HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-8-8, Page 6freesetoeeeteeteseeeesseeseetesesesee-setes•-• now I must go over to Elwood's
apartments, for I am sure he ie ex
A SERIOUS JOKE peeting me,"
"You knew!" stammezed 1/ora.
(Yes, after I had been in this
charming room a little while.
assesteeeoseseeeessesssees.....................e.• must have rung the wrong bell
Dora had read until her eyesck at heart for her folly, Dora
embed, so she tossed her book on aaked, "What must you have
thought of me? I was mad to do
the °ouch, poked the mouldering
such a thing, but I was so lonely.
legs on the grate, until •hey sent up
a little cheery blaze, leaned batik in I'-'°°° you ever-" But she mould
her big
not continue because of the lump in
.ca•nopy chair and yawn.ed.
"This beastly weather is enough her throat.
"My dear child, two hours ago I
to dampen the spirits of an angel,"
envied Elwood, when thought you
she sighed. "June, and so cold ancl
belonged to him; I envied him as
damp one must sit before the fire
to be the lead comfortable.• Oh, I I had not thought it possible to
wish I could go out. That stupid envy any man; and now I pity him
doctor won't let me budge from the f°1-• haying missed such a wife as
house until it clears and it looks you ; but I am glad you are riot his
Therefore, a Good Time to Buy Bonds -
There dre Some Other Ways for a Man
to Use Me Money -Mining Stooks Offer
a SIMI° Way to Cot Rid of It.
The articles contributed by "'wreathe
are for the sole purpose of guiding pros.
Poetive inVeeters, and, if possible, of eav•
Ing them from lading money through
Plaoing it in "wilds:nit" enterprise& The
impartial and reliable tharaoter of the
information may be relied upon. The
writer of these articles and the publisher
of this paper have no interests to serve
in connection with this matter other than
those of the reader,
(By "Investor.")
as if it never would. clear, The rain wit°, the''" The merest for municipal bonds has
has drenched everything until the Dora gasped as he closed the boon pretty quiet during the past few
door softly after him, and then, months, vhe
flowers and shrubs look Prices hae detained and t
as if they amoune of businees hae slackened, all
would never raise their poor heads weak from the excitement, she sank because of the foot that the London mar.
again. into the ebair he had oocupied. set is not in a reeeptive mood, Tho rea.
sons for London's present attitude are
"If Maude would only come It was not many months later aeveral. Pirst, of course, comes the un.
home! Only 3 o'clock; she will not when Grant Luray asked Elwood mantels in the political situation: then
be here until 6, Eton to be his best man, The bride tile same feeling reepeoting the foreign
a tuation. The tremendous amount of is.
"It's all very well to be indepen- was Dora' sues of repent years has, too, caused a
•-- 6' glut in the market. And, flnally, there
dent and live in •a flat with your is always/ necessary a period of digestiou
dearest girl friend; but it's mighty GOLFER BURRELL. atter any' prolonged period of satisfying
stupid to be left alone all day when hunger -financial or physieal-and Eng -
It rains. If only something would When old "Abe Lincoln" Broder land has been obbling up everythingthat has offered for a long time past, and
Was turned down by Premier Bor- is now quietly enJoying a rest, while the
happen! If some one would only
den at Minister of Agriculture in process of asaimilation proceed&
call! 1 would even welcome that In Canada there is no great slackening
stupid old bachelor, Elwood Eton, favor of Martin Burrell, the Eng- in the demands for municipals, although
who lives in the next fiat. Grumpy lishman, by way of Niagara and the there are, of course, quiet spells. The
quietness In England has resulted In a
old thing though he ie! British Columbia, fruit belt, people lowering of prices in many oases, and
"Goodness! There's the bell! If in Ottawa wondered why it was. consequently there aro many municipal
bonds on the market at present selling
it's only some nice -but I suppose But now the secret is out. oonsiderably below the prices of even a
WS the grocery boy. Why doesn't Last year,
when the Conservs,- 7530 ago. It is quite possible that if the
• London market remains quiet for a long
' Maggie answer it? There it is hives were holding up supply in Period these prices may shade a bit fur.
•again. 1 shall have to answer it view of opposing the reciprocity ther. Happily, however, the probability
my'self." agreement, Mr. Borden, then plain or a long period of quiet in England is
Dora ran down the stairs, glad Robert Laird Borden, took Martin prices are not likely to depress further.
not likely, and as a natural oerollary,
l• to have any break in the deadly Burrell out to the Ottawa golf links Probably after a period of quietness the
monotony of the day.
o prices will begin to move upward, for there
and initiated him into the mysteries is observable at present a tendency for
• Opening the street door, she 'ruts money to cheapen, and with cheaper
of the ancient and royal game or
confronted •by a tall, handsome
whatever it may be that the °litotes an advance in price. Indeed, it appears
money bonds cannot fail to respond with
! hands told plainly a, story of out-
stranger, whose bronzed face and call it.But it makes no difference quite 80310 00 opigte Wprittheei): qt.hoeter A pre.
as to what the name may be. The sent will appear as 1019 as those of 1907
door life in the tropics.
faot remains that when Mr. Bur- do now.
"Good afternoon-er-esan You reit had been given a trial course many people do not like municipal
tell me if Mr. Eton is at homeover the Ottawa ?" he bonds as investments because they are
golf links he turned not exciting and their yield to small. All
inquired as he courteously removed to Mr. Borden and said: "Wait un- of which is quite true. But the average
his bat, while the rain fell in little man when be puts away his savings in a
til we get into power, and then I'll bank is not going to complain because
splashes on his sunburned brown
hair. show vu how to pay olf" there is no run on the institutionolg.in
which he deposits his mosey, though, good.
A spirit of mLschie, of adventure, That was months before Mr. Bur- nese knows. it is exciting enough when it
seized Dora, rell, rusticating on his fruit farm, baisens. He may complain, however, that
the rate is too low, and in that he has
"No, my husband is not in, al- was called, like Cincinnatus from his own remedy in his own hands -he man
though I expect him soon." his plow to take a part in the ad- I'M' b°ndL
If he buys industrial bonds be takes a
She hesitated -and BO did the ministration of the affairs of his certain amount of risk, varying in pro.
stranger. There: "Is there any adopted country. position to the certain or uncertain char.
message I can give Mr. Eton," she But no sooner had Mr. Burrell ies supplyigthe necesaaries of life, such
00100 of the business. Bonds of oorapan-
said. been sworn in as Minister of Agri- as the heads of the largo Pocking eom.
"paniea, flour mills, etc.. are, usually speak.
Thank you. I scarcely know.
insafe enough for the average man. To
You see, I have just returned from repay him for his slightly greater Melt
South America. I am sure you these bonds pay a coueiderably better rate
have heard your husband speak of of interest. If he wants to take a lesser
risk than the more speculative industrial
me -my name is Grant Luray. El- bonds, but hesitates over buying the more
wood and I were chums in our col-iR stable industrials, he eau purchase the
lege days. Before I sailed from Rio sr no means gilt-edged, yet are safe
oi debentures of western towns, which are
I wrote him to expect me this week ts enough short of a national calamity. But
but he evidently has not received if be wants a high degree of safety Ca.
• 'I radian oily debentureo. railroad equip
DV letter, or he would have told s meat bonds and bonds of most public tie0.
you of me. I've not seen Elwood . vice companies would answer his purPose.
for ten years. Well, I suppose I 3o Indeed, if be were to buy municipals at
the present time be would, aa sueeested
had' better call back again." He i above, stand a very rood chance of mak.
paused as he ls, ooked at Dora stand- 4 in the market value of his holdings.
ina modest profit through an increase
ing in the dorway. IL however, he is a speculator he can
"WS a horrid afternoon," ob- .'11'1,' buy shares, and stand a fair ohanoe of
served that young lady, while her t . :easing a profit if he uses discretion and
ss„ does not buy on margin. At the present
brown eyes danced as they looked time, though. I do not think shares a wiae
straight inth his blue ones. She thine. to buy. Moat of them are pretty
I high, and "pretty high" means a rood
hesitated a moment, then said, de-
. '•?4''
1."-, Qc thanee for a fall
=r .
. If Ile is really desperate, and wants to
"+ make a "pile or lose ell, he has alwaye
Perhaps you would like to come
in and wait for Elwood. He should
OSS' are about 1.000 to 1 against his
tf,„s d to making anything, but there Is alwava
someone glasell some .,,II.,..etocke
recourse to the mining market. There his
"I /should be to; you don't s.
be home soon."
for real money. If he would rather have
• know how horridglad it is ontside." VASss -.•,' the mining entree than his money here's
his charm°. 'They often make nice, wall
She led the way to her little sit
lion. Martin Burrell. Paper -or insoles for boots that are too
ting -room and invited him to take large. It's rather expeneive, however.
• Si• the -chair she had just vacated. She *
..,.4,1 had done a daring thing and was culture in October last than he GET ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR
•13-0'w 'frightened, but resolved to carry it made up his mind to prove that his NEIGHBORS.
• through somehow. The man was challenge to hie chief was no vain -_-
- , •evidently a gentleman, and any- boast.
isnplay golf in winter, 01 you are genteel in appearanoe and
thing a relief when oe is so He could not welcomed. in every home in your locality.
T lonely.courteous in your manner, you will be
though he became a member of the when you are showing samples of our 1111.
"It's awfully good of you to take Ottawa Golf Club just as soon as and reliable remedies. The eatisfaction
'wrier toilet goods, houeehold neoessitlei,
pity on me like this, Mrs. Eton," he could, after he was sworn of the whom our goods eye, places the users
thsaid he as he took a cigarette from Fribox Dora offered,
and he tried his for YOU the game respeet. einem, and its
neder au obligation to you, which wins
'prentice hand for a while even timate friendship given the prima, phiet
"Elwood did not tell me he had while the frost was reddening up money from yourthan spare time tn ron
cian, or pastor, and you will make more
married. I suppose he wished to the pumpkin. But if ho could not dream of, besides a host of friend&
keep it as a surprise. He is to be This to your opportunity for a pleasant,
.1, congratulated." play golf he determined to do some- Profitable and permanent buelness. Ad.
dress, The Home Supply Co., Dept 20, Mer.
"May I make you a cup of teal" thing else which would distinguish rill Building, Toronto. Ont.
him as a member of the Rideau 4.
f. hastily interrupted Dora. She was
y horribly confused and did not wish Club, and he bad nob been a mem- We all regret many things we
her thereof more than three weeks haven't done -and only a few we
1 to talk about Elwood Eton, whom
before he won the amateur billi- have.
she namely knew.
• "Thanks, if you don't mied. This ard championship of the club, and Arabella-"All the nicest men
.. is a charming room, Mrs. Eton, but so he remains to this day despite seem to be married." Amora-"I
I' cannot imagine Elwood in it; he many challenges, don't suppose they were always
mist have changed greatly since his But good though he may be at nice, They've just been caught
• marriage. What have you done billiards, the Minister of Agricul- early and tented !"
with his guns and stuffed birds and ture is a "friend of golf." Ever
the fishing tackle he was an fond ns since the links have been open this
having displayed about his apart- year, whatever the weather, no
cents 1" matter whether it has rained or
"Well, you see-we-er-those whether the sun has been shining',
things were put away, Tell me Martin Burrell has been "on the
about South America,. Were you in job." He defeated Mr. Borden,
aIRio very. long?" Dora desperately wiped the green with Hon W. °T.
endeavored to change the converse- White and Hon, G. H. Perley, and
tion. •he is now waiting for new heroes
110; I've been with an engi- of the links to oonquer.
steering gang, building a railroad in Afternoon after afternoon finds
•the wilds. It has been years since Martin Burrell out at, the Ottawa
' I've had the comforts of a home." links, So enthusiastic has he be-
• !s Very taetfully Dara kept the thn- oorne that he plays until the caddie
0, versation on railroad building and earinot see the ball, and until his
lt• his life in a foreign land. good wife it afraid that the soup
Time slipped by; the two were Will be1 1 before
r enjoying themselves imin 1 ee-r. Martin gets
em° 3r/ home. Nothing can stop him, not
. and deet"'d to krtiOt's that they hss.'"1 even the Lord's Day Act, for vshen
,not been properly introduced, The
little acids on the ' mantel thinned Sunday comes he ia on the links by
five and Dora started to her feet in ton o'clock and he stays there all
• a panic. How could she explain day' But then the Ottawa golf
110 etrelitiolse preemie, te Mandel links are located in Quebec and the
aside was lo stertight-laced. She laws of Quebec do not prohibit Sun.
ould be /shocked, grieved at day golf.
Ibera'e behavior, t,
•led' Seeing lir t
confusort, the sraiger
his , 4 .-...........--14-.....--.
• prom, held out nano, sieving: Benzoic, a by-product of cool -ter,
lly dear girl, I have to thank you is the root soured of our most bril-
' o a delightful afternoon-ariel- lfnt dyto.
Stimulative Preferred Stook
(Carrying a Bona of 40 %
Common Stook),
Price and full particulars
will he gladly forwarded
on request.'
MonIreat, T�oste, Landon, Eng,
"The People's Sob" and His Oharnoterlie
Mos -Toronto Baseball Club- The
city's Finances,
R. S. Fleming. "the people's Bob" of he-
which Is supposed to bring Niagara Power
to Toronto to run the street railway and
all the fatttoriee which have not gone
over to the Hydro Elertrio for their num
Ply. Every time there has been a, little
thunder in the air and a cloud in the
sky the power has gone off, onoe for five
hours, leaving tho people dependent on the
street oars to get home the best way they
knew how and closing down scores of fao.
torios. What the trouble is no ono out-
side the confidonee .0," knows. He
says it won't onour again and You 033
believe him or not as You like.
It is a geed thing that "It. J." carrion
his troubloe lightly. Ho toile a character.
istic story on himself. One evening be
his comfortable residence beyond the city
wan driving home alone "up the hill" to ALCOHOL AFFECTS THE SIGHT
limits: and therefore beyond the oily tax.
gatherer. His big touring motor oar
caught up to a lade pedestrian labori•
oualy climbing the incline, Neighbor.like DRINKERS USUALLY BECOME
he asked her to take a "lift." She Decent -
ed, and explained that she had been un• COLOR BLIND.
moo to find room in et street car.
"11 there's one man in Toronto I de-
test," the said vehemently, "it's that
man FlemingDo YOU know Mate" Vy-
, tiof SomBecome Diseased
Tho general • manager aonfeseed that he
l-- e
aha asked. Much Quicker Than
ui"Daho.,,,you know any good about him?"
"No,' said Mr. Fleming dubiously, "not Others.
FLEMING'S ABILITY. The excessive use of aleoholie
There has always been an impression beverages, combined or not, with
that Sir William Mackenzie obose Timm-
ins: because of his "oity halllnflusnoe,
influence," the excessive use of tobacco, leads
tbintet. thluittldealengthteheremaaluaregaearnini
choice was that Mr. Fleming is man 04 ain hen wgreaten
nob nu the Th 0000pations most affected by
this trouble, after that of publi-
ert reaxiciezt yi var. playa ano ei tayd..
is .44
Mr. Pleating is pe droduct of Toronto -
of the more or leas despised east end. As . .
cans, are cafe proprieters, dealers
taker of Parliament street Methodist
baankbarefoot c,fthl a. d Don, played rter oh% thwe.emneadrdey. ltheirIsspirituous ayenel irtintr r :a, bamnde:, s pee .oci:insy,
church, and recently told of getting UP and workmen. Sex simian to have
at 4 o'clock on Sunday morninge to light no influence, though night troubles
the fires. When he grew UP ha IltItttOd
a coal and wood yard and then went in. are Very frequent among fensale
Polities as a duck takes to water. He countries show remarkab
to real estate. Ho took th municipal cooks and costermongers. Certainpo1101�,
was elooted alderman, and did good work ly high
on the assessment committee. N'Then it proportions in this connection, Age,
was announced he was to run for Mayor too, BOOMS to have. no decided in-
Deonle thought it a joke, But he ran and fluence,
was elected. That was in 1891, when he
vanquished E. B. Osler. now Sir Edmund, The antecedents and general con-
rsai viiew rimes afterwards he was eleoted, and elitism of life aro important, as in
left the Mayor's chair to become Assess.
01405 Commissioner, thence to the street the first place weak subjects are
more often affected than those of a
Mr. Fleming has had reverees: he in-
vites them by his energy and his daring, healthy constitution and good gen-
Ffe was caught finencially in the land eral health, //sena:dent nourish -
boom in the nineties, and he has suffered
defeat at the polls. But he has rt alio. meet and privation play a decisive
sophieal temperament. The scars of the role. A certain degree of equill-
Laindwassansalrysahare now being wiped out, brium is maintained when the
is said to be in the neigh.
borbood of $20,000 a year, with an m0. drinker eats ell and works hard in
Menai 810,000 bonus thrown in. the open air.
THE BASEBALL PROSPECTS. The terra "alcoholization" covers
When the Toronto Baseball Club struck every variety, isolated or combined,
third place in the Eastern League the The person addieted to wine who
croakers said they had •reached their lim-
from time to time becomes subject
it. Indeed, before the season opened beta
made thattheLeatblooxiCati o n and indigestion iswouldnotishen0,tw.,thr.rmrin;l:Be:ftenandlessseriousiyaffect-
the losing streaks some of the criticism
was directed at Manager "Joe" icons,, ed than the ordinary drinker of
They said he did not maintain diseipline, spirituous liquors, who never be -
and that ho did not supply the Magill,- cornea
intoxicated, or than the man
tion necessary to make his team of all ,
critics properly by the and of the season. tures, or
stars get together. But he may fool the w110 constunes complicated Mix -
When the team loses at home after a
winning atroak on the road the players' THE SOLITARY DRINKER
*mouse is that the Island grounds, where
they not only play, but preetise and lire, who makes use of every known or
aro damp and rive them rheumatism.
There is a growing feeling that profesoriginal and personal method of in-
Biotinl baseball in the last few years has toxication.
Papers, and through them by the public.
been taken too seriously by the news. Tobacco alone rarely. leads to a
Baseball is alt right, but after all 11 is weakening of the eyesight, but it
(illicitly a commercial proposition, based Constitutes a very real adjuvant
on human optimism. And it to rather too cause in the case of the alcoholic,
much to expect every one of eight tenant
to be A pennant winner every year. This is a certain fact, quite com-
a TAXPAYING MONTH. monly observed in France. The
The last week of July is interesting to habit of taking a pinch of snuff can
the Toronto taxpayer because he is then scarcely be said to have any toxic
required 10/MY the first instalment of ss ,
the year'a taxes. The other instalments Omen% but there is a difference of
fall due in September and November 1.e. opinion as to whether the habit of
epeetively. A system of penaltiee ensures
prompt payments. And for the last few chewing tobacco is a serious factor
days before the final date the approach- in this connection.
ea to the City Treasureee office are
thronged with a stern and unenthusias• Methyl alcohol, or wood spirit,
tic crowd of thrifty ratepayer& surpasses all others as a toxic.
Finanoing Toronto has become a ser
ous matter. The expenditure thin year This substance, as is well known,
will run well over $9,000,000, a sum much frequently occurs in numerous
beyond the requirements for the ordin• pharmaceutical preparations or
ary activities of the government for the
entire Province of Ontario. Here are Perfumes, which the alcoholic do
some of the big 'tense which go to make not always disdain, such as eau de
up such an impressive total:
Debt charges .....„••••• .. $2,340,136 Long sight becomes affected,
Police Department .:.• ...• 689,sos though except in extreme cases, the
Jail .... .. „ 47,830
Public Schools .,.... 1,647,041 subject can see to find his way. But
High Scheele ...,.. .. 229,141 the visual acuity is iowered and he
Technical &shoots ...... •• 98,89 can no longer read the names of the
Separate Schools .... 118,160
Ithspitttla ..,.. .... •••..• 125,000. streets or shop signs. In the fell
Board of Health .,.. 122,957 light of the sun especially he be -
Isolation Hospital .... .•• 66,756 comes lost in vast open spaces or in
Law Department .... 36,350
Assessment Departraent 87,909 avenues ablaze with the midday
Oharttable Grants .... 94,950 glare. He is liable to be run over
Roadways .... .... .„. 147,389
and is afraid to cross a wide thor-
Engineering Salarioa .. .• 48,060 oughfare,
Street Cleaning . „. ..•• 619,336
Street Watering .... ,83,367 BOTH EYES AFFECTED.
Maintenance of Stables 69,591
Waterworks .... 408,913 The visual signsclearly aro de-
Seremen's Salaries .. .. 314,700
•Tire Hydrante (water) ...• 157,950 fined and almost always affect both
Street Lighting - • ...• •• 247,205 eyes with approximately equal in -
0107 stall Maintenance 69,229
tensity. The pati
Architect's Salaries .. ..• 42,815 patient 6409 better in
Official Salaries .... „.. 150,066
a feeble light, Alcoholic cabmen
Not all of the $9,000,000 expenditures has and drivel's of
delivery vans are al-
to be raised by' direct talration, The water.
works department, for example, provides most dazzled and semi -blinded in
nearly $1,000,000 revenue. The street rail -
bright sunlight. AB the daylight
way oompany, under its agreement, now fades
Yields almost another 81.000,000 annually. their eyesight in/proves. In
Licenses contribute over $200,000. Tho ex.
hibition may yield a profit of $60,000. But the evening their sight is almost
when all the sources of revenue have been normal, This difference in vision is
exhausted there remains a substantial worthy of attention,
snm of 66,286,963 to bo raked by taxes,
This is raised on an assessment of $343, Color blindness oo-existe with
098,145. Reduced h
to wet the individual 511011 trolibloS• Many patients are
per, this means that a MAIL with pro. very
Ports, assessed dt 15,000 has to put up $93difficulty they experience in read-
.. little disturbed at theisrowing
60, which, with Itie local improvements for ,
sidowelke, pavements etc., brings Isis mg, threading it needle or • doing
teXee to moerthan
As may be :mew from 0100 sin or t15 fine work. They explain it away by
annual debt °bargee, the eity's debt hoe saying that they require glasses,
"aeIldarg1r7r“°;nuTh°grl7:ndbegirt4: mb"airl0l' ima-
desttttlae$43,0,000,eaeertby oainaryplespia, Otho become
anti inveatmenta of 89,000,000 to
A net amount of esseactosa, oresestes the, unfil, for their occopation. Railway
in part le the feet that the property owned employes find difficulty in clearly
Sr the efts St worts et tenet Moot oak
Never/Mena it mime es something of distinguishing between red and
o shook 10 mow citizens to learn that green signals.
the mayor and the City Treasures, )so,0 But such subjects become aware
failed to ecu $5,000,000 more bonds in Hug.
loud, that they are seriously affected
-.t when they can no longer distin-
Retribtitiori is tornething we are geish thins. They give a gold piece
morally certain will overtake other in mistake for silver, This eyrnp-
people, tom strikes at the purse of them-
-, selves end those around thern, and
"Does old Skinnim believe in his they are obliged to seek medical
fellow man 1" "Peg -in his fellow advice,
infallible Tt is certain that, apart fromlhe
Happenings in the Emerald Isle of
Interest to Irish.
• men.
A middle-aged man named Gra
ham was found dead i01 a river neer
A serious shooting outrage has
oLoisctuarwreet at Duagh, four miles from
A pupil of the High School, Dub -
!in, has been awarded a foundation
A young man named Philip Lyon
woo accidentally killed by a train
outside Navan.
regime and the. medication render- Two young men were /Merged
ed advisable by the condition of the wills autnloawoufnultlyy araortamcling John
eyes, the special treatment should R
A young man named Duggan was
consist in total abstention from to-
bacco and fermented liquors, arrested at Waterford for stabbing
his companion.
In 1893 the tonnage of vessels
clearing from Belfast was 2,002,629,
and in 1011, 2,841,553,
A man named Patrick McNamee
was charged with larceny of a lady's
gold watch at Dublin.
Surprising figures were quoted by The bakery firms in Belfast have
M. Empereur in the French Senate been obliged to haiee the price of
in ib speech in which he complained bread to 324.d. a 2 -Ib. loaf.
thatot tthetohlcublas
places were unsatisfactory. smashing in Dublin,
wasndreegallaaatianagt gambling connection with the recent window
Seven suffragettes go to prison in
There are 123 such Watering John M. Hale, of Ballybarry,
places with 143 casinos. The gross County Mayo, was e accidentally
receipts at the gambling tables in killed on the Midland Groat West -
1911 amounted to 89,805,000, of ern Railway.
which about 83,000,000 was taken at A chauffeur named Thomas Jones
the petit chevaux and 80,600,000 at has been charged with manslaughter
baocarat. The Governmont re- for killing it boy on the Lisbon road.
'mitres 15 per cent. of this sum, or The engine of a goods train from
81,441,000. When the law was Limerick to Waterford broke down
passed in 1907 the Minister of the at Ballydrehid, two miles from
Interior calculated on receiving Calin,
as curled at Lough brickland, near
A serious dynanifte explosion oc-
inany Americans will readily guess, Banbridge, and two mon were ser -
is Enghien, just outside Paris. In iously hurt.
round figures the receipts at some At Longford Quarter Sessions his
of the principal watering places Honor Judge Curran congratulated
are: -Enghien, 81,850,000; Nice the Gtrand Jury on the peaceful
(municipal), 81,600,000; Trouville, state of the county.
8680,000; Aix -less -B0106, 880,000; It has been decided to offer a
Vichy, 8560,000; Biaritz, $520,000 s prize valued at about £300, for the
Nice (promenade), 8420,000; Diep- fastest aeroplane flight from Dublin
pe, $320,000; Boulogne, 8280,000; to Belfast and bask.
Cannes, 8220,000. Over 100 donkeys were shown at
Croupiers and money changers the third annual donkey parade of
share in the luck of winners, and the Belfast branch of the Society of
during the year the hundred em- the Prevention of Animals,
ployes at Enghien received 8340,000 The Chief Secretary for Ireland
in tips, the fifty at Vichy about has appointed Mr. Richard Francis
$2,800 each, the forty-two at Aix- Tobin, F.R.C.S.I., to be inspector
les-Bains nearly 83,500 each, at of schools of anatomy in Ireland.
Biarritz 82,000 each and at Dieppe A demonstration of high speed
over 82,800 each. typewriting was given in the Oen-
Senator Empereur complained ural Hall, Dublin, when Mr. Trefy-
that the present law was unjust to ger typed 227 worde in two minutes
casinos whose receipts were small. without a mistake.
He cited•examples of rapid fortunes A farmer named Cornelius Hor-
made by concession holders of casi- gan was engaged in cutting down a
009. Thus Mr. D, once a painter tree six miles from Middleton when
and poor, made 4,000,000 at Nice. it crashed down on him and killed
The Messrs, B. cleared 86,000,000in bin instantly,
thirty years at Cobourg, Aix -lee- At a Londonderry Board of Guar-
Bains and Pau, diens' meeting the clerk mentioned
4 that a steamer had arrived in the
port from Buenos Ayres with five
SMILE WHEN YOU CAN. typhoid fever patients on board.
The choice is before us all to smile
and make others happy, or to
frown and make them miserable
whilst they are compelled to be in
our presence. We 00.11 be pleasant,
and others love us, or we can be
erabbed, and make them hate us. Dr, David Soskice, writing to the
It is the duty of all to smile when- Ru-ssia Famine Relief Committee,
ever they can. A kind act leaves in at St. Petersburg, gives extracts
the soul a lingering balm which from the Russian press, showing a
freshens at night when we sleep, deplorable condition of things in
in the morning when we rise, and Russia.
through the day when we are about According to. these extracts, in
our toil. • There is no joy so pure the Province of Saratov, many pea -
and abiding as that which comes stints possess, literally, not a rag of
from making othrhappy.
huts. In the village. Feodorovka,
clothing in which to leave their
Self denial looks good to•the aver. the „schoolmaster says the children
age man --from a distance, lte,ve. become "as transparent as
wax" and answer questions at
Even good intentions prove too their lessons by piteous supplica- •
much of a burden for some men to tions for food.
In the village Marinsk, of the .
Province Teholsk, a little girl per- •
petually bogged her mother for
foods The unhappy mother, who
herself had tasted nothing for sev-
eral days, became suddenly do -
ranged at the sight of her child's
torments, and flinging herself upon
it began gnawing at it like Sav-
age beast.
In the Steppes of Samara, 'the
Population is suffering from scurvy.
In the village Glushitza, a doctor,
attending to the scurvy-strieken,
found a woman dying in. a hut,
which was half -reined, Not one
tooth was left in her head (scurvy
first of all attacks the teeth), There
wore five thildeen lying motionless
side by side. The mother said the
gave them bread when she could,
Upon examination, Iwo of the thil-
siren were found te be already esuf
fering from typhoid, Their dying
mother IthIceel a shriveled old wo-
man, though she was only 25.
"The distress here is frightful,"
says Mme. Orlova, writing from $a-
moOrO the most terrible thing
is that the Bashkir peasants have
lost all hope of smear. They
etretch themselves out in tows upon
the floor of their huts and Wait
silently for death,"
Surprising Figures of the Receipts
itt Watering Places.
Population Suffering From Starve -
thin and Scurvy.
Savo ?Imlay and Moreno
is Earning Power
WE have issued a Book-
let deseribing the.
for the purchase of
atocks and betide.
This Booklet shows 'hovr
you can create capital
through a small monthly
savings, It also shows
how these savings are
protected and how they
aro available for 360 all
any time if required.
Write 'to Investment
tee at, Jitmes St., MONTREAL
Mountain tan, (Attune
There is nothing parer than hon-
esty; nothing sweeter than ehiteity;
nothing warmer than loth; nothing
Heber 'than wisdom ; nothing
brighthr than virtee ; nothing more
eteadfaat, than 1eith,
3, 1.„