HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-10-3, Page 5DIMNESS CARDS. J3, MaORACK + N-- • Issuer of merr0a4e Licensee. 01 - floe at Grocery,Turnberry street, ilrueSels, K. 0, T. M. aro heir lent o1 ee Maooabo04e Lro. '44 mild their Doo lr mg001ugs in the hedge Lb,om, 1l evenings s ooll, ou the let and Ord 1'uq.da9 eyoninge of Wtoh mourn Visitors always welcome. A. 8051111E8, Com, A, AleGUIn14, WM. SPENCE OONVEYANOER AND ISSUEE of MARRIAGE LICENSE i thea to the Post.01h00,r Ethel. 50-4 JOHN SUTHERLAN 1000118000,. FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 1,' S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- sax, will sell for better prioea, to u,•Lter Wen, le less tune and less charges tuna any other Au0tlobeer In Aust Huron or ue won'toharge anything. nates and orders can always oe artaugod at this 01800or by y . rs.,uul applioatIon. LEGAL AND (;ONVEYANCINS. '1x7 M. BINULAIR— YV. Barrister' Bolloi or Oonve anoor Notary do uH00wart'e Bloch 1 doorNorth of Ooutrl 11. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Sank, i ttOTIDF001', HAYS & KILLOBAN 13 AMMETERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETU, W. P110Unzoow, E. O.- It 0. Hasa J. L..Binnonax Offices -Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron h Holt, 00118BI00, O4'0AOto, ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL T, T. 8. 8, "Victorian" and "Virginian" T. 8. 8. "Tunisian" and "Corsican" Sanitise every Friday MONTREAL TO GLASGOW "Grampian" and" ea orian" T. S. 8. II p T. 8. S. "Scandinavian" and "Preto•ian" 8011411gs every Saturday TO HAVRE & LONDON Service of moderate prided ono class cabin 111) steamers. Wilmot every Sunday Pull information alt to rates, etc., on applica- tion to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line. Brussels. pm > ,4v�Av a...iwet s,A'ra:'"d` b'ua iGet the Best ! lit Pays l r kV Among the ninny positions our Col- c§ Fat lege has recently filled were two worth g R WOO and $1500. We aro now trying to ;St 1111 one at 51000. Demand for our grad- 7�n R uatea la. fnlly five times our supply. tJ ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Sr is n Rnoinesa College of the liI.lfest grade. Several termer otn,let'ls of other Colleges aro =Win attendance f It pays to Ygget a bnsineq., "mention if 't you get tt in the right School. Write for catalogue. Enter now. Cor. Young and tt W. J. ELLIOTT, '�+� Alexander Sta. ( Principal. faZa'i�/I'ii i:avg Arafi9 wradl'it`?.1V6t'asloPV�'1..' Q 4 WILL YOU CENTRAL// l STRATFORD. ONT. Write for the largo tree catalogue of this 0oho01, and you .will learn how' you can succeed. I0 will then rent with you to decide If you willsuc- ceed. Wo aro plaofngstud ants: in positions paying 5000 and 5700 per annum and wo such have many nutApplications for help which we 00nnot 0.1414(17. The. 04001 r time to outer oar alOsaea is NOW. Write for our h'ee o•talogue at Mem, D. A. MOLAQHHANI Principal. New •Potatoes itIi • at Xmas Don't Buy Potatoes Nave Your Own Indoor Potato Patch in corner of cellar, owe room, barn, etc, • Grow them for homdor market, tiny month in the year -Winter or bummer. 1nue4080 profits INDOOR POTATO GROWING (Copyrighted) tells of a new method of growing vineleos NeW Potatoes rode -is, in town, city or 0omlh'y. No digging pI. h,g,hoe011g. ••BBigyteed, Bet- ter flavor Rn a .(1 grown.; Method cheep, ( simple, so, Stir groo vy'M110, Start now, Illustrated (lfeul .r for Stamp. Pleewtn ration this pier. IVONTVALE FARMS, Montvale, Virginia Sisk headache JO caused' by a dis- ordered stomach. Take Chamber- lain's Tatblets and correct that and the headaches Will disappear:. 'For sale by all dealers, • • W. Ha LOVE Funeral Director and1Embalmer Emba Orders promptly and care- fully b attended to t I lie or I da1y1 one 228. P1 ETHEL, ONT. Business Cards L7R. T. T, M'RA'E ua0110lor or Medicine, University of Toronto ; Lieuntiate and Graduate of the College of Phy sioians turd burgeons, Ont, • Post•ggraduate ()Imago Eye, Ear, Nose tend Throat Hospital, Uhioa u, Ill, 108.130(100 Surgeon to St. Oliolt- eel's Hospital, Toronto. Office over P. R.. Smith's Drug Store. Tole - p11(810 0(111118314811 0,111 Uranbroolt at 041130urs, OR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL., ONT. Physician and Surgeon: Poet Gee:Mete courses London (Eng ), New York .and 0104oago Hos- Special attention to di0000e of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses, OR, WAROLAW Honor 'rad111110 of h0 Ontario Veterinary Oollego.6 Day and night oa. Office opposite e Nlour Mill,10111e1, MA DE U 0. BRYANS A S OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, McCormick Medical Oolleg6o, Ubiongo, Ill., is prepared to teat ay 00 and fit glasses at her office over Gre ar's Restaurant, w dday s on Thursday, Friday and Sturdaof very week. Office bourn 30 to lee, m. and 1 to 0 p, ,n. In Toronto, at 71e Spadinu ave., remaind- er of time. Phone 1219 BRUSSELS GOING SOUTHO G uxa NORTH Mall ' 1 a in Express 16 29 p in Express 11:25 0 m, Mail 1:69 p m lexpreso 2;65 p m. Express 8:52 p m. Ci.1V'tDliM �wICl14°l�' WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Lrxiiress 7:42 a to I Exuma 11:66 a•In (Express 2:57 p m I Express 8:01 p m WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 0:02p. m. Going West - 12:40 and 9:47 p. m. All trains going Emit connect with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. zeal Pins Items Will McKay, son of Chas. McKay, of Brussels, is now engaged as a brake- man ou the G. T. R. running out of Palmerston. We hope a gond angel will guard him. PROVINCIAL CONVENTION AT HAM1L- TON.-Tlte annual Convention of the Ontario Sunday School Association will be held in Hamilton this year from Oct. zest to 24th. Some splendid talent has been secured. Now is the time for workers to be selected as delegates so that arrangements to take in the whole Convention can be made in good time. If you have young children you have perhaps noticed that disorders of the atotnach are their most com- mon ailment. To correct this you will find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets excellent. They are easy and pleasant to take, and mild and gentle in effect.. For sale by all dealers. A S'rsr FORWARD. -There is not a saloon in San Juan county Mexico. A distiller wanted to establish himself iu that county. Fruit growers banded to- gether and would not sell him any fruit tor distilling purposes aqd as a result the comity is, without saloons and is without prisoners in the county jail, (Duty elle man was arrested for drunken- ness in eighteen months. Only one man to the county arrested for assault and battery during 1909. Saloons have e been out of the county for two years. 300 BARRELe.- The Lucknow Senti- nel says of a brother to J. H. Cameron, formerly of 13russels, now. of London : -If no high wind comes between now and October the 15th, Kenneth Cam- eron will probably harvest, in his big orchard, nearly 300 barrels of fruit. This is an offear with the y Spies but the Bea Davis are there in marvellous abundance and the little Ontario trees ate staggering tinder the weight of their luscious burdens. The probable value ot this year's yield is between $50o and $700. . REV. A. E. SMITH, DISTRICT CHA1R- NAN-Phe Palmerston district ot the Methodist Church bas elected Rev. A, E. Smith, B. D., of Drayton, as its Chairman, which position was made vacant by the sudden death of Rev. Walter $. lamieson on September 4th, Rev.( le. Stafford le supplying the pulpit in, the meantime, A peculiar coincidence rests iu the fact that all three were pastors at 13russels, Revds. Messrs. Stafford and Smith being here In the same term. The present Metho• dist church was built in 1876 during. Rev. Mr. Stafford's pastorate, He was also a former pastor at Palmerston when their ;church was erected and is 110W on the retired list making his hone at Drayton, floe, 1. W. SIr'roN died at Itis' home, in Winnipeg ou Friday Sept, eoth, at the age of 79 years. He was father of Premier Sifton of Alberta, and Hon. Clifford Sifton, of Ottawa. He was President of the Winnipeg Free Press Printing Company and one of" the oldest and leading residents of the Western uietr'oplis. He has' been prominent in public affair's for many' years. He was born in the county of Middlesex, Out., on August 10, 1833. Ito his earlier years he was a farmer and oil. operator. He served as Reeve of Oil Springs' and Cornwallis and later sat in the Lambton Coaaty Council. Mr. Sifton then be- came a contractor for the construction of telegraph and railway lines in the Northwest, He built the telegraph line from Winnipeg. to Fort Pelly and he also built several sections of the Canadian Pacific Railway, He,tnoved to Mauito ba in 1878, being ieteraed to the Legia, ldtttre of that province, • and elected Speaker 'same year. He was one of the leading members of the Liberal party. Besides hie activity ,in the patty he filled many other pnbilo positions, ' including that of Inspector of Public Buildi11 s in Winnipeg. Ile was Presi- AR g VeIOMAN dent f the Grand LodgeMOST oto rat (1 Cem tars of Manitoba frof Good P many years. In religion ile was a Methodist, Crowing Old Before Your Time Broken in spirit, weak in body. Hermes discouraged. r , s a n( l diaL< u aged. Sometlli og is wrong, fold each day, sees you fail- aivay. Just one thing to do -Build en, To do title, use Ferrozone, What a tonic it is 1 Appetite, why 14 makes you eat taemen(lonsly. :Digest, indeed you will. Rich led blood will carry nnilris111lleut to avert/ corner of the body, tired organs take of new IIi'o, color, spit'it and tunbitinn ale restored, Perfect man- hood and abounding health is the un- failing product of Ferrozone-try it, 50c per box everywhere. Trowbridge 101,'. Dailey, of Rochester, is visiting in the neighborhood. Miss Claret Tughen has been visiting 111 'l'oroil to I'nr aL week. G. L. Adams, C. Cosens and Miss J. Cosecs visited at London. C. Omens ]e spending a few days with his daughter in Durham. Rev, I. A. Mclielvie atten(114(1 the meeting of the See.t'tariee of Sunday Schools in 'Toront0. Norman Boyd, of Hamilton, spent a few clays in and mound Trowbridge. D. Cosens of Lor d n 1 r i h 1 is been visit. - Mg with his grandfather, Charles Oosens. Seaforth Miss L. A. Towle has been engaged as Leucite. in 000 Collegiate Institute. Dors. A. D. Sutherland is in Beach- ville owing to the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Robe. Bennett. Mrs. M. Kuechtel, of Goderich street is seriously ill at present. Her daugh- ter, Mrs. (Rev.) Pertie, of Wingham, is attending her. Principal Naylor, of the public school gave the fire drill a test on Monday afternoon, the pupils from the six rooms marching out in 46 seconds. Mr s.Rev. Shaw of. moo1ill' D t ( g t/ (. intends makingher home iri Rodney, Y. where her son, Donald will go to school. W. Amen,, Reeve. of Seaforth, at- tended a meeting of representatives from the different municipalities at Goderich, the object under discussion beingadvisability of discussing the Maitland River Hydro power. The beton Sabbath School and Epworth League convention ander the auspices of the Goderich District was held in the Methodist church on Tuesday and Wednesday of last wick. The attendance of delegates was not quite so Large as was ex- pected but every possible preparation 851110 made by the local friends for their hospitable entertainment. The church also was pleasingly and taste- fully decorated. The several sessions were interesting and'iest"uctive the various phases of work being discussed and dealt with, The illustrated lecture on Tuesday evening on mission work in Japan by Dr. Wallace Craw- ford, a returned missionary from that country, was listened to by a good audience. The views were most in- structive and the accompanying lecture interesting. A Suggestion Of Rare Value A diseased condition of the surfaces of the air passages causes bad breath, but more commonly emanates from indigestion or an impure condition of the blood. Thousands of cases prove that Dr. Hamilton's Pills through their specific action on the secretary and eliminative organs, not only cure bad Wendt, bat 84 thoroughly pacify the system that anything suggestive" of blood or digestive troubles is 1111 - possible. Through Dr. Hamilton's Pills the skin geotvs rosy and clear, activity of the body and mind in- creases, and bounding health is estltblished, Sold everywhere in 26c boxes. ' Bl u eval e 14Tise Cora Messer is at present visit- ing friends in Toronto. 0.Ir. 1111(1 Mrs. Iiatby and 14418s Mabel have moved to Wingliam, where they will reside in future: Mrs. MacLeod, of Toronto, has pur- chased the home of Gus. Gannett and expectsects to take possession shortly. Mrs. Henderson, Jim and William MacEwen, of Morris, were spending a few days with Alex. and Mrs. Smith, at Detroit. Misses Luella Shaw, Mary Stewart and Florence Aitchison left for Strat- ford, where they will attend the Nor - nod Sohool, TUBNBERIty COUNCIL• -•-Council was held in Oleri('s office, BI•uevale, Sept. 28. Members present exoept J. J. Moffatt, Reeve in chair. Minutes of hist meeting read and adopted on motion of McBurney -Rutherford. McBurney -Wheeler that James Elliott and Win. R. Yeo be allowed to deepen Drain .known as Elliott Drain to the depth of the original award and that cost. of work be allowed to stand as an off- set, against any cost of deepening or oleanfng out any portion of said drain that may hereafter be awarded for such work. Patties agreeing to furnish to the Council a correct statement of cost as soon as work is completed. Carried. Wheeler - Rutherford that . £louucil meet at. Linton's Bridge at 10 o'clock p, m, on- Oct.' 4th and let the work of filling a roaches to now; iron bride and 'thpen r•oceed to ,N;adies bridge and let the filling of approaches toglt*adies new iron bridge. Carried. Wheels' -McBurney that we advertise the. sale of Debentures for $10000.00, in- terest bearing 6% in the `Vinghaln Cirncsand Advance, touters to be re ceived at the Clerl('s office, 14luevale,, up to Oct 2lst 103 o'clock p. tn. ' Fol- lotving accounts were passed and cheques issued:- -John 'Vif, King, gravel, $4.70: S. Vanstone, gravel. 112.16 ; B. Ringlet', gravel $2.32; Jos. Lovell, gravel $0.06 ; E. Ohio, gravel 31,70 - John McNaughton, rent scrap- or GO 1 0. A, Rotes, .. Pp, engineer' fees anti expenses $0.06 ; John. Bur- gess, pt. salary $60.00; Andrew Car•. tethers, rep. Woods' Bridge $1.30 ; henry Merkley, Olivet Howiek IJdy, Oowiok to pay $1,00 ; Doff & Stewart, Ancottut abutments Bolt's SUCCESSFUL MEDICINE CE N Known All Over The World Known Only For The { God Iit Has Done. i We know of no other medicine which has been so successful in relieving the suffering of women, or received so many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Vegetable Compound. In nearly every community you will find women who have been restored to health by this famous medicine. Almost every woman you meet knows of the great good it has been doing among suf- fering women for the past 30 years. Fox Creek, N. B. -"I have always had pains f in the p abdomen and a weak- ness there and often after meals a sore- ness in my stomach. Lydia E. Pinkham'e VegetableCompound has done me much good. I am stronger, digestion is better and I can work with ambition. I have encouraged many mothers of families to take it as it is the best remedy in the world. You can pub- lish this in theP aP er s o Mrs 010000, S. BOUA UE Fox re R , Creek, N.B. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files containing hundreds of thousands of letters from women seek- ing health, in which many openly state over their own w signatures Y thatthe have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, many of whom state that it has saved them from surgical operations. bridge 3000.00. Council to meet in Clerk's office on Monday Oct. 21st at 10 o'clock a. in. JolnN RIMS -BM Clerk. Fordwich R. Faille is erecting anew house at the North end of the town. D. O. Kessell of o the S therland Innis Cooperage Co., of Chatham, was in town on business. It is the intention of the company to start a stave factory here if the desirable property can be obtained. A. quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, Sept. 18th, at high noon, in Victoria Presbyterian Church, Wet Toronto, by Rev. T. D. L. MoKerrol, when Alice, eldest daugh- ter of Jno. and Mrs. Griffin, was united in marriage to k'rederick W. Tuck, one of Clifford's popular and well- known young men. After the cere- mony the party motored to the home of the bride's parents where luncheon was served and immediately after the bride' and groom left for a trip to TAKE A WITH YOU ! EVERYTHING FOR KOIAKERY AT OUR STORE J. R.V4/ N T E DT JEWELLER o0d ENGRAVETt, Wroxeter several Canadian cities, the bride Leavening in a navy blue salt, with hal to mateb, 'Pim groom is a brother of Alva. J. 31, Wade, of town. The Albion Hotel is now open to the public, new proprietor is 3. W, 13'dewitlher•iolt, The plaice hike. been thoroughly relovetett and now pre'. dents a very Mousing and home -fake Appear/wee. A temperance bar will be opened also. lttu'd Mail Delivery will be in full swing iu J.iowiek 'ere the snow flies. Jas. Bowman, Al. P„ Reeve Winter and tot inspector met iii Gorrie rind laid out the routes for the entire township, Parties will be around to sell the mail boxes et 33,00 each and mail-earrfels will be wise tisod for and appointed later. 1•lowiek will be served from the following post of- fices :-Clifford, Fel(1wich, Gorrieaand Wroxeter. Fa1•nlers who have had the Mail Delve), wnnld rattle have it than the 'phone For eight months in the year the knout will be delivered daily in the ai'ternoorl and l'or four 1(1011,18in the morning. .� Almost Dead Of Bronchitis Icoiv people have suffered more than3na. P. Taylor of Dyment, P. 0., Out. Today he is well and writes,-“Ia oust tell you how much Catachazone has been to me. I was so bad with bronchitis sometimes I thought it would sane be over with lee. A h spell of c okfn would came me that left e prostrater of d and weak. Since using Catarrhozane 1 have had no trouble at all. It strengthened my throat, stopped the cough, gave me free brealhiu g and entirely cured." Just the usual experience. Oatarrhoznoeinvariably cures wheth- er Bronchitis, Asthma or Catarrh. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00 at all dealers. Listowel Miss Mabel Ramp left last week for Toronto, ionto there v she isattending h the denser tiro • v tyof Music. E. A. Roos and J. S. Bricker left for Toronto to resume their studies at the Toronto Dental College. Miss Agnes Shearer underwent an operation on Monday of last week Pfor Y appendicitis atth a come of her sister, Mrs. J. Dick i , atilt street 0, Irwin was in Brantford last week in connection with his appoint - Ment as 0. 0. F. organizer for this district. He commences his duties October first, First Hough Cup football match of the Fall series will be played in the rink park, Listowel, on Saturday afternoon, October 6th, between the Seaforth and Listowel teams. H. B. Morphy, S. 0., M. P. and J. H. Gunther attended the banquet given by the Toronto Board of Trade in honor of the Right Ilan. R. L. Borden, Premier of Canada, in the 019eira., Tuesday. The painting gang of the Grand Trunk with a complete outfit consist- ing 00 three cars -diner, sleeper and tool car, ,vere in town two days last week and painted one bridge on the Stratford line and .one on the Sin. sardine branch. On Tuesday of last week the pupils of the Listowel Public School held their annual Sell 001 Fair, when flowers and vegetables grown by the pupils were exhibited. The numer- ous entries were neatly arranged on tables in the upstair hall and pre- sented a most pleasing appearance. Seeds are procured for the children in the Spring from the Ontario Agri- cultural Oollege and each child must do his or her own gardening. The letter boxes, 31 -in number, which have been secured from the Post Office Department through the efforts of H. B. Murphy, K. O., M. P., have been placed throughout the town. Two collections willbe made daily except Sundays, one at 6 a. m. And one at 2 p. m., one collection will be made on Sunday if required. Ser- vice commenced on October let. W..T. Kennedy will collect the mail. Here is a woman who speaks from personal knowledge and Long ex- perience, viz., Mrs. P. H. Brogan, of Wilson, Pa., who says, "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far superior to any other. For croup there is nothing that excels it." For sale by all dealers. Blyth Blyth Lodge I. O. O. F. received a handsome new set of regalia. Jas. Barr, of Gowganda, is renew- ing old acquaintances in town. T. (Mutter's horse won second money at the Seatorth Fall Fair, A.. B. Carr made his last shipment of plums making about 800 baskets this season. Dr. and Mrs. Sloan arrived home from Porcupine owing to the serious iliness of the fornter's mother. The doctor is manager of the Ray Gold Miele. Mrs. J. G. Moser, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. F, Care, for some weeks, left on a visit to her daughter at Mitchell before return- ing to her home at Waterloo. Alex. McGowan, 2nd con. of East Wawanosh, has finished threshing. He reports the grain generally, as good. On weighing a hug of oats as they came ft our the machine, it tipped the settles at 118 lbe. which is an ex- eeptioltally good weight. 101r. 141c - Gowan lead over 800 bushels of this class of oats. INDVOTION.-The induction of Rev. Me. Turner, 13. A., formefly of Norval, into the Presbyterian Church hove took place :Thursday afternoon of last week in the church. There was a large crowd in attendance to enjoy the ceremony, This is only the second indumiio n here in 43 years. Rev. Mr, °eerie, of Kippan, modem,. (or of the Presbytery, oeoupied the chair. 'Phe first speaker was Rev, 1011. Wood, of Brucefield. The rood. avatar gave an invitation to any visiting clergymen to come to the front. Ile then eangratulated'the Honer eg a g rich on their choice of a minister. Rev, Mr. Pearcy, of Londesboro who has acted as interim moderator during the vacancy gave f history of the. workings of the clhnreh since the chnralt wait gleclared vftcant, Rev. Mr, Small accepted the 6811 to Iieepeler on May 24, and Rev. Mr. rlitrnner was hitroduced to the con- gregation, The (potions were Limo ed Pres ant 40 Rev. Air. Turnor by Rev, Ail'. Grant, 11e answered them all favorably, The ministers of the Presbytery then welcomed Mr, Trump to the Presbytery, Rev. Me. Grant, of 1 Olhntot addressed , Heard Idle minister Rev, Mr. Peitrey addressed the people, , R. homers anti A.. Elder 3ntro(luee(1 the congregation to their new minis- ter as they passed ass 1 0 et nt n Is 'n y f t1 church ! 11x1 aft e' lilcl all l r wer1Gn C the school room where the ladies haft prepared a, splendid supper, Overtaken By Nausea You don't know whether it's going. to stay down of come up. You feel like thirty cents and look even worse. If one thing is quicker than another, it's "Morellrne." Ten drops in sweet- ened water gives relief instantly. Almost like magic is the change you experienee. The cause of the nausea is removed, every symptom of vomiting and indigestion is Gored within ten minutes. When Net•viline is so trusty and economical, a bottle at home wouldn`t be amiss. Large ones for a quartile at all dealers, Atwood Miss Irene Johnston left to take a BusinessCollege Course in Detroit. reit. M1'13. Lemuel Peitota and Mrs. Fred. Switzer were visiting friends in Port Huron. 1). and Mrs. Hodge were in Mitchell attending the funeral of Florence Al- berta, daughter of Aurian and Eliza- beth Hodge. aged 11 years. At the Western Fair, London, Dickson Bros. received two firsts and sweepstakes and inn. Hellen tyhe Wan awarded two thirds, this is exception- ally good on four horses, John Cow- an, of Donegal, was awarded 3 firsts, 8 seconds and 3 thirds on his Berkshire hogs. In cheese awarcls at the Weston Fait•, the following front this locality received sizes : Wn. Morse, Trow- bridge, one third ; B. F. Howes, At- wood, 1 fleet and 2 seconds ; O. Klock - man, Atwood, a third ; George Ern- pey, Newry, a fourth. Dairy instruc- tors, to prizes for most m outswon n . P a 1 their t groups, respective ecu a, R..A.. p. Thom - P Thomp- son, Atwood, second. lu the butter- making uttermaking contests, Miss N. Simp- son, won first in the amateur class and Mrs. Alex, Simpson, second in the sweepstake class. A very unfortunate accident occur- red on Sunday night of last week when 0. Rovland's horse, which in some manner became united in the. Methodist chinch shed, where he put it while attending the evening ser - 'i l o ve { ce the taima wandered n ra I road t0 the Blind Line, where it Nene eel and went ns fat' ars the railroad. track Where it becamefftstened in the cattle guard and as the 41ig11t WRe a tial, Pe' dark and {{,e 0178 Owner w(t 1Y t acrd k able to trace it. A specialtrain going. South e1411 Monday morning g ran into the anima killing it and dentolisll- ing the buggy and farness. This ftr'ta heavy the In Mr, o nd as t . loss M, R tv18 boggy was; }weet10411y nevi' and the , horse was a Cair priced one. .At the Listowel Pait' Elute, township was not only represented with a large IIUMbee of people, boot also with edit, bits and caviled off many of the, prizes,--Ilt the horse ring most oft e prizes came this way when .1 as. Nichol W. S. Shearer, A. Stevenson, Angus Dickson, Geo. Ooghlin, Jno. Coghlin. M. R. A. Thompson, Jas. Boyd, .i. Ovens, Jno. Cowan, Nesbitt Hamil- ton, Jno. Ballantyne, Dickson Bros., and Robb Bros., taking seven prizes 111 Agricultural and Heavy draft classes. In sheep Thos. Newbtgging and A. Stevenson were two large exhibitor's, while Jno. Cowan received "many prizes for his 13ei'kehiz'e hogs. ®,,,.A„„),DG�iu7^Sl'ei'%1tvjiyAv6yAVdv S`.+�+'-O Winter Term at I n r The i. Business S n LI L 1 College commences 5101140,. November 25(1. 11 Write i portico. - lore for free catalogue and g P lore to EDWIN Q. MATTHEWS, Prin. 00 '-`i(.ctra�Qba`6R(a`V,ct�at S +a�Oat+S4�a'�4,� .w. i w? A. RAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fit:tinge, tings, sueli as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &c. Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a cal]. Aa HAYMANN, Cranbronk New Perfection �lmau111Y+m1u�9u11i 11 1111111 Oil Cook Stove Points Of Advantage With this Woman's Favorite are: It uses all the heat. It cooks evenly. It doesn't smoke. It will bake, boil, toast or roast. It is made with 1, 2 or 3 burners. Get rid of heat and save fuel by investing in a. PER- FECTION. It means a cool kitchen and coal oil is the cheapest cooking fuel you can use. We will be pleased to show you the stove and explain its easy working by a call at our store. I WILTON &GILLESPIE PAY WHEN OURED r'ssn K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS Cured he the New Method Treatment l001 NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT .41 (NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of young and mtddlemged mon are annually swept to a prmtate%) grave through Early Inditoretiona, Exconea and Blood Mimeses. 11 you have any of the fol. lowing symptoms consult mi before it is too late. Are you nervous and weak, despon- dent and gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark circles underdiem, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, droning and losses, sediment in urine. pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor nfetltor3', lifeless, distrustful lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, ehangeoble moods, weak manhood, pre0Lsture doeay, bone pains, hair. loose, sore throat, oto. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our New Method Treatment can care you and make amen of you. Tinder 400 With, once the brain becomes active, the blood unrifled, so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear, the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and des - pendency vanish, the eyy0 becomes bright the face full and clear, energy returns to the body end the moral, physical and sexual systeme aro invigorated; all 080)00 cease -00.. more vital waste from the System. Don't let quacks and fsklrS rob you 81 your hard earned donors. We will cure yea or no pay., READER: No matter PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL terwho bits treated you, write for anhonest opilllon Free of Charge. Book* Free -"The Golden Monitor" (Illustrated) on Secret Ohioan. of Mon. (ZU11S'1'ioN LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST H, f� fj��a Is CE S.IK YAK EN ED1P' Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. IC E !M All Totters front Canadaistbeaddl'essed �1(...t.,. to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- t° merit in . Windsor, Oat: If yet desire 1.0 see us personally call at our Medical Instituto in Detroit as Nye see and treat 110 patients inn our Windsor ()Moog which are for Correspondence. and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters its 30130578: DRS. KENNEDY & (KENNEDY. Windsor. Ont.