HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-7-18, Page 52
• Ismer of Marriage Licensee, 0
flue at Grocery,T'uraberry, street, Brussels
K. O. T. M.
8rueads,T'ertt o1 the Mueouboee, No. '24
hold. their regular meetings 1u the Lodge.
Room, Seeker bleak, on the lot and 8rd
Tuesday oveuings of ouch month.
Visitors aware welcome,
A, 80MER8, Oom, A. MOGIIIRE, 1t, B.
;nee in the root •Inca, Ethel, 30.4
• pan, will sell for better prloee, to
better mon, in lees time and leas Charges
than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or •
he won't °barge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this Moe or by
personal application.
ichor Conveyancer,
W • Barri der Bol y
Notary Public, ko. CBlao—SEowaxt's 8looli
t door North of Ueutrel Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank,
W, EaouDBoos.,K.O. R 0, Hass
Offloes—Those formerly °coupled by Metiers
Cameron A Hoa,
OonllalOol, 0010x10.
Royal Mail Steamers
St. Lawrence Season
T. T. S. 8. "Viotorion' and "Virginian"
T. S. S. "Tunisian" and "Corsican"
Settings every Friday
T. 8. S. "Grampian" and "Hoepet•ian"
T. S. S. "Soandinovlwt" and 'Protorhul"
Sailings every Saturday
Servioe of mode a eteEme a, one class cabin
•Sailings every Sunday
Fall information as to rates, ata, on apPli-m-
Mon to •
Agent A.Ilan Line, •Brueselar
Fall Term from Sept 3rd
Arrange now to enter the
a has a rent re
ohogl u tP
For business and ig ar ti
for giving rd
B p n sold
good p training. Graduates are
l 3'
good positions because they ale t11or-
01 oughly prepared. Write l or -catalogue.. t
Open ell year. Enter any time. ct1t
Oor. Yotnlg mud } W. J. ELLIOTT, Y
Alexander Sts. Principal.
'sit.70 1 gli5i'rae'0 YA,A'TafgTM>m.
16 One teachers all lert im 4
ntra°tors. Our
conrare,rebettehna .c
over and trio equipment 'Is more emir
t,tete. We do more for our gradgutee
h'ni do other. 1.1nd101 eaniol0.
Fourteen applications for trained
help 14040 received darieg the pest
week, some of these offering over $700. .. 3r
'g per annum. Wehave three deport:
matte—•Oomhteroi*A; shore61)111-and ,
Telegraphy. Write for our free -mita.
> ,u Iogue at>d see what we are doing.
Fvi D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. ,, .
rivAva?bVeaOvnP <ly"vb4t,vbv15YI 4%+y,CV.,b`n3'
Funeral Director
and Embalmer
day,I 1 18
Orders promptly and care-
fully attended t0 night or
Phone 2` .
r ITT7'^P''►Y"T`I'T'7're
Business Cards
Bachelor or Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Lieentiuto and Graduate of the College of Phy-
eioians and Surgeons, Ont. ' Post.ggraduate
Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat tion ltol,
(Waage, Ex -House Surgeon to St, Mich -
act's hospital, Toronto.
Office over 14-. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele•
phone com103410n with Cranbrook at all hours,
ER -0
Thner stoma siroasTinen.
p1ADID; y M\
A h
will not warp, rot, crack,
blister, crumble or rust.
Strongly fire -resisting.
Maher -old roofs latd'21
years ago are stlll'sound
and weather tight, If
.-you want a roof .to last,
Yhvcstigate Ru -bar -old.
3 Permanent Colors—
Red, Brown, Green
and natural State. 75
Sole Canadian Mfrs.
arias0stser 0 et Canada, Llmlted.Mpotreai,
P. B
russels .
Physioiwland Surgeon' Post Graduate (lotuses
London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos-
pitals. Special attention to disease of eye, ear,
nose and throat, Eyes tested for glasses.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Vetorinnry
College. Day and night calls. O1floe opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, McCormick Medical College , Chicago,
111., is prepared to test eyes and at glance et
her office over Grower's Restaurant, Brussels,
Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday
every second week. Chloe hours 10 to 12 a. u1.
end 1 to 0. m. Ti, Toronto, at 71e Spading
eve., remni'tidor of time. Phone 1.210
Stool Knife In the Fresh
That's the sensation experienced •by
Robert Price of Ilecton, Ont.. He
knew it was solution, and of course used
"Netviline." As usual it cured and he
says. t "No liilimrnt' can excel 3. ervi-
lilie, - Severe pains Made -my side lame.
It Wag like a steel knife running- into
the flesh. I rubbed In tete of Nervi li1ne
and Was completely mired." A re/ti-
ler snap for Ncvvfliue to cuss ,'Be at3ea
and lthoumatisln, It sinks into the
core »f the pain, cures it in short or-
der, Large 215o. bottles at ell deal•
FRovior elle W$?
G01040 Bonen Go111e NORTH
Mail - 4:07 a in Express 10:00 a m
Express 11:25 a in Mail 1:09 p m
Express 2:00 p m Express 8:02 p in
To Toronto To Goderlolt
Express 7:41 a 111 I Express 11:87 a m
!Uprose 2:07 p m 1 Express 7:05p m
Going East - 7:05 n. m. and 8:05 p. m.
Going West - 12:40 and 9:47 p. in.
All trains going East connect with C, P. R. at
Ornngovllle for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
61 a,
goal Reins tem
dates of the Fall and Winter Assizes
have been announced. The sittings at
Goderich will be as lollows • For jury,
cases, Monday, September 16, before the
Chief Justice of the Exchequer Division ;
for non -jury cases, Tuesday, December,
3rd, before Mr. J estice Middleton.
Right in youe busiest season when
you have the least time to spare you
ate most likely to take diarrhoea and
lose several days' time, unless you
have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a
dose on the first appearance of the di-
sease. For sale by all dealers.
PEOPLE are asking when the Pres.
idential election iu the United - States
is held. It is on the first 'Tuesday after
November, falling
the first
in Noven
this year on Nov 5th. The new presi-
dent will not be Installed iu office until
March 4th following. There will be an-
other meeting of Congress before the in•
stallatiou of the newly elected President.
A green little boy in a green little way,
A green little apple devoured one day,
And the green little grasses now tender-
ly wave,
O'er the green little apple boy's green
little grave.
'L'HE.statutes of Ontario provide that
iVheu meeting ou the public g hwa Y
drivers of rigs must turn out to 111e right,
If overtaking another, the driver wish-
ing to pass must turn to the left and the
driver of the slower conveyance must
turn to the right thus allowing room for
the faster vehicle to pass. The ' same
rule is applicable to motor vehicles as
well,as others, The driver of any veh-
icle who does not comply wttli these
rules is liable for any damage that may
occur from such non.observauce,
SIEGE or D•li.H6-The Siege of Delhi
will he the historic spectacle at 61111. Ca-
na11idIl National Exhibition at Toronto'
this year. There is no more terribly pplc-
tarerque scene in Eugltsh history than
this sketch from the great Indian mut-
iny. The rich and varied costumes of
the natives of different castes mingled
witty the uniforms of the English officers
*lye to it color that cahoot fail to de-
light the eye while the tragic drama
cannot fall to be of euthealling interest,
Every detail is to receive the strictest at-
teUtiOtl to make this the greatest of the
many,' historical spectacles that the Ca-
uadian National has become famous for.
zation of a Provincial Weather Limn -
mice 'Company
nsur-note'Company was the outcome of a
conference of representatives of the
different wencher.. iusura1cecoMpafiies
of the province held at S'Iralford. 'Che
delegates present were : Jae, Keilermen;
Dashwood;. Roger Northcott, Hay P.
0. represeuting the Huron,,Cp. ; Jas.
Donaldson, Atwood ; P. J. Payton, St.
Pauls ; John McLevan,, Woodstock ;
G.' W. Mclucosh, Braenier, representing
the Western Co.,, tied W. ''Park;
Grand Valley; M. G. 'V'ahee, Glatld
r 0 hti
teen e $ w
W..'A, g
Valley g '
Green P. 0.,'represeutiug the Ontario
Farmers Co. Object of the. meeting
was to organize a Provincial' Asso-
ciation in order that uniform system
of mnuagieg the different companies
could be arrived at. A. G. Smillle of
Hensall was elected President of the
Association and •.M.•G0 Varooe, Grantl;
Valley Secretary. .' Weather Insurance
conhpauies were first organized batt seven
yeers'ago and aro to a certain extent fo
anp)gperimental stage. With a neither
of` independent companies throughout
the 'province there was a • certain a•
planet of friction and as d remedy it was
decided to , organize a provincial body.
T3e1risks of the oompauy coyer ag1 i-
,..ltl0'al property, such as farm buildings
windmills, etc, : also damage of cyclones
and, elect storms. Another meeting
will be held in Woodstock : about the
end of next mouth to complete the or-
OTT IN '1 11 E S'1'ILLV NIh H'L'
Ere slun;har's chains have bound me, I
I feel the tuneful bite et
01 skeuters flying 'round rue.
Tbe'buzzing wings,
The spiteful stings,
g The muttered byewor'ds spoken
The vicious cracks,
8 The aimless whacks,
With which the quiet is broken:!
Then fu the stilly night,
Ere slumber's cbano bas bound pie
Though I elm melted quite
pull the clothes around me,
Happiest Qirl In Lincoln
A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "I had
been ailing for some Lime with chronic
constipation and 010111V.011 trouble. 1
began Inking Chamberlain's Stotnttah
and Liver Tablets and in three days I
was able to be up and got better right
along. I am the proudest. girl in Lin-
coln to find such a good medicine."
Poe sale by all dealers.'
FROM VICTORIA, B. 0.— The follow-
ing letter, written on July 0th, by
Thos. Williamson, formerly of this lo-
cality, now of Victoria, British Oolnm-
bia, will be read with interest:—DEAR
EDITOR.—I write you a few lines to
get you to change our address to Vic -
torte and also send you $2 to balaeoe
lay subscription us we 'cannot get a-
long without True Poem. Victoria is a
lovely place and is a well builb city
with beautiful parks, Summer houses
on the beach, some very large build-
ings up and a lot of new ones going up.
The C. P. R. has a very large ootel
ttudhave put a large addition to it
this year. Government buildings and
grounds are magnificent. There is a
good street cin' service and yon can get
to any part of the city on thein. I
think we will like it Isere as there
seems to be a good climate. It does
not get loo hot here but ranges from
about 50 to 06 degrees with nice cool
nights. }laping this finds you in good
well at
all fairly t
e yes us t
hettllhasitl nY
present. Yom's etc
J. K. and Mrs. Brown attended a pic-
nic in Palmerston Friday July 5th giv-
en by the proprietor of the Palmerston
Creamery, R. A. Treleaven. There
were about 500 people in attendance,
mostly all of them men interest-
ed in dairying, their wives and child-
ren. During the afternoon interest-
ing address was given by Frank
1•Ierns, Chief Dairy Instructor, of Lon-
don, on "The care of milk and cream,"
after which lunch was served on Mr.
Chalmers' lawn. It was prepared by
the invited guests and Mr. Treleaven
kindly treated the company to ice
cream, of which about 18 gallons were
used. Everybody seemed well pleased
with the afternoon's outing, returning
to their homes after thehlcfug Mr. Tre-
leaven for the good time, theme cream
and the buttermilk, which was drunk
by many with acceptance, it being a
very %vacm day.
Like a New Disease
New to the man who never had
corns is the pain relieved by Putnam's
Corn Extractor. Old corns and new
ones cured quickly by "Putnam's."
Sold everywhere.
tribution was sent to Presbyterial freely though not members. 'We
A , I l y h present Secretary b] I t' 1 t
Treasurer aulounting to $10,08, The trust they will see Jit. to enlist in this
e!u a 1•esen' eci' ry 1'e1 a wa new material - 1e
s e ,t year l i t( as to era Must
rl,uuectect with the auxiliary and hag noceaear'ilye be brnnght into any work
}wee a continuous member for 24-, to supply the .demand. The
Thu tenth year of 13elgrave Society.' and truly laid and as We look over^ the
was marked by an open meeting in i condition of things as they were 21
ill nr
Iris old church mu the evening oars ago filen the women of cut
How Mrs. Reed of Peoria, Di Marcl, 1001, consisting of a Miseicn- society ere praying at that time for
aI'y 1,11.erary program, given priuei- oaten dome to the reception of the
] members, An o'ler•in' a el n heathen o l -lbs
eOri's Knife. of $15 was received. Society having: answer to the prayer lute come RN
g 4L ]membership of 10 that year each everywhote the doors are wide open
voloutetirocl to contribute $1 and this and off their hinged and we, in
Il with L to $ was wppropriate for auswc' to rnu' o wu prayers, expect t
Escaped The Sur- pally by ter b fa Gospel i the w r d
Peoria, II1.-- "I 'wish to let everyone
know whatLydia E.Pinkham'svegetabie
Compound has done
for me, Fortwoyears
I suffered.. The doc-
tor said I hada tumor
and the only remedy
was the surgeon's
knife. My mother
bought me Lydia E.
(f Pinkham's Vegeta-
'ble Compound, and
L today I am a well and
ia, healthywoman. For
months.I suffered
from inflammation, and your Sanative
Wash relieved me. I am glad to tell
anyone what your medicines have done
for me. You can use my testimonial in
any way you wish, and I will be glad
to answer letters."— Mrs. CHRISTINA
REED, 105 Mound St., Peoria, Ill.
Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided
Jessup, Pa.—"After the birth of my
fourth child, I had severe organic inflam-
mation. I would have such terrible pains
that it did not seem as though I could
stand it. This kept up for three long
months, until two doctors decided that
an operation was needed.
"Then one of myfriends recommended
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound and after taking it for two months
I was a well woman.' —Mrs. JOSEPH A.
LYNCH, Jessup, Pa.
Women who suffer from female ills
LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegeta-
Compound, one of the most success-
ful remedies the world has ever known,
before submitting to a surgical opera-
July 17th was civic holiday.
Itteas decided to purchase an
cial coat for the Constable by the
C. R. Kay, of the Medicine HatNews
and formerly publisher of the Banner,
is home for a holiday.
Town Clerk has made up his vital
statistics for the first half of the pres-
ent year and transmitted the same to
headquarters. These show totals of
13 births, 11 marriages and 12 deaths.
D. Hibner, of Berlin, was in town
e on
two stores and purchased the w
Wallace street, at present unoccupied.
It is stated that it is his intention. to
tit Factor byLakin
enlarge the Clu Y g
in the present Orange Hall and cover-
ing the lot with a font. storey exten-
sion of the. faetory, tatting it back to
the farthest extent possible and
utilizing. the two stores as show-
ACTION oN A NOTE.—J. M. Sohin-
beio bronghti snit in Division Court
tlgainst John Grubber of Grey on 10
note for $29,45. Mr. Murphy appear
ed for the plaintiff. Del'enchttlt rtl-
lydgrd that he had 1 eceipts to show
11e had paid to large pl'oporttdn Of the
mite and. prnrineed .these receipts.
'.Che. ;fudge after examining' thein
pointed out, that. these receipts re-
fereed to a previous debt and gave a.
verdict for the I'1ill amount claimed.
For simmer d i errh oea im cihild ren al-
iic- Cholera
Chamberlain's G0
+ ne
w a s s
01' oil
and Diarrhoea Remedy and cast
and a speedy mire is certain. For sale
by all.dealere.
Rev, and Mrs, W. A. Amos are
home after being on an extended trip
to the coast.
Rev, Mr. Hussey and family arrived
in Atwood and are living in R. M.
Ballantyne's house, as the parsonage
is being renovated.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, of Chicago,
spent a few days visitiug with Thomas
Great work ]las been done in this
neighborhood by sawing wood with a
circular saw.
John and Mrs. Stewart, of Neepawa,
Man., are visiting the'foriner's brother
D. F. Stewart.
Geo. and Hugh Spence have return-
ed from a' trip to the West .land re-
port some fine experiences.
The remainder of the Juoe cheese
was shipped Tuesday of last week,
price 12;} cents, was larger than iu pre-
vious years.
The W. F. M. S. held their monthly
meeting on the llth inst. when they
considered the subject of India. Tile
.Mission Band had Keep selected as
roll all word.
their c
Durin the late severe electrical
storm Jas. Elliott's Ionescu the Boun-
dary was struck and reports says
slightly damaged. The Cheese Fact-
ory also suffered to some extent.
The hay crop is an average one,
Chas. Bnchaihttn raised a barn frame
40 x 00, over cernent•stllbling, of the
14th con,
Municipal council of Elina tnet'
the: Agh•icllltural ball on Saturday,
fur general business. .
The ilarliilinn event to Stratford
and brought home it five passenger
'Ford auto to be placed in 1110 livery.
'1`hisis the first to be owned in At-
Miss Alma Simpson, .of Attvcied,
lies been: engaged to tetti:h at School
sectioll:No, 8, rtrtrl, hIirnrner holidays
t That' e_of'
Laidlaw wilI have .
nfid Miss Lai g
y. S. No. 11, Blinn.
Iniron, en Suntllty, .July 701,
Oliver Hilbert Peebles, beloved soli of
Scott, end Mrs, Peebles, aged 10 year's
t an 25 clays died. The Amer.
8mrn,hsl tl 3 P 1
al was held L'tlesday of last week,
Melvyn Hanna., of 3011. 8, Blink,
while sharpening stakes had the in1s-
4-0140ne 10 cut a deep gash in his. foot
Ile was bl•»nght' to 6.1)0 Drs. Guide:
where the wound wits dressed, which
1 ressii.tLled 18
Iilitua Cheese & ]inner 'Mfg., OMB,
,parry shipped their matte of cheese for
the last 11101E of June on Tuesday
o Lovell AC
morning of bust week L v
`C1',ristrnus, Montreal.' NLC. t '..ler' of
etleesc 419; amount realized' $1304.42,
$1 1 16 d
a Life Membership certificate andin enter in. If we as members of the
,>OIIllslelOol'llh.ioll 03' 0111' 1041 ycel'a pre- church are doing our clql.y 14(3 will
seined it 10 Afrs, James Wightgnan enter in, We have the material at our
now of West Ilan, Manitoba, Wed- command to do this with. An elni-
110aday evening, July 16611, after neat wii0er has said What is the
prayer meeting. On behalf of the church for but to make missionaries ;
auxiliary M,'s. (Rev.) Hall, President What is education for but to educate
rend the address and 341rs. Fergusou, them ; what is commerce for but to
theft let Vice Piesidomt, made the carry them ; What is the fullpurpose
presentation. In the years 1891, 1802 of life but for the purpose for which
and 1893 were contributed loots per
member each of the three year,
which was an assessment levied by
the Presbyterial on all members of
the various anxilial'ies to assist
Prosbytelial in giving Life Member-
ship certificates to Mrs. (Rev. Sutber-
laud, Ripley ; Mrs, (Rev,) McNabb,
Lncicnow, and. Aire. (Dr.) Graham,
Brussels, who for a long time were
Treasurers. The following year all
the members contributed louts to
assist Presbyterial to purchase a baby
organ for Miss Campbell, of India.
We have held 17 Thank -offering
meetings, the first 1)11 Oct. 10th 1895,
addressed by Rev. Mr. Graham, Bay-
field. The Thank -offering meetings of
1890, 1897, 1898 are worthy of special
attention. In 1890 we invited the
auxiliaries of 81, Helens, Wingharn,
.Blyth, Brussels and Rluevale and
they were all represented but Blyth.
.Mrs. Murray, of Kincardine, Presi-
dent a woman of superior ability and
strong pstsonality, gave us a very
stirring address. We served. lunch
from baskets on this Occasion in the
old church.
Next year the Thankoffering was
held in the old church and this meet-
ing was also represented by neighbor-
ing societies. Supper served from
tables set of the manse ground.
Dr. McKellar, of India, addressed this
Helps Men to Work Hard
That's what Ferrozone does ; it sup-
plies the additional strength that all.
ables a than to maintain health under
difficulties. "Last Spring I:was so
completely ragged out I could not
work" mites J. W. McNichol of Turn-
urnbull, Man. "In the moruiugg I was tir-
ed—limbs ached all over. Idud no ap-
petite, was sleepless, nervous and un-
happy. Fereozone put new life into
lee. Now I eat heartily, nerves are
I sleep well. I know the l y
of health." it's by supplying noutish-
ment mid good blood that Ferrozone
builds np ; try it -50c. per box at all.
dealers. .
meeting and the ordinance of
Baptism was dispensed at the gather-
ing by Rev. Dt'. Ross, of Brussels, on
our Pastor's infant daughter, Margar-
et Hall. We still remember very
clearly how beautiful was the prayer
offered by Dr. Ross at this sacramolt
that this child should become a
Missionary to some dark place on this
Frthollowing year Thankoffo'ing meet-
ing ivas held in the form of a pic-nic
in Air. Lawrence's bush, now owned
by Jaynes Taylor, at which Dr. R. R.
McKay, of Toronto, Foreign Mission
Secretary of our church, gave an ad-
dress as did Rev. Mr. 'Neely, of Tor-
onto. We were also honored a few
years after by having Dr. McKay ad-
dress another meeting in the church.
17 thankoffering meetings have been
held and werejoicethat it has been
our privilege on those occasions to
bear from many who have been in the
forefront of the battle, not only the
story of the needs of the work but
also the successes which should be of
vital interest to every woman of the
church as we cannot hear too touch
in this connection and we cannot
know too much.
For 4 years, starting 1990, we met
twice a month, second meeting being
a meeting for prayer, held in the
manse at the same hour as our
auxiliary. The united supplication
was that the blessing of the Lord our
God would attend in rich measure
upon our Missionaries and upon the
var•10410 fields.
The largest number of members on
the roll was in the year 1905 when 19
names were enrolled. For a number
of years the average attendance was
very small, 5 being about the usual
number er and
meetings were held
g Tree
month after month when only t1
were in attendauoe.
A rule we observed in those days
was that if only two were present we
would read a portion of scripture and
have prayer and we have reason to
believe that this fidelity saved us
of more than one occasion when the
interest was at a very low mark and
disaster threatened the auxiliary.
A r'epor't of some of the principal
features in cdhihection with the work
cal•efed on by the Women's Foreign
'Missionary Society, of Knox church,
Belgrave, dating the 25 years of its
otgaliization. \Ve are not fond of
' tt after ,.t>
' ni eL• fell frit
dl,m Ohetr'11t10 y,
years of quiet, effective sex viee the
111ne has come fo1' Oth' Cel'sbratinn,
We praise • our dear Father in
Heaven for permitting us to be CO-
workers with Him in this great work
—spreading abroad the ltttovleclge of
the -Gospel of His dear Sou—also for
the blessing which has come into one
own lives from taking all active in-
terest in the, work. ,With thanks-
giving we praise the Giver of every
good and perfect gift and for all Lhe
means or grace which we enjoy
tli000'•,h' the w0,17. We also praise
Him for the lives of those p311311igg
tvnniol whci quartet'of 41, century ago.
realized the extent ee the privilege
and obligation resting upon them in,
cennectiol with 1\i.iNs1o11 w(>1•17 and
anted accordingly. •
This auxiliary WWI org4Lhized n the
mania in the month of Febeuat'y,
1887, by Mrs. (Rev.) Robet't Least[, of
St, Helens. Some 10 411011ths ego she
passed to her reward, ab her home
Parlcdale, Toronto, while still `engag-
ed in active service. The first officers
elected' for this branch were :- Mrs.
.3 runes WlgltlinlLn, Fres,,; Mrs,. (Rev,)
George Law, Sec,'; Mrs. 'Wm, Oeltser,
Tress,, and tlrgle- present at the first
4neethigs Were Mrs. ;Nimes Wight
man,. Tau ` Mrs,
man; Miss.Date \Vlglllr
La a' MINI Annie 'Molkle'oh'n, and
'Deaver. 1
44150 14liss lllizabeth Irvine. who hits
spent 16 years 121 hynik in. the, Ttco•eigt1
fitild-. ACPs. Cettso'h;rintintuul ro'ens-
urer for.li years. One year from the
date of orgaliizaion the first cots'
14 years ago, through removal to
Mine fields, we suffered the serious
loss of our President, 1st vice Presi-
dent and Secretary. This was a very
serious' less to our little band. We
were 11120 without a settled pastor at
this time. 'one of those remaining
insisted that the meeting should be
announced reglilal'ly from the pulpit
and though there were 4 meetings
a1)1104111Ced 1110re was just one wemau
calve 01111 to attend elm of thein.
Little by little we were able to
gather our forces together and though
not been 1growth hasof t'
of leaps and bounds yet we have been
slowly but sm ely increasing in num-
bers aucl interest. Last year was the
the most successful in Ot11' history,
contributing $59.00 and 'a, largeatrl-
ount> of clothing.
We had the largest attendance last
year of tiny previous year 10 members
being out at many of the meetings,
all members assisting with the pro-
gram also leading in prayer. The
first years of „the society the program
consisted or one Of Lhe members read-
ing the Mission•uy Leaflet, tL little
1)14)101.5 x '7 inches, whirl calve ttt a
cosi of 10 cents per member.
We studied 17.6 themeetings most of
the books prepared for stnciy and this
with, the up-to-drLte Missional'y litera-
ture which
itan•11-ture.which is sought out by all the
members we find
very instl
when taken
by two different members
each month makes a very interesting
and pirolltable meeting.
In the 26 year's we have contributed
to the Presbyterial treasury $822,15.
Whsle 111e dnanr441 side is irnportaut
yet over and above and of far greater
importance is the 0 iritua
which. pervades tTiwork.
A large bale of good clothing has
n I t
beenbeen$e„Int CO file Work inthe North
weal' 4a.611 7Hrl:t'.
ts with
\\ L warltl arltnnwledg,
'L ih 1
}l )rrcu t rt the a I fin and also in our 7,`hiurknlfer=
clothing g a lc t
ing ennteibutiols given by members
of the congregation who have many,
tinges come to assist by responding
foreign missions exist, the enthroning
of Jesus Christ in the heat is of the
As we sit there in the quiet of this
afternoon hour completing this record
whicl> brings to a close this quarter
of a center in the history of this
auxiliary the wards of the old hymn
so familiar to teeny in repenting it-
"God is working hia ;impose out
As year OUCCPelle Haab ye414',
(god is working his. I117310se out
Arul the time is drawing near, "
Nearer and Nearer draws the time
And t shall ;Direly be
A\Vhentheeartltslrallbe filled. with
The knowledge of God
As the waters covet' the seas"
Mae. W. 1. VratUDH0l,
It Rings In Your Eare,
That SNITS cough is everywhere yon
go, deep and hollow because consum-
ptive. First iG was catarrh whil•I1
could have been cured by Oatharr'ilo-
zone, Moral, never Neglect a cold, ne-
ver trifle with catarrh. go to your•
druggist and get Oatar'rhnznne, it's
instant death to colds, cures thele u a
few mi notes. Throat trouble and cat-
arrh disappear as.by magic. Catarril-
ozone is the great throat, nose and
bronchial remedy today. Thnnsarttls
use it, do.cLors prescribe it—why, he -
Cause it does rerieve:quieltly and en re
thoroughly. Two sizes, 23c and $1.00
at all dealers.
• P.
ome an
We Handle
Frost & Wood, McCormick, Cockshutt;
John Deere, Dain, Fleury, Wilkinson
and Percival & Kemp Plows and all
kinds of Farm Machinery.
Louden, Beatty, Workman & Ward and
Preston Hay Tools and Stable Fittings.
Barber and Brantford Buggies, Carts, etc.
Adams, Speight and St. George Wagons, s
P a g
Singer Sewing Machines.
De -Laval and Empire Separators.
All kinds of Wind Mills, Gasoline En
gines, Washing Machines, Wringers and o
Coal, Wood, Gasoline and Oil Stoves.
Roofing, Evetroughing, Hardware, Tin- w
ware, Paints and Oils, Paris Green and
Poultry Fountains. •
The largest variety of Plow and Machin- r
.. ralwayson
• ]lilt
'n this vicinity e
sly Repairs 1 )•
Bell and Rural Telephones. Give us a call
Ethel• Ont.
]D r "-c ria. ?
CO• S' '
Statements made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cures
139” No Names or Testimonials used without written consent
Case No. 10888. Symptoms when he
started treatment:—Age 21, single, its 1n-
In lm
mm•al habits several years.
Va— i Ica
s m
on the ee Valise 1, both two p
of the Paco, etc, After two months'
treatment he writesas ,chews:—".`our,
w elcome letter to hand andam very
glad to say that I think myself cured.
My Varico Veins have completely dis-
appeared tor quite a white and it seems
a cure. I work harder andfeel less
tired. I have no cleair0 for that habit
w hatever and If I stay 1lke this, 'which
I have every rumens to believe I ruin,
Thanking you for your kind attention,"
Patent No.. 18522. This patient (aged
58) had a -chronic apse of. Nemeous Do-
>11ty and Sexual Weakness and wee rue
down In vigor and vitality. Atter ono
muntll s treatment he reports ea fa-
lows:—"I reeling eerie we11, I have
gained 14 pounds h1 one-month, 00 that
S will have to oongratulate Yam" Later
report:—"I arc beginning, to feel more
like' a man. I feel alt condition it
gating: better,every week," ,Ilislaer re.
port :•--"Deur Doctors—As I feel tld vl8
thlt.1r Clint 1 1
lednne t
la to months t
e have: to get, be ourght atonepitlnio I
`hone never b frOin ,l but 1 put yell
Science In you Yrom rho etm't and yell
have cured me.'!
of o alt
9 ar
4 T p0
No. 1447 . "
Ila and lY
togs and
Tom m g
ono Y Y i
good now. I am very grateful to you
and shall never forget tho favor your
medicines Have done for me. You can
use my name In recommending it to
ant sufferer. I am going to got mar-
ried soon, Thanking 4-000005 more,
Patient No. 161623. Ago 22. Single.
Ineulged in Immoral halts 4 years. De-
posit in urine and drains at night.
Varicose Volna on both' aides, pains in
back, weak sexually. Ile writes:—'R
voeeived your letter of recent date and
in reply I am pleased to say that after
taking twomonths'. treatment I .•woa1,1
consider myself completely mired, as I
have seen no signs c$ 'them online
back (ono year).
• Patient No, 15828. '2 limo not lied
os alar i0m fasten I donwhen
know 1 e
and am Seeing fine. 'Pito world Dooms
altogether different to me and 3 thank
ciao for dlreeting mo to You. Ton have
boonan honest (looter wlth'mo,"
NARY C and euro S, KIDNEY DISEASES and all Dittman
Peculiar to Man,
CONSULTATION VCE. $OOKS FREE. If unable to cal] write for a Q116116011
Blank for Homo Treatment.
• - n Ag letters front Canada mint be nddrassed to 004 Can.
y> * ___.- o L'. KE NED7-e Do 344NEDt, Fol)
A'alO Cra adieu
.St. Detroit Mich.
Cor. Michigan Ave. andGriswold, ,