HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-7-18, Page 344,11 ee+e'wrlleels q►'InAVa1t
Young Folks
Johnny Smith lived in the coun-
try, but he ofen longed to live in
the city, wherethere are ao many
things to see and do.
One summer some boys came to
the country to board at Johnny
Smith's house, and he saw how
glad they were to leave the city.
Ho began to wonder about it.
"I should think you would be
glad to be so near the woods and
the whole outdoors!" said one of
the boys.
"Yes, I suppose it is nice," said
Johnny Smith, slowly.
"You suppose 1" said another.
"Why, if I could live in the coun-
try, I'd be so glad I should not
know what to do ! See all the
things you have 1"
"Why, I haven't much of any-
thing," said Johnny Smith, "I
think it is you who have the things."
"Oh, but we haven't half such
nice things as you have," said the
Johnny Smith stared. "Why,
what do you mean?" he asked, when
he could find words.
"Just what I said," the boy re-
plied. "We haven't any chickens.
We can't have cows in the city. We
have no big garden, where you can
pick your corn fresh f.r m the stalks
every day."
"And," broke in another, "think
what a lucky fellow you are to
have such a lot of space to play
ball in, and you don't have to keep
off the grass!"
"Why,'" said Johnny Smith, "I
never thought about that. I've al-
ways had such things."
"And we have never had them,"
said the first boy.
Johnny Smith had never known
before that the things he thought
so tiresome were really worth
speaking about. "Well," said he,
• after a few minutes, "I shouldn't
wonder if they were pretty nice;
and," he said, with pride, "I've
got something else!"
"What?" asked all the boys.
"Come on, and Pll show you. 1t
is a mile away, in the north mea-
Proudly he led the way. If the
boys thought the things they had
seen were worth more than their
own, they would open their eyes
wider than ever at what he had to
▪ show them in that north meadow.
"Is that north meadow yours, tool"
asked one.
"Yes." said Johnny Smith, with
"Think of owning so much land
• that one of your meadows is a mile
away!" said the boy.
On they went till they came to
the meadow, and Johnny Smith
took them to a row of willows.
There ho showed them a beautiful
brook, running along and making
a pretty, babbling song.
Then how the boys' eyes did wid-
en! Think of owning not only a
meadow, but a brook !
Then Johnny Smith began to show
them the wonders of the brook.
There were things in it that he once
thought most common. Now they
were riches indeed! There were
thing, in there that the city boys
had never seen in their lives 1 Be-
ginning at the top of the water, there
were the water -striders thatran
along the surface of the brook
without falling into it. Then there
were little pinfish in the shallow
parts near the edge. There were
the"shiners," as Johnny Smith
called the minnows that swam
gaily about in the stream. There
were the water -snails carrying their
• shell houses round with them.
The boys saw caddis -worms in
v queer, tiny pebble cases. They ex-
amined pully -wogs and frogs, and
found a lizard among the weeds.
There were crabs under stones.
There was a small catfish behind
another stone. There was a whirl -
gig beetle. bobbing about. There
were water -boatmen upon the mild
floor of the broods, and all at once
even ashy trout darted out from a
dark holo. What a place it was!
The boys hardly could leave when
the dinner -hoar came.
Never, after that summer,. was
Johnny Smith known .to wish for
things he did not have. Ho bagan
• to think of the things he owned.
They were no longer poor, common
things. He loved them more and;
more eachday Youth's Compan-
om anion.
Charles Williams, a lighterman,
of Limehouse, London, a young
married man, thirty-four years of
age, has just eemmeneed-his second
century in life-saving. A resident
In the east -end all his life, his work
has been on the river or in the
docks. Since 1800, the year• when
he tongued a lad from the Regent's
.;Canal he ` has sated 101 lives, all
from drowning, fWilliarna holds the
certifi tato and decorations of the
Royal Humane Society, and hashad
the dfr tin;otion- c f._havang his. name
mentioned in connection with life.
having In every poise -court in East.
Aro Usually the Victims of Pale,
watery Blood.
Anaemia is the medical term for
poor or watery blood. It may arise
from a variety of causes, such as
lack of exercise, hard study, impro-
perly ventilated rooms or work-
shops, imperfect assimilation of
food, etc. The chief symptoms aro
extreme pallor of the face, lips and
gums; rapid breathing and palpita-
tion of the heart after slight exer-
tion ; headaches, dizziness, some-
times fainting spells and a tendency
to hysterics, swelling of the feet
and limbs, a feeling of constant
tiredness and a distaste for food.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a cer-
tain cure for anaemia, because they
make new, rich blood, which stimu-
lates and strengthens every organ
and every part of the body. The
following is one among thousands of
oases of this serious trouble cured
by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. Miss Georgina Raymond, Sb.
Jerome, Que., says: "About a
year ago my health began to give
out. I suffered from headaches,
heart palpitation, dizziness, and
appeared to be threatened with a
general breakdown. I was at this
time employed in the family of a
doctor, who, seeing my condition,
gave me medicine. I took this
faithfully for some time, but with
no benefit, and I grew much dis-
couraged. Then a friend advised
me to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills,
saying that she had found a cure
through them in similar conditions.
I took her advice, got a supply of
the pills and took them regularly
for some time. Gradually I be-
came strong, and in the course of a
month or so I was again enjoying
the best of health, and have not
since had the ]east return of the
old symptoms. I can heartily re-
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
to all weak girls."
Sold by all medicine dealers at
50,cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
or sent by mail, post paid, by The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.
'9- —
An elderly gentleman, clad in an
immaculate suit of black, was seat-
ed on a bench in the park enjoying
the lovely spring day. A small boy
lay on the grass not far away and
stared intently at the man. For a
while the man said nothing: "Why
don't you go and play with the other
children?" he asked at last. "1
don't want to," the boy replied.
"But it isn't natural for a boy of
your age to be quiet. Why don't
you want to ?" "I'm just waiting,"
answered the boy. "I want to see
you get up. A fellow painted that
bench about fifteen minutes ago."
A doctor, amazed to find a pati-
ent in a cold bath, began to scold
him. "What's this?" ho said. "Did
I order you to take a bath?" "In-
deed I You told me to take these
pills in water."
The man who sings his own praise
seldom gets an encore.
Upwards of 625,000 miles of rail-
ways are in use in the entire world.
Servant—Please, sir,
man at the door with a
Owens—Tell him we are
there's a
bill. Mr.
well sup -
"Does your wife ever admit that
she is wrong in an argument?"
"No, the nearest she ever comes ,to
it is to say that I'm not as big a
chump as I look."
Terrible Itching
Got little Sleep
Mr. T.
Until Cuticura Remedies Cured Him
Those who have suffered long and hope -
sass from torturin 'skin crit tions will read
this letter from lir. T. Williams.
1i8 Pacific Ave,,. Winnipeg (dated Jan. 14,
7911)1 "The Cuticura Remedies certainly
did work finely, and I am thankful that there
19 nosh a remedy, and that I tried It. About
three months ago a terrible' itching com-
Jounced on my body. 'I could not understand ,
1t. It gradually grew worse and covered a
large portion of my body. There was alto.
a alight eruption of the skin, sort of a rash.
1 Buffered greatly with the halos and at
eight time I had little sleep. I tried oneor
two remediti which did no good, and then
1 tried Cuttcurn Beep Ointment and Re-
solvent. In about .tea days I was completely
For more then a generation the Concur&
ltenledies,have afforded the immodest and
most elaitomlcal'drebtment for itching, bUrn-
lig, scaly and bleeding skin and ecell) hu-
mon, of,young and old, Bold by druggists
and deale o evergwkete. rot a Ub at Bamplo
.el Cul inure. Soap .and. OtntMent, .ertth: 32-p.
book en the rate of.theektn and treatment of
he affectlone, bend a penial to the Potter ,
Dnig At Gbem, Corp., dole proiam., al colum-
no ton U d 'a1
Sir Samuel T. Evans Se one of the
greatest experts in Great Britain on
matrimonial problems. As Presi-
dent of the Divorce Court he passes
his days listening to tales of woe,
and no judge is harder worked. But
ho is never depressed, and refuses
to answer the question as to matri-
mony being a failure in the affir-
This keen -witted judge started his
legal career as a solicitor. Realiz-
ing that the Bar offered more scope,
he changed over, and was so suc-
cessful that he took silk in the re-
markably short space of nine years.
He was the last Q. C. to be ap-
pointed. For over twenty years he
represented Glamorganehire in
Parliament, and was Solicitor -Gen-
eral from 1908-10, when he took his
place on the Bench.
By his hat shall you know Sir
Samuel Evans. No matter how
Sir Samuel T. Evans.
fashions may change in toppers he
clings to a weird type of headgear
which is fiat in the brim and tall in
the crown, something like those
hats you see on women dressed in.
Welsh costume.
Sir Samuel has several good stor-
ies to tell relating to his profession.
One which concerns a man who stole
a pair of trousers is decidedly naive.
This man received a favorable ver-
dict, but when the case was over
he showed no signs of leaving the
court. At last his lawyer asked him
why he didn't go. The innocent (1)
man whispered in reply : "T 'ie fact
is, sir, I did not like to move till
the witnesses had left the court.
Yon see I've got on the trousers wot
I stole."
No Medicine so Beneficial to Brain
and Nerves.
Lying awake nights makes it hard
to keep awake and do things in day
time. To take "tonics and stimu-
lants" under such circumstances is
like setting the house on fire to see
if you can put it out.
The right kind of food promotes
refreshing sleep at night and a
wide awake individual during the
A lady changed from her old way
of eating, to Grape -Nuts, and says :
"For about three years I had
been a great sufferer from indiges-
tion. After trying several kinds of
medicinethe doctor would ask me
to drop tiff potatoes, then meat, and
so on, but in a few days that crav-
ing, gnawing would startup, and I
would vomit everything I ate and
"When I started on Grape -Nuts,
vomiting stopped, and the bloated
feeling which was so distressing dis,
appeared entirely.
"My mother was very much both-
ered with diarrhoea before com-
mencing the Grape -Nuts, because
her stomach was so weak she could
not digest her food. Since using
Grape -Nuts food she is well, and
says she don't think sho could do
without it.
"It'is a great brain restorer and
nerve builder, for I can sleep as
sound and undisturbed after a sup-
per of Grape -Nuts as in the old
days when I could not realize what
they meant by a "bad stomach."
There is no medicine so beneficial
to nervus and brain as a good
night's sleep, such as you can en-
joy after eating Grape -Nuts."
Name given by Canadian Postum
Co., Windsor, Ont. t
Look in pkgs. for the famous lit-
tle book, '`The Road to Wellville."
Ever road the above linear? A now one
appears from time to time. They ere
t au hunted'
gonnlnii, true, and tutsnlrrYt,,
Poetic Gents to Attract Business to
)t'okln Shoe.
W.Simpson in "Meeting of the
Sun,, writes , I saw in Pekin a
list of signboards and a ren sam-
plea of them will illustrate their
general character. 'Shop of B?oa-
e n -Bent Luck,"The e u
The Shop of Celes-
tial Principles,' 'Vie Nine Fetid.
ties Prolonged,' 'Mutton Shop of
Mornieg Twilight' 'The Ten Vir-
tues an Complete,' '.Flower$ Rise
to the. Milky Way.'
"In these signs. .we'loan sea that
the Chinese oat combine the s,it,l of
a' poet with the pocket 'el a alio'p-
filall, ; Oofttrast "iatieh'`; effof't,g *ith
A SannityrP oteetOit
against such pleas Cnolcra
Morbus, Diarrhoea
Cholera Intuition and
Sweater Complaint - a
protector in which you
can safely piaee�lmpUclt
confidante -is
Extract of
Io 058, and soc. bottles, at
your Druggist's.
National Drug and Chemical Cu.
of Canada, Limited. 212
Tei. h'.-.
The Noted Eelpie House' of the
London streets, and one must feel
that we are utter barbarians. Car-
lyle quotes a Chinese signboard,
'No Cheating Here,' but I could not
find anything like it in the list,
'Good and just according to Hea-
ven' ought to satisfy the ideal no-
tions of the author of 'Sartor Re-
"The Honest Pen Shop of Li"
implies that other pen shops are
not honest. The "Steel Shop of the
Pockmarked Wang" suggests that
any peculiarity of a shopman may
be used to impress the memory of
customers. Snub noses, squint
eyes, lame legs or hump back-,
might all be used in this way.
A charcoalshop calls itself the
"Fountain of Beauty," and a place
for the sale of coal indulges in the
title of "Heavenly Embroidery."
An oil and wine establishment in
the "Neighborhood of chief
Beauty," a description the realiza-
tion of which it is hard to conceive
anywhere in Pekin. "The Thrice
Righteous" one would scarcely ex-
pect from an opium shop.—London
Magnificent Structure for Exhibits
at Canadian National.
The new government building at
the Canadian National Exhibition
is being rushed to completion and
will be ready for the Year's Fair. 15
will cost $160,000, of which the Do-
minion Government pays $100,000,
the Ontario Government $25,000
and the City of Toronto the balance.
It will be used for Provincial, Do-
minion and Educational Exhibits.
English Chemist's Method of Fore-
telling the Weather.
What kind ofsummer are we go-
ing to have this year? Orthodox
meteorology will not commit itself
to long shots of this sort, but there
is one quite serious man of science
who correctly forecasted the bril-
liant summer of last year and the
gloomy, wet one of the year before.
And he has already expressed his
opinion of our chances this year,
says the Manchester Guardian.
He is Dr. H. Bassett, late of the
chemical department of Liverpool
University. He has been appointed
professor of chemistry of Reading
University College, but he is still
going to carry on the examination
of samples of sea water obtained
during the hydrographic cruises of
the Lancashire sea fisheries commit-
tee's officers and report upon their
salinity. So at least one gathers
from the 1911 report at the Lanca-
shire sea fisheries laboratory at the
Liverpool University and the Piol
It is from these examitvations of
sea water that Dr. Bassett gets his
weather forecasts, He finds a defi-
nite connection between the condi-
tions of the sea and the general.
weather conditions of the British
Dr. Bassett correctly forecasted
the unusually wet summer of 1910
from the late appearance and re-
duced salinity of the Gulf Stream
drift early in that year, Again in
his report of observations of the.
condition of the Irish Sea during
1910, published in May, 1911, Dr.
Bassett wrote that "the renewed
vigor of the Gulf Stream drift also
gives us good reason to expect a
more genial summer quite different
from the dismal ones of 1909 and
1910." Both these shots were bulls
eyes, but what of this summer
Having discussed the values of the
salinities at the three stations af-
footed by the Gulf Stream drift in
December, 1011, and on February
14, 1912, Dr, Bassett makes the fol -
lasting rediction for this year t. "I
Fn. 4.
have little hesitation in aaying that
the summer of 1912 will probably be
like neither the brilliant dry one
of 1911 nor the gloomy wet ones of
1009 and 1910, but just one of the
somewhat variable and uncertain
summers which are usually experi-
enced in this country."
The goose had been carved, and
everybody had .tasted it, It was
excellent: The negro minister, who
was the guest of honor, could not
restrain his enthusiasm.
"Dat's as fine a goose as I evah
see, Bruddah Williams," he said to
his host. "What did you git such
a fine goose?"
"Well, nowt, pahson," replied the
carver of the goose, exhibiting great
dignity and reticence, "when you
preaches a speshul good sermon, I
never axes you whar you got it. I
hopes you will show me de same
Sunburn, blistering, and irrita-
tion are the comrnouest form of
summer skin troubles, and Zam-
Buk ends those very cllickly. It
works in two ways. As noon as ap-
plied, its antiseptic powers get to
work and kill all the poison in a
wound, asting or a sore. This gen-
erally ends the smarting and the
pain. Then Zam-Buk begins the
healing process, and fresh healthy
tissue is built up. For sore, blis-
tered feet, sore hands, heat rashes,
baby's heat spots, sore places due
to perspiration, etc., you can't
equal Zam-Buk. Druggists and
stores everywhere sell Zam-Buk,
50c. box, Use Zam-Buk Soap also,
26e. per tablet. All stores, or Zam-
Buk Co., Toronto.
Manager—"So you are looking for
a job. What can you do?" "No-
thing in particular; but work is not
so much an object as good wages."
Sometimes a woman enjoys hav-
ing her husband stay away from
church on Sunday so she can throw
it up to him all the rest of the
Pills for Nervous Troubles.—Tlie
stomach is the centre of the nervous
system, and when the stomach sus-
pends healthy action the reault is
manifest in disturbances of the
nerves. If allowed to persist, ner-
vous debility. a dangerous ailment,
may ensue. The first consideration
is to restore the stomach to proper
action, and there is no readier
remedy for this than . Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills. Thousands can
attest the virtue of these pills in
euring nervous disorders.
New York has an orchestra of
one-armed men.
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
In England and Wales the aver-
age death rate per thousand head
of the population is fifteen ; in Ger-
many it is just over eighteen, and
in Russia thirty-one and a half.
Time Has Tested It.—Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil has been on the market
upwards of thirty years and in that
time it has proved a blessing to
thousands, It is in high favor
throughout Canada and its excel-
lence has parried its fame beyond
the seas. It has no equal in the
whole list of liniments. If it were
double the price it would be a cheap
Judge—You are charged with
breaking a chair over this man's
head. Prisoner—I didn't mean to
break the chair, yer Worship,
Minord's Liniment Cures dews, Eto.
"Oh, mother," sobbed the young
wife. "I've discovered that John
doesn't trust me." "Why, child,
what has ho done?" "Well, you
know, I cooked my first dinner for
him to -day and he invited a friend
to dine with him." The sobs broke
out afresh. "And, oh, mother, the
man he invited was a doctor 1"
No one need fear cholera or any
summer complaint if they have a
bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysen-
tery Cordial ready for use. It cor-
rects all .looseness of the bowels
promptly and causes a healthy and
natural action. This is a medicine
adapted for the young and old, rich
and poor, and is rapidly becoming
the most popular medicine for
cholera, dysentery, etc., in the mar-
There is no lack of money; what
is lacking is the spirit of giving.
If I were a man I would only mar-
ry a woman who had been taught
domestic science.—Duchess of Suth-
The sum of money that any human
being eon really honestly earn in his
lifetime is very small ; and great
fortunes, when they are not inheri-
ted or given, are in my opinion al-
most all dishonestly come by.—Fil-
gen Young,
Taking evorrthing feta considera-
tion I am a tittle inclined to think
that the playing of the ganic of wolf
duringthe winter months f at.least
the playing of the game on many
inland Bourses, is more likely to do
harm than good fa' ; one's general
form, SII: Ti, Milton.
•fl ''rlY .,\'.\ \'. H_. _4 c1t\,.c\.: ks\4.ala\atl ,6'et... a1 \,,.
,:,;,somenowssig .
Fivecups uf'tl s most
(I(llCJOW,° beverage
for one cent.
1s guaranteed to keep Flies o0 your Cattle
Dilute with 4 gallons of water.
Write for a gallon now to
Sole Mfrs. -The 6apho Y,fanufaoturlag Co.,
Limited, Montreal.
Napper—"Did Smith inherit his
money or make it?" Snapper —
"Neither. He is a corporation
A Medical Need Supplied.—When
a medicine is found that not only
acts upon the stomach, but is so
composed that certain ingredients
of it pass unaltered through the
stomach to find action in the bow-
els, then there is available a purga-
tive and a cleanser of great effec-
tiveness. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills are of this character and are
the best of all pills. During the
years that they have been in use
they have established themselves as
no other pill has done.
"I think she will make a fine wife,
I have been calling on her for sev-
eral months now, and nearly always
find her darning one of her father's
"That caught me, too, until I
found out that it was always the
same sock."
Minard'a Liniment Co., Limited.
Gents, -I cured a valuable hunting dog
of mange with MINAR0'S LINIMENT after
several veterinaries had treated hire
without doing him any permanent good.
Yours, &c.,
Prop. of Grand Central Hotel, Drum-
mondville, Aug. 3. '04.
Her Husband—"The census offici-
als state that the average family
consists of four and a fraction per-
sons. How do you account for the
His Wife—"Oh, that is the bus -
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting -Feels
Fine -Acts Quickly. Trp it for Red, Weak,
Watery Eye. and Granulated Eyelids. Illus-
trated Book In each Package, Murine is
compounded by our emulate -not a"PatentMed-
icine -but used in successful Physicians' ?roo-
tless for. manyears. Now dedicated to the Pub -
no and sold byyilru gists at 210 and 100 or Bottle.
Murine pyo Salve In Asoptio Tubos, 2 0 and 600.
marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
At the last census of the Union of
South Africa the figures showed
that there were over three million
more natives than Europeans.
Corns cripple the feet and make
walking a torture, yet sure relief
in the shape of Holloway's Corn
Cure is within reach of all.
Persia's national debt amounts to
Mtnard's Lininlont Cures Corset In Cows.
Branch establishments of the Roy-
al Mint are situated at Sydney, New
South Wales; Melbourne, Victoria;
Perth, Western Australia, and at
Ottawa, Canada.
Mothers can easily know when
their children are troubled with
worms, and they lose no time in
applying the best of remedies—Mo-
emedies—M -ther Graves' Worm Exterminator,
When a ship is stink, or otherwise
perishes, that part of her cargo that
floats on the sea it termed flotsam;
it 10 jetsam when the ship is in dan-
ger of being sunk, and to lighten
her the goods aro cast into the sea.
Tread Softly
' -
Step Safely
N. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
Toronto. - -
.LJ buy beautiful hundred florin in
Northumberland County. including .$took
and Implements, There 1s in the otook
4 horses, 10 coven, ate, This is a map, and
can be bad on easy terms. Possession at
1, -If Halton, Peel, York, Durham, North.
timberland, Prince Edward oountiee at
reasonable prices.
11 Manitoba lands in large or small
A Niagara Fruit. Belt,
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto.
and plerko in groat demand through-
out Ontario and North West. Six Months
will qualify you. Day and Mail Courses.
Positions secured, Free Book 18 explains..
Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto.
Scale Works,9 Esplanade, Toronto.
ternal and external, cured without
Pain by our home treatment. Write ne
before too late, Dr. Bollman Medioal Co.,
Limited, Collinewood, Ont.
IteBeale Works, 9 Esplanade, Taranto.
get valuable information. D. Bell,
93 Argyle Street, Toronto.
and Cleaning. Ella le t Meolnity with the
Et Otish American Dyeing Co"
Bend partlenlsra by post and wo aroma* to -satiety.
Geld Mod.ollet• Address Box 233, Montreal
Tho Heart of Plano is the
Action. insist on the
Piano Action
31r. er4. -DEC• 'X 0
MI3.1931. y ®St231,iza.t1
Protect — Preserve —Beautify
Samples and Booklets on Application
18741 Bathurst Street TORONTO
of Canada, Ltd.
ee rnricn AVCHun
be 0. lin.stc ..-
tion of Water.
'roof ollnr.
mad.. Ask
to. e and A
other. Ali
ores or direct
for 254.
King Oscar
Norway's Finest
Sardines at their
very best len mat 14ta
A toothsome dainty for
Salad or Sandwich at
Picnic, Luncheon , or
Garden Party .. .
From your Grocer get "King
Oscar" Brand Sardines
Trade supplied by Sohn W.
nlcklo ,b Greening, Bandit ,n,
The first census of the population
took place in 3490 B.C., when the
Israelites were numbered by Moses.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Owned by the United States. and
of 28,367 tons, the battleship Texas
is the largest warship in the world.
It pays to cap your Moak free of dice.-ooatonted
conn dive more 0005: boroe,Burk batter and 00
Ise read. to loss than Og coots head per day, Dm
mews nr 8 pas and sore money. Easy to use-'
eoonomlual-etnolonf.._,+0 Quarts (imperial) 5081
Chalons (imporlat) 4420, 9008181 olr0nlarrrea-,folk
whatothon ay nbottt tlooper',. Any dealer or
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UWill vigil Madre. Spaia, hair I1t�yrllIiet,,
Iadk, Carlon, Strati, S.tlU..ntr, SIM,�', Pldiipoldre, Chile, Japta, Ss.4 k
I I1.0&, wall BrelandAecneanTwt,
�+ OPTIONAL )j11 Peals Talk
&: TOURS i 14DenJaJepae
/If.y Duration 110 Days Each
0 1:VeF1da 1i`'`a'Y arpaneiee�e
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"Akk anent woo fro' teas tlid ....
CMA,,, eeaGt.
Mai lira
*45 nno.o v&it8 ti. le:,
Or'eooan S"teatusbIs Agency, '
o vdngo,at.,T450016,Canine.
E'Hlbodg the patented features
of Cars Paw 'Heels. -too