HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-10-31, Page 1VOL. 41 NO. 18 etd$ BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3z, zgz2 W. H: KB -RR, Pro/iyietor New Advertisements Dog et rayed -IL ¥uA rtor, Regina Pefaes-Gaut$ Blake, Bonds tor sole -A. NoeEwen. 't3.unSe for an1e-Mrs John. Walker, Positiona for girls -The Watson Mfg. 00. tstrt.Ct Jamestown The milk haulers only call every other day now. The work or the Hislop drain was not pushed this season owing to the long continued wet weather. St, Ulair Phippen and his sister, Mrs. Alex. Rintoui, of Wingham, spent Thanksgiving at Robb. clan's 8rd line, Grey. A Swede turnip of the farm of Noah Bowman, North Boundary, weighed 23 pounds. Many of them would tilt the scale at 20 pounds. A. new pig pen and poultry house will be built by Lide 0. Jacklin, Howlett .and Grey boundary. It will be 18 x 40 and will have cement foun- dation. The Sabbath School held in 8. S. No. 4, Grey has closed for the Winter. Average attendance since June 10th has been 44. Two junior class, with an average attendance of 8 each have memorized 540 verses. School held a Rally Day on October 8th and had a full house. The sympathy of both scholars and teachers has been with ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + •p. + + + + a. Shoes + For Boys and Youths + AT REDUCED PRICES ES + ,r*, YO.uths' Shoes - good, strong ones for the wet ,;*, Fall weather and will $ + + allow off the - m for cash * + which $15 per cent.+ means to you 'less than + ,;*. present wholesale prices. $ Sizes 1 to S In Boys Sizes 11 to 13 in Youths + +4• + + For 30 Days WE have an over -stock of Boys' and a""_ _. 4. Aur Harness Heift + + is ready with Team and Sin- ?• es gle Harness of excellent + quality. Also Plush and + + Wool. Rugs, Blankets, &c. +. .Sir SETS Second Hand Single + 4- IMP Harness onyhand- Nickle per set, $3,00 + + Genuine Rubber, 9.00 .4*. + +.p. +. r iII• C. Richards + .......................... their Superintendont Mr, McLennan, whu last 'week underwent el surgical operation in Guelph hospital, Thomas et. Jieunett has the job of 11111ig In the approach to the liouud- ary bridge, opposite Geo. McDonald's faun A new cement abutment was put in owing to the damage done the old one by the Spring flood. The bridge has been straightened up, El WARNING.- Whereas statements have been circulated in this corn- nnutity that I, the undersigned, was guilty of sending deteriorated milk to the Silver Dormers cheese factory and as these statements are untrue and 01 evidence thereof the certificate of Robt. A. Thompson, cheese and Dairy Instructor, in restated thereto is hereunder published. Notice is here- by given that any person or persons further circulating said false state merits will be prosecntt'd as She law directs. Huau Baptisms/A, Newry, P. 0. I hereby certify to having examined the milk delivered at the Silver Corners cheese factory by Hugh 0.iehmond and on every occasion the laid milk was found to be normal, R. A. TszouPsoN, Cheese and Dairy instructor. Atwood, Oct, 1250, 1912, McKillop McKillop Council will meet at Sea - forth November 51,11 p. in. Ethel Council meeting next Monday. Wedding bells will ring shortly near ,cur burg Miss Ethel ML Snyder, of Wood- bridge, was visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. K. Brown. • T. S. Wren, B. A., and Mrs. Wren, f Tornuto, were visitors here over Thanksgiving Day. Quarterly Official Board will meet u the Methodist church next Monday tfternnou at 2,30 o'clock. - Robert vnd Mrs, Gibson and daugb- er spent Sunday with Miss Emma hunter at her home in Oranbrook, A Shredded Wheat Banquet will be geld in connection with the Metho- list church on Monday, Nov. 2511 est, At the Epworth Leagueoonvention, geld at Gerrie, Russell Love gave tui , '1 address on "The Pocket ILeresttt t g Testament League." Au addition of 25 feet, has been nade to the fanning mill factory of Jole tYc Welsh. They have about 100 mills nearly completed. tForesters' Ooucert Friday evening •,f this week in the Dilworth Hall ,rronisea'to be a good nue. If yon tont want to laugh you had better .lay at horse. This week James Pearson, B. A., saves for Queen's College, Kingston, vhere he will take a special course. tie is a great student and will cls well. Last Sunclay he conducted the services n the Methodist church in Wingham Are wish him success. ANOTHER S000ESSPUL MI$SIONARY BANQUET. -Friday evening of last week the third annual Laymen's Nis •tionary Banquet of the 5iethodist church, Ethel circuit, was held and %vas in every way a pronounced suc- cess. The . two addresses by Rev. Dr, Barber, of Listowel, and Rev. W. E. Millson, of Stratford, were of a very high order. Dr. Barber had for his thence "The Missionary obligation of the present through our debt to the past." The reverend gentl8hian, in a forceful and eloquent manner, man tad out our present indebtedness in till that means for our present high civil- ization, to the self sacrifice and self denial of some nnie in the past. The chuich owes much 10 the past.We ale what we are because someone has given, and that lavishly, in the days gone bv. The address was listened to with keen appreciation and profit by all. Rev. Mr. Millson gave an illus- trated talk on "The present great Crisis in Canada." The central' thought of the address was the problem o the city in the assimilation of the preeent influx of foreign immigration. With fervor and touch earnestness Mr. Mill - son brought home very vividly the responsibility of the church in this present crisis. The music by the or- chestra and solos by Rev. Millson were very much enjoyed by the large gath- ering of men, The Missionary returns from the Ethel circuit this year will be in the neighborhood of $400. 'The laymen have taken hold of the Mis- sionary problem and are endeavoring to meet the obligations of the church. se • aeemeee•••••••eeseeee•eeseee••••••••••••••••••••••• w0REGINA i • PRICES •e ® 6 • Q es BIISIDIIS being as high grade ivatrh • in everyrespect Regina %Vetches a�. • arewithin e are sold prices that j g Here ��% �r � reach of all. Here are the prices that '�^*/� tr • some of the popular grades are sold at i?•�' A •__�` a • 7 Jewels, i(3 size,'swing ring, ✓ ® Nickel case 9 8 20 u3:a, \ 3 17 Jewels, 18 size, swing ring, d. e • Nickel case 13 20; Al 1 . • • 7 Jewels, 16 size, 20 -yeas. P 6, + • Gold Filled case11 75 = 10 it's itm , • • •. 17 Jewels; T8 size, 20•year'• • id iilledcase1175 ;9 .s • Qct t • 25 ear es 7 Jewels, 0 size, 25-year .a,,, e •.' Gold Filled ruse.,,. 14 40 Tg s,e 4 • • 15 Jewels, .0 size, 25 -year • Gold Filled case,., 16 40 �:,, ,, ., . • • •• These watches aro all adjusted to Oleo • • positions andtemperature and aro ail • is .. guaranteed for three years. - • w • • • - Jeweler and Engraver e • bYM y Walton •®aoa R•SSiake • r•••M••.•••••••••••••0o••6 tse•s••••••••••••••••••••• i { Robt. and Mrs. Dilworth spent Thanksgiving holidays in Bluevale and Myth, returning home by way of Brussels. Monday next in the Methodist CIIIn L•h the regular Sacramental see - vice will be held ir1 the morning at 10.30 o'clock. In the evening .at 7 o'clock the pastor will preach baving for hie subject "A good Methodist's creed and hots to live up to it." WOODEN WEDDING. -A very pleas- ant eveliilg %vac spent at the hone of Archibald and Mrs. McDonald on the evening of Vet. 20th when they cele- brated their bth wedding anniversary. After a most enjoyable (limier the guests adjourned to the drawing ronin when the remainder of the evening was spentin games and nosh. Of the latter 11 seleebinn from wee Doris McDonald when she sang "Put on your old grey Bun net," was most heartily revolved. Mr. and MIPs. 51oDoua111 were pieselted with many costly gii•ts showing with what esteem the ynnng couple is held. Guests were present from Brussels, Moles- worth, Listowel, Toronto and other. points. We wish thele many happy returns or the flay. GALLED To HER LoNo Re:NM-Tire following obitnm'y notice refers lo the mother of juries McLelland, of this place, who died at Paisley, Ont., on Ort. 18111 :-The Paisley Advocate stays :-Mrs. McLelland, who hue been e. resident here for 28 years, died tat the haute of her daughter, Mrs. Alex. McRae, North street, on Friday alight, aged 77 years. The deceased whose maiden name was Mary Ann Averill, was born in Londonderry, Ireland, and crane across the sea with her parents when she was only ten years of age. The family settled in Simeoe county, near Barrie, where the subjeeli of this notice grew up to womanhood and was married to the late George McLelland, from whom she was separated by death 46 years ago. Mrs. McLelland was very ranch respected by a large circle of Friends and acquaintances. The surviving members et the family are two dangh. tele and one son -Mrs. Hughes, of Shallow Lake, Mrs. McRae, of North St. and James, of Ethel, Another son died 20 years ago. The funeral• took place on Monday afternoon and was attended by a very large number of people. The remains were laid to rest in Purdy's cemetery, nth con., Greenock. enock. The funeral services were coulnctet byRev. R W. Wright, B. D., cif the Methodist cbuurh. Monorieff REPORT OF S. S. No. 9 GREY.- Ex- amined in Grammar, Geog., Recitat- action, Writ. Resells given in per cent. Sr. -Lottie SicKay 0(3, Haar- riette MlcQuart•ie 82, Jr. IV. -Viola Scinrook 50, Arnold McKay 52. Sr. HI,- Examined in Hist., Geog., •i h. Al S ellin a Writing. . Pearl Cummings 61. Ina McKtay58, Ora McKay 57, Flnssie Machan 44, Mary Smith 32. Sr. 11I.- Exti,mined in Arith., ' Writing, Geog., - Spelling, Class worst. Archie Mann 90, Eddie Meehan 81, Willie Machan 69. Jr. 1I. -Marin Livingston 81, Katie Howard. 00, Gordon Machan 45, Helen McQuarrie 45 Pt. II, -E. Hetty Mantle 70, Earl Machan 65, George Brown 62, Forest. McKay 62, Elijah Mantle 27, Allan Smith 23. Sr. I.- Lot•aine McKay, Mary Machan, Jr. I. -Laura Melville, Llvie McKtay, ilerva Speiran, Willie Mlultle, Flora Smith, Millie Pride, Maggie Pride. Attendance of pupils has been very irregular)•. E. EvANs, Teacher. • Grey W. and Sits, Work were visiting at Paris. • Township Council will meet next Monday at Ethel. Eli Smith spent Thanksgiving day with relatives in Toronto. Joe and Mrs. Shaw Spent Thanks- giving with friends at Paris. nevelt Davidson, of Stouffville, was visiting in Grey and Brussels. Miss Jennie Rands, principal of Gorrie Public school, was home for Thankeel ving. Miss Ella McKinnon, who 1e teach- ing at Nashville, Ont., was home for' Thanksgiving.. Will, Rozell, of Torotito, was a visi- tor with his brother and sisters dur- ing the past week. MIs. Joseph Savage, of the6th line, spent her Thanksgiving holidays with r basic Rev, and M1 s. Ashby, , of G y. The A.netion Sale of 5101111 stock, implements, eta, at Illi Smith's on Friday of next week. He has sold his fermi So it tvill be without reserve. Sucoasslavl.- An entertainment was held in 8, S. NO. 1 last Monday evening in which the public school and Sabbath School combined their forces. A. 1:Iislop was the chaivixnan and introduced a fine array of talent all of whom did web. A tasty lunch was served and a good time enjoyed by all, The financial proceeds totalled be i .Plied to the ,28.80 which will a ggiss rschool Ltlmar Mi pr) chase of a y Pearl Baeker is the public school teacher, and Miss Bots the Superin-' tenclent of the Sabbath School- and were specially energetic in connecl.inu wi tit, the Social. Pt ogt am was as fol- lows ;-Ohnrus. "Thanksgiving," by the School ; chairman's adch•ess reeitetiotl, Miss Davidson ; violin selection, Mr, Matthews ; recitatio, •Jessie Miller ; solo, Robt, MacDonald ; instrumental, Miss Marjorie Strachan ; recitation, Merle 000111/51 e ; grana- phone selection, S. barter k snug, 'John Brown" by pupils ; recitation, Mies Mina McRae ; recitation, Jean Groat, recitation, Ida Cochrane; mouth organ selection, by the boys; recitation, Willie Perris solo, Mr, Stenciler) ; instrumental, Messrs, Taylor and Dnnoansotu ; chorus, "Our Flag," by pupils; dicaltigue, Bridget's Investment" ; solo; Reba. MacDonald ; inettarmeutal, Mr. Matthews ; recita- tion, Mr. Peale ;.:grawaphone selee- Won, Mr. garter ; dialogue, "A street scene ; muntlr orgtau selection, by the boys ; solo, Mr. Strachan ; violin selec- tion, Mases. Taylor and 1310111111118011 ; Chorus, "Pee Chyme JJ aelc to Dixie." Miss 1111(11) 15101115, of '2110ruh ll, Out., aceotnpani oil by Miss Nattrass, were here for at abort visit during the Thanksgiving holiday at J. 1'. Mc - Kay's. The Sabbath Schools meeting Sun- day afternoons In the ether)] houses, in S. 8. Nos. I and 8 closed the 8 months term last Sunday with the expectation of re -opening next Spring. They are under the Superintendency of Miss Butz and P. A. McArthur respective- ly. Jno. J. and Miss Hazel Vincent, of Bothwell were visiting for a few days at the home (it' Mrs. W. Livingston, 10th eon. The sad news reached here on Monday that Miss Berne, an 8 year old daughter of Mr. Vincent, had passed away. She had been in poor health for some time. Mullett A. SAD CASE. -This community was shocked to hear on Wednesday even- ing of last week of the death of Wm. J. Mcl3rien, afarmer of the Maitland block of Hullett. He hail been in poor health for some time and suffer- ed. from spells of melancholy. Wed- nesday afternoon tabour four o'clock, after he had been out of the house a short time, his daughter went to look for him and was hovrifled to find him hanging by a rope to a beam in the barn. Life was already extinct. Mr. tMeBrien was 80 years of age and is survived by his wife and a grown-up family. One son lives„ near him in Holten and another. 117 Colborne. The sympathy of tllecommurliLy is extend- ed to the bereaved family in their grief, The funeral took place on P14 - day at 1.80. Oranbrook Apple barrels for sale at Cranbrook P.O. Sir. and Mrs. Wasnlan, of Clinton, were calling on old friends in the vil- lage. John Hunter has apples measuring 15 x 16 inches and weighing a pound and a half. Miss T. Switzer•, of Ifkfrid •, Miss Alice Switzer, of Brigden, and Mr. and Mrs Pollard, of Listowel, were visiting friends here last Sunday and Monday, Those holidaying from this locality were :-Mrs. Geo. Sparling, at Clin- ton ; Mrs. A. T. Helve, at Walkerton and Cargill ; Miss F. Houston, at Sea - fou th ; Principal Turvey at Bluevale. The anniversary services held in the Methodist church last Sunday were a grand success. Rev. Mr. McKinlay, of Luckuow, preached two excellent sermons to large congregations both afternoon and evening and will be welcome back. The pastor will conduct the regular service in the Methodist church next Sabbath afternoon. Monday even- ing the anniversary Tea Meeting will he field. A good program will follow the supper in which musical selections edchresses, readings, etc., will be given. All will be welcome. Wroxeter R. F. Aitchison was a visitor in Tor 01110 on Friday. G. F. Mercer spent a few days at his homein Durham. Stewart McKercber returned to Toronto Tuesday afternoon. Jos. Barton, of Toronto, spent the holiday at his home in Turnberry. J. R. anti Mrs. Wendt spent two days of this week with relatives in Mildmay. Mrs. L. Kalbfleisch, of Didsbuvy, Alta., is the. guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. C. Reis. Miss Cassie Harris, of Toronto, is the guest of her mother, Mrs, Geo. Harris, this week. Mr, and Mrs. Perrat, of Hamitot, spent Monday with the iatter's sister, Mrs. R. Earls. of Howick. Miss Beatrice Rowe returned to London on Wednesday where she is attending Norinal School. Mrs. Grirnshaw and Mrs. Laidlaw, of Detroit, are visiting their sister, Mrs. A. Sanderson, of Detroit, Dan. McTavish' and Miss Annie Munroe, spent Sunday and Monday with relatives at Milverton. MATRIMONIAL -A numberof rela- tives t and immediate f • s gathered at the hone of the bride's parents, R. and huts. Black, last Tuesday to wit- ness the marriage of their eldest :dalrghter, Miss Agnes, to Harry Little, of Toronto. The ceremony which took place at 12 o'clock was perform- ed by Rev, Mr. Wesley. • Bride, who was unattended, was given away by her father and looked exceedingly dainty in a gown of white silk mull over satin with pearl trimmings. The groom's gift to her was a handsome Persia0 lamb coat. After congratula- tions and a wedding brealtfast had been served, Mrs and Mrs. Little, midst best wishes of a large circle of friends, who hadgathered air the de- pot; left on afternoon train for Toron- to, where they will reside. Tho bride's going away gown was of grey tweed with large black hat. A Very pretty wedding. took place at high noon at the lionise of Mrs. Sas. Ritchie on 'Saturday last, when her youngest daughter, Miss Bessie Barrie was milted in lnerrilige to Frank P, Sanderson, of Toronto, youngest son of.Mrs, Sande:soe,and the late John Sanderson, of Toronto, who was a former Postmaster hero. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Mh+, Wesley, pastor of the Presbyterian amen. Bride was given away by her brother, Thos. Ritchie and Wore an exquisite gown of white net Bat:- tenbtirg lace owe1 satin, with pearl ornaments. The veil, which Ives of net, Was arranged iii 'cap effect with lilies of the valley. After a dainty in1)011000 lied been served Mr. and Mrs, Sendereoh left on the 3.80 train for e, abort wedding trip before going to their home ie Toronto, the pride wearing a blue serge tailored suit, with gray hat and seal furs, Miss Jessie Gibson returned to Kin- cardine of Tuesday, having spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. F. V. Dickson, Mrs. Little, of Toronto ; the Misses Ross, of Brllssels ; Mr, and Mrs. Ward and Mr. and Mee. Whitmore, of Harriston, attended the wedding of the latter's sister on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Barrie and Miss Me - Donald, of Galt; Mrs. J. Sanderson, Nlisses Mary and Leta Sanderson, of Toronto, attended the Sanderson - Ritchie wedding on Saturday. Listowel MOTOR QYOLE RACES.- The first annual motor cycle meeting was held here Monday afternoon at which nearly 25 contestants were entered from Western Ontario points. The motorists from Berlin carried off every event on the program, having' sent no less than 15 entries for the races in fact, the races were conduct- ed under the auspices of the Berlin Motor Cycle Club. The last race captured by Louis McBrine, of Berlin, a 15 -mile event for seven - horsepower machines, was the feat- ure of the afternoon's racing, the first eight miles being a neck -and- neck race, but his masterful hand- ling won out in the fast time of 20.55. A crowd of 700 people turned out to see the racing and were well repaid, the track was fast and closed outdoor sports in this. vicinity. The results 'three mile race for 4 -horsepower belt driven cycles -L. McBrine, Berlin ; Dettmer, Berlin. Time 8.19. Five- mile race for 4 -horsepower chain driven cycles -Harry Gies, Berlin ; Louis MOBrine, Berlin ; Darce'Bricker•, Berlin. Time 7.40. Five -mile race for 6 horse -power belt or chain driven cycles -Louis McBrine, Berlin ; Dame Bricker, Berlin ; Harry Gies, Berlin. Time 7.41. Ten -mile race for 7 horse- power belt or chain driven cycles, in three heats :-First heat -Harry Gies, Berlin ;Dacca Bricker, Berlin ; Fred Rohleder Berlin. Time 8.39. Second heat- Louis McBrine, Berlin • 0. Anderson, Stratford ; W. Hoch, Ber- lin. Time 6.44. Final Heat- Harry Gies, Berlin, Louis McBrine, Berlin ; 0. Anderson, Stratford. Time 8.321-5. 15 -mile P ower cycles race for 7 -horse c cles for silver trophy -Won by Louis Mc - Brine in 20.55. • Morris Next Council meeting will be held on Monday Nov. 18. Mrs. Herbert Manning and danghter spent the holiday with Mrs. W. H. Salter in Toronto. Quarterly Communion service will he held in the Sunshine Methodist church next Sabbath morning. Miss Edith Jackson, 8th line, was at Brigden over Thanksgiving visiting her sister Miss Oarrie who is milliner there. Jno. and Mrs. Shurrie were visiting in Stratford on Thanksgiving at the home of Mrs. Finch. The ladies are .sisters. Mortis Township has $15,000 in Municipal Bonds for sale and are ask- ing for bids on them, The security is A 1, of course. The cement floor is being put on the Clegg bridge, 5111 line, and will be ready for use in the course of a few weeks we nee pleased to say. Miss Oora Spelt., of Toronto, was home for a brief holiday. Mies Jessie Lambe, of Harriston, spent Thanks- giving with her at Jas. Speir's. We are pleased to hear that Charlie, son of Frank Smith, who underwent at operation last week, is making favorable progress and trust he will soon be fully restored. All AllCtiptl Sale is announced by W. H. Watson, 5th line, for Wednes- day, Nov. 20th. He has sold his farm hence the sale will be unreserved. F; S. Scott will be the auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Watson will take a trip to the West next Spring and visit rela- tives. They are old residents of Morris township. A petition asking for the submis- sion of what is known as a Local Option By -Late MS presented at the hist meeting of Morris, township Council. The vote will come on next t January im connection with the Municipal Election. At the present time there are two hotels in the town- ship located at Belgrave and Walton respectively. Belgrave Belgrave is sorry to lose Doc. Kirkby as a resident but wish him success in Wingham. Norman Wheeler, of London, was visiting his cousin, Miss Jessie Wheeler, over Thanksgiving. Mrs. D. Geddes entertained the Choir of the Presbyterian church on the evening of Thanksgiving Day to a taffytill. All hada fine time, p faint of Win. 1 tins 160 acre The ' Maxwell,' Bluevale Road, has been p urehased by Miller Procter, of this locality, avito recently sold his farin to Abraham Procter. Mr. Maxwell gives possession on March 1st. Rev. Mr, Pearcy, of Londeeboro' preached is very interesting and ap•. propriate disconvse last Sabbath morning in the Presby,terian church a& the anniversary of the W. F. M. S. Elia theme was "Opportunities (Des) for Francis, of Calgary, former] Ifiss Tessie Robert- son saig With fine effect "The Ninety andNiue," 'Free-will offering' total- led $20.00. ARCHIE 1,110HOLSON DImmMMSRD.-A sl of this locality in the forme resider , 9 person of Archie Niohoison, died at the Guelph hospital where he had been for some time, on Wednesday of last week, in his 70th year. The In- iterlpent was made hate or) Saturday, the A. 0. ' C W, assisting in the funeral service. It is 3 .years since Mr. Nicholson went to Cobalt couulry and his health had not been gond for past year. Mrs. Nicholeern, who was a Miss Burchill, formerly of East Wawanosh, died 10 years ago, Three sons survive. Deceased is survived by three brothers, Garner, Isaac and Robert. Mr. Nicholson possessed many good qualities. He suffered considerable during his illness at Hines. Blyth First Monthly Horse Fair is an- nounced for Tuesday next, Nov. 510. N. A. Taylor has disposed of his bakery and confectionery business to James Barr, Jr. Mr. Barr fakes pts• session on November 5th. Anniversary services in connection with St. Andrew's church will be held on Sunday, Nov. 1010. Rev. Mr. Ate raharn, of Guelph, will conduct the services. The following changes took effect on this line of the C.P.R. on Monday : -The 7,81 East bound train leaves at 7 a. m. ; the 11.51 a. m, West bound 7 minutes later, and the 8.41 p, on. West bound 10 minutes later. R, B. and Mrs. Carter, who have been visiting here for some time, left for a visit with the latter's brother, Dr. Whitely, at Gorrie, and from there they will leave for Assiniboia, Sask., where he will engage in the drug business. Mrs. Emily Jones, one of Blyth's oldest residents, left town for London where she will spend a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Fyle. It is her intention to spend the Winter with her niece at Mimico. E. J. and Mrs. Powell, 111 Inker- man street, London, Ont.. announce the engagement of their daughter, Iverea Evans, to R. James M. Barr, of Blyth, Ont. The wedding is to take place very quietly the end of the month. The W. F. M, S. of St. Andrew's church held its annual meeting hi the basement of the church, there being a good attendance. Mrs, (Rev.) Turner gave a splendid address on Mission work ; Mrs. N. Chiming, a Bible read- ing and Mrs. John McMillan and Mrs, A, Taylor furnished the music. Elec- tion of officers resulted as follows :- President, Mrs. A. McKellar; 1st Vice President, Mrs, Curtis ; nd Vice President, Mrs. (Rev.) Turner ; Sec., Miss Hood ; Asst. -Sec., Mrs. (Dr.) Treas., Mrs.. Stotbere. Free- will• . offering amounted to $35.00. There died at the borne of his daugh- ter at Vancouver, B. 0., on October 650, one of the oldest and most es- teemed residents of this pati of the couutry, in the person of Walter Mc- Gowan. The late Walter McGowan was born in the County of Halton. in the year 1830, and in company with his brother, the late Wm. McGowan, came to East Wawanosh in the year 1852, when they took up land and un- derwent the many trials incident to pioneer life. Two years after coming to East Wawanosh, Mr. McGowan was married to Miss Rebecca (Musing, of Milton County and to them was born a family of seven, four of whom survive, namely :-Mrs. Scott and Miss Rebecca, of Vancouver, B. 0., and R. 0., and Daniel, of East Wawa - nosh. Besides his immediate family, there are still living, 8 brothers and a sister, two of the brothers reside in the States and Daniel and Mrs. H. McQuarrie are esteemed residents of Blyth. About eight years ago Mrs. McGowan died and two years later Mr. McGowan with his daughter, Miss Rebecca, moved to Blythe, where they remained until three years ago when they went to Vancouver, B. U., osten- sibly to visit his daughter, but later decided to remain. The name of the late Walter McGowan will ever re- main connected with the Presbyterian church in tbis.section, as through his energies the first church was organiz- ed, this was in the year 1854 and be was then appointed to the Board of Management and at the time of his demise his name still remained on the Communion Roll of St. Andrew's church here. Morris Council Council was held on Monday Oct. 21st. Members all present, Reeve in chair. Petition was presented by Rev. I. J. Kilpatrick containing names of 276 ratepayers asking Coun- cil to submit a By-law to prohibit 5114 sale byretail of spirituous, fermented or oter manufactured liquors in the Municipality. The petition was en- tertained and the Clerk instructed to prepare a By -Law, the voting, to &lice place at the same time as the Munici- pal election. Following accounts were paid :-W. L. Fraser, gravel, $$3.10 ; Jno. Bloomfield, gravel, $3.80 i Wm. Taylor, gravel, 20e ; Joel H. Sellers, gravel, $6¢.40 ; Henry Tannin, gravel, $1,80 ; R.Wightman, 40e ; W. J. Henderson, gravel, $3.20 ; David Ramsay, tile sideroad, $1.30 ; A. E. Elcle• .h rent,2,00 • Chas, Barn- bridgeBlyth, , fixing culvert, $ culvert, $2.50 ; Blyth Agricultural Society grant, $10.00 ; Wingltam " 10.00;; Brussels 'r " $10.00 ; Wm. Hoy, gravel, $5.00; W, J. Geddes, inspecting 8rd litre bridge floor, $7.85 ; 11. Hetherington, repair- ing Gray's bridge, '$15,00 ; Duncan Oampbell, inspecting 1st line bridge, $45.00 ; John Garniss, unloading cul- vert, $1.00 ; Stones Evans, putting in culvert, $5.00 ; Wm. Shortreed, fisting road,South lady., $2.00 ; John Shores, reed. selecting jurors, $4.00; John Watson, selecting jurors, $4,00 ; A. McEwen, selecting jurors and tele. phone, $5.40 ; tiVnt, Armstrong, Tilting approach,. 80.00 ; Ohas. Pollard, re-, pairing culvert, Ease bay. $8,00 ; J, Wi ghuman, work West hely„ $3,00 ; R. Wi htman, refundeneral school tax, 1010, $5.05; john gMait•s, refund eneral school tact 1910, $4,42 ; James Iewls, abutments, let lips bti,lge, $773,50 ; McMichael 4 Breckenridge, approach Clegg's bridge, $88.90; Jas, Pariah, cutting brush on side. road, 75c ; Ed. Nichol, deviation road, 816.00 ; E. Armstrong, deviation road, $7,00. Council meets again on Mon- day, November 1810. 'A, MAOEwxdN, Clerk, SCHOOL REPORT For September and October Form 1I5. Exam. in Hist. Lit. and Science. A Cooper ...72 L Sperling • 62 J Menzies.... ...... 71 G McQuarrie 6x FEckmier..... ...72 J Taylor s9 B Harris 7o J McLellap 59 H Lowry .67 *V Ross se hl quill 66 L McDonald 54 W Turnbull 63 *3 Gerry . ••43 K Wilton .63 *A McQuarrie ...41 Form II, Exam. in Geom., Science, and History. G Deadman 94 E Lowry . 78 Beryl Oaten 93 *W Lott 77 M Mahon qt *J Armstong 77 *W Hoover .90 L Ballalityne....76. A R'.e 8 9 I McLauchlin....74 W Armstrong83 R Hall 73 Beverly Oaten...e2 H Work.....:67 Form L -Examined in Algebra, Lat- in, Geography and History. J Elliott 93 L Lovell 64 ** N Harris 88 L Burgess 63 H Denman .......86 J McLaucblin ,• 62 G bpeiran 8s J Scott 62 B Kerr ............81 *F Wood .5g G Edwards, ....8o E Clark 57 5. Jackson .. ..77 G Wilson •56 K MacDonald ..,70 J Oliver . ........54 R Sinclair 68 G Armstrong ....52 J Ballantyne 65 P Payn ,,...50 13 McQuarrie ....04 **L Lowry 47 R Barkley 64 H Fox 26 Those marked with * missed exams. during the months, B. S. SCo'r'r, Prin. PEARL McPaxasoN, Asst. ROOM iv Sr. IV. -Daily work and Exam. in Arith., Geog., Gram. Spell., and gist. Honors 75 % Pass 6o%. R Stewart 84 A McLauchlin .63 13 Campbell .78 H Currie ....58 L Ament .77 A Thompson ....so L Wright. .... .....76 M McFarlane....49 E Rands ..........69 '1' MiLauchlin.• 49 V McCracken ....67 V Sinclair 49 Jr. IV. -Daily work and Exam. in Arith. Geog, ram. u Spell., and Lit H Hewitt 6r to art........ S 2 R w 7 W Bucbaaan .,..71 S McLauchlin ...46 D Ross ......70 M Carter ......-.43 H Gerry 67 L McCracken....43 E Cameron ,62 D. SMITH. ROOM Ii Sr. Class. Exam. in Geog., Spell., and Daily work. Honors 75. Pass 6o. B Wright...... •,..88 A Fox ... ........65 C Best. ........ .....87 C Moore 65 F McNaugliton.8r J Warwick 64 P Barkley ..,79 H Tames ..........6o F Hillson,..7q 5J Fox .58 R Moore...........77 *A Currie 54. M Skeltou 73 Jr. III Class. -Exam. in Arith., Hist.. and Daily work. Honors 75, Pass 6o. E Jamieson 74 J Thompson 47 M Barwell 82 W Roe 46 H Lott 66 W Burgess 43 G Thomson. 65 0 Hemingway42 S McLauchlin ...65 'M Cameron .41 R Currie .63 I Ksrnaghan 36 V Harris 59 G Seeker .34 M Dunforl 58 W Harkness 33 M McLauchlin...56 E Tomlinson 27 A Drage.....• .....54 *I Jamieson. - M Ross 50 B. HENDERSON. ROOM 11 Sr. IL -Exam. in Aritb., Geo.; Spell., Comp., Read., Daily work. Honors 75, Pass 6o. I M. Nichol .88 D Currie .66 E Burgess 84 L Conley .66 C Anderson 78 M Campbell 64 V Lowry .76 J Emigh 63 M Wilton..........76 *G Pope..., 6x W James ....7r **L Francis 55 A Stewart 69 58W Snider....•54 G Tar vis 68 **J Harkness. -36 Jr, II. -Exam, in Aritb., Spell., Read., Comp., Lit., Daily work. Honors 75, Pass 6o. D Walker 8x *M Oliver .........6o C Thomson. 80 L Drage 59 J Lowry...... .... . 75 L Barkley 55 R I{ernaghan .,•75 G Keruaghau 42 E Hollinger ..... 70 *missed hue exam, **missed .two exams, G. Ross. Primary Room 5th Examined in Arith., -Spell„ Lan- guage, Dep. and Daily work. F Stewart 87 M McCracken .,.64 4th ExaiD, in same, F Oliver 93 E Moore 75 T Burgess ..,......q1 H Keys .69 E Oliver,... ....,,8g K McLaren .66 B Hemingway -8x 13 Thuell 63 M McLanclilin...8o L Platt 6o 13 Cameron . 76 H Drage 55 3rd. Excellent, -Marjory Pope, Clay- ton Lott, Leslie Holmes. Good -Harry Weymouth. zed. -Excellent, G. James, L. Thuell, 3. Walker, Elsie Jarvis. W. McDowell. Good -A, Thompson, G. Harwell,: D, Thompson, 1st.--Excellent•-a McLaren, 0. Eclrmier, E, McKay, E. Sievenpiper• `.. F. BtrcntUNAi, The regular quarterly Commenter service will be held Ji the Methodist church, Brussels, text SAbbath. Testi- Atony meeting at to 5, m., preaching at 01 o'clock followed by the sacramental service. Evening service will be of a special character the topic being "Light." This will be the first tittle the elu iron will be lllu inated by t 1 m electric iigb:. Odlc'il Board Will meet 'h'ntredav evening of next week of 8 eelo.lt 511 al p,