HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-8-22, Page 8Rexall
Harmony Rose
Toilet Soap
Tills is a pure transparent Soap,
We would gladly supply.a purer
Soap but - this would be an im-
possibility as Rexall Soap fills
every requirement to meet the
highest standard of quality.
A large 8 oz cake comes at 1Sc
or 2 cakes 2Sc.
Try a couple of cakes and get
one of the best quarter's worth
you have ever got.
Durham Duplex
Safety Razor
Shave With a Senile !
Full Stock Shaving Supplies
Johnston's Shaving Cream -25c.
Williams' Shaving Stick -15c & 25c.
Colgate's and Williams' Shaving Soap
-roc cake
Tlie0,46C1 +'~Store F
Poi Reba J#.ems
FOOT Ball match next Tuesday.
Lassa Day, September and, will be.
the next public holiday.
ADrrrloNAL Local and District news
may be found on pages 4 and 5.
Tuts should be a good season to boom
the umbrella and waterproof trade.
Now is the time to plant your Fall
advertisement if its trade you are after.
A RURAL 'phone bas been installed at
the home of ,f as, Fox this week. It is
THE brick veneering of Mrs. Wm.
Kelly's resideuce, John street, is finished
and a new modern verandah is now be-
ing built.
THUEI.L Beos. are pushing the work
on the Fishleigh street drain ana re-
ports of explosions is caused by the
necessary blasting of rock in the drain
in getting the necessary depth.
INVITATIONS are out for the marriage
of Miss S. Lillian Sharpe, Brussels and
F. G. Poole, B. A., of Brandon, Man„
the cer- mony to take place at the home
of the bride's father. Princess street,
Tuesday, September 3rd, at high noon.
A London subscriber renewing for
THE POST writes :- "I look for its com-
ing every week a5 it is like a letter from
home." Our subscribers can make THE
POST more readable and newsy by con-
tributing interesting items for which
there is always welcome. Dont
spriug "gags" but real newsy notes.
THE Prime Milling Co. is now run-
ning without steam and have been doing
so for the past few weeks utilizing the
water power now possible by the new
cement dam. It means quite a saving
in fuel aud labor and by the continuous
rains it looks as if the supply was in no
danger of running short.
Lass week Walter Miller disposed of
his Ford car to Jno. Galbraith and after
a few day's ownership be in turn sold it
to Will. Ament, of tows. Mr. Miller
will purchase a new auto for delivery
next Spring it is said. He travelled
many a toile since he invested in the
car recently sold and could handle it
with the best of them. .
APPLE PACKING.- Gordon McDonald
has a gang of men at work now
in pick-
ing and packing Ing the early apple
the orchards he has leased and will
ship at an early date, The Winter fruit
will be looked after later. We hope
Mr. McDonald's enterprise will be re-
warded by good results to him and also
as an illustration of what better methods
will accomplish in . relation to the
FINE DRAY TSAe.-Last week P.
Milligan, the new drayman purchased a
fine young span of matched draft
horses from Jno. Galbraith, horse deal-
er, of Brussels. They were bought
from Tun. Robb, 5th line, Morris by
Mr Galbraith. They took the place of
the former dray team which served their
day very faithfully. Togged out with a
new set of brass mounted harness Mr.
Milligen's outfit presents a good ap-
pearance. We trust his investment will
yield him good returns.
Weymouth and family. of Blyth, have
moved to Brussels and the former is
busy getting the Evaporator which he
purchaseded Erom J. Cunningham.ready
the buss ass of the comingFall.
Mr. Weymouth is open to receive ap-
-plications for positions in the Evapor-
ator and hopes to get started in the near
future. We wish him success and wel-
come the family to Brussels. 'rbey are
living in the former Revere house at
BATHING SUITS,- A Ay -law of the
village calls for the wearing of proper
bathing suits within the corporation lim-
its. The custom with many is to wear a
smile and nothing more. A few of
thong who frequent the river and
Victoria Park, as well, forget what con-
stitutes gentlemanly speech and are
ready to belch out both profanity and
obscenity. The names of some of them
are being secured with the intention of
giving them a lesson before the Reeve
on the commandment "Swear not at all,
DOING WELL.—rhe following taken
from Daily Graphic and Evening Re-
view, of Portage -la -Prairie, Man„
o a former Br
t r usselite and a son
of E C, andr. Du S.
M s Danford '- L
Dunf rdwhof threeyears
, or the past yea s
has held a position with the Wm. Me-
Farland Co„ severed his connection
with that firm on July 3oth to accept
the appofntmeut of Secretary of Board
of Trade and Secretary of Portage•la-
Prairie Industrie) Exhibition Asso-
ciation, duties commencing Aug. 1st.
On severing his Connection with Mc-
Farland Co. the employees presented
him with a handsome leather lined Club
Bag. 'Phe presentation was made by
Kennedy while the address was read
by Neil McKinnon. Mr, Danford in
reply thanked the members of the staff
for the gift which they had presented
him and also for the many kind•
tresses they had shown him while an
employee, of the Company." Tee Post
is pleased to hear of Mr. DUtford'$ ap-
pointment std hope he Will continue to
clh ib.
A CAR of baled hay was shipped this
week from Brussels.
THE Ewan carriage factory is being
improved by a new dress of paint.
IT is expected that the Women's In-
stitutes and Women's Missionary
Societies of Belgrave, Walton and
Brussels will be invited to attend the
stir' meeting of the W. C, T. U. in
Brussels Friday afternoon, of next week,
3otb inst.
BASKET TAKEN. -Mrs. Alfred Lowry,
of Brussels, had a covered basket taken
from the pavilion, Kincardine, last Fri•
day evening. Her name was on the
top of the basket and a Brussels tag, No.
go attached. In basket, among other
articles, were 4 celluloid handled knives,
4 silver forks, 4 silver spoons, 6 plates,
&o. She thinks probably the basket
was taken by mistake and will be very
greatly pleased if it is returned or word
sent as to its whereabouts.
PEARL Oreseent loot. Reward. Apply at
Tax Pose,
10 YOUNG pigs for sale. D. ROBERTSON,
Phone 2811. Con, 8, Grey.
MATME 0. BRYANs, Oph, D., will be at her
office, Brussels, for practice from Wednesday
Aug. 21at till Saturday, Aug. 24th.
FOR SAL/L-A milch sow, pair otstock scales
whiesetrees and neckyokea, set of iron har-
rows and a single baggy. Nay be seen at N.
H. Hntcbinson's, Con, 18, Grey, Walton P. 0.
Phone 0718 - 7-2
DWELLING rooms to let above stores, Gem-
Iortable and convenient. I. C. RICHARDe.
WaaN lawn mowers will not work easy call
on or write T. MCGREGOR, Bruseele,
J. F. Rowland, manager, of the Stan-
dard Bauk here, is away for two
weeks holidays, His place is being
supplied by Mr. Smith. of Campbell -
Co. Commissioner Donald Patterson
was a caller at THE POST on Wednesday
while in inspectorial duty. He has spent
6 years on the position, looks carefully
after his work and has a busy time, par
tieularly this season. as the weather has
been so bad delaying work on bridges.
NIAGARA FALLS vs. Brussels, next
Tuesday evening on Victoria Park,
here. Game called at 5 o'clock, THE
Po 'r auggests that the business places
close up at that hour so that everybody
see the ams even supposing they
open up for an hour
atter the match say
from 8 tog o'clock.
THE Kincardine Reporter says :-On
Friday afternoon the local team met
Brussels on the diamond here and were
beaten by a score of 6 to 3. 1t was a
splendid game of ball and the spectators
were enthusiastic, giving credit to both
teams for the good work done. Wes,
Johnston, Palmerston, gave perfect
satisfaction as umpire.
SHOWER.- Anticipating a coming
event 23 of Miss Lily Sharpe's friends
assembled at the home of Miss Carrie
Hingston Tuesday evening and present-
ed the bride-to-be with a miscellaneous
sbower, in which china, linen, granite
and other useful and needful articles
were included. The poetic effusions
accompanying the gifts werecom li-
inentary, humorous and intensely origi-
nal. Lunch wasserved and Miss Sharpe
congratulated. The young lady ex•
pressed her thanks for the kindness be-
A RAW DEAL -The Walkerton Teles•
cope sings the followiug doleful song protest:-
The committee of the
ci tion has this
Football Association year a
handed out two exceedingly raw deals
the victims of their decisions being the
Walkerton and Preston clubs. The
latter club, however has a fighting
nhauce to win the semifinals notwith-
standing the opposition of this all im-
portant committee but the Walkerton
club is down and out for this season
at least if not for all time, for a lemon
of such 'a variety as was handed to
them on Saturday last was too soar to
be forgotten in a short period of time,
The protest committee met in Galt on
Saturday to consider the protest of
the Walkerton club against Brussels,
the latter team having scored the goal
which won for them the game and
semi final series on a foul, Although
it was proven beyond doubt that the
Brussels player bad made the foul the
committee expected the impossible
which was to prove that he had made
the foul intentionally. In a game of
football when the ball kite the player's
baud it is called a foul whether inter-
tlouall done orand why
that rule not govere this particular
case. The only solution of the prob-
lem to which the Walkerton fans can
coma to is that this rank decision was
arrived at in order to back up Harry
W. Brown, B. A., of Berlin, who is
Secretary.Treasurer of the W. F.. A,
and who unfortunately' for the Walk-
erton team was referee of the game
here three weeks ego, If the Brussels
eleven had had things all their own
way it would not have been so hard to
take but as it was Walkerton had the
better part of the game and deserved
to wit. However, the Walkerton
boys have become resigned to their
fate • and they have also come to the
conclusion that they could protest tn.
til they were Bich and it would avail
them nothing so long as the men who
at ptesetit comprise that protest cotn-
tnittee are in office,
the Metropolitan Bank
Capital Paid MP - •
Reserve Fund ••.
Undivided Profits - - • •
Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn any
p by )
of the parties in whose name the deposit is opened.
Cur the weeds on your premises and
the sides of the streets and prevent
them going to seed.
KEEP date of Foot Ball game iu
Brussels in Intermediate Finals with
Niagara Falls in mind. Tuesday of next
WHAT about next Winter's coal sop -
ply ? It strikes us that there is a color-
ed gentleman in the feuce for whose
presence the :nine owners and the rail-
ways are largely responsible,
WENT To Exsrlta,-A rink of bowlers
from town motored to Exeter on
Wednesday and took a hand in the
tournament. They were D. C, Ross,
H. James, A. T. Currie and John
Duncan. -
evening of this :'eek, at 7 30 o'clock, a
meeting of the Directors of East Huron
Agricultural Society will be held in the
Council Chamber. A full atter dance is
asked for as important business has to
be transacted and the date and hour
have been set so as to suit busy people.
3, LECKIE, President.
won their protest against Niagara Falls
and another game was ordered to be
played at Dundas Tuesday evening,
The husky lads from the big waterfall
town won handily by 6 to 2. This vic-
tory puts Niagara Falls and Brussels as
competitors in the finals for the chain•
piousltip. Our team will go to the Falls
Friday of this week for the first match
and the return game will be played here
next Tuesday evening. commencing at
5 o'clock. Brussels has fought a good
straight campaign without saying much
about it and in the hardest tussle yet to
come we hope to see them win. ..They
know they are up against a stiff proposi-
tion as their opponents are well seasoned
la e ssome of them of Old Coun-
tryr. and
try training, but by good team play our
lads hope to capture the silverware once
Soc1At,--The Sewing Circle of Mel-
ville church bend their social on Thurs-
day evening of last week, the 6th anni-
versary of Rev. Mr. Wishart's pastorate.
Owing to the night being cool the
gathering was held in the basement of
the church which was well filled, Rev.
Mr. Wishart occupied the chair. Carl
Holmes gave some choice selections on
the gramopbone until time for the regu-
lar program to begin which consisted of
solos from :-Miss Fairy Robb, Miss
Wilson, Mrs. Meadows, Chas. Dobson,
(Kansas), C. Rutherford, Mrs. A. D.
Gant rreadingMrs. Robert Strachan
Y M s
and gramophone selectionby
r Carl
Holmes. Everyone did their part ex-
ceedingly well. Mrs. Addle pWright
was the accompanist, A tasty lunch
was served and all seemed to enjoy the
social evening and were pleased to help
iu such a worthy cause.
day was a delightful day and was enjoy-
ed by a large company at Kincardine.
A special train with two engines, ar-
rived from Palmerston about 8.3o with
a goodly number aboard. At Brussels
30o were added and at the intervening
stations the number was increased so
that a good train load was landed at the
lakeside shortly after 10 a. m. The day
passed by very pleasantly and the Kin-
cardine authorities tendered numerous
courtesies for which the excursionists
were duly grateful. At 7 p. m. the
toot toot of the engines announced the
departure homeward and iu good season
and without accident the people were
landed safely at their respective
destinations. Conductor Lavelle was in
charge. Sometimes people say
do you always run the excursion to o a
Kincardine ?"The answers because
itis the most convenient t. place to reach
and on direct railway lin; because the
beach, parks, etc., are so handy to the
depot and are unsurpassed for a holiday
outing 1 and because Kiucardineites
have ever and always proved them-
selves to be most hospitable and friendly
to the excursionists, A Base Ball match
between Brussels and Kincardine was
well contested and thoroughly enjoyed
by a large company. The visitors won
by 6 to S. The thanks of the promoters
of the excureioo are returned to Kin-
cardine Mayor and Council for much
appreciated favors.
day afternoon the remains of the late
Mrs. Wright, who died in Toronto on
the previous'ru"sday, arrived iu Brus-
sels and were interred in the cemetery
here. Rev, D. B. McRae conducting the
service. Pallbearers were J. Leckie, A,
Strachan, 5', H. Gilroy, W. Pryue, 8.
Wilton and J, G Jones. Deceased was
born in Co, Down, Ireland, and
marritd al Ottawa in 184910 the late
Alexander Wright and hortly after
ceree to Huron Co. 7 sons and 2
daughters were born to them, two ot
whom were well known in Brussels
viz :-Mrs. (Dr.) Graham, and Wm,,
who is a resident of Maple Creek, Sash,
Mrs. Wright although in her Both year
was a remarkable old lady and up to 3
years ago had enjoyed comparatively
good health. For the past 4 months
she haci been ill; Four years ago site
read McCaulay's History of England
and took great pleasure in discussing it
and last year she busied herself in piec-
ing two quilts in a style not easily
equalled. For the past 7 years the sub-
ject of this. notice had made her home
with Dr. and Mrs. Graham, going with
them to Toronto when they removed
from Brussels, 'l`Itey accompanied the
t body here on Friday, leaving Saturday
afternoon for Hansell en route to the
Queen City,
'1'ENNts,-At the local Tennis Tourna-
ment last week scores wereas follows :-
W, B, Strachan beat C. Leckie 6 26.3
A. McDermott beat Bob Leckie 6 13.6
Alex. Fox beat G. Buchanan 6.1 6 4
J. H, Cameron beat Stuart "Fox 6-4 7 9
J. Fox beat V. Ross 7.5.6-2
Cline Scott beat Harry Fax 6 4 6-5
D. B. Blacklock beat W. 11, bduclair
Cline Scott beat A. McDermott 6 4 3-6
W, B. Strachan i5 beat Alex. Fox 6-3
J, R. Cameron beat D. B. Blacklock
Jas. Fox bye
J. H. Cameron heat Cline Scott 6-0 6 o
Jan. Fox beat W. B. Strachan 6•s 6 I
J. H, Cameron beat J. Fox 6 4 6 o.
Church Chimes
Next Sunday the services in the
Methodist church will be taken by joint
Kerr. a well known merchant of Wing -
Last Sabbath was the opening of the
71.11 pastoral year in Melville church
under the incumbency ot Rev. A C.
Wishart, 13. A, The years glide by
very quickly but prosperously.
Rev. A. C. Wisdart, B. A., was at
Wroxeter on Wednesday attending the
induction of Rev. Mr. Wesley who came
from Sunderland, Lindsay Presbytery
to the Presbyterian church as successor
to Rev. Mr. Perrin..
Rev. Mr, Greene, of Clinton, gave
two good discourses in the Methodist
church here last Sunday. They were
companion sermons on "The legacy
willed to the Christian by the Elder
Brother." The congregations profited
by the two sermons and will he pleased
to hear the reverend gentleman again.
He has an experience of many years to
draw from. '
A Missionary treat was 011 the pro-
gram of Melville church, Brussels last
Sabbath morning from the fact that
Rev. Dt'. Wilkie. of India, was the
speaker. He has spent the past 30 years
there so is well able to discuss the
nations situations with rare intelligence
t ons
The address
as instruc-
interesting and optimistic and will
do mat. 11 1 keep alive the fires on the
missionary aitarsof Canadian Christian
people. Rev. Dr, Wilkie and family
will leave for their home in Jhangi,
India, in about three weeks.
it t) 01=FIC,
SAVINGS deposited in this bank
draw the highest current rate of
interest. Withdrawals of part or the
whole amount may be made when-
ever desired without delay.
J. F. Rowland, 0 OM Manager.
David and Mrs. Hollinger, of Elmira,
were visitors at P, and Mrs. Ameut's,
G. N. and Mrs, McLaren and child-
ren were called to Midland this week
owing to the serious iilness of Mrs,.
McLaren's father.
Miss Roberta Wilson, of Toronto, was
a guest at the home of Alex. Stewart.
Queen street West. She is a niece of
Mrs. (Rev.) Ferguson.
Juo, and Mrs. Cardiff left on Tuesday
for a holiday of a month or two with
relatives aud old friends in Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Miss Beatrice Curry, who was visit-
ing at Niagara Fells. N. Y., arrived
some last week, accompanying her
sister, Mrs, Sperling and baby.
Mrs. C. Wood, of Berlin, and Mrs.
C. F. Ernst, of Cleveland, Ohio, are
making a visit with J. T. and Mrs,
Wood. The former is the host's mother
and the latter Mrs. Wood's sister.
Miss May Reading, of Wingham. is
visiting at the home of George and
Mrs. Brown, Queen street, her uncle
and aunt, Grandma Browu came here
with her. The old lady is 79 years of
age. -
Mrs. M. McLennan, of Wroxeter,
was renewing old friendships in Brus-
sels. Although it is 16 years since she
removed from town she still retains
many old friends who.are always glad to
see her.
Misses Mary and Untie Howlett, of
Fergus. were here for a holiday visit at
the home of Chas. Howlett, Queen
street, Brussels, and A. Howlett, Morris
township. The young ladies are vela:
Mrs F. R. Coupland and three child-
ren are here on a visit to the home of
B. and Mrs. Gerry, the Former's uncle
and aunt, Mrs Coupland was former-
ly a resident sof Brussels and is a daugh-
ter of George Russell.
Tuesday of this week Mrs. Jno. Hill
left town for a trip to the West. She
will visit at West Selkirk, Winnipeg,
Kinistino and other points and may
spend several months out there visiting
relatives and old time friends.
C. and Mrs. Black and children, of
Goderich, and Mrs. A. Carter, of Blyth,
were fu towil on Tuesday and visited at
S. Carter's. They motored over in Mr.
Black's car.
Miss Bessie Torrapce, of Listowel,
and Miss Lyla Hicks, of Mitchell, were
here on a Holiday outing with old
friends in Brussels and locality. The
visitors are school teachers and attended
the Normal School at Stratford with
Misses Belle Henderson and Carrie Mc-
Cracken and were also associates with
Miss Jeau Armstrong,
Brussels School Board
The regular meeting of Brussels
School Board was held on the evening
of August gth. Members present, D.
C. Ross, Malcolm Black, Jno. Ctin•
ningham, M. H. Moore and las, Fox
Minutes of last meeting read and
Account of F. R. Smith of Ste 95 for
supplies, was ordered to be paid, on
:notion of Fox and Cunningham
Moved by Jas. Fox, seconded by M
H. Moore that 3 blackboards be pro
Mired, two to be placed in Principal's
department aud the other in bliss
Henderson's. Carried,
Board then adjourned.
LAOxrE.-In Wroxeter, on Aug, 14th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Leckie, a daughter.
BRAWN. -In Wroxeter, on Aug. 14th, to Air.
and Mrs. Harry Brawn, a daughter.
POLLARD -In Winnipeg. on August lath, to
Ethel dd Mrs.
EEli Pollard, formerly of
Wheat 41 00
Oats 1
Peas 500
Butter 20
Hoge 8 26
Potatoes 2 00
Wool 12
What do You
About it
That's what a customer asked tmt'
recently shout a patent medicine
had sold for years, earl 1 was forced 11t Fa
admit that in reality 1 kntity nothing j
wore than what appeared on the label, -
wrapper and advertising.
Some of the claims made were so
extravagant that of cnnrse I could nut,
take theta seriously, but concluded I
had better find a line of eeaediea I did
know sonnething about.
Nyal'a Family Remedies are man-
ufactured by ti house with a solid 1'ep-
titation of over Half a eeutury. The
formulae are exceptionally good ones
and are freely furnished to the drug
trade. '!.`here are no secrets simply
because they are honest and have
nothing to conceal. If I didn't believe
10 thein 1 woaldn't recorumend theta
to you.
Anything you buy with the name
"NYAL'S" will give satisfaction.
James Fox,
The People's Column
FARM FOR SALE, -The undersigned offers
r sale
All under crop, There is a fine brick house,
large barn and storehouse on the premises.ee
Farm adjoins the village of Brussels. Peee•
sion could be given this Fall, For further pnr-
ticularsappply on the premises or address Brus-
sels poetoatce. JOHN GRAINGER,
8M Proprietor.
his well loomed farm of 85 slat to fo
1 00
80 1
10 00
D0 YOU WANT A FARM. -A number Of
choice farms for tele or rent. Special
indncentente and eats terms to t purchaser.
7.11 W. L. HOLMIDB, Brussels.
To Contractors
The Municipal Counoil of tate Township of
Morrie is asking for tenders Inc the construe -
tion of the Bird Drain. Tenders will be open-
ed at the Township Hall, Monday, August 20th
at 8 o'dook. Plans may be seen at the Clarkin
residence, A. MAOEWEN, Clerk.
Blnevate, Aug. 12th, 1018.
The undersigned offers for sale his Atte
195 sore farm being North half Lot 20, Con. 0
Morris township, Huron Co. Farm 15 in n good
state of cultivation. well fended, and has off -it
a fine brick house that cost $0,500. There are
four rooms downataire and kitchen and wood-
shed; 2 bay windows in parlor and dining
room respectively, verandahs, 4 large bed-
rooms upstairs with closets,ltnlls and two seta
of stairs, 8 large cellars and stone foundation,
&O. Good lawn surrounded by cedar hedge.
Barn 52 x 00 feet, on stone foundation. Good
orchard and 10 acres of herdwoedbush. Farts
is only a mile from the splendid market town
of Brueseto and is 15 smiles from school. Good
community. Possession at once. For further
particulars, price terms, &a., apply on the
premises or to JOHN MOONIY, proprietor,
Brussels•P. 0.
•®•estise•••••••esee•0••••••••••••••••••••••••••aseaecessi tosoO•••••0••••••••••••• •
• Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLAREN l�
• s •
A O!CIearingt®•
• ust •0
• a
0 0
LI +t
We are offering Special Bargains of all Summer Goads •
O s
® •
myam . i , 4___ ..
��� a
I I �f
ort w
Bargains w •.
e �y•
e IN y ;,' if •
a j� Whitewear, Ladies' Waists, ' Ladies' $
• , fj and -Misses' Wash Dresses, Summer .� •
0 tial rens Wash Dres-
Underclothing, C t d
�� g
<°�• Ses.and EmbroideryFlou cingsi ,Wash
o Skirts,Linen Suits,Linen Coats. /
ra b
Just Received l I o A
People We Talk About 3
Stewart Scott was home over Sunday,
George Edwards, its is holidaying at
Miss Margaret Ament is visiting in
New Hamburg.
Miss Carrie Hingston spent Sunday
with Wingham relatives,.
Miss Myrtle Dale, of Tuckersmith, is
visiting Mrs. B. Edwards, -
Dan. Denman is back from a trip to
the West. He wits as far as Outlook
Miss Jeanet Laidlaw, of Blyth, has
been visiting Miss Jean Moore William
Miss Ella Inman is attending the
tnillinery openings at Toronto this
Mrs. T. Emile t
+ t ti iud grandson Edgar
Hollinger, visited relatives at Stratford
s ted
last week.
Miss Olive aud Walter McGill, of
Blyth. were visitors at M. Buchanan's
this week.
Chas Dobson, of Kansas. was visiting
at the home of Wm. McKelvey, Princess
street last week. 0
Lorne and Mrs, Pringle. of Toronto,
have liven eniuviug a holiday with Mrs ss
Thos, Maxwell, 131 useela.
Wilton and tared. Pal'ne, of Galt, who
were holidaying here have teturued to .0
Galt. "Jap” is still here,
Mrs 0, Querin and children have B
gone to Goirie where they wilt visit. e
Mr. Querin is iu'the West.
George Madhouse, of Owen Sound,
was a recent visitor in Brussels. He is
greatly pleased with our climate,
Bert. Burchill left on a business trip
to the West on Wetlnesdi y. Mrs. Bur •,
chill accompanied hint to Toronto 0
Harry and Mrs. Gra ager, of Moles.
worth locality, were Osamu with leo g
and the Misses Grainger, e
n ssec ran ti of B t rt
Miss S Isabel Gilpin nF )slave E9
Sask is the guest ttl the home of het
brother, 1. 1 Gilpin Church street. rs
Mrs, Jno, Sparhitg and daughter, o •
Niagara Falls, N Y , are visiting at the 0
fnrpiees parental h,.me, Queen street. ' p
Misses J,ir8ie and Sara V, McLauch- •
lin, who were ilnldiot ip + Here for a few •
weeks, retorted to the •• nese pity Mon -
no. wife daughter Phil, of •
J;dmontou, were visitors a1 Thos. Ennis' s
last week, Mrs, 'Tarlton is a grand- •
daughter, 0
Rev. Jas. E. and Mrs. Hunter, and m
little daughter, of Dungannon, are here •
on a visit at the farmer's parental home, 0
John street. ••
W. B. and Mrs. Balllautyne left Bras -
sols for the home trip to Emerson last •
Mouctay•after an dejoyahle holiday at w
various points,
Men's and Boys' Unelerclothing and
Shirts, Ready-to-wear Clothing
and Odd Pants.
Ladies', Men's and Children's Slippers
and Oxford Shoes.
Come for Bargains -You'll not be
UST RECEIVED a sett of Sample Coats for Ladies, Misses and Children for m
rltFa11 wear
r ; ,thfs seasons styles. Some medium light weights that are
Just right Fo • the cool eveni1 � now.. These Sample Coats are all marked at Actual l
Wholesale PriCc�i This lais worth your while looking over. dou can po -
itivelY save money, .
Highest PrpCes
far Pr -_..duce■ s N
® s
• ••••S••••••••••••S••••••••011•0••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11.••••••••••••••••••