HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-8-8, Page 5DIMNESS CARDS. ‘AT li. 11400,RAOKEN- 1. V • Ilealer of Merril/go Lb:lemma. 01.• hoe at Grocery, Turnberry atreet, brueaels, K, 0, T. M. Brussels 'Taut of the Maceabeee, eio. 24 hold their regular meetings lo the Lodge Room, Beaker Stook, ou the 1st and 8rd Tuesday eveuinge of each month. Visitors alwaya weleorne. A, SOM IS 103, Own. A. fdp0U13111, 11,10 WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee in the Post °Mee, Ethel. 80.4 JOHN SUTHERLAN D ftletialaioa, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. 1.0 B. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION • .1' • nen, w111 sell for better prices, to better moo, in leas time and leas plumes than any ether Auotioueer in East 1411800 00 he won't charge anythine, Dates and orders can always be arranged at tine office or by p uremia) application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. kAi M SINCLAIR— V Y . • 13iirrl8tor, Solieltor, Oonveyaneer, Notary Publio, &a. Whoe—Stewert's Stook 1 door Nor th of Cautral Hotel. Spill:IUDs for the Metropolitan Bank. pliOUDFOOT, HAYS cit KILLORAN 13 AltitlielERS BOLICITORB, NOTARIES I.IBLIt), ETU. W. PnoilDroOT, K. O. R 0. BATS J. L. KILLOBAN Onlooii—'lliose formerly °coupled by Masers Cameron es Bolt, Common, 0 Waldo, ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL. TO LIVERPOOL. T. T. S. S. "Victorian" nnd "Virginian" T. S. S. "Tunisian" and "Corsican" Settings every Friday MONTREAL TO GLASGOW T. S. S. "Grampian" and .11esperien" T. S. S. "Scandinevian" and "Prater -Ian" Settings every Saturday TO HAVRE& LONDON Service of moderate priced one class cabin (II) steamers. Sentries every Sunday Full Informetion as to retell, 00, 00 Mon to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Bruesels.. r,„0`a.Y.,4914,v*Ww...0...tsiagoi.awotaYetzgow , fall Term from Sept. 3rd Arrange now to enter:the ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. The school that hen a greet rape t ation for giving superior business and short- et.; hand training. Graduates get and hold good positions bantam() they are thor- oughly prepared. Write f Ir catalogue. o Open all year. Enter any time. 'Ass eXentrAL neetteettelgWOMVOSSIesetetteraiStaa (tom Imgcricwittwovir,goake,m =71 01111111101 BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT,, Our teachers are all experienced in- I structors. Our courees are better than ever and the equipment is more own- g plate. Wo do more for our graduates el than do other similar schoole. Fourteen applicatione for trained help were received Miring the mad 011 week, some of these offering over 5700 per annum, We have three depart. numbs — Coinmereini, Shorthand and Telegvaphy. Write for oar free mita, login end nee what we are doing. D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. S„ow Ru -BER -Ci TIM= mann NIS0oarefitl0. • rixorL'4,4 ROOFING 00- N is strongly fire -resisting -- rated first-Olass by Fire Insurance Com- panies. it will not Ignite from sparks or burning brands, and has saved many a building. Made In 3 Permanent Colors —Red, Brown, Green —and in natural Slate. Sole Canadian Mfrs. 'is TEESTANDARDIMINTCO, szeigiifiretrere Cameli.T.hnited.rAontreal. P. Airnent, Brussel$, • ,,a..*1.41*.41*.41.....‘‘..A.41....A....6.46.41*.* W. H. LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer Orders I promptly and cave - day. Phone 228. fully attended to night or ETHEL, ONT, Business Cards DR. T. T. M'RAE Baohelor of Medioine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy. skeane and Surgeons, Ont. ; Put -graduate Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Roepitel, Ohioago, Ill. Ex -House Surgeon to St. Mich - eel's HOspital, Toronto. 00100 01101. le. R. Smith's Drug Store. Tele. phone connection with Oranbrook 01 11 hours. Buy it now. Now is the thee to buy a, bottle of Chamberlain's 011ie, Cholera and Diarehnett Rietriedy, It, is 11111181 eertain LO 1)0 needed befots U10 0 Sommer is over, ' This remedy ' bite no troperioe. • For sold by all deal. eta, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate °cargos Loudon (Eng.), New York end Chicago Hoe- pitals. Special attention todisease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses, DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Clollege. Day and night calls. Officio opposite Flour 81111, Ethel, MAUDE 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal. inology, MoOormick Medical Oollege, Chicago, 111., is prepared to test eyes 0101 110 glasses at her office over Grower's Restaurant, Bruasels, Wedelns:lay, Thursday, Prldoy and Saturday every second week. Office hoar e 10 to 12 a, Ia. and 1 to 6 p, 111, In Toronto, at 710 Spadina ave.. remainder of time. Phone 1219 Gaaava gfl ram latstrar —.— BRUSSELS GOING BOUTkl G0180 libtere Mail 7:07 a ra Express 10:55 a m Express 11:250 in Mail 1:50 p 10 Express 2:55 p10 Express 8:52 p in Cx1s.Js7 aCIPIC —.— WALTON To Toronto To Godorioh Express 7:42 010 1 Express 11;88 a m Express 2:67 pin8xpreoo 8:51 p m WROXSTER Going East - 7:05 a, m. and 8:55 p111. Going West - 12:48 and 9;47 p. in. All trains going Beat conned with 0.10. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. ttct Itetus Goderich The choir of North street Methodist church had an outing at Bayfield. Thee. Anderson, who 11119 removed with his family to Goderich from Fibre, Mich., brought With hint 00 pair of pure white mules. They are con- siderable of a curiosity in Goderich. The work of tearing out the old commercial wharf has furnished a year's supply of firewood for many families. The old timbers below the water are as sound as when they were put in. Goderich Boy Scouts are camping on the beach at the back of James Quaid's farm. The camp is much smaller this year than last, the Lon- don Cadet camp having Anore attrac- tions for the boys than the quiet camp life at Poet Albert. David Tucker, alias Bennett, was before judge Doyle for sentence nit charges of stop -breaking at Goderioh, Clinton and Hensall and attenipted jail-lweaking at Goderich: His Honor sentenced. him to the Central Prison for six months. McKillop Appetteances for an abundance of apples are good in this section of country. 'Tice hay has been saved in very fair condition and was about fair aver- age loop this section, (hating of Fall wheat and barley was general in McKillop last week. There are complaints of rest. Mrs. Bailey, of Blanshard has been visiting her brother, J. 3, • Irvine and ()thee relatives in this section, • Rev. enel Mts. McLean, of Whitby, have been visiting the latter's parents John and Mite Duntlits, • Mrs. Me. Lean was formerly Miss Alive Dentin% Mrs. McPherson, of Melina,' Sask., who is on a Vieth 'With her mother, also visited her brother, J. 3. Irvine mid other relatives here for couple of days recently Mrs. Staples, of Northern Manitoba, accompanied by her two children is on a visit with hoe poreuts, Mr. and Nils. Johnston, of 'Walton. She is a sister of Mrs. George Dundee, of Leadbury, With whom she has also been visiting. An ordinary case of diarrhoea can, as a rule. be cured by a single dose of Chemberlairi's Colic, .Choleva and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy. has no superior few bowel complaint...S. For sale by all dealers. Atwood Rev. W. Connor. of Ailsa Craig, has been appointed the new Incum- bent of the Anglican church. Miss Hannah •Little was sueoessf0l in .passing the Departmental Ex- amination for entrance into the Noe - peal schools and Faculties of Echo 68'Tten'tiein know!) as Kelly & Bow- man, who have conducted , a general store in Atwood tiering. the past, year, have censed besiness in the Village mid have moved the stock to Port McNichol, where they will resume busineea. - Elma Cheese & Bettor Mfg. Coin - patty, Limited, shipped 405 boxes cheese being their make of cheese foe the first-half of July, on Tuesday morning of last week, to Lovell & Chrislarne, Mos Is Ailment realized $4114,55. , DrED.—In Atwood on, Inursorty, July 25th, Annie MeTiayee, believed wife of ;fairies Donaldson sr,, passed away in her filet year. 'The lament' took place on Settledny aftertione froth het late tesidelice, inteetneot, being Made baselines Centre Cemetery, l'Ite following from Atwood and vicinity Were sueeeasful in passing for entrance to the Normal:3(.11001s 1--- A, 0. Loolilieed, A. 13. AleSlane and M. G. Robb. • Avth ue" Si In n ham pitecluteed Hovey fSlittimon's 100 wive farm on the f3th con. Week, Mr, Shannon •left with two cars of eettler's • effects for Sandervilit', Alta, where he 11110 a homesteed. FREE ADVICE 1 w mEN i„.,,,,o0::,t,e,,....p.asieokr,,,i,ern;dr:IAVe pffIrormvi71'eseer,r011); taerrratahgeeg3frotrY thhee7; dveliplakr'ttZt:e jiroGrno9;on., TO SIC A well known Des Moines woman after suffering miserably for two clayti from bowel complaint, was Mired by one dose of Uharribeelain's Colic, Cholera and Dierrhoem Remedy, •For sale by all dealers. Seaforth A. D. Sutherland tool Cons, Billy and Jim were on a, trip to VI 1111800. Thos. and Mrs. Rands and daughter are speeding a few weeks at Baytield. Miss Ethel Williams passed bee ex - =Mellon tts stenographer with hon- ors. Miss 14111dred Pendergast left foe Chicago where she intends to spend the W in ter. Mrs. V. Fear and Miss Helen have been on a two week!? mot (iv trip to St. Thomas and Windsor. Miss Kate Cowan, of Red Deer, Alta. lies arrived in town and is the gueseot her brothel. James' Cowan. Mrs. Rev. Larkin ints returned home from Vancouver, where she attended the Foreign Mission Convention held in that city in June. • The many friends: of F. R. Ham- mett will regret to heat. of the acci- dent which befell him in Forest, on the 24111 of July where he fell from a window of the canning sactory which is in course of erection in that totvn. Mr. Hammett fell a distance of 25 feet severely straining his back, which necessitated his rememing in bed for the past week. His hinnies might have been much more serious had he not. alighted on a sand pile. WHEN LONG BREATHS HURT You know that troubles exist which need quick attention. Proper action consists in a vigoroua rubbing of the chest and side with Nerviline which sinks into the tissues where the pain lo seated, and gives relief in a few minutes. No liniment so clean. so strong, so powetfnl. Results guaran- teed with every 250 bottle of Nerviline. Get it to -day. Listowel Robert Ferguson, of Buffalo, was the guest of T. L. and Mrs. Hamilton. Miss Geetie Zilliax, who has been visiting. with friends in town, has re- turned to her home in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. Lang -Ford and Miss Nora, Lang -Ford left on Wednesday of last week for Leith on the Georgian Bay, where they will spend their vacation. W. E. Binning has disposed of his two story white brick house and lot situated on the North West corner of Division ancl Penelope streets to Mr. Dierlamm, of London, who is going to make his residence in Listowel. Mr. Binning intends living in the red brick residence now occupied by Mr. Buigess. The resignation of Miss C. Smith was read and accepted, at the School Board's last meeting. Miss F. Both- well was appointed to Miss Smith's room at a saltuty of $400. The corn. mittee on salaries reported as follows : --The mincipal's salary to be 'Weed frorn $905 to $1000, Miss J. Austin, from $450 to $405 ; Miss N. Campbell from $425 to $450; Miss I. Campbell from $400 to $425 ; Miss Forbes from $400 to $415 ; Miss Hawkins from $450 to $405 ; new teacher $400. Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach "I suffered intensely after eating and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any good," writes H. M. Youngpeters, Editor nf The Sun, Lake --View, Ohio. "The first few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising re- lief and the second- bottle seethed to give 010 11 new stomach and perfectly good health." For sale bysall dealers. Fordwich Rev. A. B. Dobson was home from the lake shore attending the ftmend of the late Mrs. Hyndman. Mrs, Fred. Adams lef 1 for an ex- tended visit, with her mother and e Mee in Elk Heart, Indiana. Mrs. Morley Ayle.sworth, who has spent the -last three months visiting her parents and other relatives here, has leturned to Toronto. In the recent Menial School Exam- inations we milked the names of Miss Eunice Sollielail ttlid H. John - 810)1 aiming 1 he successful candidates. B. S. and Mrs. Cook were in Tor- onto for seemed days on account of the serious illness of their danghter, Miss Norma. We are pleased to team she is improving and expects soon to be fully restored to heal th. James Walthew, with his assist- ants, Mr. Valley and Mr. 13tebner, church decorators, me at present en- gaged decorating Trinity church here, and when completed will be a beautiful in Writs'', and t orient and chancel.Service will be held in Brown's Hall tiering the comseof re- modelling. Wmgham A large amount, or tile drains are to be laid by the fateners of this district this Pall. Mrs. Win. Coulter wos bentight 111 from the 001111117 to the General Hos. pital to undeego an operation, • .A numberof berrypiekers took ad- vantage of Civic Holidey and came home with a nico lot, of Wild beetles, OBIT.' -There paseed ;May Thttraday aft ern ono at, h80 U00 (0' residence $)ll7ur teeets after an ill ileett SOVer- 111 Miss NliZabeill W118011, De- oettsed was a school teacher in Wing - 1111111 for so'VVI'11,1 years, olive which she resigned and aceepted a. position in the 884110 profeseion, 100 Ihnlitigton. After the schools closed for the holidays she went to Toronto to visit feimuls and while there she was taken sick. Thinking that het health would prove elle deekliel name (15 Wilg- 15111(1. Deeensed was beat Kildnse and WaS ('dtlented 110113. 8)15 Waft 8 Presbyterian and 10 great • workee in the timidity Seined, and al! excelletit singet, She leaves; besides Ifer,par- OUR WINNIPEG LETTER That this year's crop will he the largest ever grown in western Canada most part Ontario farmers and sons of fanners who anticipate taking up homesteads. J. Bruce Walker, gratioe Commissiouer, is looking. af- p erts, by heads of elevator route. Another big parte of settlers companies end the provipcial depart- from the State of New York is nOW meut of agriculture. Not only will on the way to Winnipeg in charge of Thousands Have Been Helped the total yield be the largest, but .1, J. Golden, and it is only a few By Common Sense Suggestions. Women suffering from any form of fe- male ills are invited to communicate promptly with the woman's private corre- spondence department of the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman; thus has been established a confidential corre- spondence which has extended over many years and which has never been broken. Never have they published ft testimonial or used a letter without the written consent of the writer, and never has the Company allowed these confiden- tial letters to get out of their possession, as the hundreds of thousands of them in their files will attest. Out of the vast volume of experience which they have to draw from, it is more than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed in your case. Noth- ing is asked in return except your good will, and their advice has helped thou- sands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should be glad to take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. Ad- dress Lydia E. Pink - ham Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. jodging by present conditions, the ownetekaspoarhoerthelatrgMGolden large pattyof bfarourignelg from that same state, a Ire nuneber of whom settled in the district around Ruseell, Man, 'Phu° are about six hundred Intending settlers in Ibe party now expected. A conference of railway passenger obtaining adequate farm labor to meet ig14;1°::(ni.e6c1PelairrireN(VII"?Itinoind mpsslICIa8P'rliYdIly101baalerii(!' agents will be held in Whmipeg im- mediately to consider the question of the coming deneand. The following Fittings, sueli as Piping, Wat- • Bruce Walker immigration commissio(01 Bowls foe stock, &e. will be present on this occasion J. 1l - or ; Prof, Bedford, department of Bepairs to Pumps promptly agriculture of Manitoba ; A. F. Mantel, attended to. deputy minister of agriculture of commissioner fn. Alberta ; C. B. Foster Saskateb; ewan R. J. Daley, publicity Give me 11 call. yield per acre will outstrip all previ- ous years. One of the bet known Agriculturalists of western Canada states that harvest of various crops will take One during the following periods :---Barley communes August r, completed Aug, ao ; fell wheat, Aug. to, to 25 ; Spring wheat, Aug. 18 to Sept 12 ; oats, Aug. 25 to Sept. 15 ; flax, Aug. 25 to Sept so. This will put all grains iu stook by the middle of September, fully three weeks ahead of the ordinary eeason, In every part of the West crops are showing extra- ordinary development. Complete piens In full detail of the new Provincial Parliament Buildings at Winnipeg have now been received by the public works department from each of the five architects is hose pre- liminary plans were selected out of the hundreds submitted to the de- partment several months ago. The final decision as to the best set of plans will be made by Leonard Stokes the English architectural expert, who is expected to arrive from England in neartheThew future,innip Winnipeg Industrial Bureau have completed their plans for the extensions to be made to their present Exposition building for a more ela- borate display of the natural resour- ces and manufactured products of the country. In addition to this ex• tension to the main buildiug, the Bureau will erect, equip and main- tain a solid fireproof art and museum section, ot 16o by 6o feet. Another addition included in the proposed plans is the remodeling of the present Terminal building, adjoining the prop- • erty, which will be converted into a magnificent convention auditorium hall capable of seating 4,000 people. The proposed extensions and their maintenance for a term of five years will cost $15o,000, which will be raised by special grants from the city, the railways, business organizations and a general subscription of business firms, The mannner in which the an- nouncement has been received by the public has already assured the hearty co-operation of the citizens in carry- ing out the Bureau's plans. M. A. Ryan, president of the Ryan Boiler Works of Duluth, the well- known and long established manufac- turers of upright stationary boilers, has closed negotiations for several acres of land for the establishment of a factory on a large scale in Winni- peg. The Ryan Boiler works have been supplying the Northwest with their manufactures for a good number of years and are coming to Canada fully equipped to cope with the ever- increasing demand for their goods. For some years they have carried on an extensive and successful shipping business to the Canadian West, but • will be able to conduct operations on a mooch larger scale from their Canadian factory. The biggest permit issued this year has been taken out this week by the National Construction Co. for the New Law Courts at Winnipeg. The permit was for $1,000,000. Work on Otto foundations has already been com- menced. The total permits issued for the year 19r2 now amount in value to $14,319,950. This week's permits also include an apartment block on Maryland street to cost $3o,000, and a store and office building to be erected by the Notre Dame Investment com- pany, on Cumberland street. This new block will cost $5o,00o. The Marshall Wells company have also taken out a permit this week for a warehouse on Market street to cost $63,000. The bank section was ready for occupa- tion last month. Practically the en- tire structure was erected by local firms. Tile spacious banking room is fitted almost entirely with marble, the floor being of marble tile, a marble wainscotting seven feet- high sur- rounds the room and the counters are also made of the same material. This week's bank clearings at Win- nipeg show a gain of over $5,000,000 over the sante period last year, the figures being :—Week ending July 25, $25,880,477 2' corresponding week last year $2o,348,211 ; same week in 1910, $17,774.471. The volume of wholesale and retail business transacted during the week of the Fair :was unusually large. The wholesale merchants booked considerably more business than Is usual from the visiting coun- try dealers. Travellers on the road are sending in good reports and the warehouses are busy shipping. Local factories are working overtime to keep pace with the steady demand made on their output. It is reported Chet an enormous amount of general merchandise is coming West over the lake and rail routes, all !merchants aud manufacturers being anxious to secure a plentiful supply before the fall grain rush begins. The railways are milking more extensive prepare. tious than ever before to insure the carrying of this year's crop. Arrangements are being completed for thousands of acres of land to be thrown open for hoinesteading in Manitoba when matters relating there- to are adjusted between the Do minion and Provincial Governments. Enquiries regarding these lands Are numerous and it is expected that there will be a rush of entries. One tract of land tint will be available for homesteading is about thirty miles from Winnipeg, and this district. which has a radius of 150 to 175 miles 00 11115 city, hes thousands of acres for settlement. At the ptesent time the counters of the local Dominion lands' office are crowded daily with unit. wine for information concerning the homesteads iu every part of the prove Ince, Many of these are old settlers. from variotts parts of the provitne, looking for locations for their 90515 and .itt some eases for themselves, As those who obtained patents prior to 1889 are entitled to new homesteads 111 addition to those they at present occupy. A Special excursion of homeseekere • Arrieed in Winnipeg from Toronto leSt week. • There are 846 in the patty every oue of whom is destined for Menitoba where they —m•w LI voino---- expect to settle, They are for the Every woman ought to have Lydia E. Pinkham's 80 -page Text Book. It is not a book for general distribution, as it is too expensive. It is free and only obtainable by mail. Write for it today. ents, two brothers and foul. sisters :— Miss Jean Wilson, of Toronto, nurse ; Mrs. Scott, of Michigan ; Frankie and Hannah, at home ; James, of White- church, and Thomas, 06 Toeon to. The funeral took place to Whigham ceme- tery on Saturday afternoon. What nearly proved a serious ac- cident occurred last Thursday when James Malcolm, of Listowel, who re- cently bought a new automobile, was -going to Kincardine. When turning the corner at the salt block, at the lower end of the town'oue of the rear axles broke, Mr. Malcohn, fortunate- ly, was not going al a very fast rate at the time. • THE DEAF MADE 7'0 HEAR • Deafness because usually due to catarrh, is quite curable. In a thous- and cases this is prove11 absolutely true. Success invariably attends the use of Catarrhozone which has cured catarrhal deafness of twenty-five yea's standing. Penetrating through the passages of the ear, the soothing vapor of Catarrhozone relieves the infleunmation, destroys the seeds of Catarrh ancl thereby allows nature to re -assist herself. TIT. Catarrhozone yourself, 25c and $1.00 sizes sold by all - dealers. TAKE A WITH YOU! • 110." --- EVERYTHING FOR KODAKERY ' AT OUR STORE J. R. WENDT • 3EWELLER and ENGRAVER, Wroxeter lel RYER SLIT YOUR Boors l'hat doesn't (Mee the corn, Juut apply • the obi standby, Pa/ ttril'O VOrn 2(X1ractor, 11 act8 like magic.' K.ills the pein, eneea the corn, • doee ib without burn or scar, Get the best— i's "Putnam's," A. RAYMANN dR .A;. AC. HAMANN, Cranlirook 'haw, be the C. ' RC..OSreelm'an, the C. N.gR. ; and W. P. Hinton, the G. T. P. 1 ossemoessumonasuswasonsmomMM Me' 0 . 4 • **************• **•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :••• 0 • • • • • • • • • . ome and .. .,:;..,,L .1 il • • • • • • • • • 40 • • •• . See s I e , • • • • • • : •• • ----40--0.---- • • • • We Handle • 44 • • • • 0 • • . • O 0 Frost & Wood, McCormick, Cockshutt, o • • : John Deere, Dain, Fleury, Wilkinson • • • and Percival & Kemp Plows and a.11 • * • • • kinds of Farm Machinery. * _ * • • • • Louden, Beatty, Workman & Wird and Preston Hay Tools and Stable Fittings. • • • Barber and Brantford Buggies, Carts, etc. 4 , Adams, Speight and St. George Wagons, etc. s.J 6 • Singer Sewing Machines. e • De -Laval and Empire Separators. •• ° • • O P All kinds of Wind Mills, Gasoline En- * # : gines, Washing Machines, Wringers and * Coal, Wood, Gasoline and Oil Stoves. • * Roofing, Evetroughing, Hardware; Tin- * •• ware, Paints and Oils, Paris Green and : • •• • Poultry Fountains. • The largest variety of Plow and Machin- i • erayndR. Repairs in this vicinity always on - h • • • * • : * • • • o * . , • •• • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••*••••••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••••,: Bell and Rural Telephones. Give us a call • Krauter ros. Ethel, Ont. 4. • MM. MENINYOU NEED NERVE EARLY INDISCRETIONS AN EXCESSES NAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM The nerves control all actions of the body 10 that anyt thing that debilitates them w111 weaken alt organs pf the system. Early Indiscretion. and Excesses have1 ruined thousands of promising young men. Unnatural Drainasap their vigorand vitality and they never develop to a proper conditionof manhood. They remain Weak f lines, mentally, physically and sexually. How yoefeel , Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy specks before the eyed with dark circler: under them, Irma:back, kidneys irritable, palpitation 'of the heart, t , bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine, pimples!' on the face, eyee sttriken,,hollOw cheeks, careworn eg, presslon, poor memory, tifelesisolistruetens lack energy • and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change, able moods, prematuredeoay,bonopains, hair loam, etc,' This h the conditioneur New Method Treatment is GUARANTEED TO CURE We have treatedFRDElsEa aloe; ocC HatAeRna gf o r almosta life do time aud not have to experiment. Doresult al; and wo will toll you *heeler you aro curable or not .=. We guarantee curable 00800 00 NERVOUS DEBILITY. VARICOSE VEINS, BLO011 AND SKIN DISEASES, GLEET, BLADDER URINAItY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Pratt Booklet on Dhenses of MON If Wilagli 00 Cal write for . Vionderful Nervous SyStgla QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT: 13ns.KENNEDY&KENNE1)11, Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. • I NOTICE Alt letters from Canada lutist be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart. isisissumniesesss tient hi ,Whidsor, Ont. If you desire to see its personally eat at our Medical Institute in Detroit 105 WO see and tr* no patients hi our 'Windsor offices which are for Correspondence r Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as fellor DRS. KENNEDY KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write ter our nrivato Aiddress,