HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-7-11, Page 4HIJR.3DAY, .JULY it, X912
$OMIteo)Y has said the time has as
jived when Canada must think. ip
TguesnaY of this week is polling day.
in Saskatchewan Provincial Elections,
A hot battle bas been waged but Premier
Scott is likely to be sustained.
Tile 222od anniyersary of the Battle of
the Boyne will be celebrated on Friday
of this week apd the usual Orange
"walks" will take place followed by the
customary addresses and sports. It will
be well if kindliness of spirit and a rec-
ognition of the brotherhood of man is
evidenced in what is said and done:
$25.000 was knocked off the National
debt of Great Britain during the past
year and since the Liberals have been
in control the debt has been
reduced by $39o.000,000. There's
evidently plenty of "go" in the
old. British lion and the folks who were
crying over the "effete" Fallon should
eat more Quaker oats and get a smile
Ir is quite amusing to see how anxious
the London Free Press is to "jag"
Barrister Rowell on all occasions, some-
times making a show of itself in its
eagerness. Mr. Rowell just goes right
aloug, however, in the face of these
"terrible" onslaughts winning his way.
Abuse is not argument even if it has
net yet struck the Free Press to ob-
serve the wide difference.
We are glad to know that notwithstaa-
ding the hard rebuff received by Regina
that the storm was hardly over before
this optimistic city is planning for the
restoration on a bigger and better de-
sign. Thousands of dollars have been
forwarded and it is a heart-warming in-
cident to note the eagerness with which
governments, corporations and individ-
uals hastened to the relief and sympathy
of those in need.
Tim Posr commends Howiek town-
ship Council for their grant to a baby
display at Howiek Fall Fair. There is
nothing like encouraging the growth
and development of the home product
and we doubt not the worthy specimen
to be exhibited will cause the judges
some anxious minutes. It is reported
that an aeroplane will take the judges
to a place of safety after the awards are
WHAT about your Summer visitors ?
Surely you can supply us with the
names of 2 or 3 people easier than we
can loop after scores of them. It is
courtesy to your guests to let the
people know they are holidaying here.
Don't kick us if their names are omit-
ted but "put the boots" to yourself for
your neglect. One thing is sure the
news is always welcome at THE POST.
Rentrea'.s Advocate of last week
suggests the holding of co-operative
weed bees, looking toward the eradi-
cation of these pests to good farming,
an ice cream social to follow the after-
noon's battle by the boys. There's
more than a grain of practicability in
the common sense advice of the Ad-
vocate and it might be tried in many
a neighborhood with good effect.
urging farmers all over Western Can-
ada to eater for 1019 competition,
Prizes to the value of $1.,000 in coin
and cups will be awarded and all en-
try blauks must be on file in the othee
of the general manager of the Amen -
eau laud earl irrigation expositiou,
Singer buildutg,' New York, 001 later
than November 5, 1912, The captur-
lug of the world's wheat prize by Sei-
gal Wheeler, of Rosthern, Sask., at a
similar exhibition, has but whetted the
appetite of Westerners, and they feel
that all they ueed co win 1a to complete,
Yeoman tier vice in accomphahiug
the purposes of the Millicu for Maui -
tuba League will be rendered by_the
Canadian Pacific railway, That com
pany will institute a ready made farm
immigration movement into ,the North-
erly parts of this province whither in-
tending settlers are now going in large
numbers, The C. P. R. have holdings
in those regions up to the hundreds of
thousands of acres. The quality of
farming to be eucouraged Is mixed
farming, the parklike lands of the
North being well adapted for that
work. British agriculturists from the
ten districts will be brought out and
settled on laud north again and the
C. P. R. will direct its efforts to bring-
ing out experienced, desirable and
thrifty farmers to this country, The
Canadian Pacific ready made farm
policy has proven such a success in
Alberta that it will be extended to
Manitoba next year, according to ad-
vice received from the department of
natural resources at Calgary, Laud
inspectors of the department are al-
ready engaged in inspecting suitable
land for this purpose and further an-
nouncements will be made shortly. It
"is understood that negotiations are
under way with certain classes of ag-
riculturists in Great Britain with a
view to having them settle on these
Two strenuous days of entertain-
ment and sightseeing were completed
this week by the members of the
"Financial News" party of British
manufacturers and capitalists. Pheir
opinion of the West was summarized
by one of the party in the following
brief interview, which is typical of
the many speeches and interviews
given by other members while in Win-
nipeg: "It is no use talking about
Western opportunities. The only way to
do is for the people in England them-
selves to come out. When they do,
that is all that is required. When the
West is known as it should be, there
will not be enough ships to bring the
people out, The finest country in the
world ! The greatest opportunities in
the world ! Oh ! what's the use of
talking? I know that I am letting
everyone know and when they do—
Well, just wait." The party left in a
special train, consisting of seven fine
cars, They
Trunk Pacific ru k
Hely Grand T
will travel over the Grand Trunk Paci-
fic as far as Saskatoon, over the Can-
adian Northern from Saskatoon to Ed-
monton, and via the Canadian Pacific
from Edmonton to Calgary, and thence
Mayor Waugh has' issued special re-
quest to the citizens of Winnipeg to do
their utmost to make the reception of
the Duke of Connaught a success by
decorating their residences with bunt-
ing and illuminations of all kinds. I
would like to see the citizens in all parts
of the city daconate their premises as
much as possible," declares his wor-
ship, "It is expected that the proces-
sion from the station to the home of
Hon, Robert Rogers will be along
Main street, Portage avenue, Kennedy
street Assiniboine avenue, Osborne
street and Roslyn Road, but it is just
.unportant for tate citizens living on
(ober streets to decorate, for the Duke
will visit many arts of the cit and
P y,
we want to give him a good impres-
sion of the respect in which he is held
here,Business houses are now mak-
ing arrangenteuts to decorate in a lav
ish Fashion, and I hope the citizens in
all parts of the city will do likewise."
An examination of the entries made
for the Exhibition this year shows
every prospect of this being the great-
est in the history of the great Fair of
the great. West, In every class—live
stock, horses, dogs, poultry and the
many other sections of the exhibition
—the number of entries is far in ad-
vance of last year or any previous
year. With a continuation of the good
Weather there is every prospect of this.
year being the biggest and the beat
among the twenty-two that the Win.
nipeg exhibition has held.
Systematic effort to land the big
prizes at American agricultural exhi-
bitions is to be made for the Canadian
West .by --the Canadian Pacific Railway.
The latest move is to get exhibits of
potatoes' from all over the West and
to send: them to the American land
and irrigation exhibition at New York,
Last year British Columbia potatoes
carried off the thousand dollar -chain,
pionship prize awarded at the Ameri-
can land and irrigation exposition in
New 'Stock. A similar exposition will
beheld again in New York next No-
veinber and British. Columbia exhibit-
ors are again making active prepara-
tions to eater in the competition for
this year. The .Canadiah Pacific rail -
,Way department of natural resources
-at Calgary is sending net Clreulars
A motorcycle is a bicycle with a
pandemonium attachment and is de-
signed for the especial use of me-
chanical geniuses daredevils and lu-
The motorcycle is equipped with
a motor small enough to be put iu a
large pocket and loud enough to fill a
coliseum comfortably. This motor is
connected with the rear wheel of the
bicycle and when it is in the mood will
revolve the wheel with tremendous
speed thus causing the bicycle to pro-
ceed from hither to yon over buggies
pedestrians, fences and small outbuild-
A motorcycle is really a miniature
automobile with full sized noise, smell
and dirt output. It is not started by
cranking however but by pedaling the
whole machine along the road until the
motor emerges from its coma and gets
on the job. An automobilist can be
detected by his vast overhanging
shoulders and calloused hands. A
motorcyclist. however, may
have arms
like pipestems but his legs are seven
sizes too large for him.
A motorcycle is not as comfortable
as a Camel or a lumber wagon but it is
very swift and there is nothing that feels
more like flying than to ride a large
baritone motorcycle over the country
roads at 5o miles an hour, -leaping
lightly from bump to bump— except to
leave the machine when it has struck a
through the
rock and to soar swiftly roe g
unstable atmosphere until some lagged
section of the United States interferes
with further progress.
Motorcycles are very useful and have
almost annihilated distance and chop
clothes. 'They should be ridden iu
costume except by very healthy and
careless aeon A pair of leather panes
with asbestus lining and a two bushel hip
pocket for tools, a padded vest, heavy
gloves.a pail• of goggles anti nose aud
shin guards make a tasty and useful rig
for the cyclist, Dressed in this fashion
the enthusiast can enjoy himselt to the
full as he caroms from tree to tree and
gorges himself with dust, oil and
Motorcycles are not as fatal to pe-
destrians as automobiles because they
eau only rue over him with two wheels.
But they should be treated with respect
at all times and should not he interfered
with when in a hurry.
Marvelous records are made by in-
trepid mahouts who have driven large
double-barrled motorcycles 90 utiles on
a board track and most of the way up
the golden stairs in one hour by the
Motorcycles are ntuclt cheaper than
automobiles and there seems to be no
practical remedy for this and the in-
dustry is unfortunately net in tate
hands of a trust. A good machine can
be purchased for etiso. However if the
devotee does not possess $150 lie can
get almost as good results by drinking
a little lubricating oil, inhaling a vacum
cleaner and setting off two bushels of
firecrackers between his legs.
Do You Foe Pinch '1
Not of poverty, but of corns, aching
corns that can be cured by Putuam's
Corn Extractor P Don't suffer, use
"Putnam's"—sold everywhere in 25c.
To Rev. W. E. and Mrs, Kerr
Tlre'Tlllsonburg Liberal of last week
says of Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Kerr,
who were on the eve of removing to
Welland, there -new pastoral charge :
Adelightful evening was spent at
the hospitable home of W. 13. and
Mrs. Hagar th at Tillsonburg, onThurs-
day 27th ult. The ostensible object
was that the members and adherents
of the Methodist clutch might spend
a few hours in social iutercouese, and
the response to the invitation was
pretty general, the handsome and
cotnmodiots home being well filled.
Chas. Alpin was the master of cere-
monies, and after a fete remarks
introduced a moat enjoyable program
of vocal and instrutnetttal music, rettcl-
iuvs and addresses contributed by
Misses Edith Quirie, Myrtle Kline,
Audrey Denton, Marjory Hogarth,
Miss Mantle, Freda,Riach ; Wellington
Hunt, F A Refuse
yyand Rev.
Keri. ALthe cone lesion of
the pro -
paw T. T. Brown invited Mr. Kerr
and Mrs Kerr to the front, when he
read them an appreciative address and
F. E. Aldrich and Mrs. A. B. Richard-
son, on behalf of the congregation,
presented the former with a costly
suit case attd the latter with a very
handsome travelling bag, each fully
fitted with toilet requisites. F. Biette,
on behalf of the senior bible class then
read an address to Mrs, Kerr and
Mrs, Hogarth presented her with a
beautiful cut glass salad dish and
silver filagree for fern pot. The re-
cipients in fitting terms expressed ap-
preciation of the beautiful gifts, and
their regrets at severing the bond
which had so closely united them for
the past three years. The addresses
were as follows :
To MR. AND MRs. Kura,
As members and adherents of the
congregation over which you have
had charge duringjthe past three years
we are assembled here this evening to
give expression of our good will and
Christian fellowship, with apprecia-
tion of your services. We understaud
how difficult has been the position --
the changes which have occurred dur-
ing the past year, by the loss of our
church, have added to the arduous
duties of pastoral work—but each of
you have hem brave, courageous and
self-sacrificing, endeavoring to keep
all the interests of the work centred
and we are desirous in some tangible
manner to make manifest our recog-
nition ofour work amongns. We
trust that these travelling bags
we now present, you will find as much*
pleasure, in receiving them as we do
in the giving, resting assured that
they speak eak for our love and earnest
prayer's, and as you journey to and
fro with then we hope your thoughts
may sometimes travel to the scenes of
Our stock is well assorted with
the best values in
--All lines of Short and Long Silk Gloves in
Black, White and Cream.
—Kid Gloves in Black and Tans.
— White Suiting Linen.
Repp, Indian Head.
Drill, Mull, Muslin.
— Lawns, Vestings.
— Ladies' and Children's Underwear and
Black and Colored Hosiery. .
We also have an excellent
range of
Dress Goods -.
Silks, Overlaces and
Trimmings of all kinds
Our general stock throughout the store
is well assorted and the values are the best to
be had in the trade.
Give us a call for your Requirements
from fellow workers, we pray that
you may be kept, comforted and guide
ed, "Looking up and lifting up," luny
you journey as seeing •'I -lint who is
invisible,' and at the close of w long
and useful life, hear the welcome plau-
dit from the Master's owe lips, 'Hbe
hath dope what she could," Oom-
meuding you, your dear husband and
children to the care of the All wise
and loving itather, till es an tinln'oicen
family round His throne you ]meet
ro greet the many you have minister,
ed unto. Signed on behalf of the
Bible Class.
Sprains require careful treatment.
Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's
Liniment freely. It will remove the
soreness and quickly restore the parts
I to a healthy condition, 11or stile by
MI dealers.
other days and bring to remembrance
your Tillsonburg friends. We pray
that wisdom and grace may be your
portion daily, refining life's strength
and fabric, living constantly in the
atmosphere of the Spirit's presence,
you may like holy men of old, , win
splendid victories in the Master's
service as His ambassadors. For each
of you we covet the richest blessing,
the high, et service, with many years
of activity, and in the home -coming
at last there may await you t "The well
clone', of the Master, with starry
crowns of rejoicing as proof of the
life-long love you have given. Com-
mending you with the dear sons and
daughters God has given you as a
rich heritage, to the Almighty's care
and love, which never faileth, and the
tender, compassionate love, which
abideth ever. Signed on behalf of the
F. E. AL• DRICH, Rec. Steward,
T. T. BaoWN.
To Mao. W. E. Rana,
We can scarcely realize, as we gath-
er this evening that it is to the • pin•t-
iug of the ways" we have hither carne,
and that one whom we have learned
to love will soon be absent from 110,
You be reatl missed in ' 0111
Bible Class, remembering as we -clo
with pleasure the ever cheerful, ready
help you have given us at all times
Rev. Mr. Bartlett, S
of Sab-
bath School
and Epworth League
orf visited c1 Brussels a few mo
ago and gave, in the Dilworth Era, his
impressions of his visit as follows :—
service enjoyable. The Sunday
School sessicu was as attractive and in -
spitting. Apparently both school and
leagues ave working in splendid use-
cord in the interests of theoun
Y g
people of the congregation. On
lo pday afternoon a couple of hours
our wol'lt in British Colmnbia. Al-
together visit to Brussels was o
to ether most
pleasant, and the one brigheaC of all
that helped to make ien-
1 -
features U1 1 it I
le was the manifest care and at-
alit t tr
t the pastor is � t '
tentinn Cha l t ltyingto
his boys and girls. Dr. Oaten and his
It was my prey lege to spend :April
21 and 22 with or r friends in Brussels,
Out., and great was my satisfaction to
mark particular y the practical in-
terest manifested in the chnroh re-
lationships of the boys and girls by
the leaders there. Pastor, Sunday
School superintendent and li worth
League offioere are all alert and acts e
to retain and train) the young for
Christ and Ohristianservice. The
Arnica' League furnished the singing
at the morning service, and both by
their presence and song the bright
young people did much to Make the
were spent in profitable and practical
confevence with the friends of Brus-
sels and of several adjacent appoint-
menti, A. number from outside p0ints.
gathered, and matters of mutuai con-
cern were studied as well as time and
cit•curtrstance permitted. Another
meeting with. the ,juniors followed.
The accompanying group photograph
was taken, and the efficient adult
leaders and instructors, present, as
you can sec, it very fine` appearance,
A goodly number Were ant ttgaht in.
the evaning to see my vicwe and hear
that "trayet talk" on some phases of
devoted band of duniar workers, with
Mrs. alcCatllay as superintendent, are
to be cotntuendecl for their, sagacity
and practical wisdom iii this parLiottlar
and I cannot but express the hope
that Iitn time Is not far clistant when
stroll careful attention to the con-
servation .of our children to the church
as I cafe in brussels will be the rule,
and not the exception, throughout the
'Whole of our church, Our priceless
treasure, our greatest asset, is one
children, We' tsittat Value them
supremely Or became hnpeYeeislled,
the upbuilding of oar class is largely
due to your energetic perseverance.
You have personified 'Whatsoever
thy hand findeth to do do it with
thy might," and we believe you might
well say, "Ply work shall answer,
since knew the right, I did it," and
so unselfishly, unswervingly ; you
have gone in and nutalmng us, minis-
tering to many a sorrowing heart,
with a sympathy truly heaven -born,
serving in the various positions fm
which God has so eminently fitted you
and giving of your best for the ad-
vanceutent and strengthening of
Christ's Kingdom. We desire to con-
vey to you in this address our sincere
affection and grateful love. with our
regrets for your near departure. Our
earnest prayers follow you, that in
your new house God's presence will
abide with you --prospering you and
your loved ones, richly blessing you by
making you a blessing to others. We
shall cherish in our hearts
memories of your sojourn with us,
and td trust you will retain an equallyuall
blight picture of r past. We asaskL he p
your acceptance of this little gift as a
token of the Christ love, which
clwelleth with us, and sometimes in
the future may it remind you of
hearts that beat true, and the words
of Him who said "Having loved them
He loved them e unto the end." And
s hand clasps hand and you
now a
hear the good-bye and Godspeed
Graniteand a nd Marble Worker
Mnnuffietmrer of
In all kinds of granite
Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to
Phone 23 All work Guaranteed
21'4 •Ct"'P'P'7'‘"®vNrT1"11Y11
Oa t Now r
Refinery Wood's our butcher an' be
Is the dandiest feller he owl be,
When. he comes round to our house
each clay
I holler at him, I do, with, "Say !
Gimrne a ride ?" and every time
He says; "Why, sure 1" so up I climb
Au' I ride all 'round with Hennery
While he leaves the meat in the
Ab' then if I coax an' set right still
I'Ie'll let rue do something else, he
An' that's what I like the most to
He lets ore carry the orders, too t
Why Sattidy moenin' when he come—
You beta was glad that I was Itncn 1—
His wagon was tilled with baskets, so
Of course I asked would he let inc go,
But I didn't suppose he'd let me ride,
And carry the orders in beside.
But say, he done it ! At every place
He'd hand me a basket and then I'd
And empty it out at the kitchen door,
And run like the dickens back for
'Cause I thought if I didn't hurry
an' run
He'd lug 'em hisself—but he dicln't
not one 1 .
An' I rode with Hennery Wood all
daDidn't go home for lunch 1 But say
What'd I care for stuff to eat
Side 0' the chanst to carry meat
To every house in the neighborhood
An' ride all day with Hennery Wood !
All persons intending to ap-
ply for the installation of
Rural Telephones are asked
to do so by July i3th so
that the balance of the sea-
son's work may be mapped
out and completed in good
time. Application forms
may be obtained at my of-
chairman tel. Otf.y Bo Usseis
Happiest Girl In Lincoln
A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "I had
been ailing for some time with chronic
constipation and stomach trouble. I
began taking Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets
and in three days I
able to be upand better right
masa got
along. I am the proudest girl in Lin-
coln to find such a good medicine."
For sale by all dealers.
Notice to Creditors
Iu thenatter of the estate of Abram
Cook, lafe of the Village of Brus-
sels, in the County of Huron,
gentleman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Statute,
that ell creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said Abram Cook
who died on or about the nineteenth day of
,Tune, A. 0. 1912, are required on or before
the Mk day of July,. 1012, to send by post
prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned ltxeeu-
tors of the last will and testament of the said
deceased, at Brusaela P, 0., their Christian and
surnames, addresses and descriptions, and n
statement of their accounts against the said
estate and also the nature of the seomdty df
any)held by them.
And further take notice that after =oh lest
mentioned date the Executors will proceed
to distribute the assets of the deoensed
amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which they shall
then have got notice, and that the said Execu-
tors will not be liable for the void assets or
Rey part thereof to any person or persons of
whoso claims notice shall not have been ready.
ed by them at the time of suoh distribution,
Dated this 22nd day of .Tune, 1012.
Soltoito• for James G. Jones and Henry
James, the Exeoutort, of the deceased.
Notice to Creditors
In the metier of the estate of Robert
Rose, late of the 'Towoshi t of Grey,
in te County of Huron, farmer,
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Statute,
that all creditors and others having claims
a alnat the estate of the said Robert Rose,
motto died 011 or about the 12th dayof June
1012 are required on or before the let da o[
August, 1012, to send by pont repaid or deliv-
er to F.13. Scott, Brussels pp
S u s, t ei Agent ian eC
Itseantors Of the deonsed, thele Christian mid
surnames, addresses and descriptions, and a
statement of their accounts egalnet the said
estate and also the nature of the security (it
any) held by them.
And further take notice tint after such last
mentioned date the
distribute filo newt u the deceased moo
the parties entitled thereto, havingregard
only to the olahs of which they shall then
have got notice, andtot the said axocuttwill not be liable for the said meta or any
pert thereof to any omen or psraon9 of whose
clunes notice shall not have been reoetved by
them at the time of such distribution,
. Dated this 8rdday of July, 1012,
THOMAS V011 DEN, 110xeautors.
Joan W. Roam. f
Loudon's Favourite
(11812) [130793.
J. J. McGavin, Proprietor
Will stand at his Own stable, Lot 22, Oen, 12,
McKillop, for the improvement of stools.
Terms—To insure n fool -$S 00,
Neolts sired by 111P hnrse worst prizes at
at I t, end Brussels Shows ItaetlFall, beating
the oolts ibat won prizes at Toronto sod Lei.
don, and else at Stratford lend Milubull.
t Jr
is prepared to supply the best
goods�in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er, Bowls for etook, tie,
Repairs to Perrins :promptly
attended to,
Give •roe a call,
A. V_
NN1 Crank*
Maitland Biank
Short Horns for Said
Neveu HShor t,Ha•u Bulla 0 to 2Uruonf 119
cid, redo nuotohut runes • big, entootlt and atylleh ;
ohmic eat breed)1111_ damp brit Bose Pods Mare 't
Betuit a and Catupboll Beanies. None heti(. c" -
for millcnndbeef, Will be cold et any reason- ',t
title offer un' on eaeyI2AVID MII.N10, Mho',
Stook for Service
noMitWOR911.1 HOG FOR ssnsvion,—The
▪ undersigned will keep for service on N4,
Lot 20, Oon, 7 Morris, a thorough -bred Tani-
worthhog, Terms, $1,00, to be. paid at time of
sorvloe wish privilege of returningif noses'
Bury.•tE .. S. WALKI911,10Proprietor.
The People's Column
OUSE AND LOT for sale or to rout, Aa
2 I I purpose leaving Brussels ohortly my
offereand le fetor to rent ryPooeoeelon oats be
had April let. Apply
Phone No, 50 Brussels,
!CARR FOR SALE,—Estate of late James
▪ Olenntut, being Nd Lot e2, Con, 8, Morris
township, containing L 0 mires, 8aorusofwhiult
la basic. Good bank barn and never falling
tiering close to barn, Good stook farm, Must
be sold
ld t o,nnnco•enelor• terms apply at office
ibthTslpf iu
e- in Township oTuokeramth, County
of Huron, within two miles of Seaforth on G.
'1', R,, in one of the best 001011ng inebriate of
Ontario. sailboat clay loam;76 acres under
orop ; in excellent state of cutivation - well
tile drained ; never failing spring oreek near
buildings ; substantial two-story brick dwell-
ing t beautifully agitated ; heated by furnace;
bath room with hot and ()old water ; divided
cellar; cement floor; long distances telephone;
orchard with sprues wind -break on Weet and
North ; good barns with stone stabling, ell in
drst•uiaaN repair, Farm In splendid shepe to
raise moneymaking uropa or would male line
dairy from or stook farm. Anyone looking
fora good Perin would do well to see thio—an
ideal country 110100. Addresa
40-4 ,TNO. T. DICKSON, Seat orth.
P A BARGAIN.—Will dispoe of cottage,
Elizabeth street, Brussels, at $850, a great
bargain, in order to seance quiok sale. Koy
may be had from 11r. J. Leake, For further
particulars see 6h•. Leckie or write the under-
signed. J. B. CAMBRON,
0 at. George St., London,
11 00 ACRES OF LAND for sale. 1X miles
North of Soafurth. Good olay loath,
all uleared and under cultivation. Bank barn,
cement floors, largo frame house, newly paint-
ed ;
aint-ed' good wells at barn and house ; buildings
and fences in excellent repair. An ideal home
cheap. Apply (Mins) STISIE GOVENLOOK,
Seaforth, Ont.
1' ABM FOR SALE.—The 400 acre farm, 10-
ing the property of the late Peter McNeil,
Lot 28, Oon, 14, Grey, Is offered for sale by the
undersigned. There nye 80 acres cleared bal-
ance well timbered.. On the farm there is a
good hank barn, longe driving abed and a com-
fortable home. Plum, in good condition and
well fenced. For further parllculi"•o apply to
utors, OI•ambrook P. 0., or F. S. SCOTT, Brus-
sels. 7-tt
Altbl FOR SAT B ben South half Lot 26,
Con. 4 Mortis 01801 1e 8u i O
minis a 100 nares more on lova. Ou the pram-
wes is a ndnlle,Atse bank bare, except
well. 111 Ootll, @;o, Ali cleared n except Only
an acro. School 1K miles distant. Only 214
miles from Brussels. 6 acres of Fall wheat Ili
and about 50 acres seeded down. For price,
tonna and other information apply on the
premises or if writing Brussels P. 0. +Phone
120. Or F. S. Scott, brussels.
11-tf A. L.KERR, Proprietor.
Thousand,: of ambitious young people
are being instructed in their homes by
our Home Study Dept. You may finish
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ever yeti wish. Thirty Years' Exper-
ience, Largest trainora in Canada.
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