HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-10-24, Page 4Cb c ; Clans of Ttilug; iDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2912 SAstskrOltzWAN Legislature will open roe Thursday, November rafts. Au iu- tereating session is foreshadowed. Paw pieces ot maebinery will pay b'i'er dividends on the farm than a small gasoline engine. There are scores of 218es to which it ntay be put 81 a saV- ing of both time and labor. WE do not doubt that Premier Borden would be heartily glad that Hon, Mr. Monk bad resigned r i ned from the Cabinet if ulcork uphisrebilllous idea he wo d s concerning the proposed navy. Mr. 1Vlonk would "scuttle" the whole busi- cess we doubt not if he had his way, SIR R0D0LPE FORGET 11111St have a fairly good opinion of his abilities when he assays to hold down two seats in the Dominion Parliament, It keeps most men busy to do their duty for one con- stituency, Sir Rodolpb should not for- get to be just as well as generous to him- self. WITH the annual Fat Steck Show at Toronto on December loth, and nth and the Ontario Provincial Winter Fair at Guelph there should be rivalry enough to suit the man who desires to win his way to the front as a breeder and feeder. The Premium List is out for the Winter Fair and should be secured by the up-to- date farmers, TALK about sporting with death, there's little doubt but the motor speed- ers are in this list. Travelling 5 miles in less than rot minutes and ro miles in less than x8} minutes may be "hair rais- ers" but it is also flirting with Provi- dence. A lone man with a bottle of laudanum would be arrested by the police and charged with attempting suicide but what about these "dare- devil" artists who risk both life and limbito cut off a second fromithe record'? It's full time such exhibitions were:pro- hibited, ONE of several dark blots that have rested upon Russia is about to be re- moved in the abolition of penal servi- tude by banishment to Siberia. We do not know that the credit is due the Na- tion as it appears the number of con- victs has increased so fast that the de- velopment of Siberia was being hamper- ed by what some designate as the "scum." Some of the sights and scenes of bygone days are not creditable to the Czar and his administrators. Tae world is moving on and many t. wces are at work for the accomplish- ment of good. he would appear as if people can usual - le secure the cash for anything they make up their minds they must have. Take the world Base Bail championship games for instance. There were 8 of them and the total paid attendance was 252,037 with receipts of, $490,833. Over the teams (Boston and New York) re- ceived $47,o28.3o, the beau eaters get- ting the winning share or $88,543, giving each player belonging to the team 02 while the poor New Yorkers $4. 4, had to content themselves with $59,o28 or a personal division of $2,566. No similiar series of Base Ball games ever equalled these. It looks quite a bit as if the diamond is King in the U. S. and proves horn ready folies are to "shell out" if they find what appeals to them. NEXT Monday will be Canada's Thanksgiving Day and will be observed as a public holiday. It would not both. er almost any Canuck to state ten good reasons for being specially thank- ful and to au individual who will sit quietly down and "take stook" of the past 12 months he will be a poor cipherer if he 18 not able to multiply the to by Io. Providential, National, nal family,religious, ions , financial social, &c., they may be class. ed almtst ad mflattum. Let its get into a rejoicing mood and return thanks to the Giver of all Good Inc his favors to its and at the same time offer as a thank - offering a portion of our surplus to those who may be "up against it" despite their best efforts. Canada has much reason to offer thanksgiving for the peace and plenty she enjoys and for the rosy outlook for the coming year, We have a goodly heritage, LAST Week Father Vaughan, who was visiting at Moosejaw, was asked his opinion of the West? Here is in short what he said ;—"To my way of thinking there never was a land as ready as this to give a living wage to a man ready to give in exchange for it au honest day's work. My advice to the Old Country- men to ping out to this country will in future be, Leave your eyeglass at home. and your knickerbockers end your by- percriticisms and your superiority. Put on a pair of overalts,,pnli off your coat, putll up your sleeves and put your back into your work till you are through with it. Then instead of being all in, •• "down and out, you'll come out on the top and become a useful .member of an enterprising community And not at all n YOU TAKE NO RiSK Our Reputation and Money Book of This Offer We pay for all the luedicine used during the trial, if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipation. We talce all the leek, You aro not obligated to use in any way whatever if you accept our offer. Could any- thing be more fail' for you ? Is there any reason why you should 1lesitate to (tut our elahn to (ideal test ? the most scieutil]c 'common sense treatment is Rexall Ordelles, which are eaten like (sandy. They are very pronounced, gentle and pleasant in eetlou, and particularly agreeable in every way. They do not cause diar- rhoea, nausea or fiatuenoe, gripiug or any inconvenience whatever. Rexall Orderlies are par i0 ulttrlY good onl for children, aged and delicate persons. We urge you to try Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Two sizes 10c and 250, Remember, you can get Rexall Reme- dies in this commtmity only at our store—The Rexall store. F. R. Smith, bad advertisement for the Old Country," That is well said and deserves to be published abroad as a great ontstan ling fact as the West has suffered as few other lauds by the "big bead," the bluf- fer and the lazy good-for-nothing. They du not all come from over the ocean however, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION FOR 1913. The Youth's Companion appeals to every interest of family life, from house- keeping to athletics. It begins with stories of youthful vim and vigor, with articles which disclose the secrets of successful play in. the great games with charming tales of life at the girl's colleges. But the Companion does not surrender these readers when they have entered the more serious paths of life. Mothers will welcome tite page for little children and the weekly doctor's article. Fathers will find the important news of the day as it is, and not as it is rumored to be. 'rhe entire household will appre- ciate the sketches which touch gently on common foibles or caricature eccentrics• ty. In short, for less than four cents a week The Companion brings into the home clean entertainment, pure inspira- tion, fine ideals, increase of knowledge. Names rarely seen in tables of con- tents will be found in The Companion's Anuouncemeut for 1913, which will he sent upon request—with samples of the paper, to those not familiar with it. Every new subscriber for 1913 who sends $2 25 will receive free all the is- sues for the remaining weeks of 291s, also free, The Companion Window Transparency and Calendar for Igt3, in rich, translucent colors—Che most beauti- ful of all Companion souvenirs. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. New subscriptions received at this Office. If you have young children you have perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomach are their most com- mon ailment. To correct this you will find Chamberlains Stomach and Liver 'Tablets excellent. They are easy and pleasant to take, and mild and gentle in effect. For sale by all dealers. THE AUCTIONEER Spring and Summer they are announc- ed with the regularity of seed time and harvest—a little before seed time in the Spring and a little after harvest in the Fail. Save for a passing show or the announcement of a visitiug evangelist. the billboard literature of country vil- lages pertains largely to auction sales of farm stock and implements, the whole to be sold without reserve for reasons which are faithfully stated. The auotioueer is a person of import- ance in country sections. He is the un- dertaker of implements and cattle. He is the master of ceremonies and a master of wit as well, He takes a farm and all that on it is and when he is through with its incantations, lo, he has dfstribut• ed its belongings over half the farms of the section, Farmers dispose of their stocks for many reasons, One man has reached the age "where farmin' don't agree with him any more" ; another wants to get to Western Canada ; another discovers (let us hope not too late) that his wife can. not stand the drudgery. Another man has stuck to his acres through drought and through flood, through good har- vests and failure, to save a homestead for the boys, but the boys have grown up and gone away and in his age be feels unequal to the struggle. whatever h stayer the Cause the auctioneer,(t with mega- phonic voice will come and joke and jolly the stuff into other hands whether the cause of the flitting be grave or gay. It may be grandfather's rocking cliair or a cultivator that is offered for sale— He has au appropriate speech for each. It may be the housewife's stock of "pre- serves"—he kuows how to extol them. There seems to be nothing on earth this man doesn't know about and cannot characterize and the insistent rythm of his efforts sometimes works as hyp- notic spell on the crowd, so that the farmer sometimes goea home with arti- cles be does not want any more than a horse wants horns. I remember a man when I was a boy, who had enough old farm implements on his premises that he had bought at auction sales for miles around to stock a township, It is great t t o see the auctioneer in the midst ot his Work, see the crowd, hear the multiple bargaining, Watch the pitting of desires one against the other and the corse- queut upgo of the price, This auctioneer is a noticeable man, 11 you happened to spy him in a seat in the Ontario Legislature or the House of Commons, you would say "He is one or. the big guns," If yon would happen to see him in a fashionable pulpit you would set him down as a learned bishop, He has the face and front of Daniel Webster. Few men are quite as wise as the auctioneer looks, He has magnet- ism, Ile has a rigmarole that makes men listen, He can play two men, one against the other with an insight that politicians might envy.. 1 -le can plead With the fatter of .an evangelist and, + ++++++++++++++++44+++++++ a+' ((1 + 1+- + + 1*, + + + T. + • For Boys 1. and Youths IAT REDUCED P O I CES + 4.++ + • For 30 Days + + 4.+ ▪ E have an over -stock 4' + of Boys' and * Youths' Shoes — good, 1• strong ones for the wet ++ + + Fall weather — and will + .*;, allow off them for cash '+a * 15 per cent. which + $ means to you less than * present wholesale prices..*. + $ Sites 1 to 5 In Boys Sizes 11 to 13 In Youths + + P— + .1..++ f * + : Our Harllass De u t p * is i'eacly lvith Team and Sift- + 1*. gle Harness of excellent *q. + quality. Also Plush and 4`, Wool Bugs, Blankets, &c. + + SETS Second Hand Single 4+- + 0 Harness on hand— ,2* Nickle per set, $3.00 1 + + + Genuine Rubber, 9.00 .*p4, 1' 1RiChardS + J ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ vben his hand is raised for the last time he is as solemn as if the stroke of judg- ment were about to fall. He is like the evangelist who impressively took out itis watch and said, 'This is your last chance to be saved, I leave on the 10,30 train to•nint) t." "Once" shouts the auctioneer, his voice ringing over the crowd. Every- body verybody listens, "Once—are von all done. Two—fair warning. 'Phree— Its your last chance. Two -and -a -halt - am I bid ; two -sixty -two -and -a -half am I bid -two -sixty—? Gentlemen — men don't blame me ; I've got to do it ; I can't force you to buy ; If I was able I'd buy it myself : ONE—I've done all in my power to make you buy. Two—It's your own fault if you don't buy. Three it's going to happen—gentleman, gentle- man (in a stage whisper) do I hear— SOLD." And when that "Sold" drops its knell, it is as it a soul bad been sbut out of paradise. You would think That bis faith in his fellow men had been for- ever shattered. But in a moment he is singing the praises of a corn planter and the game goes cheerily on. Invaluable for Nursing Mothers With nursing comes an unceasing strain on the 'Mother's vitality. The blood is weakened. Nerves are ir- ritable through loss of sleep. Anxiety and care break down the strongest, Experience teaches that nothing is more helpful than Ferrezone, What an appetite 11 brings 1 No blood - former or nerve tonic more potent,no medicine known that so steadily brings bank the health, vigor and spirit that mothers require. It's be- cause Ferrnzone nourishes, because it supplies the materials Inc' rebuild- ing that it does such permanent good, 600 per box at alt dealers. STALLION REGISTRATION The following are the main provi- sions of the Ontario Stallion Act and 1 notations. It would be well for stallion owners and hos-semen general- ly. 10 become familiar with these pro- visions. The Act is new and the con- ditions are somewhat stt'ingent. The following are the main points of the law : 1 -That each stallion standing for service. in Ontario must be enrolled with the Stallion Enrolment Board. 2—A certificate of each enrolment will be issued by the Board, which certificate must form it part of each newspaper advertisement or poster advertieing the'stallion, 8—At the option of the owner the stallion may be inspected by three officers appointed under the Act and if Buell inspection is made the tepott of the inspection will fot'rn a part of the record of enrolment and the Reg- istration Certificate Will be issued in accordance, therewith. 4—The Board will fix the times Anel places at which stallions may be in - enacted ; notice thereof will be given so that any person desiring to pro- cure the inspection of astallion may present him at most convenient point. 5 --For the purposes of the admin- istration of the AO, a pure bred Stallion is considered to be one reg- istered in one of the Records affiliated With the Canadian National Live 1 GOOD HEALTH Vim anon Vitality Are 2155050 if you will equalise your stomach of tuldigeeted food and foul gases ; the excess bile from the liver stud waste platter from the iu testines and bowels by the use of FIG PILLS the meat fruit, kidney, liver, stomach and bowel remedy. At till dealers 26 aria 50 cent boxes or trailed by The Fig Pili Co,, St, Thomas, Ont. Sold in and recom- mended In Brussels by J, Fox, Deng - gist. Stock Records or in pas there is no such Records for e t ethe breed in one of the records recdu recognized as authentic by the Record Board. A Grade stallion is considered to beany other stallion, 0—The following are considered dis- eases or malformations, as the case may be : Bone spavin, curb, when as- sociated with a formation of hock which predisposes But b ; bog spavin, when associated with a formation of hock which predisposes to bog spavin ; string halt, aide -bone, roaring or whistling, periodic opthalmia, and navicular disease, 7—Six forms of certificate will be issued to provide for the following conditions : (a) Pure Bred, Inspected and approved. (b) Pure Bi'ed, Inspect- ed but found to be not free from mal- formations and diseases 1)1005d in the regulations.' (C) Paye Bred, not In- spected. (d) Grade Inspected wand found to be free from malformations and diseases named in the regulations. (e) Grade, Inspected but found to be not free from malformations and dis- eases named in the regulations, (f) Grade, not Inspected, 8—Bach enrolrnent trust be renew- ed annually. In case of :inspected stallions, however, the report of the Inspection Committee will hold good for two years. 9—When a stallion is sold, the transfer must be registered with the Board. 10—The fees to be paid to the Board before the issue of any certificate shall be :-For enrollment, $2 ; for Inspection, $5 ; for renewal of en- rolment, $1; for transfer eertifieate, $1. 11—The penalty for conta'aveutior of any of the provisions of the Art will be not more than $100 &lirl not less than $25. 12—The Act does .not apply to the Provincial Judicial Districts nor to the Provisional County of Halibut, ton. NO MORE GRAY OR FADED HAIR Women and men who use PARIS- IAN Sage can he sure their hair will never turn gray, PARISIAN Sage will preserve the natural color of the hair ; stop it from becoming faded and lifeless, and by nomising the hair root give to the hair a lustre and radiance that com- pels admiration. PARISIAN Sage stops falling hair ; banishes dandruff, makes the scalp clean and free from itchiness and pro- motes a growth of heavy hair. Large bottles 50 rents at all dealers everywhere. Sold by Jas. Fox and money back if dissatisfied. Clubbinij List i ROUTE FOR Ttri POST has p221118 arrangements to club with the following papers and will be sent to any address except the Unitt'd States 60 cents extra) at the following subscription prices :— Weeklies POST 'on and Toronto t to Globe......, .,, $1.00 " AlailandEmpile. 100 " London Advertiser 1 00 " London Free Press ,1 80 " Family Herald and Star 1 80 Montreal eal Witness 1 80 :Farmers' .Advocate 2 35 Northern Messenger 1 35 Dailies PosT and Toronto Star $2 35 " Toronto News , 2 35 " Toronto Globe ,...,,. 4 50 " Toronto Mail -Empire.,. 4 50 " Toronto 'world 3 00 " • London Adverbieer 2 80 Call at the office or remit the amount by P. 0. Order, Express Order or Registered Letter addressing THE POST, Brussels, Ont. W. C. T. U. NOTES The following item froln the Ford- wich Record will give the public an idea of the excellent manner in which the Temperance house here is being conducted :— "fire received the beat meals and the beet accommodation here that we have ever encountered in our travels through this part of the country."—Harvey & Kenney, comme- dians at the Fall Fair Concert, Oct. 5th, 1912. The committee which has been circulating the petition asking for a Local Option vote in Wingham has secured a very large number of names and ibis understood that the temper- ance people would not favor anyscom- prornise in the shape of cutting off three licenses brit would be willing to take a vote and try and gain the com- plete wiping out of the bars. FOR FALLING HAM You Run No Risk When You Uao This Remedy. We promise you that, if your hair is falling out and yon have not let it go too far, you can repair the damage al- ready done by using Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, with persistency and regularity for a reasonable length of time. It is a scientific, cleansing, antiseptic, germicidal preparation that destroys microbes, stimulates good circulation around the hair roots, promotes hair nourishment, removes dandruff and act to restore hair health. It is as pleasant to use as pure water' and • is delicately perfumed, It is a real toil- et'necessity. We want yon to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic with our protnise that it will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with its use. It comes in two sires, prices 50c and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store—The Rexall Store. F. R. Smith, THEHARTT3 O ' HART 0 T rot SHOE CO.' FOEDANtt' MON NN 1111118t 'Canada's Brst Shoe,idscrs Sold only by - E. Co DUFORD Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, Brussels SHUN INSPECTORS For District No. 3 Plnee Thu° n181)004021 Date °e inences Exeter 8.00 a, m Tuesday, Oot, 20th Dashwood.,,,,,,. 2.80 p, m Tuesday, Oeb. 201h Zurich,. ,..,,.. 4,80 e, in, Wednesday, Out, 86th Etensall,,.,,,,,, 1,00 p, m, Wednesday, Oot, 80th Seafortlr 8 80 u,. in --Thursday, Oct. 81st T,eedbury 8,01 p,10 Thui'sday, Oct, 01st Brussels ,,,,,,,,.8,80 a. in ., Friday. Nov, lap Winghant 1.00 p, m Friday, Nov. Mt l;lyth 0.00 a. m Saturday, Nov, 2nd Londesboro 1.00 p.m Saturday, Nov, 2nd Clinton 88 a 111. ...Mond 4th 0 a Nov. y, Goderinil ,.... n 60 p. nn.. .,Moudny, Nov. 4112 n n Du 9,1,1,10 0,00 n in ,,. Tuesday, Nov. 0011 Luoknow 2,80 p, m Tuesday, Nov, 5th ST, THOMAS. ONT. Unsurpassed for residential education. The "Ideal College -Home" in which to secure a training for your life's work. Thorough courses in Music, Painting, Oratory, High School, Business College and Domestic Science. Large campus, inspiring environ- ment. Resident nurse insures health of students. Rates moderate. Every girl needs an ALMA training. Handsome pro- spectus sent on eppllcation to Principal. 42 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF THORO'-BRED ABER- DaaNANODB OATmm12 AND 01i0i0s GRADES. —F. 8. Scott, auotloneer, inn been instructed by the undersigned to Boll bypublic auction at NH Lots 65 ob 66, Con. 1, Grey, en Tuesday, Oot, 28th, at 1 o'eleek, the following valuable ro r f p y. ho o b ed sow withcalve 1at n Not, 1 er:1t bre' ood supsuppo eosalveve in December, 1 thobredn d cow suto pposed en ve in Mar, 1 Ehtho o' -bred low ear-ol b to calve a March, 1 rling bred 2.2 tho,ld bull, 2 thorn' -bred yearling bulls, 2 thorn' -bred yearling heifers, 8 good grade cows supposed In call, 1 good grade cow with calfet foot, 1 fat calf, 0 Spring calves, 7 yearling grade cat- tle,1 fat sow. Sale positively without reserve. Terns—All sums of 95 and under aaeh ; over that amount 10 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint dotes. 8 per odnt. off for cash on credit amounts. J. A. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. Farm adjoins the Village of Molesworth AUCTION SALE OF EARN STOOK,IM- YaattnNme, 80.—F. 8, Soobt, auctioneer, has been instructed by the undersigmld to sell by public) auction at 8% Lot 80, 05». 8, Morrie, nn Wednesday, Oct, BUth, at 1 o'clock, the fol- lowing valuable property :-1 horse 10 years old, d mare 0 years old supposed to be In foal, 1mare 7years old supposed to be 10 fool, 1 driving mare, 8 sucking colts sired by Lothian Type, 2 COWS onpposed in calf, 4 steers 2 years old, 8 heifers 2 years old, 8 yearling salves, 4 calves, 8 pigs, n number of hens, 1 Massey- Harrie binder, 1 Deering mower, 1 pea haveet• er, 1 cultivator nearly new, 1-Massey—Burris seed drill 05 hoes) nearly new, 1 hay loader, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 horse roke, 1 wagon, 1 double buggy, 1 cart, 1 wagon reek, 113igreek, 1 Nox- ell disc, 1 Fleury riding plow, 2Fleury wall- ing plows, 1 Ooekehut gang plow, I set of four- seotion iron harrows, 1 pair- of bob -sleighs, 1 palper, 1 steel stone -boot, 1 Oliatbnm fanning mill alld bagger, 1 set 15001b. smiles, 2 sets of double harneae, 1 set single harness, 1 tank, 1 circular and jig -saw combined 1 work bench, 1 anvil and vice combined, 1 step ladder, 1 10 ft. ladder, 8 barrels, they fork, repel and pulleys, 1 set of wire stretchers, 1 ensilage Cork, 1 barley fork, 1 writing. desk, 2 scree of turnips, n quantity of grain (barley and oats), forks, shovels, drains and numerous other ar. bales. Sale with nit reserve as the proprietor has rented his farm, Tereus—All suns of 50 and under aaeh. ; over that amount 12 months credit will be given of furnishing approved john notes ; 6 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. bens, grain and turnips to be cash. ALEX, FORSYTH, Proprietor, AUOTION BALE OF FARM STOOK AND ' 1MYcemeNms. —F, S. Scott, Auctioneer, has been instructed by the undereiqnrd to sell by public auction at Lot 15, 0512, 10 Grey, on Friday, October 251(2, at 1 o'clock. the follow- ing vnluablo property :-1 span of draft heroes 8.years old, 1 driving mare 0 years old, 0 cows ssupposedin calf, 2 steers 2 years old, 1 heifer 2 rso8Isa1fte'Naves, old, fat, , yearling heifers do , none better, 1 new binder. 2 mowers 1 with pea harvester attached, 1 lumber wagon near. ly new, 2 buggies, 1 new cutter, 1 seed drill, 1 horse rake, 1 Bind roller,1 disc. harrow,1 set of iron harrows, I laming mill, 1 pnlper, 1 gang plow, 2 singgIn plows, 1 stinnier, neww hay rack,1 lt natear harness, 1 eat ei harness. .21ik ane, 1 Daisy churn, 1 Mellott 02-0001 5052 n rotor, 1 set 1200112. scales, t acre of magols in the ground, 26 tons of timothy hay, forks, chains and other articles too numerous to. mention. Everything will be sold as fern) is rented and the proprietor line purchased house in Oranbrook. Terms—All sums of 00 and under cash. • over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 6 per tient off ter cash on credit amounts Hay mid mmnnolde to he cash. DONALD CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Mrs, Ann Wright, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to See. 55, Chirp. 26, of the Statutes. of Ontario, I George V., that all urea itors and others having claims against the estate of the said Mr0. Ann Wright, of Grey township, Huron Hu etCount y P who died Pontine, Icli County, at M or about eke n20th day bof efore June,A D 1012,are required on or before the 18th day of November, A, D 1812 to amidby post prepeld or deliver to the undersigned Executor, Wroxeter P. 0,, their Christian and 0urnames, nddreesee aid deoeriptions and n otatonont of their ncconnte against the said astute and also the nature of the security (if any) held by then. • And further take notice that after Ruch last ! mentioned date the Executor will proeetd to distribute the comets Of (he deceneed .amongst 1 the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then i have gotnotice, and that ,the mild Executor i will not bo (fable for the said mints or any port thereof to any person or persons of whose elaime.notice shall not have been received by i him at the time of such distribution, Dated this 1610 day of.Ylotnber, 1012. FRAISZ W, WRIGHT, • 10.8 Executor, A1OAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pinups and. Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for. stook, &c, Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a roll,, Al RAYMANN, Cranbrook Maitland Bank Short Horns for Sale Seven Boatel) Short 1301,1 Bulls 0 to 20 menthe old, rods and roans ' big, ennooth and etynall ; oheloest breeding—Cam bell Rose Buda, Marr 1leeubyyoendOaupbell Bessles, Norio better rot' milk andboof, W111bosoldatstyreuson- nb10 offer and on eueyDtAVII) MILNE, Ethel, The People's Column F T, 011 SALE OR TO LE—A good comfort- eble dwelling and two late in Brussels. Terms my. Apply to F. S. 50055, Auotiou- 000, Brae0els,D' toll. S, 040E, Fordwiuh, 0-11m ' lsSIR.ABLEPROPERTYFORSALE,—Ow- It+ ing bo the demise of Thos, l3allanty ne the well kept property owned by him is on the market. Thera are 4 lots in garden and m' shard colaortable dwelling, good dwood .ehe d Icpand stableandailbest ogn Itis cosy home, Possesion eon be given al 0000. For pried, terms, &o„ apply to JOHN BALLANTYNE,Two Poem, Brussels, H OT purpose leaviLOTng BrusseBale lstoheltly rent.—As hound and lot on '1'ur'nberry street, South, 14 offered for sale or to rent. Possession can be had April lat. Apply at oneeto J. W. K10RNEY, Phone No, 80 • Brussels, CAM FOR SALE,— Estate of late Joints ▪ (Heiman, being Ni Lot .2, Oon, 8, Morris township, oontaining 100 acres, 8 sores of which is. bush. Good bank barn and never fullin1, spring close to barn, Good stook farm, Must be sold at awe. For tarsus apply at orrice of Tan Posm, Brussels, 84.4 FARM FOR SALE,—Situate on Con, 1, -Wel- lune, Perth Co., port of Lots 49 and 45, con- taining 00 acres, with good buildings, drilled well, e6 001e0 cleared, b0bmoe mostly timber. Ordnnrd of 20 apple trawl, 10 plums, 20 cherry, 2,000 strawberry plants, 600 raspberry boohoo. Free daily mail and telephone if wanted. Oen• venient to churches mid schools, 8 adieu from Listowel on good road, For quick aule 0012 he bought for 58,802 on 0007) terms. 0011 on or address HENRY JOHNSON, 0.4 R. R. No. 1, Listowel. 91G►EDAR LAWN FARM" FOR SALE.— The undersigned offers for sale hie flee 100 uur0 farm, being North half Lot 26, Oon. 0 Morris township, Huron o Farm p is n a 01 stow cultivation, o U ,Fru f goon state brickbowie twell fenced, and has on it afilwbo,na douse that cost Eitoil nnd w are four Conine downetulrs and kitchen and wood- shed; 2 bay windows in parlor and dining room respectively, verandahs, 4 barge bed- rooms upstairs with oloseto, halls and two sets of stairs, 8 largo cellars and stone foundation, 80, Good lawn ourromtded by cedar bodge. Burn 52 x 00 feet, on atone foundation. Goad orclta• and 10 acres of hardwood bush. Farm is only a mile from the splendid market .town. of Brussele and is 13h mires from school, Good community, Possession at once. For further particulars, price, tern's, 80„ apply on the premises or to JOHN MOONEY, proprietor, Brussels P. 0, FARM F012 BALE.—Being Southhalves of. Lots 54 and 65, Con. 1, Morris township, Huron Co,,. containing 100 acres. On the farm is n good frame house 22x0035 feet ; kitchen. 18x22;5 ; wood shed 20x80 ; bank barn 28x00 straw shed 801E40 ; lean-to 1640. Stone wall with good stabling under barn. 2 never fail- ing walla and a good orchard. Only 3q mile to school and 1 mile to church and post aloe. Prise 64,600. Deed may be seen 011 application to the proprietor. WALTER L. BREOKEN- ,RIDGE, Jamestown P. 0, 01.3m 1 On AORES OF LAND for Bele, 13, miles North of Senforth, Good Olay loam, all cleared nnd under cultivation. Bank barn, cement floors, large frame house. newly paint- ed • good wells at barn and house ; buildings and fences in excellent reppair. An ideal hone cheap. ,Only (Mise) 8118I20 GOVEN1.OUK, Seor FARM FOR SALE.—The 100 acre farm,be- ing the property of the late Peter MaSeil, Lot 28, Con. 14, Grey, 1s offered for ode by the undersigned. There are 86 ua10s cleared, bal- ance well timbered. On the form there is e good bank barn, large driving shed and a com- fortable house. Place in good condition and well fenced. Nor further partiaularo apply to JAS. A..MCNAIR or JAS. D. MOHAIR, Exec- utors, Cranbrook P.O., or F. S. SCOTT, Bros - sole. 7-tf FARM FOR. SALE, being South half Lot 25, Oon. 4, Morrie township, Huron Co„ con- taining 100 acres more or leas. On the prom- ises 1s a frame house, banle barn, good orchard, well, windmill, &c, All cleared exceptabout an acre. School 13Q miles distant. Only 234 miles fraure Brussels. 0 acs of Fall wheat in nod shoat 60 novas seeded down. For price, t,•rma and other information apply 021 the promises or if writing Brussels P. 0. Phone 120. Or F. 8. Scott, Brussels. I1-tf A. L.10)1111, Proprietor. HOME STUDY Thorne do of ambitious young people are being natructodin their homes by oar Hoiue Study Dept. You 5807 111,1811 at Oollsge if you desire. Pay when- ever your 1vla1,, Thirty Yea's' Exper- ience, Lmgest trainers in Canada. Enter any day. Positions guaranteed, If you w 812 to save board nnd learn while you earn, write for particulars. NO VACATION Wingham Business College. GEO. SPOTTON, President RUPT RE' Ouredt At your home without pails, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless p-parentlyhopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated ulatecl when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age _ Time Rup.........., Single or Double Name', ...,.r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Address and return to J. S. SMITH Sa Caledonia Bt. Dept. A . Stratfordy Ont,