HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-8-8, Page 4ij,b.; ifausoeIs °.fist
qHv svAX, AUGUST l eve2
A Woman of Few Words
Mt s. ItiL. Bye,
Main streetet
North, Mount Eorest, Out„ writes :
Your remedy for kidney, bladder and
How tvnuld it be to look up your stomach trouble line given me great
relief, Have taken three boxes and
skates and hockey +acid while the days now feel like living and better than
are long and the nights are cool ? I have felt for years and 1 give your
TRans reports prophesy a lively trade FIG PILLS
this Fall with good prices and state that
the gear rel nntlook is bright for a lively
NORTH PERTH riding is going to have
rural mail service. H. B. Morphy, M.
P , is doing good work toward his next
election contest.
Moss railways and better bigbways
are among the things New Ontario re-
quires to cid in its development, The
hinterland has a great future if proper—
ly handled.
Ws wonder why it is that so many of
our law courts can bit everything except
the point that was specially de-
sired to be cleared up? Looks as if ap-
peals were courted.
Ir will be a matter of general interest
to state that the new wing of the Lady
True Blue Orphanage, located at Pic -
ton has been formally opened. An in-
s'itutlon of such a type far outweighs,
in our judgment, pillars and columns of
marble and stone and are monuments of
usefulness and practical humanity.
THE new Provincial taw says that a
calf must be 4 weeks old before it may
be sold or ,slaughtered for veal. For
disobeying, a flue of from $Io to $so
may be imposed. That's good as far as
it goes but there should be another ac.
companying law designating it as seri-
ous an offence to pass off 2 year old mut-
ton for Spring lamb at a fancy price.
HEWs's good news for people wbo
wish to travel like the wind. A new
machine -called aero-unycicle-is said
to possess speeding qualities that will
roll it along at 12 miles a minute or 72o
miles an hour. If anything went wrong
causing the passenger to dismount on
short notice, the sudden stop would
cause a jar. Speaking for ourselves we
would just as soon walk and thereby
possibly not realize as speedily on our
life insurance as taking passage on au
WHAT'S in a name,? George Gould-
ing, of Toronto, who won the champion-
ship honors at the Olympic games this
year in Sweden for walking, had a son
and heir born on June zetb. To mark
the combined notable events the laddie
is to wear the name :-George Beverly
Olympic Goulding. When the kiddie
gets a stone bruise on its foot "lympic"
will come in handy. The old fashioned
idea of bunting up Bible names to desig-
.q :--"ate new arrivals is well nigh a lost Art,
In the meantime Georgie will reside
A DANDY and very practical custom is
bion the program in Switzerlrnd to cure
laziness, When a man refuses to provide
for his family he is arrested and sent to
e prisonwhere be is compelled to work,
the proceeds going to the support of
'those dependent upon bim. His earn-
Ings are sent by the officials to his form-
er lace of s
re idance. Therepeople
are eo le
'in Canada who are "work shy" upon
whom the cure might be tried with good
-effect. We fancy there would be some
rapid recoveries from the bite of the
lazy bug if a stiern hand gripped the
\negligent one by the collar.
CANADA will stand to profit in more
'ways than financially by the visits of
ld Country M. P.'s. This Dominion
vtll `stand the closest scrutiny from } an'
andpoint and emerge 16 ounces to the
The better Canada is °an. t e b t
d the easier it should be to adjust
tour affairs with the motherland. There
cis a probability that several Cabinet
`Ministers may cross the Atlantic in the
Fall of 1912 and attend some of the
essions of Parliament at Ottawa. It
would be well to formulate the naval
bill prior to their coming so that they
old be aware of what was proposed
ini followed b
1 eu of the' line low d y the now Eo
No one pays taxes very willingly as
'even never seem to be receiving value for
Y g
tide cold bosh, although often the very
(pposite is the case. A town in France
that was sborton'its fnauces thought it
would be a good card to collect rates on
,the weight of adipose tissue carried by
`the citizens and"arranged the following
Ora :-Below r35 pounds no tax from
eel t0 20e, $2. $o ; from 200 50 270,
a di
'�q 6o and.�q.ilo' for each d t ional zs
oultds. It is said most el the oppose
t n` came front ladies of weight wbo
Netted getting on the scales. There
77J g g
e Brussels citizens who would
f some
e $1.6o to pay. We would commend
abo e s stem of taxation to Hon, .,.. y „ l
Whitney as°`itis.just as sensible as
S Bible es the law of• taxing improve,
entente now ail the Statute books,
all the praise, for they ate the best I
have ever tried." At all dealers, 25
and 50 cents, or The Fig Pill 'Co., St.
Thomas, Out. Sold in and recom-
mended its Brussels by J. Pox Drug-
"Red Dart" won 2nd money in the
open race at Paisley.
Mrs. Neil A. Taylor and daughter,
Mies Annie, were guests of Court -
weight friends,
Miss Lou I. Hoot, of Portland,
Maine, is apeuding her holidays at
the home of her friend, Miss .A.
Mande Piing.
H. Thomas, 0. P. R. agent Left on a
couple of weeks' holidays at Kipawa.
During his absence Geo. Badley is
taking his place at the station.
BASE BALL. — A very interesting
game of base bull was played ed at the
local park here Thursday eveninght
fore e. large crowd, between the old
rivals, Clinton and Blyth, Clinton
was assisted by the Canadian League
pitcher, Dick Tasker, but for all they
were not strong enough for the home
team, which won by the score of 8 to
5. Tasker went into the box but the
locals hit him, although they were a
little nervous at first. The team is
now playing good ball and is open for
challenges from any of the local teams.
DR. Sweet HONORED.—Dr. William
Sloan, who has held the snrgeunship
of the Central Prison, Toroutoe, for
past 15 years, was upon his retirement
made the recipient of a handsome
Norris chair from the members of the
staff. The presentation was made by
Dr, Gilmore, the warden, who briefly
reviewed the good works and ex-
ample of the retiring physician. Dr.
Sloan made a happy reply expressing
his thanks to the staff assembled to
bid hien farewell, His successor is
Dr. Jautea Algie, of Alton, Ont. Dr.
Sloan is well remembered here from
his long and useful residence at Blyth.
He is a brother to Andrew Sloan of
this locality.
Look out for weakness or disease.
See if there is not a side ache, head-
ache, restlessness and the 'blues."
These symptoms indicate that you
need the gentle assistance of Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. They are women's
greatest relief, prevent functional
derangements, renew the life of the
blood, purify and clean the system
throughout. No tonic so potent, no
results so marked as follows the use
of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25c
per box at. all dealers.
The following paper was read by
Miss Elsie Straohan at the recent
meeting of the Women's Institute at
Proverbs may not be as generally
accepted as they were by our fore-
fathers since we have proved so many
of the old sayings unreliable. Among
h wehi
the ancient utterances in which
have implicit confidence is the dictum,
" In,tmion is strength." This is true
in family life, in political circles and
in international combinations. When
thele is civil strife on there is au
opening for foreign attack. We have
a new, strung staff this being their
first meeting since their induction
and we hope all the members will
stand by there. The Summer meet-
ing was indicative of the broad in-
terest taken by all the members. I
will try, very humbly to give a few
sketches of the authors of Canada and
is Mrs.
will mention
the first one f 1
Isabel Ecclestone McKay,of Winui-
peg. Her name is freently met
with in current periodicals and is in-
variably attached to a piece of good
work. Mrs. McKay excels by being
able to write entertainingly, a very
uncommon gift. In her more serious
work she has shown a capacity for
steady growth. One of her highest
peaks of achievement is the poen]
"The Homesteader."
"Wind swept and fire °rept, and
swept with bitter rain,
This was the world, I came too
When I came across the sea.
an panting, Sun drenched d pa g, a preg-
t p g
nantwastin lain
Calling out to humankind calling out
to me,
I mind the long white road that ran
between the hedgerows neat
In thatlittle a strange old world I
left, behind me long ago.
I mind the air so full of bells at even-
ing far and tweet
All and all for some one else l I had
leave to go.-
n I'
And this is what I came too when
came across the sea
Miles and miles of unrised sky and i
miles of unturned sod."
Blessed be every writer who belps tris'
to realize what we are continually in
danger of forgetting thab we are not
necessarily prosaic because we live
prosaic lives.
Miss Wirma Shread is another
Canadian author who bas the secret
of enviable power. Her novel "The
Man of Lone Lake" is of unusual plot
and character. The writer is most
skillful in the evolution of the Gorrner
and the depiction of the latter. It is
the story of a man's wresting Emc-
cess from failure and in the course
of itis redemption The
find Nature's
healing influence. The power of un-
selfish love and the strife of will power
Anallyrestilt in a higher self. Her
finest poem is "'The Ethereal Temple,"
the following being a stanza t.
"Enter the temple beautiful 1
The house not made with hands,
Rain washed and green, wind swept
and ['lean,
Beneath the blue ft stands
loading Canadian,
LN'AJJL''R N. W. RV W1R14...
Mr. Rowell arrived back from a
most enjoyable tour of New Ontario.
Ile was accompanied by a company of
the leading Liberals of the Provinee.
And no eatbedral anywhere
Seemeth so holy and so fait,"
Something very different from
I if i tg it books on 1t•avel is
found in "Open Trail," by Janey
Catuck, Mrs. Etnily Murphy, of
Edmonton. 1 -ler first book "Jamey
Canonic in the West" is a story of at
young girl's experience mit West and
the story is full of pathos and humor.
Mrs. Murphy seems to have an en -
exhaustible vein of haulm' and her
observation os hi le inclusive of many
of the difficulties that are almost in-
variably encountered out West, are
Imperial Year
Imperial Cadet Review
Cadets from all the Overseas Dominions
Exhibits by the Provinces
Dominion Exhibits
Band of Scots Guards
From Buckingham Palace
Paintings of the Year from Europe
Paintings by best Canadian and
American Artists
Imperial Cadet Competitions
Boy Scouts Review
Everything in Educational Exhibits
Siege of Delhi
Besses 0' Th' Barn Band
Britain's Beet Brass Band
Dragoons' Musical Ride
Industries in Operation
Butter Making Competitions
America's GreatestLive Stock Show
Canada's Biggest Dog Show
America's Prettiest Pussies
Japanese Day Fireworks
Motor Boat Races
Hippodrome and Circus
Four Stages and Arena all going
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
Athletic Sports
p eta
Ten Band Concerts Daily
Acres of Manufactures
Imperial Fireworks --60 Numbers
Aug. 24 1912 Sept. 9
nevertheless desetibed with optimism
and enthusiasm. Site is an enthusias-
tic hit-
ll -
1 �- 'I II Itll(1
IR 1114]) In 1
l c Vesttt tt L happy
n ref ]1-
� ' 't n her nentnnret,
the It t
alto t( 1 1
rs n' a West so
• 5 i ] n a that lit
acs, nal It
often inspit.rs.
0411011 Glli, the author of '.Love in
i-lanitobte," a title that rouses one's
etuosi5y at nude, is an Anglican
tm 5ister who hes lived iu the \Vent
for many yeste, and he is in clow
Lnu°h with the new set tiers, Swedish
s writhe,
el'\''aP. He 111
t \lila ,
L1 Otl \I
geveratl. short Shirks and peelodicele,
They entail wet tit reading.
A nnbureied survey of Bliss Helena
Culentau's songs and sonnets bring to
light treasures of spit -heal appreiten-
slot that grow upon one with enc•
cessive readings. She knocks boldly
at the gale of than onl(nawn st rid
whose meaning are beyond the pupa
of formulas to express. She has ex-
celled it the sonnet, "'The day begins
10 Waite" :--
"Iiinconpassed by a thousand name-
less fears,
I see life's little day begin to wane,
And hear the well loved voices call in
Across the narrowing margin of my
And as the valley of the shadow nears
Snell- yearning tides of tenderness
and pain
Sweep over me that I can scarce re-
gathering The g gineffectual
flood of e e
Yet there are moments when the
shadows being
No sense of parting or approaching
But rather all my soul event broaden-
Before the dawn of unimagined
1 tgli t.
As if within the heart of folded wing
Were making for a wider Hight."
It is seldom that the materialistic
West takes tirne to all the art of
Literature of Canada bob there is a
new volume of poems by Mr. C. F. P.
Oonybears, of Lethbridge and he
shows signs of strength and poetic
gift. Onnybears is an nut and out
Westerner and finds lots of scope Inc
his subjects. In a deft way he consol-
es our country on a verse from the
"Lady of the Snow" :-
"Nor chill, nor cold thy breast is but
waren and full of joy ;
A pillow soft where rest is
For those whom care annoy,
Heart seared with old world sadness
Thereupon may find repose
Our Lady of great gladness. the
comforter of woes."
In Mr. Cony bear we have to promising
addition to the forces of making for a
national sentiment expressed in verse.
Dr. A. D. Watson, of Toronto, is
another very notable writer of verse.
His name is familiar with readers of
magazine verse. He is a very busy
man who in odd moments gives
thoughts to his country's future and
the glories of Nature. In the verse
"The Pines" he reaches his highest
perfection :-
"The fresh breeze sings through the
pine tree strings
And a million leaves are shaken
But when in the sky the wild wind
The sighs like a lover forsaken."
For the qween of the trees i8 the
bride •i a of the breeze..
And the harp of the wind she
Is the forest tunes and tnelodies rich
mtroldeth ."
Mrs. Nellie McClung, of Saskatoon,
is petite p0 one of the most popular,
and humorous writers we have. Her
first book, "Sowing seeds
in Danny""
the reading of it made her immediately
popular. Her name is attached to
many other stories,
Ralph Connor, of Winnipeg, the
roost widely read Canadian author,
besides having a large Presbyterian
congregation to look after, Hods time
for writing. Be was born in Glen-
garry. I thunk perhaps his best pro-
ductions "The Man from Glengarry!
and "Glengarry School days" have
been most widely read.
Sir Gilbert Parker is the mosb
novelist we have.
notable Canadian uo v
He was i
1 en here in 1802. He is
author of four splendid novels,
"Pierre and his People," "The seat of
the mighty," "The tvght of Way,"
and "A ladder of swords."
Robert We Service, of the Yukon,
has become a very notable writer of
prose and verse, He is of typical
Western type. His first book The
trail Of '98" describes the Yukon
miner's life very critically and his other
book "Songs of the Sourpough" is
tslso 2(111 of truth of the trainers life.
The following is a few nl' his lines in
"Law of the Yukon" :-
nen tWA'
Pinehalf cent
per el
Winnipeg eg u
rom nl
to MaoLaodCalenrri or Edmonton. d¢eLeod, CaI nr rEdmonton to Wlimipeg
AUGUST 20th—'From all stations on all lines on and South of the Grand Trunk Main -
Line, To, to Sarnia, including all stations on the C.P.A. Toronto to --
Windsor (inchtave) and Branch Lines including Guelph sub -division from .
Guelph South and Luin Brampton South, the Grand •
but not including
AUGUST 28rd—Tram Toronto, and all stations north Of.a.
not in Main Lido, Toronto to of Lia, amt from Toronto cast to, but
not including Kingston, Sharbot Lake and Renfrew; end C.P.E.Lines ",
weal of Renfrew,
•-- rpm all stations in Ontario, Toronto and East, OraOle end Scotia '
Junction and east; AUGUST 28th F n; so east of North Ilay, and Eastern Ontario.
. a
AUGUST 30th—From Torontoand all stations west, In Ontario; Bay and
nd west,
inoiuding C.P.R. stations, Sudbury to Sault Ste, darlc, Ontario.
ONS•WAY class tickets
t will be sold. Each ticket will Mande a
veOnconnt second dais an is extension wcoup only w i
et Wcnuon certificate, with on showing Ilehas
coupon. When extension work kasa coupon farm
borer, the
et coupon
by a farmer, showing pt hab engaged the ticket
to work as a lir
(minim to be honored alt iSeptember filth for ticket at raft of one-haldficn Car adian
minimum fifty cents) uo any Pacific
R station west of Winnipeg aob on the SaCaskatchewan
o P
or Grand Trunk PaciacRailwava in Manitoba; saekatdnewnn or Alberta, but not
wEdmonton,Cal or McLeod, Alta.
West of airy F
A certificate'ati will n the Cad Canadian
pair, Canadian Coen Northern, or iGrand Tr Trunk Pacific
Ram any n station on the Canarhn PdIdan ebo ea
of of MadLtod, Calgary and dm
nnd.Mannoba ea,
Railway in Alberta, Saskatchewan
starting p�oint by the eamd route as levelled on [oldi1et atm SIt o e or b01 55 NovtllpSttr 80111 10 $t on payment s on! hall cent per mile (minimum laky cents) 01 to
Winnipeg addee to. $18,00' from Winnipeg, provided rho Itsldfhlrtepoats at certiharvestintte:with
the ticket agent on arrival at. destination and Works et feat Y y
For full Darticulara tied nearest G•1?,#•Agent, or write—
M. G. MURPHY U.R.A.. corm.., Toronto
H. Le Jackson,
earazereet. mimeos
Points of Advantage With this Woman's favorite lira
uses all the heat,
cooks evenly,
doesn't smoke.
will bake, boil, toast or roast.
is made with 1, 2 01 3 burners.
Get rid of
is the cheapest cooking
heat and save fuel by investing in tt PER-
IL metals a cool kitchen and coal Oil
fuel you can use.
We will be pleased to show you the stove and explain
its easy working by a call at, our stare.
Sept. 6th to 14th, 1912
London's Great Exhibition
Liberal Prizes Instructive Exhibits
Speed Events each day
New Jfrt Building filled with Magnificent Paintings
Programme Twice Daily Live Stock Parade Daily
of Cheltenham, England, ono of the Greatest Brass Bands in the World,
and several others.
Aerie) Acts, Comedy Acts, Tramboline and Acrobatic
Acts, Seabert's Equestrienne Act, and others.
The Midway Better than ever.
Fireworks eaoh Evening,
Single Fare Bates over all railroads from Kingston to Detroit
Special Excursion Days, Sept.lOth, 12th, 13th
Prize Lista and all information from
W. J. REID, President, A. M. HUNT, Secretary.
This is the Law of the Yukon and ever
she makes it plain
Send not your foolish and feeble,
your at
Send woe
ran nil nur'sane
Strong for te red rage oend
Sane for hnrry them sore,
Send me men gt it for the combat
Men who are gt it to the core."
In submitting "Oanttdittn Battle-
fields" and tither poems to a discerning
public J. R. Wilkinson, of Leaming-
ton, gives a great many thoughts
and emotion on Patriotism, Love of
home and song of Nature the mystery
of Nature impenetrable depths of
"The soul is like a mighty ocean
In unfathomable sublimity
In cairn or storm or wild commotion,
As is measured, but ray etetiity ; '
The body its fitting earthly receptahle
Must perish and dissolve beneath the
It.hrsodtth but a span to bloom and to
Bite the soul is co -existent with
Archibald Lautpmttu, of Toronto,
is the greatest Nalute poet iu Canada.
Wandering in the woods he found
a little clearing peopled with scores of
dead mulleins, "a silent forsaken
brood," had grown to be one of the
sombre company. The sun shone out
for moment and lit the faller leaves
that lay level that deep wood, in-
stead of declaiming against cursed
black and muggish weather the poets
of to -day feel the tetndee atbitude of
Roberts when
"The high and lonely billet
lilndut a bhe darkening year."
Bliss Carman says "The Autumn
Sleeps beta& his nee and though the
fire has gone out tine aleeputg is
sounder than ever, theft out of the.
bush when the grasses arc frosty and
tiny Werth
old will. The chickadee's
against Witt ter be rolled, The curious
fascination that sheer space has for
11'. (3. Span shown in the Aubumnal
ig sweet 0 t God to kneel
Thee and left the
-rat ire
snow bo
Above the pathways nf.Ghe wind
Into the very heart of space."
Canadian literary lovers at made
rich by many more writers. Marion
1 eitlt , (C./entire) books are worth
while especially "Duncan Polito' and
"Silver Maple". also Robert Knowles,,
of Galt. Ian McLaren,, of Winnipeg ;.
L. M. Montgomery "Anne" books aro
very humorous, Miss Montgomery
ie now mistress of the manse of
Leaskdae, She Married Rev. Ewen
bit:Donald and is still writing her
latest book "011rcrtiches of Avotlea
strneeedq her: other boosts,
Agnes Dean Otuste ton whose death
was exceedingly regretted a few
moeths ago in Victoria B. 0. was a
n 0llsor and lecturer 'lir 1
well known a t LLu r t
MIS Yr tvfflleit of late charm and fnfce.
She was a gifter lit Utree and impress-
ed evety nae with hoe genuine petri
aim, her sense of the iuteesthrg
and Pict rest. ue with the rugged
power and vitality of her own
personality, She was something of a
maschiitit type and het uhfgtin nid
dividuality added to the force of her
logical arguments Miss Cameron
fairly dinned the wants of Canadians
into the ears of the British people and
the A ierienun through her entree into
the most widely read periodicals.
Mrs. Humphry Ward is one of our
standard Canadian novelists. Her
book "Lady Merton's Colonists" con-
tinues to he popular on bolls sides of
the Atlantic.
is certainly one of the most disagree-
able ailments which flesh is heir to.
Coated tongue -bitter taste in the
mouth -nausea -dizziness -these
combine to make life a burden. The
cause is a disordered liver -the cure
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Piller They
go straight to the root of the trouble,
put the liver right, cleanse the stom-
ach and bowels, clear the tongue and
take away the bitter taste from the
mouth. At the first sign of bilious-
ness take
Dr. Morse's e
Root Indian . t Pills
d o
Auction Sale
Valuable Property
in the Village of Brussels
tr t
Pt nuan to the Inesnl mrd Testament
Abram oak deceased, O ace end there will in the
for Hale of auction at his tote residence ths10 1, the
ofAuVillagcatB.B.1s1, Saturday, hhothe1 10th
of tock in B. er:i tt thehourof Three
o'clock m the aftnrnuon, the following lands
and prni»knen•—
let. .A II and singular that certain parcel or
tract of land and
rof Brussels,
situate lying and
P y
being Huron,ib viling c e ,p seddsels, Ir the et()entity
eft, Tabrry composed is Park„tiLot "R”
on T nbelw street,olend be the
by ,s mot 5
torment,1Two norm of laid be the comp more
or lees,
Upon thin property there Is erected n oon-
fortnble cement veneered cotta a and a good
frame stable both of hie g
which loin fair r atnta
of repair, stable,
P e s also n good Well and a
number of fruit keened
2nd. All and sin guler that certain pareel or
tract of hind and premised, In the said Village
of,Bruooeio, aompooed of a portion of 1011tiu n-
berSixty two on M111 street. containing by
admensu, emelt One-eighth of an nor° of lend,
Upon thin property there is erecteda frame
house and barn, a good well and'a number of
ft'uit Crean.
A quantity of ltonaetrold goods and chattels
will also be mold at thenn pe time.
Tomas or tiALlt —Tel, percent. of the pur-
chase moray to bo paid to the Vondor'o solid-
er at the time of ante and the balance within
thirty days thereafter.
Tho lords end premises above desoribed:will
be offered subject to a reserve hid.
Further pnrtioalsrs linty be obtained Upon
application to Jones G lono1 or Henry
.lames, the 13ixeatitoro of the estate, or to rho
Dated thin25511day of July, A. D„7012.
F. lid Seemw, M. SuNO0,Ant,
Auctioneer. Executers Solicitor,
Stock for Service
undersigned wilt kaon for servioo,5n 81
Lot20,Oon.7, Morris, athoroagh•bred Taira•'
worth hog, Terms, 51,00, to be pail et time of
service wish priVktege of returning if nacos•
miry, et, WeeLitEIt,
10.12 Proprietor,
Maitland Bank
Short Horns 'for Salo
Seven Seel
Short Sidle 01. 20 months
n!d, reds Innitl roans ; big, smooth and atyll6L
uholuuat breeding—Onmpboll Inose Iiuds, Mon r
Paean%etd oonInpbell i 00l,lS$, Nola hotter
dP. Will
old t any
res o
eoffsrnn,n 051 55015 505010,
DAVID Id1LN10, Ethel.
The People's
SOUSE AND LOT for sale or to rent, -As
I purpose leaving Brumela shortly my
house and lot 01) Turnberry street, Mouth, to
offered for sule or to rent, Possession can be
had April ]std Apel Jaw rtKE1RNEY,
Phone No, 80. Brussels,
FARM FOR SALE.— Estate of late J111111 14
Clononn, beingNt Lot'' 02, Con, 8, Morris
township, conttdnin 100 armee, 8 sores of which
is bush. Good batik barn and never failing
spring close to barn. Good stook farm. Mart
be sold at once. For terms apply at office of
Tug Poss., Brussels.. 09.4
AT A BARGAIN,—Will dispose of cottage,
Elizabeth street, Brussels, et 8860, a great
bargain, in order to secure quick sale. Itay
may bulled from Mr, J. Leckie, Icor Earth, r
por1ioulnrs see Mr. Leckie or write the under-
signed. J. 10 S6 George St„ London.
FARM 15011 SALE. -Being South halves of
Leto 64 and 61, Con. 1, Morris township,
Huron 0o., containing 100 acres, On the farm
iso good frame house 22x80A feet ; kitchen
18x22)( ; wood &lied 20280 ; bink barn 08200 -
n- 10 Stone all
.t had tall lean-to xn. w
strew n
ode burn. 2 never fail-
ingells stabling u
ing wells and a e td orchard Only o mile to
school , mile to church and post oIItau.
Price 8propi Deed may bLe seen on 1051 151on
to the proprietor. WALTER L. Bit®OKEN•
RIDGE, Jamestown P.-0. 61.8m
100 A011150 OF LAND forsale, 13 miles
North of Seaforth. Good clay loam,
ell cleared and under cultivation. Bank balm,
clement floors, large frame house, newly paint-
ed ; good walla at barn and house , buildings
and fences hn excellent repair, An Ideal home
cheap, Apply (Mies) SUSIE GOVENLOOK,
Seaforth, Ont.
1.,E. --The 100 acre farm he-
r- Ing tlto property of the Irate Peter McNeil,
Lot 25, (Jun. 14, Grey, is offered for sale by the
undersigned. There are 86 aures cleared bal•
once well timbered. On the farm there is a
good bank burn, barge driving sited end a cont•
lorteble house. Pteee in good condition and
well fenced. For further particulars apply to
sCoto, Or¢nbrook P. O„ or F. M. SCOTT, Brus-
F010 SALE, being South Mill Lot 26;
00,, 4, 'dorrin township, Huron Co., con-
taining 100 saran more or lent. On the prem-
ises Is a frame boon, hank barn, good orchard,
well, windmill, &a. All cleared except about
an acre. School 1X miles dmttant.. Only 2ti
atlas from Bruonels. - d nares of Fall wheat in
and aboat 60 teres seeded down. For price,
terms and other information apply en the
premien' or if writing Brussels P. 0. Phone
120, Or If. S. Scott, Brussels.
11-15 A. L. KERR, Proprietor.
Loudon's Favourite
(11812) 113010]
J. J. Me0avin, Proprietor
Will stand at his own stable, Lot 22, Con, 18,
McKillop, for the Improvement of stools.
Terms—To insure a foal $8.00.
Dolts sired by this horse won first prizes at
Seaforth and Brussels Shows last Fall, hen ting
the colts that won prizes at Toronto and Lon•
tion, and also at Stratford and Mitchell.
Thousands of ambitious young people
are being i'nstruoted in their homes by
our Home Study Dept, You may finish
at College if you desire•. Pia when•
ever youwlalt, Thirty Yearet Eicpor-
terroe. Largest trainers in Canada.
Miter any day. Positions guaranteed,
If you wish to save board and learn
while ea earn write for artioulnrs.
y P
Wingham Business College
GEO. SPOTTON, President
."tivA Av7.2.11. yvit2/1.CoYtt 21X02..ecv! L
1LBusiness s
'Stilt”' College
Fall term opens Tuesday, Sept, Ord,
1 You will find our 1012 oatnlogne very .
interesting, 01 will be maned free to
; any address upon requeetl
t2a 024iti Ali ?A=C+a'4iR+R4;117I,.Bati JO, -
AtY our home without
m •th ut
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter whatyour age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup:
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait Fill in
Time Rep ,.,
Single or Doable
Nettle . ,.,..
mhci return to
?8 S. SMITH-'
88 calodonla 83',
Dept. A Stratford, Orta.