HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-8-1, Page 8H&iday Advice
Take a Kodak with You
It will add to your enjoyment and better
than all, the pictures yon will take will keep
the memory of the pleasant days spent more
vivid in your mind than anything else.
On your return let us do your printing and
developing. We are equipped to turn out
the work promptly, and satisfaction is as-
sured. The charges are moderate.
Brownie Cameras $2 up Kodaks $10 up
-e> --"New Views of Brussels. See them.
The Store F.
Komi Reb35 Jtemu
CouNCIL meeting next Monday even-
inA couple of private pic•nies were
held this week.
You ought to have an auto to keep u
with the procession.
EAST HURON Fall Fair at Brussels o
Thursday and Friday, Oot. 3 & 4.
WHAT about a special train to Preston
to see the championship Foot Ball
THAT Championship Foot Ball silver
ware is coming nearer but Preston
has an eye on it too.
SEAFOR'iie Band favored our towns-
people with some choice music last Fri-
day evening as they were enroute to the
Garden Party at Ethel. They play well.
A new verandah, with cement block
pillars, colonial posts, balcony, etc., has
been put up at the home of W. H. and
Mrs. Kerr, James street. Jno. Hunter
had the contract and did a good job.
NEW CAR. -Last weak Robert Thom -
son's new E. M. F. car arrived and is a
fine auto. We hope the proprietor and
his friends may have great comfort and
pleasure in its use.
Markham, will judge the Standing
Field Crop . competition under the
direction of East Huron Agricultutal
Society. He is expected next week.
There are 2s entries.
THE POST has peen asked many times
as to date of annual Sabbath School Ex-
cursion to Kincardine. It is expected
to be held the third week of August, of
which notice will be given as soon as
the question of day is settled with the
Grand Trunk.
view of accepting a position on the staff
of Peterboro Collegiate Miss V. David-
son has tendered her resignation to the
trustees of Brussels continuation school.
They were very reluctant to accept it as
Miss Davidson is an excellent teacher
and a faithful worker. We wish her
success in her new position,
a. The death occur-
red r
d fn Sudbury last Monday a of m.
F.Hawkshaw, after an illness
of only a
few days with typhoid fever. Deceased
was 45 years old and for many years
kept a general store in Lucan. Reeve
Hawkshaw, of Lucan, and 1. A. Haw k -
Shaw, of Tavistock, late of Brussels, are
brothers of deceased. Interment Was
made in Clandeboye.
THE town Voters' List is out and was
first posted up in the Clerk's office
Thursday of this week. There are two
instead of three divisions this year,
Mill iistreet being the divisional
point and in consequence there will be
but two polling places at time of
elections. 1912 list contains 225 names
on Pt. I; 828 in Pt. I1 ; and 5 in part
3. The qualified jurors are 134.
DRAY BUSINESS SoLn,- This week
P. Millikin, of Wroxeter. takes charge
of the draying, street watering, ete., m
town, having bought the business and
outfit from lames Kernaghan, who suc-
ceeded R. Henderson last Spring. We
have not learned what Mr. Kernaghan
purposes following but hope he may
continue a resident of Brussels. Mr.
Millikin will move here and we trust
will do well,
FIRST TAXICAB.- John Patterson, of
the Brussels Electric Light Works, has
taken the agency tor a New York Co.
in handling second hand autos, This
week he received a taxicab for demon-
stration purposes as well as for sale.
He is quite a mechanical genius and
appears to be right at home when work-
ing around machinery, The arrival of
this car makes 5 in. Brussels with the
probabilities of a few more.
THE POST congratulates Wyman
Sperlinggand Misses E. Sothern and
C. Veill bn their success at the
recent exam. and hope it may inspire
them to fresh endeavor. Those who
were not successful should not allow
that fact to influence or discourage them
but with an "up and at it" spirit set out
to capture the next examination with
honors. The percentage of candidates
who passed in the Province was smaller
than usual indicating the character of
the test
difficult one
next. time
BoucHT A RESIDENCE.- Last week
D. M. Scott who has been making his
home at Hamilton for some years, pur-
chased the brick house on Elizabeth
street iron 'George Howe, of Wrox-
eter, and is making some improvements
before moving to it. Mr. Scott has ac-
cepted a position as General Agent for
an insurance Company in the West for
at least. Zit] headquarters at
Regina, te'"Mrs. Scott will take up
residence in Brussels preferably to mov-
ing Westward, at present. We are glad
to have Mr, and Mrs. Scott back and
hope it may result in permanent location
in what may be regarded as a very
cotnfortabe home. Mr, Scott Contem-
plates adding some of the modern con-
veniences such ee furnace, bath room,
A new cellar is being placed under the
home of Jno. ?etch, Turnberry street,
South. Mr. Petch is determined to
have his property up-to-date and is
working with that intent since pur-
chasing the premises.
PROYERTy FOR SALE. -On Saturday,
August loth, F. S. Scott, auctioneer,
will offer for sale the houses and lots
belonging to the late Abram Cook,
Property will be sold at bis late resi-
dence and will be subject to a reserve
THE KING'S PRIZE. -The prize donated
by His Majesty King George V. for the
Imperial. Cadet competitions at the Can-
adian National Exhibition will be a Meal
lenge trophy to be held by the winners
of the Company Shooting Competition.
Earl Roberts' medal goes to the cham-
pion shot.
Soya found, Get thele at TRH POST by
proving property and paying for this notice.
MArmH C. BRYAN], Oph. D., will be at her
office, Bromic, for practice from Wednesday
Aug. 7th till Saturday, Aug. 10th.
Puss Pott SALH.-One Yorkshire sow with
Utter of 10 young pigs at foot. Will sell young
pigs separate if desired. J. P, MoIemosa, Lot
21, Con. 12, Grey. Phone 828.
Buddy duster found. Owner may have the
same by proving property and paying for this
notice. Tae PosT.
10 yonNo pigs for sale. D. RoBsRTsoN,
Phone 2881. Oen. 9, Gres'.
Coarroar.BLB lioneo to rent, with acre of
land, largely in fruit. Also good stable, hen
house, &e, If rented at once the fruit wiilbe
included. Telephone isinstalled. For further
particulars apply at Tae POST.
Two good milch sows for sate, Apply to
8. WILTON, Brussels, 'phone 89.
GOLD locket lost in Brussels, containing
photos. Will the finder please leave it at THE
POST and greatly oblige.
WOOL WANTaD.-50 0001bs. We pay highest
prices cash or trade. Bring along your butter
and eggs, Mute Bums., Wingham, Oat.
DwHLLn:G rooms to let above etorea. Com-
fortable and convenient, I. 0, BX0aARDS.
Waste lawn mowers will not work easy call
on or write T, MoGltEooa, Brussels,
Board has engaged the services of Miss
Pearl McPherson, of .Hingham, to take
theP lace of Miss Davidson, n who resign-
ed. Salary will be $700 g. Miss Mc-
Pherson comes highly recommended
and with excellent qualifications such as
1st class certificate, Faculty, etc. We
trust she will do well in her department
and enjoy her
stay in Brussels
TENNIS ToURNAtisNT,- An interest-
ing Tennis tournament has been in
progress on the Court of Reeve Leckie
and the results are as follows :-
W. Strachan beat H. Fox 6.1. 6-4
J. Fox beat D. Blackloek 6 x, 6 2
S. Pox beat C. Leckie 6-1, 6-4
B. Leckie beat A, McDermott 3-6, 6.2, 6.4
A. Fox bye
W. Strachan beat A. Fox 6 2, 6-2
f. Fox beat B. Leckie 11 9, 4.6, 6.4
S. Fax bye
W. Strachan bye
J. Fox beat S. Fox 6-2, 4 6, 6 3
J. Fox beat W. Strachan 6.4, 6-3.
evening a well contested game of Foot
Ball in the Intermediate series of the
W. F. A. was played on Victoria park,
Brussels, between the doughty kickers
of Walkerton, who were fresh from
numerous victories and the home team,
Both were anxious to win as the victori.
Otis would enter the finals for the West-
ern championship. There was a good
attendance and with Harry Brown, of
Berlin, as Referee things Were kept
hustling, Brussels certainly had the
best of tbe play and the sphere hovered
dangerously in the vicinity of Walker-
ton goal a good share of the time but
with tbe almost impregnable defence
and bad shooting there WAS no scoring.
Walkerton has many speedy men on
their line up and play a good game but
they have learned the nasty trick of
kicking the ball out of the territory
whenever there was any danger thereby
delaying the play and breaking up the
combination work of Brussels, Where
such tscties are played the referee should
take off time
and thereby penalize enalize t-
offenders and give the spectators more
scientific Foot Ball. The local team
should have uotched several goals so as
to be better "heeled" for the concluding
match at Walkerton Tuesday evening as
goale count in the semifinals, 'rhe
teams were lined tip as follows :-
Walkerton Brussels
Reuther ........ ....... Coal
Fraser s S0095
Hook 1 Backs 2 Armstrong Pietedh McDonald
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) Anderson
Smith } Backe Stevenson.
Rowland ) Jaekton
Cartwright Walker
dampbell Stevenson
Whitihaad ,,...,.,, Forwards ..... Sherrie
O borne
LnFranoo.. ,.,....
.� McMillan
a illaa.
The visitors motored from Walkerton
thereby doing away with bad train con-
nections or a Slow ride by usual convey-
The Metropolitan Bank
Capital Paid up - • $1,000,000,00
R000rvo Fund - - 1,250,000,00
Undivided Proflte - - - - 138,046,68
Joint Deposit Accounts are a convenience
arranged especially for Farmers or those living out
of town. Money can be deposited or withdrawn by tiny
of the parties in whose name the deposit is opened.
Din you see that Ghost Party the
other night ?
THREE rinks of Brussels Bowlers weut
to Blyth last Monday and played an in-
teresting game of bowls in which they
were victorious.
Box Rents at Brussels Post Office are
past due for 1912, Several for 1921
have not yet paid. Kindly call and
settle at postoffice.
Seemed to Give Him a Now Stomach
"I suffered intensely after eating
and no medicine or treatment I tried
seemed to do any good," writes A. M.
Youngpeters, Editor of The Sun,
Lake View, Ohio. "The firab few
doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets gave me surprising re-
lief and the second bottle seemed to
give me a new stomach and perfectly
good health." For sale by all dealers.
A.London Ont., item in Wednesday's
Daily Advertiser says : The police
have been requested by Mrs. Thomas
Lunn, late of Wingham, to assist her
in the search for her husband, Thomas
Lunn, who arrived in this city,
People We Talk About
George and Miss Howe, of Wroxeter,
were in town on Friday.
Jno. F. McCrae i's holidaying with
relatives in Bfuasels and locality.
Headmaster Smith, of the Wingham
I•ligh School, was it) town last Monday.
Miss Daisy W ilsou is home from
Kingsville tor a holiday of a few weeks.
Miss Belle Henderson has been visit-
ing her brother, Will„ at Port Colborne,
Ont. •
Miss L, Colvin was visiting the Misses
Autlrews, of Fordwich, dut,ug the past
Miss Jean Turnbull is spending her
vacation with her cousin Miss Florence
Miss Margaret Meikle, of Mount
Forest, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. F.
H. Gilroy.
Miss Viola Long, of Cranbrook, was
a visitor with Miss Winnifred Long, of
Flora street,
Mrs. Chambers, of Port Elgin, is
making a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
last week in search of work. Mrs, (Dr,) 19olroes.
Mrs. Arthur Stuart and children, or
Collingwood, are holidaying at the home
of Druggist Fox,
Geo and Mrs. Hammitt, of London,
are visitors at the home of J. '1'. Wood,
Albert street,
Mrs. Wm. McCall was quite poorly
during the past week but the hope she
will regain her vigor.
Mrs. Andrew Currie, ,john street has
goneon a trip to Londn, Detroit and
Chicago and other points.
W. and Mrs. Jackson, of Blyth, and
Miss Eleanor Hood, were visitors with
Brussels relatives on Tuesday.
Mrs. W. H, Pryne and Miss Alta and
Miss Rilla Hunter were at Exeter visit-
ing Rev. E. G. and Mrs. Powell.
Master Douglas Wood, of Grand
Valley, is holidaying with his cousins,
Fred. sad Merner Wood, of town,
Will. Long, of the Metropolitan Bank
staff leaves on Friday for a two weeks'
vacation at Detroit and other points.
Fred. Hnnter is away to Webster
City, Iowa, owing to the illness of his
sister. His mother accompanied him.
Walter Scott is in Hamilton this week
assisting his brother, D. M., and Mrs.
Scott to pack up before moving to town,
Miss Jessie McLauchlin has gone to
Muskoka where she will holiday with a
Harriston young lady friend for a tew
Misses Cora and Carrie Hiugston, of
Wingbam, were visiting their grand-
parents, R. T. and Mrs i
P H a stow Mill
Ch, me, tied Mrs.' Pugh, of Palmer-
ston, and Miss Victoria Patterson, of
Wlogham, are visiting at Mrs. Paul's
Princess street.
Miss Cora Bell has gone to Cayuga to
spend a month or so with her uucle
and aunt, R. H. and Mrs. Green,
formerly of Brussels.
Councillor Dames' hand, that was so
seriously injured by an explosion, is
nearly healed now. Of course he is
miuus some of the digits.
Miss Verne Walker is visiting at
Loudon and before returning will holt•
day at Stratford, New Hamburg,
Cayuga and other points.
Chas. Broadfoot, of Moose Jaw, a
former Brusselite, was calling on old
friends in .town 023 Tuesday. Alex
McLennan accompauied him.
License Inspector Johnston and Dr.
1, W. Shaw. of Clinton, were is town
fast Monday. The latter is a Brussels
old boy and always welcome,
Miss Pearl Gibson, of Listowel., was n
visitor with Miss Nettie Brown during
the past week. Miss Gibson purposes
removing to the Were with her parents
Mrs. Milburn, of Woodstock ; Redve
Milburn, of Toronto ; and Mrs. D. D.
Church Chimes Crittenden, of Blyth, have been visiting
Mrs, James Elliott, Alexander street.
Mrs. (Rev.) Onten, aecampaniiug
Rev, and Mrs. Hobbs in a motor heat
on one of the Muskoka lakes, had a
close call from being ruff down by a
Aire. Alex. 114cLatichlin, of Toronto,
is enjoying a visit with relatives and
old friends in Brussels and locallt•,
She was a former resident for a good
many years.
Mrs. W. F. Vanstooe, of Winghsm,
and her daughter, Mrs. Forrester, and
San, of De Moines, Mo , were visitors
With Mrs. Jno Cardiff Princess streets
Thursday of last week.
Henry and Mrs. Ellis, of Virden,
Manitoba, spent a few days with his
cousin, henry Woods, of town, It is
13 Years since they went West with
which they are well pleased and like it
Miss Kate Hewitson,
of Chesle
y , is
here renewing old ft iedahips. She is a
deice of F S and P Scott, of town.
Miss Hewitson 15 a pcbool teacher now
and will be remembered on account of
spending her student days here.
Lunn left Wingham Monday morn-
ing to join her husband -in this city
but lost her pocketbook on the train.
This pocketbook contained her hus-
band's address, her money, and the
check for her trunk, which is at the
station at Present. Lunn is a laborer,
and is likely to be working at several
places in the city. Chief Williams
wishes that anobody who has any in-
formation as to where Lunn is would
communicate with the police.
THE ARMY WAs HERE.- Last Sunday
the Brass Band belonging to the Wing -
ham corps of the Salvation Army came
to Brussels and spent the day here.
They paraded the town in the forenoon
and held a gathering in the Town Hall
in the afternoon, in which a lengthy
musical program was rendered. J. T.
Wood, of Brussels, presided. In the
evening a mass meeting was held at
8.15 o'clock, There were large
audiences and enthusiastic services.
The music rendered was melodious and
woven into it were personal experi-
ences, Bible readings and prayer. Some
thought better taste would have been
shown nad the street parade been
reserved until the regular services were
concluded in the several churches, as
there was a disturbing element about
it, possibly more noticeable on account
of its novelty. The visitors spenta busy
day and must have been well tired out
by the time they reacheded their homes
Sunday night.
FN Ls In the return Foot
Ball match at Walkerton, Tuesday even-
ing, in the semi -&mals Brussels scored
the only goal of the match in the first
half time and although closely pursued
by the home team in the second half
defended their citadel so successfully
that all attempts to eveu the score were
repulsed, Walkerton died game. Harry
Brown. of Berlin. was again referee and
gave good satisfaction. Brussels will
now go into the finals with Preston they
having won from Niagara Falls (al-
though the latter has entered a protest
against the win that must be settled be-
fore the final home and home matches
are played.) Two red hot games will
be on the green when Preston and Brus-
sels meet, the dates of which will be
announced later. Some contemptible
folk, supposed to be boys, treated one of
the Brussels autos to some omelet as
they were leaving tor home Tuesday
night, We hope that is not the size of
Walkerton sports. The members of
the Foot Ball team were gentlernanly.
There was an amateur bonfire on the
street here when the result of the play
et Walkerton was made known,
Rev. Dr. Cornish, the Methodist Gen-
eral Conference statistician, announces
that there Was a net increase during the
past twelVe'months of 6,622, The total
membership of the Methodist Church in
Canada is placed at 351,710•
Monthly Missionary service next Sun-
day afternoon at the Methodist Sabbath
School. In addition to the lesson "The
worth of the Kingdom," musical
selections will be rendered by Lawson
and Byron Wright Rud short addresses
by Geo. Buchanan B. A , F. H. Gilroy
and Rev. Dr. Oaten.
Regular quarterly Communion service
will be conducted next Sunday in the
Methodist church, Testimony meeting
at 20 A. m., preaching at 1r o'clock
followed iar the Lord's Supper, The
pastor e irl conduct the services. .Olii-
opal Board will meet Friday evening e rg
e in of
this week at 8 o'clock.
Rev, L,Perrin, of Moorefield took
the services in Melville church last -Sun'
day and next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Wilson,
of Rothsay, will officiate, Lawson
Wright sang a choice solo last Sunday
morning and Miss Jessie Elliott gave a
solo in the evening, the choir taking the
John Dsrgevel, ex -Town Clerk of
Brockville, died at the age of 73.
A Regina deputation will ask the Min•
later ofnan e
F c for a loan of di) '
m lion
N W. Rowell, K. C., Liberal leader,
and his touring party were warmly wel-
comed at Cobalt..
','he infant son of Mrs. Frank Robin-
son, Innisfll, was. killed in an accident
tainted by a motor Car (sear Barrie.
(d'M ADA
�pD 0FFIC.,
KEEPWG a bank account for
"household expenses" and
paying all bills by cheque has many
advantages. It shows the balance on
hand, the amount expended, provides
receipts for every payment and does
not require a large deposit to begin
J. F. Rowland, went Manager.
Dewitt Holmes -and family, of Wing-
ham, were holidaying in town on Thurs-
day. It was Wingham Civic holiday.
Among former Brnoselites who wit-
uessed the Foot Ball game at Walkerton
Tuesday evening were Mrs. W. H.
Merklinger, of Hanover ; Duncan Mc.
Lauchiin, of Chesley and Ed, Kerley,,
of Cargill, Miss Stella Gerry was also
with her sister, Mrs. Merklinger. Guess
it reminded Duro. and Ed, of other
days when they were on the line up,
Perth County
James McPherson, an old retired
farmer, fell to his death at a market
square implement shop, Stratford,
Tuesday afternoon. He was found
lying at the foot of the stairway and
WAS hurriedly taken to the hospital
but passed away in a few minutes.
Re was a bachelor and a brother of
Dan. McPherson, inland revenue
officer. at Stratford- Deceased was
accustomed to call into the implement
agency, and was not missed until his
groans were heard down in the base-
The Emperor of Japan is dead.
A big apple crop is predicted for the
Dominion of Canada,
Gordon Pink, two and a half years old
wee killed by a runaway horse in Lon-
Immigration Inspector Herbert was
shot by W. A. Ferguson on a ferry near-
ing Port Huron.
A. McCormick, farm laborer, was run
over and killed by a fast G. T. R, freight
train at Trenton.
Albert Clift. a Gravenhurat boy of
fourteen, was killed by the discharge of
a gun which was being taken out of a
C. P. R. liner, Empress of Britain,
rammed the coal ship Helvetia and sent
her to the bottom in a few minutes.
Accident occurred about 30o miles from
Quebec. Crew were saved.
Privy Council says Provinces control
law making relative to marriages.
Walter Smith, aged 38, of Detroit, was
the man drowned in a launch accident
in the Detroit River on Monday.
Harry Couch, fifteen -year-old son of
Henry Couch, farmer, near Aclanfsviile,
died from the kick of a cow theprevipus
The steamer Geronia of the Ontario &
Quebec Navigation Company's fleet
struck arrack. in the Lachine Rapids end
had to be peached. The passengers were
taken off safely.
BAHHEa.-In Brussels, on July 80th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Booker, a daughter.
RAYNAltD-OoAmes.-At the Mattae Cranbrook,
on July Slat, by Rev. D. B Moline 1115. ,T.
Irwin Baynard to Mies Hazel Winnlfeed,
daughter of Mr. John Coates, both of
Saerrn-MARTIN,-In Maoldln, Saek„ on July
10th, Miss Laurinda M. Martin to Mr
Oswin Smith, of Radieon, Sask., youngest
son of the late Oliver Smith, of Wroxeter,
fit 00
8 18
12 700
51 60
8 16
18 00
The People's Column
-ARM FOR SALE. -Being South halves of
Lots 54 and 55, Con. 1, Morrie township,
Huron Co., containing 100 aures. On the farm
Is a good frame hoose 22x8054 feet ; kitchen
18x2234 • wood shed 20x80 ; bank barn 88x00 •
straw shed 20x40 ; lean-to 15s80. Stone wall
with good stabling under barn. 2. never fail-
ing wells and a good orchard. Only 3a' mile to
school and 1 mile to church and poet office,
Pride $4,800. Deed may be seen on application
to the proprietor, WALTER L. BRECKEN-
RIDGE, Jamestown P. 0. 81•Sm
• Swat
• the•
® Flies o
• •
For this purpose we
• can supply a nice
• fresh stock of
0 ,
e •
Tagglefoot 4 elfeets for Se. 0
0 Wilson's Pads 10c per pkge ••
0 • Lightning Fly Paper 5o •
3 Death to Flies Sc " 0
0 • Insect Powder 6c per ounce
O 0
® m
0 •
TEAOHER WANTED. mato or female, for
S. 8, No. 10, Morris township, Huron Co.,
duties to commence at close of present vaca-
tion. Application, elating salary expect(d,
qualifications and testimonials received by
the undersigned up to August 14th.
Jamestown P. 0 , Out.
TEACHER WANTED for S. S. No. 4, Grey
township, Buron Oo.,du Glee to commence
after vacation. Salary 5800. Appllootlons re-
ceived by the undersigned up to August 0th.
Only qualified teacher, male preferred. State
experience, qualifications and enclose testi-
monials. B. PAYE, Sec.-Treas.,
Rural 'phone 4414. Jamestown, Ont.
'TENDERS WANTED for reversing 25 delta
I in oheol house of S. 8. No, 8, Morrie, and
for the planing of 24 feet of elate blackboard.
Further particulate may be obtained from
WALTElfi YIJILL, Secretary of Board, Brus-
sels P. 0.
Voters' List - 1912
Municipality of the Village of Bruer
eels, County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have transmit.
ted or delivered to the persona mentioned in
sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists
Aot, the copies required by said section to be
so trauamltted or delivered of the list made,
pursuant to said Act, of all persona appearing
by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said
Municipality at Elections for members of the
Legislative Assembly and et Municipal Elec.
Mons ; and that the said list was first posted
np in my office in Brussels on the let day of
August, 1912, and remains therefor inspection.
Elector] are called upon to examine the said
list, and, if any omissions or any other errors
are found therein to take immediate proceed-
ings to have the said errors corrected accord-
-iagto law.
Dated this 1st day of August, 1912,
F. 8. SOOTT,
Merit of Brussels.
• oeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeoese•o••••eeeeee•ese•••.•e••ereefeseeseeeee•••••• eeeee••• e
Geo. Buchanan, B A , of Portage la
Prairie, Man„ is home for a anon visit.
He is on the Collegiate staff •in that
town and is "making good" in his posi-
tion, Mr, Buchanan is well pleas d
with; the Portage and thinks it a fine.
T. and
Mrs. Travers
who spent a
number of mouths here, for Por the sake of
the former's lien tit, left last week for
their home in ichigan. Mrs. Travers
is a sister to Itlirek EWER and the Misses
Holmes, of Iiru seie. We hope Mr.
Travers Will find something that
will Cure his rlfeutilatism,.
• 0
Brussels Daylight Store
August Clearing°
IAIc are offering
Special Bargains of All
Bargains worth while
Whitewear, Ladies' Waists, Ladies'
and Misses' Wash Dresses, Summer
Underclothing, Children's Wash Dres-
ses and Embroidery Flouncings, Wash
Skirts, Linen Suits, Linen Coats: '
Men's and Boys' Underclothing and
Shirts, Ready-to-wear Clothing
and Odd Pants.
Ladies', Men's and Children's Slippers
and Oxford Shoes.
Come for Bargains -You'll not be
_disappointed. ,
Just Received
Summer Goods
UST RECEIVED a sett of Sample Coats for Ladies, Misses and Children for
early Fall wear i all this seasol� styles. Some medium light weights that are
just right for the cool evenings now, hese. Sample Coats are all narked at Actual
Wholesale Prices. This lot is worth your while looking over. You can pos-
save money.
Highest Prices
• , for Produce. ace.
•• 0••oi11111••0•0••0001104•••••e0••08€00e•0000,0••ss0••••000•••04.0••11.4+•••e•••ie• •