The Brussels Post, 1912-7-4, Page 7Wit tj� FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF TETE:BEST Flte3 Ft HER 11A.N iS AND BRANS. 99,999999., What Is Going on In The Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Beetle. • A man nomad Thomas Carey, who resided at D',tvecothall Street, Barr- head, arerhead, has 1 Set his life through mis- taking barium chloride for Epsom salts. Mr. JPivmes Shankland has died at Girvan, aged ninety years. He we.s born ;; t Bridgemlll and lived his Wed. e in Girvan, having carried on a boob and shoe business there. The body of a woman found flomt- ing in the Forth and Clyde Canal has been identified as that of Eliza- beth Sandilands Penman (32), et do- mestic servant in the employment of a lady at 1128 Argyle Street. Fatal injuries were iniheted on Robert Brander, cattleman, Coos - brigs Farm, near Elgin. A bull he was driving turned viciously upon him and •tossed and trampled on him repeatedly until he was beaten off. Dunfermline Town Council have received authority from the Local Government Board to proceed with their proposed town planning soheme for Rosyth. The area which will be town planned is 5,000 acres In extent. A family of five has been rendered homeless by the burning of a house near Auchencrow, Berwickehire, occupied by a stonebreaker. The furniture, which was completely de- stroyed, included a 200 years old grandfather clock. On the occasion of his retirement from the service of the North Bri- tish Railway Company on attaining the age limit, Mr. Jetmes Garrow, Stationmaster, Linlithgow, was pre- sented by the traders and public of the town and district with a hand, some testimonial. A body washed ashore at the vil- lage of Avoch, in the Black Isle, has been identified as that of William Fraser, a lorryman employed by Wordie and Co., who disappeared from Inverness on 2nd March last. His widow and family reside in In- verness. Dhe fraudulent stencilling of trade marks on barrels of Scottish herring exported to Russia has been going on for some years, and one of the chief sufferers has been a lead- ing old -established firm of Fraser- burgh fish curers. The death has occurred at his residence, Broomvale, Broom - knows, of Dr. Chas. J. Allan, who has for the pub 45 years been a medical practitioner in the Bonny - rig and Lasswade disitrictSL Dr. Allan was a native of Aberdeen- shire, Martha Leaiper (17), who resided at 352 St. James' Street, Kinning Park, has been found drowned in the Clyde. Mr. John Henderson, contractor, Gatehouse of Fleet, has died as the result of injuries sustained through being pitched out of his dogoart, which collided with a motor car. On the occasion of his retirement, on aecount of ill -health, Mr, Wm. McGarva, who has been factor for the Ardwall and Knockieshie es- tates of Lady McTaggart for 38 years, was presented privately with a solid silver tray, while Mrs. Mc- Garva was the recipient of a peridot necklace. News has been received in Helm- ick of the death at North Taieri, New Zealand, of Mr. Andrew Grieve, who had attained the age of 214 years. Mr. Grieve wag a na- tive of Aehkirk parish, and spent many years on a farm near Hawick, being afterwards for fourteen years at Broomhill, Melrose. SEVERE NEURALGIA Cured Through the No of Dr. Williams' Pink kills There is an excellent reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Bills have cured the most severe cases of neuralgia, mistier:, and other complaints in the group known as disorders of the nerves. This group also includes St. Vitus dance, partial paralysis and the common state of extreme nervousness and excitability. Each of these complaints exists be".ruse there is something the matter with the nervous system. If the nerves have tone and are strong and heal- thy you will not have any of theca complaints. The reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure nervous disorders is, that they restore weak, run down nerves to their proper state of toue. They act both directly upon the blood sup- ply and the nerves. The highest medical authorities have noted that nervous troubles generally attack people, who are bloodless and that the nerves aro toned when the blond is renewed, It is thus seen that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure nerv- ous disorders by curing the cause of the trouble. The following is an instance. Miss Annie Jones, Lon- don, Ont., says :—"For over a year I was an intense sufferer from neu- ralgia, which located in my face and head. The pain at times was so intense that I could scarcely keep from screaming, and nothing I was doing for the trouble seemed to help me. As .time went on my whole nervous system was affected. At last when I felt that my case was almost hopeless I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The result of this treatment was that I am now enjoying such comfort as I had not known for years, and only those who have suffered from neu- ralgic pains can realize what a blessing the Pills have been to mel, If you are suffering from -any blood or nervous disorder begin to cure yourself to -day with Dr. Wil- liamsPink Pills, which you can get from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Out. RECLAMATION IN EGYPT. Project to Grow Cotton on Waato Land be the Delta. One of the most costly and oonn- preheresive drainage projects for the reclamation of lands undertaken by any Government in the world, and certainly the greatest enterprise of its kind in Mediterranean countries, has just been begun by the Egyp- tian Government to make cultiva- ble one million acrea of fertile land in the delta of lower Egypt. The reclaiming of these lands will necessitate an expenditure ap- proaching $15,000,000 for drainage and approximately a like amount for irrigation. The work as plan- ned will require or:' four years and will be brought to completion about the end of 1915. 7lhe principal ob jest is to redeem a tract of unpro ductive land and bring a fertile bu now worthless region of the delta under carton cultivation. When this is •done it is roughl estimated that the increase in valu of the reclaimed and improved land will approximate $100,000,000. Th land to be reclaimed is 90 per cent Government owned, The two pro jects, known as the West Behar and Gharbia drainage systems while entirely separate and distinct and many milds apart, will, never tholees, be proceeded with cainci dently. A feature of the Western or Behera plan, is the draining o Lake Mariout, which covers an are of over 35,000 acres. This lake, a ancient historical site, will thu disappear forever and be rept by fertile cotton producing fro equal to those feund anywhere the world. AN EXCELLENT REMEDY FOR LITTLE ONES Mrs, John C.Lepage, Rimoueki, Que., writhe:—"Your Baby's Own Tablets are am excellent remedy for little ones and I always keep them in the house." Thousands of other mothers say the same thing. The Tablets always do good -they can- not possibly do harm. They are the only medicine for children sold un- der the absolute guarantee of a gov- ernment analyst to contain no opi- ates or harmful drugs, They sweet- en the stomach; regulate the bow- els; break up colds; expel worms; euro indigestion and promote healthful sleep. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail - at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- t- liens'Ont. Medicine Co., Brockville, —4� MEASURE DISTANCE BY PIPE. RIBBON UPSET A STATE. Undecorated Minister Resigned and the Government Fell. Marty' interesting sideliglbts on a court and the unexpected trials and troubles incident to it are given in William Miller Collier's book of re- sninlseeneea of his days as Minister to the 'Spanish court, 'At the Court of His Catholic Majesty." That a Government should fall as the re- sult of a ribbon bestowed for a, purely ceremonial purpose seems tether absurd, but, says Mr, Col - {ler : "It is a historical fa0t that not many Sears aged a certain Minister of the Marine in ono of the Euro- pean countries resigned because the ruler of a foreign oountry, on the occasion of his visit to its capital, gave him a certain rank in a cer- tain order and gave a higher rank to his colleague, the Minister of War. The Minister of Marine cone tended that it was an insult to his. country's navy and the feet that he A+eeeived the rank which the rule required in such cases and that the Minister of War had received a higher rank only because the lower rank hard been given him previously made no difference to the aggrieved Minister, "In his opinion his own Govern - Ment in not demanding that the for- eign Government'give him also the higher reatds' .uric fored'gn coder had perrnitt - lie navy Co be In- sulted; and so heresiggnned and the Government fell.. Thu does the tote of natione hong net on thrteadti, bat ora ribbons." y e o a SETTLED. A lady and gentleman were stand- ing with their son on the platform of arailway station awaiting the arrival of a certain train. Suddenly they heard the shrill whistle of an engine in the distance. "Here he comes," exclaimed the gentleman. "Here she comes," said the lady, while the boy shouted, "Here it comes," and immediately a hot dis- cussion arose as to which was the proper word to use—"He," "she," or "it." On the arrival of the train, however, the argument was settled, and all agreed the gentleman was right, It was a "mail' train. t As vermifuge there is nothing so potent as Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, and it can be, given to the most delicate child without fear of injury to the constitution. 0999.99999999. He laughs best over his summer clothes when they are least. Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. f a n 5 acec1 COUNTRY AND CRIME. ld5 in Mose who make a study of oriel. speedily discover that the criminal of each nation are more or less sp cialists—adepts at some partioula branch of crime. All the most e pert pickpockets, for example, ar English or American. Nine -tent of Spanish and Russian crinin attain notoriety for plausib swindling; these two nations pr duce the most ingenious confide tricksters in the world. The Hu gariau streets literally are ala with beggars—picturesque mend cants to the stranger, bust a gre nuisance to the country. Mo murders and murderous assn pass unsolved in Italy than an where else. 31 DOCTOR'S SHIFT. Now Gets Along Without It. A physician says: ``Until last fall I used to eat meat for my break- fast and suffered with indigestion until the meat had passed from the. stomach. ``Last fall I began this use of Grape -Nuts for breakfast• and very soon found I could do without meat, for my body got all the nour- ishment necessary from the Grape - Nuts and since then I have not had any indigestion and am feeling bet- ter and have increased in weight. "Since finding the benefit I de- rived from Grape -Nuts I have pre- scribed the food for all my patients suffering from indigestion or over- feeding and also for those recover- ing from disease where I want a food easy to take and certain to digest and which will not overtax the stomach. "I always find the results I look for when I prescribe Grape -Nuts. For ethical reasons please omit my name." Name given by Canadian Possum Co., Windsor, Ont. The reason for the wonderful. amount of nutriment, and the easy digestion of Grape -Nuts is not hard to find. In the first place, the starchy part of the wheat and barley goes through various processes of cook- ing,' to perfectly change the starch into dextrose or grape -sugar, .in which state it is ready to be easily absorbed by the blood. The parts in the wheat and bar- ley ar ley which Nature can make use of for rebuilding brain and nerve cen- tres are retained in this remark- able food, and thus the human body is supplied with the powerful strength producers, so easily no- ticed after ono has eaten Grape - Nuts each day for a week or 10 days. "There's a reason," and it is ex- plained in the little book, "The " ill in el e o W lvpkgs. vet , Road to read the above letter/ A new ono appears from time to time. They aro gemone,true, and lull of. oilman lnterse6 THEIR FATE. While in church one man invari- ably fell asleep during the sermon, and the parson had determined on a drastic eure. Breaking off his die- course, and speaking quietlyse as not to disturb the sleeper, te par- son said, "All those who wish to go to Heaven stand ape" Quietly still -"Sit down," Then, fel a loud volae, "A11 those who wished to go to the other place stand up." The sleeper, who had caught the lata Words stood up, rubbed bis eyes, looked slowly about him, anal drawled, "Well, parson, I don't know what the votin'e about, but you and tno seam to be in a ;muster- it,1t. e 5 et - r x - e hs ars le o- nce n- ve i- a"b re ult5 y - "You used to say," she complain- ed, "that you could hear the rustle of angel's wings whenever I was near you." "Yes," he bitterly re- plied; "I thought that was what it was; but I have since learned that it was merely the creaking of your coraet1" Eczema Always Burning and Itching Used Boa of Cuticura Ointment and It Completely Disappeared. "I leave suffered from eczema for two years. The trouble began on one arm whore there appeared a red spot Of about a 8ve•centsize, q d burning.d it always WidenedThe first days I the time didn't t card bus Seeing that it gained in else, I tried Ointment and — Otntmont, but both without success. It was always burning and Itching. having soon in the newspaper the advertisement of the Cuticura Remedios, 3 tried a little, and seeing that 1t improved, I boughta, box of the Cuticura Ointment. ,After having used one box, my eczema cem. rioters* .disappeared. The Cuticura Ointment /should bo kept in ovary home." (Signed) N. Ostlgay> Maslevllle, Qua, Jan, 14, 1611. A Generation of Success, for more tem 'n generation Cetleure Soap and Cuticura Ointment have afforded the poediest olid moat edonomlcal treatment for $teeing, burning, scaly and bleeding Atha and Scalp humors, of young and. old. A abide Indiana.set Is often I. Sold by demist* and dealers everywhere. 11'n,s 1lerel eeoDte of Cuticura deep Sid Ointment, 11o0t3eit wail 824boort oh stela enactors', send to Potter Drug A ChsnI, O0ip.,_1101e llroils.t 64, Columbus Ave.. oiton, II (b ,d In the rural parts of Schleswig Holstein people do not measure dis- tance by mules, as we do, or by houre, ee in other parts of Ger- tnany. They say that a place is a pipe, or two pipes or three pipes off according to the number of pipes one could smoke while walking there. Shorter distances; are reck- oned by dogs' barks. A village un- der a mile away would be "Zwel oder drei hunds bled." (Two or three doges' barks).—London Chron- icle. GOOD NATURE. Good nature hats . its lights and shades, and we need to recognize them both, Easy, amiable people do not always do their full share to- warde the world's progress. They oil the wheels of life, it is true, end thus, by preventing friction, make its motion cosier; but they do not always supply the farce needed to move it, Good nature needs for its true balance a strong and firm sense of justice. If that be present and active there is no danger of our kindliness going eo an extreme. But where ie is absent, or at least imperfectly developed, the good- natured person may easily fall into a habit of indiscriminate patience and forbearance, of easy approval and of condoning what is wrong, that is quite as self-indulgent as it is indulgent to others. ZAM-BUK AND OUTDOOR LITE. Every tennis or ball player, every swimmer, every canoeist, every man or woman who loves outdoor life and exercise, should keep a box of Zaan-Buk handy. Zahn-Buk is a purely herbal pre- paration, whieb, as soon as applied to cuts, bruises, burns, sprains, blisters, etc., sets up highly bene- ficial operations. First, its antieep- tie properties render the wound free from all danger from blood poisoning. Next, its soothing pro- perties relieve and ease the pain. Barbed wire scratches, insect stings, skin diseases, such as ecze- ma, heat rashes, ringworm, babies' heat sores, chafed places, sore feet —are all quickly cured by Zam- Buk. All druggists and stores. Use Zam-Buk Soap also; 25c. per tablet. THE ONLY ONE. "I want alicense to marry the best girl in the world," said the young man. The clerk nodded smilingly and replied. "Sure. That makes 1,800 licenses for that girl this season." They Cleanse While They Cure. —The vegetable compounds of which Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are composed, mainly dandelion and mandrake, clear the stomach and intestines of deleterious mat- ter and restore the deranged organs to healthful action. Hence they are the best remedy for indigestion available to -day. A trial of theme will establish the truth of this as- sertion and do more to convince the ailing than anything that can be written of these pills SHE WAS NO BIRD. Happy is he who, as his sun is going down behind the western, is himself ascending the eastern hill, returning through old age to the better childhood. He who turns his back on the setting sun goes to meet the rising suns Pills of Atte,sbe,cl Value.—Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills are the result of careful study of the properties of certain roots and herbs, and the ac- tion of ,such ars sedatives and laxa- tives on the digestive apparatus. The success the. compounders have mot with attests the value of their work. Those pills have been recog- nized for many years as the best cleansers of the system that can be got. Their excellence was recog- nized from the first and they grow more popular daily. GERMAN AIRSHIP'S FEAT. Zeppelin III. Shows What Lan Be Done in War. The magnificent flight., of the Zep- pelin III, at midnight on Friday frons Friedrickshaven to Hamburg, a distance of 425 miles, has been hailed with pride by the German press. A.s was 'the case in England when the navy aeroplanes and hy- droaeroplanes aohieved such fine results at the King's review of the fleet, se in Germany the Zeppe- lin's success has turned public and expert attention to the possibilities of aircraft in future warfare. The Tagliche Rundseilau goes straight to the point in saying: "What this signifies is at ones clear when one realizes that the dis- tance from Heligoland to Rosyth Bay—the English North Sea naval base—is also 425 miles. "In this future naval base on the Firth of Forth will be stationed six- teen English first-class battleships and ten armored cruisers, which would be of the utmost importance in deciding a naval engagement. From here also a blockade of the North Sea from Scotland to Norway would be initiated. "From the aeroplane dock at Hamburg, if necessary, with a halt alt Heligoland, a Zeppelin airship can now fly with absolute safety to Rosyth, and could reconnoitre the movements of dreadnoughts, and when its task was done either re- turn, or, if necessary, remain for days on the horizon, sending by wireless everything that had been discovered. "A still simpler task would be that of reconnoitring Harwioh, with its active destroyer flotilla, This harbor is only 285 angles from Heli- goland and the distance would be child's play to our large airships. Dover, with its six 'battleships and four cruisers, and Sheerness, with its reserves, lie only a mere trip away and eould be patrolled at the eame time, "As soon are the German Admiral- ty has four airships with a capacity of 500,000 cubic feet they will be able, to reconnoitre the whole Eng- lish coast in the event of mobiliza- tion; Cilhard't Liniment Lumbetmaq'e ''Friend, • II, Shakespeare's birthplace at Strat- ford -on -Avon was visited by 40,000 people last year. RD. l; "I don't eaat enough to keep a bird alive." "You couldn't, my dear, propor- tionately speaking. Science tells us that a bird eats two and one-half times its own weight every twenty- four hours." I was cared of Bronchitis and Asthma by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. A. LIVINGSTONE. Lot 6. P. E. I. I was cured of a severe attaok of Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Mahone Hay. JORN MADER. It was oared of a severely sprained leg by MINARD'S JOSHUA A. WYNAOHT. Bridgewater. Intern;. tion&i Poultry Food Prevents Oholera and Saves the Little Ohicka Alfttle chick ie just like a little baby—rte bench depends on its food. Improper feeding opens the way for disease. Chicken Cholera, Roup, Apoplexy, can be preveated and cured by feeding INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD. My chicken. had Cholera until some of their combs were turning black. After using a few feeds of "International Poultry Food," I never lost another fowl, and Cholera has left my premees.—j. F. BARNETT. Give all your chickens a daily feed of "International:" It keeps them wen—fattens up the broilers—makes hens lay ail the year round—keeps the cock, vigorous—and insures raising the little chicks. If you want to make money oat of your fowls, feed "International Poultry Fool' 25c.. Me. and 51.00 a box. At dealete everywhere. Write for free copy of our 53,000,00 Stock Book, the, greatest book ever written for farmers, f. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD COMPANY ^+_ Limited 14„C-5:2 d,`� /// TORONTO l(go t�r •-••v/ /r .,. �- w. ,f,zr'ryv.sssr.:�e:..a•, S.rlttt, u�.,...•..•u Xs Ando VAT4:51- SVIC V IZTX ORROs0TF1 03io_t_xere :lu a i. as, Protect — Preserve — Mea utlfy Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANCMUIR & CO., Limited 18791 Bathurst Street TORONTO Mrs. Green—'`You spoke just now of social tact. Precisely what do you mean?" Mrs. Wyse—"By soci- al tact I mean getting familiar with all sorts of people without letting them get familiar with you." When buying your Piano insist on having an "O tt TO PH G L" Piano AGtiore severammaxemeoevesvascmce School Teachers WE have a splendid position wn In On- tario to bright acter In each ive men,, 00 EARN $500 DURING VACATION, by spending a part of their time each weak. Apply at once tar particular. MANAGER, 3 W. A ELAIDE STREET, llles� Your Eyes Need Care Try bturina Nye Remedy. No amarth,g—Feola Flue—Anti;Qniukly Try 15 for R0 Weak, watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book iu each PEeknge. 350,300 la eompoandod by our Oru3Ia1s—not a "?.tont Mad- Deo0"—bat y %e to unoows oc eted clans' Pon t 00 ror ouch` 00g000. Now socketed to .110 Pon - entwine Ile and sold bi nroegkte at iSa and 100_pporBottla. Mu3,lne lty0 slvu 1a Aaaptta Tu001, 21,,0 and 600, entwine Eye Remedy Go., Oblong° Cotton is now grown extensively in Africa. Ask for MInard's _Etna tato no other. "I can't make my living by my pen." "I make a good living by my pen " "Do you, too, ' write poems I" "No ; I keep pigs!" For Frost Bites and Chilblains. ---Chilblains come from undue exposure to slush and cold and frost -bite from the icy winde of winter. In the treatment of either there is no better preparation than Dr. Thomas' Ee le:Arm Oft, a•5 it esunteraats the in - !lamination and relieves the pain. The action of the oil ie inobantane- ous and its application is extremely simple. HE GOT THE PIN. Timmins, who believes in the old saying, "See a pin, piok it up, and all day berg you'll have molt," one day saw a pin in the street. Bend- ing down to get it his hat tumbled off and rolled into the gutter, his eye -glasses fell and broke on the. pavement, his braces gave way be- hind, he buret the buttonhole oh the back of his shirt -collar, and apoplexy almost Claimed hint for its 1 Uhl own, But he got the pin, FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. ICBM THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL ILI buy beautiful hundred acres in Northumberland County. Including Stook and Implements. There is in the stock d horses, 10 cows. eta. This is a snap, and can be had on easy terms. Possession at once. ,(Y 0013 FARMS 1N05NCOLNN, LN�h, IX Halton, Peel. ,y nmberland, Prince Edward counties at pea sone ble prices Ii Manitoba lands large or AND blocks. FRUIT FABMS—ALL SIZES, IN VIE Niagara Fruit Belt. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED, 13 AILWAY AGENTS, TELEGRAPHERS Lila and Clerks in great demand through. out Ontario and North West. Six months will qualify .you. Day and Mail courses. Positions phvrn Tnninn cchol Telegraphy. Tooto. MI Sett LAH11OLS. LT AY AND .FARM SCALES. Wilson's -ILA Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. et ANGER. TUMORS, LUMPS. eto. In. T ternal end external, cured wtthoub nain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical 00. Limited, Collingwood. Ont, TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's lD Scale Works, 9 Faplanode, Toronto. 9l .. u TTAlTERSE Years' corse in training at Aultman Hospital, Canton, Ohio. Address, Supt. Your l.uverc atS and faded Suits would look bettor dyed. It no agent of ours in your town write direct to Montreal, BeataBold Medalist. British American Dyeing Co. COW COMFORT Is guaranteed to koop files off your Cattle 58.00 PER GALLON Dilute with 4 gallons of water. Write fora gallon now to THE NLTD. WOODSSpTOCH,, ONTARIOPERIAL E CO.. Sole Mire. -75o Swaim 0 0Montreal.Manufacturing Co, "Did you know that they can make shoes , out of all kinds of skins?" "How about banana - skins?" "They make slippers out of them." No'pereon should go from home without a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial im their possession, ere change of water, cooking, climate, eta, frequently brings on summer complaint, and there h nothing like being ready with a sure remedy at hand, which oftentimes eaves great suffering and frequently valuable lives. This Cordial has, gained for itself a wide- spread reputation for affording prompt relief from all summer complaints. Half the world don't know how they live themselves. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians, Tokio, in Japan, has a population of nearly two millions, and almost half a million houses. No one need endure. the agony of corns with Holloway's Corn Cure at hand to remove them, NOTHING BETWEEN THEM, "I hear you had words with Casey ?„ "We had na words." "Thin nothin' passed between ye '1" "N'othin' bet one truck," ATS yri�• , RUDDER E.. • Tread softlu Step Safely. 0 CAT'S PAW RUBBER SOLES Embody the patented features of Cat's Paw Heels. tee THE ARLINOTON CO of Canada, Ltd. ..., Fgaxtq AvaNUC TGAaNTe CHALLENGE A,k ceased to 6 the • ei `Weser~ mon( aeli. • mA1 o'ta°dllnaser A cows 0, direct r 25e, • TWO CRUISES —ON THls- VICTORIA LUISE (11,600 Tons) From New York Nov. 12, 1912 From San Francisco Feb. 27,1913 Will visit Madeira. Seel. 16th. Eqpt. India, Ceylon, Strait. Settlements, Re, Philippines, Chios, Jafpan,, So./wick Islands, with Overland AmeneanTout. INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL 17 Days in India TOURS 1 14 Davin Japan Duration 110 Days Each 650 Uo SSlooludinn n en. "Ask anr000 who has mods the Crus...•, If/We for ,aokr L HAMBURG - AMERICAN LiNE 41.45 BROADWAY. N. Y. or Ocean Steamship Agency, S3 Yonne St., Toronto, Canada. KIM OSCAR' l � iES •t WHOL,ieSOINE NOURISHING APPETIZING For an added tasty touch to luncheon, picnic, or garden 1party nothing can expel these fine throated, carefully paokad, delicious tittle fish--- "IrING OSCAR" SARDINES. Put up in Sanitary packages. Cot Them from Your Croogr s'ratl* dupplforl by $olif w. 5010536 .k 0y *5ing,116ta hale •