HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-9-12, Page 5•
• Ieaner of Marriage 140001es, Ot.
fou at Grocery, Turaberry street, ilruoeolB,
K. O.
T. M.
Brussels r e regular of the gs lis the No.
hold their regular Bleak, on lit the Ledge
Boom, Backer Block ou the
1st and 811(1
'1'ueaday eveningsof esoh mo
Visitedlways woloowe
A, BOXERS, Own. A, MaGDIRE, 11. A.
Noe In the Post office, Ethel. 80.4
1' • sari, will sell for better ,primes, to
better men in loss time aua less chargee
than any other Auotioueer in Feast Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this aloe or by
p er0u0B1 application,
• Barrister, dolleitor, .0ouveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. OBloe-Stewart's Block
I door North of 0eutral Rotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank.
108LI0, ETC.
W. PaoUDaooT, K. 0. R 0, BAve
J. L. KrmantA0
ONees-Those formerly °coupled by Mooers
Cameron & Holt,
Goosa1oa ONTAtuo.
Royal Mail Steamers
St. Lawrence Season
T. T. 8. 8, "Victorian" and "Virginian"
T. B. S. "Tunisian" and "Corsicnu".
Wings every Friday
T. S. S. "Grampian" and "Hesperinn"
T. S. S. "Scandinavian' and "Pretorion"
Sailings every Saturday
Servide of moderate priced one class cabin
ill) steamers.
Sailings every Sunday
Full information as to rates, mac„ on applina•
Mon -to
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.
r` ,rarbv,br OtAilW: �vybwsa�i _-
A New Catalogue
fit efour largo, popular and 7FS
infiuentlal School -the
is now ready. It gives full informal:
tion concerning courses, cost, placing
of students in positions, Oto. Write
for ono today. Rend it carefully and
consider the advantages offered. Enter tt
any time. `'
Oor. Young and W. J. ELLIOTT,
Alexander SEs, Principal.
evairitiiVM&Fgad lull ayA^aVd mi'd
Ara'lisle'41stvisi0RaV mta'!Yegrpi ,
Our teachers are all, experienced in.
etr tore.Our w„t
ue courses more rain
over and the equipment is more sour
pieta" We do more for our graduates .
than do other similar schools.
Fourteen applications for trained Yd
help were received during the past
r week, Dome of those offering over 51700 .4
per annum. We have three depart-
ments — Oommereisi, Shorthand and
Telegraphy.Write for our free mita-
logue and see what we are doing. -.$
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. i'+f
`PJ4 gY.A d�.3 rwAtAnWI EVi> v,v� yr .A.,
Sheathing Felt
contains no oil or tar. is clean,
odorless, waterproof, germ and
vermin proof and practically
indestructible. 'Makes houses
draft -proof, easy to heat, and
comfortable In any weather.
Come in and see it. 76
Sole Canadian Al.nufactar•XI
of Canada. Lltalted, Montreal.
P. Ament, Brussel
Few, it any, medicines, have met
with the uniform success that Iles
attended the use of Chamberlain's
Colic, Choiet•a and Diarrhoea Remedy.
ho remarkable euros of oolir. -and
diarrhoea which it has effected in
almost every neighborhood have given
it a Wide reputation, For sale by all
W. H. Love.
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Orders promptly and care-
fully attended to night or
clay, Pt
Phone 228.
Business Cards
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Lieentiote and Graduate of the College of Phy-
siofana and Burgeons, Ont. Postgraduate
Ohioago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital,
Chicago, Ill. Ex -House Surgeon to St. Mioh-
asl's HOspital, Toronto.
Oaoe over F. R. Smith's Drug Store. Tele-
phone commotion with Cranbrook at all hours,.
Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses
London (Eng,), New York and Chicago Hos.
pitala. Special attention to disease of eye, ear,
nose and. throat, Eyes tested for glasses.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Day and night malls. OMoe opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago,
Ill., is prepared to test eyes end fit glasses at
her oaoe over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels,
Wednesday, ThnrodnyY Friday and Saturday
every second week. OiOloo hours 10 to 12 a, m,
011(11 to 0 p. m. In Toronto, at 71e Spadiun
ave.. remainder of time, Phone 1210
&Ea31rn TOMS Roc rrar
Go100 SOUTH Goitre Nona
Mail 7:07 a mExpress 10:56 a m•
Express 11:26 a m i Mail 1:68 p m
Express 2:66 p in Express 8:62 p m
PieditatZtz db ?amply
To TorontoTo Goderich
Express ...... ,,,.7:42 a to I Express 11:88 a 111
Express2:67 p m .Express 11:81 p m
Going East - 7:06 a. m. and 8:56 p• n1.
Going West - 12:90 and 9:47 p. m.
All trains going East connect with 0. P. 11. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
rag Rehm g#.ems
TRADE follows the advt.
MRS. TRos, FRIENDSHIP, of Teeswater,
was visiting for a few days with rela-
tives and friends in town.
DEWITT COSENS, of London, formerly
of Brussels, has just concluded a course
in London Military Training School.
WESLEY WALKER, of Clinton. former-
ly of Brussels, was in London Wedues"
day of last week and returned with a
new auto.
THE Dotninion Alliance has made the
announcement that Sunday, October
20th, will be field day in Huron Co.
Keep the date in mind.
Wrrlr abundant apple and potato
crops, the high cost of living should
drop a notch. Yet it is astonishing what
one can soon learn to do without.
-.- MARRIAGE is like vaccination. there
are some men with whom it never seems
to "take" -whose systems simply won't
assimilate it, no matter how often they
try it.
MRS. JAS. BALLANTYNE and Archie, of
Brussels, and Mrs. (Dr.) Hossack, and
Miss Dorothy, of Iunerkip, were visit-
ing at the home of George Roberton,
DR. M. C. CALDER, of Wingham,
who has been visiting the Mayo cli
mic in Rochester, Minn., for two
weeks. has returned home and
resumed practice.
THE anodal Convention of the East
Huron Teachers' Association will be
held is Wiughatn on Thursday and Fri-
day, October 17th and 18t1• Programs
will be issued in the near future.
The POST and Weekly Globe for bal-
ance of year for 4o cents, or both papers
to January 1st, (914, for $1.75. Sub-
scribe now and get sixteen mouths
reading for price of twelve months.
THE Hill. Bridge Co., Mitchell find it so
difficult to get board for their Wren while
working Lu the couutry that James Hill
was in Toronto purchasing a tent out -fit
in which the men will sleep and get
their board.
If you knew of the real value of
Chamberlain's - Liniment for lame
back, soreness of the muscles, sprains
and rheumatic pains, you would'levet.
wish to be without it. For sale by all
REv. Mr, Buchanan, of Calgary,
wrote Rev, Mr, Philip, of Essex, a short
times o to the fact that g 1 a they need at once
fifteen men to fill vacancies in the Al-
berta Methodist Conference. By the
first of October they will require sixty,
11. H. HEATH, formerly of London,
and well-known to maul, citizens who
was recently appointed manager for the
Confederation Life Assurance Company
for Alberta, has been cotnpelled owing
to ill health, to give un that position,
and is now manager for the company
for Southern Ontario, with headquarters
at Hamilton.
THE Clinton New Era says; -"Owing to
the removal of Fire Chief•Robt. Downs,
to Woodstock the Fire Brigade selected
Harry Bartliffe, as Fire Chief and their
selection has been approved of by the
Council. Mr. Bartliffe should make an
excellent chief and with the loyal sup-
port of the other officers and firemen
keep up the good record of the Clinton
Fire Brigade." Mr. Bartliffe was a form-
er Brusselite andof his better er
b half
here, she being Miss Viuie Cardiff.
ONLY A QVAR•rEa.-Tort POST will be
sent to any address in Canada for the
remain ler of into for a quarter of a
dollar. This applies to new subscribers
and certainly furnishes much good read-
ing for little stoney. You,dear reader,
may already be taking it, but what
about theirl inthe city .
g ty o r the -boy out
on the lonely prairie? A weekly visit
from '1tto Post will help keep thein in
close touch with the old home coin-
THE new rates for the members who
joined the A. 0.1J, W. prior to May 1st,
Acme, will go into effect October 101,
1912, and are to be applied to the age of o N� n
.the member May rot, retie, Members
who have reached the age of 70 and
over will pay the maximum rate fixed at
age 65, $5.60 per $i,000 per montlt.
7 would pay at the rate at 64
members 70 would pay the rate at age
of 63. members G would ria the rate x
9 t
c pay
age of 62, members 68 would pay at the
rate of 61, members 67 would pay at the
rate of 6o and so on.
A NOTE OF WARNING,- There flail
been issued, by direction of the Minister
of Agriculture at• Ottawa, a conspicuous
poster calling the attention of potato
growers to the importance oL examin-
ing their crop to ascertain whether or
not it is infected with "Potato Canker."
The hanger shows in natural colors a
potato plaut the whole yield of which
is affected by the disease. It also
shows the appearance of individual
tubers in which the Canker has started
to work. Growers who discover sus-
picious symptoms of the disease in their
crop are requested to send affected
specimens to the Dominion Botanist,
Experimental Farm, Ottawa, The
poster may be seen in Tux Pose window
and is Issued as Farmers' Circular No. 3,
of the Division of Botany and is being
distributed by the Publications Btauch
of the Department of Agriculture,
Miss Rebecca McNair Inas been re-
engaged as teacher of the Turnbull
school for the coming year at a salary
of $580. She sloes faithful work.
The 100 acre farm of Donald Oamp-
boll, Lot 15, Con. 16, bas been leased
to Lorne Taylor for five years. 81i.
and Mrs, Campbell will take a well
deserved test. They have not fully
decided where they will take up resi-
dence. Mr. Campbell will hold an
auction sale of farm stock, imple-
ments, etc.
confidence The implicit anfllence that many
people have in Ohambeflain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is
i ,
founded d c n their experience in the
use of that remedy 1
nt .e roc and their know-
ledge of the many remarkable cares
of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery that
it has effected. For sale by all deal-
BODGnT THE OROP.-A very im-
port deal in apples was pat through
recently when J. G. Anderson, M. P.
P., of Lucknow, purchased from tine
Norfolk Fruit -growers' Association
through J. E. Johnston, of Simcoe,
Ont., their entire pack of apples. for
1912. This pack is estimated to run
between forty and fifty thousand
barrels, and is considered to be the
fanciest lot of apples grown in Cana-
da. They are intended for both ex-
port and Western markets.
There passed away on Saturday, 24111
ult., another of the pioneers of East
Wawanosh, in the person of Walter
Scott, sr., in his 8001 year. Deceased
was born in the Scotch Block of
Esquesing township, Haiton Om, in
December 1882, being a son of Peter
and Annie Scott of that place. In
1859 he settled on lot 86, con. 7, East
Wawanash, and commenced clearing
the land. He performed all the duties
incident to pioneer life so successfully,
that the beautiful homestead is one of
the finest in the county. In 1868 he
married Margaret Shortreed, of Es-
gnesing, who predeceased him in 1879.
About8 years ago he removed to lot
85, con. 4, where he continued to
reside until his death. As a citizen he
fulfilled his duty by serving as Tp.
Onuucillor and Deputy -Reeve for a
number of yeaa's.and also as a member-
emberof the Sohool Board. For many years,
be was a direetor of the Agricultural
Society and President for several
terms. In religions matters he was a
Presbyter'ian,; in politics, a staunch
Conservative. One brother, Peter D.,
of Halton Co. survives ; the rest of
his brothers and sisters having pre-
deceased hire" His family all survive
him except his eldest son, Peter M.,
who died in 1890. Those surviving
are :-Mrs. R. G. McGowan and Miss
Annie B.. John S. and William 0. of
East Wnwanosh, Walter J., of Lang-
sirie and Charles H. on the old Scott
homestead near Milton. In common
with most of ilioion r
p ee.s, he was
persevering and thrifty and succeeded
in acquiring n gond competence. A
large number of friends and neighbors
attended the funeral obsequies on
Monday ltftel'nnnn to McCrea ceme-
tery, Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Belgrave,
his pastor, conducting the services.
o Wm, NIc-
Oracken, 4th litre, who fell from a
beam to the barn fionr on July 12tH
and broke a hip and injured two ribs,
is slowly improving but will be some
time yet before he regains his former
activity. Many old friends wish him
continued progress.
grets to report the death of Mrs.
Perdue, of Morris, for many years a
i•espeetod resident of that township,
She had been ill for over ten weeks,
and on Sunday, 25th alt., passed a-
way. Mrs. •leerdne's maiden name
was Oathaeine McClelland, she was
born in the musty of Fermanagh,
Ireland, in 1887, and over fifty years
ago, name to Canada, settling in the
township of Morris, 47 years ago,
she was married tothe late Henry
Perdue. During their 86 years of
married life, they toiled together sue
cessfnlly, building up a home and
raising a dutiful fiuuily, until about
11 years ago, Mr. Perdue crossed the
river. Mrs. Perdue was a fine type of
a Christian woman, a faithful mem-
ber of the Methodist church, and
devotedly attached to her family,
Her's was an unselfish life and her
chief thought was for others, and
many and precions a1'0 the memories
her family will long retain. Her lash
illness was borne with great patience
and resignation, Loved by her family
and respected by the community,
other of Ale early settlors hoe gonean-
.her long home, Two sisters pre•
Freed From That Weak, .Lan-
guid, Always Tired .Feel-
ing, by Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Compound.
Thessalon, Ont, -"1 cannot speak too
highly of your medicine, When my ap-
e)r risk4 petite is poor and I
have that weak, Ian -
j' guid, always tired
feeling, I get a bot -
tie of Lydia E. Pink-
;:,ltam's Vegetable
Compound, and it
s; builds me up, gives
1 me strength, and re-
stores me to perfect
health again. It is
truly a blessing to
women, and I cannot
speak highly enough of it. I take pleas-
ure in recommend ng it to others." -
Mrs. Armin CAMERON, Thessalon, Ont.
Women who are suffering from those
distressing ills peculiar to their sex
should not lose sight of these facts or
doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound to restore their
There are probably hundreds of thou-
sands, perhaps millions of women in the
United States who have been benefited
by this famous old remedy, which was
produced from roots and herbs over 30
ears ago
bya woman to relieve
Y g wo-
man's suffering. If you are sick and need
such a medicine, why don't you try it ?
ISyou want special
advice write to
Lydia E. vl MedPlnklza
e iclue Go. coMl•
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held in strict confidence.
deceased her, and a brother and sister
are In the old land. Two daughters
remain, Mrs. H. M, Bosman of Morris,
and Mos. Robt. Elston, of Nortih
Dakota. There is also one son, John.
on the homestead. Funeral took
place- on Wednesday, to Winghtnu
cemetery, her paster, Rev, 1. E, Cook,
conducting the service..
In our last issue we referred to the
demise of Mrs. Wm, Findlater on
Aug. 27th of heart failure. She had
only been confined to bed about three
weeks, and her sudden call came as a
shock to her relatives and many
friends, few knowing that her con-
dition was so serious. She was born
in Roxboroshire, Scotland, coming to
Canada in her girlhood. After marry-
ing her now bereft husband they lived
in Ayr, until moving to the present
homestead over 85 years ago, where
she lived continually a most faithful
wife and mother, raising a large family
of 4 sots and 6 daughters, namely :-
Wm. at home ; George and Lyon at
Broderick, Sask. ; Dr. Mary of Lead,
South Dakota; Mrs. Jno. Clegg, of
Morris ; Mrs. Walter Youngs, of
Detroit; (Margaret and Stephen de-
ceased) and Misses Nettie and Annie
at home. She was one of those ex-
ceptional women to whom thelppioneer
days owe much. Of high hate tactual
taste and sterling Ohristian character,
ever ready bo lend a helping hand in
time of sickness or trouble ; never
turning any away from shelter and
ever g'lving 1* cheering and encourag-
ing word ; for many years acting as
teacher in .the Sunday School when
held at No. 7, where her stimulating
presence was a benefit and inspiration
1 to the work, Daring her ilineas she
trite very patient and resigned, bidding
Good-bye to those present, auci leav-
ing laving messages to those who
were absent. The high esteem in
which she was held was seen by the
many friends s w10 attended ed her re-
mains s i.o her )lace f
o burial and t
a at then
wany kind friends auel 1ov1ng hoar is
nlxcle Ther last resling Place beaniiful
with Ilot er
v a nh
Il 1 l e( bed tl
a wl n t
most. beautiful ones. She was a great
admirer of finwere and spent many a
happy hour in her gai den where every
shrub and flower W(tS planted by her 1
never tiring hand, But she has gone
In her Master's Garden where all is 1
well and happiness remains,
Running up and down stairs, sweep-
ing and bending over snaking beds
will not snake a woman healthy op
beautiful, She most get out of doors,
walk a utile or two every day and take
Chamberlain's Tablets to improve her
digestion and regulate her bowels.
'Foe sale by all dealers.
Rev, S. Johnston, of Pine River,
was visiting a while at his parents'
R. 1.1. Stephens has returned from
Toronto, where he has been spending
the week on a business trip.
Rev. W. W. Leech. and wife, who
have been spending a couple of weeks
at Holruesville, Dungannon and Gode-
rich, have returned.
Rev. AIV. 1. Ashton, pastor of
Devine Street Church Sarnia returned
after spending his vacation among his
relatives and friends here.
Jae, and Mrs" Shera, J. Besther-
wick, W. Stinson, IbIiss Kate Earngey
and Mrs. A. Strong wore among the
visitors to the National Fair at Tor-
The local public school was duly
opened with Miss Rands, of Brussels,
as principal, and Miss Harding of
Gorrie a.
',assisC nt n
ril '
1 n 1
c a is
loan nlatin
h class,
ba a decided aequislGonto the school,
H. V. Holmes. manager of the
of Hamilton, o lune e and Miss
Edith Perkins, were united in mar-
riage b • Rev. •A. B. Kinder B.A
g 3as-
sisted by Rev. Mr. Farr, of Blyth, a
former pastor. The happy couple aro
spending abort three weeks visiting
Toronto and points East. On their
return they will take up their abode
Select Your Medicine with Dare
In debility and weakness medicine
should be mild and fur reaching.
8lany pills and purgatives are too
harsh, are drastic instead of curative.
Excessive action is always followed
by depression, and knowing this, Dr.
Hamilton devised his pills of Man-
drake Ss Buttei nut so as to mildly in-
crease liver and kidney activity, flush
out the elementary canal, tone and
vegetate the bowels. Thus do Dr.
Hamilton's Pills eliminate poisons
from the body, restore clearness to the
skin, bring strength and that sweet
restorer of health -sleep. Best medi-
cine on earth, 25c pet box at all deal-
Rev, W. S. ,lamieegn
The Palmerston Spectator speaks as
follows of a former beloved and Junio/
pastor of Brussels Methodist church :-
Palmerston to -clay Mourns the loss
of one of its chief pastors in the per
son of Rev. W. S. Jamieson, who pass-
ed quietly to rest on Wednesday
mor•uing at 7 o'clock, froiu heart fail-
ure. The deceased gentleman has
been in failing health for over a year
and the strenuous chatactor of his
duties as pastor of the Methodist
church, has particularly the last few
months grade a serious strain on his
nervous system, but no one not even
his intimate friends considered his end
so near. His sad and untimely death
has cast gloom °ver the entire town
and neighborhood, for the rev. gentle-
man was a genuine favorite with all
classes and creeds, having a most lov-
able and winning personality. Dar-
ing his public ministry he has en-
deavored to bring the bright sunshine
into the lives of the people and has by
devotion to Slaty influenced many to
place their coefideuce and faith in
Christ. Although considerably weak-
ened by internal - troubles the rev.
gentleman continued his ministry
uactic al
i e ly to the end, with the excep-
tion of the last few weeks. In the
early part of the year in company
with Evangelist Johnston he endeavor-
ed to lift no his church to a higher
spiritualplane"and when hardly able
for the effort he made earnest appeals
fon' all to embrace the gospel or Christ.
He has done his part nobly and well
and his work and memory will be held
in sacred remembrance by a Host of
friends and relatives, both inside and
ntsale the vial 1
. b enale of the church,
for he was hind and generous to a
fault. No person in distress would ap-
peal to him in vain, he was invariably
the friend
1 to the widow and m•phan.
Although a Methodist minister he
was singularly broad minded and had
devout friends in all religious com-
munions, who sincerely mourn his
death: He was intensely practical as
a Christian and a minister and believ-
ed not nuly in words but deeds, and
was ever ready to give e, word of en-
couragement to those who wore down
cast and felt life's burdens pressing
heavy, and after all, profession does
notamotnt to mucin unless it ma-
tinees the fruits of the spirit and a
genuine love, which "speaks evil of no
anThe 1tn."
Spectator on behalf of the citi-
zens of Palmerston extends•its sym-
pathy to Aho widow and Children of
the deceased, who to -day moten the
loss of a loving husband and father.
Its the family circle where one is best
known and the profound affection in
which the deceased was held by the
familyspeeks in louder tones than any
Words that we can command. The
true heart of Palmerston beats with
sympathy for the pastor's loved ones,
who to -day mourn the loss of their
beet eartll17 friend anti protector.
Be has however left them to legacy
in his trite and manly life, which we
feel sure will prove it out 00
bot, not onlyto those near and dear
bythe ties of "
nature but o
b tall ethers,
1 Cts
who during the palet tht ee pears have
felt the reflected rays of a noble
The Rev. Air. Jamieson wag born 10
letorhvroand received his education
at the Godel'iah J-Jigh School and Me -
Gill University, ivsrsity, Mahtreal, Before en-
teringthe 1 mlli '
1 et h
rY a taught school
for five years, During this public
r ince r
T1 t hes e
Ory drte c
Y 1 t rti• i '
t c 1 (n the
t h lactts .-:-
K nee 'Co
P ria n SLarl -
• � 1
latcl, Niagara -on -the -lake, I3rat Iford,
}Jamil 10,61, Tara, Welland, Bespoke.,
Cliesley, Durham and i'ahueretcu,
Ile leaves a wife and nine children,
viz :-J. A., traveller, New York ; 1V,
14.., manager Eaton's Winnipeg ; W.
11„ Wood, (Snotty (n„ Toronto ; and
Gordon, at home ; Marion and Beth,
teachers and Oart•ie, Kathleen and
Laura at home,
The funeral left the parsonage on
Saturday horning for the 8.35 traits
interment taking place at tiolrrieb.
Service being held at the house. at
7.30 o'clock a. m.
An article that has real met itshould.
in time become popular•. That such
is the case with Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy has been attested by many
dealers. Here is one of theist. H. W.
Hendrickson, Ohio Falls, Ind,; writes,
"Chamberlain's Oonglt Remedy is the
bent for coughs, colds and cienlp, and
is my best seller." For sale by all
The Weekly Globe and Canasta
Farmer has evidently found the secret
of pel•petnal youth. After sixty-eight
years of untiring faithful services de-
voted to the npbnilding, and shaping
the fortunes and destiny of the
Dominion, it atilt continues to set the
pace in the field of weekly newspaper-
d°m in Canada.
It has always aimed at the highest
standards, and proven ilaelf to be at
most reliable n
cttumal and
paper. The agricultural icultulul r
tlrhests and
general welfare of the nation have
been and are still in the broadest
sense of the term its
chief eon
In order cern.
to maintain thi
sP'e reml h
position andl keep abreact of the
phenomenal development and growth
of Canada, The Weekly
Globe and Canada Farmer has in-
creased its facilities and perfected its
mechanical equipment. Apparently
nothing has been left undone to make
every detail from the gathering of
the news, to the delivery of the paper
to the render complete. The Outlook
(New York) was pleased to say in a
recent issue, that it is now one of the
most complete newspaper plants on
the continent.
The staff has also been increased.
that the improved t'acllties may be
fully utilized. Full and acenraLe
synopsis of the world's ROWS written
by lralned utel(, who kt(oW well
1101v 10 say what is necessary in the ,
fewest words ; original and carefully
edited articles ; special centrlbtltlons
front loading lyriters, Miscellaneous
of the very '1 highest standar('
1 1 1 tat
9 g
aro features Which' make IL the leader
11rhong Canadian Metropolitan Week-
lies. Battey department pulsates With
The lou' pages of bright pictures on
ea1si,dau'ed paper is itself equal to
fifty-two of the m'dhlary premiums
given 14Way ouch year by 009110 papers,
Veryfavorable arrangements nave
been ramie with the Weekly Globe
and Canada Farmer whereby our
waders can have it in combination
with 7'011 PnwT for $1.00 balance of
year free to new subscribers to the
Sample capitis will be sent to any
address by making application either
verbally or by card to this office,
Be.A Strong Man
Increase yn117' vitality and nerve
energy, restore vim and force to your.
overworked body. Ferrozoue will do -'
this as it olid for Walter Wood of
Beauport, N. 13 , who writes : "I man
say Ferrozune has given me a new
lease of life. A year ago I suffered so.'
from nervous exhaustion 1 was
scarcely able to drug myself around.
My appetite was gone, I had no color •
or ambition and felt used up, One •
box of Fereozoue started lie back to
health. I took number of boxes and
and my health was completely re-
stored." For (nen who are tired. pale,
nervous and thin -blooded nothing
compares with Ferrozoue, 50o per box
at all dealers.
1s te.epa1'ed to supply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Ptunps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, &c.
:Repairs to Pumps 910011ptly
attended to.
(live sue a attn.
HAMANN, Cranbrook
040•t•••¢.O•F.-t•O;•A40.t.O•€•®•S•.......i•O•t'O'i•O'FOMO•i•O'b0''r0-A®•i O: O•i•O•l•Y,
+ Wes r air
• •
••Sept. 6th to 14th, 1912
London's Great Exhibition .
Liberal Prizes Instructive Exhibits v
•Speed Events each day•
New Art Building filled with Magnificent Paintings •
+ .y
Programme Twice Daily Live Stock Parade Daily
ofeheltenham, England, one of the Greatest Brass Banda In the World,
and several others.
Aerie! Acts, Comedy Acts, Tramboline and Acrobatic
Acts, Seabert's Equestrienne Act, and others.
The Midway. Better than ever.
Fireworks eaoh Evening,
Single Fare Rates over all railroads from Kingston to Detroit
Special Excursion Days, Sept. 10th, 12th, lath
:Prize Lists and all information:from
W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary,
• '14444 • ,••+•+•+•+•+O+•+•4••4• 4•e4440 404.-:•4•44+0+•44+4
We desire to call the attention of all those
aillicted with any Blood or Slain Disease to
our Now Method Treatment as a guaranteed
care for these complaints. ts. Tdm'o is no ex.
cuss for anyperson havingblot a es. disfigured m t ter
from eruptions and cettred, our
hand areatary orm ntgneutrour apoi-
comedies and treatment et neuthem all pee
eyss system. thO urood aux oriel them from Aho
metf Ourvastf the
(u rio treat-
Mont In thousands on tbl most ocpsrf and
complicated cases mentis . Weto do perfect s
cure without experhnenting, weds tnustnosa
on the plan -pay Only For the Benefit You
Derive. If you have any blood disease, con -
litmus Free of Charge and let us prove to
you how quickly our remedies will remove
all evidences of disease, tlnderthe iniluenee
04 tilo Now Method Treatment the skin be-
comes clear, mewl, pimples, and blotches
heat up, enlarged klands aro reduced fallen
bright, agrows
itioo and energ the
eta n, become h
v.ictim realizes anew life has. opened up to
Send For Bootdet en Di.oaaoe of Men
If unable to call, writo for a - Question L'ul
for Hoare Treatment
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St,, • Detroit, Mich.
NOTICE` -•All letters from Canada must be addressed
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
emaeletwatowestlas meat in Windsor, Ont, If you. desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients
3n our
Windsor oi e
s which aro for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only, Address all letters as fol1owa t
DRS. 10E D
lvc'1>i, Y d'i KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont.
,Writs for ourprivnts address.