HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-10-31, Page 4bf 1rxtosels 13,zst
1THeTte WAY, Oe POSER 31, ;t913
1 .4'6+0+0 • $4,•+•÷ 0.1'4441. t•4•P4• 414 49444 4.15•444. H4d'4•f'
If you Heves scalp or Hale Trawl !* Trouble, p
Take. Advantage of this Of or ' d• .+®tN
We cont(! not afford to sbrongl so -
f• l�n 4
d01ac Hexed', D3" Hale Tonicm i eon. t a uc co r , �
.n'w. Cold Weather Go ds
Cyg'l' ready,f n iter is the summons e.
t;.1' tee leleek wind.; anti cold lain. olive to sail it as we cin, it it slice not 4 4
do all we claim it with Should our en- 4 4
thusiasni carry us away and l -exalt o t
will assemble "03" 11air Tonic not give entire satis- 4 4
jDoM1Nlea Pin Damen*
on the steto November The forecast
is for a lively session.
110111 11UNIS ilitsea,
��%WITH the coming of cool weather we
are now prepared to supply you with
®� p P
all lines of I-Ieavy Winter Wear
Merchandise, such as Ladies' and Children's
Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts, Underwear, Sweater
Coats, Cloth Coats and Furs.
INDIAN Statistics for the Dominion of
Canada show that little iucreases are
made during the past year, the total
papulation being about Ic5,000. Meesl-
ee and tuberculosis are diseases that
make great inroads on the red men and
their families. About $5000,000 were
earned by the Iudiaus, in the 12 months
covered by the report le millions of this
amount being seeured from Agriculture.
!.'here are 325 Iudiau schools attended by
over 1r,000 pupils. The R. C. church
has 120 of,tbe schools under their care.
We sometimes hear people talking
about 'dirty politics" but it is not
the politics that deserves that
name but the politicians or their
friends who are besmirched. In
this connect'on some of the proceedings
in connection with the MacDonald bye
election could be put in this class.
There may or may not have been offen-
ces but to allow partyism or partizanship
to run amuck with the high order of our
Courts should not be allowed to pass by
without criticism and legal proceedings
that' would teach bigots what is just and
righ t.
THERE. are far too many men seen the
worse of liquor. If they were arrested
and brought before a Magistrate and
well fined the lesson would be impressed
that people an't always do as they like.
One night last week a certain party lett
town with his team on the dead run and
the driver totally unable to manage them.
A buggy with two ladles in it was over-
taken on the road and by the closest
shave an accident was averted. Who
would have been responsible do you
think had somebody been killed iu such
a case ?
sX M. P. P. JoserH DOWNEv, who is
located in a nice berth at Orillia as
-Warden of the Asylum, is an Irishman
and to prove his worthiness to be so
decominated has grown Irish "pills"
this year that fairly make your teeth
}eater. It only took 38 of them to fill a
bushel measure. Better th, n the size is
the tact that they are free from rot so
prevalent this year. We doff our hat to
M r: Downey and without hearing his
mellifluous brogue congratulate him
en his success with the National em-
blem. of Ireland.
"'Brans in their little nests agree" and
'thereby show more sense that some
members of the human family who are
always ready for a scrap. There's a row
ou now in Rochester, N. Y., in which
oils neighbor is suing another for $5,000
because the hose was turned on the 2
year old cherub of the plaintiff, ceasing
an innumerable number of ills to ensue.
The defendant says she was sprink-
ling the lawn and a few drops may have
got on the precious baby but does not
suppose the bath shouid be rated at
$5,000. It certainly does not take much
to make a row when both parties are
' willing but that does not make it any
more sensible.
"JACK" JOHNsTON, the nigger, thug Of
Chicago, bas fallen from bis throne and
is getting it both above and below tbe
belt be au aroused public. His wbite
wife recently committed suicide and Mr.
"Phasing" was discovered endeavoring
to replace her by a young "white hope,"
whose mother rebel'ed with a loud voice.
Instead of people going "batty" after
such characters as Tobnston because he
has successful) trounced his opponents,
a Y pp
he w, uId onlyhe getting his deserts if
l; 1:
the cat and nine tails were al plied with
an emphasis that neither ducking nor
sidestepping would avail. So long as
people say their prayers to the profligate
there is not much chance forreformations
by the stern hand of the law.
McGu.L College students made a sorry
show of themselves in a "cut•up" that
was quelled by tbe police. Ono was
fined $5.o0 for striking a policeman. It
is strange that such paragons of peace
loving some of these roysters are when
brought before the beak but the Magis-
trates can bet be bluffed and in the above
case told the boys someplain
v things.
Be said "tire police was not supposed to
lian.l out a box of cboaolates to every
1'it,l'r. Iie was painfully surprised that
no ni,ny students imagine that the
Mari icbluin of the university' is not com-
plete if during your student days you do
not pull trolley poles front wires, assault
et least one. coustabie, break panes of
glass and wheb occasion offers disturb
the public peace, When you go out on
your parades 1 am afraid that you lose
your good manners and maty of you be.
have Vice blackguards," If some of the
collegians escaped 110th n lunatic esy-
faction to the users, they would lose
faith in us and our statements and in
consequence our business prestige
would suffer.
'We assure you that if your hair is
beginning to uunatutally fall out or if
you have any scalp trouble, Rexall
93" Bair Tonic is without question
tbe best remedy we know of to ei•adi-
este dandruff, stimulate hair growth
and prevent premature baldness,
Our faith in Rexall "98" Hair Tonle
is so strong that we ask yon to try it
on our positive guarantee that your
money comes back if it does not do as
we claim, Two sizes 50o and $1.00.
Sold only at our store -The Rexall
Store -Ni. R. Smith.
tum they could not do any more crazy
stunts. A good stilt sentence in jail
without the of tion of a fine would cure
tbe malady in short order, The city
authorities wink at a good many of these
frolics and this leniency is taken advan-
tage of by outdoing former violations of
law and order. It is no credit to the
ListowelColla e
Business g
Lt beginning its third year under its
present management, ):he Listowel
Business College is experiencing more
than thirty percent of an increase in at-
tendance over last year and more than
double the attendance of two years ago.
The College has for several years been
sttusted in the rooms over the present
post office, but has outgrown the space
available there. and consequently hes
been moved to larger quartets, and is
now situated on Inkerman street, East,
in a large two-storey solid brick
building. occupying the two large front
rooms on the ground floor and three
rooms upstairs, covering altogether a
floor space of nearly 2000 tonere feet.
It is equipped with toilet rooms and
separate dressing rooms for boys and
girls. Twelve large windows furnish
splendid light. The school is fitted
with the best of roderu commercial
college desks and the students in the
stenography department have the pri-
vilege of practising on the latest models
of the hest makes of type writing ma-
chines. The building is lighted
throughout with gas for the purpose of
holding night classes, which will be
held every Mummy. Wednesday and
Friday evening, after November 1st.
This College Home is isolated from the
noisy, busy part of the town, but is
nevertheless convenient to both railway
stations, post office and stores. The
building is surrounded ou every side by
a large expanse of green lawn with ever-
greens and maple shade trees ; is heated
with a large hot water heating system ;
well papered and painted throughout,
making a school building that is ideal.
Students have been eegistered in the
oast iu-t, years from Listowel, Wallace,
Moorefield, lealnherstnn, Clifford, Ethel,
Atwood, Donegal. Milverton, Hessen,
Invermay, Sask. Berlin, Mt. Forest,
Dungannon, Newry, Newton Moles-
worth, Gowanstown, I{uhryville, Tralee,
Millbank, Ayton, Harriston, Trow-
bridge. Graduates are all placed in
positions as soon as they complete the
College course. During tbe last five
school days in June five students were
placed in positions, leaving not a single
graduate of that term who bas not been
placed. During the mouth of Septem-
ber, the principal, Mr, Matthews, has
been asked many times for graduates to
fill positions, but was unable to supply
same on account of having placed thein
all. An exceptional opportunity it af-
forded the students of this School to
make rapid progress iu their studies by
having the Principal of the School with
them to assist them iu all their work.
Students may enter and commence a
course here any clay in the school year.
Instruction given is entirely individ-
ual in all departments. For the con-
venience of farmers sons and daughters
and others, who could not conveniently
enter at the beginning of the present
term, a term has been arranged to
commence on Monday, Nov, 4th, when
a large class will be entering for the
Winter work. Anyone desiring infor-
mation relative to the work of the School
nay receive same upon application eith•
er by letter or bt personal call. Address
Edwin G. Matthews, Listowel, Ont., or
phone 14.
The he annual graduation exereis .s of
g �
the Guelph General Hospital was held
on Wednesday evening. Among
those graduating was ltliss Lillian
Ferguson, St. Marys, Ont.
If you have youngchildren you
have perhaps noticed that disorders
of the stomach are their most com-
mon ailment. To correct this you
will dud Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets excellent, They are
easy and pleasant to tante, and mild
and gentle in effect. For sale by all
TURvnERRY OOUNCIL.-Oouncil was
held Oct. 21st. Members present,
Reeve in chair. Minutea nf last meet-
ing read and adopted of motion of
Wheeler -Moffatt. Moved by Ruther-
ford -Wheeler that Reeve and Mr.
Moffatt be a Committee to get legal
advice re action asked for nn Sideline
bebween Lots 50 and 51, Con. 1 and
report at next meeting of Council,
Carried. Moved. by Wheeler--
Hutherford that as no satisfactory
tender for Bridge Debentures has
been sent in the issue be adjourned
tiil meeting of Council. Carried.
Following accounts were passed and
cheques issued :-A. Hill le Co. steep
bridges, '$2000,00 ; John W. Kin
gravel and clamages, $12.20 W. 'T.
Campbell, gravel end damages, $420 ;
Wm, Jos. Henderson, gravel, 82c;
T. K, Powell, selecting jllrnrs, $3,00 ;'
Rnbt, Shaw, selecting jurors, $8,00 ;
1l,obt.Shaw, attending court, $2.00;
t1 ;
• 4444.14+4.44+•4.4+•+.4444+404444-14+4144-•••••+•+.44444.444
Special Values in Goats
Very Special Value in Ladies' Heavy Black Beav- ZO, o0
es Deets with fur collars, the besb we have ever
shown, for
The No. 1 quality Fur Lined Broadcloth Shell with Cana-
dian Muskrat liuing and Alaska Sable Oollar and •
Reveres in Black, Brown, Green and Navy, a 62.00
thoroughly reliable and No. 1 coat in every way
Men's and Boys'
Suits, Overcoats & Underwear
of all kinds at prices that are right.
Dress Goods
Our range of Dress Goods and Silks is 'mage,
well assorted and of excellent values, and
having a first-class Dressmaker -on the prem-
ises can have your Dresses, Suits and Coats
made up in the latest styles at reasonable
cost. But for those who wish to make up
their own goods we can supply you with the
• Standard Patterns, Fashion Sheets and Cato,
loves. Patterns IOc and 15c.
November Fashion Sheets t0 hand. Call
and get one Free.
John Burgess, selecting jurors 88.00 ;
Adam Uleghorn, attending court,
$2.00; Thos. Bolt, inspecting abut-
ments bolts and bridge, $20.00 ; John
McLean, plank and drawing, 9;18.00 ;
John McLean, drawing culvert Wing -
ham to pay 4 $L75 ; Oolin ltadie, re-
pairs 15th Side Road, $14.00: Peter
Muir, repair's Con. 10, $2.25 ; Geo.
Underwood, repairing culvert, $7.25 ;
John Sxnith, damages, $1.50 ; Howard
Bolt, repairing two washouts, $2,00 ;
E. Bennett, drain Otic line, $4.00 ;
Peter McLaren, part salary, $50.00 ;
Duff & Stewart, drawing gravel,
Morris to pay le 514.40 ; George Mc-
Donald, gravel, $8.20 ; Robt. Hogg,
washout Hogg's bridge, $14.00. Meet-
ing adjourned to Monday Nov. 18th in
Clerk's Office at 10 o'clock a. tn.
Dower BURGnss, Clerk.
To cleanse the
system of undigested.
food, foul gases, excess bile 151 the
liver and waste matter in the bowels
will impair yuan' health. The best
system regulator is FIG PILLS. At
all dealers 25 and 50 cents or The Fig
Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont, Sold and
recommended in Brussels by J. Fox
A local Option campaign is on in
ItleKilln . An attempt will be made
to repeal the By -haw in Tuckeramith.
Temperance puts wood on the fire,
meal in the barrel ; tummy in the
pocket ; ceedi b in the country ; con-
tentment in the hone ; clothes o1 the
back and vigor iu the body.
At the regular meeting of the
Oshawa Town Council a very large
deputation waited upon t
he city
fathers s ( an
d asked to have a Local
Option by-law submitted to She elec-
tors in January next the petition
was signed, by 700 ratepayers.
The story is tole' of a liquor dealer in
a town in the 01d Laud who had a
particular brand of whiskey which
he wished 50 advertise. One day a
circus was corning to town and to add
interest bo its performance and ad
vertise his whiskey he offered a prize
foe the best answer to She question
"Why this particular brand of
whiskey -resembled a certain bridge
across the river Ayr P" The success-
ful competitor proved to be a poor
boy who, perhaps knew from ex-
perience what he was speaking of,
The answer given was because it leads
to the poor house, the lunatic asy-
lum and the cemetery.
big level Option Campaign will be
fought out at the time of the next
Municipal Eiections in January 1018,
Voting is likely to rake piece in over
70 municipalities,O comprising 1 Oity,
16 Towns, 20 Villages, and 34 Town-
ships. ' For the most pact the con-
tests are in 'Western Ontario Huron
leading with nine contests, Among
the larger places to vote are Peter-
bort), Lindsay, Carleton Place, Clin-
ton, Oshawa, Pembroke, Petrolea,
and Sarnia, Most of these places
have voted before, but in a con-
eirlerable number the question is now
before the elertore for the first time,
Tlie striking feattn'e of the fight is
the fewness of repeal rontcats. Last
year of 178 places whore repeal con-
tests were possible voting only took
place in 15, and in none of these the
attempt to repeal was successful.
This year there are 240 possible repeal
cotteets, but it is not likely that in
10% of these will the issue be brought
before the electors. Repeal contests
however, will be brought on in "a
number of places, ws»n igst these
being the towns of Galt, Orangeville,
Clubbing list
1i.'sx PO5'11 lute made arrangements
to club with the fc'llowiug papers mint
will be sent to lacy address (except the
United States 60 cents extra) at the
following subset 1ptiou pei0es :-
P0111' 1511(3 'l'oroisto Globe .... .. $1 80
" Mall and Empire. 1 80
" Loudon Advertiser . 1 80
London Free Press .....1 80
leanlily herald and Star 1 80
Montreal Witness . 1 80
Farmers' Advocate 2 85
Northern Meaeenger 1 85
POST and Toronto Star.,.... ,. $2 85
" Toronto News 2 85
Toronbo Globe 450
Toronto Mail -Empire4 60
Toronto World 3 00
London Advertiser 2 80
Call at the office or remib the
amount by P. 0. Order, Express Order
or Registered Letter addressing
Brussels, Ont.
and Strathroy. The contest will
likely be a hob one, and profiting by
experience gained in former contests,
the forces on either side will be better
organized than ever before. License
Reduction Campaigns will also be
brought out in Windsor end some
other places.
A Montreal Oonvention was held
whose endeavor was to drive hone
such truths as that alcohol drinking
hinders bueiness success ; that no al-
cohol should be given to children ;
that nursing mothers should never
touch alcohol, and that all who
realize the magnitude of the evil
should not deal at a licensed grocery.
The result of the examination of
the statistical records of 470
children of drunkards is also given.
Out of all that number only 76 child-
ren] were found to be unaffected.`
Three were deaf, three committed
suicide, 13 were idiots, 9 suffered from
heart trouble, 16 were hysterical, 5
were ataxical, 107 died of convulsions.
There were also a number of epileptics
and 87 were abnormal in other ways.
The money spent on liquor in Canada
was also said Lo be $100,000,000 an-
Perfectly Delightful—Full of Refreshing
and Invigorating Qualities that
Put Life, Lustre and Beauty
Into Hair.
Use PARISIAN Sage and your, hair
won't tarn gray ; won't look faded or
turn thin and seeaggley.
Dandruff will disappear, hair stop
falling ; the scalp will become immacu-
lately white and all germ life will be
promptly destroyed.
At dealers everywhere, 50e. Said by
Jas. Fox, who will refund your money
if you are not satisfied. The girl with
the Auburn hair is on every package
I Kt OFRIC l0N N It-' - 111111{1i
"Canadas Hest Sheri. ,
Sold only by
. ii
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, Brussels
"'Tie more blessed to give than to re-
ceive," says the. Good Book, and we are
continually receiving !otters that prove the
truth of this maxim.
Here's an extraob that tells how the
good work we aro doing in the fight
against Consumption appeals to every sec-
tion of the community.
A well-known citizen of Brantford
writes 1 "On Christmas morning my boys
gave me $2.50to get some present for my-
self that 1 wanted. I think you can use it
to good advantage in your noble work in
the National Sanitarium' Aesoeiation, so
ata enclosing it for that purpose."
Doesn't- it make you feel proud to know
that there aro Canadian fathers with the
self-saorifieing inabinot so strongly imbued
in them?
Isn't ib good to realize that the rising
generation is getting such a , splendid
example shown them 7 Last year ib coat
over 862,000.00 to keep the Muskoka Froo
Hospital open. More money is urgently
needed to provide for those seeking admis-
The needy Consumptive ie right ab
your door. Won't- you help him to help
himself e
The smallest gift will be most accept-
able. Just Blip your contribution in an
envelope to -day, while you think of it,
addressed to Mu, W. J. GAGE, Chairman
of the Executive Committee, 84 Spading
Ave. ; or MaR. DUNBAR, Seo. Treas.,
347 King West, Toronto, and experience
the real joy of giving.
For District No. 3
Plano TlmoInspection Date
Exeter 880n.. m Tuesday, Oct. 29th
Dashwood 2,80p. m Tnesda Oct. 29th
- y,
Zurich........ ...9,80 a, tn. Wednesday, 005.80th
Eensall.„...... „1AO p. m, Wednesday, Oct, 80th
Seatorth 8.80 a. m,.....Thursday, Oct. slat
Leadbury .0113. nt Thursday, Oot. 81st
Brussels 8,80 a. In Friday. Nov: lot
Wi ngltan LOO p. m Friday, Nov. let
Blyth 9 00 a. m Saturday, Nov. 2nd
Londeeboro 1.00 p.m Saturday, Nov, 2nd
Olinton 8.80 a. m Monday, Nov. 4th
Goderioh 2 00 p.m Monday, Nov. 411
Dungannon 9,00 a, nn Tuesday, Nov, 551,
Lueknow .......,,2.80 p. m.,,Tuesday, Nov. 5th
a%ddcea) ceeee
Unsurpassed for residential education. The
•'Ideal College -Home” in which tosecure
a training for your life's work. Thorough
courses in Music, Painting, Oratory, High
School, Business College and Domestic
Science. Large campus, inspiring environ-
ment. Resident nurse insures health of
students. Rates moderate. Every girl
seeds an ALMA training. Handsome pro-
spectus sent on Application to Principal, 42
Auction Sales
PLIDMIDNTs, &O.—F. S. Scott, auctioneer,
has� public
instructed by the undersigned to sell
on lrriday, November 8t Lot
4. 'eloak,, the fol-
lowing valuable property :-1 heavy draft
brood mare 6 years old 1n foal 1 heavy draft
brood mare 4 years old in foal, 1 heavy draft
brood mare 2 years old in foal, 1 heavy draft
gelding 2 years old, 2 heavy draft geldings 1
year old, 4 heavy draft fillies 1 year old, 2
heavy draft Spring fillies, 1 family driver, 2
cows supposed in calf, 7 earlhnge, 1 Yorleil re
brood sow, 9 pito 10 weeks old, S6 hens, I ruL-
ber tired buggy nosily new, 1 top buggy, 1
double buggy 1 buggy pole, 1 cutter, 1 lumber
wagon, 2 nets double harness, 1 set single hnr•
mess, 1 MaaseyJ4arris binder 7 -foot out, with
trucks and sheaf carrier nearly anew, 1 bindu
6 foot out, 1 mower 6i foot cut, 1 hay lender
nearly new, 1 side rake end tedder combined
new, t 15 -shoe drill nearly new, 1 spring tooth
cultivator, 1 horse rake. t 0 ft. steel roller new,
2 an we
10 ,2ani n, lows 1sok,t 1 t•
gang ti pcu
ting box,ya, 1 selling bill, 1 ant ork, repay and
pulor, I p racket a0 nd boX.
1, 1 apple , 2 evapora-
tor, t pig rack and box, 1a hay rack, 2 feet,
!denten', r kettle,
torn market, 4 ladders a to b r owe,
1 xnx,rr kettle, 00 cedar pouts, 2 wheelbarrows,
1 grindstone, 40 grain begs, frame of stable
aid lumber, 10 cords wood, 1 kitchen range, 1
foal heater, 1 churn, l washing maohlne, milk
Ppelle, cooler•., &c., 2 cupboards and other
household utenelle,1200 bus. good oats, 000 bus,
good barley, 800 bus. mixed grain. Sale with -
reserve as the proprietor has sold his
farm, Tenns—All slims of 96 and under cash;
iv nton furnishing approvecredit notes 1 6
percent off for cash on credit am pulite. Grain
to be cash. ELI SMITH, Proprietor.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Mrs, Ann
Wright, late of the Township of
Grey, to the County of Huron,
widow, deceased,
Notice is herebygiven,u•
(Map. 26, of the SauteoftOntsriot I George
P that all et dit and
e ore otLMra. in
v olelms
a aiinst the tette to f t d
o the re.Aun1.
NI Wii ht
K ,
oK ,
f Grey town4hi .Horan omit
y o County, 0th died of
Pontine Poli n
M 2 are
about the 20th day of
June A. e . 1012 ember, required on a before
the Whitey of November, A, D, 1012 to nerd
by poet prepaid or deliver to the undersigned.
Executor, Wroxeter P. O., their Christian and
surnames, addresses and descriptions and n
atnbrment of their aeo0nnte against the Reid
.estate and also the nature or-tho seourity (if
any) held by them.
And further take notice that after such last
Mentioned date the Executor will proceed to
distribute the assets of the decenaed amongst
the.partiem entitled thereto. having. regard
only to the elalme of which heshall then
haveget notice, andthat the said Executor'
Will not be liable tor the said aaseta 01- any
part thereof to an person orpereons of whose
oinlmenotioeshell lnot heve been -received. by
him at the time of euoh dfetributlo n,
Dated this 16511 day of pct ober, 11112,
16.0 Executor,
is prepared to supply the 'lest
goods In Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wet.
er Bowls for stook, Fie.
$epairs to Purnps promptly •
attended to,
Give ane a rail,
is certainly one of the most disagree-
able ailments which flesh is heir to.
Coated tongue bitter taste in the
mouth nausea dizziness these
combine to make life a burden. The
cause is a disordered liver -the cure
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. They
go straight to the root of the trouble,
put the liver right, cleanse the stom-
ach and bowels clear the tongue and
take away the Titter taste from the
mouth. At the first sign of Nimes -
nese take
Dr. Morse's 40
Indian Root Pills
Maitland Bank
Short Horns for Sale
Seven Scotch Short Horn Bulls 0 to 20 months
old, reds m1(11'00115 1 big, smooth and stylish
choicest breeding-OnoP bell Rose Buds, Marr
Bemttys and Oampbell- 1388eies. Nona butter
for intik and beef. Will be sold at may reason•
able offer and on may terms, MILNE, Ethel,
The People's Column
HOUSE AND LOT for sale or to rent. -Am
I purpose leaving Brussels shortly my
house and lot on Turnberry 8tresb, South, 1a
offered for stile or to rent, Possession can bo
had Aprilest. Apply at on1fie to
Phone No, 80 Brussels,
CA1111 FOR SALE, -Estate of late James
r• Olem,an, being N# Lot' 92, Uon.8, Morrie
township, containing 100 acres, 8 acres of whieli
is bush. Good bank barn and never fnilh,g
spring close to barn, Good stook farm. Must
be sold at once. For tonna apply at office of
Tan Pear, Brussels. 84.4
The undersigned oilers for sale his fine
101, aura farm, being North half Lot 20, Oou, 6,
Morrie township, Huron 00, Sarni is in a good
state of cultivation, well fenced, and has ou it
a fine brick house that coat 58,600. There are
four reams downstairs and kitchen and wood-
shed; 2 bay windows in parlor and dining
room reepeatively, verandahs, 4 large bed-
rooms upataire with oloseto, halls and two seta
of stairs, 8 large cellars and stone foundation,
&o. Good lawn surrounded by ceder hedge.
Barn 62 x 00 feet, on stone foundation. Good
orchar and 10 aures of hardwoodbuuh. Farm
is only a mi le from the splendid market town
of Brussels and is 134 utiles from school. Good
community. Possession at once. For further
particulars, price, terms, As., apply on the
premises or to JOHN MOONEY, proprietor,
Brussels P. 0,
CARO( FOR BALE, -Being South helvee of
Lots 64 mrd 65, 0015.1, Morris township,
Huron 00„ containing 100 acres. On the farm
le a good gramme house 22x0035 fest ; kitchen
18x223 ; wood shed 211x80 ; bank barn 883[00 •
strew hed 90x40 ; lean-to 10x80. Stone wall
with good stabling under barn. 2 never fail-
ing walls and n good orchard, Only.34 mile to
school and 1 mile to church and post office.
Price 54,000, Deed maybe seen on application
to the proprietor. WALTER L. BRECKEN-
RIDGE, Jamestown P. O. bl-Sm
1 On ACRES OF LAND for sale, 134 miles
North of Sesforth. Good play loam,
all cleared nand under.oultivation. Bank barn,
cement itoore, large frame house. newlymint-
ed • good wells at barn and house • buildings
and femme in excellent repair. An ideal home
cheap: Apply (Miss) SUSIE GOVEN1.0OK.
Seaforth, Ont.
FARM FOR SALE.—The 100 Here farm be-
ing the property of the late Peter Me±`ieil,
1 of 20, Oen. 14, Grey, is offered for sale by the
tlndereigned. There are 85 acres cleared, bal-
ance well timbered. On the farm there is a
flood bank barn, largo driving shed and a con
h -
Lortable house. Place in good condition and
well fenced. For further particulars apply to
JAS. A. MONAIR or JAS. D. MoNA1R, Exec-
utors, Oranbrook P. 0., or F. S. £1007T, Brus•
gels. 7-tf
FARM FOR SALE, bein Souti111alfLot26,
Don. 4. Morris township, Huron Co., em-
taning 100acreshon ore or leas. On the prem-
ises 1s n frame , house, hunk barn, good pt•caa'd,
wall, windmill, &e. All cleared except about
an aero, School ls. ()acres sofdistant. Only 255
int end Or it Brussels. H acres on.n11 wheat price,
e, 8.11 abort 60 acres Deeded down. For pride,
terms and other information apply on the
nrendsee or it writing Brussole P. 0. Phone
1211. Or 13'. 8. Scott, Brussels.
11.15 A. L. KER10, Proprietor.
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