The Brussels Post, 1912-7-25, Page 7Fashion flints MIDSUMMER HATS. Modish summer hats are of all shapes and sizes, and the more ec- centric the trimming the better is my lady pleased. Towering heights continue in favor as do also the per- fectly 'flat trimmings ; there is no in- between. Elaborate foundations mark an important feature in fash- ionable millinery and for this rea- son trimmings are scant, but let it bo understood they are by no means simple or inexpensive. Some of the ornaments that decorate simple looking hats run well into figures. Rare plumage and costly flowers and laces are made into glowing ornaments that perch high at the aide or front of the crown. One of the smartest shapes rec- ently brought out for midsummer is of soft tagal with the crown deep Bream color and the brim faced with sapphire blue velvet. The trimming consists of a huge aigrette resting directly in front and towering many inches above the top of the rather high crown. This model is worn like all hats this year with the brim well over the forehead and temples and pushing the hair over the ears and upper part of the cheek. After all is said and done the grand chic of the season's hats is the trimming, whether it be a wing, aigrette, spray of flowers or bow of ribbon, the pose must be just at the right angle and very stiff or the effect is spoiled. The more severely a dress, coat or hat outlines the fig- ure the more stylish it is. As one authority expressed it, "Skirts should fit the body as feathers cover the bird, and the fitting should be just as close and just as neat." The tufts of flowers, feathers or ribbons that deft milliners are making are all palled aigrettes for the reason that all these stunning little con- ceits resemble in shape the natural aigrette, and all are posed very high and with a straight up and down center. The pert clusters of small flowers arranged so close to- gether that the vivid colors merge in the moat fascinating manner, are among the smart ornaments that decorate all kinds of millinery. When employed on big shapes, the cluster is proportionately large. TAN SHOES IN VOGUE. Tan shoes are again in fashion. That light putty color which was so much in fashion in France last win- ter and which one feared would be- come fashionable here is fortunate- ly missing. All the Russian tans are used in pumps, in Oxfords, and in two -eyelet ties. Buckles still take precedence over ribbons, ex- cept in the Oxfords and on pumps. True, a wide number of women prefer the more or less huge buckle on their pumps, but you will notice that the well dressed woman who is smartly turned out in every de- tail will wear the plain pump, with its flat bow or corded ribbon, such as the men wear, no matter what its heel. Buckles rightly belong to slip- pers, but there is no breach of good taste in choosing one of kid, of gun- metal, or of japanned metal on a pump of dull kid. If one wears pat- ent -leather slippers, with Spanish heels,then the buckle may be of silver, of gilt, or of cut steel, but it is to be hoped that Canadian wo- men will go back to their original method and keep this brilliant foot- wear off the streets in the morning hours. SUITS FROM PAPER—PERHAPS English Manufacturers Are Trying to Sce if it Is Possible. .A representative of a large city firm of paper manufacturers states that they are et the present moment experimenting, in the hope of pro- ducing a kind of paper really suit- able for the making of clothes which van be sewn and hold buttons. "Paper towels are an excellent idea —these are made in Germany," be said. Paper hats have been a fashion for some time. Instead of wearing \washable cotton sunbonnets and caps, children can have each day a new paper hat ousting from ewe to twelve cents, which takes one item off the laundry bill. Paper a'hirts are being produced at twelve cents a piece, while the oust of a paper handkerchief is two cents—the price of the washing of a linen one. In the househald, too, the wash- ing bill can be largely reduced by using paper instead of linen, for now there are paper blinds—lace- edged—paper serviettes, paper toilette mats, paper doylies, paper table covers, while paper towelling could he adopted to kitchen use for teacloths, dusters and Similar arti- cles. WISE. "What happens when you put the dollar before the man 7" bawled the candidate, "The man govt; alter it," answer- IA an old fa, titer iii the Weed: SAVE THE CHILDREN... Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house may feel that the lives of their lit- tle ones are reasonable safe during the hot weather. Stomeoh trou- bles, cholera infantum and diar- rhoea carry off thousands of little ones every summer, in most eager because the mother does not have a sale medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets cure these troubles, or if given oc- casionally to the well child will pre- vent their coming on. Tho Tablets are guaranteed by a government analyst to be absolutely harmless, even to the newborn babe. They are especially good in the summer because they regulate the bowels and keep the stomach sweet and pure. The Tablets are sold by me- dicine dealer's or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "IMMORAL" TARTLETS. Gelman Lovers Send Sweethearts Tarts Instead of Flowers. Forty confectioners were tried in the Berlin (Germany) criminal Court for making "immoral" tart- lets. A large quantity of these delicacies had been impounded, and were placed on four tables in the centre courtroom carefully wrapped in paper bags or concealed in card- board boxes, in order to protect the virtue of the curious public from contamination. The forty men and women who made the tarts were squeezed with difficulty into the dock and hardly appeared to realize the gravity of their offence until the Grown Prose- cutor stated teat the revelations about to be made were of such a na- ture that in the interests of public morality he desired that the court .should be cleared. It must now be explained that in Germany when a callow youth thinks he is in love with a girl he does not give her a rose or a posy of violets, but a tartlet, and the cunning confectioners decorate these messengers of love with ap- propriate inscriptions, These are sometimes limited to such phrases as "I love thee," but in the inves- tigations preliminary to the trial of the confectioners it has been discov- ered ,that many of these humble persons were poets, and compose couplets for their tarts, which, in conjunction with the pastry, are calculated to touch the bearts of the stoniest fraulein. Some of these couplets are some- what Rabelaisian, and when Frau- lein Arndt's little niece was given a tartlet inscribed with a verse which caused the tiresome child to ask her aunt embarrassing questions, the latter informed the police. The girl sat meekly in court, and when asked what she had one with the tart, stated that she had eaten it, and that it had net in the least dis- agreed with her. Although it thus proved to be in- nocuous to the body, the court held it harmful to the mind, and thirty- seven confectioners were condemn- ed to pay fines varying from $2.50 to $7.50. while the remaining three were remanded. Some people don't know what they want till somebody else gets it. Little Willie's sister was being baptized. Everything went well un- til Willie happened to catch a glimpse of the water in the font, when he peered about anxiously, and finally exclaimed in a piping voice, audible to the whole congre- gation—"Where's the soap?" THE. SIZE OF THE EARTH. This Old World Is a Tory Enor- mous Body. The size of the earth is such that its highest mountains are only as grains of sand in proportion to its diameter, and th econtour of the earth as seen in space would depart very, very little from a clean elipti- oal curve. Again, its circumference is Bo large that we must travel some 70 miles before a degree of longitude is passed over. The surface as a whole, and especially that of the oceans, is such an exact figure that we are able, by a thorough know- ledge of its dimensions, combined with observations of the heavenly bodies, to navigats'ships to any as- signed spots with a probable error of two or three miles. This, how- ever, involves the consideration of very minute angles, 'well under one• foot of arc, and with an earth any- thing larger we could only carry on this refined navigation by the use of much more exact and minute ob- servation, which the circumferences of life afloat would prevent. All this is simply given to show that our earth, in comparison with the be- ings who move on its surface, is a very enormous body, whose size we know, but cannot really bring home as an actual experience. Standing on an elevated point at night with an horizon distant 20 or 30 miles, we seem to be in the centre of an infi- nitely greater level plain, which di- vides the whole universe into two halves, ono visible and above our heads, the other below our feet and obscured by the immediate continu- ity of the earth. SALLOW PACES. Often Caused by Tea and Coffee Drinking. How many persons realize that tea and coffee so disturb digestion that they produce a muddy, yellow complexion 7 A ten days' trial of Postum has proven a means, in thousands of cases, of clearing up a bad complex- ion. A Washn. young lady tells her experience "All of us—father, mother, sis- ter and brother—had used tea and coffee for many years until finally we all had stomach troubles more or less. "We all were sallow and troubled with pimples, breath bad, disagree- able taste in the mouth, and all of us simply so many bundles of nerves. "We didn't realize that tea and coffee caused the trouble until one day we ran out of coffee and went to borrow some from a neighbor. She gave us some Postum and told us to try that. "Although we started to make it, we all felt sure we would be sick if we missed our strong coffee, but we tried Postum and were surprised to find it delicious. "We read the statements on the pkg., got more and in a month and a half you wouldn't have known us, We all were able to digest our food without any trouble, each one's skin became clear, tongues cleaned off, and nerves in fine condition. We never use anything now but Pos- tum. There is nothing like it." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason," and it is ex- plained in the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Ever road tho above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are ginulne, true, and full of human Interolt. HOW TO HEAD CHARACTER. Look at a Woman's Mouth to Sce UULV scREAmFolly-What She Really Is. louLo you judge a woman's or • even a man's character it is not fair DOHS STN ECZEilktoconoemn atexat rho subject be- causeonefeaturesbac\ornother beautiful. The face as a whole must be considered. For eiample, a re- ceding forehead is a facial sign for mental weakness, but a strong chin will redeem the receding brow. First of all, beware of the rose- bud mouth; that mouth teak is so tiny; the mouth that is formed after 'brie goodaid patterns of the an- cients, who gave their Vonuses the mouths that were of the rosebud or- der, ,and fit only for the fickle devo- tees of an inconstant goddess. Women with rosebud mouths are usually vain, frivolous and un- truthful. On the other hand, the larger mouth with full, well-proportioned lips; which when closed, Mem almost a horizontal line, with the corners neither elevated nor depressed, is the indication of truthfulness, loy- alty, firmness and justice. This is she mouth for a man to tie to. The conceited mouth has a short upper lip. When you see such a mouth you may make up your mind that the surest way to gain the good will of Repossessor is to flatter her. The gossips mouth is wide, with downward curves at the corners. 1t Ls found on the faces of ppersona who tell you disagreeable things about your common acquainitanees, as well as of your immediate family. Wo- men with gossiping lips will negloot every duty in life for the sake of Setups out with to fresh budget of scandals Late our aOcotttlt for A lot of precentors wrinkle& Baby Dreadful Sufferer. Could Not Keep Him from Scratching. Every 'Joint Affected. Used CuticuraSoap and Ointment and He Is Well, •'Enclosed find my son's photo and I fee) • by writing these few lines to you 5 am only doing my duty, ns my son was a dreadful sufferer from. eczema. At the Age of two weeks Ito began to get covered with red spats on his legs and groins, which mother thought was red gum or thrush; but day by day it grew worse until every joint and crevice were affected and baby started screaming for hours day and night, such a thing as sleep was out of the question. Itook him to two of Sydney's leading doctors; one said it was ono of the worst cases he had seen the other did not think it so serious; one Ordered ointment for rubbingin, the other a dusting powder. I followetheir prescriptions for over four months and still baby kept getting worse! I could not keep him from scratching so great was his 'agony. "'R'hon he was five months old I tried the Outicura Rclnedies and I am very thankful td pay my. baby is to -day frac from all bit suffer - !ng lite groins were bleeding when I started and other parts affected were the lower part Of his bodyy, under the knees, arms, in oral joints, eyobrowe and neck' gut after twlee using Cuticura Ointment 1 began to see a difference g and by the time gl had used 000 Soap, baby. was nearlycured.cured. with kept on Using the Cufictlra Boa and Ointment, and mow, thank goodness, he is emits well ends Although h is now ten months old bae ne tee any 1ttlrthe return dd��ef the old, E�rs1il Ovili0,r9Sy30051 1.B,Wt,i;2n„Matyp. Knight 1911' th ougiluoltt the world. utt is ]iberet 6mple 0 esoh, with vis 8l. spa tong 00tilt 0500 52 �ytree�fitment 0 sue OM aim hofr, xwlijlg. 0* 8.... tin 0 ooiu1 Nation AyC,1 Militant Aie,Aatte •-�illRUvCO LAXATIVES are best for nursing mothers because they do not affect the rest of the system. Mlldbutsure.25c. a box at your druggist's. NATIONAL 08110 AND ENCMIOAL EO. or cANAEA, LIMITEp. 163 WOMEN TO REPLACE MEN. German Post Office Experts to Save $1,500,000 a Year. Considerations of economy have induced the German postalauthori- ties to approve a plan by which 8,663 girls and women will gradually supplant men on the staffs of the different branches of the adminis- tration. The innovation will especially affect the smaller post offices ranked in the third class. In these 3,563 places in the ismer grades hitherto filled by men are destined to be gra- dually occupied by women, at an average salary of $190 annually. In addition, in other postal branches throughout the empire 4,600 offices hitherto held by men will be filled in future by 5,100 wo- men. Despite the numerical addi- tion to the staffs, the women's sal- aries are so much lower than those of the men that it is figured a say- ing of over $1,500,000 annually will be effected. TWO FAMOUS BANDS. Coming from England for the Cana- dian National Exhibition. Two famous bands from England will make the musical attractions at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion this year something long to be remembered. The Scots Guards Band from Buckingham Palace, the third of this famous brigade of bands brought across the ocean by the Exhibition people, will alter- nate with the Besses o' Th' Barn, which all lovers of band music re- cognize as Britain's best brass band. Two such musical attractions have never before been brought together on the continent. Y HER WORST PEARS. "Henry, please, for my sake don't fall over the edge. If you de I'll never be able to find my way back to the hotel alone." No surgical operation is neces- sary in removing corns if Hollo- way's Corn Cure be used.. HE WAS ACCEPTED. Geraldine—"Am I the only girl you ever loved?" Gerald—"I should say not." Geraldine—"Well, you are the only honest man who ever proposed to me and that's just what I've been looking for." Taking a vacation usually means betting bored at exorbitant rates. ISSUE HOW NATIONS MOURN. Each nation has its own peculiar manner of mourning its dead. In our country the people shroud themselvea In dismnal bleok, in an- other yellow is the token of sorrow, and in others white is the fashion. Ta the last category (belongs the far-off land of Korea, Hero it is the custom for a man who has lost his father or grandfather to attire him- self in a curious garment with hanging sleeves, made of sack- cloth. On bis head he wears a straw hat of the exaggerated "mushroom" type, behind which he is supposed to conceal his grief- stricken countenance. INSECT STINGS AND SUMMER SORES. Insect bites and stings, blistered feet and sunburn! These three things, or any one of them, may spoil some days of your vacation, or make your work a bore! Zam- 13uk is the remedy you need! It takes the "burn" out of these red, inflamed patches where the sun has got home on you; it eases bad mos- quito bites, and it soothes and heals blistered feet and hands. In the bot weather young babies suffer greatly from heat spots and chafed places. Here, again, Zam- Buk will give almost instant ease. For cuts, burns, and more seri- ous skin diseases, such as eczema, blood -poisoning, etc., and for piles, Zam-Buk is absolutely without an equal. All druggists and stores, 60c. box or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. CAREFUL NOW. The young wife had given her hus- band a dance. "You've improved wonderfully, Jack," she said, as they sat down. "Don't you remem- ber how you used to tear my dress 7" "Yes," he replied. "I wasn't buying them then." Cholera morbus, cramps and kin- dred complaints annually make their appearance at the same time as the hot weather, green fruit, cu- cumbers, melons, etc., and many persons are debarred from eating these tempting things, but they need not abstain if they have Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial and take a few drops in water. It cures the cramps and cholera in a remarkable manner and is sure to check every disturbance of the bow- els. "What a perfect idiot I am," wailed Slumper. And for the pur- pose of consoling him his wife ab- sented-mindedly remarked — "No one is perfect, William." • Minard's Liniment cures Carget In cows. STUNNED HIM. He—I can trace my ancestry back through nine generations. She—What else can ypu do 7 Then he blinked and looked at her as if he wondered how far he had dropped. It Eases Pain.—Ask any druggist or dealer in medicines what is the most popular of the medicinal oils for pains in the joints, in the muscles or nerves, or for neuralgia and rheumatism, and he will tell you that Dr. Thomas' Eelectrio Oil is in greater demand than any other. The reason for this is that it possesses greater healing quali- ties than any other oil. HER HEIR. "Mrs. Jinks gave a bald excuse for going home so early." "What was it?" "Her baby." Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. SPEAKING OF HATS. "Carolina's new hat is a beauty. I wonder what milliner designed it." "Milliner, indeed! She had it clone by a landscape gardener." The Pill That Leads Them All.— Pills are the most portable and compact of ell medicines, and when easy to take are the most acceptable of preparations. But they must at- test their powor to be popular. As Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the most popular of all pills they must fully meet all requirements. Ac- curately compounded and composed of ingredients proven to be effective fn regulating tee digestive organs, there is no surer medicine to be had anywhere WHY THEY WENT, As the Sunday School teacher entered her class room, she saw leaving in great haste it little girl and hor still smaller brother. "Why, Maly, you aren't going away ?" she exclaimed in surprise. "Pleatho, Mith Amro, we've gob to go," was the distressed reply. "Jimmy 'th thwallowed hith collec- tion." Two gentlema were discussing the quietness of their suburban homes. "It is quite refreshing," said ono; "after the htu'ly-burly of the city you can almost hear the stars twinkle. "It is the same as mine," ropliod the other, "1 have often woke up at night sad heard the bed 'tick,' " And the silence that followed was so profound that 29-72 etch could hoar the other refloolu Mink t c ' 0/2.0 l L5 /h(f'(? &ii brbeVeragEa7Ithat CU 7 (IOU /6'5S p&,l Grip 1Ji f COW COMFORT Is guaranteed to koop Files oft your Cattle 02.00 PER GALLON Dilute with 4 gallons of water. Write for a gallon now to THE MACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE CO., LTD., WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO. Sole Mfrs.—The Seppho Manufacturing Co., Limited, Montreal. A WAY OUT. Lawyer (to wife)—Well, if you are determined to sue for divorce, at least let us keep down the expense as much as possible. I will act as your counsel. Clean Stomach, Clear Mind.—The stomach is the workshop of the vital functions and when it gets out of order the whole system clogs in sympathy. The spirits flag, the mind droops and work becomes im- possible. The first care should be to restore healthful action of the stomach and the best preparation for that purpose is Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills. General use for years has won them a leading place in medicine. A trial will attest their value. AS FAR AS HE WOULD GO. "Did her father give them any money for a wedding present?" "No. He didn't go as far as that. But he did promise to find a job for her husband after they come back from their honeymoon trip." Digby, N. S. Minard's Liniment Go., Limited. Gentlemen,—Last August my horse was badly cut in eleven places by a barbed wire fence. Three of the cuts, (small ones) healed soon, but the others became foul and rotten, and though I triedmany kinde of medicine they had no beneficial result, At last a doctor advised me to use MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT and in four weeks' time every sore was healed and the hair has grown over each one in fine condition. The Liniment is certainly wonderful in its working. JOHN R. HOLDEN. Witness, Perry Baker. 'TWAS EVER THUS. A pair of shoes may hurt like sin For weeks, and then about The time we get them broken in, They start to breaking out. 1,0 Try Marine Eye Remedy Yno uic t}p Tty1t1 rBod,Fweak, watery luuoek d ®d9 tl' oraanlatea Fj•pnd,, m00teotn 00,0 In each Package. 2NRIN5 le enm- �/ pnounded bs outOcollets-nota"Valent .7 �'� Medicine"bet ue d in o0e000eful Pbyel• �p ciane' Praatloe 10S ,9 yenta New Qbi au nrurpotod to fhb Pchilo and cold by Dr0gg late a inle•eebpic Tube. llsrine A 1 1210 calve la Aseptic Tabes, 81040a Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicano FRIENDLY HINT. "1 have bought myself an open- work hat." "How nice, dear. You can talk so much better through it." Worms cause fretfulness and rob the infant of sleep, the great nour- ishes. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will clear the stomach and intestines and restore health- fulness. An egotist invariably makes a great hit with himself. You never see a girl hike for the kitchen when she wants to kill time. Minerd's Liniment cures Colds, Eta, "Mein fader," asked John Simp- son (otherwise Jacob Schlosky, junior), of the second-hand clothes emporium, "8 shontleman wants to know if dot all-vool, non -shrinkable shirt will shrink." "Door it fid hint?" asked '''fader." "No," re- plied J. S., junior, "it is too big." "Nell, then, mein son," was J, S., senior's placid reply, "it vill shrink!" " R���Lsn�Ileiid3► of the bowels is an absolute neces- sity for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at least once a day, it decays and poisons the whole body, causing biliousness, Indi- endlon other and mineral headaches. Salts purgatives irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pills—entirely vegetable—regulate the bowels effectively, without wealr- ening, sickening or griping. Urn n'IC'e Mors&s Ind1insire 'toot Pill" FARMS FOR SALE, H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street Toronto, jjiIOlT THOUSAND DOLLARS Wx>° J. . buy beautiful hundred acres 111 Northumberland County, including etc and Implements. There ie 1n the 4 home. 10 cows, eta. This to a snap, Aa easy tarm can be had on ea osseselos. P e once, ('I000 FARMS IN LIN0OLN, WELLAND. 'Of Halton, Pool, York, Durham, North umherland, rance Edward counties i reasonable prteesP. LBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN AND bl /'3oekA. i(anito s lands in largo or ams •1171 FUIT FARMS—ALL SIZE8,. IN TES Ai'' Ningars Fruit R]'. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. [V HOLE SECTION, STEAM not v • Land, $14. Tohn Scott, WhiteRroodd.. Sack. MALE HELP WANTED. •$� AILWAY AGENTS, TFIEGRAPI03 .a.a, and Clerks in great demand throe ont Ontario and North West. Six Mon will quality you. Day and Mall course" Positions secured. Free Book 18 explain Dominion School Te]egranhy, Toronto, MISCELLANEOUS: T_TAY AND FARM SCALES. W1lsenn _LA Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. ANGER TUMORS, LUMPS, eta. IR, ternai and external. cured without pain by our borne treatment. Write tel before too late. Dr. Batman Medics] Co. Limited. 0611i-'w,v'o4 Ont !• TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wiltoiigt V Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. FM ARER81 SEND YOUR NAMES Al!$ get valuable information. One poi. son wrote that the information saved:ac life of a horse valued at 5250. D. Sd7, 93 Argyle St, Toronto, Ont. FEATHER DYEINQ Cleaning and Ourling cud lild Glo,e, clean.d, These aan be sent by poet, Io per oa The best plan. to BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. M ONTE eat. PUIUFICO WRITE FOR PROOF CURES CANCER AND TUMOR Canadian Branch, Purifico Os., Brldgeburg, Otte Xs .61.. N' '$ "C:F �L $�.'.' Lei CREOSOTE Sb 71-3113LgS1ESit M EILIL3EI SSE Protect — Preoorves — Beautify Samples and Booklets on Application) JAMES LANCMUIR & CO., Limited 18711) Bathurst Street TORONTO THE AsLIoorou 00. of Canada, Ltd. BO tae.,, 000000 TORONTO CHALLENGE RS Aokn.,rl.do.dto 6. e6olinesterno. tional wares - pool Collor. Ask to a and t Wow. Ail .to r d:,aa. ( 25, Suppose ®tom you order some "IIING OSCAR" SARDINES this Saturday. Then you can make a Sardine Sa- lad for Sunday's lunch that will be the nicest you ever tasted—much more desirable than meat this hot weather. Get Them From Your Grocer Tra00 !Applied by John W. Blokle A Grcening, Hamilton, tri NATURAL RESULT. "What makes that young man over there look so seedy?" "1 guess it is because he's been sowing his wild oats." Millard's Liniment Cures Dlstompen Townley—How's the new cook get- ting on ? Subbubs-I don't know. She didn't leave her address, The female house fly lays from 120 to 150 eggs at a time, and tlteso mature in two weeks.'Under favor- able avorable conditions the descendants of a single pair will number millions lo three months. Therefore an bonito. keepers should co itnence using elt��IL FLY early in the season, and thus cut off e large proportion of the stunniit crop.