HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-7-25, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS. li, MoORAOKEN-- • 'leaner of Marriage Dieenses, Of. Roe at °r000ry, Turnberry Street, Brussels, K. O. T. M. Brussels )Tent of the Mneo8bees, No, 24 hold their regular meetings In the Lodge Room, Baekor Block, on the 1st and Ord Tuesday Evenings of oaob month. A, SOMERS, Cora. ways A, MoGIIIRE, WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LIOENSEbi Woe 1a Inc Post Office, Ethel. 80-4 JOHN SUTHERLAND 188.0184801, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. �ii S.,S00TT AS AN AUC'TION- • nen, will se11 for better prices, to better men, in lees timeand lees charges than any other Auctioneer in East Enron or he won't oburge anything, nates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. t`/ M. SINULAIE- i V • Burrlater, Solicitor, .Oouveyau0er, Notary Public, ho. uffige-8 tewart's Block 1 door North of Oeutral Hotel, Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, pROUDFOOT, HAYS & SILLORAN BAR1RISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, PUBLIC, ETU, W. PROODPOoT, K. O. R U. HATS J, L. KILLOR4tr Offices -Those formerly mounted by Mesers Oamerou ds Holt, 000Ealo8, ONTARIO. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL. TO LIVERPOOL. T. T. S. S. "Victorian" and "Virginian" T. S. S. "Tunisian" and "Corsican" Sallings every Friday MONTREAL TO GLASGOW T. S. S. "Grampian" and "Hesperinn" T. 8. S. "Scandinavian" and ' Pretorlen" Settings every Saturday TO HAVRE & LONDON Service of moderate priced one class cabin i11) steamers. Sailings every Sunday Full Information as to rates, etc., on npplt,n- Mon to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. p...mrp Avzrp t'uvt,6ypeavpur4,4 rD r Fail Term from Sept. 3rd irl Arrange now to enter the TORONTO, ONT. The school that has a groat reputation ' for givh+g superior business and short- hand tralnlng, because tes get and hold good positions beeeuse they are thor- oughly prepared. Write ftr catalogue. f Open all year. Enter any time. dor. Young and i W. J. ELLIOTT, Alexander Sts. Principal. t � i��a'4,ma'Qst�'4safRavaaY�,YY�iY�a`•7 ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESSCOLIERE CENTRAL /// STRATFORti ONT. • Our teachers are all experienced in. °tractors. Our courses are better than ever and the equipment is more coin- n' plate. We do more for our graduates than do other similar school6. Fourteen appliontions for trained ., help were reoelved during the peat week, some of these offering over $705 per 001100011. We have three depart- ments - Commercial, and Telegraphy. Write for our free oath- logue and see what we are doing. l+� D. A. MOLACHLAN, Principal. at Sovereign M, TRADE MARK REG. Sheathing Felt • contains no oil or tar. is clean, odorless, waterproof, germ and. vermin proof and practically indestructible. Makes houses draft -proof, easy to heat, and comfortable In any weather. Come in and see It. 76 Sole Canadian Manufacturers THE STANDARD PAINT CO. at Canndw. Limited, Montreal. P. Ament, Brussels Never leave hotne oh a,journey with - nut a bottle of Ohambet'lain's. Colic, Cholera and DitLrtdloeu Remedy. Itis almos1o0rtai11 to be needed and 0611- 11(rt be obtained when on board the cars or Steamship&, Poe sale by dealt era. jlw. H. LOVE Funeral Director and Embalmer I day, promptly 9,11d.0ate- fully attended to eight or\\\ daY , Phone 228, 1 ETHEL, ONT. Business Cards DR. T. T. M'RAE Bachelor b is a Graduate University the Cy 1 Toronto ; 810)600 80 and Graduate n the (1012194'S Phy- ,sloians and Surgeons, Ont, ' Pest -graduate Ohioago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chicago, Ill, Ex -House Surgeon to St, Mich- ael's Hospital. Termite. Office over F. R, Smith's Drug Store, Tele- phone connection with Oranbrook at all hours. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London (Eng,), New York and Ohioago Hos- pitals. Speoiel attention to dieeaee of eye, ear, 10006 and throat, Eyes tested for glasses. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. MAUDE 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of. O)hthal• urology, McUormick Medical College, Chicago, 111„ to prepared to test eyes and fit glasses at her ofnoe over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday every second week, Oalee hours 10 to 12 a.111, and 1 to 0p, nl, In Toronto, at 710 Spedlne ave., remainder of time. Phone 1219 G1JJsal D 28''varx R02z& Y .1? BRUSSELS acme SOUTH GOING NORT0 Mail 7:07 a m Exprosa 10:00 a 1n Express 11:25 8 m Mail ............... 1:69 p nl Express. 2:66 pin Express 8:62 p m Commtaaw PaCIPIc WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Express 7:42 a m Express 11:88 a in Express 2:67 p InI .Express 8:81 p m WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a.m. and 8:65 p, m. Going West - 12:40 and 9:47 p. 110. A71 trains going East connect with C. P. R. et Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. rural 'flews t,em For summer diarrhoea iii children al- ways use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil and a speedy cure is certain. .For sale by all dealere. APPLIES FOR RECEIVER. --A Wiarton despatch of lulu to says : "The Crown Portland Cement Company has applied to the court for a receiver, and their pe. tition will uo doubt be granted. This means that there will not likely be any- thing doing in this plant this season, and the men must obtain work elsewhere. Everyone. however expects that the plant which is a good one, will be operated just as soon as the liquidation proceed- ings are over, There is a good plant and a moneymaker here for some one. The company was disappointed in not getting annexed to Wiartou so that it could get assistance. Then followed reduction in duty. When working at full capacity Aim plant employed upwards of too men. t PERSONAL SKETCH. -The Blyth Stan. dard gave the following sketch of a gentleman well known here :- Rev. Mr. Jewett, was born in Morris town- ship, attended Mitchell, High School finishing his studies for the ministry at Cobourg. His first charge was at Pelee Island in 1887, since which time he has been at the 1 foto win places as their pastor: Wilkespori, owick, Melrose Warwick e Elmivil I Hensall, Wardsville, Dutton, Westminster, Mt. Brvdges and now here, In the year 1857 he was united in marriage to Miss Priscilla Olver, and has a family of three"boys and one girl. The oldest boy O. V. has had a very successful course at school being Gold Medalist at Victoria College, also took first class honors in Mathematics and faculty special. At the• commencement of the coming term, he goes as teacher to the Chatham Collegiate. The second sou, E. W. is Following in his father's pro- fession and at present he is engaged as the pastor at Eady's Mills, London Cou- ference. G. G, the third son is engaged in the teaching profession near Lipton, Sask. His only daughter, Miss Elva Maty is at home. Blyth N. A, Taylor has installed all electric fan in his ice cream parlor. The annual Union Sunday School Excursion to (oderich hill be held on Blyth's Civic Holiday, August 7. Miss Mae Hogg and her friend, 8Iiss Lillie Carr of Blyth, are attending the Summer School at Alma College, St. Thomas. St. Andrew's Ohurch Oh0ie drove to Menesetuug Park on Tuesday of last week and &hent a pleasant day at the lake shore. The machinery far a flax mill has arrived from Hensall and will be put in place as soon as the building' is ready for it. G. T. R. ihad a gang of Italians em- .ployed in laying heavier steel on this line and othetWise putting the track ,n better shape. D. John Drumtnoud, who at tele time was a tesidelit of Blyth, and is now located at Frankfort, Kansas, visited with friends here. bliss Rene Bennett, who has been engaged at the millinery, in Qhhthatn doting the peat season, is at present visiting at her home here. W. 0. T. U. met in St, Andrew's elrurall and advised the sending of $10 to t11e Lumbervnen's Mission. The subject nude'. discussion being Lumbermen's Mission. Robt. Stewart, who has been ern- ployed in MoMirchio's Bank here for the past 8 year's, has secured a posi- tion with the Royal 1381111 of Toronto and loft for there: on Monday of last week, ut ug t le storm on Monday, of Last week a bolt of lightning did quite a stunt at the home of Wrll. Hoy, 10t1 con„ of MO1ris. 1t struck the dwel- ling, tore the the floor in One of the rooms, killed the cat wUic.h . was lying 'miler the stove, Imitated Mr. Hoy flown and ueaa'ly tore the left shoe from hie foot. Alva. Hoy and 01410, who well. in an adjoining room, ea- mute(uninjured. Other than tL severe shock, alt. kloy was not illjnt'eC1, Morris Work has commenced 00 the new Clegg bridge. Mrs. W, H. Cluakey and daughter, Vera, o1' Toronto, were visiting rela- tives in this townstitp. Remo'. has it that anti line eligible bachelor will "commit" matrimony before snow flies. We don't blame him. The Regina cyclone hit the residenne of Levi Beam, a former resident of Motets, who is a bridge contractor in the Western Metropolis, Fortunate- ly the family was away from home at the tinge of the disaster of the story might be a sadder one. The trustees of Union S, S. No. 12; Grey and MoKillop have re-engaged Miss Jennie Robb at an advance in salary. A good recommend, Miss Grace Robb will teach at Moorefield, her ealary being $550. The latter has just completed iter Normal course at Stratford. We wish both young ladies A 1 success. "Skidoo" for Your Headache Ascertain its cause and the cute isn't hard to Heid. Look to the stom- ach and bowels. Aren't you consti- pated, isn't your liver sluggish, isn't the stomach failing in its mission ? What you need is the cleansing tonic ihfiaenee of Dr. Hatnilton's PIlls. Their effect is lasting because they aid all the ailing organs flush ont all un- healthy matter, and tone up the stom- ach. With Dr. Hamilton's Pills your stomach gets a 01141104 t0 recuperate, and does Bo quickly. For real buoyant health 1100 Dr. Hanniton's Pills regu- larly. 250. per box at all dealers. Molesworth A sad death occurred early Satur- day of Janet Kippen, wife of John MuMillnu, Mns'nngton 85., Stratford, Deceased, who was 70 years of age, had been ill for several months. hits. McMillan was horn in North East - hope, later moved to Hampstecl where she was married. About 20 years ago they moved to Stratford where they have resided ever since. She leaves to mourn her loss two sisters and two brothers, namely : A'Irs. K. Qrerar. of Molesworth ; Mrs. O. Bowe, of Listowel ; James, of Cornwall, and Rev. H. of Stratford. Also one son James, of Edmonton, Alta. It Creeps Like a Serpent , Steals through the system like a thief in the eight. That's how catarrh acts. Don't trifle with such a scourge. Don't experiment with a double treat - 'tient. Time and experience prove that Oatarrhnzone does cure, that it gives quick relief and so thoroughly destroys the disease, that it dies for- ever. - Get. Oatarrhozone in the first place, and your Lure is assured, In 25c. and $1.00 sizes atall dealers and guaran- teed in every case. W i nghatn A large number of local people are in Kincardine attending the Old Boys' reunion. Miss Thebe Dinsmore, who has been visiting with friends in Brussels and Clinton has returned home. The remains of Mrs. Smith, who. died in Teeswater on Monday, were taken to Guelph Tuesday for inter- tuent. Dr. Redmond, W. A. Campbell, Geo.-Spottou and J. A. Morton were iii Toronto attending the Masonic Grand Lodge. Robert Johas Johnston, of town foltnerl Y of Brussels has been a great sufferer with his eyes. It is 9 weeks since the operation was performed on theta for cataract, and he is s till unable to use theist. W. J. and Mrs. Greer arrived home from their wedding tour on Monday of last week after a most delightful trip down the St. Lawrence. They travelled over 1400 miles by bout, certainly the most pleasant way con- sidering the hot weather. Harold Webb, aged 24, died at his parental home, Minnie street, last week after an illness extending over the last two years with ibeuma- Hsul, Deceased was a native of Luck- now,but had 1 esided here for sevetal L year.. For tt time he was employed in the Western FoundsY but later worked in the Mitt an l glove c f, o e factory, lIa was an active member of the Baptist church, Besides his father anti mother be leaves one sister. The funeral was held at Winghanl ceme- tery on Wednesday. Mr. Pringle has this Spring made another addition to his Glove Meteor, to give room for increased business, The addition is uf brickL2 x32 , r two storeys high. He has also added ten sewing machines to diose before at work, and a Clicicer, the first of the kind in this part of the country. This is a machine foe cutting out glove shapes, and Me. Pringle is pre- paring to add a second of these ma- chines. The capacity of the Works now, is 104 dozen a clay, and there is no difficulty disposing of the output. MAT11nsfoNY.-.el. very pretty and. interesting matrilflonial event trans- pirecl at the home of Wm. and Mee. Field of town, when Miss Lydia Eew, sister of Ales. Field, betaine the bride of Cl.Fleming mgg of Ie g 18, Wednesday of Lvrelc Rev. Dr. Rutttdgei pe1101mM the ceremony at 9 a. 108, in the picsenee of the im- mediate Mewls of the .bride and groom, bliss Mae Lloyd playing the Lved(ling patch, Elizabeth Kew, of Niagara Palls, the little niece of the beide was iwetgh1 and M ut etJohn Field, o hew of bride, anted as ring -bearer. After con ra ati ns and the wedding repast Mr, and Mrs, Flemming left for Owen Sound, where they took the steamer for a trip bp the la1(ee, The many presents were evidottce of esteem au(1 kindly feelings towards the lutopy couple. On re- t 1114411 r M. and Mrs. Plotting will reside iii Fergus; Where 1184) forme is G, T, It, station agent, TWO WOMEN TWO TESTIFY What Lydia E.Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound Did For. Their Health -Their own Statements Follow. Haliburton, P,E.I. • "I had a doctor examine me and be said I had falling of the womb, so I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it has done me a lot of good. All the hearing -down pains have vanished. I have gained ten pounds in weight, the discharge is all gone, and I feel better than I have for along time. I think any woman is foolish to suffer as I did for the sake of a few dollars. "You can use my letter as a testimo- nial. It may encourage other poorwomen who sutler as I did to use your Vegetable Compound." - Mrs. GEO. COLLICUTT, I•Ialiburton, Lot 7, P.E.I. Read What This Woman Says: New Moorefield, Ohio. --"I take great pleasure in thanking you for what your VegetableCompound has done for me. I had bearing down pains, was dizzy and weak, had pains in lower back and could not be upon my feet long enough to get a meal. As long as I laid on my back I would feel better, but when I would getup those bearing down pains would come back, and the doctor said I had female trouble. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was the only medicine that helped me and I have been growing stronger ever since I commenced to take it. I hope it will help other suffering women as it has me. You can use this letter." -Mrs. CASSIE LLOYD, New Moorefield, Clark Co.,Ohio. 1t Imparts Strength Just think of the enormous streng- thening power Ferrozone possesses, - consider what it did for H. V. Potter,, well known in Kingston. "I was sub- ject to spells of dizziness. For eight mouths I had intense pain in my right side between the shoulders. I was altruist incurable with weakness and lack of vigor. Often I scarce ate any breakfast and felt miserable all day. Nervous, easily excited, troubled with heart weakness, I was in bad shape. Perrozone restored and nourished me back to health in short." Whatever your weakness nifty be Perrozone will cure. Price 60c. per box at all dealers. Atwood Dr. and. bit's. Harvey, of Norwich, spent last week with the former'@ brother, 0. W. Harvey, of the 10th 00)1. The general County Rate for Eltna for 1012 is $4744.00 and for expenditure on Gooch Roads $2258.00 making a total County rate of $7002.00. Eric MCBaill was successful in pas- sing the Lower School examination for entrance into the Normal Schools and Faculties of Education. Council will meet at the Agricul- tural hall, Atwood, on Saturday, August 3rd, at 10 o'clock a. in, for general township business and at 2 o'clock p. In. as a Court of Revision on the Chapman Drain By -Law. James Nichol, 10th eon., has the cement focndation nearly completed for his new house, which will be erected this Summer of red brink and when finished will class among the largest and finest structures of Elma. Bert, Hale, formerly of Atwood, but now of Stratford, was presented with a beautiful cushion by the Tr'inity Epworth • League, Stratford, for getting the largest 'amber of new members to join the League in a contest which has been running for two months, Rev. H. B. Ashby has resigned the incumbency of the parishes of At- wood and Henfryn, having received the appointment of the Bishop of Huron, to the charge of Chesley and Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Ashby will take up their new ditties nu the first Sunday in August. At a meeting of the Directors of the Elute Agricultural Society it was decided to limit the Ladies' Domestic Work and Ladies Fancy Work to ex- hibitors living in the •County of Perth and the adjacent Township of Grey. The directors felt that this class of exhibits had of late fallen entirely, into the hands of professionals. They hope to see the ladies of the com- munity take a more active interest in i this department than formerly. Pan'. dates Sept. 19th and 200. 900 YEARS.- There was another gathering of the older members of our town on the lawn of J, W. McBain. The following were present and the ago of each given- Donald Gordon 91 years, Alex. Angus 86, Robb. Ford 84, Robert Hamilton 84, John Bell 84, J. W. Boyd 82, J. B. Hamilton 80, .1. W. bicl3ain 80, John Graham 78. Robb. Forest 68, Lemuel Pelton 78. This will give an average of 815 years A. RAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods hl Windmills, Iron and `Von(}en Pumps and Stable Pittings, such as Pininir Wat- er Bowls for stock, &o. Repairs to Pumps promptly • attended to. Give me a call, A. HAYMANN Craobrook r, r 'ein aggregate 900 a• and1 1 tc f years, 11414 WPM others who were expected to be present,' but were notable to be there, Everybody passed off quietlyt true them WILE a me deinking, hg, but it \veL s pure lemonade, These men took all active part ill making Canada what It is today. East Wawanosh Council 1 Council met at Belg>'ave on July 8th with members all present, Athletes of last meeting read and ootifirined. Len- gineer's' repoet on Toll drain was read by the Clerk and an opportunity' given the puttee interested to add to, ur withdraw from the petition. No changes being made the report was provisionally adopted and the Clerk was instructed to prepare the ne0es- eary by-law in oonnection with this re- lent. The 'treasurer's half yearly statement to June 30, &bowing a bal- ance on hand of general fund of 51,578,40, received and or- dered to be filed. On motion of Chitin - cilium Scott and Stonehouse the fol- lowing accounts were ordered to be paid :-Meno Vincent, commutation statute labor tax 1911, $3 ; John 0, Pow uey, gravelling Dingwall's road eon. 4, $6.76 ; R. 0. McGowan putting in culvert cons. 2 and 8, $8.95 ; J. Cald- well putting in culverts cons. 2 and 3, $715 ; Wm, Remick, removing tile 00)1. 8, $2.00 ; John Doerr, gravelling opp. lot 40 cons. 2 and 8, $41.80 ; Wm, Naylor gravelling opp. lot 40, eons. 10 and 11, $28.00; D. A. Dunbar, putting in culvert opp. lot 40, cons. 0 and 7, S4; D. Gillies, widening approach at 10th line river bridge, 5173 ; Ed. Irwin inspecting contract at 10111 line river bridge, $14 ; Fred Gook sr. township's share on Scott award drain, $5 ; John T. Ooultes part payment on gravelling contract, $20; John Cook raking stones off hill and shovelling gravel, 52.25 ; Sampson Carter filling in wash- outs, $1,00 ; W. Pattison putting in culvert con. 12, $8.76 ; James Tenney timber and drawing same to Potter's and Patterson's bridges, 811.76. The Council adjourned to nleetou Monday, Aug. g 5, at one p. nt.. A. PORTERFIELD, Olerk. Happiest Girl In Lincoln A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "I had been ailing for some time with chronic constipation and stomach trouble. I began taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days I was able to be up and got better right along. I am 'the proudest girl in Lin- coln to find such a good medicine." For sale by all dealers. RURAL MAIL DELIVERY Spreading In Western Ontario Mothod Followed A great deal of work has been ac- complished in Ole rural mail delivery service throughout Western Ontario and several counties in the North which fall under the jurisdiction of the London district. The plan of application for the rural boxes entails a great deal. of work. The section of the township is first can- vassed by officials who glean iuf0i•nha- tion as to. the number of farmers who would benefit by the service, the con- dition of the roads and other facilities which might aid in the distribution of the mail. At one time most of this information was obtained through correspondence but it was found that personal canvass of districts was more satisfactory to the department. Accordingly a staff of three men was given by the Govern- ment to Dr. C.'1'. Campbell, rural mail superintendent and these men travel about proposed sections to gather hi the necessary information. HOW IT IS SECURED A circular letter is then seat to every fanner of the section canvassed and when replies to 50 per cent. of these are received a ort o report f the need of establishing a mail system is sent to the Government, if perinissi0n is given and the route is authorized ten- ders are called for and notice is given the applicants to send in their mail ser- vice fees. The boxes with the appli- cant's name stamped upon thele are then sent and when sufficient boxes are erected the courier with the mail is sent to the district to deliver the mail. SUCCESSFUL IN MUSIC The list of successful candidates in the examinations held by the Toronto Conservatory of Mneic recently is an- nounced, the names being arranged under the headings of the local centres where the examination was tried. The list for this district is as follows : LIS'POWEL Piano. Junior grade -Honors - Nettie Howe. Pass -Bertha Mabel Krotz ; Agnes H, MaKerrcher, Wrox- eter ; Norman R. Hermiston. r. P'lilai' r - x y g ode Honors -Albert Lott, Brussels. Pass -Laura E. Spelt, an, Moncl'lef), Elementary grade -Pass -Isabel Nichol, CLINTON Piano. Junior gracle-Pass-Alexia Murdoch, Hensall ; Marion Irwin, Clinton ; N,etta Simpson, Beucefield (equal.) Primary grade -Honors -Margaret F. Edge, Seaforth. Pass -telae A.Ic- Clineheypi Seaforth ; Lula M. Doherty Egmonc}ville. laletnentary grade -Honors -Lola H,ndie. 'SO DI8RI011 Piano, Junior grade -Pass -Olive 18. McPhee. Primaryrade-Honors-Victoria Kerslake. Pass -Nellie McArthur; Walton, Elementary grade -Pass -Londe M, Herrington, gton Blyth. g Right in yolir busiest season when you have the least time to spare yon as nhostlikcly to take diarrhoea and lose several (lays' time, 1801085 you have Chamberlain's °olio, ()hetet a and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a dose on the first appearance of the di' sense, For sale by all dealers, MARRIED D 25YEARS XE RS ANDNEY.ER HADA SPAT Mr and Mrs, Andrew Oarnoglo Oele. brio 811 a P vr VYadtling and Entertain Friends Andrew and Mrs, Carnegie cele- brated at New York their :5th wedding anniversary at their borne at 1093 Fifth avenue, They spent the day quietly opening and reading many telegrams that poured in from ell parts of the World and in the evening entertained at dinner about thirty of those who at- tended their wedding 25 years ago. Mr, Carnegie aid Miss Louise Whit- field were nlat•ried on April 22, 1887, at the residence of Mrs, Carnegie's mother, Francis 1J, Whitfield, 35 West 48th street, She was 28 years old and Mr. Carnegie, already a millionaire was 53. The ceretnony was performed by the Rev, Chas. Eaton and afterwards the bride and groom boarded tale steamship Fulda to spend their honeymoon on the isle of Wight and on the aontiuent, Just before the wedding Mr. Carnegie settled upon his wife an income of Szo,000 a year and gave her as a wed. ding present the house at 5 West 5rst street. "What ad floe would you glve to a young man starting out in life a- bout.Choosing a wife?'" Mr, Carnegie wisasked. t 1 i k d His fa'e lighted u 1 as v answered, "fell theyoung' num to get a wife as nearly. like Mrs, Carnegie ars possible, We have lived together for 25 years without an angry word or a. moment's. misunderstanding, My only fear about her going to heaven is that she has never sinned,, You know a- bout the little girl who told her Sans clay School teacher when site asked her what one most do to be forgiven, "One must sin ma'am," ''As for myself I expect to depend on her end I'm hoping that she will be able to rake some ex- cuses cures for m®. If she looks sieve e there as she las here I' may possibly have a chance." New York, April 22. They All Failed Many have tried to devise a coal cure equal to Putnam's, but after fifty years nothing has come upon the war. ket that so painlessly cures corns and warts. Don't experiment, use the '. best, and that's "Putnam's," • 04.04.004.s0004.o4. •004..000@®406. • O 4. 0 • 4. e 4. 4. 0004.0004.••.•00000,,.,,••••*40001100$4.4.66 0. ome and See us We Handle Q • O 4. • 4. 9 Q a O e. 4. O ra 9 4. +L •• 4' 0 4. 4. • Frost & Wood, McCormick, Cockshutt, a John Deere, Dain, Fleury, Wilkinson and Percival & Kemp Plows and all• kinds of Farm Machinery. • e Louden, Beatty, Workman & Ward and Preston Hay Tools and Stable Fittings: 0 Barber and Brantford Buggies, Carts, etc, • Adams, Speight and St. George Wagons, ® , etc. Singer Sewing Machines. O 4 De -Laval and Empire Separators. p, O' All kinds of Wind Mills, Gasoline En- gives, Washing Machines, Wringers and Coal, Wood, Gasoline and Oil Stoves, Roofing, Evetroughing, Hardware, Tin- ware, in ware, Paints and Oils, Paris Green and Poultry Fountains. The largest variety of Plow and Machin- ery Repairs in this vicinity always on hand.• • 1 e• 4' Bell and Rural Telephones.• Give us a call Krauter ros.0 Ethel® Ont. NERVOU1 �V .t ®� �.. RUTmy' Y SS YOUNG, MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. the victims of early indiscretions and later ex. 0018540, who are failures in life -you are the ones1vo can rasion to manhood and revive the spark of energy and vitality. Don't give up in despair because you have treated with other doctors, used elootrio belts and tried various dreg store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds front the brink of despair, has re- stored 'happiness to 11 ro stn oilend ads of homes and "d made and Out." e prescribe of so who were down mea oat,' R o 1085spacing rem• sym • for each ildcompliurd cess according h to e the symptoms and corn nig is one of complications -we have no patent wonderful l success Asda s our tr eat secrets can- not of our ail for we prescribe as our les adapt d to oatfail roma pas. O ly mums adapted t- enclUndivldunlcaeo. Only curable cases IIc- e pted. Wo have done business throughout Canada for over 20 Years. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAT AESDE Areyou nvletiml Anvo you lost OG)4 LR hopsl Are yyou 1550114 ug to ntarryy Has ouu' blood boon dlse sod? Iiave eu will 'weakness? Our Now Method Treatmentri will e uro you. WitatYthas done for caters it 11)11 do for you. Consultation Pros. No matter who has' treated you, write for nu honest opinion Free of Char alBeeltFrom Bo hood Manhood, Fatherhood."(Illustrat- ed) 0dJ OR Diseases Of Men, NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT No names on boxes oronoel. opal. Ever thing Confidoatial. Question List and Cost of Treatment FREE 9015 NOMETREATMENT. Dris.KENNEDiBcKENNEDI( Cor. Michigan 1 an Ave S 1 and Griswold d St. Detroit, Mich. m Alt tetters front t d tri NOTICE Cao damndon ed epart- to aur Canadian Correspondence De last- yf •; it ,r ' 1 � tient in "Windsor, Out. If you desire to see his f5ersottally call at our Medical Institute itt Detroit as we see and treat no pat:ont• in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and faaboratory for Canadian business oltly. Address alt letters as follows: DMS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. Windsor, Ont. :,"Write for nue* 'rivet& addrnaa,