HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-10-31, Page 5rov�i:cru�av,:,yb'3�ev�1'�'„afar6t'.Grf,>'A�;, �� f Winter Term at The Business 1istowef j oommnoee oi- oyeNovember k .Write for free ootaloguO aad pntloo- 4 lore to ,R EDWIN 0. MATTHEWS, Prin. ra sl} R4A�i tolYzea`6.asOin,`,YAiV im`6<mVe n'Cm>•>im'9Ff' t BUSINESS CARDS, MOCEAOKEN— VI• Issuer ssu of Marriage street, B O Ano at Grooery, Turnburry elreot, Brussels. K, O. T. M. 1Srunnil ,Tout 111the Maccabees. No, St hold choir regular meatless m the Lodge ROOM, Booker 11100a, 00 the lit and 3rd Tuesday evenings 01 thane moutu V101110 s always mutations, A, BO ,11:IlO, con,, 6, MoODIEN, L. n WM. SPENOE "CONVEYANCER Art» ISSUER or MARRIAGE 1' LICENSES lIlee In the Peel OfRee, Ethel. 80.4 JOHN SUTHERLAN D FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTi NE U ERS. a.' S. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION. • 000, will .sell for better prioee, to bettor wen in leas time and less obargoe than anyother Auotluueer In East limon or ha won't oharge aaything. Dates and orders Ion always be arranged at this affirm or by era. • ns I application. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. k/ lid, SINULAIR— V V • Barrister, Slolloiter, Oonveyaneer, Notary Public, &o. Uatoe—Stewart's Meek 1 door North of ()mitre! hotel. Bolioltor for the Metropolitan Bank, itOUDFOOT, HAYS & KILLORAN BA1i1tiB'I'AIRB, BOLIOITURB, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETU. W. PaouaaooT, K. 0. B 0. Bare J. L. KILLORAN O111oes—Those formerly econpied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, dominion, Oan1110e. ALLAN LANE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL T. T. 8.8, nViotorlen" and "Virginian" T, 8.8. "Tnntsien" and "Corsican" Settings every Pridxy MONTREAL TO GLASGOW T. 8. 8. "GraLpinn" and "He0perien" T. 8, 8, "8oaadiuovlan" and "Pretorien" 8allingi, very Saturday TO HAVRE & LONDON Service of moderate priced one class' cabin. 1111 steennero. Ballings every Sunday Full Information s0 to nates, etc., Onanpplt .a• tion to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line. Brussels. f4-=:50>b.veIdrvdru1k`e"�IVIAaib -0 :W to h Get the Best ! It Pays !�p,1 Atnong the men, positions our Col- )`4' 0lege has recently Riled were two worth 51100 and 51500• We are now trying to >W all one at $1000. Demand for oar grad. ,7c; mates is fally.ilve times our supply. );q 11 TORONTO, ONT. len Business College of the highest grade. Several Cornier atudeets of td other Colleges ,are now In attendance. It pays tn get n bn•.Inea•, rducation If you got 1t in the right School. ��o' Write for catalogue. Enter now. +$f Our. Young. and W. J. ELLIOTT,. Alexander Ste. t Principal. S ����� fia'OAVAytc'a'9I:a Y.st3>rti'�'4A^a9a:tA7� YA^�F651 r„`V' keyr�av waysa rAyAns,c r itsao-9 h i WILL YOU CEN�T/�RAAI /%�•GGI'/ STRATFORD. ONT. Write for the large free oatelogue of r''' 11111 school, end you will learn how 61 you can succeed. It will than rest 4 Ivo 11 Non to decide if you will sue - coed. paying alembic ndont rpositions q Ht all P >nvin WO and 7U0 per annum, and we g3 3 whinannuls cannot t supply. he help timet we oanr 010ap0ly. N The beat time to enter our O,free ix NOog .Write. for. our tree catalogue. at 1. once. • b.; A. MoLAOHLAN, Principal. SM4,0mv.t'rasb 4 'cdAv vbea,YA Ava>'A 6r1 Do'oue tare Ring 7 When they buzz and seem slightly deaf,. beware of cttarvhal illfltuu. Enation. This grows steadily 100186, but 21111 be cured by Oa0arrhozonc, J. A. Hammill of .Greentnouut, P. E. L. proved that ttlet'it uf' Ctitt rrhuz0ne and writes : "No • one could have worse Catarrh than I had for years. It caused pal'Hsa deafness bad taste, upset nils stomach, Made 1110 sick 5111 over. Catart'isozoue bleared my 000tell3, stopped the corgi and gave me a clear feeling in my breathing plgatra.. I am absolutely 03r0d.” .Iloato's stay nothing, is better. than Catarrheecme. P1'y It .and you'll say so too. Two sizes, 25eand 81.O0 at all duelers, W.H.LOVE Funeral Director 1 and Embalmer Ordol's promptly and 00110' I night ,' fully attended h Gu 1 t c t g h day. P 1e22ih flet ETHELr ONT. Business Cards DR, 7'. 7', NV RAE Buell/dor of Modi:ine, Un)vurxity of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Pby- steionsand Surgeons, Ont. • Post -graduate Ohiongo Eve, Enr, Nose and Throat Despite',Uhiosgo 111, Ex•HoueeSurgeon to St.' Mich. nol's Hospital, Toronto. Olaoe over Ip. R, Smith's Drug Store, Tele - one connection with Uranbrook at all hours. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL., E L' ONT. Physiohui andSurgeon Port O te courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos - e Special foof nye, ear,nose and throat. Eyes tested for glossae. DR. WARDLAW Donor graduate of. the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite lrlour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE 0. SRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of O>at.hal- nology, MoUormick Medical. College, Chicago, CIL, ns prepared to test eyes and litgrassoa et he1• office over Grower's. 11estnuran, Brussels, on Thurxdoy, irrlday and Saturday of every week. Office hours lU to 12 n, M. and 1 to 0 p. in, In Toronto, at 71e Spadlno ave., remaind- er of time, Phone 1210 &MAW r OWN RAMS tray BRUSSELS Got80 SOUTH GorNO NORTH. Mail _ 7 :07 a m I Express 10103 a m Express 11;25 a m Mall 1:60 p m Express 2:65 pun Express 8:62 p m CaNstatax Pal C1F1Cn WALTON T N To Toronto To Goderich Express 7:42 a 01 I Express 11:88 am mExpress 2:67 p Express B:111 p in WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 2:55 p. tn, Going West - 12:42 and 0:47 p, m. All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. atetiona, GEO. ALLAN, Loonl Agent. rucai ebb Pins AUCTION sales are lively, Tests is the last day of October, WATCH for the Hallowe'en joker, x Ger ready for the Tax Collector, • Comma, meeting next Monday even - In ZEAD the advertisements and save money. Guy BROS. entertainment this (Thurs. day) eyening. Less mud and more gravel would slake better streets. 'flat Public School. Board will meet Friday evening of next week. BRUSSELS Orangemen will celebrate the 5th of November by an At Home in their Hall. _ Miss Mary Fawcett, of 'Toronto, was visiting in town for a week. Her father was relieving F. H. Gilroy at the Metro- politan Bauk. Sick headache is caused by a dis- ordered stomach. Take Chamber- lain's Tablets and correct that and the headaches will disappear. For sale by all dealers. H. B. Churchill has been moved to Elmatead, a station un the C. P. R. near Chat11R117 Mrs. Churchillw as Miss Viu e Edwards, of Brussels. Mrs. John Hill of town, has accedted a position as housekeeper for Rev. Robt. Maunders, of Pipestone, Matt., formerly of thislocality, Mrs. Maun- ders died about a year ago. A. H. Birmingham will .be placed in charge of the Conservative organiza- tion in Ontario. For some years he has been most successful as organizer for the party in Toronto and it is understood he is now to succeed S. Carstairs, w110 wits organizer for the province. Mr. Birmingham's position will be that of organizing secretary and be was in charge of the Conservative campaigns in East Middlesex and North Waterloo, When you have a bad cold you want 111e best medicine obtainable so as to dire it with as little delay as possible, Here is a druggist's onini- ou :— "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for fifteen years,” says Enos Lollar of Saratoga, Ind„ "and consider it the best on the market." For sale by all dealers. A FARM paper whose editor is x111 ac- tive farmer must of necessity be near the farm and know his needs. This is one reason for the popularity of the Weekly Sun, Toronto, which for twenty- -two years, the Ontario Water bas con- sidered his business paper. Then, again The Sun's market reports are of such value to those who take advantage of the information given that they will not du without it. Stin subscribers are active farmers, who farm for profit, If you are nota subscriber to the Sun you should be. The Sun can help you malice the farm pay all it cab. Wheo renewing yoursuhscriptiol tor Tote Pose' order the Sun at 811.80. TBE advisory Council elections are on once aganl. The sole interest centres in the public School candidates With 7 in field for the 4 places on the Connoil. The representatives of the High School teachers, the P. S. inspectors and the one S. S. representative have been re• turned by acclamation.' The teacher, are specially interested in the 'return of T. A, Reid, of Owen Sound, fol•nlerly of Hoon Co., who has served two 120,11s on the Council and who has some important work' Well under way. He is likely to be placed at the head of the poll when ballots are all in, 'rhe 6th of November is the final votitlg day, To Improve III Temper Relieve the physical suffering of corns. Quickly done by the reliable Pbtlnunle Core Extractoe. Beware 0f Rri0,--flesh eating substitutes ayl>d. insist on ''IIItnanl s, f its 0Ise one sure and paitsleeS enl•e, 'the 'Teeswater News says t— John Both() lues traded Ms brick h I sabren 0 Clinton 6urett to D. Ferguson for his frame store tht-ee doors further North, next to the P. O. anti will move into it shortly. Cr d. Adams, formerly Y of Br h: el s s disposed of his I rt are hn p 1 a Iw a bub,uess and property In Furdwicll to W, T. Raiz, of Tavistock, and has purchased 1110 Guelph Hardware Busiuess fu Guelph. Mr. Adams and fertility intend leaving for the city in a couple of weeks, We wish them success. ,Hera 10 a 1701111111 who speaks from pes'sunal knowledge anti lung ex- perience, viz„ Mre. P. .1, Brogan, 02 Wilson, Ira., who says, "I know from experience that Ohalnberlaitl's Cough Remedy is' far superior to any other. For croup there le nothing that excels it" For sale by all dealers. P00 LATE JAMBS FUI.'1'ON.—Last Fri- day atternoou the funeral of the late las. Fulton took piece, Rev. D. B. McRae, of Craubrook, conductlug the service in Melville church, He gave a short acs. dress from the text Ib 1 o I "Man that 4 isf born o a t V0111an 1. s of a few days c a nd full ot trouble." Mrs. Addie Wright, k , organist, played the Dead Match as the cortege entered the church and "Nearer my God to Thee" as the people retired. The pall bearers were R. H. Ferguson. B, Gerry, W. Hoy, J Love, P, Scott and luo Scarlett, A large cougrega ion assembled to pay ttribute of respect to one of the pioneers ot this section who .00 widely and Envoi ably known. At fhe cemetery Past Grand Master Scar- lett conducted the Orange burial set vice. J. W. Copeland,. of Dayton, Ohio, purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Gough Remedy for his boy who had a colts, and before the Mottle was all used the boy's cold was gong. Is that not better than to pay a five dollar doctor's bill 2 Tor sale by all dealers. TICKET AGENTS ELECT OFFICERS.— Officers tor the ensuing year of the Canadian' 'Picket Agents' Association elected at the Conveution in session at Ottawa are ;—President, G. I. Alexan- der, Richmond, Que. ; 1st Vice Presi- dent, Joseph Kidd, Goderich, Ont, ; 2nd Vice President, C. B. Janes, Orillia, Ont. ; 3rd Vice President, J. A McKee• zie Woodstock Ont. , Auditor, A. M, Hare I.ilsbnburg, Out. Sec..'l'reas., E. Dalabook, London, Ont Executive, W. Jackson. Clinton, Ont, ; W. Mcllroy, Peterborongb, Ont. ; C. E. Horning, Toronto ; F. W. Churchill, Coiliugwood, Ont. ; and J. Delon, Woodstock, Ont. HURON FRUIT EXHIBIT.— The com- mittee in charge of the fruit exhibit to represeut the County of Huron at the Provincial Horticultural Exhibition in Toronto next month are making every effort to have a collection worthy the occasion and the good name of Huron as a Inuit growing section. The design they have selected for their dis;llay will include Soo boxes of apples id 6 rows of 5o boxes eacli, the who'o 46 x to feet in size. The, outer row will make a border of russet apples anti the inside rows will be made up of Spies. The coin mittee are search.ng for good sampled of apples, either in large or small quantities, and calculate 'o be able to sell the whole exhibit when the show is over at a price that will cover the cost of its collection and preparetiou. BEAUTIFUL PICTURE A—We notice in this week's issue of the Family Herell and Weekly Star, that the publishers have securedasa premium picture for subscribers, another beautiful subject, entitled "Mother's Treasures" a com- panion to the beautiful picture, "Home Again," which they gave last year. Family Herald pictures are always good and it is said that "Mother's 'Treasures" is the hest yet. It is truly wonderful whet great value one receives for one dollar a year in the Fainily Herald and Weekly Star. It is n paper n0 home in Canada should be wit bout. Every mem- ber of a family will Hud some part of it interesting arid r st g nc alone well culla the year's subscription. The premium pic- ture. "Mother's 'Treasures" is 23 by 29 inches, all ready for framing and and alone wouldsell in c t o any art store at two dollar:. The Family Herald should do bigger business than ever this season. EPNawTH LEAGUE CONVENTION.— rte 16011 annual Convention of Wiugham District was held at Gorrie on 'Tuesday of last week. Weather was not all that could be desired but despite this fact a large delegation was in attendance al- most every League in the District being represented, President, Rev, G. W. Rivers B. A„ B. D., of Ripley, occupied the chair, 'Three very interesting and profitable sessions were .held. The topics assigned to each taking part were well handled bespeaking careful consideration and study. Discussioua were lively and interesting.' • Che prin- cipal speaker of the day was Rev. W. E Sibley, a returned Missionary 1 y from West 1111x10. 'Too much emphasis can- not be laid on his addresses which were full of inspiration and help. At the evening session lie sought, in n very concise manner, to answer the question "Are the Chinese a Religious people 2" Those in attendance cousidered the Con- vention very fortunate 111 sectirifg the services of Mr. Sibley. Miss Wellivood. of Witlgham, who is also on furlough, gave a short address. Fourteen. item Brussels Leagne were in attendance and contributed to the program, Mi. s 'Tbursa Gerry, President, giving an ex. oelleut paper on Junior League work, Chester Armstrong gave a report from the League and Miss Grace Hoover i g and cl Miss 'nurse Gerry sang a duet. All in attendance voted the Convention a suc- cess and the people 0f Gor rte' all that could be desire:l 1n the lrieduoss and hospitality shown 10 the visitors. Next Convention will meet; in Wiugham. Officers for ensuing year are as follows —Hon.•President, Rev.:J. H. Hibbert; President, Rev. A. J, Langford ; 1st Vice, Rev• W, J, Ford ; xud Vice, Mr. Gyms ; 3rd Viee, J. Slemnton : 4111 Vice, Wilfrid Reid .l 5tlr Vice, Mrs. John Ferguson Sec. Treas., 101111 Reis 1 Conferetleo Representative, Rev, I, W. Kilpatrick. • Ready On The Shelf • Tliat'a where you'll final "Netvililie" in every well regulated household, So pleasant to take that even little children Will cry for it:. So certain to; ,lute coughs, sudden colds and tight chest that 'thousands of bottles are awed every day. Nervilino does prevent illness, it does ease pain and inflammsttinri, and' by being handy will save worry and steep down the doctor bilis, I.,Itr a battles sold for it quarter at all dealers, SAVED It is expected that Ethel school will be managed by one tette-lie; instead of two next year, owing to the falling my in pupils. The enestlou of tl new euhoul building Will come up foe AN PSE cuaa10B at the next anneal meeting, How Mrs. Reed of Peoria, El., Escaped The Sur- geon's Knife. Peoria, Ill,— "I wish to let every one know whatLydiaE.Pinkham'aVegotab1e Compound has done for me. Fortwoyears I suffered. The doc- tor said Ihada tumor and the only remedy was the surgeon's knife. ' My mother bought me Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble b Compound, and todayand am awell healthy woman For months I suffered from inflammation, and your Sanative Wash relic Pam glad to tell relieved me anyone what your medicines have done for me. You can use my testimonial in any way you wish, and I will be glad to answer letters."— Mrs. CHRX'STINA REED, 105 Mound St., Peoria, Ill. Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided Operation. Jessup, Pa.—"After the birth of my fourth child, I had severe organic inflam- mation. Iwould have such terrible pains that it did not seem as though I could' stand it, This kept up for three long months, until two doctors decided that an operation was needed. "Then one of my friends recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and after taking it for two months I was a well woman."—Mrs. JOSEPH A. LYNCH, Jessup, Pa. Women who suffer from female ills shouldtrYLydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble e ta- ble Compound, one of the most success- ful remedies the world has ever known, before submitting to a surgical opera- tion. Jamestown The sale of the .Tao. White farm calls to mind the number of changes on the line in the past 85 years. In the 2i miles East of Janieatown the only residents who wets here at that date Me : Tilos. McEwen, A. Simp- son, Miss Stokes, J. Outt, D, Aio- Donald and Mrs. Reicl besides Mx. White. Youth's Vitality Sapped Away Your child looks poorly, is tired and fretful. You would like this boy or girl to be more robust, more energetic and 01058031)118. The •'something" that is wrung is simply this, Stomach and bowels needs attention. Oonsti- pation and indigestion must be re- lieved, g new life and vigor arerequir- ed e n rq n r- ed in the blend, slight assistance is needed for the kidneys crud liver, Nothi ng is so effective as Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills. They put new life into young folks as well as the old ones. Avery child should use this medicine regultu•ly•beranse its benefits are not to be had in any other way. 25e at all dealers. Ethel A Kissimmee (Florida) paper says of a nephew of Mrs. Geo. Bateman Ll a half page advertisetnent in this issue Jas. 11. Johnston announces a sixty clays' stile of lots in Johnston Park, that beautiful suburb of Kis- simmee. This is one of the prettiest valets of land in the city for residen- tal purposes, and Mt. Johnston should have nu trouble disposing of the prop- erty at the very modest terms he of- fers it at. The city is daily growing out in this direction and no doubt in within a year or so this property will be attractive with pretty homes and residences. It is 1 c ai excellent chance fou a young maxi who lviahea to own his home. A car line is proposed from Sanford toKiasimluee. that will run bythis property. AAK ,s., -r,.. WITH Y EVERYTHING FOR KODAKERY AT OUR STORE J. R. W r . E I\i Cy'T JEWELLER and EENGRAV1II1 Wroxeter 9dHrl h c. Imbert King of the King 1ldwar'd Hotel held 11Is sale on Saturday. The Ladies' Auxiliary will hold a Bazaar ill Oddfellow's Hall, early in Noveul bes. lames and lit Pe. MsOsaekeu and family, who have been residing In Berlin for mos a [11411 a year have re- turned to town. Alex, Saunders Mel: with an acci- dent genii% 1t lull from his bicycle whieh gave hies a sprained leg. The injury la painful and will curb his activiHee for a few days. Several children in town are 10 re- ceive prizes from the Goderich Hoe. ticultural Society in recognition of their work in the cultivation of pansy beds during the past Sommer. 1+ hL's.R.Pecand nal John- ston e J In- t o for o 1 . st a lett Yauc ova. I s JO u - h .lou i 'e urui4 n l -r th e y s 1 t lg t u 1 I aaielal work as a nurse and Mrs. Pelee will visit her daughter, Mrs, W. 13, Turn- bull. As a result of the annual visit and address of Mr, Troyer on the Oauatcl- ian Colleges Missionary movement, 36 girls of the Goderich Collegiate Institute have organized three mission study classes, At the last meeting of the Y. M. 0, A. the following gentlemen were elected as directors :—Dr. Emmerson and A. M. Robertson of the Collegiate staff ; R. R. Sallnwa, G. M. Elliott, E. R. Wigle, L, E. Doherty and Wyvil T. Millar. Dr. and Mrs. Whitely announce the engagement of their daughter Vera to Alexander James Mackenzie, of Toronto, son of the late Chas. Mac- kenzie, of Sarnia. The marriage is to take: place the latter part of Novem- ber. The Med Regiment Band entertain- ed our citizens as Sunday evening, with a.concert, in which program was a medleyAlm." of "National ie. The a evening was lovely and the musical services of "Field Day" finished in harmony. At 4 p. m., at Knox church on Sun- day, 20th,inst., the Dominion Alliance Field Day the program was followed out, as published. Rev. George E. Ross ripened the service by asking all aeeembled to sing "Onward •C;hristian Soldiers," which was followed by a suitable prayer by Rev. hli. Limburn- er, of town. Buthven MacDonald rendered the beautiful solo "He shall give His Angels Charge" in fine voice. He also sang two other numbers "Babylon," and "Bury Hint Down Deep." Mr. MacDonald sang in Victoria Street chutoh about 11 or 12 years ago, but he has travelled in the Old Land since. He possesses a very fine baritone voice. Rev. Dr. ItIoTavish, of Kingston, gave a very interesting address, showing that alcnisol is a poises, like chloroform and other narcotics. He quoted Benjamin Ward Richardson as say- ing "Man is the only animal that drinks when he is not thirsty. He mentioned maniter y, great writers s on Temperance who described in their works, the great fight with them- selves to abstain from strong drink. He is a very pleasing speaker. Mrs. Ilitcheocks, who followed, took the legatlside -of the Temperance battle, and told ol'the great victories gained in Owen Sound, 0111110, and Sher - bonnie and said that she could not understand in the light of this 20th century, how a black spot on the. Temperance map etands for Gode- rich, [lois beautiful town. Rev. Mt. Williatuns pronounced the benediction. The other churches were visited dur- ing the day by the Temperance dele- gates. Weather was like 0June day, so tisat Goderich looked its best. Thursday afternoon, 17111 of Octo- ber, the beautiful residence of James F. Thomson, Toronto street, was the scene of great gaiety, the day being like one in June, which made the pest -nuptial reception of Mrs. Thom- son, an ideal one. The bride looked charming in her bridal costume of cream de la Rehm satin entraine hem- med with seed, pearls, with trimming of cream lace and seed pearls. She also wore t pearl necklace with pearl pendant, pendant, the gift of the groom and received with Mrs. George Thomson, mother g o1 ' the room who ware a beautiful black silk rostome, trimmed with handsome black silk lace, and Mrs. Collette Dunlap, who wore a lovely Connaught blue silk costume, with- black beaver hat and bine phones. The door was attended by Miss Beth Boyd in white costeme and Mrs, Dunlop hart el the guests to the bride. The drawing 110081 was decorated with red Rowels and the lovely tall India rubber tree stood be- tween the windows in all its ultujesly. Tea ronin wits decorated with pink and white fiowet'a and the polished table with its bank of pink and white fiowers, and centrepiece of drttwn Irish linen, 011 the centre of which rested a high vase tilled with while and pink dahlias, looked lovely in the .e The extreme. e h lea service was t ' heavy silver and with the cut gof gime mid china added lnuols beauty to the eye. Mrs, .0. Millar, who poured nut the tea, wore 0 stylleh costume mi.! trains, of elate eololxtl elllt, with yoke of rich Credal dace i u nl ited lovely hat of black silk velvet Iv' Lit Whiteplumes, •e , Mrs. Dunlop, accompanied the guests to the tea room and Miss Lottie Millar, in white serge costume with bIlss Boyd, in while mousseline, and Miss MnLentlan, gowned in block velvet, served the guests, About 00 were presented to the bride, the gentlemen and some ludiea calling in the evening. 4 su ofAppetitee And Roomy Singly they are a worry—combined they become a burden, telling that waste leasbeet, immensely greater than the body's power to rebuild. The first need Is to reoopalruet the blood, make good the de flcl o yof tilLal0eeioGone Improves ai re - on uksblood, the kind that nourishes lied rebuilds. Quickly the nervous system responds to the new power supplied by Net'viline, Strength. earl its, ambition revives, energy and endurance gives the system just what it needy to maintain the balance of health. No tonic better than T+'er- ruzale, 50c per box at all dealers. • ...♦•..•...••.O••••••...••4....•••••4•••••••••••••• • • It Slaughter Sale of • • • • • ••• •♦ • ••Bues ••♦ • Weeks • • we require the space for our New Cut- tors for the coming Winter we will. sell o As • • the balance of aur Buggie at a Big o o Reduction in Price. Don't miss this opportunity of buying a • • First-class up-to-date Buggy at a Great Re- •• • • duction. • • eWe are getting up a large number of • Cutters of all styles. • • • • •®— • ♦ • • • • •• v ••�. Ewan'sCarria3eShop • • •• •.••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••.•.•.•..•••.•••••.. SOWING I I OATS REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW How many young men can look back on their early life and regret their misdeeds. "Sowing their wild oats" in variousways. Excesses, violation of na- ture's laws, "wine, women and song"—all have their victims. Vlou have re- formed but what about the seed you have sown—what about the harvest? Don't trust to luck. If you are at present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life 11 i¢, ° by degrees; if you are suf- fering from the results of �StbE past indiscretions; i your f P l.. _ So IfOYY bland has been tainted from • • any private disease and you dare not marry; if you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing your past• if you are suffering as the result of a misspent life—ORS. K. & K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case. before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Dis- eases and all Diseases Peculiar. to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. Books Free on Diseases of Men. If unable to eats, writs fora Question Blank for IIOME. TI I EATMIENT RS.KE N D E KEN DY E Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. orNOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our resumes••• Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in: Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are used for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: Write for private DRS. KE NNEDYaddress & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. our - J GOLD DUST digs deep after .germs Gold Dust not only cleans but sterilizes. Soap merely washes over the surface, leaving a greasy film behind=•it. Gold Dust "goes to the bottom," and insures absolute purity, and sanitary safety. Why not THE nnCTOB'S QBESTIflN sanatize your home, as well as clean it? Much Sickness Duo to Bowel Disorders A doctor's dist question when con- sulted by a patient is, "are you bowels regular1" Ile knows than 98 pet cent or illness is attorded with inactive bowels nand torpid liver and that this condition untstb' removed gently and thoroughly before health can be t'e- stnercL ll.exall Orderlies Ore a positive, pleasant and safe remedy for oorsti- atio, and botvs'1 disorders in general. We tiro so certain of their great 1(11(0 - dial value that WO promise to 'return ' the purchaser's money in every case were they fail to p118.10ae entire 'salts- ltexill Orderlies ore eaten like can- dy, tlsey act mtlet1y and have 11 south-, iltg, streugthetiitng, healing influence on the entire letesthud tract. They do not purge. gripe, cause tutusea, flatn01100 excessive.loosenesa, 111010'-- rhot'a or other annoying effect. They era especially good for children, weak persons or old folks. Two sizes 25c and foe. Sold 0111131 at our store t)le I lJexall store---p,ll;, Smith, Soap needs muscle help; Gold Dust does all the hard part of the task withoutY .our assistance. p'�"-'tit,, Gold Dust is a good, honest, vegetable -oil' soap, to which are added other purifying materials in just the right proportions to cleanse easily, vigor- ously, � and without harm to fabric, utensils or hand. Gold Dust is sold in 6C sizeand large pack- ages. The large package means greater economy, "Let the GOLD i5t7. ' TWIN'S do your wort Made by THEN. K. FAIRBANI1. COMPANY, LIMITED, IVrotztreal. Melton pg rain/ Soap. (the oval cake),r a i