. Dudley, of St. Marys. is a visitor
under the parental roof.
Frank Davidson, .of Stouffville, was
home for Thanksgiving,
J. Leslie and Mrs. Kerr, of Clinton,
were here for the bol day,
Mrs. W. W. Harris and daughters
were at Rothsay last week.
Miss May Deadman spent Thanks
giving at the parental home.
B. S. Scott took a run home to
Collingwood for the holiday.
Miss Annie McQuarrie, of Blyth, was
home for Sunday and Monday.
Mrs, Crocker, of Toronto, has been
visiting at the home of B. Gerry.
Miss Mary Ross combined business
and pleasure in a trip to Toronto.
G. and Mrs. Barkley and Edwin were
visiting in Toronto for the holiday,
R. K. Ross, of Toronto, visited rela-
tives in Brussels during the holiday.
Mrs. Jewel, nurse, of Cleveland,
Ohio, is waiting on Mts. J. W. Kyle.
J. S. and Mrs. Wren, of Toronto,
were visiting old friends in Brussels.
Mrs. Edwin Abra and baby, of
Squire, Grey Co., are here for a holi-
Mrs. Jas. Dudley was kicked by a cow
a few days ago but is progressing favor-
Miss Georgia Kerr. of Stratford Busi-
ness College, was home for Thanks-
Will. and Jno. Harkness visited at
Whitechurch over the 'Thanksgiving
S. atm Mrs. Askin, were here for
Thanksgiving visiting rated aes' and
G. Imo, and Mrs. Manners were visiting
at Montreal over Thanksgiving with
Mrs. W. Heffron, of Blvth, visited at
her old home in Brussels during the
past week.
Councillor and Mrs. McGuire spent
Thanksgiviug in Wingham and Elora
Eddie Goff of
Toronto, spent
the holi-
day v' tit grandparents, Jas. and
'Mrs Dudley.
A. G. ivlcDiarmid, of the Standard
Bank here, spent Thanksgiving at the
parental home.
Miss Edith Deadman was home from
Clinton where she is attending the
Model School.
Misses Clara and Carrie McCracken,
of 'Toronto, were home for Thanks
giving holiday.
Mrs. R. H. Green. of Cayuga, was a
welcome visitor at her mother's, Mrs.
Harris, Thomas street.
Miss Pearl Dark is home from Ford-
wich. where she spent the past few
months on the Record staff
Alfred Beaker had a temporary lay-off
this week but is able -to attend to basis
cess again we are pleased to state.
Mrs. Bowles and son George of Tor-
onto, were holiday visitors at the home
of George and Mrs. Brown. Queen
Miss Hattie Downing ate ber turkey
and cranberries at Brussels. She era
joys -her work in Toronto teaching the
young idea.
Miss Amy Freeman, of Toronto, and
Miss Hazel Hamilton, of Gorrie, were
visitors with Miss Laura Bateman,
Alexander street,
Mrs, anti Miss Richards leave taken
up residence in Brussels for the Winter
touting from Bayfield. We welcome
them back to town,
Wilfrid and Mrs. Pickett and children,
Miss Mabel Danford arr ti Will Moffatt
of Clinton, spent That ksgiving at the
home of A. Lamont,
Mrs. S. C. Wilson and Miss Margaret
were holidaying with relatives and
friends at Kingsville, Harrow and other
points in Western Ontario.
Mrs. (Dr:) Holmes and Miss Dorothy
arrived home last week from' an ex
tended trip to the West with friends
which they enjoyed very much. •
Charlie Leckie wls home from Sinn-
ford Collegiate as was Harold Arm
strong. We are pleased to notice that
Harold captured a medal in mathematics,
Wm. lImIgh arrived back from the
West last week. He will remove with
his family to Whitewood, Soak., in the
course of a few weeks, having purchased
a hotel there. We regret to see the
Emjgh family remove from town.
Will. and Stanley' Campbell, of Lon,
don, were dome far the holiday: Tile
former's wife and two children have
gone to California for the Winter.
Stanley has completed his Business Col
lege tertil and secured his diplopia, We
wish him, success.
Robert Lowe is hare from Vorkton,
Sask., and will remove there III the
near future, He bas purchased a livery
business in the above mentioned place
and will go West -to look after it, Mr,
and Mrs. Lowe and family' will take
with them the good' wishes of a wide
trete of friends for Success in their new
:e,p°1D OFFICE
J. F. Rowland, D ®!!1 Manager.
THE business man who has
customers in various parts
of Canada or elsewhere will
find the services of this bank of
invaluable assistance in collect-
ing drafts, etc.
Miss Maggie Scott was visiting at
London and Clinton.
Dr. Geo, Ross, of Wingham, smiled
on his friends in Brussels,
Miss Maude Bryans spent Thanksgiv
ing with Buffalo friends.
-Miss M, H, Strath, of Owen Sound,
is visiting Mrs. J. W, Kyle. '
Miss Sarah Dudley, of Toronto, is
home on a visit for a tew'weeks
Miss Minnie Edwards spent the
Thanksgiving holiday in Stratford.
Mrs. W. M. Sinclair was a Thanks•
giving visitor with relatives at Stratford.
Mrs. W. Emigit was visiting her
sisters in Detroit prior to ber removal
to Whitewood, Sask.
Mrs. Jno. Manning' was the guest of
her daughter, Mrs. Patrick, at Berlin,
during the past week.
Druggist Smith was in Toronto for
Thanksgiving, He attended the great
Ben Her play while in the Queen city.
Will Strachan and jack Leckie took
advantage of the holiday and made a
short visit at their respective homes
Manager Fitzgerald, of the Metropoli-
tan Sauk, Linwood, was in Brussels for
Thanksgiving. He likes the climate
Misses Annie, Lizzie, Lonella and
Gertrude Ross attended the Little -
Black wedding at Wroxeter on Tuesday.
They motored with R. J. McLauchlin as
Misses Belle and Mary McDonald, of
town, were guests at the home of their
brother Archie, of Ethel, Tuesday even.
ing in the celebration of the wooden
wedding of Mr. and Mrs. McDonald.
We extend congratulations.
Tun POST is sorry to hear that Will.
McLennan, commercial traveller, and
son of the late Murdie McLennan,
formerly of Brussels, has been ill for the
past month in a Calgary hospital.
We hope he will soon be o. k.
$YLm. In Brimsels, on October 2816, to Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Kyle, a daughter, Marjory
McDERnfTT.-In Howick, on October 10th,
to Mr, and Mrs, Neil McDermitt, eon. 2, a
BRIDE-SPENO5.-At the home of the bride's
brother.in-law, Mr. B. J. Fallie, Newbridge
by itev, Mr, Andrews, on Tuesday, Oot.
15111, 1912, Miss Harriet Ida Spinals, of New-
bridge, to Mr. Wm. J• Bride, of Colgate,
MA001030oI-WxnLrAMe.-At Bt. Andrew's
Manse, Sudbury, Ont„ on Tuesday, Oct.
15th, 1912, by Rev. Win. McDonald, 13. D..
Mr. James McGregor of Bellwood, Out., to
Frances Maud Williams, of Saskatoon,
LISTLE-BLAoa.--At the home of the bride's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Black, in Wrox-
eter, on Oot, 29011by Rev. Mr. Wesley, Mise
Agnea Meek to kir. H. Little, of Toronto.
SANDma6ON-R1TonlE.-In Wroxeter, on Oct,
29th, et the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Jaa Ritchie, by Rev. Mr. Wesley, Miss
Bessie Ritchie to Mr. Frank Sanderson, of
Oiuoa.-In Morrie, on October 80th, Eneas
Crich, of Brussels, in his 68th year.
LOa'R1E•-in Hallett. on Oct, 18th, Wm, T.
Lowrie, son of Charles and Elizabeth
Lowrie, aged 19 years 5 months and 8 days.
MOLELLAan,-At Paisley, on October 1816,
Mary A. McLelland, widow of the late
George McLelland, and mother of Jae.
MOLelland, Ethel, aged 77 years.
TUESDAY, Nov. 6th. -Farm stook, hnple-
menta, &o„ N3 Lot 78, Con. I4, MOKihlop. Sale
at I p. m. Joseph Campbell, prop. ; F• B.
Scott, nue.
WEDNESDAY Nov. 9th. -Perm, farm stook,
implements, ,1`Ce. S% Lot 28, Con.17, Grey.
BeleScottat,au1 p. m. Arthur Ward, prop. ; F. S.
FRIDAY, Nov. 8th. -Farm stook, implements
and household furniture, Lot 4, Con, 7, Grey.
Sale, unreserved, all p. in. Eli Smith, prop.
F. S. Scott, aua.
WEDNERDAY, NOT, 20.-S;5 Lot 9, Con. 6,
Morris, Farm stock, implements, eta. Sale
unreserved at 1 p. m. W. H. WATsoN, Prop.
F. S. Soott, Aue. -
Wheat 8 90 $ 90
Butter 24 20
Eggs 27 20
Hogs 815 816
The People's Column
RENT. -Well feasted, stable and garden.
Possession at once. For further partloulara
apply to MRS. JNO. WALKER, Sesforth, or
THOS. WALxnR, Brussels, 18-2
e.a.if 4.150meD8l'dl*>a0O gfWd?inff,0Oftfp4lm,n
i Cash ar Cure f:
i if our Blood Root S
Z •Cough Cure
0 fails to cure your Cough or Cold :
• yon get baok all you paid for it •
e -you are Dare of a cure or the 9
• cash -nothing can be much fait'- r
51 er than title, •
"" The demand for this popular *
0 Cough Remedy is constantly in- 0
• creasing and it gives us pleasure a
: to sell it on its merits, •
3: DDon't forget the conditions- 9
e ntoixey back if not satisfied. •
o es
® Large Bottle 2&c
is '1'
TEACHER WANTED, male or female, for
S. S. No. 10, Grey township. Duties to
commence Jan. Ord, 1010. Apply, stating sal-
ary, qualifications and experience Of any) to
ISAAC LANE. Sea: Tress., Ethel P. O. 17tf
FOR BALE OR TO LET. -14. good comfort-
able dwelling and two lots In Brussels.
Terms easy, Apply to F, S. 80025, Auction-
eer, Bruesels,or to B, S. 000x, Fordwich. 9-8m
Bonds for Sale
The Municipal Council of the Townshipof
Morris has Fifteen- Thousand (415,000) Dolare
of Debentures on the Township at large for
sale and are asking for bids on same.
16.2 A. MAoEWEN, Clerk.
ing to the demise of Thos. Ballantyne the
well kept property owned by him la on the
market. There are 4 lots in garden and or-
chard, comfortable dwelling, good wood shed,
work shop and amble and all in beat of repair.
It le a cosy home. Poeeession can be given at
once. For price, terme, &0„ apply to J01118
BALLANTYNE, Tam Posm, Brussels,
Haesard, of Markham, will offer for private
sale at the. (Queen's Rotel, Wingikam,frorn Oat.
81st to Nov. 2nd, a number of imported Clydes-
dale snares and fillies, They are a first -close
lot of mares, bred to some of the beat horses
in Scotland. Farmers should not :Mae this
opportunity of seeing something good.
Wingham, Oct. 22nd, 1912.
Positions for Girls
We have a number of vacancies in each of
several departments of our Knitting M111. The
work is light and clean and the factory now
and entirely up-to-date, lightand airy. A
splendid opportunity for girls to earn for
themselves, Highest wages,
18.2 Brantford, Ont.
Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren •
• •
•urt,4,Pn!4,'4,'Ui •ib'le'41'111111'I,,IL'4,'ll,'lli'UdtAIV'4'VdW"1,"I'hi 4AI,'el'IoW'IbNe'11fTIIrllrel'ql'I,IIWe,'Ib"Lel,al,'4414,,ed4AIL'V,alr'lli Ilr'LIWNdlb9li IVVd'L'WNi 4i II'er'lli Ili Ib'Ib'1e'I,IWeL"NhA,i Ing
of FugT�iMM T•0
: •
9 , We got a Bargain on 32 Fur Trimmed Coats and are
giving you a Chance to Save Money on this Lot.
:9 "
15.00 Fur Trimmed Coats
for 11.95
0 only Ladies' 52 inch Black Cloth, Quilted Lined,
with large Fur Collar and Bearers, sizes 34 to 40.
Good value at the regular price of $16.00.
Sale Price 11.96 -
18.00 Fur Trimmed Coats
for 13.75
Ladies' 52 inch, Black, Quilted lined, good quality
of Opposutn Fur Dollar ; good style and perfect
fitting. 1--kood value al $18,00.
Sale Price 13.75
20.00 Fur Trimmed Coats
for16.50 -
Lathes' Fur Trimmed Coats in good Black Beav-
er Cloth, heavy Quilted lining, good quality of
Western Sable tonal', nicely made, with self
Strapping ; all sizes. Regular price $20.00.
Sale. Price 16.50
New Waists for
Thanks -giving
A wheat Tailored Waist of White Dimity and
Piney Vestitig, also light weight flannel, has soft
French Colley and Cuffs ; sizes 84 to 40.
Special at 1.48
A colleotion of styles of 'Tailored Waists in heavy
ivaterials,:Bedferd Cords, Pique and Mercerised
Poplins,, all with the. soft French Collars and
Cuffs ; sizes 84 to 42.
Special at 1.95
16.00 Men's Fur Trimmed
Coats for 11.95
Men's Hetivy Black Cloth floats, curl clothlin-
ing, rubber interlining, leather arni shields,
knitted storm cuffs, large Marmot stouts collar,
perfect fitting; sizes 86 to 42 good value at
Sale Price 11.95
19.00 Men's Fur Trimmed
Coats for 15.00 • -
Men's Fine Beaver Cloth Coate, with curl cloth
lining, rubber inter -lining, storm cuffs, leather
shields, No. 1 Marmot collar, sizes 86 to 42.
Sale Price 15.00
20.00 & 25.00 Fur Trimmed
Coats for 17.50 & 20.00
8 only Extra Choice Fur Trimmed Coats, quilted
attd plush lined, No. 1 German Otter botch collar,
all sizes in the lot. -
Sale Prices 17.50 & 20.00
Overcoats for
The weather is beginning to make. an Overcoat
a desirable as well as a necessary izddition tc out-
door attire. We have theta, the very latest for,
boys and men, in Mesta)) field's Convenable Col-
lar Ulsters, and Forte fitting button through
styles,, as well as a number of Dress' Coats in the.
Progress make,We want you seethem.
g v to hem,
The prices ai•e the very lowest -
Ranging from 5.00 up to 15.00
■ Strictly new Silk and Net Waists in Black L'crue
• nd colors a splendid assn ' tnent of this season's
a p t e
Waists 2.2 5 to .5 0
neat stylets, a!1 eivns in the lot, Special vahxee...
• All sites in the Celebrated Granby Rubbers in Stock
W Always Highest
P forPro1u"e
• rices o c w
:••000••i•i•i•••i •••i•650.••••••a•e•0eiTheeeeaiiis•••oeiei••ee ieseiiii•OOeeisee
0 •
e •
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