HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-10-24, Page 5A 44 .. h r. a BUSiNESS CARDS, H. M - 00.RAQKEN- W• 1 e Issuer Of Marriage a age Minimise.M- ese ¢b Gropprp,PurnnorrY street, Unseals, • err. - o l �..e.® u• W. H. LOVE" Funeral Director and Embalmer bal m K. O. T. M.1 Orders promptly and care- Brusedq 'Ton of the Maccabees. No, 21. fully attended to night or t Phone 228. dl Pl o e held their regulon ok ugs in the d arj aY Boom, Saeger Brook, ou the 1St and 9rd Tuesday evenings of oxen wants. ETHg'L, ONT. VisitorsaiWaye wel00m0, A, BoMwxp, Com, A. iueoIIinF,', it, n •'7'7�I�T�".-�1°"V"'T'�7b WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or' MARRIAGE LICENSES Ince In the Poet Office, Ethel, 80.4 JOHN SUTHERLAND INSORANOR, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. lace Friday aflel•nool to Elma entre cernetet'y, 2 Bella, 3 Boris-tu- iaw and u, iopl ew beh>g the pall- AN �� bearer's, 7.'ho 11elW7#ved relatives have the symining Of the entire 001111. triunity ir, 11011 00'EIW. Wants Other Women to Know The Tremble of Old Ago With the advance of years the Vital functions of the body slow down. In ConeequeIee the otguns of secretion sufl'el', the action of the bowels are 'lessened and there is 00 lunge'. healthy circulation. The blain is congested , with blood, giddiness, trembling and Business wards cold extreiuities are (women. No DR. T. T. M, RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto 1 Licentiate and Graduate of the ()allege of Pay. Melons and Surgeons, Ont, Poot•graduate Chicago Eye, Elm, Nose and Throat Hospital, Uhdea o, Ill Ex•House Sorgeon to St. Mich. eel's Hospital, Toronto, OHloe over F. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele- phone oonneotion with Orauhrcok at ell hours, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL ONT. i?x a cion and Surgeon • Post Graduate co rsea London (Eng,', Now York and Chicago Hos- pitals. Special attention todioease of eye, oar, Il . S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. nen, will sell for bettor prima, to better mon, In lees time and lose charges DR. WARDLAW than any ether Auotioueer in East Huron or gown graduate of the Ontario VOterinnrq. 8 alwan'tys charge raaged at thin e and onion by College. Day and night calla. Office opposite oaaalwayp lil arranged at rile ofeoe or by Flour Mill, Ethel. •p exeonal application, LEGAL ANO CONVEYANCING. lM., SINCLAIR- 1 V a Barrister, Bolloitor, Oonveyenoer, Notary Pubna, deo, Office -Stewart '° Block I door North of Central Hotel, Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank. e)tiOUDFOOT, eau h 81LLORAN RAR1L1S1'k1R8 SOLICI'rl>RS, NOTARIES PUIBLIC, ETU. W. Paou1>8002', 11. C. R 0. RAYS J. L. ElnnonAS Caisse-4'boee formerly ocoopted by Messrs Cameron da Bolt, GOnaaIOH, ONTARIO. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL T. T. S. 8, "Victorian" and "Virginian" T. S. S. "Tunisian" and "Corsican" Sailings every Friday MONTREAL TO GLASGOW T. S, 8. "Grampian" and "Hosperinn" T. 8. S. "Scandinavian" and •'Pretortan" Sailings (very Saturday T J HAVRE & LONDON Service of moderate priced one Moss cabin au steamers. Sailings ovary Sunday Null Information as to rates, etc., o1 „ppli ,o - tion to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Bruasele. tY ! SQA Get the best It Pays ! Among the mono positions our dol- .'ai lege hon recon try !sled were ttvo worth T Ly! goon d risco w t yh g to an a arenow r , Ca( All eone s Is f 1000, Demand ta• our grad• 07 01x008 is IUIIY five 01,1400 our euPPIY. ELLIOTT' i TORONTO, ONT. r; fa 0 Baldness College of the highest ,cQ grade. Several former students of r1 other Colleges ore now In abtendenoe It pay. to gob o bn+moss dncation you got It In tho right School. Write for catalogue. Enter now. t, Cor, Young and i W. J. ELLIOTT, Alexander Sts. i Principal. ? 4':hvgAvmSOEiarA100377i Plira�ta .Y �i 1 Pn' �Svg9AiaP vitt . ;(s'aizAtAi+a•4 slirs+AwtAz^921, WILL YOU i 4. CENTRAL E %��� �i riTRATFORD. ONT. Write for tiro Inn o free an talo ao of g g W school, andyouwill l tiro how tin o, `"\ •^ • Ci you can succeed. IE velli thn> rest with 001.00 11801110 if you win Hap. stood. we are Watling students In positions and00 per x0111 nn and we paying 8007 1 y t i p p g lnnvo nonny s01oh appltnuti<me lice he11r which we rnnnot supply. 97,8 bast time to enter 0110 climes i0 NOW. 1. Write for our hies ahtalogae at 4 1- Once, .. w ±It D. A. MoLAOHLAN, Principal. 5V c`e.W WA145YA liyA4'STe AYAWAV.YAVElo ru^I4tui on Monday,Noveniber2ild:. [commences Write for tree catalogue end partiou V tars to INMATTHEWB Prin. EDW 0. IgaieeStvS'G�'P,Ra erig,;m.,VeteVxeS0 tVii.;: asylml', tr vam v,`,>'A�i.'Avi./A gg' l Winter 7`erml at The LiBusine55 it stowel Celle G v 1 9 -_ Tenacious Form of Systematic Catarrh Not an easy thing to Mit 0, and a remedy that makes good deserves the credit, Catit•rhozome ctu'ed Chas, II, Webb, of Wo >dsboolt, N. 13.,' who writes i "For a number of years I was troubled with systematic: catarrh. It was a very tenacious forn of the disease and nothing helped, I used Oatarrbozorle and get relief. To build up my system I used Ferrozone.. Phis combination cant be beaten, They cured ane." Your case may be chronic ant Oatar'rhozor ie will l drive out catarrh and keep it out, Two • sizes, 25c and $1.00 at all dealers, 5014 010der guarantee of satisfaction, MAUDLC 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Opphthal- Loology, MoUormick Medical College, U1,loego, IL, 110 prepared to test eyes and tit glasses et her office overGrewar'a Restaurant, Brussels, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every. week. °ince hours 10 to 1210• ,n. and4 to 0 p m. In Toronto, at Ile Spadiva ave., remnh,d• er of time. Phone 1210 GRAWD fret/X. )141/14 war BRUSSELS ' GOINO SOUTH G0INO NORTH hall 7:07 a mExpress 10:55 n m 'taproots 11 :26.8 ,n I Mail 1:50 p n, Express 2:55 p m Express 8:02 p m tisaMtDn/affA° %"'.$11 rzezI(er AL w ON r Tu Toronto To Goderioh Express :42 a ,nI Express 11:98 a m Express....... 2:57 pm Express 8:81 p m WROXETER Going Host - 7:05 n. m. and 8:55 p. in. Going West - 12:40 and 0:47 p, nn. All trains going East connect with 0.P. R. at Orangeville. for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEC. ALLAN, Local Agent. Al , stri.ct 131.e.Wz Hullett OBITUARY. -There died at the home of his son on Thursday, 10th inst., Joseph Gooier, aged 58 years and 11 months. Deceased was a son of the late John Govie.r and was born 010 the 12th Con. of Hullett and spent his entire life as a resident of that town- ship. He was married about thirty years ago to Miss Janet Johnstone and to this 1,01011 WOOS born a family of three, namely, John,' of 13th of Hallett, Mrs. Longman and Miss Grace, of British Columbia. His first wife having died 'about 20 years ago, two years hater he was married to Miss Thuell, of Morris, who with to family of two survive. Interment took place at Ball's cemetery on Sat- urday. To the family is extended the sympathy of their many old neighbors and friends. Winkham Mr. Breden lost a valuable cow when it was 5111.101c by the O. P. R. express while cot on 1110 tracks. Provincial ruvincial Unnatnble Gro. Phippen crus a clue to the recent) robbery in dough's store and an arrest is expect- ed shortly. Three hundred teachers from all parts of the district were here to at- tend the annual meeting of the Tetach- 0t's' Association, which was held in the Town halt A numbee of fine papers wale an the program. The Council held It special meeting hast Thursday night to consider the fire test, which was nlatl0 before the inspector. Those p1048140011 0(11 the meet- ing were Mayne Spotlon, Reeve Mc- Donald and (lonncillors McKibbin, o Mitchell, Elliott and toS one Bone, ' Rohe E Vt t J. F. Groves, clerk, also Chief of Police Allen J. W. Copeland of Drayton, Ohio, .purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for his boy who had it o old, and before the bottle was all used the boy's cold vas gone. Is that not'better than to pay a five dollar d ,Griot's bill 2 Per stale by all dealers, Jamestown .DEATH OF Allis, J. M0UUToHEON,- T1#ere died in Listowel on Oct. 9th, Dinah H. Catkin, relict • of the late James M0Outcheon, aged 72 ye0u'e, 10 mouths and 29 days. The deceas- ed had been in poor health during the past two months and death was not .ntirely unexpected. The late Mrs. 1i0Untrheoo was born in :To - onto where she lived for a short time. With her parents she moveded to 5t Marys where later she was married to Jas. llcOntoheou After leaving S1 Marys lMlr. and Mrs Mc Ottcheon moved to prey •township, taking lip ftarnm111g On the 1st Coit, where they remained fol' 130 years. After leaven Goey they farmed in Blinn leaving they n 0- th'on, tvhei'ettver l,hna ml 13 c du010d,a successful tosrif, for 18 years. Iu 1007 Mr. MoOnteherm died, shortly arise which Mrd, MoOolcheoil and daughter, Miss J. 10l4Uut0100on, re- nieved to Listowel, where they have been living during the beset font years. A. family of 7 children were bore to,Mr. and 1811s. 11c0ulcheoto, namely': Mrs, J. E. White, Grey; Mrs. J. Corbett, St. Marys ; Mrs. W. Johnston, Elton ; Mrs. Wm. Hanlil- 00,1, St. Marys ; J. McCattchenu, Wallace Wm. Mc0utcheou, lllhn10 and Miss J. Mc0utcliecn who has been living with net, mother in Listo- wel, The deceased lady enjoyed a large circle of flieods by whom she was highly respected and her kind, 'generous natal% endeared her to all. she was a life long mo01411004 of the ptlepbyterian church, Funeral took assistance is so potent as Dr. llaulil- ton's Pills. By lhoh' dh'ect action on the stomach, liver and kidneys they cause an immediate change. Milts, free from gripe, eteengtheuing and cleansing the whole system, no medicine is so valuable in old age as Do. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake & Buttel•10ot, Try these Pills, 25e per box at all dealers. Atwood 11tH. Wesley Boyd and llis9 'Mina (71001110100 Well; in St. 181104ys as delegat- es to t.11e hpwortto League Convention. Miss B. atUuep, schial,teacherot No. 7, Elton, is very ill with ner•v1ns prostration at, her home near Gotham Mies Elliott, of 13t11ssels, is supplying for lite. Thankeglviog service vire will be held in the Preehyleeitul church on 'Inuday 00b. 28t11 nal 10.30 00, 111. Rev. Ml. Cou- tlet will preach and the other minis- ters will assist irl the service. Fordwich Mrs. P. E. Doig, who had a severe attack of asthma, is recovering. Hiss Blyth Wilson has returned from Milwaiikee where she had been v18111otg. Chas. Mattis and Andrew Doig left Monday afternoon of last week for Monsej,aw and Milestone respectively. Mrs. R. J. Gibson and two children who spent the Summer with her hus- band at Maud, Sask„ returned to Lown last week, Wm. Rainey, of the 101)1 con., was picking apples engaged ed ill ickin a Iles fl'nill a tree g at ' hishome, when hi some way he ac- cidentally fell to the ground, Breaking the small bone in his leg and .dislocat- ing it Lhe ankle. Dislocated bone pt'otuded through the skin to snch an extent that It stuck into the ground' making the injury a most painful and serious one. Here is a wnrh10f1 who speaks front personal knowledge and long ex- perience, viz., Mrs. P. H. Brogan, of Wilson, Pa., who says, "I know from experience bloat, Chamberlain's Cough Retnecly is fax superior to any other. For tu'orp there is'nnlhing that excels it." For stale by all dealers. Seaforth S. N. Snottily has bought the Killor- an properly ou John street, Geo. Tuenhull has purehaeed 1300 bar rels of apples from Robt. Swan. John Al. Wilson has returned home from a two Mouths' trip to the West. Oerao' Neil has purchased a fine new "Reo" auto. This 'nukes 20 ears in town. Thos. Stephens, sr., of the Queens hotel, is having a visit in Windsor and Detroit. The Hot timllfural Society have just distributed tt fine collection of bulbs for indoor planting. The monster pumpkin shown in C. S. Andr'ew's window was grown by A.lex. Davidson and weighs 00 lbs. Thanksgiving services will be con- ducted in the Methodist church, Sun- dae Oct: 27 by Rev. D. N. MoOttmup, of Colborne St, church, Loudon. The Sarrtuneu1 of the Lotd'e Slipper Will be dispensed n theFirst P c s 4oyteriaoo ohiio'cll n Sunday, October 27tH. Ali niversrary services will be held on Nov. 241.11, when Plof. Gandiet.' of Knox College, Toronto, will be present. Sick headache is caused by a dis- ordered stomach. Tttke Chant ber- lmhl's '1'ablrts and correct that -and the headaches will disappear. For stale by all dealers. Listowel \\'illie Hicks, who was open Bled on for appendicitis at the Stratford hospital sileLimeugo, has I"tlul ed horse. Hacking l a'iuhe iu c 3. A. ]Tt f l mg is ! t g I i 1 Iipnired and Ent in 10 sh141 I'm the Wi ter tuonths, Ile put poses malt- ing eXtet181mi' 1',' p11041. A11111 Sf 1,811'y I Views of the 1lep1ist church have boon fixed for Sunday, November 10t11, when liev. 3. W. Salton, Hain on will take charge of the St voices. The uhrlitersary services of Listo- wel Presbyterian elitu'ch will be held Sunday, October 27. Rev. S. Harper Gray, 11. A., pastor of Old S1(. Andr'ew's ehtu'ch, Toronto, will be in. charge. B. 13. Soai•vis has mold ills residence on InkerOnan street to Hiatt. Spence. Mi. 4vis I u poses 1 aviur an ex- tensive scale of his goods laud he and Mrs. fiaevis will spend the 'Winter with their son and daughl0r ]u 11an- nvet, Rev. and Mrs. J Gee h left last week for 4,cIrkst m where they will attend the annual Conference of the United Brethren Congregational oe c I church.. Rev. Mr. Geach tr.l s to be htmie to hike his services oil- Sun- day Nov. 3rd. Neil HaY left fo'oTorooin %t•here he purposes attending the Toronto School of Lauguta1r ee, and will 4.180 take apositiol with the Jlmats 144]ee trice' Company, thus receiving a practical training in elects roily, which will greatly help hila in 1118 cleatrical enggweeritar studies, A. 00,aflutter, who for to number of years past been de departmental store, , has been appointed 'manager of 1110 pgrocery department in the large de- artmental afore of Browns Limited. at Portage la Prairie, and left for the West on Monday. George A. Weatl-null, :Listowel, and Miss Evelyn Cook, daughter of B, S. and 18tls 00011, Fordwich, Welt quietly wattled in Fordwich on Wed. liesdtty evening 10th inst. Rev, .7, And08Ws, pastor of Lire lj'ol'4W1(tl FOR YEARS LEAD ON, EMMANUEL bead on, 0 Prince Emmanuel! ll'o1' gleaming bright above, We see Thy royal banner, The banner of P11y love. Ile radiant folds the follow, As they of old, the star, O'er river, vale and mountain, 'Po tnansions built afar, '-low She was Finally cloRu,- Restored to Health. Hammond, Ont. - " I am passing through the Change of Life and for two years had hot (lushes very bad, head- aches, soreness in the back of head, was constipated, and had weak, nervous feel- ings. The doctor who attended me for a number of years did not help me, but I have been entirely relieved of the above symptoms by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound, Blood Purifier and Liver Pills and give youpermission ermission to )ublish my testimonial." - Mrs. Louis Fir., CiEALCACD ,'L II m a mo d nd Ont. Cana a. New "' Canada. - Brunswick n highly h recommend $ Y Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound to any suffering wo- man. I have taken it for female we:lk- l;IN1/ 7 rr nese and painful menstruation and it cured me. " - Mrs. DEVERE BARBOUR, Harvey Bank, New Brunswick, Canada. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to -day holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in the Pinkham lab- oratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fact. Every suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial I1'r ou want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi- dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Methodist church officiated. Mr. and Ml's. Wrathall will take up their residence in Listowel, where- Mr. Wrathall is conducting a successful jewelry business. Goderieh Mrs. Lucas, con. Cambria road and Wolfe street, purposes joining her husband at Victoria, B. 0., shortly. The members of the Young Women's Circle of the Horne Mission Auxillitoy of Knox church are pre- paring to give an afternoon tea on Tuesday, Nov. 5th. The senior championship over the Collegiate sports goes to Duncan Matheson, the junior champion is J. E. Kelly, while bliss Mary Toni wins the girls' championship. The attendance at the Collegiate has reached 387, with 65 in Form 1 and 42 in Form 11. This large attendance in the lower school is what necessita- ted the engaging of a seventh teacher. Among the Goderich boys who are steadily going to the front is Hayden -H. Williams, son of R. S. Williams, formerly manager of lite Bank of Commerce. The Toronto napers record the appointment of Mr. Williams the younger to the manager- ship of the Dominion Bond. Co., of Toronto. An invitation has been extended to Iron. W, Il, Hearst-, Minister of Lands and lvlines in the Ontario Government to give an address at 00 Board of Peale luncheon in Goderich at some early date. The Minister has accepted the invitation and the council of the Board of Trade is malt- ing further arrangements for the 'Went. Miss Georgina Stiven, of Guelph, left last week for Edmonton where she -has. been appointed Domestic science teacher in the Department of Agriculture. She will also lecture to Women's Institutes on domestic TAKE EVERYTHI-NG FOR KODAKERY AT OUR STORE J. R. WENDT E . . NDT JEWELLER and 'JINGRAV ER Wroxeter ie. Lead on, binu0anuelI Lead 00 him - ;motel I Thy banner beckons on afar To where 'Thy glories shine. Lead oil, 0 Prluce Emmanuel 1 Andmay, we humbly tread lo Thine own blessed foot prints, However we tune led, In lowly steps of duty Of self forgetting love, Rising from Bethlehem's manger, To higher planes above. Lead on, 0 Prince Elnmamlol 1 From Bethlehem forth shall go The ruler i Ierof His people, t 1 P 1 Who sl#all all grace n slaw. Go, conquering and to col quer, Till all the world shall sing The praise of our Redeemer, And everlasting King. science first taking up her work on the C. P. R. farming train through the West. Miss Stiven is a former Gode,ich girl a daughter of George Stiven at one time connected with the Bank of Commerce here. George Porter, who has for some months been undergoing special treatment in the Dansville Sanitarium was brought home Saturday evening, 12th inst., not as much improved 110 health as his many friends would wish. In Mlle long and very trying illness Mr. Porter has the sincere sympathy of all our citizens, and the fervent wish that he may yet be re- stored to goodhealth and activity. A distressing accident happened on the 901 inst., in the home of A. and Nit's, Ii.onfalve, Britannia Road. A pail of hot water which WAS being used in hon evo k stood on the floor and one of the children a little 'girl of two and a half years, fell into it, sustaining severe scalding. Medical aid was quickly at hand, and the little one Would probably have re- covered, but pneumonia developed and it died on Friday. You May Be Sick To -Night Without a ulome0t's warning pain springs upon us. At the outset 1t is instantly cured by Nerviliue. Sur- prising what fifteen drops of this marvelous medicine will do. It's ex- ternal action is no less certain than wonderful effect when taken in- ternally. Of course Nerviline is powet- ful or it couldn't be penetrating. But not irritating or caustic. 'There are other pain remedies, but when you use Nerviliue you see the difference. That difference is this, -others re- lieve,. but Nerviliue does cure sprains, st.raius, swellings, earache, toothache, neuralgia, lumbago, in fact all muscu- lar pains. Large bottles 25o at all dealers, Blyth The first of the , Monthly Horse Fairs to be held at Blyth this year, will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 5th. Anniversary services in connection with St. Andrew's Church will be held on Sunday, November 10th. Rev. Mr. Abraham, of Guelph, will coed net the services. -' Mrs. Whitfield Sellers, of Toronto, captured first prize at the Canadian National Exhibition for a hand em- broidered Lingerie re g e D ss gaining a perfect score in neatness and design and exeeutinn of work. The flax mill is now almost ready for operation. The flax is all stored and some of the leen who have been engaged in the pulling operations twill be available for the work. The fami- lies of Messrs. Hilderburn and Favis have moved here from Zurich and those gentlemen will work in the mill. The inspector for the Uncteiwriters' Association paid an official visit to Blyth recently and tested the new fire protection. The bell was rung, and the firemen responded, but it seemed a long time before water was pumped through the pipes and even then it was a poor stream and some of the joints in the pipes leaked. The new o ys ro that has been stn insWtlled at such a great expense did not show up 10s well its w0a8 expected, Lt con- sequence there will be no chance of i4 lowering of the insurance rate at present. When yon have bad cold you avant the 'nest medicine obtainable so. as to tune it with las little delay as possible. Here is a doitggist's opini- on "I have sold Ohamberlaiu's Ourgh Remedy for fifteen years," says Enos Lollote of Saratoga, Ind., "and enus]der it the best on Lhe market." lone eal1 by all dealers. A STti:ATFCRD PIo1EER,-Cue of the pioneers of this county passed send serve P Y at 6 o'clock on PO 0110y in the person nfthe former editor of the Kolonist, 7, Henry Schmidt, at his residence at 88 Nelson street, St,' afford, after a lingering us8 which eng illn it h necessitated lois confit coed to his l' t bed for four weeks Deceased woos born in 1885 in the town of Ltngelbaeh, Germany and Caine to this country with his father, the late Rev. CVM, Schmidt, of Berlin, Out,, in Lhe' tan' 1830„settling in New Hamburg, N stenion County. 1854 dereasetl left his old ]toe and mover' 10 Delhi, Indiana, and during the Presidential campaign of 1856 be WAS A reporter 011 a Oiucinnali paper. Ile also reported the celebrated Lim coin vs. Do,lglas debates about the same time. Shortly after this he al.' tended the Medical College to Chichi - nate for two years, but had to give tip his stnclies op aeeount of poor health. He returned to Canada in 1850 and 11.85 peinclpal of New Ilam - Mug and Waterloo pnblic schools in 18110, when bo formed a partnership with Tilos. Hilliard and bought the Waterloo Chro icle, which they ppb- llslted until 1871,w Mr. Schmidt 1n retired. and With 70h 'W, H Scherer bought the Canadian I olooist, of Stratford, This par tnership;l lasted for (Ivo years, 8v)1elt Mr. Scherer 1'e• tired and illi. ,Schmidt continued publishing Ziontl)hMsold the subscription litit the (Jauadlafl Volksblatt of Berlin. Since thenconducteda 11 'C print - in ' l he job p i ingg business on Erie street. In ppolitice Mr. Schmidt was to Liberal, having contested the election of 1886 for, the Provincial Legislature but being defeated by Geo. Hese by a small majority. He attended the O,'utral Methodist church until 1800, when ho joined the church of th0 Evangelical Association, Deceased always took en active interest 10 the I municipal affairs of the city and was a member of the Stratford Collegiate Institute .Board for many years, tilling the position of chairman for some time. ,Ile was at all times one of StrtlM r'N most #eencored citizens. 0014. Mr,'80l0midt married ]Miss Charlotte Metz in 1880, who predeceased hint seven years ago. Ile leaves to'mom% leis loss two sons and three daughters, namely : Dr, George A.,, of Cobalt; Walter O., of Vancouver ; Bertha 10, of Stratford ; Clara R., (Mrs. G. .t8 Durst), of Chesley, and Emma 1', (Mrs, 1V. B. l'Ieult), of Ottawa. There: are also seventeen grand- childreu who Survive hits, • a••..•••••••••••••••••••••• 4041140•••••0•••••••••,••♦• • •• Slaughter Sale of • •• • • • • • • • •0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • Buggies Weeks For 2 AS we require the space for our New Cut' ters for the coming Winter we will sell the balance of our Buggies at a Big Reduction in Price. • • • • ♦ ♦ Don't miss this opportunity of buying a • First-class up-to-date Buggy at a Great Re- duction.• • • We are getting up- a large number of • • Cutters of all styles. • • • Do Ewan9 e Carriage S• ao••eo•es•••o•oo•o••or;o••• 00000aoo•e+••••••♦e•••••••• ♦ GOLD DUST digs deep after germs Gold Dust not only cleans but sterilizes. Soap merely washes over the surface, leaving a greasy film behind it. Gold Dust "goes to the bottom,” and insures absolute purity, and sanitary safety. Why not sanatize your home, as well as clean it? Soap needs muscle help; Gold Dust does all the hard part of the task without your assistance. Gold Dust is a good, honest, vegetable -oil soap, to which are added other purifying materials in just the right proportions to cleanse easily, vigor- ously, and without harm to fabric utensils orn ha d. 1 Gold Dust is sold in 5o size andlaLrge pack- ages. The large package means greater economy. ;51 /' p►ali .33s .1 1_t. "Let the GOLD DUST TWINS do your work" Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, LIMITED, Montreal; Makers of Fairy Soap (the oval cake) VARICOSE VEINS CURED] &' NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks° "Honey work, severe s-trainin and evil habits in youth brought on Varicose Veins. When I worked harts the aching would become severe and I was often ]aid up for a week at a time. My family physician told 2110100 operatloo was ny only 1,opo.-but I dreaded it. I tried several specialists, but soon found out all they wanted was my money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogues. Ono day my bo08 asked me why I was off work 30 much and I told him my condition. Hoadvised me to Consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy, as ho had taken treatment from them himself and know they Were square and skillful, I =oho them and got Toa Now Mammon TasATNENT. My progress was somewhat slow and during the first month's treatment I wee somewhat discouraged. however, I continued treatment for three months longer and was rewarded with opacam latetura. Icool only earn 1 a h d . a eek in machine P $ w y I wisPh�14201 before ll treatment, ku, now I your earning ttr1 and never loose a day. IwLBt#allsullererskuewof•yourvaluablatreatment. HENRY C. LOCUST, HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? $L001) POISONS are the most preValenrand most sorlousdiseases, May tap the very Bre blood o the victim and f ereradicatedupr from the system will 1 serious Beware oMercury. It may suppress the symptoms -our MEW METHOD oUres all blood diseases, YOUNG Olt MIDDLE AGED MEN. -Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken down your system. You feel the symptoms Mauling over you. Mentally, physically and vitally yottare not the man you used to be or should.bo. \ illyouheed aho0onger signals? Aro ou a viotimf Have 011 lost ho a?' ro ou lntendie to mart Y 14188 Y y A Y P y ffcc y our blood Uoen rilsotnsedY Havo ou an oaks Y Ou .5fomnon R11.. wilt cure you. what It has done for ethers ity 111 do for you. N Consultation Free. No matter who bee treated you write for an honest opinion Free of chars*. Books;hree—"Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood:' (Illustrated) on Diseases of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN cONsENT.PRIVATE. No names 00 boxes or envelopes. Ev0 bins Confidential. Que$hon Litt aid Cod of Treatment R.H METREATM NT. Des.ltENNEDY&a(ENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE .01o1urttCsnfarmn Gours rdeaspmonnbneceedbeepsassre d BEIMMIPPNISEINIENM went in Windsor, Out. If you desire to SOH us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat 100 patients in our Windsor offices which aro for 'Correspondence and Laboratorykr Canadian undinn business only. Address all tetters its #ollawal DRS. KENNEDY Ca KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont.'- wrltefor OUT prlvafo'address._ ,