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The Brussels Post, 1912-10-3, Page 4
)It>"ttsseis post TFIUR;DAY, U.:l'OHI;R 3, tete LivE3,Y Local Option calnpafg1s are on the program' in many places for the corning Menielpal Election. BRusseLs hair Ilio sd. y anti Friday LAYC yi1'/ta ', '1'nerai observance of Rally Day in thousands of Sabbath Schools in Candi! ,a„u?d give an inl- petus te a F•'rward a lnpaign in this most important deprucmerit of eeerch effort.. All honor i, die to :he woman- hood of this land for the p1 emblem and successful Aster they have o.w.11m taken t in such enterprises butwe would like to see steel an activity among the man- ! hotel 0t Canada in ;he same goal) wet it AS Would inlp e;s the „r'.1' sig child- "! hood 11.1111 the i- . lep • rat 41000ssity of ai tray lug r..cl.l'c; ye, 141111 the force;`, that IL', so large a 1,'`10e in nlou'tlfng and fashioning the citlzeush'p of this corinlry. No doubt the late Queen V.etoria Was right when she said "The 11.b".e ods the secret at England's gretitne,d' and it: the land of the Maple there is a greater need then ever to hold in the ranks of the Sunday School and the church the boys and men who will think and act for the betterment of this fair country, "Ex ample is better titan precept" is as trite as the Gospel and a good way for fathers and elder brothers to make plain paths for those of tender years is to Do as well as say the right. The Sabbath School army has need of many manly recruits and would welcome all who desired to lend a hand to a most worthy cense. , GRNRRAL 13ROOx's life and death will b.• kept 1)1 mind de t ,: ,R7>.,: yanCe of 1 the eeuteuary'.f hi.. (Wee:me. 11 OR will be October oil) rel :1?febt•alt0us and ,be r ? he i lid to perpetuate tic women. of the ,110 soddu•r who preserved the iui4':'(ty ref Ctlnada' n'th' ugh he p i•r1 the penalty by losing it s 1710 a' t)u:rm.:t:,tl Heights. of this week. Give It your hearty sup- port and keep a worthy institution growing, Suits of money are being pledged and forwarded from Canada to Ireland to assist in fighting. Home Rule in the Emerald Isle. Gee really for wirier in good time and thereby get a start on Jack Frost. It's poor management to leave Inany out door job: standing until the snow is fie- ing. TIIa Pos'r extends congratulations to Hon. J. P. Whitney, Ontario's Premier, over the fact of attaining hi; 69th birth- day Wednesday of this week. He is a vigorous man and shows few marks of entering on his three score and ten. $$$0,031 was the revenue for the Province last year from licenses issued to automobile owners and chauffeurs. It was only $5,523 for 1908, which gives a fair idea of the increase of the "Go devil" buggies as the Chinese named them. THE 8th annual meeting of the General Reform Association for Ontario will be held in Toronto on Tuesday next, 8th inst., at to a. m. Hon, Mc- Kenzie King, the President, will open the meeting. F. G. Inwood is the General Secretary. Now is about the season when the careless huntsman goes forth on his an- nual toter and a week or so later we read "Mistaken for a deer and fatally wound- ed." 1t would be better to have to re- turn home minus the lawful number of forest rangers than that a bullet should be the cause of slaying a fellow being. ON account of the anticipated crowd at the Laurier demonstration in Mt. Forest next Monday it has been arrang- ed to hold an afternoon meeting at 2 3o o'clock, as well as the evening gather- ing previously announced. Sir Wilfrid will speak at both meetings. Single fare on all railroads, good to return on Tuesday. WITH the development of Rural mail and the rapid growth of the Rural telephone the farming community is (,r will be) in clover in the way of modern conveniences and comforts. In the next few years many autos will be found in possession of the tillers of the soil and distances from town be 1 obliterated as far as travel is concerned. There is no doubt about the world mov- ing. ONE of the live institutions of today -the W. C. T. U.- will convene i1( Provincial Convention at Renfrew on October 58th to Nov, est. Sometimes people try to make a joke of the work of this body but hack of it all is the home which is, or should be, the bulwark of the Nation. The ideals of W. C. T. U. are high, noble and up - selfish. BYE election in the constituency of Macdonald, Manitoba, is slated for October 12th. The necessity of it arises from the fact that W. D. Staples, 'M. P., was appointed on the Grain Commission, The Liberal candidate is R. L. Richardson, Editor of the Win- nipeg Tribune, who is putting the question of enlarged markets as one of the planks of his platform. Mac- donald adjoins Winnipeg. A hot time is predicted. EDMONTON is setting the pace for several forward movements, one of which 15 the appointment on the police ' force of Kiss Annie M. Jackson, whose chief duty will be to look after women '° -2nd. girls. There is a field for suchan officer /rid the good to be done will be watched with interest, We think a wise official cat do a work of protection, renovation, and obstruction that will prove beneficial, There are other places beside Edmonton where there is room for similar appointments and where they are really required. JUST so soon as the Boy Scout move - spent is transformed into a military organization, as appears to be the trend, just so soon will its usefulness be gone, It may be considered a feather in the cap of militia authorities to emphasize lnilitaryism and be elated over the cheers of those who are caught by the trooping of Men and hays but it: is a mistake just the same and is a brake oh the wheel of the chariot of progressive- ness instead of aiding in its promotion. Canticle has no treed, nor even a strongly expressed desire, for military increase and it should be the business of some level headed man to captain a strong and emphatic opposition: BLAMING THE TOWN "This surely is a one horse town," the shiftless mao asserts, then takes his speedy gripsack down, and packs his socks andshirtsacid to some other vil- lage goes to seek the shining plunk ; there accumulates new woes and says the burg is punk. In every town, how ever slick, you'll hear the failures say : "This wretched hamlet snakes us sick, we'll chase ourselves away. The poor man has no chances here, he finds no open door ; the whole corrupted atmos- phere makes head and bosom sore." From town to town the failures drift and find each one the worst, until at last the peelers lift them to the jug feet first. All towns are good if }ou will work and try to reach the top. All Lowes are fierce if. you're a shirk, whose mission is to yawp. Select a man whose heart is bold, whose courage never slumped, and he will gather fanie and gold, no matter where he's dumped. Though planted in the virgin woods, or on an island bare, vou'll see him coming with the goods and both feet in the air. And when you hear a pilgrim wail and blame things on his town, you may be sure that he would fall where'er he set- tled down. EAST HURON TEACHERS' CONVENTiO The teachers of East Huron In- spectorate will meet in Convention in Wiogham, on Thursday and Friday, October 17, and x8, in the Town Hall, On Thursday evening, there will be a grand Concert. The following is the program for the two days :- THURSDAY FORENOON Opening Exercises, Reading Minutes. Appointing Committees. A. Posliff-"School Sports." Miss Blyth -"Art." Mr, Scott -Subject to be chosen, THURSDAY AFTERNOON S. Pickles -"Manual 'training," lvifss 13, H. Reynolds- "Chorus" (Class of Girls,) G. R. Smith- "Methods in Arith- metic."" E. E. -Logan. Teacher of Writing, Peterborough Normal School - "Penmanship," Address A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P, Mr. Holman -"My Ideal School, THURSDAY RVANING A concert by Miss B. May Rance, as- • sisted by C. J. Pink, leader of Lon- don quartette. FRIDAY FORRNtiON Election of Officers. Financial Statement, Miss B. May Rance -"Golden Silence and Silver Speech," H. A. Percy -"Nature Study," Song -Miss McKenzie. S. Pickles -"Manual Training." - FRIDAY AFTERNOON President's Address. Dr, J M. Ffeld-"Odds and Ends." It is hoped that all the teachers of East Huron will remember their duty regard- ing regular attendance. President, G. W. Holman ; 1st Vice- Pres., 1, T. Curtis ; 2nd Vice Pres„ Miss B. R. Hull ; Secretary, J, :stalker; pro tem, Executive Committee Messrs. Scott, Stalker, Higgins and Misses Brock and Thompson. Canadian News Six members of the family of W. A, Langford, of 446 Hamilton road, Lon- don, are now in Victoria Hospital suf- fering from diphtheria, all having been removed to that iu1tithtion within a few days, They are Charles, Dorothy, Cecil, Demes, Alex. and Bessie, the eldest being x6 years of age. • When you have s. bac'( co1c1 you want the hest medicine obtainable so as to 4117re it With as little delay as possible. Her is a druggist's opini- on':-- i1I have sold Chamber'lain's Ocngh Remedy for fifteen years," Says Enos Lollar of Saratoga, Intl„ nand consider it, the !lest on., 1,11e tmarket. '4 1''or stele by all dealers, Wingham loss Al, Imlay, one of the hospital N11511', is 01 the welt list, \\'111)(+y 21_Il11ely, 1dd 4'1NI• dint front Port George, f, twee, Alio nod Airs, Himont, \vim 1)11.1 ben„t visiting It 1>11111ft, htty4-114111111- 1,1, \irs, (l'l'.) =#gnew, who 11115 been 111 the hospital, 11:1-, gone 1p her brittle ag11111. 51re, H. 1)1'/,ell, elm has been eery ill at her home, has Moen taken tD the General hospital. The pupils of the vat ions schools and he Boy Semite 141111 riled 11( 111e 1•'•lir gr minds Headed l,}” the (,ltlz, 1,1,' Band. \G's. Elder i, iutpruyiug although it is likely le be Srt'elal wrihe 1114110 she 11.4 :t1,10 1(1 l('11vo the 11110.1111111, \\'. 1". ValIS1.„11e & Seo ttispuhe'd of (heir farm adj 1!!41,9 the 1„01'11 10 Prvutl:,l. Ilial. .\1t'.' 11111 has seyrn'ed a good property and will gel posses- sion on the 1.4 .d O,•tohrr, .\w mg Ow tsilul:e ail Ihw IV'hightail Fair were J, Plat 1t, of (1111 11ran1, Alberta, who is 1 h t 4„est 1r ids) t •. 1' , SVillg1)1111!, alai the town's HIM. 1 u,'- cumilU)tat. 110 tyh'rtttell the Ilial tannery bete in 18113. Ile is now 811 years old. \l i.. Mit tlieus, super' 111eudwut eI' I \\ 11 ghttul Hnspitnl. has ielin'urd 1'114111 her trip 11( Europe, whirls site aljuyld very 11111011, Mss Imlay 111,- chalgwd the duties of 1111 j(4't 111114111114111 wfilrientiy during 'Miss Mathews' 11.11- setlre. The (!01111'aa1 of patting the new sewer on 1"l'IUIces street Crew Patrick to Alfe'ed streets, and on Alfred street from Feauees to Shntex' street has been awarded to V. R. VanNormao and Wm, (!nest, The eenttactoi's will ctnnmeuce the work at once. Danger In Corn Salves They usually contain acids and burn 11)0 flesh. The one safe care in liquid form is Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, which is purely vegetable, causes no patio and mires in one day. Don't forget 1110 nane- "Putnaul's.” Goderich Collegiate Institute sports will be held on Oct. llth. The stonework for. the new front. of the Ui1)on Balk is erected 111,(1 every- thing is in readiness far the placing of the glass windows. The Blackstone Orchestra was at; Milverton 011Monday evening, furni- shing Lhe music for the silver wedding of 1\1r, and 53311, Zimmerman. Miss Letitia 11. Davin, of Dungan- non, has been appointed as junior teacher on the Goderich collegiate Institute staff at a salary of $S00. Lt. 001. Wm. Young arrived from Cochrane and is visiting his brother, Alex. Young. The Colonel has been in poor health of late and cane Smith to recuperate. Michael Kennedy is in jail on chargee of assaulting his wife and failing to support his family. Ml's. Kennedy and their two young child- ren -a girl and a boy -also are at the jail in want of a better home.' Ap- plieatioahas been ulacle to have the children made wards of the Children's Aid Sooiety. The Directors of Goderich Industri- al Exhibition are enjoying an echo from the Midway i1( the shape of a snit for breach of contract entered by one of the "Palmists” and fol tune tellers whom they invited to come to the Fail Fair. Unless previously set- tled, it will conte up at the October sitting of the Division Court. P'.1. Lawrence received a cheque from the Militia Department for $100 in acknowledgment of his' services in the Fenian Raid of 1300. Frank was a member of the Paris Rifles and on ac- tive stive duty three weelcs, that place be- ing a central dispatching point for troops East and West. Crown At- torney Seeger is the Duly other vete'- an we have heatd from in Goderich its yet who has received his grant. At the 3511) animal meeting of the West Huron Teachers' Association held in the local collegiate, Thursday of last week, the following office's were elected :-President, Miss A. E. OousiLt, Hensall , Vice -President, Miss M. A. Bailey, Dungannon 1 Secretary - Treasurer., W. H. Johnston, Iiippen ; Conucillors, bliss Sharman and Miss Minnes Goderich : W. H. Graham, Crediton ; Mr. Ryall, Beyond/de ; H. 13.. Long and Ilispector A. M. Robert- son, of Goderich and W. 13. Weiden- hantner, Exeter', Short lectures were given of physical culture and. military drill by Win, McKay, Of Hen sail and C. J. McGregor, of Laurier, 13, R. Long spoke 0U Arithmetic 1'm' senior third classes Mrs, Itelen May- berry, of the Stratford Normal School also gave a very interesting talk on French ouch anddrawing from models. Short papers were even b Sliss Murray, ofExeterJ P, Home, B. A„ (nleltch, and Min Helen May- berry. The Oonvention elosecl tit noon, everyone voting it the best and mostdn1tructiv0 yeb held. i. \V, Copeland, or. Dayton, Ohio, piu•ch:mod a bottle of Ohantberlaiu's Cough (Remedy for his boy who had a cold, and before the bottle wns itll used the boy's cold wn8 gone. Is that. not better then to pay a five dollar doctor's hill 1 For sale by all dealers, Perth County Iii1,ktot. Fair Friday of this week. A St. Marys man' round a radish in his garden ineasnt•ing 1012 inches 111 cf r'enmfereuce. Stratford Methodist d181110r, executive bats arranged for a district missionary campaign to be held on Sunday, Nov, 24, Dec. 1 and 8. Dtngey Bros., of Bornholm, have purchased a fine new up-to-date two - seated. Ford automobile. They have disposed of their other car. The contractors have torn ant the front of the old Sharp bookstore, St. Marys, the building being overhauled Cor :1, M. Adam, the pnrchaser 1 for his hardware department. Aliehael Davey, of the Gore of Downie, has sold his 50 acre tat r1 to the Stratford Slave Works for $3200. Mr, Davey expects to ifern005 to Ht. Marys shortly. THE T,II'LL G3A07:::3 Three Well Known Jolly Clintonians Jno. Ransford, President Board of Trade, the centre figure, flanked by Councillors "Toni” and Fred. Jackson. •+•+•4.0+•'1'•4'♦4.9 :•04.0+4'.1•♦4•4'4'i-e+0+•'l••+•+9 1-•4••4•• •,.4.4.44 4r -• s 4• ••F • • • 4• • •0 4• s •O 4. Our Styles are the Latest. • Our Work Guaranteed to Please. • Our Prices within reach of all. • this Fall. •i' • • O 4• • ••1.4',•4•A^ e-re+e"464-eq.o,+•O�`-©.;•c�•r• •+.4"•hoee' ei0 •4•••1••4••+••1••4'•+• UR MILLINERY OPENING was a decid- ed success and we wish to return our best thanks to the Ladies I'or their visits and or- ders. We invite those who did not call to do so. • • •i• • k ♦ • • 4• • •• 4• • • • • 4, 4• • • 4• If you have not patronized us give us a trial order •s ® +�' cc i 6 n. `i. o J s • 4• Richards Block, Brussels. THE HARTT 1111OT .tL S1 10E CO. I IIEU1111' QN. oat; 11111 I l.it Sold only by Tailor and Cents' Furnisher, Brussels 105T VITALITY Caused by Kidney, Stomach and Bowel Disorders St. John, N. 13„ September 18111, 1011' -My brother 41)14 41 great sufferer f1 nm l<Alu+} xl tnlutcll 1111(1 1301011 trnuhles 111 d wns gI01 11 up by ttvo elu•4u1,, 11'' 11'1, lidVi:f111 W 1 r yuu1' Pig P111., ninon he did, 1111(1 alter inning live 11 xes tv(8 n0u1ple11ly 1'Oelnl(11 In health and is I atter 111. tidy U1/61 111' 11,1. 1.1,11 for yelp s, l'nu clvt'L eye in need hag 4'1110 tee 1)113111y, ,I W .\IANviias Al ell dr,J,•r S:.i eiel 50 vents 111' 11 i • 1''1e; 1' 11l'. S1, 'l9 unitta, Ont. S dd nn43 '''o'nnnruded ill lirnssa), by J. F.x, 11111 gr 1. 't'. nn, dl. s,•r,11, ''1 (ilingutvlul, bets b 11(1111(1 w vvlt u•i111 intht• 11/1114011(4 the longue but i, 1111W 11110 Ir b„• 141„416 ,1)raln. S, 11 11 8,"11, I x ll . 1' , St a1 Red's g)•and old hien, eolith riled his 813111 11i,•4 1111113' 110 \5 vdnvsda of !USE Week, 1110 Mel 11011 int 8111100}' 5011001 1ut- 11'11yeleery, ,\l itr•hwl1, trill I. livid on Sunday and .N unday, Gel. 13 and 14. Rev. A. J. 'Phomas, 13. A "E Fforesl, will preach anniversary 001110111e o1( the 8011}'. P1111414311Gor,il"•r p1l1'eh14114 111(1 111)11)' 1r Int Soul II nl' 1110 111,1 55'111 1110(4 n, Jlitbhell, 1'01' (4111011 he paid $475. He has since donated it to the German congregation on which a ellilr411 will be built as 50011 as 1110 Mein hers feel they are able to go o11 with the work. Almost every fancily of the St. Marys Methodist ,,hush Inas repre- sented at 111e social held in the school room last Thursday evening in honor of Rev, and 1511.8, P, E, Malott, where to the aocolnpanimeub of 1)11aic and feasting they were present- ed with at handsome silver service or four pieces on (1. heavy plate tray. The ptesentatiou was made by Jerry White, while A. H. Lost road an ad- dress on behalf of tits trustee Board and Ladies' Aid. Kidneys Wrong?—' If they are you are In danger. When through weakness or disease the kidneys fail to filter the impurities from the blood, troublecomes at once. Backache, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, Gall Stones and the deadly Bright's Disease are some of the results of neglected Iddneys. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills contain a most effective diuretic which strengthens and stimulates the kidneys so that they do their work thoroughly and welL Try Dr. Morse's 4y Indian Root Pills ST. THOMAS. ONT. Unsurpassed for residential education. The "Ideal College -Home” in which to secure a training for your life's work. Thorough courses in Music, Pointing, Oratory, High School, Business College and Domestic Science. Large campus, inspiring environ- ment. Resident nurse insures health of students. Rates moderato. Every girl needs an ALMA training. Handsome pro- spectus sent on application to Principal. 42 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOOK.IM• Frame/ma AND li0U8a11oL0 FUIINITUItn, -.Thomas Grandry has received iwtructlons from the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 27, Uonceseion 18. SloKillo on Thurs- day, Oct. lath, at 1 o'clock slutrp, the following property: -1 heavy draught mare 0 y wire old, 1 agrleultural horse 0 years old, 1 heavy draught brood mare supposed to be in foul, 1 heavy drought filly 2 years old, 1 heavy draught filly 1 year old old, 1 thoro' loud Durheut wow with pedigree' due to calve in Meruh, 1 coweligible for registration due to u)llve in Mach, 1 heifer 2 years old eligible for registration due to calve in March, 8 cows due to calve in March,1 cow due to valve in De. 001011er,.1 heifer oe to calve In December, 2 0088 due to calve in April, 8 steers 2 years old, 4 :Beers one year old, 2 -heifers, 1 year old, 1 heifer 2 years old, 1 heifer calf eligible for registration, 8 calves, 18 pigs 0 weeks old, 2 brood sous, D walking plows In141 new, 1 heavy two furrow gang plow new, 1 light two furrow gang plaw, 1 Frost & Wood otltivetor new, 1 set of Iron harrows, 1 disc harrow, 1 N0203( seed drill, I land roller, 1 turnip sower new, 1 scoffer with moldboards, 1 Frost ,S Wood mower, 1 Frost & Wood sulky rake, 1 %assay- Berrin hay loader, 1 hay rank, 1 grain Cradle. 1 MoOormiok binder 8 ft, out new, 2 pea har- vesters, 1 three goerter wagon good as new,1 truck waggon,. 2 stook racks, 1 pigorate, I wag- on box with poring sent, 2 top buggies, 2lat- ning mills, 1 set bobsleighs, I. root pulpal•, 1 four horse power and cutting box, 1 gravel, box, pintfo'm Reales 2000 lbs., 1 heavy brass mounted term lin:mess new, 2 sets plow har- ness, 1 set single lmrneRs, 1. Do Laval cream separator No. 12 new, 1 101114 box and 0 cream- ery cans, 1 Daisy allure No 8, 1 post 11010 acre or, 2 the eooupe, 2 ditching spades. 2 crowbars, 1 elokle, number of Rep pails tied spites, l cross - ant sow, 20(1 cedes' posts, n quantity of hemlock lumbers quantity of elm lumber, two seta of vhifile rets' two peak yok ae 80 1114,01 e d whiffiatrees8 units-modnsclyokep, 1 three bnnhel abaft basket. 00 rows mengoidp 85 rod long, 80 rows turnlea 86 rod tong, 1 sore of corn in stook, 100 bushel Banner seed gate, forks. chains, hoes end 0(hoe artialen too num- erous to mention. 1 wood cook stove with reservoir, 1 parlor Bents,, 1 extension table, 34 dozen kitchen ohm airp, I sechair, The wlio e 11111positively be Reid ns the proprieto' has sold hid farm. Terms: -All sums of $6 end under eaph, over that amount 12 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent off for Cash on credit amounts. J. ,T. POLLARD, Proprietor, Time. GONDRY, Auctioneer. Notice to Creditors In. the matter of the estate of Angus Shaw, late of tie'rownship of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Notioeii hereby given, pursuant to Seq. 56, Chap. 28, of the Statutes of Ontario I George V,, that all o'edBore and othere having claims against the estate of the said Angus Shaw, Who died on or about the 17th any of Septum- tor,A.D. 1012, at the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, are required on or before the let tiny or November, A, D,1012 to need by post prepaid 0r deliver to the undersigned Executors, Brussels P. 0., their Ohrlotil a and surnames, eddreosee and der,el'iptlptla and a statement of theireoeounts against the said estate and also the nature of. the 000urity (if unyl held byy them, And ±00(581' take notloo that after such dast. mentioned date the Executors will proceed t0 dtetriBute the meta of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having rotund only to the elnlm( of Which they shall then have got notice, end that the Raid Executors Will hot he liable for the meld 'insets or nuy part thereof to nay person orpersono of wheite elaime notice shall not have bees ',00hed by them et the time of Duch di1trlbation, Doted this 211511 day of September, 1012, Maitland Bank Short Horns for Sale sevep'$sOndl Short Born Bulls 11 to20mon Ilei old, rode rind rouse ' big, 814100111 :0110 alylnh 1 olmtue81, brv'i dols -dam ,boll 1100, lsndn, 4hn'r ftentmmin and (weti(bull sbeean, Nunn 11011,', for 1111111(114(111 0.'l. W111 he sold at say 1'sa041)l. able 01101' 1111. on easy I .11)10, DA 011) MILNE, Ethel, The People's Column E Ult SAI,18 tilt TO 1131'-A good volute, 1- abledwelling x11,1 two loth In lirlleseln.. Terms enxy. A pply to lr, S. Boos% A outlet,- eer, Bre:mete, or to B. S. Coo x, Pal del11(4." 11.11114 ISA apt roil IALIt,-'i he rind evillest tl ufft'La • htx well located 1(u in or 56110.(0 for sal... All ander ur0p f, hero et a line el lvft hours, largeborn and 4turehuuho 011 1110 01uwhv•. t'„ 1(laeljJos 1br4',111 "01lirue001a. Yoas,,- ,auno,114111,.1115,-1this t'ull. rm. I ars ther poi• dwuleus•lppy 1(u 4111 pl•ellilres of wicket.). 13,1. - 'el• post Mina. ,.0111' UltA11311l&Lt, elf 1't'opltetul. H 1101144 Alto 1.11.1 for nate 0r to rent. -As 1 perpe-0 1 a ring llrnssele shortly 1 y ei mxe Il,04 101 011 7 tu•111,1 1 1y111 01, 4400 b, 0) wlrwl', ,t 100 Nair of to twat, P'o,barbioil 51111 1 it wet April 1. t. ,pply (11 pure 111 .1. w, REhNEY, 1. hone No, 80 Brussel,. A 11.,) 11'Ul1 11,11,E; - linOle or late inn. x 41.811100, I.ut"1, 1on. 0 11,01 ix t,wuxup, uuulafulnl; leo 00100,800i 4,, 01 win, h t, hose. Guist bank mire unci n. ver 15114„g spring close to barn, tined atur111nrm. Atu.t b1( Auld at once l'or !deme apply 01 office et VII t Yg01, Brussels. 84-4. ARM FOR SALE -Situate on 0011,1, Wel- l- !Hee Perth Co., Ilett of Leta 44 Red 45, con, Mining 110 acres, with good buildings, drilled well, 00 Hares cleared, Matinee mostly timber. Orchard of 26 tipple trees, 16plums, 20 cherry, 2,010 strawberry plants, WO raspberry bushes.. Free daily 111011 and telephone it wanted, (Jon. venfeut to churches and soh ools. 8 miler+ from Listowel on good road, For quick sale can be bought for 88,800 on easy terms, GRIL on or address FIIDNRY 30131780N, 0.4 15. R. No, 1, Listowel. fuCEDAR LAWN PARM” POR SALE.- The undersigned offers for sale hie flue 109110re Curie, being Nor Eh half Lot20, Oon. e, Morris township, Ninon.Uo, Pawn 18 fu a good state of cultivation, well fenced, and haw on it a lino brink house that cost 88,500. There are four 11100111 downstairs and kitchen and wood- shed; 2 bay windows in parlor and dining room ruspeotively, verandahs, 4 large bed- rooms upstairs with closets, halls and two sets of stairs, 8 large cellars and 0tone foundation, &e. Good lawnsurrounded by eedar hedge. Barn 12 x 00 feet, un atone foundation. Good orobar and 10 pores of hardwoodbuoh, Faun is only a mile from the splendid market town of BrnsseIs and is 13.E miles front sghodl. Good community. Possession at once. For further particulars, pries, terns, Sic., apply on the remises or to JOHN MOONEY, proprietor, 13ruseelo P. 0. FARM FOR BALE: Being South halves of Dote 64 told 85, Con, 1, Morris township, Huro1 Ce , 0011t1(111ing 150 acres. On the faint is a good frame house 22x1103¢ feet ; kitchen 18x22% ; wood shed 20x00 • bank berm 08x00 ' straw shod 80x40 ; lean-to 10x80. Stone wall with good stabling under barn. 2 never fall- ing yells and a good orchard. Only % mile to school end 1 mile to church and poet office. Price $4,000. Deed may be seen on application to the proprietor. WALTER L. BRSOKRN- RIDGE, Jamestown P. 0. 61-3m 1 on ACRES OF LAND for ante. 1% miles North of 8eltforth. Good May loam, ell cleared and under cultivation. Ronk barn, gement doors, large frame house, newly paint- ed ' good wells at barn and house • bulldinge and fences in excellent repair. An ideal home cheap, Apply (tiles) SUSIE GOVENLOOK, Seaforth, Ont. FARM FOR BALE. -The 100 sore faroms, be- ing the property of the late Peter DIcNeil, Lot 28, Con. 14, Grey, Is offered for stile by the underal ped. There are 86 acres oleare0, bal- ance well timbered. On the farm there is a good. bank shed and a wan. olarge eeartartn ytowell fenced. For further good ppl .7A8. A. MCNA1R or ,TAS. D. MoNAIR, 04x00- utore, Oranbrook P.O., or F. S. SCOTT, Brus- sels. 7-50 FARM FOR BALE, being South heir Lot 26, Con. 4, Morrie township, Huron Co., eon - Mining 100 aures more or leas. On the. prem. Ises is a frame house, bank barn good orchard, well, windmill, &o. A11 cleared except about an acre. School 1%m1100 distant, Only 2:C 1111108 from Brussels. 0 Berea of Fall wheat in and about 60 Korot seeded down. For price, terms and other information apply on the premises or if writing l3rnssolo P. 0. Phone 120. Or F. S. $rot t, T lloOOlp.• 111.10 A. L, KERR, Proprietor. ®C11112111111111111 HOME STUDY Therm/1u of alrbitloue young people are being instructed in their homes 11y our Houle Study Dept. You Holy fifth at College 11 7,111 desire. Pity. when- ever lguwisil. Thirty Years Raper. hope. 7 tiVRIO t t nillo•s in Gamda. Enter 1114vday PO111011.1 guaranteed. It you wish to save board 111(1 learn while yon earn, write for particulars. NO VACATION wingham Rosiness College GEO. SPOTTON, President RUPTURE Curd At your hone without pain, danger or operation. My method, will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter wholt your age is or how long- ruptured. Why wait until your rup- turebeeomes strangulated when you u can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill tocouPp on Time Rup Single of Double Name Address • and return to J. S. SMITH ' 88 Caledonia 8t, Dept: A Stratford, Ont. 11148 F, ' 8. JA\cN 1 t Exoout0to0 _ _ I . 8ori.TT, f 111.11.111111011101101111 1,