HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-8-1, Page 5•
.A I (4
y . Issuer of Marring') Licenses, Of.
108 at GroeerY, Turnberry street, brussels,
K. 0. T. M.
Brussels iTent of the Macoalmell, No. 84
bold their regular Meetings in tho Lodge
Room, Booker Block, on the 1st and brd
Tuesday evenings of each month.
Vlsitora always welcome,
Mae In the rest °Mee, Ethel, se -t
• can, will sell for better prices, to
better men, in less time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in Each Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at thia office or by
personal applieation,
v Y • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Notary 1, riblie, uffice-Fltewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Beak,
W. PM/170800T, K. C. It 0. HAYS
J. L. KumonaN
Ofiloes-Thorie formerly °crawled 1011 MdafIril
Cameron & Bolt,
Gammon, 08.221110.
Royal Mail Steamers
St. Lawrence Season
T. T. 8. 8, "Victorian" and "Virginian"
T. 8. S. "Tunisian" and "Corsican"
Settings every Friday
T. S. S. "Gramplen" end "Hesperian"
T. S. 8. "Scandinavian" and "Pretorian"
Settings every Saturday
Service of moderate priced one class cabin
(11) steamers.
Settings every Sunday
Full information as to rates, oic., 00 appli.m.
tion to
Agent Allan Line, Brusaels.
fall -Term from Sept. 3rd
..""Arrange nowlto enter this
The aohool that has 8 great reputation 3.,
for giving superior bliBillf3811 and short-
hand training. Graduates get and hold
good positions because they are thor-
oughly prepared. Write f ircatalogue.
Open all year. Enter any time.
YoungWJ. ELLIOTT,tn1anderini,
italifteVete'rerrn kerein'Ytsa'
),n) CENTRAL/ //
f0;ifilia, /
Our teachers are all experienced in-
structora, Our °ounces are better than
ever and the equipment is more 00(0'
p1048. We do more for our graduates
61 than do other similar schools.
Fourteen applications for trained
help were received during the past
week, 001400 of these offering over 4700
Per annum, We have three depart-
ments - Clommercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy, Writelor our free mita.
., logue and See what we are doing,
Ri! • D. A. MeLAOHLAN, PrhscIpal.
441,4,W .9.1.16,VIDM.40 4452.t.DAY2194tag..71K429,',
'MN= MAMA P001g88880,
, .
ROOFING to1481t11''514'',4
Is made In soft, hand- (Of'm41
some shades of Red,
and G
r n
' areas
. well as natural slate
an Integral part of the
exposed surface, not
out or wash off. Let
• u
Sole Caned Mfrs.
ofranads.tinettikelointreat enitiiiiiiwaeres
P. Arnent, Brussels
13try it now. Now is the time to bny
to bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It
its almost certain to be heeded before
the &Minter is over, This remedy
has 440 11111)08101', Fo) sale by all deal-
1 FunaenraDirector ! ni
Orders promptly and towe-
fully attended to eight, or.
ETHEL., Phone 228,
Business Cards
OR. T. 7', M'RAE
Bachelor o) Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate end Graduate of the College of Phy •
stomas and Surgeons, Ont. 1 Post -graduate
Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital,
Ohioan, Ill, Ex -House Burgeon to St. Mich -
eel's Hospital, Toronto.
Office over F. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele,
phone commotion with Oranbrook 401 8(11 hours.
Physicsian and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses
London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos-
pitals. Special attention to disease of eye, ear,
nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses,
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calls. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel,
Personal graduate Depertment of Ophthal-
mology, McCormlek Medical College, Chicago,
111„ id prepared to test eyea and nt glasses et
her office over Grower's Restaurnt, Brussels,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
every second weelc. Office hours 10 to 12 a, m.
and 1 to 0 p. wn, In Toronto, at 710 Spadina
ave., remainder of time, Phone 1219
&MAW Fame Rem wr
Idail 7:07 a in I Express 10:55 ani
Express 11:25 a m Mail
1:59 pro
Sxpress 2:55 p ni Exprese 8:52 p in
CO.IN'a01.1.4' VIFIC
To Toronto To Goderleh
Sxpress ...... 7 :52 a m I Express BM a m
Etxpress... ...... p 111 I Express 8:21 p ni
Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 8:55 0. m.
Going West - 12:40 and 9:47 p. m.
18,11 trains going East connect with C. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
8E0. ALLAN, Local Agent.
Local ffetus Pins
Miss Stella James, East Wawanosh,
passed with honors the grade's ex -
=Metier), in connection with the
London Conservatory of music.
An ordinary case of diarrhoea can,
as a rule, be cured by a single dose of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy has
no superior for bowel " complaiuts.
For sale by all dealers.
hove been let for the pulling down of the
damaged Auburn bridge and the erection
of a new and larger structure. Joseph
Lawson, of Crediton, will do the cement
work, for $7 per cubic yard, and that is
calculated will aggregate $6,500, which
is also the contract price at which Hill &
Co., of Mitchell, will erect the new iron
superstructure with cement floor. 'rhe
new bridge will be reo feet long, 4o feet
longer than the old one and the approach-
es it is expected will cost $400 or$50
which makes the total cost in the neigh-
borhood of -Si 3,5oo. The old bridge 1
being taken down. County Clerk Lauri
was at Stratford at a joint meeting wit
Perth officials to consider the matter of
several bridges, only one of which, that
at Kirkton, is Huron interested iu.- The
contract for this was let to the Stratford
Bridge Co. at $1498, the structure being
48 feet long and the cost will be equally
borne by the two counties.
older members of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen (those who joined
previous 10 1905) will have their niontli-
ty calls largely increased after October
next, The new table, as published in
The Canadian Workmen for July, shows
that (under this new rate) on each Sr000
of insurance the mouthly assessment
will be as follows :-5o years of age,
$2.71 per mouth. 55 wears of age, $3 3o
per month. 6o years of age, $4 28 per
month. 65 years of age, $5.5o per
mouth. This table of age not to apply
on present age ot members, but their
ages 400 00 May 1, 1905, when the later
and higher rates came iuto effect on
those who joined after that time. For
instance, a member who is 72 to -day
will have to pay $i1,20 per mouth per
$2,000, There is a, soreness through
the country over this increase, but
Grand Lodge says it is necessary,
aud Sir Alan Aylesworth
has given the opinion that the Grand
Lodge has the right to impose It.
lames MeEwing, the Grand Master,
says the new rates are practically the
Hunter table of rates endorsed by the
Ontario Government.
GLAD To HAVE 111H BACK, -Milver-
ton Bun of last week speaks as follows
of Barrister McFadden, of the Sault,
one of the old boys of Brussels locality
-On Saturday last we had a friendly
call from Moses McFadden, of Sault
Ste, Marie, for many years an esteemed
subscriber of The Sun and a former
resident of Mornington who is now
Crown Attorney for Algoma. Mr. Mc-
Fadden Wag born and brought up at
EdgecOmbe" near Newton. He began
his career as a teacher and taught 111
Bennett's :wheel in what was thee
locally known as "swamp college" in
1873. In 1873 11 taught at Britton and
in 2874 at Eclgecombe where lie receiv-
ed his early education. The same year
lie articled as a law student at Stratford
and after receiving hie gown he prem.
tised for a time at Exeter. He then
located at Fort William but twenty-six
years ago he hung his shingle at the
Soo where he has resided ever since
and is doing a liourisitieg legal busi-
ness. Ile has semi his adopted town
grow from a village of 700 inbribi-
tants until it has become a city with
pOpliiRliOn of 20,000. • In iges he ree
in the Couservative ititereste for the
1001 14Bialettleo but Was avEguLud by
0, N. Smith, Shortly afterwards the
position of Crowe Attorney far Ale
Roam fell vacant and Mr, McFadden
was appointed to the pueition. Mrs.
McFadden, who was a sister of Judge
Doyle, of Godeileli, died about two
yams ago, It is about 38 years since
Mr. McFadden had visited the scenes
of his birth and he noted great changes
in the aspect of the country since
that time. In foot he says that if he
lied been set clown 10 the country
without bearings he would not have
knewn it. His impressions formed In
the circumscribed days of his youth
and carried in his niind's eve through
the years of the river Nith and the
bridge that spans it near hie old home
were runely shattered as he stood over
a third of a century later viewing them,
His full and flowing river was but a
tiny stream meandering through the
grass ; his lofty and expansive bridge
was but little larger than a culvert,
There remained but few of the com-
panions of his boyhood days aud his
visit to his old home was for the most
part like that of a stranger in a strange
Jumping with Nerve Pain
That's how you feel with neuralgia.
Bob why lie awake at night, grunible,
or complain -get busy with a bottle of
Nerviline. 16 does act like magic,
seeks nut the pain mid destroys it.
Harmless and certain, instant. in effect,
nothing is so popular as Nervi line for
aches and pal 110 of all kinds. Try it
for lumbago, Lest it foe rheumatism,
prove 141 in neuralgia, pleurisy or colds.
You'll soon acknowledge that Meryl -
line beats them all. Sold everywhere
in large 25c. bottles.
Thomas Gundry has returned from
his prospec t ing tour of the Northwest.
The scarcity of brick is a serious
matter np this way for all builders and
there is at present but little prospect
of relief.
We are pleased to see Miss Skimings
about, town again after her long con-
finement indoors as a result of the ac-
cident she sustained last December.
Captain A. T. Montgomery celebrat-
ed his Iffith birthday and two days be-
fore, walked into town from his home
Godertch township, as bright and
active as many 1888)1841 but half his age.
W. Stewart Lane, of Vancouver has
arrived on a visit of a few days to his
father and mother, the County Clerk,
and Mrs, Jame. Mr. Lane is a member
of a prominent legal firm in the Coast
city and is doing well.
Jack Phillips established his suprem-
acy as the most suecessful bass fisher
in Goderich, landing a 20 inch beauty
which weighed 4i lbs. neat. Capt.
Donley caught a4 pounder and Capt.
Alex. Lawson ore a quarter of a pound
john Hennebeeg is making an ad-
dition to his been.
Miss Norma Cook is In the Western
Hospital, Toronto, suffering from an
attack of pleurisy.
H. A. Aldred has erected a fine tout
and intends to camp on the lawir
during the hot weather.
During the storm at Orange Bill
lightning struck two haycocks belong-
ing to Ed. Galbeaith, burning both of
them, but no firrther damage resulted.
The Albion Holel here is under-
going a course of remodelling. If
satisfactory arrangements can be
made 3'. W. Beswitherick will move
to the hotel in the near future.
Postmaster Gibson has been laid
up for a few days with pleurisy of the
right lung,'but is now convalescent.
Mrs. Gibson was ill for a few days
with a slight attack of bronchitis.
Master Jack Spotton, son of Mayor
Spotton, of Barriston, and nephew of
Steorig, near Gerrie, was success-
ful in winning the gold medal at the
recent ear ance examinations held hi
Hat ris ton.
The Goggin estate, just North of
the town, luts been sold to W. H.
Blown,. 11th con., W110 will take
possession next March. Mr. Brown
has disposed of his farm to Adam
The Public Is Often Faked
Unscrupulous dealers actuated by
large profits often recnnimend corn
cures "as good as Putnam's." There is
only one genuine Corn Extractor and
that is Putnam's Painless which is a
initacle of efficiency and proinptness.
Use no other.
Miss Vera 'replinne with her sister,
Mrs. Simile and baby, of Edmonton
aeriverl home. 761 195 Terhune has been
visiting in OitIgney and different
points in Ure West. for some months.
T. and Alry, Male, who will be ac-
companied by Mrs, Chalmers leave
for a 0480 111011 Lb 8' trip out .Virest in
the course of which they will visit
several of their relatives and enjoy
many side trips. They hope to reach
Banff end Edition ton.
For some time now work has been
carried on along the river banks with
a view of clearing mit obstructions.
W. A. Pollard mit out the willows and
J. A. Tremain took out, the dead wood
and dredged the river from the skat-
ing, rink to Wallace St. bridge.
J. H. and Mrs. Gunther and family
left on a trip to Pittsburg, Pa., where
Me. Gunther has a sister whom he has
not seen for 16 years, The trip by
train to Toronto, by boat to Niagara
Falls and then train again to Pitts-
burg, lias lit provided some
pleasttet, and varied experiences.
Work was started last week upon
the permanent pavement oh Mill
St. The Westrinnite Company, of
Brantford, who have the contract
and whose work at, Stratford has,
proved very satisfactory, have opened
an office oh Wallace) St. and ELM g0Ing
to retell the work forward as speedily
as possible.
Tuesday afterhoon of last week
bout, 20 ineinbere of the choir of the
Methodist Church at Petnieratoo came
to town and visited at the home of
their leader, Mee, Chalmers and held at
giceicron the grounds of the Public)
ehool, The vieit was Arranged as it
sea of a send off to Mt's, Chalmers
who is about, to take a two months'
ip mit West and the proceedings
\701'0 most enjoyable, Bali Haines I
Healthy Mothers and Chil-
dren Make Happy Homes
Motherhood is woman's highest sphere
in life. It is the fruition of her dearest
hopes and greatest desires; yet thou-
sands of noble women through some de-
rangement have been denied this blessing.
In many homes once childless there are
now children because of the fact that
Lydia E.Pinkham'sVegetable Compound
This is evidenced by the following letters
which are genuine and truthful:
London, Ont, -"I wish to thank you
for the benefit I received by taking your
famous medicine,
Lydia E, Pinkham's
Vegetable Com-
pound. Before my
baby was born I was
so ill I could not
stand long or walk
any distance. I had
to lie down nearly
all the time. After
I took your medicine
I felt like a new wo-
man. I could work
from morning till night and was happy
and well. I certainly think it relieves
pain at childbirth and recommend it to
every woman who is pregnant. You may
use this testimonial if you like. It may
help some other woman." -Mrs. FRANK
CORRIN, 132 Adelaide St., London, Ont.
Brooklyn, N.Y.-9 was ailing all the
time and did not kno'w what the matter
was. I wanted a baby but my health
would not permit it. I was nervous, my
side ached and I was all ran down. I
heard that LydiaE.Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound was good and took the medi-
cine. I have now a beautiful haby and
your Compound has helped me in every
way." -Mrs. J. J. STEWART, 299 Hum-
boldt St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
were indulged in and a general good
time was experienced. The picnickers
returned to Palmerston by the evening
Great Specialiste in Stomach Catarrh
Though often they fail to give even
temporary relief, Mr. W. Seymour of
Huntsville, Ont., cured himself with
Ferrozone. "My trouble" he says
"was chronic catarrh of the stomach.
There was constant bad taste in tny
mouth, I was costive and usually naus-
eated before incl after meals, Last) had
a gnawing sensation in my stomach.
Ferrozone gave. me great relief, and
I also used Catarrhozone which is good
for catarrh. Although it Look a num-
ber of boxes of Ferrozone, I got back
my health and today 8/01 quite well."
For stomach catarrh, indigestion and
kindred disorders nothing excels Fer-
rozone. In a thousand cases it has
proved a wonderful success. Tey it
yourself, 50o, a box at all dealers.
R. O. A., of Toronto, one the most
prominent of Canadian artists, has
been appointed principal of the new
Ontario College of Art, which will
commence operations about October
1st, Mr. Peid, was for five years
President, 06 41110 Royal Canadian Acad-
emy of Arts, which' is the greatest
honor a Canadian artist can achieve.
He was born at Wingham, Ontatio,
in 1800 being a son of Adam Reid.
He has devoted his life to the study
of Art, at Philadelphia, in Fnance,
Spain and Italy.
OBITUARY.- Robb. McMurray at-
tended the funeral of his niece, Miss
Yuill, daughter of Jas. Yuill, of
Goderich Tp. The young lady under-
went an operation foe appermlicitis,
but passed away, aged 23. R.
,Procter, Jos. and Margaret Yuill,
Adana and Mrs. Robinson, Oharles
and Alex. Ring also attended
the funeral. The Goderich Star gives
further particulars as follows :- It
was with feelings of great 801.1'044'
that the people of Goderich and
vicinity learned on Sunday of the
death of Mary Elizabeth Yniii, aged
24 years and 0 months, eldest (1411)41)-
181( 01' James Yrrill, of Goderich Tp.
Three weeks previous she had gone to
town to spend a few clays with friends
when she was suddenly stricken with
appendicitis and peritemitis and al-
though everything was done for her
that medical aid could do, she passed
to bey rest at noon on Tuesday last.
During her three weeks illness she suf-
eved intense pain, yet never 11 mur.
mur escaped her lips, She wee of a
bright and cheerful disposition end
even when in greatest pain she had a
smile for everyone. During her School
clays she was a favorite with all, and
in her after life she was beloved by
everyone with whom she came in con -
tacit. Funeral took place 041 Wedees.
day afternoon to Maitland cemeteey,
and was very largely. attended. The
Services were conducted by Rev. Jas.
Hamilton, pastor of Union Presbyter-
ian ell of which deceased, was a
member. The pall -bearers teem --
Plias, King, R. Rodgers, 0.F. Edward,
• is prepared to simply the best
goods in 'Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, sticli as Piping, 'Wat-
er Bowls Int, stock, itsc,
Repairs to Pumps peoniptly
atteilded to,.
Give nee a call.
11 BAYMANNI Craohrook
3. Blatt., 114. Clark and Beg, Sterdy,
Many floral tributes were sent by
friends and organizations with whieh
deeettsed had bac identified, notably
wreathe from the Pastime Club, of
Goderich Tpeithe Girle' °lob, of (10,1,,.
504)001. The sympathy of the whole
community pee oat to the bereaved.
ones in the great loss they have ens.
Miss Flovence Imlay will instruct
the 119)114 generation at Glenannen
school, and lilies Jeanette Brock will
teach at Lower Town.
A. I 'piing reports that two car-
loads of machinery have arrived pre-
paratory to threshing the flax. 'The
new process will be a great improve -
Men t on the old, The 00. has here
18130 toile of flax.
Rev. Dv. Rutledge began his holi-
days this week, and lie end Mrs.
Rutledge will occupy their cottage at
Grimsby Park. For the four Sundays
of Dr. Rntledge's absence, Rev, 3. A,
Walker f or me rly of Whd
ite' ch, will
be the supply,
The engagement is announced of
Verdi V., daughter of T. F. and Mrs.
McCracken of Loudon, to Oscar Bern-
hardt, mana.ger of the Batik of Tor
onto, Bradford, Ont. The wedding
will take place in A.ugust. The young
lady is a grand -daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. McCracken, of Wingham, and is
well known in town.
rich, and cion chimeh Sabbath
Municipal Council will meet on
Saturday, August 8rd, general busi-
Mrs. Ohas. Stewart had the mis-
fortune to sprain her ankle while get-
ting Into a rig.
The anniversary services of the
Baptist chuveh, Atwood, will be held
Sunday, September 22nd.
Mrs. Win. Simpson and Miss Alma
Simpson have been visiting with Rev.
and Mr's, McCormick, Holmesville.
Mr. Hemphill, formerly of Elma
and now in the real estate business at
Edmonton, is spending a vacation in
the district.
At a regular meeting of the I. 0.
0. V. Past Grand, Jas. Newbigging in-
stalled the following officers for the
1311131.1111g term :-P. G., E. H. Swinw;
N. G., H. Porter; V. G.. Jas.
Dickson ; R. S„ J. P. Greensides ; 17.
S., T. G., Ratcliffe; Treas., Jno.
The License Commissioner of North
Perth met in Stratford and in the
ease of the Elma House Atwood, the
license was granted on condition that
if the owner, Mr. Ioeger refuses to re-
new the lease of the premises, E.
Grundenberger must sell at valuation
and apply for a transfer of license to
the new lease holder.
Before leaving Dutton for Atwood
the congregation of the Methodist
church tendered the Rev. Dr. Husser
and family a farewell banquet. Rev.
R. J. Murphy, Rector of the Anglican
church, presided, and introduced the
program. Many complimen tary
things were said of the retiring pastor,
and his work. During the evening
Miss Pearl Husser, A. A. 0. 141„ who
has been organist of the church for
the past 4 years, was called forward
and Mrs. Elliott, wife of the High
School Principal, read a complimen-
tary address, and Mrs. A. Beres, on
behalf of the congregation, presented
Miss Husser with a well filled purse.
They Give Wonderful Health
None 'are so healthy, so buoyant and
full or life as those Who regulate with
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Even in one
night they work wonders. Fur 01114
coating they take from the tongues,
headaches they relegate to the past:,
biliousness and stomach disorders they
prevent and absolutely cure.
Think what it means to have the
system cleansed and purified by Dr.
Hamilton's Pills 1 A true laxative, a
perfect tonic, harmless and wholly
vegetable in composition, they' will do
you good. To feel and look your best
use De. Hamilton's Pills, 25e, at any
Mrs. Myles Young visited relatives
in London.
The annual Union Sunday School
Excursion to Goclerich will be held
on Blyth's Civic Holiday, August 7.
Mrs. P. Jackson and little girl, of
Toronto, are at present spending the
holidays with Dr. Annie Ross and
other 21(10)1(19 14) this vicinity.
Mrs. Fred. McPherson, who re-
am, tly underwent an operation for
appendicitis at the London Hospital
has returned home. She is improving
as rapidly as could be expected.
Adam McKenzie who has been on it,
epecial trip for the Dominion Light-
ning Rod Co.,. arrived home last week
and left again for the Wesb, where he
is actively engaged in this business.
Robb. Carter, who has been spending
a few weeks with his mother here
since disposiug of his drug stores in
New Ontario, left for Saskatchewan,
teho expects to locate in dr
the ug
Dr. Win. Sloan, formerly a practi-
tioner in Blyth, and who for 15 years
has been physician at the Central
Peisou, has severed his connection
With the hisLitn lion. Ar. Sloan's
resignatiou is the occasion for regret
among those connected with the
prison and its work. He has sought
to retire from active ptactiee for some
time, but for one reason or all other
his resignation has not taken effect,
At the advanced age of 80 yeas
Dr Sloan is still hale and hearty,,
OntT.-Another 08 Blytlee citizens
is called to her rest, in the petson of
Miss Agnes G. Babb, who died at, the
home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Mete
calf, Monday morning oflast week
after a long an0. tedious attack of
I3eights disease. Miss Babb hes been
a resident of 13lyth for 25 years. She
was of a happy, cheerful disposition
always toady to do a good turn to any
peeeon, abel. was highly esteemed by
all who knew lice. The funeral took
plane 011 Thursday from her late home
to Trinity church and from there to
Trinity oeinetery. for interment,
4.47011 known Des Moine tvOlnan
Iter suffering miserably for two days
rom bowel coniplaint, was exited by
ne dose of Chambeelain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea lieleedy. For
ftle by all dealers.
Mary Was a Preacher's daughter
Of the .M061101110110 type,
Cud y locks and eyes of azure.,
Lips like cherries, red gild ripe,
She WAS brighter than a dollar,
Keener than a, butcher's knife,
And her only strong aversion
Was the Preacher's gypsy life.
'Look at cis,' she oft would Mention
To her mother, patient soul,
As she wnippeci an egg to lather
In a yellow china bowl.
'Old Boys' Unions never touch ne ;
Tie a most peculiar case,'
This ecclesiastic's family
Came froin nearly every place.
'I was bc)en at Barton's corners,
Then we moved to 13lossoniville,
Viburg, Aylottim Attonliry,
Brock ton-aud we're moving still.
I've been packing pretty dishes
Since the day that I was four
And each loving congregation
Gives us fifty pieces more.
'When a nice young man approaches
In the ordinary way.
Ere be makes a declaration, •
We are sure to move away.
Then he finds another sweet thing
Muth mere stable thee the laet
And 4110881) 1481 acquainted
TIII one-hitif our term 18 pita,
If We all were Presbyterians,
But It does no good to eigh,
Time the pretty 1111810 210o14011
Wiped the moistnre from her eye.
Yesterday the papers carried
Newt; 4111481 1(003(1(50 the poet flat,
She was mended -to a Preacher,
And a Methodist at that 1 1 1
Whore Doos Ornesimption Begin?
That, first little tickle becomes a
eough, the 0011410 grown SV17e1.0, is neg-
lected and travels down to the hunts.
Trent throat trouble before it Ws
severe. Oatharrozone heals, allays in-
flanonation, cures throat and bronoh-
iul trouble quickly. A marvel worker
is Catarrhozone which prevents thou-
sands of Catarrh victims from coo-
tra,ctingeonsurnptiou. Recommended
by ductal's, proved by time to be un-
failing. Oatarrhozone is just what
you need. 20c. and $1.00, sold every-
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Frost & Wood, McCormick, Cockshutt, •
John Deere, Dain, Fleury, Wilkinson •4'
and Percival & Kemp Plows and all •
kinds of Farm Machinery.
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All kinds of Wind Mills, Gasoline En-
gines, Washing Machines, Wringers and
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Roofing, Evetroughing, Hardware, Tin-
ware, Paints and Oils, Paris Green and
Poultry Fountains. •
The largest variety of Plow and Machin-
ery Repairs in this vicinity always on
hand. •
Bell and Rural Telephones. Give us a call4.
Krauter Bros. I
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Ethel, Ont4.4..
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Cured by the NO..., Method Treatment
Thousands of young and middle-aged 150 3(0 annually swept to a premature grave
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lowIng symptoms consult us before it is too late. Alm you nervous and weak, despon-
dent and gloomy, %molts before the eyes, with dark circles under them, we
kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bastitui, drearns and lenses, Sediment in urine.
pimples on the face, oyes sunken., hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory,
lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nighte, changeable
moods, weak manhood, prcnuature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, oto:
Our New Medusi Treatment 01(0 04080 you and make 1001400 of you. Under its influ-
ence the brain becotnes Relive, the blood purified, 40 that all pimples, blotches and 111003(2disappear, the nerVes become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and des-
pondency vanish, the eye become bright, the face full and clear, energy ramie to the
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Timm vied waste trent the system. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard
READER: No Matter who has treated yen, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge.
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Cor. Michigan Ave. and Orlswold St., Detroit Mich.
OTICEAll letters filen Canada must be addreesed
to nue Caeaditth Correspondence Dopart.
m47140501au trent in Windsor, OM. If you desire to
1111 125 personally call at our Medical Distitute 311 Detroit tie we see arid treat
no patients in our Windsor officea -which are foe Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business May. Address all letters as follows :
DR$. KENNEDY 8g ICENNEDY) Windsor. Ont.
Write for mar private address.