HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-7-25, Page 1e ae, bats:, 1 0 y quit" fete This stir p0 to !.1 VOL. 41 NO. 4 ru BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, ,DULY 25, 1912 New Advertisements T+ookot lost -Tem Posy Mollerfound-Ta�a Hors, Voters' bast -A. MLQEWen. Teacher wanted -B. Payn. Teacher Wanted -O, B, Forrest, • zstriz# Reins Londesboro' Miss D. Walker, of London, spent Sunday with friends here.Mrs. W. Tamblyn, of Toronto. is visiting here with friends. Mise McCool, of Toronto, is spend- ing her holidays at her home hero, Mrs. W. L. Merriee, of Loudon, is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. W. G. Coombs, Mies M. Cool was attending Sum- mer School at St. Thomas as delegate from the League here. Robert Haggit motored over from Pigeon, Mich., and spent; a few days at the home of Jas. Woodman. Rev. J. H. Osterhont and family motored to Loudon where the family visited, while Mr. Osterhout at- tended the• Summer School at St, Thomas. Arthur Brunson, C. P. R, operator, London visited recently at itis home here, He left for Vancouver, B. 0. and other points in the West. His mother will accompany him as far as Hartney, Man. Jamestown Bert. Watson, of Belgrave visited at S. Snell's on Sunday, Miss Eliza Burke is home from Brussels for a few clays, Some of our femme: are putting lightning rods on their barns. Master Calvin Outt, of Goderich, is visiting his cousin, Harvey Celt. Robt. McKay, of Ethel, took the service in Victoria Hall on Sunday evening. John Miller was down to Listowel, on Saturday evening. He returned on Sunday. Miss Muriel Brothers, of Brussels, visited here last week with Mrs. D. MacDonald. Thomas Smith's barn was streak by lightning on Monday ot last week. No damage was done. Rufus Jacklin is home from Saskatchewan on a visit to his broth- ers on the Boundary, Grey and Howick. An automobile from New Hamburg. gladdened the heart of a young lady in this locality on Saturday evening. The visitors returned home Sunday. Quite a number from this locality will go to Brussels Friday evening to witness the Foot Ball contest between Walkerton and Brussels for champion- ship honors. The trustees of the school East of Jamestown are still on the look -out, for a male teacher. See advertise- ments in this issue. S. S. No, 10 Morris, also want a teacher. Alex. Sim or s r of 771ma visited I , r P h. , father, Andrew Simpson, on Sunday Thomas Burke is laid up atresent with blood -poisoning, Their dog got ruiner the wagon and caught in the tangs of the hay -loader, Tom went to pull the dog off, when it bit biro. Wroxeter Blair Currie, of Mt, Forest, renewed acquaintances In the village over Sun- day. Mrs. N. White left for Detroit on Monday to spend a few weeks with relatives. Mr's. 'Turner and two sons, of Aylmer, are guests of the fortner's sister, 1371'5. 13. F. Carr. Sounnerville and Mrs. Hamilton, of Toronto, are guests of the fovmer's parents, Jno. and Mrs. Hamilton. Angus and D:lrs. White of Dakota, who have been visiting at the home of Neil White, left for Detroit this week. Miss hazel McDougall returned to her home in Stratford on Thursday after spending two weeks with Miss May Bret hatter. Stewart and Robert McKercher left on Tuesday morning for New Ontario, where they will spend a month and possibly take up land. flies. A. R,'McDonald, of Treherne, Man., is visiting her brother, W. 0. f-Iozlewood. having come to attend the funeral of her mother, the late Mrs. James Hazlewood, of Clifford, Blyth A few front here were in attendance at the Kincardine Old Boys Reunion. R. and Mrs. McKay with his broth. er and sister, autoed to Kincardine on Thursday. le, and Mrs. Uttley and family visited friends at Berlin and took in the Old Boys' Reunion there, that be- ing thole former home. Daring Uttley's absence Arthur Wells was taking charge of the electric light plant. Mr. McLeod, who lives on the Base Line of Hulled, was driving with two young girl ielations to• Brussels and was going down Dinsley Street when his horse became frightened at an automobile standing on the side of road and stat ted plunging. All got one of the rig and he went to quiet the horse by catching it by the head, when it struck him with its foot, knocking hire unconscious, He is in. awed internally and small hope is held out for his recovery, as he is about 70 years of age. J. H. Ohellew took hien home in his auto. 8A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at the home of Mrs. Wettlaufer on Wednesday of last week, when her daughter, Rosetta N., was united in marriage to George Wambold, of Stratford. Ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Jewitt. The bride enter- ed the parlor leaning on the arm of her brother, aurid the strains 'of Men- delssohn's Wedding March. After congratulations all partook of a Long. months of service prove the real quality of the leather and workmanship in THE HARTT ROOT & SHOE CO. FREDERI('MN. N.N. 11:0111'1) "Canada's Best Shoemaker, Sold only by E. C. DUNFORD Tailor and Gents' Furnisher Brussels s sumptuous repast on the lawn. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for a short honeymoon trip to Dashwood, before leaving for Strat• fold, where the groom bee a good position. 1ZENNEDY-.--001)E,— A pretty Syed. ding was solemnized by Rev. Father McKeon, rector of Se Marys church, at a nuptial high mass when Miss Marie M. Code formerly of Blyth, a Hraduate noise of St. Joseph's ospital, Loudon, was married to Christopher F. Kennedy, a bank manager, of Florence, Ont, The bride was altencled by Miss Eva Cole- man, of Port Stanley, also a graduate of St. Joseph's, while the groom was assisted by his cousin, 1141. J. Master- son, of Chatham. Miss Jessie Mc- Gregor rendered a solo in very ac- ceptable fashion, After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy left for a honeymoon trip to Cleveland, Chicago and other paints. On thew' return they will take up their residence at Florence. Oranbrook Miss Lavine, Alderson is visiting her parents here. Isaac McKay and son, of Niagara Falls, are visiting Mrs. E. McKay. Mrs. Alert, of Detroit, is on an ex- tended visit with her parents, F. and Mrs. Jeschke. Mrs, R. K. McDonald has returned from a two weeks' visit at tire home of .r. H. Cameron, London. A. J. Helm was in Wingham Wed- nesday attending the funeral of his brother-in-law, Peter S. Linklater. Misses Annie and Jessie Menzies and Hartley went to Monicton Satur- day. y l4Iisa Jessie will remain for some ti 1110.. Robert McDonald was a del- egates to the Masonic Grand Lodge at Toronto last week as a representative from Brussels Lodge, Belgrave The improvements to the Foresters' Hall are not yet complete. East Wawanosh Connell will meet Monday August 5th, at Belgrave, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick are beginning to get acquainted, They will do well here. Tuesday evening the Farmers Club met in the Foresters' Ball, with an attendance of 30, R. Procter in the chair. The question for discussion was "Horses and Cattle and how to increase the profits." Heavy horses appeared to be the choice of the majority. The combination Pie-nic between the Women's Institute and Farmers' club will be on August 0th, in Ohas. Wilkinson's grove. Among others expected to take part on the program is Dr. Reed, of Georgetown, and Thos. McMillan, of Hulled, and in addition to addresses demonstrations will be 2 Even on general purpose brood mare, year old colt, 1 year old colt and a foal. A big time is expected and a large crowd looked for. QaURON Itaroiar,—The financial re- port for the Methodist church Bel - grave circuit Nae been issued for the year ending May 31st last. There are three appointments—Sunshine, Bel - grave and Brick church. For pastor's salary, Belgrave contributed $341 00 ; Sunsbine, $205.00 ; Brick church, $215.00 ; total $761,00. For the general Mission fund, the circuit raised $181.- 85; W. M. S., $83,20; Ladies' Aid, 556.00 ; Trustee Boards, $116.00 ; other fonds, etc., makinga total raised on the circuit, of 5125,55. Of this Bel- gi•eva contributed $686.55; Sunshine, $251,27, Brick church, 5895.61. H, Hopper is Recording -Steward, and Rev. J. J. Durrant was pastor for the year thus reported, Goderich Tnaeiet traffic on the lakes is light this year. Mrs. Seager, wife of Crown Attor- ney Seeger, and her niece, leave for British Columbia m1 Aug. 3. Goderich will not hold the annual bowling tournament that has been held here for a number of years. Wen. Proudfoot, M. P. P„ who at present is occupying hie cottage at Meuesetung Perk. leaves with his family next ,i e, lc rim Searbor° Beach, where they have :Tent the mouth of August foe it number of years. The six large 100 -feet cement cribs for the outside brsaltwater in the lake have been successfully sunk in place and aro now being filled. When a solid cement top will be placed on them t11ie will be a present pro- tection to Goderich harbor. The new shells being built by the 0. P. R. to handle Hour and package freight, are nearly completed. A large gang of men are rushing things and the first boatload of finer from Gladstone Miele„ on one of the Mutual Line of steamers, is expected. Dr. W. S. Turnbull, wife and family have moved to Vancon vete where the doctor tastes up the practice of his brother, who is retiring, The Turn- bull was'partteer of Dr. J7merson and was President of the alenesotnng rCaich. noe Olub, rile was also President of the local medical council and was dined and feted before leaving Gode- M, J. Farr, proprietor of the Union hotel, yvho has caused such a sensation this Spring by laying infor- metion against`onu of the license eot(missionere and iliapecthr foe Hur- on Comity and whose house lies been gran ted' a license only on condition be would sellout, has sold the hotel to Mr. Lennon and is retiring to private life, Mr. Farr bas purchased the fine naw fesi et d ice owned w ed by P. T. Dean,.. A number of changes have taken place around the Oanadiau Pacific railway station and eveight sleds, S. S Robinson, Whowasagent of the 0, P. R. here has, been promoted to Woodstock, and.Mt'. ;3rtnderson, of Milverton, has been who was also first operator here, has resigned from the he, ser e c eaud 'gonecueWeetto Regina tetake a very re- sponstble position Death came' with shockin sud- denness to Mrs. William Phillips at her home on Church street Windsor, Without the slightest premonitory symptoms she was shdeken with heart failure and sank to the floor, ex- piring almost instantly, She had been 1n her 1151trtl goad health. 31rs. Phil- lips lived in Windsor for 30 years, Besides her husband site leaves several children. John Barker, of (Iodeviair, is a brother. Walton Walton is interested in seeing Brus- sels win from Walkerton Foot Ball team Friday evening of this week at Brussels. In the absence of Rey, Mr, Lundy in Brussels last Sunday the services in Duff's church were in charge of Mr. Johnston, The door and window frames for eke new church were hauled this week and the brick work will be completed before long. Mrs. George Hamilton and two children, of Saskatoon, were here re- newing old friendships. Mrs. Hamil- ton is greatly pleased with the West. The morning train Bast now runs direct to Hamilton and the afternoon train direct to Toronto, Going West the 11.38 comes from Toronto and the evening train direct from' Hamilton, Connections are made at Guelph Jun- ction. Wingham Mrs. el. Bell, who recently broke her hip, is still in the hospital, and is doing nicely. Mrs. Saint has laid a complaint be- fore Provincial Constable George Phippen regarding boys doing damage to her property. Miss Kate Williamson was tite guest of friends during the Old Boys' Reunion in Kincardine, Her sister Mae is visiting friends in Seaforth. Owing to seine of the members of the Wingham Baseball league being absent it has been decided amongst those remaining in the town to con- sider the league as broken up. J. Stalker, principal of the local public school, will remain in Wing - ham. Ile had an offer from St. Thomas and went down and looked the school over. On his return he took Ute matter up with the local authorities and they agreed to grant him an increase, Owing to the coolness of the even- ing, only a fair crowd attended the band concert on Victoria Park. After the concert the band marched to the residence of W. J. Greer, on Francis street, and gave him a serenade, after whicthemh Mr. Greer took them all in and treated them to ice cream, and gave $10. L. Hudson. a lineman employed by the Bell Telephone Co. here, had a narrow escape from serious injury when stringing telephone wires across Josephine street. Mr. Hudson was leaning over the big steel wire that holds the cable, when a wire carrying 2000 volts, belonging to the Wingham Electric Company, broke and in fall- ing fell across the wire he was leaning on. He was knocked senseless for five minutes and part of his clothes were burned. Re suffered consider- ably from the shod( for a time but 110 serious results are anticipated. ORYBTAL \VEzlnt1G,—A most enjoy- able celebration was held at the hetne of Editor H. B. Elliott, 'Francis street, recently when rte and Mrs..Elliott cel- ebrated their crystal wedding in honor of the fifteenth annlversruy of their marriage. Luncheon was served 0n the lawn to about 40 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott received many hearty congratulations, and among other tttndsome presents was a cut glass water set. Among the guests from a distance were Miss Buchanan, Mrs. ( Dr.) Morris and Miss Greer, of eorggetown, Mich. ; Mrs, Burns and angh ter Florence, of Detroit and ]r. and Mrs. Long, ot Brussels. The other evening as the London a 'ay freight was workingits way to Kincardine, a Brantford man giving he name of Gordon Attridge was aught by ons of the train crew try - ng to get to Kincardine in an empty ar. He bad the seal of one of the Dors and when he saw Mat be was based made his way down the street. Chief of Police Allan was . at mice (citified and in a short time lead his man at police headquarters. He also ad a companion who got through to Mcrae -hue by riding between the wo engines which hauled the special train. He was tried before Justice f the Peace MacKenzie, J. A. Mor - 00, police magistrate being absent nd MacKenzie gave him 20 days in oderich jail for vagrancy. Chief Mtn took his man there. P. I,Itaicneria, DEcomenn,—Af1er 00 Mess extending over the past seven )(intim, Peter Linklater, for 57 years a esident of Wingharn died at his homehomeere, Deceased was '70 years old, and as born in Orkney'Istande and came o Canada when a young man, andar tiled in Wingharn, where he has re- ded ever singe. Thirty yes ago 0 was married to Miss Janet Helm, ho stwviveshim, together with etre inghter, Mrs. Leslie Youitg, of Vinnipeg. For many years Mr. inklater fanned juin: outside of the wn. Later he retired, and after orlling as a packet' in the Union dory, went into the grocoty 11naf- ss for himself. Andrew and Wil- Rm Linklater, of Winghern, and 1133, of Manitoba, aro brothers, and us, Currie and Young, Mrs. of Ingham, sisters, He was a member the Canadian Order of Foresters, ul e lifelong I,iberall For the lest mut rn he had been an elder in e Presbyterian el-mech. The funeral as held on Wednesday afternoon, d Rev D. Porno cotrducted the ser - 1 G N c d c h K 0 t a G A 11 0 r It 1v se si \ h L to ty 1113. 110 11 Jo 141 of ar tw pmmated to life place. al, Baldwin, Mew. W. H. IERR, 'Profiristor Elver Pete'mee, aged 28, was badly hurt at the new .Western foundry when he fell80;feet off a derrick, en which he was working. Re was pick- ed up at once by fellow workmen aud the Dr, who attended him found that Peterman bad sustained two fractur- ed ribs, dislocated his left should - der, and had serious cuts abort his hands and legs. Ethel 0, le. and Mrs. Heppler, and son, of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Haneuld. Misses Martie Cameron and Lena Noble, of Oranbrook, trete visitors with Mrs. J. K. Brown, The Ethel Cheese factory made a sbipmentof 180 boxes of cheese to the McLaren Imperial Cheese Co., of Woodstock. Price was 12e cents which is a tidy figure. Don't forget the 0. E, Garden Party to be held on the lawn at D. W. Dun - bar's, west of Ethel, Friday evening of this week. Seaforth Brass Band will rupply a musical program. Sabbath evening next Rev. Joseph W. Hibbert, of Gorrie, will preach in the Methodist church here. The pastor will take anniversary services at Orange Hill the same day. We are glad to hear that W. E. Lu- cas, sou -hi -law to C. Raynard, of this place, has been placed at Wilkesport Lambton Co., in charge of the Metho- dist churches on that circuit. We wish him success and believe he will be well seconded by Mrs, Lucas. Pxo-NIc.—Ethel Methodist Sunday School picnic will be held Wednesday July 31st, in Jackson's grove, The pic-nic is free to all so bring your baskets and come and enjoy the day with us en the banks of the Maitland. A refreshment booth will be on the grounds and there will be sorts, swings, and fun in general. Every- thing will be in first-class shape. In spite of the bad weather about 40 attended the Women's Institute meet- ing held at Mrs. J. P. McKay's last Thursday. Two very interesting pa- pers were given by Mrs. Raynard and Mrs. Addy. An interesting program was provided consisting of musical se- lections and readings. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered 141re. McKay for her kindness in providing convey- ances to take the ladies out. Morris Township Council will be held. next Monday, 20th inst. Fall wheat harvest is at hand and good returns promised. Other Morris news items may be read on page 5 of this issue. Mrs. E. Nicholson, of Wingham, has been visiting relatives aud friends in Morris township. The new brick veneer residence of James D. Grasby. 5th line, is being pushed alongand will be a very com- fortable home when completed, Friday evening of this week Brus- sels and Walkerton Foot Ball teams will battle for supremacy on Victoria Park Brussels. It will be e. lively game. The farm of W. H. Maunders, Shoshone, Idaho, now tenanted by Thos. Pierce, has been leased to the sante person. We wish him good re- turns in lieu of careful farming. Last Saturday Miss Mary Dark ar- rived home from the West where she has been feachiug, She will remain here in the meantime. Miss Dark is welcome home. The Municipal Voters' List for Mor- ris for 1912 was first posted up Thurs- day of this week. It contains 652 names in Part I ; 91 in Part II and 33 in Part III, a total of 770, Persons qualified to serve as jurors 389. Miss Nellie M0Arthnr, 9th line was among,the successful pupils who took the Conservatory of Music, Tor- onto, exam. at Goderich. She passed' in primary piano. She has natural talent as a musician which will great- ly aid her in the advanced course. We wish her success. Grey Fall Wheat harvest ie on. Next meeting of Township Council will be Monday, August 5th. Mrs. L. Frain and Miss Winona left from Watton for Moosejaw on Tues- day of this weep. They were ticketed by H. L. Jaeksnn, Mrs. Caldwell and daughter, Razei, of Acton, are visiting for a fete weeks with relatives and friends in Grey township. In last week's report of Grey town- ship Conned James Betz, 11611 eon„ was credited with the receipt of $63.00 for filling a washout at the Mitchell bridge. It should have read $48. A few weeks ago Alex. It McDonald 3rd con., had the misfortnue to injure one of his limbs while hauling gravel and the results of the accident still bother hien. \Ve hope he will soon be all right. • Gerrie Wilson, Anna Davidson and Freda Turvey were among t110 success - fel Entrance candidates, the latter taking honors. We congratulate them and their faithful teacher, Miss Frain, We are sorry to hear that 31i's. Dialing, formerly of Chan brook, is not enjoying good health. She is et the home of her brother, Jno. Mitchell, 5th coli, Old friends wish her a speedy recovery. Thos. and Mr's. Whitfield, of Traverse, Mich., and daughter, Miss Kathrine, of Detroit, who have been enjoying a holiday visit with the. Whittleld familios, returned to their homes on Thursday of this week. Robert P'i� e r Pivie, of � owknrid o ]ocal't who shout the poet 5 months in bhe West ie back home, ire went out to visit his brother John and to fetch him back with him if peesilile bet the sick than died last May. The latter Was a former resident of thistown- ship and a fine fellow. Heart titoubia Was the cause of death. Next Sabo th a Re, J. v W. Hibb er t of Gorrie, Chairman Wingharn Dis- trict, twill conduct regular services ae Roe's and Union appointments. Mrs. Charles Pringle, of Deliver, Colo, ; Mrs. Leonard Wright, of Mel - fort, Saelc., and Mee. John Lawson, formerly of Goderich, who have been visiting their parents, H. and Mrs. MaeQuarrie for the past two months, left for a trip up the lakes and thence to their respective homes. Mrs. Lawson will join her husband at the Coast and will reside there in future. Friends will be pleased to learn that Mr. Lawson's health is greatly im- proved by this change of climate. DIED AT SWIPE OuaRkNT,—Many old friends of Mrs. (Rev.) Ohas. Elsey, formerly Miss Laura Smith, 7111 con„ will be sorry to hear that she died of pneumonia on July 6111, after a severe Illness of 3 weeks. She leaves bee husband and a son a year old t0 mourn hex' departure. Deceased was a ne1Ce to Mrs. Marsden Smith and made her home for years with her uncle, Trueman Smith. She was a bright enthusiastic woman whose de- cease will be deeply regretted. A LETTER FROM FORT WILLIAM DEAR EDITOR.-- We had a good voyage on the steamer °"Saronic" from Sarnia to Fort William as the weather was lovely, Mrs. Bert. Gerry and two of N. B. Gerey's daughters met us. All are busy as natters. N. B. has a rush of tinsmithing work on buildings and some 20 furnaces now on hand, of which they are complet- ing about 3 a week, besides the other work. He will be moving into his new store by first week of August. He is using second flat as a furniture sale room and has a car of furniture here now. Building is 33 x 80 feet, 2 stories with basement full size. It is a 9 inch brick veneer. He is at- tending to the troughing and roofing of new building so is an extra busy man. Keeps three tinsmith besides the management of the hardware store. On the glorious 12th we took train witb Port Arthur and Fort William lodges, Young Britons and Lady True Blues for Kakabeka Falls. Had a shower of rain in the morning and another abort 11 a. m. and as there was no shelter only trees and under- brush at the grove we, like the people in British Columbia, "did not get wet," There were 9 lodges or flags and two small lodges thee were not old enough to have Bags, The local True Blues spread a table in the wilderness but the rain drove the crowd to the coaches which remained on the track all day, but a quarter of a mile away, Salvation Almy had a provision tent and stayed with their sob all throngh. Others had baskets, boxes, etc., and it was a big pic-nio. Had a good march out in the open field then from a wagon platfoxm four speeches were given. I did not forget my subject for the 15 or 20 minutes abetted me, The Methodist and Bap- tist ministers were present and a Mr. Oliver from Part Arthur. Following the addresses was a lively program of sports for which prizes were awarded. Got back home• in good time in the evening fully satisfied with the day's celebration. Hope everything is getting along o. k. 10 Brussels. I am, Yours Truly B. GERRY. Perth County The property owners of Mitchell voted on a by-law to raise $10,000 for the purpose of flttiug up the mill dam and adjacent property as a public park road improvements and extending the water mains. Considerable opposition was offered to the proposed schemes, but the promoters of the by-law suc- ceeded in clearing with a majority of 68, Hill & Co., Mitchell, are so busy that they have had electric lights put up around the yards to enable the men to work outside at night and the clang of the hammer can be heard well up to midnight. Orders have been pouring in so rapidly that the firm cannot keep up with the work, hence they have to work overtime, Church Chimes Regular service was held in the R. C. church last Sunday. Last Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Lundy, of Walton, occupied Melville church pul- pit and gave two good discourses. In connection with the Sabbath School session of the Methodist church last Sunday, short, iuterestiug addresses were given by E. 0. Walker, of Regina Dud '1`, M. Barrington, of Montreal, both of which were greatly enjoyed. At the Methodist cburch last Sabbath morning, Miss Edythe McCracken, of Cleveland, Ohio, sang a beautiful solo, bearing the title "Jesus Lover of my Soul." Miss L. Downing and R. A. Pryne rendered the duet "I'll trust in Thee" in good voice, At a meeting held recently in Guthrie Church Harl'iston, for the purpose of ex- tending a call to a minister it Was deckl- ed by some of -the managers to arrange for a meeting between the session of Knox Church for the purpose of go. ing into details regardiug union. At present Guthrie Church i5 without e minister, much to the dissatisfaction of its large congregation wino it is under- stood is desirous of calliug s minister and having the church affairs reorganized and put into good shape as they were prior to theme e o Re d rt a E P V. D. McCul- lough. Mrs. N. W. Rowell, Wife of tate leader of Ontario Liberals and representative of the riding of North, Oxford, received last )+ridaviafternoon lo the Edeu ltolne On Light street, Woodstock, where Mr, and Mrs, Rowell end 181011y have taken up their reei(lenee for Stinrnter, There r were many callers during the after0000 and evening, wben Mr. Rowell was at home. Mrs, Rowellbas a chhrm- tog personality and will be a decided acquisitlou to Woodstock society, Mrs, Rowell will receive on Frldaye during July aid the first two Fridays in August. Canadian News Fire did damage at Vancouver ap- proximatiug two million dollars. A young man named Eley broke his neck while diving at Port Stanley. John W. Bettenson, aPeel county far. mer, was Instantly killed by lightuina. Win. Robinson, ex -M. P, and twice Mayor of Kingston, died there at the age of 87. An investigation• of Toronto bakeries showed filthycouditlons existing in many of them, Samuel Bull, a lawyer, in Belleville for sixty years, passed away at the age of eighty-five. Mrs. McGee was found guilty et Georgetown, P. E. 1., of murdering her five children, A cordial welcome awaits the Liberal leader, N. W. Rowell, K. C., M. P. P., in the North. The Provincial Health Departmenthas begun an educational campaign on how to fight disease. Prompt action by a Scoutmaster in tendering first aid to a brakeman at. Windsor no doubt saved his -life, Dr. Daniel Muirhead, of Carleton Place, was fatally injured in an &0300]0 bile accident near North Gower.. A Toronto property owner secured a reduction of assessment owing to the noise of children on his Street. • People of Toronto and neigbborhood bought 250 carloads of potatoes from one county in Virginia in six weeks. Ex -Mayor George Henan, of Niagara Falls, Ont., died after au illness of sever- al months from nervous shock. Henry Brizell, a well-known building.- contractor of Windsor, was killed by lightning while standing in a doorway. Toronto Italian fruit dealers objected to keeping their goods covered from dirt on the ground thatitwould interfere with sales. Wm. S. Bryant, jun„ of Plainneld, N. Jwas accidently choked to death at the Ardamurchen Club, Central Argyle, N. S. An old man, William Ford, who was lost in the woods for several days, died in a London hospital as a result of his sufferings. Hon. Jacob Baxter, M. ID., Registrar of Haidimand and formerly Speaker of the Ontario Legislature, died: et the age of eighty years. An officer was dismissed by the Minister ot Militia for being drunk while iu charge of troops returning from Niagara Camp to Toronto. Six persons met tragic deaths in Tor- onto and vicinity, Mr. John T. Sheridan, former promiueut busiuees mac, committed sucide. Basil Collins, aged eleven, was buried alive. A deal has just been put through whereby the tseo local papers, the Re- porter and the Reformer, of Galt. are to be combined, beginning the 1st of August. It has been felt for some time hat the town could scarcely support profitably two daily papers aud the dir- ctors of both decided to merge them nto one company. The united daily will probably be called the Daily,' Be- erier and the manager and virtual own-. r will be tames Clark, late of Detroit. Before 1200 spectators Tom, Long - oat defeated Cameron in a ten -mile etch race at New Glasgow, N. S. ngboat won by about three yards, is time being 56 minutes and 17 see - ads. At 130 time during tate race were he runners separated by more than ten aids, and: for a distance they ran breast. The runners were side by side o yards from the finish, when inch by nthLongboat drew away from Camer- n. breasting the tape three yards ahead f the Amherst boy. It was Long.. oat's first appearance in Pictou Co. nd many gathered from all parts of the ounty to see the Indian. The time as S minutes and 13 seconds slower ban that made by Longboat in Wied- er on Thursday. With the usual feeling of good fellow - hip prevailing, the Grand Lodge A. F. nd A. M. of Canada in the Province of ntario, opened its 57th annual com- unication in Convocation Hall of the Diversity of Toronto. Over 800 bro- ilers registered, During the year the embership has lucreased 1,900 making n aggregate membership of 50,300, he following district deputy grand asters were elected 1 --Ottawa, John C, cott, Ottawa ; Algoma, Frank 13, Allen, ort Arthur ; Nipissing, C. it. Refd, udbury; Muskoka, Dr A. S. Porter, owassan ; Otonebee, L. M. Garfatt, ort Hope ; Eastern, R, T. Nicholson, ancaster ; Erie, Dr. W. Kelly, Plowce ; St. Clair, D. D. Brodie, Forest widen, P. C. Banglert, Dorchester; outb Huron, Rev. D. W. Conine, Ex- er ; North Huron, G, Spotton, Wiug- m ; Wilson. A. W, Cameron, Wood- ock • Hatuiltou, W, 1#. Wardrop, atuttton ; Georgian, A. C. Adams, idland ; Niagara, James Waugh, Port al;tousie ; Toronto West, J B. Mc- e:ui, Maple ; PrinoeEdward, Dr, 0. Watson, Campbellford ; Frontenac, r. A. R. 14. Williamson, Kiugeton ; Lawrence, William Headman, Sinith's Fells, Every district was keen - contested, Iu Muskoka at least fif- th ballots were necessary before D. iter sticceeded in getting a majority one, e P b m Lo b 0 y a 5 0 0 b a c w s s 0 U t rn at T m S P S P P L en L S et ha st H M D L C. St ly to Po of luNroa Poor Bets,. --Tire 1`avistoek Juniors defeated Seaforth at the former town Tuesday evening We stere Football .AssoOiatiou Berm final game by a 2 to r score in a game that went 20 minutes overtime, le, Clarke, of Strats ford, refereed. Seaforth scored in the first half and Tavistock tied it up before full thee. After 20 01001tes extra time Tevislook snored on a penalty kick, The latter team will mew meet Atwood in the finals.