HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-8-8, Page 2ONLY A MONT
()HATTER X11.—(Cont'd)
Possibly, when he fust arrived in
London, Frithiof might have ecout
ed sueh a notion if it had been pro-
posed to him, but now his first ques-
tion was whether he was really qua-
lified for the situation. Those hard
words which had so often confront-
ed him—"Experienced only"—
flashed into his mind,
"I have had a good education,"
he said, "and, of course, under-
stand book-keeping and so forth,
but I have hacl no experience."
"I quite understand that," said
Mr.. Boniface. 'But you would soon
get into the way of things. My son
would show you exactly what your
work would be•"
"Of course I would," said Roy,
"Think it over, Flank, for at any
rate it would keep you going for a
time while you look round for a
better opening."
"Yes, there is no need to make
up your mind -to -night. Sleep upon
it, and let me know how you deride
to -marrow. If you think of ac-
cepting the situation, then come
and see me in Regent Street be-
tween half past one and two o'clock, "Put the same page into Ger-
We close at two on Saturdays. And man," he said.
in any case, whether you accept or Frithiof worked away in silence,
refuse this situation, I hope yoniand the old author paced to and
fro with his pipe, giving a furtive
glance now and then at the down -
bent head with its fair, obstinate
hair brushed erect in Norwegian
fashion, and the fine Grecian pro-
file upon which the dark look of
trouble sat strangely. The consul's
account of his young countryman's
had dune for many clays. They had story had moved him greatly, and
not preached at him; they had mere- he was determined now to do what
ly given one of the best gifts that he could for him. He rang the bell
can be given in this world, the and ordered the Norwegian maid-
servant to bring lunch for two, ad-
ding an emphatic "Straix !" (im-
mediately), which made Frithiof
look up from his writing.
"You have finished?" asked Herr
"Not quite. I can't get this last
bit quite to my mind. I don't be-
lieve there is an equivalent in Ger-
man for that expression."
"You are quite right. There
isn't. I couldn't get anything for
it myself. What have you put?
Good! very good. It is an improve-
ment on what I had thought of.
The rsentence runs better."
He took the paper from the table
and mumbled. through it in an ap-
proving tone.
"Good 1 you will do 1" he said at
the end. "Now while we lunch to-
gether we can discuss terms. Hal
what has she brought us? Some-
thing that pretends to be German
sausage! Good heavens! The de-
pravity of the age! This German
sausage indeed! I must apologize
to you for having it on the table,
but servants are all alike nowa-
days—all alike ! Not one of them
can understand how to. do the mar-
keting properly. A worthless gen-
Frithiof began to be faintly
amused by the old man, and as he
walked away from Museum Street
with a week's work under his arm
he felt in better spirits that he had
done for some time.
With not a little curiosity he
sought out the Bonifaees' shop in
Regent Street. The inner shop was
consecrated to instruments of all
kinds, and through this Frithiof was
taken to Mr. Boniface's private
"Well," said the show -owner,
greeting him kindly. "And have
you made your deal:non?"
"Yes, sir, I have decided to ac-
cept the situation," said Frithiof.
"I forget whether I told you
about the hours," said Mr. Boni-
face, "Half past eight in the warn-
ing till half past seven at night, an
hour out of that for dinner, and
half an hour for tea. You will have
of course the usual hank holidays,
and we also arrange that each of
our men shall have a fortnight some
time during the summer."
"You are very thoughtful for your
hands," said Frithiof. "It is few.,
I should fancy, who would allow 'so
"I don't know that," said Mr.
Boniface, "A good many, I fanny,
try something of the sort, and I am
quite sure that it invariably an-
swers. It is not in human nature
to go on ferever at one thing -every
one needs variety. Business be-
comes a tread -mill if you never get
a thorough change, and I like my
people to put their heart into the
work. If you try to do that you
will be of real value, and are bound
to rise."
"Look," said Roy, showing him
d neatly drawn-out plan of names
end dates. "Thit is the holiday
chart which we worked out this
summer. It takes my father quite
a long time to arrange it all and
make each dovetail properly with
the others."
They lingered for a few, minutes
talking over the details of the brsi
proffered chair, and tried to shake
off the mantle of cold reserve which
had of late fallen upon him.
"I could do translating," he re-
plied. `English, German or Nor-
wegian. I am willing to do copying;
but there, I suppose, the typewrit-
ers would cut me out, Any way, I
have four hours to spare in the ev-
ening, and I want them filled."
"You have found some sort of
work then already?"
"Yes, I have got work which will
bring me in twenty-five shillings a
week, but it leaves me free from
eight o'clock, and I want evening
Herr Sivertsen gave a grunt which
expressed encouragement and ap-
proval. He began shuffling about
masses of foolscap and proofs which
were strewn in wild confusion about
the writing -table. "These are the
revised proofs of Scanbury's new
book; take this page and let me see
how you can render it into Nor-
wegian. Here are pen and paper.
Sit down and try your hand."
Frithiof obeyed. Herr Sivertsen
seemed satisfied with the result.
will come and spend Saturday to
Monday with us here,"
"You are very good," said Fri-
thiof, thinking to himself hew unlike
these people were to any others he
had come across in London.
As Frithiof walked home to Vaux-
hall he felt more at rest than he
sight of one of those homes where
the kingdom of heaven has begun—
a home, that is, where "righteous -
nese and peace and joy" are the
rule, and whatever contradicts this
' reign of love the rare exception.
Strict economy in gas was prac-
tised by the Miss Tumours, and
Frithiof had to grope about for
matches. "Attendance," too, did
not apparently include drawing
down the blind, or turning down
the bed.
Looking honestly into his own
mind he detected there something
that urged him to snatch at this
first chance of work, lest, with fresh
failure and disappointment, the
very desire for work should die
within him, and he should sink in-
to a state which his better nature
• abhorred. The clatter of tongues
still ascended from below. He took
off his boots, dropping first one and
then the other with a resounding
thud upon the floor, after the man-
ner of men.
The next morning he went to the
Swedish Embassy to ask advice
once more.
"I am glad to see you," said the
consul. "I was hoping you would
look in again, for I met old Sivert-
sen the other day, and he was most
anxious to have your address. He
said you went off in a hurry, and
never gave him time to finish what
he was saying."
Frithiof smiled.
"He did nothing but inveigh
against the rising generation, and
I didn't stare to waste the whole
morning aver that."
"You have too little diplomacy
about you," said the consul. "You
do not make the best of your own
case. However, Sivertsen seems to
have taken a fancy to you, and I
advise you to go to him again; he
will most likely offer you work. If
I were you, I would make up my
mind to take whatever honest work
turns up, and throw pride to the
winds. Leave your address here
with me, and if I hear of anything
I'll let you know."
Frithiof, somewhat unwillingly,
made his way to Museum Street,
and was ushered into the stuffy little
den where Herr Sivertsen sat smok-
ing and writing serenely, He bow-
ed stiffly, but was startled to see
the sudden change which came over
' the face of the old Norwegian at
sight of him.
"So'I You have come back,
then 1" he exclaimed, shaking him
warmly by the hand, just as though
they had parted the best of friends.
• "I am glad of it, Why didn't you
tell me the real state of the case?
Why didn't you tell me you were
one of the victims of the accursed
thirst for gold? Why didn't you
tell me of the hardness and rapa-
city of the English firm But you
are all alike—all! Young men now-
adays can't put it dcceslt sentence
together; they clip their words as
clew as if they were worth a mint
of money. A worthless generation 1
Sit down, now, sit down, and tell
me what you can do."
Frithiof, perceiving that what
had first seemed like boorishness
wee really eccentricity, took the
The preparation of appetising and
nourishing food is often a perplexing
matter, but variety In food Is essential
and the troubles of the housewife have
boon greatly lessened by Bovril which
is the most convenient form in which a
complete food can. be prepared, In a
minute you canhave comforting and
nourishing bouillon or Bovril Tea.
Bovril Sandwiches. thin bread and
butter with Bovril spread lightly
between, am hot buttered toast with a
little Bovril are positive delicauies.
Bovril is excellent for gravies and cone
and a little used in reheating meat adds
a choice piquancy and improves
ness, then Roy took Frithiof down
into the shop again, and in the un-
interrupted quiet of the Saturday
afternoon showed him exactly what
his future work would be.
"I am afraid all this must be very
uncongenial to you," said Roy.
"Perhaps," said Frithiof. "But
it will do as well as anything else.
And indeed," he added, warmly,
"one would put up with a great deal
for the sake of being under such a
man as Mr. Boniface."
"The real secret of the success of
the business is that he personally
looks after every detail," said Roy.
"All the men he employs are fond
of him; he expects them to do their
best for him, and he does his best
for them. I think you may really
be happy enough here, though of
course it is not at all the sort of life
you were brought up to expect."
He began to know intuitively how
things world strike Frithiof, and as
they went down to Brixton he pre-
pared him for what he shrewdly
surmised would be the chief dis-
agreeable in his business life.
"I don't think you heard," he be-
gan, "that there is another part-
ner in our firm—a eousin of my fa-
ther's—James Horner. I dare Ray
you will not come across him very
much, but he is fond of interfering
now and then, and sometimes if my
father is away he gets fussy and an-
noying. He is 'not at all popular
in the shop, and I thought I would
just warn you beforehand, though
of course you are not exactly ex-
pecting a bed of roses."
When they reached Rowan Tree
House they found a. carriage wait-
ing at the door.
"Talk of the angel and its .wings
appear," said Roy. "The Horners
are calling here. What a nuisance!"
Frithiof felt inclined to echo this
sentiment when he found himself
in the pretty drawing -room once
more and became conscious of the
presence of an overdressed woman
and a bumptious little man with
mutton -chop whiskers and inquisi-
tive eyes, whose air of patronage
would have been comical had it not
been galling to his Norwegian in-
"The Bonifaces have no sense of
what is fitting," she said afterward
to her husband. "The idea of intro-
ducing one of the shopmen to me!
I never go into Lovede.y's drawing -
room without -longing to leave be-
hind me a book on etiquette."
"She's a well-meaning soul," said
James Horner, condescendingly.
"But countrified still, and unpol-
ished. It's strange after so many
years of London life."
"Not strange at all," retorted
Mrs, Horner, snappishly. "She
never tries to copy correct models,
so how's it likely her manners
should improve, I'm not at all par-
tial to Cecil either. They'll never
make a stylish girl of her with their
ridiculous ideas about stays and all
that. I'll be bound her waist's a
good five -and -twenty inches." '
(To be contnued.)
Bird Would Have Conquered If
Farmer Had Not Taken Part.
From Shidzuoka comes a graphic
account of a bloody combat be-
tween an eagle • and a dog, says the
Japan Advertiser. A few days ago,
at about 8 a.m,, while one Ano was
engaged in farming at the foot of a
hill called Awagatabe in a suburb
of Shidzuoka, he saw his favorite
dog scamper away in unusual ex-
citement. The farmer, struck with
curiosity, followed in the direction
in which the dog ran and was
amazed to sec the anima] jumping
about and harking furiously in a
thicket near the bottom of a large
pine tree,
On closer scrutiny he found the
deg was waging a savage battle
with a large eagle nearly five feet in
height. The bird would descend
upon the dog and attack it with its
powerful talons, while the dog
would spring away alertly trying to
bite its enemy. The exciting com-
bat continued for some time, but
at, last threatened to end in the de-
feat of the dog.
The farmer fetched a hatchet and
rushed to the succor of his pet,
raining neon the eagle repeated
blows. The dog, encouraged by
this hein, attacked its antagonist
with redoulhled victor, and after a
while the eagle fell to the ground
onsite exhausted and Covered with
bleed, Ano took the captive home
in triumph and has since been keep-
ing it in his house.
_The eagle proved to be of enor-
mous size and is said to be attract-
ing great curiosity among the vil-
As a writer of fiction, Mr. Max
Pemberton enjoys great popularity
both in England and on this conti-
nent, Thousands of schoolboys have
revelled in "The Iron Pirate," Mr,
Pemberton's first great success.
Since then be hoe written over a
score of novels which appeal to
lovers of wholesome, exciting fie -
Mr. Pemberton, who lives at
Bury St. Edmunds, is of the opinion
that creative work done in the
country is decidedly better than
that done in the town. Describing
his methods, he states: "I do my
work between eleven and one
o'clock in the morning and Ilya and
seven in the evening. Tha two
hours before dinner are the best in
the day, but I generally get my
ideas when I first awake in the
morning. This is all very common-
place, but it is true. My experi-
ence tells me that you can do, in
the country, a good day's work in
61 r. Marc Pemberton.
three hours, whilst in London you
do a bad day's work in seven. That
is why I have cut myself free from
telephones, and gone where the
taxis are at rest."
Offenders at Sea had a Hard Time
if They Were Found Out.
Old time punishment for offences
at sea was most severe. The code
of the time of Richard I. of Eng-
land, drawn up foe the government
of his fleet on the crusades, pro-
vided "thatt whoso killed any per-
son on shipboard should be tied
with him that was slain and thrown
into the sea. And if he killed him
an land he should in like manner
be tied with the pantie Blaine, and
be buried with him in the earth."
In Elizabeth's time -'a thief was to
be ducked three times, towed
ashore at the stern of a boat and
marooned with a loaf of bread and
a can of beer. Mutiny was punish-
able by the culprit's being hanged
by his heels "until his brains were
beaten oute against the shyppe's
side." The penalties imposed for
sleeping on watch were progres-
For the first offence the man was
to be "headed" with a bucket of
water, on the next occasion he was
to be strung upby his wrists and
to have two buckets of water pour-
ed into his sleeve's, the third time
he would be loaded with weights
and bound to the mast and "for the
fourthe time he was to be hanged
to the boltsprite, with a 'can of
beere, and a biseotte of breads,
and a sharp knife, and so to hang
and choose whether he would Butte
himself down and fall into the 'sea
or hange still and starve."
Among the rules issued by Ra-
leigh for the governing of his South
American expeditions in 1617 was
that no man should be allowed to
gamble for his arms or clothes, "on
the pain of being disarmed and
made swabber of the ship." A gen-
eral punishment for blasphemy at
this time was for the offender to be
bound to the mainmast with an iron
bit between his teeth, the alterna-
tive being a scraping of the tongue.
All sorts of odd and frequently
hideous punishments are to be
found described in old manuscripts,
In 1775 a man found drunk aboard
or ashore was taken care of until
the following morning, when, in the
presence of the ship's company, he
was presented with a pint of salt
water, .which he had to drink.
The dreaded "cat" is probably.
the best known of these old naval
punishments, Whipping was pro-
vided for at least as long ago as the
fifteenth dentury, and in Drake's
time the regular' trouncing of the
ship's boys by the boatswain on
Monday morning was regarded as
the only means of insuring a fair
wind for the rest of Tho week.
Clerk—"But you just bought this
novel and paid for it."
Cttetorter-- r`Ycs."
Clerk—'Then why do you wish to
return it 'I"
Customer --"I read it while wait-
ing for mychange,"
Refined to absolute..,,44101111
purity—sealed tight and protected
from any possible contamination --
Extra Granulated Sugars
in this new 5 -Pound Package is the cleanset,
purest sugar you can buy. Each Package
contains 5 full pounds of sugar.
.Ask your
for it.
Canada Sugar
Refining CO.
Oil the :Farm
Many farmers think that they
cannot afford te feed the pigs liber-
ally during the summer season.
The pigs are allowed to shift for
themselves in many instances and
of course do not make much growth,
but one.may see a pretty good pro-
fit in feeding at the present high
price of both feed and pork, writes
Mr. A. J. Legg.
The hog will just about live on the
pasture they can gather from the
field and what grain is given them
goes to growth and anyone who has
tried it has found that only a mod-
erate ration fed to the shoats on
pasture well make a good growth
throughout the season.
Early spring pigs of any good
breed can be made to average a
pound of gain a day by the time
they are eight or ten months old,
arid a large part of this can be
made on pasture.
The pig that is fed enough food
to keep it growing rapidly from the
start to finish is usually the most
profitable porker. •
In some section where there is
sufficient waste crop to fatten the
hogs it may be profitable to allow
the shoats to shift for themselves.
However, usually the hogs that
are allowed to shrift for themselves
and get fat on the waste are easy
victims of cholera and swine plague.
If there is a fair profit in feed-
ing hogs the business should be con-
ducted in as careful and business-
like way as the feeding of cattle and
One way to save feed bills is to
protect the COWS from flies during
the summer and the cold weather
in the winter.
The length of the stall should be
adjusted by the size of the cow, and
always used by the same cow.
Excellence is always relative. Its
relative degrees can only be gauged
with acouraey when accurate re-
cords are kept.
Nothing ever came so near turn-
ing December into June for dairy
cattle and sheep as the silo..
The silo lends itself admirably to
efforts at intensive farming.
Breed for type, but strive to se-
cure individuals that possess to a
certainty the characteristics which
yeti desire your favorite type of
dairy cow to possess to perpetuate
in your herd. •
We should never be deluded into
thinking that an animal with a
pedigree entitling her . to registra-
tion is more valuable than another
simply on account of such registra-
Individual exaellenae is tie only
safe gnide to be depended upon in
selecting cows to build up a good
The best cows are none too good
when measured by their profits, but
all of us cannot afford to go out and
buy the best; hence we should try
to do the best we can with those
we have until we can secure better.
One sign of an overfed sheep is
the frequent stretching and spread-
ing out of the legs. When these
symptoms are observed give - bran
mash and an ounce of linseed oil.
It is a mistake to send the buck
lambs to market, as they are never
desirable and bring down the aver-
age of the shipment.
'When a buck lamb is about three
months old it begins to develop
coarseness and a disposition to
A farmer from Maitland, Mo.,
writes: "Will dipping sheep affect
the quality of the wool?" Perhaps
not if the sheep is not clipped for
two or three months afterwards,
but why dip when the wool is long?
This should always be done imme-
diately after shearing.
Hens suffer from overfeeding as
much as starving.
Even a warm rain is bad for very
young chicks, and arrangements
should bo made so they can get to
shelter quickly when the showers
If many chicks are raised it is a
good plan to keep a large kettle
near the poultry -house in which the
drinking vessels can be boiled at
least once a week. A handful of
common soda thrown in the water
will help.
At the first sign of droopiness in
a chick separate it from therest of
the flock and if it does not quickly
recover use the axe and bury the
Never feed a horse when it is very
warm. •
You cannot begin to feed and
train a colt too early.
Excessive sweating in a horse in-
dicates weakness.
Drive a colt the first time with a
fast walking horse.
Handling colts from the start
obviates breaking and substitutes
"So you've sold your automo-
bile 1"
"Yes. I've outgrown 'it,"
"Outgrown 11? Do you mean
you've tired of it1"
"Not at all. I've' simply grown
too stout to crawl underneath it
any more."
Take A Scoopful
Of Each—
, Side By Side
Take "St. Lawrence"
Granulated in one
scoop—and any other
sugar in the other.
Look at "St, t,aw-
rance" Sugar —'its
perfect crystals its
pure, white sparkle—
its even grain, Test it point by point, and you will see that
StigaI, Pure
is one of the choicest sugars ever refined—with a standard of purity
that few sugars can boast, 'Try it in your home,
,inaiygls shows, " ei, r,nwrence Granulated" to t,e 'eV Jiao to 141
rare Cnne Sugar with no bnpurltles whatever'
"Most every dealer sella St, Lawrence, Sugar."
Othei•s in Profession; However,
Knew Ilow to ICoep Their
G' old,
"It's only fools as backs 'oases,"
Robert Ridsdale used to say; "the
bookie's the wise man as pockets
their money." And no one knew
better what lie was talking about
than the famous "penciller," who
lived to make £47,000 over St,
Gilcs's Derby, and to drive behind
a pair of high-stepping horses past
the Doncaster Inn in which, as a
young man, he had played the low-
ly role of "boots." That he ended
his days in a Newmarket haylofb
with only three-halipenoe in his
pocket was his own fault, and not
that of the "profession" that had
made a rich man of him, says a wri-
ter in Leaden Tit -Bits.
Ridsdale's partner, John. Gully,
was a man of very different mettle,
who knew how to keep the gold that
poured into his coffers.. A butcher
and pugilist in his younger days,
who had seen the inside ofrison
walls, the "Game Chicken" (as he
was known to fame for his prowess
with his fists), was the "Leviathan"
of the bookmaking world long bo -
fore he reached his forties. Over
one race he netted £60,000; he'
cleared £46,000 when Mangrove
won the Leger; he invested his rich-
es in bread acres and coal mines
found a scat at Westminster, and
when he died, at the age al 79, left
nearly £1,000,000 behind him.
And the same story of easily -won
wealth is told of dozens of John
Gully's fellow -bookmakers, many of
whom climbed the ladder of riches
from its lowest rungs. Joe Bland
was a post -boy when he made his
first modest book, "for silver mon:,
ey" ; Blckham was a stableman;
Fred Swindell was, it is said, a pot -
man when he pocketed £100 on
Charles XII. in the Liverpool Cup
—and so on through the long list
of the "wise men" who have found
the laying of odds such a profitable
Davies, whose colossal 'boolcmak-
ing was the wonder of the turf in
the first half of last century, was a
carpenter when Attila's Derby put
£100 into his purse. So rapid was
his success that within a few years
he had a balance of £138,000 at his
hank, ancl was winning or losing
thousands of pounds on a race as
Light-heartedly as if the sovereigns
were pence. He dropped £120,000
on two races and cleared £200,000'
on four others within the same
year; while, in spite of Tho fact that
Teddington's Derby win Dost him
£100,000, he ended the year more
than this sum tothe good.
And such giants as Gully and
Davies have had their euaeeesors in
more recent days, in men like Mr.
Dunn and Mr, Fry, She latter of
whom died recently at Norwood.
When Mr. Fry's attention was
first drawn to the possibilities of
bookmaking as a road to fortune,
he was a linen draper et Liverpool,
who knew as little of horse ;acing
as the man in the moon. One day
he was asked by a bookmaker, who .
had got into difficulties, for a loan
on the understanding that he
should receive a share in the book.
Thoee came an regularly ae'elack-
work, and so satisfied Mr, Fry that
there' was money in the business
that he punt up his shutters and
started on his own account with a•
Capital of £800, "which," he says,
"I never had occasion to supple-
ment." Commencing in a modest
way at Ascot, where he lost £9 on
the week, success came e0 quickly
that he was soon laying bets in
thousands of pounds, and was mak-
ing more money in a year than his
shop would have yielded in a life-
time. On two successive Cambridge-
shires he lost £60,000; but he could
afford to smile at such misfortune—
for his double loss wasmare than
recouped by a solitary Derby.
So enormous was the solo of his
transactions that, whon ho died,
there was owing to him consider-
ably over £900,000. m' more than
1,000 times the capital with which
he opened his first book.
"Papa," said George,"it worries
me awful to think how much troll.'
ble I give mamma."
"She hasn't complained;"
"No, she's very patient. But she
often sends Inc to the shops for
things, and they are a good way off,
and I know she gets cross waiting
when she's in a hurry."
"Net. afters, I fancy."
"Oh, she's nearly always in a
hurry. She gets everything all
ready for baking and finds at the
last minute she hasn't any yeast, or
she gets a pudding all mixed and
finds she hasn't any nutmeg or
something; and then she's in an
awful stew, 'cause' the oven, is all
ready, incl maybe visitors are com-
ing, and I can't run a very long dia.
ranee, ,you know; and I feel awful
iorry/or poor nlamina,"
"Ilaboumphut]tI 2"Well, what dan you
"I was thinking you nbigbt get me
a; bicycle,"