The Brussels Post, 1912-9-19, Page 5ROSINESS CARDS, H, MOORACKEN— Iloe at Grocery, Turnuerry street Brasted% K. O. T. M. Brhold their regular meetingsoinb the No, Room, Banker Moak, on the lst and Ord Tuesday evenings of enol month. 'Whitton always welcome, A, SOMElt8, Oom. A, MoGU1RE, It. E. WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee In the Putt OWce, Ethel. 00.4 JOHN SUTHERLAN D INSDa4N01, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. 1.41 S. 1S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • Eon, will sell for better prices, to better men, in leis timeand leeschargee than any ether Auotloueor In East Huron or bo won't charge anything, Dates and orders nen always be arranged at this oleoe or by personal applioatlon. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR— • Barrlemer, Bolloitor, Oonveyaaoer, Notary Public), &o. 011 tewarVs Stook i door Nor th of Central Hotel. Solioltor for the Metropolitan Bank. L OUDFOOT, HAYS & KILLORAN BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETU. W. PaooprooT,E. O. 11 0. Hare J. L, KILLOR&N Offices—Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, Devonian, ONTAmM. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL. TO LIVERPOOL. T. T. S. 8, "Victorian" and "Virginian" T. 8: 8. "Tunisian" and "Corsican" Settings every Friday MONTREAL. TO GLASGOW T. S. S. "Grampian" and "Hesperia's" T. S. B. "Scandinavian" and "Protorian" Sailings every Saturday T O HAVRE & LONDON Service of moderate priced one class cabin (Ili steamers. Settings every Sunday Full information as to rated, are., on applica- tion to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. rzz New Catalogue Pl oflouaHo, Spcohpoua—rand y ELLIOTT tvylbFrgeeeee�� eAvbvtsl0tzeeblly 9�1 l'ee n Y ;TORONTO, ONT. is now ready. It gives .Tull 'etonna- tion concerning courses, coat, pinning of students in positions, etc. Write �. for one today. Road It corefally and consider the advantages offered. Enter ' anytime, Dor. Young and 1 W..1. 'ELLIOTT, �; Alexander Ste. 1 Principal. w V� F^a i�`99� ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE Our tenehers are all experienced in.� etruotoro, Our courses are better than �! ever and the equipment is more coin- pplote. We do more for our graduates, than do other similar schools. Fourteen applications for trained g help were received during the peat week, oolne of these offering over 1700 per annum. We have tdhree-deport• meat e Commmoinl Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write for our free cata- logue end toe w a '. g h t we are doing. R - D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. ,',tarpeWv,.-y,(=,LXVO lCg5411171iiy�j <u1,i�u?'/ v � crei TRADE MARK REG. Sheathing Felt contains no oil' or tar. Is clean, Odorless, waterproof, germ and Vermin proof and practically indestructible. Makes -houses draft -proof, easy to heat, and comfortable in any weather. Come in and see it. 76 Solo Canadian Mase actat'N' THE STANDARD PAINT CO. el Canada. Malted. Montreal. P. Amens, Brussels Few, it any, inedleines, have met with then uniform sacoess that has attended the tise o£ Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, The remarkable cures of colic an diarrhoea which itas effected in almost every neigh bort hood have given it at wide reputation, For sale, by all dealers, •,., =.• ‘ .m yam..-_ d • C 1 Funeral Director and Embalmer Orders promptly and care- fully attended to night or 111 dray. Phone 228, ETHEL, ONT. INP H. LOVE Business Cards OR. T. T. M'RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy- sioaaus and Surgeons, Ont, ' Post- •raduate Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chicago, Ill. Ex -House Surgeon to Bt. Mich - eel's Hospital, Toronto. Office over F, R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele• phone connection with Crunbrook at all hours, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT, Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos• pitn's, Special attention todleease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses, DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla, Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal• urology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago, Ill., is prepared to test eyes and fit glasses at her office over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours 10 to 12 a, m. and 1 to 0 pp. m In Toronto, at 710 Spadina ave.. remaind- er of time. Phone 1219 Osta,iwi vmar Razz sear BRUSSELS Gallia SOUTH GOING NORTH Mail 7:07 a mExpress 10:65 n m Express 11:26 a n. l Mail 1:09 p m Express ......., 2:65 p m Express 8:62 p Prr,71J AtiPL+?„ir IPSCIFIC —•— WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express......... 7:42 a mExpress ...,.,,,,11:88 a m Express 2:57 p m I Express 8:51 p m WROXETER Going East - 7:95 a. m. and 9:55 p. m, Going West - 12:40 and 9:47 p. m. All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations, GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. .rat Sews Ctrs WATCH out for the Fall advertise- ments if looking for bargains. THE annual Convention of the East Huron Teachers' Association will be held in Wiugham on Thursday and Fri- day, October tech and 18th. Progratns will be issued in the near future. Mrs, A. Bruce has changed her mem- bership in W. M. S. from Brussels to Bluevale, - She has been on the roll for many years. Rev. Dr. Rutledge, of Wiugham, has accepted the invitation to become pastor of Wesley church, Clinton, for the next Conference term Colin McArthur is back from a trip across the briny. - We have no doubt some Scotch lassie is sadly singing "Will ye no' come back again 0" Rev. J, W. Hibbert, of Gorrie, has been invited to become pastor of Wing. ham Methodist church next year and has accepted subject to the Stationing Com- mittee. THE Pose and Weeklyb Globe for' 1• a tune of year for 4o cents. or both papers to January 1st, 1914, for' Si.75. Sub- scribe now and get sixteen months reading for price of twelve months. The implicit confidence that many people have in Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is founded on their experience in the use of that remedy and their know- ledge of the many remarkable cures of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery that it has effected. For sale by all deal- ers. Ir the new style of wearing side whiskers is to come into vogue in Brus- sels we would recommend that Postmas- ter Scott, 'I'o.vu Treasurer Strachan and Chairman of the School Board Ross set the pace by illustrating the best design. Jas. Ballantyne, Robert Downing and W. A. Grewar might render like service in another class, a prize being donated for the best and most artistic "crop." ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION.— W. Glen Armstrong, who has been the faithful and painstaking ng Secretary- Treasurer ecretar -Treasurer for several years in Melville church Sabbath School waspresented with a handsome Bible and Book of Praise combined, by the teachers of the Sabbath School' who gathered at the home of his father, Wm. Armstrong, on Friday evening, Aug. 3ot11. After an hour spent in music and social chat Mrs, (Dr,)FergusonM read the following o lowin i Address and Mise Lizzie z2ie Ito s r Ross presented the Bible :— GLEN W. ARMSTRONG, Dear Fallow Worker,—We, the teach- ers of Melville Church Sabbath School, have assembled here tonight on the eve of your departure, as you are about to eater on a larger field of training for your life's work. to spend a social hour with you in your home and to bid you good-bye and God -speed. In connection with your work in the S. S. as Librarian and 'Sec. Treasurer, you have always manifested a real interest, being most faithful in your attendance and painstak- ing in the discharge of every duty. In a day when the call of the outside world is loud, weaving its magic spell over many of the young and luring them away, you have not only taken your place a yottng man among men, but you have also heeded the can to do what you could in this very important department of church work. We are glad' to have had you associated with Main this work and sorry to see you go ; but we trust that you may always be guided along line's devious pathway by the Father's unawerying hand. M you enter more fully upon "the world's broad field of battle," may you war a good warfare and may the etrongth of your manhood'con- tinue more and more to be an influence in the betterment of humanity. As a slight token of our appreciation of your worth and helpfu1Re9a, we, allk;you to accept of this Bible and Book of Praise, May the precepts of the one over be your guide and may the melody of the other ever be the fragrance of your heart and life. We shall follow your career sympathetically and hopefully ; and when the call conies to "Go uD higher" may you receive the Master's "Well done," Signed on behalf of the teach- ers, A. C. WISIIART, Pastor and Superintendent. ' The recipient made a very trent and appropriate reply which was followed by complimentary remarks respecting Glen's faithfulness in the Sabbath School by Rev, Mr. Wishart. Lunch was served after which the company left for their respective homes regretting the removal of a very faithful worker but wishing him the best of success in 'Por - onto. An article that has real metit•shoulcl in time become popular. That such is the case with Charnbs.lain's Coitgh Remedy has been attested by many dealers. Here is one of them, 1!. W. Ileridriolcson, Ohio Falls, Ind., mites, "Cluunbit Hai n's Cough Remedy is the best for coughs, colds aid croup, and is niy best seller," For sale by all dealers. HE DID RIGHT..—The Huron Exposi- tor says :—A despatch from London says :—"Rev. Dr. McCrae, of West- minster, a Presbyterian clergyman very well known in this part of the country, to whom the nomination as Independent candidate in East Middlesex had been offered, has declined to accept the honor, Dr. McCrae explained that while he is interested in every matter of importance to the people his call to the ministry is of the first importance to him, and he cannot therefore give his time to other interests." The nomina- tion offered to Dr. McCrae was for the vacancy in the Ontario Legislature caused by the death of the late Mr. Sutherland. Dr, McCrae is a Huron Old Boy and a native of the township of Morris, near Brussels. While it is creditable to him that so many of his fellow citizens should desire to have hint as their representative in the Legislature it is even more creditable to him that he declined the proffered honor. He is en- gaged in a better and 1n00e important work and clergymen very rarely make successful politicians, Good Reasons For Its Success The majority of catarrh remedies are useless. But one that does cure is "Catarrhozone." It clears the head of all mucous discharge. Putrid matter in the nostrils, phlegm in the throat, and disease germs are com- pletely swept away. The cause of the disease is destroyed, it's results are destroyed, and the system so thoroughly cleansed of catarrhal poison that cure is permanent. All types of catau'rh, throat and bronchial trouble, colds and coughs are more certainly cured by Catarrhozohe than any thing else. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00 at all dealers. • Fordwich Miss Nora Cook left to resnine her. studies in Listowel High School. Wm. McLeod went to Regina where he has a position in one of the large elevators there. The Ladies .Aid of the Presbyterian church, Fordwich will serve supper in the basement of the church ou the evening of the Fair, October 5. The loose contributions on Sunday at Trinity church anniversary a- mounted to over $30.00 ; and Monday evening's receipts ran up to between $80.00 and 590,00. Atwood Miss Agnes s Ball Y ant u e left for SCI'lltf0l'd Hospital where she will train for a nurse. W. L. McAlane, of the bank, At- wood, has taken the position of teller in the Listowel office. Mrs. A. Simpson won a prize in the free-for-all class in the butter malting competition at Toronto Exhibition. We are sorry to announce the ill- ness of AI bre Pearl McKee who is con- fined to her led will, typhoid fever. J. S. Cowan, of Donegal, received 2 firsts, 1 second and 4 thirds on his Berkshire hogs at the National Ex - 91. G. Ballantyne shipped a carload of cattle from Ethel which he pur- chased from Kerr Bros., that averag- ed 1300 apiece, at $6.35 per cwt. Anniversary services of the Metho- dist church will be held Sunday and Monday Sept. 22nd and 23rd. lay. J. W. Baird B. A., of Mitchell, will con- duct theservices. Monday evening a file program will be r'enclered consist- ing of choice music by the choir, Ad- dresses' by the In cal clergymen and an illustrated lertllrP.V b the pastor on 1.o andro it F 1 16ng hen d.' ' A Thank - offering will be taken at all the services. DANGER PERIOD INS l ®_ I tills case, The others are by such 1 well-known acid popular sires as the highly successful premium home TAKE Btu on .Ruby (11268) 1 the noted prize / , horse Doyle! a u.ida ; ills premium O A ho•so Royal Abuuclance (1x332), and ��111'V 1 the good•breeding horse Baron o'Dee (11204). All these fillies are out of dams of approved merit, and they should make valuable brood mares, Mr. Bone deserves credit for the selection he has made on this first � visit to the old country. FROM 45 to 50' Interesting Experience of Two Women—Their Statements Worth Reading. White Oak, Ont. — "At Change of Life when doctors could do no more and I was • given up by my %/.4 %j, friends, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound came to the front and did wonders for me. I had been having fe- male troubles for years, my head trou- bled me severely at times, I had bearing down painsand back- ache and I was very anaemic from excessive flowing. I rec- ommend your Compound highly and do all I can to advertise it as a genuine wo- man's medicine," — Mrs. SYLVESTER MANNING, White Oak, Ontario, The Case of Mrs. Karlin. Circleville, Ohio.—"I can truthfully say that I never had anything do me so much good during Change of Life as Ly- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Before I had taken one half a bottle of it I began to feel better, and I have continued taking it. My health is better than it has been for several years. If a]1 women would take it they would es- cape untold pain and misery at this time of life."—Mrs. ALICE ICIRLIN, 358 W. Mill St., Circleville, Ohio. The Change of Life is one of the most critical periods of a woman's existence. Atsuch timeswomen may rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Ed. Grundenborger who has been the proprietor of the Elute. House dur- ing the past seven years leaves this week with his family for Strat- ford where they will reside. 0. E. Shantz, of Plattsville, is the new proprietor. Rheumatism Almost Killed Her For years Mrs. S. Stahlschmidt of Humberstone, Ont., was a mat'tyr to rheumatism. "I was so stiff and lame I could scarcely walk" she writes. "An attack striking my limbs made walking impossible. Friends and doctors gave prescriptions but 1 only got relief front Ferrozone. I took twelve boxes and gained from the first, Today I am well, feel stronger, weigh heavier and look the picture of health." Whether muscular or inflammatory, chronic or other- wise, Ferrozone does cure rheumatism and sciatica, 50e per box at all dealers. Wingham The large new store for King Bros., is nearing completion, Wingham Fall Fair on Thursday and Friday, September 26th and 27th. John Wilson, V. S., has returned home after is a two months' trip ' r' t s h t h P loug the West. Judge's Court for the Revision of the Wiugham voters' list will be held in the Town Hall, on Friday, Septem- ber 27th, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dr. P. Macdontald's residence on Centre street4uas been sold to Dr. E. H. Cook, who will get possession at once. Dr. Cook has secured a good and centrally located property. On Sunday evening, September 22nd, Rev. D. Perris, pastor of St. Andrew's church, will commence a series of sermous on the Ten Com - man dments. CUTTING CLOTHES LINE.— Robert Knox, a local jeweler, was hued $10 and costs, amounting in all to $24, when he appeared before Magistrate Morton Tuesday in connection with a charge of having annoyed Bryson Cochrane. For some weeks past someone had been cutting the clothes- lines to pieces at Mr. Cochrane's place, and on several occasions large wash- ings were let down in tine dirt, This was repeated so often thee rat Mr. tCoch- rane d i'eP Ol'tc'the matter to Con- stable I stable lot Gt t, Phippen, ' • ar . en who sua..e . g c , 1 it , ed in catching the defendant three times and then had hire summoned. i e • i • Friday and Saturday, '•4 September P her 27th & 28th I 4. • The ladies of Brussels and vicinity are cordial- • ly invited to call and see the fashionable array. eHave engaged Miss Hart, of Berlin, to assist 4. me this season. • Will be pleased to supply your needs, P PPY Fail. Millinery AI'V'k A choice display of New Season's seen on • e Millinery may be s • • • ••- • •1' • •• Apprentices VV Wanted M. E. lJ n , Richards Block,' Brussels. WITH YOU ! EVERYTHING FOR KODAKERY AT OUR STORE J. R. WENDT JEWELLER and ENGRAVER Wroxeter •e — The trial lapted three hours. Mr. Knox was convicted and promised not to repeat the offence. It was shown that Mrs. Cochrane had be- come ill through worrying for fear that some worse things alight be done than cutting the clotheslines. Blyth S. H. and Mrs. Gidley, of Blyth, re- ceived word of the marriage of their son Harvey C. to Miss Annie Wyatt, of New Liskeard which took place in Cochrane on Aug. 24111. The fifteenth atmual convention of Huron County Woman's Christian Temperance Union, will be held this year in Blyth, Sept. 24th and 25th. A large number of delegates from Gellert eh, Clinton, Exeter, Wing - ham, Brussels and other places are expected. One of the special features of the convention will be the Gold Medal contest at one of the evening sessions. This is the first Gold Medal contest that has been held in Huron County. Stop Limping Cure The Corn Quickly done by Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Acts in one day, Clauses 110 pain, removes every trace of soreness. Fifty years of success proves Putnam's is the best. Refuse su bs ti to tee. Morris Voters' List Court for Morris town- ship will be held in Industry Hall, Blyth, on Saturday, 28th inst., at 10 o'cl pelt. FINE Team.— Robb, Shedden, 411s line, sold his Rue nlatehed team of roan geldings to J. Horton, of Hen - sell, for the tidy sum of 8500.00. They were only three years old but tipped the scales at 2750 pounds, The Canadian Farm speaks of a 1acal man as follows :— Henry Bone, Brussels, Ont., is new to the business. This is bis first visit to Scotland for the purpose of purchasing Olydesdales for ex- portation to the Dominion. Front Messrs. A. & W. Montgomery, Nether - all and Banks, Kirdkuclbrigltt, he has bought one three-year-old colt and nine fillies. The colt is a good up- standing young horse of capital breeding and considerable individ.111 merit.. His sire I1Y Vie'` s Pricle12:i9 0 ( ) has attainedconsiderable success as to breeder ofg ood useful stock, and c i he 1S alit of to luau's by Ardlethe1 (1 .4a) with grand -dam by Prince Alexander (8899), the last foal got by the great Merryton Prince of Wales and the first winner of the Cawdor Cup. This is the best of blood and the colt should be much appreciated in Canada. Two of the fillies are three -Year-olds. One is by the good big horse Baron Ever- green (12824) and she is out of a 111010 by the £700 horse Garnet Cross (1602). This is good breeding and the filly herself is up to a fail ' size e tulth tats of chat actero 1 ail lit lel. The ' other P o lr three- year-old is a get of The Moderator (13806) not of as urate by the stmeess- i'itl breeding hose Royal Champion (8956) with grand -dam by Gal'tshei'h'le (2800) a son of the renowned Darnley (222). In this case too Ah'. Bone has got 0 right stamp of 0 young Clydes- clale phare or a good size with the best of fiat boo fashionable a,1tles and wide wearing feet. All the other fillies in the shipment are two -year- olds, One has for sire the I nbeata'n 570•(00 Ling (11331) and she is out or as mare by Up to Time (10475), ole of the most popular premium horses Scotland has seen in recent years. Then there is one by Sir Victor (18776) a Park Mains horse of con- siderable note and her dam is a daughter of the highland semi Agri cultural Society prize horse Baron's Chief(10971) with grand -dram by the ggl�eet. Sir Everard (5858), the sire of the wold•fauous 13a ro,ss Pride (9122) 01,11eat ra re nd dean bythe .B3 0110 stallion Prise of Albion (6178) which teas fir8 oto' t £ cars 'n s l .11rt:e9 int Y 9 5 at the National Show of Scotland, Weeding of this sot t. is baitnd to tell espeohilly when combined tvitlh udtvidtual merit of a high order as in I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••+.04040••••••+•••+0+014. Goderich The first of the Y, Ili. 0, A,,, enter - OHS fall will be on Tuesday, October 15th, when Lam'ant, the Magician, will make his appearance wil.l an attractive prograrrl. The program has been issued for the thirty-fifth annual meeting of the West Button 'reecheh:s' Association, to be held in the Collegiate Institute, Goderich, on Thursday and Friday, September 26 and 27. In connection with this meeting it is planned to organize a School Trustees Associa- tion for West Huron and all trustees in the inspectorate are invited to attend at the Collegiate Institute on Thursday, September 26th at 1,30 o'- clock. Ae 1 o'clock Friday morning fire was discovered in Hodgens Bros, drygoods store. The alarm was sounded and without undue delay the fire brigade was on hand and doing good work. The fire was chiefly on the second floor at the rear of the store and it threatened to spread to the buildiug closely adjoining. For- tunately there was very little wind, or the conflagration might easily have got beyond control. The men work- ed (lard and the fire was confined to the HodgelIs store, which, however, was badly gutted. The costly stock of drygoods, can pets, furs, etc., was burned or ruined by the water poured upon it. By 3 o'clock the fire was under control. The roof is burned off the back portion of the store, and the interior is more or less burned blist- ered or otherwise damaged. Four of the five plate glass windows in the Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are not a new and untried remedy— our grandfathers used them. Half a century ago, before Confederation, they were on sale in nearly every drug or general store in the Canada of that day, and were the recognized cure in thousands of homes for Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Rheumatism and Kidney and Liver Troubles. To. day they are just as effective, just as reliable as ever, and nothing better has yet been devised to es Cure Common Ills front of the second floor aro broken, It is supposed that the blaze met have started from an electric( lighG wire. There had been no five in the store and everything was apparently all right when one of the Werke WAS 11.1 the store in the evening after clod. ing up time, The stock Was word about 545,000. There is iusuxaniio of 589,000 on the stock and $800 on the fixtures. The building belongs to the Joseph Whitely estate. The Huron Medical Society held' its quar'tetly meeting at the 0015711 'muse on Wednesday of last week. There were present Drs. Kennedy, Red Mend, nTmblyn, ok ngbam,; GilliAdams aes, ofd Teeawateta' ; MgWilenzie, of Monkton ; Weir, of Auburn ; Gunn, of Clinton ; and Burrows of Seaforth, in addition to all the local members of the profession. The doctors had luncheon at Hotel Bedford at 1 o'clock:; and at 2 o'clock adjourned to the court house. Drs. Hunter. Taylor. and Macklin preeented interesting cases to the Society ; Dr. Gunn show ed a number of curious pathological specimens and Dr. Weir and Dr. Mc- Kenzie read papers the former an ex- cellent one on tetanus and the latter tatting "Medical Heresy" as his sub- ject,. The meeting broke up at 4.80 p. in. Moncrieff Geo. E. Hanley has resigned his position as foreman of the Malcolm. Furniture Company, Kincardine, to accept a similar one with a higher remuneration with the old established firm of David Maxwell & Sons, of Se. Marys. By dint of perseverance and ability Geo. is forging ahead in the ,I business world and his friends wish him the best of success in his new; undertaking. If you knew of the real value of Chamberlain's Liniment for lame back, soreness of the muscles, sprains and rheumatic pains, you would never wish to be without it, For sale by all dealers. R. RAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &o. Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call, A. RAYMANN, Cranbrook APPLES WANTED Brussels Evaporator Has commenced operations and is now open to receive any quantity of good paring ap- ples. Bring along your Good Apples. No small or soft apples accepted. J. Weymouth Proprietor [rre SECRETS OF HOME LIFE Statements made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cures Imo' No Names or Testimonials CONSTITUTIONAL BLOOD DISEASE. Patient No. 18474. "The spots are all gone from my legs and arms and I feel good no w.I am very grateful to you and shall never forget the favor Dour medicines have done for me. You can use my name In recommending 1t to any sufferer. I am going to get mar- ried soon. Thanking you once more, ate." SATS T M D TWO ONTH CUBE HIM. Patient No. 16706. Age 23. Single. Indulged In Immoral halts 4 years, Ca- poelt 1n urine and dratna at night. Varicose Veins on both eider, palm In back, weak sexually. He writes:—"I received your letter of resent date and In reply I am pleased to say that after taking two months' treatment I would consider myself completely cured, se I have 60011 no alga• of them coming back (ono year). THE WORLD SEEMS DIFFERENT. Patient No. 10923. '7 have not had a regular Emisslon I don't know when and am footing fine, The world seems altogether different to' One and I thank God for directing mo to yea. You have Neon an honest doctor with mo." need without written consent VARICOSE VEINS CURED. Case No. 18888. Symptoms when he started treatment: -Ago 21, single, 7n. dulgod in lnunoral habits several years, Varicose Veins on both sides—pimples lea treatment the face, etc. Atter two m"Youe wlcoaletter r ttet an to and s:—"Your welcome letter to hand and am Very glad to say that I thinks mysolt cured. My Varicose Veins have completely die - appeared for quite a while and 1t teems harder n tl cure. I work of and foal lest wlutt I have no stay for that habit I have every it I stay Jibe this, which I have g Porton to believe I will. Thanking you for your kind attontlon," eta. GAINED 14 POUNDS IN ONE MONTH. Patient Ne. 19025. This patient (aged 55) had a chronic case of Nervous Do- Dlty and Sexual Weakness and wits rue down 1n vigor and 'vitality. After one month's treatment he reports no fel- lowa_ "f am feeling very well. I have gained 14 pounds In one month, ea that I will have to congratulate you," Later report:—"I am beginning to toot more like a man. I feel any condition is getting better every week," Ms last re. port:—"Dear Doctors—As I feel thle le the last month's treatment that I will have to get, I thought at one time I would novor be cured but t put non. fidenee in yon from the start and pit have cured mo." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAT We treat and care VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS 'DEBILITY, ;BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND 1SLADDER DISEASES and all Maxie* beauties., SULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for a Qucstlen Blank for H�/.n �omre Treatment. M i 'I V le All baton front Canada must Se addressed to our Cath adian Correspondence Deertmont as follows geteseMOMISMIMMOM DRS. KEl D KENNEDY.WINDSOR, ONT' KENNEDY &Wi D R Det EN NE � ED &KENNED' seK t Dor. Michigan Ave.tend. Griswold S . Detroit Mich, .