HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-8-29, Page 4The People's Column
FARM ICOR SALE,—The underelgned offers
Ole well !minted farm of 85 notes for Sale.
Alt nudes (Atop. There is it rine brlok house,
large barn and storeboase mt the prendoee.
learnt adjoins the village of Brussels. - Posses-
sion eunld be given this Fall. Poi: further pnr-
tleularsapply ea the premises or address Bros -
Bela postoaioe. JOHN GIIAINGER,
011 Proprietor.
1„I OHNE AND I.0'1' for sale or to rent.—Aa
1'. purpoao letavin • Brussels shortly my
house and lot on Tarnl0erry street, South, ie
Offered fat• dale or to rent. Poesesalat can bu
had April lat. Apply at once to
Phone No. 00 Brussels.
=ARM 17011. SALE.— Estate of late Tann it
canteen, bring NiLot v2. tion, 0, Mortis
tow ash ip, amt tabling 11.10 nems, 8eoree ofwhlrlt
Is bush. Good hook barn and never ftdnug
spring oloee to burn, Geed stoelt form. Must
be sold ut once. Par ternis apply at office of
Wolo P082, Brussels, 84.4
FARM FON SALE,—BlgehSouth halves of
Lots 54 anti 55, 0011. 1, slorris tow uahip,
Baron Oo , containing 100 ncrea. On the forte
isa good frame house 22x5034 feet ; Stab, n
18x22;4 ; wood ellcd 21x00 ; hank boro.88xW •-
strew eed !Wade ; lean-to 0380. Stone wall
with good stabling under barn. 2 never fail-
ing wells and a goad orchard. Only Y mile to
!afoot and 1 mile to °hutch and post office.
Price 54,000. Deed may be seen on application
to the proprietor. WALTER L. B1iECKEN-
RIDGE, Jamestown P. 0.. 61.2m
1 00 No l>'of Seafo D for clay loans,
all cleared and under aaltivatlon. Bank barn,
cement floors, large frame house, newly paint-
ed • good wells et barn and house 1 buildings
unit fermes in excellent repair, Au ideal hosts
ohenp. Apply (Miss) 40131E GOVENLOCK.
Sesforth, Ont.
ARM FOR SALE.—The 100 acre farm, be-
t- ing rho property of the late Peter McNeil,
Lot 21, Con. 19, Grey, la offered for sole by the
undersigned. There are 86 acres cleared, bal-
ance wall timbered. On the farm there isa
good bank barn, large driving sited and a coin -
Portable house. Phase in good condition and
well farmed. For further particulars apply to
JAS. A. bloNAIR or JAS. D. MaNAIR, Escal-
ators, Orenbrooit P, 0., or F. 8. 8001)11, Bros -
F-ARhI FOR SALE, beteg Soutthhalf .Lot 26,
Con. 4, Morris township, Huron 0o., con-
taining 100 acres more or leas. On the prem-
ises is a frame house, bank barn, good
School orchard,
well, occleared except
so 134 All
dln. Only
miles from Brussels. m acres of Nall wheat in
and about 60acres seeded down. For prise,
terms and other information apply an the
promise F Hit . Scott,writing
els P.O. 'Phone
120. 11-tf A. L. min, Proprietor.
Loudon's Favourite
(11812) 113079]
J. J. MaGavIn, Proprietor
Will stand at his own stable, Lot 22, Cot.. 18,
iifoKillop, for the improvement of stook.
Terms—To insure n foal 20.00.
Dolts aired by thia horse won Brat prizes at
Sea forth and Brussels Shows last Pull, beating
the colts that won prizes at Toronto and Lon.
don, and also at Stratford and Mitchell.
Thousands of ambitious young people
are being h,etruuted ht their homes by
our $oue Study Dept. You may finish
at College it you desire. Pay when-
everyou wish. Thh•ty Yeats Expo,"
Immo. Largest trainers in Canada.
Enter any day. Position guaranteed.
If you wish to save board and learn
white you earn write for particulars.
wingham Business College
GEO. BPOTTON, Proaidont Ila
The Business •��
9, nal term opium Tuesday,052eatSept, Ord. `
You will find our 1952 catalogue very t
k interesting, It will be mailed free to
any address upon request.
BGS'ai3taieseRP >iciAirti ISSIVezeffi aSe
f e $, rot tis rut
TI3TJR, )DAX, AUGUST 29, 1912
s worthy father, succes or to his va by P e . the
new leader has issued the inspiring
battle cry "Let us honor Christ and live
to save."
Toemero Star Friday of last week ad-
vise$ the eitizeus to begin practicing
sleeping four in a bed so as to be ready
for the big Fair, The word "sleeping"
is not to be taken literally we suppose.
IT is beginning to loom up before the
public that the Assessment law of the
Province is radically wrong and must he
rectified if fair play is to be accorded to
all. This fact cant be jollied along
much further as the average property
owner has grown wise.
Tan school bell will tinkle Tuesday of
next week for the opening of the Fall
term. Many new friendships will have
to be formed between teachers and
pupils on that day as the changes will be
counted by the hundreds. Ile on hand
for the opening day.
OVER Zoo little tootsy.wootsies have
been entered for the Baby Show at
Toronto Fair on Labor Day, Probabili-
ties for that day will likely say :—
"Squally and disagreeable." What
about the judges? Who will supply
their bodyguard?
Formes In the United. States is evi-
dently not run simply on wind and
water. There's a report on the wing
now that the Standard Oil Co. put up
the tidy snm of $125,000 to help the
Republican cause along. Of course
they never expected to get any thing
Back. The Oil Co. made light of the gift
we- expect.
BASE Ball championship honors in the
International League are being hotly
contested by Rochester and Toronto
teams and it is now a neck and neck
race. The former team has held front
place a good share of the season but
Toronto posseses diamond experts that
are hard to beat and will finish strong.
Soars of those Ulster teddies are out
011 parade and daring anbody to tread
on the tail of their coat. Despite all
the opposition the day is coming when
Ireland will have Home Rule. Not the
variety that the oppositlonists say but
a carefully considered measure, well
safeguarded and carrying with it the
ineasure of fair play that is due to the
Emerald Isle•
Ossa of the notable features of the
respect and deep interest felt for the
late General Booth was exemplified
when 27,00e working men visited Con-
gress Hall, London, and viewed the re-
mains of one they counted
a friend
on account of what he had endeavored
to -do for the uplift of humanity. It
was a tribute to worth not often evi-
PRoarrs from the legal profession
must be a long way in advance of the
newspaper business as we noticed Bar-
rister Meredith, of London, turned
down a juicy offer' of $15,000 per an-
num from Toronto City Council to be-
come s num
their solicitor. A number
fourth estate brethren would try the job
for half the money. Yum 1 Yum 1 just
think of such a plum.
GLENGARRY Co, Presbyterians are
celebrating the anniversary of loo years
when the first church was built at
Williamstown. A week of reunions is
being held and men of note will preach
and deliver addresses. The Glengarry
type of churchmen were a sturdy worthy
class and almost dauntless. Original
church still stands and will be the centre
et the centenary celebration.
AT the risk of being thought "an old
fogy" we express our lack of sympathy
imovements as the Boy
with all such m yens
Scout Brigades
and similar organizations
in solar as any form of militarism is
taught. Our belief is that so long as
warlike talk is engaged in and the youth
of Canada, or any other country, fed on
shot and shell and the military side
emphasized as the highest pianicle of
attainment, the more desirable ideal of
the banishment of war and international
strife will be delayed. We regret that
the Minister of Militia in his speeches
urges the increase of equipment and a
broadening of military tactics. It is
a poor substitute for the long desired
reign of peace on earth and goodwill
toward men. Boys cab be instructed
in desirable physiclal exercises and man-
'ly conduct without the use of rifle,
target or ,sabre. We are aware that
there le a popular idea abroad that to be
up-to•date drill and Military evolution
are a necessity but in our thought, it Is
a mistaken notion and foreign to the
Well-being of Canadian young manhood,,
Loyalty of the highest type may be
taught and practiced en broader and t
better linea.
ludicatea indigestion, constipation or
liver trouble. FIG PILLS will regu-
late your system and build up the
nerve forces so that you can sleep and -
enjoy life. At all Dealers 26 and 60
Cents or The Fi Pill Co., SL, Thomas,
Ont, Sold end recommended In Thais -
sets by J, Fox, Druggist,
THE Posr suggests that Reeve Leckie
Mill a public meeting in the Town Ball
this Fall to discuss the advisability of
holding an Old Boys' Reunion in Brus•
sell next year. With our athletic clubs,
parks, possibility of water sports above
the dam, etc., etc., a good time could
be enjoyed for a few days and we are
sure the many former residents would
be glad to arrange to come and spend a
holiday and share in the hospitality of
Brussels. It Hach a celebration were
decided upon there are numerous things
that could and should be done during.
the coming Winter looking toward next
year, What do you say ?
CANAn1ANs will be interested in the
splendid service being forwarded in
Irelaud by Lady Aberdeen, so well re.
membered in this Dominion by her
residence at Ottawa for several years,
The hope of Ireland, or any other land,
lies in the nurture and guidance of the
youth and the home life has necessarily
to be good to leave the right impress to
character. It is most reassuring in such
a campaign to have a leseer as worthy
a yersonage as Lady Aberdeen.
How much better the world would be -
if nobility were more largely 'patterned
by people of such lofty ideals. A good
photogravure of Lady Aberdeen may
be seen on oue of the pages of The PosT
this week.
SoMerness as Canadians we are dis
posed to offer the prayer of the Pharisee
and thank the Lord that we are not as
other men are, especially when the
charges of graft accepted by persons in
public office are so tregnently met with
in the United States particularly. But
when the searchlight is turned on some
of the Canucks the record is not much
better and we have to confess to the
blighting touch in more than one in-
stance. Investigations are now being
held In which violations of the law have
been winked at for years for which men in
authority were 112 receipt of the ducats
to keep a "shut mouth and a blind
eye." If rumor is correct a story of
flagrant transgressions will be unfolded
and the men who were sworn to do their
duty will likely reap a harvest from
the seed tbey have been sowing in the
receipt of their ill gotten gains as"hush"
money. Little sympathy should be
shown in such eases and the transgres-
sor should be taught a wholesome
A Cordial Invitation to Disease
This is an apt description of consti-
pation. It's an unnatural condition
to begin with, and it's more, because
it brings about blood deterioration,
interferes with digestion, renders you
i i
susceptible to infections and
causes anaemia. Not so much a
purgative as a natural stimulant to
the bowels is what you need. You
get it in Dr. Hamilton's Pills which
increase liver activity, restore the
bowels to perfect action and positively
cure constipation and its attendant
evils. insist on having only Dr.
Ilamilton's Pills of Mandrake and
Butternut, 250 per box at all dealers.
I. 0. 0. F., GRAND LODGE
Ara Y large tat a Hunt
her of re-
leaentatwti ea attended 1. O. F.
Grand Lodge at Hamilton, this O.
New officers were elected and installed
as follows : Grand Master, F. S.
Evanson, - Prescott ; Deputy Grand
Master, P. 0, Coupland, St. Mary's ;
Grand Secretary. W. Brooks, Tor-
onto ; Grand Treasurer, W. J. Mc-
Cormack, Toronto ,s•Grand Warden,
D. M. McIntyre, Kingston ; Grand
Marshal, John Dawson, Sault Ste.
Marie ; Grand Guardian, E. W.
Gregory, Walkerville ; Grand Herald,
A. Abraham, Stratford ;• Grand Chap-
lain, Rev. W. M. H. Quartermain,
Renfrew ; Gr nd Oo
nduetor George
Powers, *ttawa,
The legislation Committee approv-
ed of the notice of motion by Past
Grand Master Johnston making the
meeting of the Grand Lodge take
place on the second Thursday in
Success has attended the Rebekah
branch of the Order. There was a
r i
net increase of 62 sisters and 147
brothers and the total membership
was 4,777 sisters and 2,977 brothers.
The total funds were $20,591. This
showed that the Rebekah Lodges
were keeping pace with thelaubordi-
nate growth.
Among the changes in the constitu-
tion the following are noticeable : In
qualifications for membership the
words "No hotelkeeper licensed to,
sell intoxicating liquors" are added
amongst the list of those disqualified
for membership in the Order. Lodge
funds may be invested in buildings to
• be Used in whole or in part for lodge
purposes ; or in stock of companies
organized to purchase of erect build-
ings to be used in whole o1' • in part
for the purposed of the Order. No
part of a building in which lodge
funds are invested may be used in
Waffle in intoxicatingliquors.
Good earn Sheller For 2Sc
.A. marvel of efficacy and promptness,
a temedy that does cure corns and
warts, its name is Putnam's Corn
Exbraetor, Contains no acids, never
pains, gives lasting satisfaction. ' 1n-
silt on "Putnam if only, ; Its the
Thursday and Friday
Speeding Contests
1 st - 2.30 Class
Trot or Pace. Hobbles allowed.
Mile heats, 2 in 3 520 $12 58
2nd - 2.40 Trot
Mile heats, 2 in 3 520 $12 58
3rd - 2.30 Race
Trot or Pace. Hobbles barred.
Mile heats, 2 in 3. $20 $12 $3
Seciai }prizes
RYRIE BROS., the well known "Diamond Hall" Jewellers, of Toronto,
offer -a Silver Medal for the best 3 year old. Heavy Draft Colt and a
Bronze medal for the best 8 year old. Agricultural Oolt.
BEST PACING ROADSTER, attached to buggy ; style, conformation
and speed to be taken into consideration ; straps not allowed. 1st,
$5.00 ; 2nd, $8.00 ; Src1, $2.00.
LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE.—Foe the best writing done by a
Public School Student or an Entrance graduate of 1912, prizes will be,
awarded by the Listowel Business College as follows :—lst Prize --3
months tuition in Listowel Business College, value $25.00 ; Snd, 2
months tuition in Listowel Business Oollege, value $16.00 ; 3rd, 1
month tuition in Listowel Business Oollege, value 38. The hatter to
be written consisting of the following sentences :—(1) The quick brown
fox jumps over the lazy dog. (2) The boy was not lazy and jump-
ed up quickly before the box gave way. (3) Whenever the black fax
jumped, the squirrel gazed very suspiciously. (4) We dislike to ex-
change job lots of sizes varying from a gnas•ter up. (5) The judici-
e ns advocate will never forget that a good cause may be quickly lost
by too much zeal. Also one set of small letters, one set of capital
letters, two sets of figures, Contestants are required to write their
name and address plainly on the back of the sheet on which they
send in their work and also notify the Principal of the Listowel Busi-
ness College by letter that they intend to compete. The contest at
the Brussels Fall Fair will be open to residents of bhe Townships of
Morris, Grey and East Wawanosh and all the towns and villages in-
cluded in these townships.
THE STANDARD BANK offers 310 for the best Roadster, horse ot•
mare, hitched to a buggy, owned and driven by a farmer cr a farmer's
son, who mast Ge a resident on the films. Style and speed to be tak-
en into consideration. 1st, $5 ; 20d, 33 ; ova 32.
THE METROPOLITAN BANK will give three prizes. viz :-1st, $8.00';
2nd, 2.00 •3rd 1.00 Inc h threebeat collections of
Winter apples,
five of each named..
J. LECKIE, Brussels, offers 30.00 for the beat 30 pounds of tub butter,
and $3.50 for the best 10 pounds Table Butter, the butter to become
the property of the Donator.
W. H. McORAOKEN offers to purchasers of seed from him as follows
5 Swede Turnips, lst, 50c ; 2nd, 25c ; 5 long Red lilangolds, 1st, 60c ;
2nd, 25c ; 5 Yellow Giant Masgels, lst,-50c ; 2nd, 250 ; 6 Long Sugar
Mongols, 1st, 60c ; 2nd, 25c.
W. 13. KERR will give TI•Iiii POST for a year for the beet two loaves of
home-made bread ; and THE POST for a year for the beat 8 pounds of
butter both articles to become his property.
THE FOLLOWING prizes will be offered to boys 16 years and under for
the best judging of two-year olds or yearlings in exhibit of thoro'
bred cattle on grounds. Judging to be done at 1 p, in. sharp on Fei-
' 1 ' .00. m obi-
; ud 1
. o• sic. 1 C
• t fee. t ...Otl2 $ 6 ,$ p
Fie -
day. No Entranceis tb
In.and must
' t � the 9ocretai
before 10 a.
r rn t hand in names to t n ,
to s us y
not have been prize winners at; former East Hexon Fairs.
Three prizes will be awarded for bhe best three sheaves of wheat, oats
and barley, one of each, approximately 6 inches in diameter. The
plants to be seleoted from stanching grain and mast show full length
of. straw (roots not included.) Awards will be $1.50 ; $1.00 ; 501.
Oard to be attached to each exhibit giving naives of varieties.
BOYS' RA.0E, under 14 years, 100 yards. lst, 750 ; 2nd, 60c; 3rd, 25c ;
4th, 25c.
BOYS' RADE, under 10 years, 50 yards, 1st, 50c ; 2nd, 25e ; 8rd, 25c ;
4th, 25c.
GIRL'S RAOE, under 15 years, 100 yards. lst, 750 ; 2nt1 , 60c ; Bud 25c ,
40, 25c.
GIRLS RACE, ander 10 years, 60 yards, let, 500 ; and, 25e ; 3rd, 250
4th, 25c.
OBSTACLE RACE, 200 yards for boys under 1(3 years. 1st, $1.00 ; 2nd,
75c ; 3rd, 50e ; 4th, 25e.
BEST FANCY DRILL, by school pupils. Not less than 12 nor more
than 24 persons in each. 1st, $6A2n0 , d, 33.00 , 3rd 32.00.
Pupils and Teachers admittedted free to Fele.
POTATO RAGE ON HURSEBAOK A`ln•ee potatoes for each rompoLi•
for will be placed 100 yards from stetting point. Competitors stand
by horse, mount. riche to first potato, dismeuutaiid pick up potato, re-
mount and ride back to starting point, dismount. and put potato in
pail, repeating the operation for each potato. let, $L50 ; 2nd, $1,00 ;
3rd, 50e. No entrance fee.
2 Grand Concerts 2 '
With the thought of increased aecammnclation and to avoid turn- .
ing people away the Directorate has denitied to hold Concerts on
both evenings of the Fair in the fine new Skating Rink, Brussels.
A 1 talent has been engaged in the peesou of
The World famous Magician, lauraut
the man -of many mysteries, who, with Cavo claves' assistants,
• will put on a two-hour pt'ogram.
Who perform at the Fair, will alert da some of their darling aerial
acrobatic feats at both Concerts.
netr-Plan of. Rink Play be found at Fox's Drug Store In good thee,
WILL DISO0tJR$f1 Mi7i X0 FOR.'S hi mut
Mis. W. J. Pyle intends shortly to
leave for 14nelon where she will slake
Iter 110010,
S. A. Poplestt,ne, Past Grand
Master of the 1, 0, O. in, while itt.
Grand Lodge was presented with a
beautiful, Past Master's Jewel,
De, McTaggart had the ]misfortune while Roikilig in his office to gel a
drop of creosote in his eye wlii011
ntwee' 1aa1ed lnodieal treatment,
elle, Wm. Sieson, uhn has been In
St, Joseph's .11uspitat, London, under
going an opetaLloli foe ttbdoniinal
trouble, has returned home and is ins,
proving nicely.
Blyth Voters' List is now in the
hands of the Clerk. There are 316
111111ies au rho list, made up as
follows :—Sub•divisimi Nn, 1, part 1,
103 ; part 2, el ; part 3, 10. Subdi-
vision No, 2, part 1, 83 ; pert 2, 54 ;
part 3 5. The number of persons
qualified as Jurors 100.
Annual meeting of Wnuntu's
Christian Tewperence Union leas
held in the school roost of the Metho-
dist ohm eh, Aug, 15th. After ordin-
ary mutase business was transacted
election of officers was as fol.
tows :—President, Miss Bentley ; lst
Vice President, Mrs. Wilford ; Cur. -
Secretary, sir s. Curtis ; Rec.-Secre-
tary, . Mrs. M. Young : Treasurer,
Mrs. Bender ; Organist, ars. Obellew ;
Asst. -Organist, miss Oast' ; Superin-
tendents of Departments : Lembo -
man's Mission, Mrs. Wilford ; System-
atic Giving, Mrs. Outt • Stibbulh
School Work, Mesdames Elder and
Whiteman ; Press Work, Abs. Slater
and Bliss Ohellew ; Station House
Literature, Mesdames Johnston and
Slater ; Flower and Delicacy, Mes-
dames Gidley tied Ohellew ; Scientific
Temperance, Mrs. M. Young ; Parlor
Meetings, Mire. A. Taylor.
The Roman Catholics here held a
very successful lawn social on the
grounds of the church there being a
very large ctowd in attendance,
Rev. Father Dunn had charge of the
proceedings, Clinton Bitud furnished
first-class music and Iii'. Farrell, who
acted as chairman, made an ex-
ceptionally good one. A number of
prizes were given away as follows :
R. Thompson drew the lucky ticket
for the cabinet of silver. A. Kelly
got the pig. in the baby contest,
there was Iteen rivalry the success-
ful being babies of Mrs. J. Phelan and
Mrs. A. Kelly. The most popular
member of the Band was F. Mutch,
who received a tie. Competition fol
most popular married man was be-
tween W. Johnston, J. Phelan and J.
Mclilurchie, the former winning he
also received a tie. Most popular
young man was Ino. B. Watson. who
received a whip. Those who were
put rip against him were Jas. Heffron
and Nyles Morgan. The fishing pond
conducted by Mr's. F. McCaughey was
well patronized also the booth.
Everybody went home well pleased.
Unsurpassed for residential education. The
"Ideal College -Homo" in which to secure
a training for your life's work. Thorough
courses in Music, Painting, Oratory. High.
School, Business College and Domestic
Science. Large campus, inspiring environ-
ment. Resident
nurse insures health of
students. Butes moderate. Every earl
needs an ALMA training. Handsome pro-
spectus sent on triplication to Principal. 42
'Toronto... Aug. 24 Sept. 9
Fair .. Sept. 6.1
Landon Western .... S p 4
Owen Sound Sept. 10-12
New Hamburg Sept. 12.14
G oderich .Sept. 16-18
Chesley Sept. 17 18
Guelph....., Sept. 17.09
Atwood Sept. 19, 20
Hepworth Sept. 18, ee
Zurich,...... ,. ...,..Sept. 28, re
Hanover Sept. 20
Seaforth Sept, 09, 20
Galt ....... Sept. 20, 21
Elmira ` .Sept. 23, 24
Chatham Sept. 23 26
. Sept.24,
Otu h mSept.e t 24.25
rhhrJl ... Sept.p 4. a5
Ripley Sept.24, 25
Coning wood Sept, 25, 28
Milverton Sept. 26, 27
Winglram .......... Sept. 26, 27
Fergus .................Sept. 26, 27
Nlesherton - ......Sept. 26, 27
Blyth...................................Oct. 1, 2
Drayton Oct. 2, 2
Holstein Oct 1, 2
Teeswater Oct. 3, 4
Brussels Oct. 3, 4
Fortlwich ...,. ,....., Oct. 5
Imperial Year
Imperial Cadet Review
Oadete from all the Overseas Dominions
Exhibits by the Provinces
Dominion Exhibits
Band of Scots Guards
From Buckingham Palace
Paintings of the Year from Europe
Paintings by best Canadian and
American Artists
Imperiaf Cadet Competitions
Boy Scouts Review
Everything in Educational Exhibits
Siege of Delhi
Benzes 0' Th' Barn Band
Britain's Bat Brace Band
Dragoons' Musical Ride
Industries in Operation
Butter Making Competitions
America's Greatest Live StockShow
Canada's Biggest Dog Show
America's Prettiest Pussies
Japanese Day Fireworks
Motor Boat Races
Hippodrome and Circus
Four Stages and Arena all going
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
Athletic Sports
Ten Band Concerts Daily
Acres of Manufactures
Imperial Fireworks --60 Numbers
Aug. 24 1912 Sept. 9
Executors' Sale
Valuable Farm
Maitland Bank
Short Horns 'for Sale
Seven Seotrh Short Dorn Bulla 9 to 20 months
old, rade and routs ; big, smooth and stylish ;
uholeest bn et Uing--Onm flben Ruse lauds, Harr
} h e on ut OI aai h, None bet) or
Beastys and Campbell pb 1 13o
for milk and beef, Will atasold atany rehson-
1 able offer an. en 0507 terms,
in the Township of Morris
The undersigned Executors will offer for
sale by nubile auction on the premises. 3434
Lot 22, Con. 8, Morris, on Friday September
0th 1012, at the hour of three o'clock in the
afternoon, the following lands and premises:—
The North half of farm lot number tweety-
two in the eighth Concession of the Township
of Morrie containing one hundred acres.
Upon the property is a fair log lionise and
first -clues bank barn with stone foundation
40x00, and a good orchard. The farm is fairly
well fenced and well watered. 90 cores under
Terms of sale—Ten per cent. of purchase
money to the Vendors or their agent at time
of sale and. the balance within thirty trays
thereafter, or part at it can remain on mort-
gage on the preintses particulars of which
will be made known al the Halo.
For further particulars apply to the under-
signed or to the Auctioneer.
ELleilre n Boaxtr, Eseautare.
Links J. OLeNNAN,
F. S. ScoOr, Auctioneer.
Notice to Creditors
In the Surrogate Court of the County
of Huron. In the matter of the es-
tate of Elizabeth Sellers, late of the
Township of Morris, in the County
of Huron. widow, deceased.
- Notice is hereby given, pnreunnt to Sec. 56,
Chap. 20, o4 the Statutes of Ontario I George
V., that all creditors and others having claims
,, aivai the estate o4 lite anid E3zabeth paper:,
olio died on or about the 7th day of Juno,
A. D. 1912, at the Township et Morrie, ht the
County of Buren, arerequired or or before
the 914 day of September, A, D. 1912 to send
byost prepaid or deliver to the undersigned
pp P P B
Solicitor for the Executor tet ria n it
8o s their Oh iia d
surnames, nd ressee nd'd ori tit n
A a d n es l too and n
'of their eec u e against t t�jie d
statement tt tt t ns said
estate and also the sutura of the seouritq (i4
any/ held bythem.
And furter take notice that after such last
mentioned date the Executors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the deceasamongst
the parties entitled thereto, havh, g regard
only to the claims of whish they shall then
hove got notice,end that the said Executors
w,il not be liabe for the said assets or any
part thereof to any person or persons of whose
claims notice shall not have been received by
them at the time of such distribution.
Dated thio 9t0 day of August, 1912.
11. VANSTONE, Win gham, Ont.
7.4 Solioitorfor said Executors.
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