HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-8-1, Page 1h
VOL. 41 NO, 5
New Advertisements
Heys found -Pm Poer.
Voters' llst-p, 9. Scott.
swat the 11Ies-Jos. Pox.
House to rent -Tru Poo,
Duster founa-mne Poem.
Pigs forealt-D. Robertson.
Pigs for sole -J P. Molntesti.
Acguat sale -et et, 141Or ftl en. 1
istrix Plus
Mies Mabel Elliott entertained the
choir one evening last week.
Miss Gertrude Baine visited with
Mise Nellie Elliott Inst week.
Misses .Tean and Maggie McDonald
and Jennie Cummings are visiting
with friends nein' Listowel, Miss
Florence McDonald is visiting in At-
Women's Institute are making
preparations foe a lawn Social to be
held on the school grounds. The date
is not decided on yet but it is ex-
pected to be about the 151h inst.
The Upper Canada Bible Society
will hold its annual meeting in the
Presbyterian church on Friday even-
ing. A speaker Prnrn Toronto is ex-
pected who will illustrate his lecture
by lime light views.
. The Women's Institute held its
monthly meeting at the home of hies.
P. Patrick on Thursday, July 25th.
Owing to the busy season there was
not as many ladies present as usual
but a gond meeting was enjoyed by
all, Miss Agnes McIntosh gave an
excellent paper entitled, "Concerning
one thoughts,,;
]Miss L. Aitchison left on Friday for
a month's visit at Tare.
J. Il, and Nes. Wendt spent Sunday
with relatives in Mildmay,
Wroxeter's Civic Holiday will be
held on Monday, August 5th.
W, J. blather has teturned from
Keene where he spent several weeks.
T. G. tied bare. Hemphill and W. H.
and Mrs. Sanderson motored to Hen -
salt on Sunday.
Mrs, Goo. Lorimer and children, of
Detrolt, are guests of the farmer's
mot her, Nes. J. 'Vogt,
The Misses Harding, of Toronto, are
spending a week with their brother,
Henry Harding.
11.. F. awl Mrs. Aitchison end G, and
Mrs. Davidson attended the races in
Listowel cm Friday.
bliss Jeanette -Black is spending
two weeks' holidays with relatives in
Herriston and Walkerton,
Utnsby Leckie, who recently re -
termed from the West, has been the
guest of his brother, Wm. Leckie,
daring the past week.
Mits. (Rev,) Lackland received last
Monday. -There were many callers
during the afternoon and evening.
Mrs. Lankland has a charming person=
(lily and will be a decided- acquisition
to Wroxeter society.
"Secure the shadow ere the substance fade,"
A motto trite but well and aptly said ;
And oft recurring, as with anxious eye,
We gaze on forms which bloom, alas ! to die.
Be wise in time; improve the present hour ;
Pluck while we may the rose of beauty's bower,
And from its bloom, an evanescent joy—
Extract a balm, a sweetness to destroy
The poison ming]ings of the cup of life,
And soothe the anguish of its parting strife.
EirThere is a Photographer in your town !
The Maitland Studio
JULY llth, 1912.
-1.1iEOEal(' fON,'V it
"Canada'. /lest Shoci.al er5 •.�+'..Y
Sold b only y Y `••�rr�-
Tailor and Gents' Fur sh-
nl Cry Brussels
Robert. Miller, of West Toronto,
called on friends in the village on
A children's Mission Circle will be
held tit the Methodist church every
Wednesday from 5 to 6 o'elock. Will
parents please send their children,
Next Sunday the quarterly Com-
munion service will be held in Wrnx-
ater Methodist church. Rev. R. S.
Laekland will be there to give a
welcome to all. Service commences
at 10,30 with the Love Feast.
A social was held at the iSethodist
Parsonage when a Sunshine Club was
organized with the following officers :
—Pres„ Mrs, (Rev.) Laekland ; Vice
Pres., Fred. Termite ; Sec,. bliss Dell
Higgins ; Teras., J. T1, Ilarding ;
Organist, Miss M. 13rethanet' ; Assist.
Or'gtanist bliss J. Black. Lnneli was
served. Olnb will meet every Wed-
nesday evening at,8 o'clock iu the
ehimele A social will. be Relit once 0
month at the Parsonage and all will be
TuaNLD TURTLE. -0. G. Lee, of
Goderich, a tvell-known merchant of.
this place, and peaprietcr of the
Surnifier hot& was badly hurt in an
auto Sunday afternoon, when his
machine tanned turtle in the ditch a
mile North of St, Joseph. Lee, ac-
companied by his wife, was driving
when he lost content nl' his machine.
Mrs. Lee escaped with miner 1rlu its,
and her daughter, Marion, whin was
pinned under the machine, was only
slightly hurt, but Mr. .Lee had five
tribe brokers, He was also injured in-
ternally and received
a bad shaking
0 kin
, The
were take
Pto St.
se h Hospital
pWeil of
Berlin, who happened along in his car,
arid physicians were at once rushed to
the place. Lee, it is said, will recover
and bis escape from death is regarded
as a miracle.
A. Velie, of Chicago, is visiting his
sister, Mrs. J, M. Sc'hinbeiu.
0. Y. and Mrs. Little,_ of Toronto,
are visiting Nes. 0. H. Burger.
Mr. McCartney, of Walkerton, has
taken possession of the billiard hall
and bowling alley. J. J. Bette, the
former proprietor, gees to Thedford,
where he has obtained a position with
rllclienzie & Co.
Two funerals ware held Tuesday
afternoon, That of Jaynes Wakefield
was held to the Fairview cemetery,
Deceased was 84 years of age and a
pioneer of the district. The funeral
of John Gardiner, aged 85 was held to
St. Paul's church cemetery at Shipley.
After putting Paris green on his
potatoes recently, Thos. Seaman for-
got and left two packages of the poi0.
.n a lane. When the cows were
ming up to the barn they ate some
of the poison and one is dead and the
others are seriously ill.
TUaN13,toay COUNCIL.— Tit e
Council meeting was held July 29th,
with members all present and Reeve
in chair. Minutes of last meeting
read and adopted on motion of Wheel-
er and Moffatt, McBurney—Moffatt,
that By-law No. 8, be read three tunes
and passed to levy a rate of 24 trills
on the dollar of the last revised as-
sesemeotofthe Municipality for the
payment of the County rate. Carried.
Wheeler—McBurney, that By-law No.
9 he read these times and passed to
levy a tate of 21 mills on dollar of last
revised assessment for the payment of
the current expenditure of the Muni-
cipality Inc the curren t year. Carried.
Wheeler—Moffatt, that By-law No. 10
be react three times and passed to levy
a rate of 21 wills on dollar of the last
revised assessment to pay Township
grant to schools. Carried. Bethel,.
ford—Mcl3nruey, that By -haw No. 11,
1912, be react three times and passed
for the appointment of Paul Powell,
Tax Collector foe the ceerent year.
Carried, Treasurer laid his halt year-
ly report before the Council which
shows a balance of $564,88 on hand,
Wheeler—Rutlerford, that Clerk be
instructed to notify Township engine
erto inspect dam at W. 1'. plot and
report as 10 ill sulYleiency in all re-
spects, Cal vied. Clerk was also in-
strnctecl to notify George Phippen to
renwve all hitihod wire placed ort
bridge or shit~ ur rand in `;Vinglattm
Town plot The following accounts
were missed and cheques issued :—
\lunielpal 'World, Collectot's O,oll and
postege, 81,85 ; John Smith, balance
McKinnon contract, Jobb's bridge,
$2,00 ; John Sinith, gravel, $1:,60; Jun..
IdoNaugh ton, gravel and damages,
$14 26 ; Gco. Simrnoes, gravel, $1.20 ;
Joe Breckenridge, gravel and dam-
ages, $5.20; Alex. McDonald, i,rti'vel.
$2.84 ; S. Vanstone, gravel ,$11.52 ;
Hugh Cheer/lore, gravel, 82e ; Wm.
Oampbell, revel, 88.00: Mrs. 13.
Holmes, gravel, $1,78 ; John W. King,
gravel, $4.64 ; 308. Peacock, gravel,
$1.92; Reuben Stokes, gravel and
damages, $3 08 ; Thos. Aitkin, (vel
and damages. $7.24 ; I:I. 13, Elliott,
minting and advertising. $08,81 ; Mc-
Kinnon Bros„ grave], 80e ; Jas, T,
Wylie, gravel, $8:80 ; Jas. `. Wylie,
filling weshout 011(1 repairs, $81.06 ;,
Andrew Genemill, inspecting wont,
$3.70 ; 1111 Bolt. fencing Bolt's bridge,
50c ; Geo. Underwood, fencing Jobbb's
bridge, $10;50 Henry Alerltley, gravel,
$8.20 ; M. Willie, trop, culvert Howielc
to pay j, $7,75 ; O. Stokes, putting in
culvert con, 11 $4.60 ; Isaite Shields,
drawing gravel, 50rt,; W. A. McGill,
felting stones mit of 'xi wee, $1,60 ; R.
Vint, part payment contract abut-
ment, $550.00 ; Jos. Maine, 'scrutine-
ere fees, $2.90 ; It Musgrove, sero.
Mtwara foss
2AU• Robert beet Atsd '
'� arson
scrutinsets fele, ' $2,00; Bolt. .J.
Breen, scrutineers fees, $2.00; Join
Wellwood, sorutineers fees, $2,00;
Wm, Bolt, teceutineers fees, $2,00 ;, W.
H. Mnttdeti, scrtitieeets fees, $2001
Duff 3e Stewart, lumber, $20.101 Geo.
$07.50 Ono. Weilwood, work in W.
T. plot, *44,75, Oonncil win/Imbed to
meet in Clerk's office, Monday Aug.
281.h, at 10 o'clock a,. m,
A, D, Grant, of Brussels, conducted
the service in Victoria Hall last Sue.
day evening,
Mrs. Jaynes Stewart and ch'alclean,
Warren and Mary, also bliss Nellie
Stewart, of Neepawa, Man,, were
visitors at the home of Peter Scott
last week,
WoeraN's InseartTTE,—The regular.
monthly meeting of the Women's
Institute was held Thursday, July
25th, at the home of Mrs, G. D.
Miller. blies Elsie Steacban'e paper
oft "Oen/Wien poets" teas very mach
enjoyed. A good program consisting
of tensioltl selections and lcciLancets
was pt'ovicle(1. Next meeting will be
held on August 29th ab the home of
bliss Jennie Simpson.
Oleic holiday Wednesday of next
Tae flax mill is in coutse of erection
on the old exit block property.
A stable may be built to t'eplace
the old ore at the Methodist Parson-
Qum tee•ly Conninnion service will
be held le the Methodist church next
Sabbath morning. Rev. Mi. Jewitt
will conduct it.
There are 11 contestants for the
prizes in the Standing Field oat 'crop.
The expert 3ndge- is expected in the
o • t the next week or so
the awards.
The four candidates who passed the
2nd class teachers exam, here were :—
R. D. Munro, T. A. Rodger•, Dorothy
Tierney and Chits. Toll. We: ex-
tend congratulations.
Gideon Hoed, of Yale, Michigan,
formerly of Morris township, is here
on a visit to 1710 mother and sisters,
Mrs. Qeo. Hood, Mrs, W. Jackson,
Mrs. Cole and Miss Hood.
MINISTER O ALLED.—Tuesday even-
ing a congregational meeting was held
in St. Andrew's church to vote on a
nail to a successor to Rev, J. L. Small,
13. A„ who recently removed to Hes-
peler. Seven names were balloted
for, two of whom were well in advance
of the others. The choice fell of Rev.
Mr. Turner, of Norval, and the call
was made unanimous, Elders Snmete
and Gardiner and Rev, Mr. Pearoy,
interim Moderator, were appointed to
represent the congregation at the
Presbytery relative to Rev, Mr. Tur-
Wm. Pollard, who was visiting his
daughter, 8115. S. Cade, at Qoderiob,
has returned to hie home in McKillop.
Rev. and Mrs. Lundy are away for
a holiday. The services in Duff's
church will be taken in his absence
by Mr. Fingland and Rev. Mr. Marsh,
Excursion to Goderich next Wed-
nesday. Train leaves Walton at
9.83 a. m. Return fate will be 80
cents for adults and 30c for children.
Returning train will get away from
the Co. town at 7 p. m.
A Brantford windmill has been pet
up on the farm of Won. McIiadzean
which will supply the motive power
to pump water for house, stables and
pig pen. This will prove of no small
valve in economy of time and im-
provement of service. Geo. McCall,
of Ethel, erected the mill. Mec, is a
good farrier.
FINE FARM SOLD,— J. T. Pollard.
has disposed of his choice farms on
Cots. 13 and 14 McKillop. He sold
the 50 acre to his neighbor, John
Campbell, whose farm adjoins and
who will now have an exceilent big
130 acres. The price was $2,600.
There is no house or the land 8(i'.
Pollard sold. The 120 on the 18th
con., goes to Percy Taylor, of Rin -
burn, who gets possession next
March, 145 paid $6,300. Mr. Pollard
has not definitelyy decided where he
will locate but will take a prospecting
trip to Goderieh. The people of this
locality who have known the Pollard
family for many years will wish them
success wherever they may decide to
settle, They are leaving a gond
prnperty, upon which they did well,
and no doubt the new purchasers will
prove able to follow up the same line
of success as the fauns are desirable
ones and in a good commanity.
W Ingham
Thursday is Civic holiday in Wing -
ham and an excursion to Kincardine.
Mrs, J. Beattie, of Chesley, was the
guest of Mrs, R. Beattie recently.
Mrs. Peter Linklatar fired Airs. 3. J.
Elliott were the guests of friends in
Clifford recently.
Mrs. Walton, who is ill in the Gen-
eral .Hospital, remains in about the
same condition.
Miss Mac Mason and Miss Kastirter,
of Sebringville, were guests of friends
• its Wroxeter recently.
Dut'iilg the absence of Rev. Dr,
Rontleclge, pastor of the Methodist
church, whois holideyirng at Grimsby
Beach, his piece will be taken by Rev.
Mr. of Exeter.
Reba:Aand Mrs. Lockart,'of Wing.
lime, with their children and grand.
children held it pic-nit on the beauti-
fnl lawn of the old homestead, a flrte
farneabont thee miles front St. Helens.
iMr. LockarL sold it to Sam. Philips a
few years ago and moved to Wing.
One of the plesantest otiticge of the
season was held when about 40 young
people and their friends pie -nicked,
Jack Mesonr With his new motorboat
towed siolercr
x other eft to the grounds
and on. thole arrival the party iit
fires and refreshrnenbe were served.
A musical progrern diming the evernet;
was much enjoyed. Besides those
from 'Wire hero the following attend.
ed I. Rocket% Windsor r Miss
, Cruickshank, cement tale and work, L Kestiner, Sebsingville ; 311ite R,
W. H. KERR, Proprietor
Miller Detroit; Mise Norma Dinsley,
Detroit ;Mr, Tanfield ; Mr, Wooten,
of London, England ; 111r,
Galbraith, Chatham ; Mr, Gregory,
Blyth ; Me, Howton, Toronto ; Miss
McNeil, Toronto.
The regular service in the Metho-
dist church here will not be held next
Sunday as it will be Communion at
We are sorry to hear that George
Sperling has been very ill during the
past week causing great anxiety to
his relatives and friends,
Mrs. John Hunter, of this piece,
was called to Webster eiiy, Iowa,
owing to the serious illness of her
daughter, Mrs, Edward Beshey,
We are glad to hear a change P, r
the better lune taken place,
bliss Pearl Platter, of Blyth, is a
visitor at Donald 81cLecuee 711i Ilmr,
A net 'i
v driving shod is being built by
George Kelly, 5111 line and will scum
be completed.
Reeve Ni•:holsun, of Saanieli, rid.
,Citing Victole 13. U., was n: visitor
at W. H. Armstrong's 5t It line, this
week. •
bliss Elsie Ireland entertained a
number of iritic rcl•nds Wednesday
afl'ernnnn mid a very enjoyable titre
was spent.
The usual preaching service will be
cancelled at Sunshine next Sabbath
afternoon as Quarterly Ocntmnnion
will be observed at Beigrave,
George Barkley is at work on the
cement abutments
the Clegg bridge,
new cement floor on the 1st line
bridge is also on.
Regular service will not be held next
Sabbath afternoon at the Jackson ap-
pointment owing to the quarterly
service being conducted at Blyth.
Mrs, S. Fear is home from a visit to
to Toronto. Her daughter, Miss
Getty, has taken a position in the
Queen city as stenograper. We wish
her success.
Miss Marion McBlain, daughter of
Quintin MoBlain, of Middleport, Ont„
formerly of Grey township, is visiting
relatives and old frieuds in this locali-
ty, It is 14 years since Mr. McBlain
moved to Brant Co,
It is said that the fine span of gray
horses that were sold last Spring by
Alex. McLauchlan, of Morris, at a tog
notch price, has been purchased by
the C. P. It, Co. at Winnipeg for the
snug stmt of $1,600.
The trustees•of the Gosman school
have engaged Miss Mary Fearas
teacher for the corning year, at a
salary of $000. Miss Fear is a good
teacher and her work well known in
the neighboring section where she
taught for several years.
We are pleased to note that A. S.
Smith was are -elected for Moosomin
constituency in the recent Provincial
elections in Saskatchewan by the bidy
majority of 469. He bas been the
Liberal member for the past 11 years.
Mr. Smith is a brother of Mr's. Frank
Kerney, 4t1l line, Morris township,
and a former Perth Co, old boy, his
home being.at St. Marys.
The assault case of a recent date was
settled before police magistrate Mor-
ton, of Winghain, by the persons
pleading guilty and paying the costs
and doctor's bill. Inspector Johnston
chalked up a line against the party
who supplied the beer. There are
certain things that the law will per-
mit to be done and those who over-
step the bounds usually have to settle,
Council will meet next Mouday at
J. 11. and Mrs. Gable, of Listowel,
spent Sunday with their uncle, Jne.
Hollinger, .10th.
Misses Ellen and Eliza Thompson,
of St, Augustine, were visitors at the
home of Jas. Armstrong, IOth con,
bliss Emma Hollinger arrived home
after spending a month's vacation at
the. beautiful Suiomer resort, Mack-
inac Island. '
N. and Mrs. Robinson, of Edmonton,
are visiting with relatives and friends
in this loirality. They are greatly
pleased with the West.
.Numerous changes are on theTeo-
grainin Grey township school teach-
ers. Pbel'e will be new faces in all but
8 or 4 schools after vacation,
Next Sabbath public service will be
held in Roe's church at 7 p. m. in-
stead of in the morning.
The pastor• will 'mach on "The un-
pardonable sin,"
bliss Lizzie and Addie Grant have
returned from a. visit of two weeks
with relatives and friends ttt Strat-
ford and St. Marys. The young ladies
had an enjoyable time.
Miss Atlnie McNeil, a former resi-
dent oe the 14th con., Grey, arrived
from Esteven, Sask.. on 17th ult.
and ie at present visiting at the home
of her cousin, Mits. Jae. Dantean, 12th
con.Rlnia, bliss Mao, is a welcome
Paoposieri Nsow CHURei3,= At a
large and euthusiastie congregational
and 7.`tustee Betted meeting at tate
Tinian church, held recently, the
following were elected as a .I3uildingg
Oonitltittee for the new church
i3aket, ((Oheirmau),; 1 Joseph Whit-
fleld, Sec.-'Treasurer ; Wm. Whitfield,
`Teesdale Whitfield, George Speiran,
Harry Speiial) and Hugh Richmort,d,
It Was agreed to hold a Township of
Gley and Elm Old Boys' Reunion on
Sept. pt 1st and end in connection with
Harvest; Houle services. On Sunday
three large out -door serviees Will be
held when three Dhna and Grey' old
boydivinests will
be invited to
addresses. The following Will be the
prettcher'e for the day a-ltev. T. H.
McBe n, B. A. of 'Tillsolbnr, ;
Rev. R. Johnston btcOoranirk, M. A..,
B. D„ of 1Xolmesville", and Rev. E. J.
Knight, M, A 1)
. 13. ., of Charing
Cross. The services Will be held on
iv, Whitfield's fartn, and the Trietee
lift J. f, HUNTER
Methodic* Minister, Dungannon
the subject of this sketch was born
in Bruce Go,, near .Kincardine, be be-
ing the second son of John and Mrs.
Hunter. In 1885 the family
moved to Morris township, Huron Go.
and later to Brussels, when the old
folk retired froru farming. Follow-
ing np a public school course Mr.
ldurrter attended Albert College, Belle -
ti ® tt
and during
his robnC'o t
ni sent
P p
encs at
onto. Uolle e lon-
onto. He entered the ministry in
1898 and was ordained at the London.
Conference at Listowel. Since then
he has rendered splendid service at
Harmony, Mersea, Tupperville and is
now located at Dungannon. Mrs.
Hunter was bliss Minnie Robinson her
father being Rev. J. W. Robinson, a
well known Methodist divine who
served the church well for many years
and is now on the retired list, residing
in London. There is a bright little
daughter, Alma Elliott, also a member
of the home circle in the Dungannon
Parsonage. Rev. Mr. Hunter is an.l
excellent preacher ; a successful evan-
gelist ; an attentive pastor and no de-
partment of work is neglected. In
Mrs. Hunter he has a royal helpmate.
We wish them the highest success at
Board of the church have undertaken
to make all the necessary arrange-
ments tor these" services. Monday
Sept 2nd at 1,80 p. m. a Field Day
will be held on the same grounds,
when a splendid program of sports
will be presented consisting of Base
Ball match between Rama and Grey
Old Boys ; Tug of war ; Foot, Ball, etc.
At 4 p. in. an excellent musical and
literary bill of fare will be given when
addresses are expected by members
of Parliament, clergymen, Old Boys
and many others. Supper will be
served at 5 o'clock on the school
grounds after which an A 1 open air
concert will follow. The proceeds of
the day will be in the interests of the -
new church. Beep the date clear and
come and meet your friends of former
A BAD FALL.—Tuesday John Speir,
ivho has been living at Blyth, was
calling at Wnn. Sholdice's, West grav-
el road and went to assist Mr. Shot -
dice haul in a few loads of wheat. On
arrival at the barn the visitor climbed
up the ladder to the mow and took
hold of the girt to swing over the
beam when the girt pulled nut letting
him fall to the floor. Mr. Speir's left
arm was broken in 2plaoes, one knee
cap knocked ont and other damages
inflicted. Injured man was taken to
Brussels to the home of his son-in-law
and daughter, Alex- and bins. Rut-
ledge,—Robb terrace—where he will
have to remain for a few weeks at
least. The many old friends of the
patient hope he will make a speedy
recovery so that be will be as well as
Oonncil meeting next Monday,
Wednesday afternoon of this week
the Methodist Sabbath School held its
annual pit -nit and ,enjoyed a good
Next week Rev. and Mrs. Wren and
family will leave on a holidayvisitwith relatives Ves and'
irlends lat•Bolleville
and outer points,
At the lepworth League meeting,
Wednesday Aug.7th, Miss Lizzie
Chambers, who bion been attending
the Stintuter School at St. Thomas,
will give her report; which should
prove interesting and instructive,
Congratulations ars extended to
Irwin Raynard and bride (Miss Hazel
Winnifred Coates) Who weremarried
by Rev. D. 13, McRae, at the manse,
Ct'anbrook, on Wednesday of this
week. Tltey will make their home
here. May their joys be meaty.
The regular quarterly connmttnion
service'will be held in the Methodist
cllul'cli here next Sunday interning,
opening at ,10.80 o'clock. Evening
service Will be withdrawn, Odleinl
Board will meet Friday evening of
this week,
2 CATeras IiltniD,—Tuestlay mnril-
ing, (beet 6 o'cloolc, two head of
young cattle were killed on the G. T,
R. here by it special freight trnln
running West. The animals ware
struck by the engine, dragged for a
short distnnce and thl'owe ova. the
iron bridge a
sppuuiug the river. They
fait about 2
tt 0 feet.
we a 11 heart
altogether and they belonged to Win.;.
Slemmon, Bettie lheotl •h or over
the line fence 11510 D. Milnes property
he turned them on the road and as the
gate at the Gt'itnd Treek yard was
open the stock ,turned in and were
feeding there when the train afrived.
The engineer elaites lie diel not sae
the animals in time to stop rte the raiis
were slippy with dew, Mr. Siernrnon
estimates the loss at 1 bent $80,00.
GAanpo( PART7r.-A One tinge seas
enjoyed at the Endeavor .Garden
Party bold Last Friday evening at the
home of D, Dunbar, Weather was a
trifle too 0001 for comfort at 'out door
gatherings. In addition to Seaforth
Brace Baud who gave splendid service,
musical numbers were rendered by
Miss Fairy Robb and Me. Rutherford, -
of Brussels ; Dougald Strachan, of
Jamestown and the choir of Knox
church, Over $46.00 were realized. -
Me. and Mrs. Dunbar were thanked for
their hospitality,
James Taylor shipped a car of oattie
- 011 Saturday.
31 rs. Minty Wray, of Niagara-nn-tbe-
lake, is the truest of Ales. Win, Wray.
George Reid, who vudtrwent an
olu•ratii,n in Wiegbatn hospital, 'bag
ret it tool hgiue.
llobl. tend Alrti, Otto of
Vermillion, AJtrt„ tut+ visiting at
jetties ( Nannie gtintn'0.
Mrs. W. K. Whaley left on Tues-
day to visit het sister, 3iIs, Wilson,
• of Newark, New Jersey.
Iran. Halliday bas returned to his
home at 11ulesworth, aftt•r spending a
month with his parents,
W. J. Gedde sold his sawmill to 0
firm in in Loot unw, who purpose tak-
ing it to New Ontario,
Mrs. White and Miss May White
are visiting at the f(i'iit t•'s parents,
Duncan and Mrs. Robertsnv,
A.. and Mit
s. Nts.Wra of
London, also
Mee. s Mesa u
are eend-
g ,,
inga couple of
g p weeks with Mrs. Daley
and other frieuds here.
Word has been received here of the
death of Mrs. Cameron, of Outlook.
She was a daughter of Ed. and Mrs,
Wightman, formerly of Beigrave.
Mrs. Bakerand family, accompanied
by Miss Susie Allison, have returned
to their home at London after spend-
ing a few weeks under the parental
Next Sabbba tar morning the regular
August Quarterly 0omrnuniot service
will be held in the Methodist church •
here. Rev, Mr. Kilpatrick will offi-
Dont forget the Women's Institute
and Farmers' Club pic-nit next Tues-
day afternoon in Chas: Wilkinson's
grove, 4th line. Enjoyable program
is 10 course of preparation and a good
time assured to all who attend.
The results of the middle school ex-
amination for entrance into the
normal schools in Huron 00. are given
below. The certificates of the suc-
cessful candidates and the statements
of marks of those who failed will be
mailed to the principals 011 inspectors
in the course of a few days.
HURON—J. M. Aikeohead, T. L. Ar-
mour, V. M. Barge, J. C. Bell, W. P.
Buchanan, H. S. Oamppbell, M. Camer-
on, E. B. Ouse, G. E, Oase, 1•. H.
Capling, E. J. Cbeauey, 0. 1111. Clark, C.
Copeland, M. 3, Curtin, R. E. Dewey,
T. H. Dick, V. Dickson, E. M. Dickson,
V. 13. Dut'nin, R. I. Ferguson, J. N.
Finleson, A. Finkbeiner, 111. M. Fish-'
er, R. It Forbes, R. E. G1•enzebaok, E.
Guenther, L. R. Gueibhee, J. Gillespie,,
N. M. Geddes, J. Govenlook,N. S.
Govenlock, M. Ilabkirk, E. Hamtnett,
D. 11. Holland, M. A. Horan, E. E.
Hn per, M. O. Irwin, L. V. Johns, A.
F. King, S. P. Kirke, M. A. Knight,
E. P. Levis, E. M. Lyon, R. W. Levy,
E. 0. iMacEwan, I. E. Matheson, 141.
M. Mair, 3. A. McBurney, J. 1MOOIin.
ton, M. McGregor, i1L 1. McKinley,
V. S. McLaughlin, O. J. McMurchyy,
H. Middleton, G. Muir, T. Muir, R. D.
Munro, S. V. Morrish, N. M. Nicholls,
M. Oestreicher, II. 131. Pridbam, S.
Petty, T. A. Rodger, F. A. Ross, A. E.
Shaw, M. L, Shaw, B. H. Scott, J. R.
Scott 0. J. Sills, M. A. Shipley, F. G.
Sloman, E. P. Sothern, W. Sperling,
E. E. Sullivan, G. E. Stephenson, U.
E. Toll, D. V. Tierney, M. I. Tom, I3.
0. Termite F. L, Van Stone, L. S.
Wasunarm,fi).-0, Weir, M. S. Webb,
E. A. Welsh, Re J. Wiggins. M.
Williams, 1i. R. Wilson, 0..141. Young,
0. Youll.
0. W. Anderson, 81. L. Anderson
(hon. , E. 0, Bamford, H. L. Brooks
iron. , 0, S, Babb (lion.), L. M. Bryan
(hoe. rW. ai
K. ae n heli
�,D L.Coulter,
1 r,
A. F. Dalton, H. M. Dunmore, W.
Dyer, E. M. Eckert, J. P, Eldest J,
Fleming, \V, P. Gordon, E. A. Giles,
H. Gray, J, D. Hamilton, E. G. Hein -
beaker, A. I4f. Henry (hon.), E. S.
Henry, L, S. Holmes, R, 0, Hodgson,
F. K, Hodson (hors.), L. 0. Irvine, I3.
13. Kenner, (hon.)) R, B. .Klinitltani-
met' (lion,), 13. Jilopp, E. itnechtel,
A. O. Lockheed E. 0. Long, L. 11,1.
Mackay, F• 0, .1Mtartyn, J. McAleer, L,.
M. McLaren, A 13. McKim° (hon.), A.
McLeehliu, I. McMillan (hon.) E, S..
111cWatters, E. 81, bloscrip, B. Muir,
J. J. Murray, Justin O'Brien, Joseph
O'Brien, (hoot.) C. 0, O'Donnell, I, M.
Ord, B, II. Osborne, (hon.), 1'. ,A.. Pat-
terson, IM, Patterson (hon.), M. P.
Quirk, E, I. Rae (lion.), 111',' J. Ready,
E. M. Reid, F, L Richards, M. 4,
Robb, (hon,) .1•i, P. 'Roberts, L. F.
Bowe (hent,), Cl, Runciutan, E. E. Set -
Reid, O. A. Stowart (hon.), N. It.
Stuart, (hon,), 3, Ssvinttsn,' 0, M., Sy
mons, W, 111 Switzer, R' G, Vegan
hon,), 1. M. Vipond, \E. L. Walker,
81.'M. Ward, A. Webster hon.), V,
M. Weston,
G. Wills (hon.),
)r H.
Many farmers in ,I3lanshard• awlFnliarton townships complain of the
Vail wheat being rusted and in item•
her of fields shl tvelled up, Iittrvest•
Ing of the 'genii' it; bow general in
these localities,