HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-6-27, Page 8'*;avn. .... ,A NEW ■ •AT Although sometime wanted badly is not purchased on account of the outlay. You can make your last year's straw hat look wonderfully new by using Rexail Straw Hat Cleaner Very easily used and if the diree• tions are followed It will whiten a sun burnt bat without leaving any yellowish tinge, Rexall Straw Hat Cleaner comes in roc packages and there is ' sough in a package to clean two hats. It will also be found to be useful in many ways about the house as it will also remove rust or mildew stains from fine white goods. FOOT POWDER If your feet hurt use REXALL FOOT POWDER, Gives quick relief for burning, smarting or per- spiring feet, promotes and keeps foot comfort. Price 25c a tin, Many hard roads are made easy by Blue Jay Corn Plasters This Is a preparation we can reeom• mend as giving good satisfaction. Four Plasters in package 150. Our stock also contains the most of the reliable Corn Remedies. or We have some nine or ten NEW PHOTO VIE NS of Brussels on Post Cards. Have you seen them ? Thee4GC. Store F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND S'PATIONER, nal fetus kerns A, 0. U. W. Friday evening of next week. GET in the swim by having a Tele- phone and order now. JUNIOR Epworth League pic-nit Fri- day afternoon of this week. LOCAL news of a specially interesing character may be read on page 5 of this issue. Wm, Emelt and Robert Lowe went West last week with two cars of fine horses. D. C. Ross is having a new cement kitchen, bath room, eta, added to his residence. COUNCIL meeting will not be held un- til Monday, laly Sth, owing to the holi- day next Monday. BRvssELS Base Ball team will play Wingbam nine at Wroxeter celebration on Dominion Day, A new awning has been placed at the Rural Central Telephone Office. A. Reymann, of Cranbrook, put it up. 40 CENTS in advance gets THE POST t0 the close of 1912 to any post office in Canada. Postage will have to be added to American addresses. DOMINION DAY RATES. -Single fare tickets ou the railways will be issued, good going Friday, June 28111 and re- turning Wednesday, July 3rd. THERE were 8 or to garden parties, pic-nws and entertainments on the pro - grain this week within a radius of ten miles- from Brussels. "It never rains but it pours" is an old addage with a good moiety of fact about it. REMEMBERED THE HAUNTS.- Last Friday Rev. W. T. Cltiff, Miss Cluff and Rex and Mr. Trow. all of Stratford, motored to Brussels and the male con- tingent spent the day at the trout brooks going borne that evening well rewarded, The reverend guide had not forgotten the haunts from the days he resided in town, To GUE rrl. L - The annualx E cursion to the Experimental Farm, Guelph, was held last Saturday and was well patroniz- ed, between Soo and 600 being aboard. Weather was delightful and the day was one of real pleasure. A number of the excursionists did not come back until Monday. Few more enjoyable outings on land can be taken than the trip to Guelph. `SINCLAIR Y. Qt./ERIN, -An appeal by plaintiff from the judgment of the County Court of Huron of April 23, rem2, An action by plaintiff for $50o damages for injuries sustained by being thrown out of defendant's hotel by de- fendant. At the trial the action was dis- missed with costs. Appeal dismissed with costs. FUNERAL. -The funeral of the•late Eva May Cooper, daughter of James and Mrs. Cooper, of Seaforth, took place ' 4o Brussels cemetery on Monday. She died at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Marshall, Josephine street, Wingham, on Saturday, aged r8 years and to days. Deceased bad been in failing health for the past few months. Service was con- ducted at Wingham by Rev, Dr. Rut- ledge Monday afternoon and Rev. D. E. Cameron, of Brussels, officiated at the cemetery here. The bereaved are sympathised with in their sorrow. A "WHALE." -A. Rutledge and Chas, Workman caught a mammoth black bass is the Maitland here above the dam, Tuesday evening about 7 o'clock. that measured 3oinches and weighed to pounds. It put up a great fight and it was no easy job to land it, in fact it had to be dispatched with a pitch fork be- fore it could be taken from the water as it snapped viciously at its captors. This is one of the largest specimens tak- en from the river and was a cause of no small wonderment to the lovers of the rod and line, It should stand a good show for the Toronto Daily Star Prize for big bass. Photo of fish may be seen at Smith's drug Store, FOOT BALL. -A good crowd witnessed the walk -over Intermediate contest on 'Victoria Park last Friday evening when the home team won in a canter from Seaforth by a score of 6-o. Every- • thing appeared to turn out Wrong for the Visitors while the excitement of winning. caused Brussels to play first- class ball, The gatne was not as one sided as the score yet was never in doubt as'tb the result. Referee Gilles- pie, of Baden, gave "good satisfaction. Owing to the removal of A. 1--awkshaw teem town a change had to be made in Brussels line up. Cline Scott Went back to his old position between the flags and Menoo Jackson rendered good service on the back line. Some phenomenal plays were made by Brus- sels. Line up was as under t- ,,, BRttasare.' - SEAPofTri goal McDonald motionaid Aile a g S 20h2 {{ a/BaaksAnernn Walker • McKenzie Stewart hays Stephenson .,,.. �N i Jne Stevenson Smith fimail oi hnrrfo ()mord Goventoak Munro McMillan , .,,Dick Return match will be played at Seaforth Friday evening of this week. Bell STRAWBERRIES are a fair crop, PosTOPFICE boars next Monday will begtotoa.m.and 5to6p, m. BRUsssts Bowlers talk of taking in the tournament at Owen Sound. THE hay on the Agricultural Park has been sold to Wm. Beitues, who lives near the properity, SCHOOL vacations are at hand and July and August free for a bracing up for next Fall's work. MOTOR TRUCK. -J. Dodds, the well known pop manufacturer of Seaforth, bas purchased a motor truck from the Clinton factory to be utilized in de- livering bis output of soft drinks. He was in town Tuesday evening with it and although the initial trip it was be- having itself splendidly, --• 0— Fora mAtxpen lost. Will the finder kindly return it to Walter Scott, Brussels postotle° Leer, -In Brussels, on Wednesday of last week a laoe handkerchief between P. Ament'e and R. Leatherdale's, Finder will please leave it at THE Poss, PEARL sunburst lost. Finder will greatly oblige by leaving it at Tax Posm, 59 LADnza' Band bags. travellers samples, no two alike, nt less than half the wholesale prise. G, N. MOLAaer. 12 Youxentas pigs 5 weeks old for sale. Lot 5, 000.21, Grey, 'Phone 287. Emelt LAMONT. Wawa nig weighing about 80 pounds stray- ed from John Oliver's, Bruesela, Information as to its whereabouts will be suitably reward- ed. JNo, OLtysn, Phone 40, GusI wanted in a family of two. Easy plane; wages $12.00 per month. Apply at THE fops, =chunks of pigs 514 months old for sale, ALax.BUSSELL, Lot 15, Con. 8,'Morrfa, Phone 8815. 51-2 MAxme C. BarANe, Oph. 11, will be at her office, Brussels, for practice from Wednesday June 20th till Saturday, June 25th. NOTICE -To whom it may 'concern :--Talcs notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by or contracts entered into by my son, Robert Thompson, who is a minor. WrLLrAM Tee/41,80N, Mabel. WOOL WANTEn,-50,080 lbs. We pay highest prices cash or trade. Bring along your butter and eggs. KING Baas., Wingham, Ont. DWELLrNO rooms to let above atones. O m - for o table and convenient. I.O, RtasARne. WREN lawn mowers will not work easy call on or write T. MOGREooi, Brussels. . --0--- Gs-i-riam READY. -East Huron Agri. cultural Dlrec'ors met last Saturday in the Council Chamber and spent several hours planning for the Fall Fair which will be held in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, October 3 and 4. Prize list was extended and prizes increased in 'several instances and an A I show is figured on. There will be in addition to the regular exhibit athletic sports. drills, speeding events, good music, a company of aerial artists from New York, two big Concerts, etc. The member- ship should be increased by several hundred. Clear the track for Brussels Fair on Oet 3 and 4. ANNUAL DEPARTMENTAL ExAMINA- Troxs,-The annual Departmental Ex- aminations for Junior Matriculation and Normal Entrance are being held this week. J. C. Smith, 8, A., Principal of Wingham High School, is in charge of the candidates who are writing at Brussels, There are thirteen candidates for Normal Entrance and seven tor Junior matriculation. The papers seem to have been very fair up to date and the weather has been ideal. All the Department Examinations will be concluded by Friday, June 28th. The Lower School (Form II) Examina- tion for Entrance to the Normal Schools were finished on June 53211. Twelve candidates wrote at Brussels on this ex- amination, The results may be looked for much earlier this year. People We Talk About • Jno, Emigh, tonsorial artist, is home for a week from Stratford for a visit, Principal 8, S. Scott has gone to Collingwood for a visit to his home. B. Gerry is renewing old ftiendships at Clinton and Holmeeville this week, Mrs. McGregor, of Kincardine, was visiting Mrs. Sherrie during the past week, Alfred Cook, of Aob Arbor, Mich:, visited relatives and friends here this Week, Miss V. Davidson will spend a portion of her vacation at the parental home in Toronto, Simon Jelly, of Shelburne was a guest of Harry James, of the American hotel over Sunday. Mrs, Wm. Ballantyne left this week for a trip to Saskatoon where she will spend several weeks, Mrs. Thetford, of Toronto, has been the guest of Mrs. H. L. Jackson, Mill street, They are old time irleads. Miss Hattie Downing is Thome from Toronto where she has been teaching and will enjoy part of her vacation here. Mondayf this o week Walter and Mrs. Holmes and son Leqlie, and Mrs.Jane Jarvis, Mrs, Holmes' mother, arrived in Brussels from Nottingham, England. They came by the Allan steamer Tn Hi - slam an dwere ticketed byW. H. Ker, r the local agent at Brussels. Thee qt artette purpose malting their home iu 33rttltels and THE ;?osT bids 1110511 welcome. 1 Business Chance1 is often missed when it might have been easily embraced by Systematic Saving Begin now to prepare for the day of op - portunity by depositing your savings in The METROPOLITAN BANK SLOG OR MORE OPENS AN ACCOUNT BRUSSELS BRANCH P. H. GIL 'OY, MANAGER DoitNow! All persons intending' to ap- ply for the installation of - Rural Telephones are asked to do so by July 13th so that the balance of the sea- son's work may be mapped out and completed in good time. Application forms may be obtained at my of- fice. F. S. SCOTT, Chairman Tel. Co., Brussels Miss Barbara McKelvey, 13. A„ of Paris, is home for her vacation. Miss Clara and Herbert Peter, of Bervie, were visitors at the home of John Hunter, John street, Brussels, Mrs. R Leatherdale shad a real poorly spell last Sunday but is regaining her usual form again we are glad to state. Councillor Dames is making favotable progress from the accident of last week whereby he lost a thumb and two flog. ors. Mrs. S, Wilton was at Atwood on Tuesday visiting her sister, Mrs. Greensides, before she left for the W est. Mrs. 1. C Richards bas not been as well as usual during the past week but we hope she may soon regain her customers, health. J. F. Rowland took a trip Eastward last Saturday accompanying Mrs. Row- land and children to Newcastle. He got back Monday evening, THE PosT regrets to bear tont Mayor George Spotton, of Wingham is ill with typhoid fever. We hope he will soon be able to get about as usual. Mrs. John Downing has gone ots a trip to Toronto and Lindsay and from there will accompany her sister to Muskoka where the latter has a cottage, ' Mrs.e R v Oaten,MissBeryl and Beverly left for their cottage at Hutton, Muskoka, last Saturday. They will be away during July and August. Mrs, Goodwin and Miss Viola, of Chesle v, mother and sister to Mrs. Kyle, Brussels, were here for a visit, Miss Goodwin is extending her visit. Reeve Leckie has gone on a business trip to the West. He will visit Winni- peg, Regina, Edmonton and other points and will be absent three or four weeks. Miss Florence Thomson and Miss Pearl Baeker left Thursday of this week on a tour in the West. The former goes to Vancouver and the latter to Winnipeg and other points. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. W. F. Stewart, of Brecken, Ont., formerly of Brussels is not enjoying her usual good health. Many old friends here wish her speedy recruiting. J. T. Ross, Gorton McDonald, Cleve Baeker and W. Atnent accompanied Walter Miller to the Military camp grounds at Godericb last Sunday, going in Mr. Miller's car. Jno. Ferguson left Wednesday for a trip to the West, He was accompanied by his brother, Dougald, of Teeswater. They took the boat trip which should be very pleasant these days. Mrs. McNichol, of McKillop, has been recruiting her health, (which has not been good of late) for a few weeks with her daughters, Mrs. Will. Baeker. and Mrs. Dan. Glassier, She returned to her home last Sunday, We are sorry to hear that Rev. J. E. Hunter, who is closing his pastorate at Tupperville and is appointed to Dun- gannon, has been laid aside by rheumatism. It is to be hoped he will have a speedy recovery. Councillor Muldoon, S. Wilton, W. A. Grewar, of town, attended the Odd. Fellows' decoration service at Listowel last Sunday. Miss Verne Wacker and Master Archer Grewar, also went to Listowel. The trip was made in Mr. ,Muldoon's auto, Mrs. Harvey Churchill returned to ber home at Windsor last Mouday. Mrs. Longfoot and daughter, of Strat- ford, went last week. The mother of these ladies, Mrs. George Edwards, who was seriously ill, is improving nicely now we are glad to state, Jno. and Mrs. retch attended the Moore-Speiran wedding at Goderich Wednesday of last week, The bride is a niece to Mrs. Petco and a well known former Brusselire. She has the best wishes of many old friends for a happy married llfe, `i1-FoR THE WEST.- This week Y3, L. Jackson, C. P, R agent here, ticketed Mrs, john Sinciair and Miss Boss, Princess street, to Yorkton, Sask„ Miss Ethel Holmes, of town, to Swift Current, Sask. ; and Miss Gregg, of Henfryn, to Edtnonton. We Wish them to nt i a paaa tr. p The d b t reception tendered Mesdames y Fletcheraud Powell last Friday after- noon Was attended by a large number of ladies the re -union of olrl friends being mutually enjoyed, .es Saturday afternoon the visitors went to Strafford to call on relatives and old friends he slat es fare returning to the Queen city to get ready to spend a month in Muskoka, Chas, Jackson, who bas been in the West, is visiting his brother, H. L. Jackson, in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson purpose laking up residence in Kiecardiue as Mrs. Jackson's health is none too good and the location is chosen as it is her old home and practicularly congenial. We wish her the return of her old time vigor. Church Chimes A Petriotio program will he presented at the Methodist Sabbath Schaal next Sunday afternoon. A cariole of )tidies from Melville Church, Brussels, attended, the Silver Anniversary of Belerave W, F. M. S. on Tuesday of this week and report a kat - class time. Next Sunday will be the closing day of Methodist pastors who are appointed to other charges, they being responsible for their new appointments for the first Sunday of July. Rev. A. C. Wishart left on Monday for his Summer vacation of slat weeks. For the next three Sabbaths Rev. Dr. Murray, of Toronto, will supply Mel. villet t r c i t,ch pulpit. He is no stranger in Brussels so requires no introduction. Last Sunday morning a Patriotic service was held in Melville church, the Sabbath School combining with the congregatioa. Rev. Mr. Wishart gave a suitable address. Sondey School was withdrawn in the afternoon. Rev. Mr, Peters; of Milverton, sup- plied Rev. Dr. Oaten's work last Sun- day. He spoke on "Wthat isman ?" in the morning end "Meditation'' at the evening service and did well. The pastor will be home for next Sabbath. Brussels School -Promotions Below appear the results of the recent Promotion Examinations in Forms I, II and IV of the Public School Depart- ment. Results from Form III will ap pear at an early date. These promo. coos have been based partly on the work during the year and partly on the final examinations. Every considera tion has been made for weak and doubt- ful pupils, No pupils has been held back where his or her work waranted promotion. The number of failures are relatively very stall but the Principal and teachers feel that some of these might have been prevented had the parents shown.an interest and desire in the work in conjunction with the teach- er, An occesienal consultation where your child is found in the monthly re ports Ut he Making pour progress might result in au awakening of interest on the part of the parent and pupil that would be beneficial to the lattter's pro- gress. The Princi 1 will}t-� A be glad. to gpfi haveo y u consult him at the optniug of the next term. Sincerely, B. S SCOTT, Principal. From Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. ' HONORS Roy Stewart • Lawson Wright Laura Ament Bobs Campbell PASSED Ella Rands 'Viola McCracken Harold Currie Vernon Sinclair Alex, Thomson A McLauehlin Tom McLaughlin DORA SMITI•I, Teacher. Sr. II to Jr. III. HONORS M Barwell M MoLauchlin PASSED O Hemingway ETomlinson A. Drage J Thomson W Burgess W Roe M Cameron G Baeker R Currie . 1, Jamieson W Harkness Jr. II to Sr. II. PASS D Holmes G Jarvis H Mabeson W Snider 11 Burgess DCut rie G Popo W Jamas I Emig)] A Stewart L Francis; L Conley M Wilton J Harkness G, 8.055, Teacher, Froin 5th to Jr. 2nd, HONORS Lena Barkley Lily Drage Douglas Walker PASS Merner Wood' Grace Kernaghan From 41b to silt, • HONORS FlprenceStewart Florence McArter PASS M McCracken From 3rd to 4111, HONOa9 Phelntn Burgess 13 Hemingway Frank Oliver kivit Oliver Kathleen McLaren Tilleton Moore Marion MIcLatteblin 13ernard Cameron PASS • jaily Platt Harry Drage Berhice-Thuell . Archie Ballantyne From and to 3r41. •'pas • Clayton Lott Marjorie Pope pe Loren) IStto sad Joan Walker Elsie Jaren; Lenore Gerrie Barwell 'Phu 11 • e Genevieve James Archie1 , sm eon Willie c r W Jie M D<wei I t3onelda 1 hem a pe n Greta Rckmier FLORENCE BUCHANAN, 'feather. OF CANADA 1 pti OFFICL' TORONTO BRUSSELS J. F. Rowland, ESTABLISHED taro 'T'HE business man who has .L customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. BRANCH, D ITP1' Manager. Bluevale Miss Margaret Diment, of Toronto, is visiting her uncle, Harty Diluent. Miss Alice Jewitt, of Brussels, spent Sunday at the home of Samway S. Paul. A Garden Party under the auspices of the Methodist church will be held on the church lawn Wednesday even- ing. ooD TIME:-- Children's Day was observed in the Methodist chord': here last Sunday afternoon when an excellent Missionary proggrats was rendered in a very creditable manner by the three schools of the circuit. The address given by. Arthur Shitty, Superintendent of the Jobiieton's school on "The effects of sin on the life" was listened to with much in- terest and profit. Brief addresses were given by Wm. Hall and Wm. Smelt, Superintendents of Bluevale and ' Brotwitowu schools. The pro- gram was in charge of the pastor, Rev. J. E. Cook. A liberal offering was received by the schools for Mis- sions. WEDDIN4,-A pretty wedding took place at Woocislee Farm, the house of Jno. and Mrs. McNaughton; on Satur- day,. when Mise Nettie, their eldest daughter, became the bride of Malcolm S. Aikenhead, London, The bride wore a beautiful gown of cream marquisette, the tulle veil being ar- ranged with orange blossoms and -she carried a shower botyiiet of bridal roses and ferns. At high noon the bride entered the parlor to the strains of the wedding music played by the bride's cousin Miss French, of Toronto. The eereinnny_was conducted by the bride's pastor, Rev. W. J, West, of Knox church. After a dainty wed- ding luncheon the bridal couple motored to Beticefield and later will take up their residence in London. TURNBERRY COUNCIL: Meeting of Council was held in Clerk's office, Bluevale, Monday June 24th. Mem- bers present. Minutes of last and special meeting read and adopted on motion of Wheeler - Rutherford, Moved by McBurney -Wheeler that By-law No. 15, 1012 he read and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Wheeler -Rutherford that we grant $20.00 to assist in building cement Wsllte in Belmore. Carried. Moved by Ruther- ford -Moffatt ,that we' pay Sc. per yard for gravel this season, Carried. Moved by )McBurney -Rutherford that we grant James McTavish tile to lay a dram for 50 rods on 5th Con., Side Road. Carried. Following accounts were passed and cheques issued Canada ingot Iron Company iron tile, 884.80 ; H. liierkley grave), $2.56 ; 8. Marshall drawing tile from Wroxeter, $2,00 Wm. Elliott, tile, $10.90 ; Jae. Porter, drain across road, Con. 10, i1, $5.00 Geo. Cruickshank, $7.50;Wm S. Ring, election fees June 8th, $10,00 ;John W. King, election fees June Sill, $10.00 ; Alex. McPherson, election fees June 8111, $10,00 ; David Wallace, election feea•Jnue 8211, $10.00 • John Burgess, drawing by-law. and Returning uffl- car'e, $10.00 ; A. Oleghoen, livery de- livering ballot boxes, $2.50 ; Stephen Ring, refund statute labor, $4.00 ;' John Abram, grant side walks, Bel - more, $20.00 ; Robt. Anderson, gravel and damages, $5.40 ; John Smith, balance Inspector Jobb's bridge. $7.50 ; McKinnon Bros., balance approach Jobb's bridge, $08.45 ; McKinnon Bros., filling at Zetland side) road, $9.50. Meeting adjourned to meet in Clerk's office Monday, July 29th, at 10 o'clock a. tn. COURT OF REVISION Adjourned meeting of Court of Re- vision was opened at 2.45 p. m. Mem- bers of Court all present. Following changes were made in Roll :-N. H. Telephone Company assessment stands James Elliott, dog assessed, bitch struck off. Moved by Rutherford Wheeler that Court of Revision be now closed and that Assessment Roll as amended be the roll for the current year. JOHN BURGESS Clerk. Knsw up the quality of road mak- ing is our advice to every Pathmaster. Scarce Goods Our stock is well assorted with the best values in —All lines of Short and Long Silk Gloves in Black, White and Cream. —Kid Gloves in Black and Tans. —White Suiting Linen. —Pique,' Rept), " Indian Head. —Duck, Drill, Mull,, Muslin. •—Lawns Vestings. ti —Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Black and Colored Hosiery. Wg also have an excellent range of • Dress Goods •Silks, Overlaces and Trimmings of all kinds Our general stock throughout the store is well assorted and the values are the best to be had in the trade,. Give us a Gall forour Requirements i q A. St rach A 0 ne'%.,'s fix'Ma 1rel,z-esTdAcei encs"" o r! Just • •7 • • Little off 0 • • Not nick by any menus I No, but 0 • somehow you do not have nn appetite 0 • for ,y our steals, Don't feel just tike O • work either, ,D Perhaps your digestion isn't 0 o right• acme alight flatulence: t Stomach a- little sour 1 • • D of NWhnyal's ty'euDigestivewnntianTlliOnlgdO0tlnrbottle G , • The greatest complaint we hear is 0 • the dilleulty of getting enough to eat •• • after' taking it. • Nyel'eDigestive Tonle is of no nee 0 • to n chronic dyseppptiC but if you are • • iustnlittlo off" ani{ feelingg n litho tp bias start tont once on Nyal'n Diges• • Nye Tome. 0 0 • • This ie n great bracer. • 0e • • • • Jas.• • p • Druggist and Stationer a 0 • Quality is better than gnanl•ity Whcir permauancy is desired. Toss POST gives the news and 40 cents pays for it to January 1st, 1918, Did you hear that ? BORN BAItWELL,-In Brussels, on Junle 12th, to Mr. and airs, Arthur Barwell, a daughter. HAMM,-Iu Blyth, on June 18th, to Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Hamm. MARRIED AIIKSNIIEAD-11j0NAUOnmoS.A0 the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John McNaughton, of Turn/terry, on June 22nd, by Ser. Mr. Wept, of Bluevalo, Miss ' Nettie McNaughton to Mr. Irl, 8, Aiken• head of London. H OocaANs-4rnuY,- On June 22nd, 1012,, at bride's father's, Waterloo township, by Rev. Wm. Washer, Air Allen H. Cochrane, of Waterloo, Ont., to mien Elmn, young; at dsughter of 521. Noah Shiry, of Waterloo tnshi DIED 0o01,ea.—In Winglurm, 00 June 220d, Eva May Cooper, aged 18 years and 10 days. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter leggy Potatoes Ha Wool... i1 5000 § 50 75 70 18 20 70 80 19 00 1 7 85 7 85 12 15 The People's Column " FEACHER WANTED for U. S. S. No. 10, • Howick and Wallace townships, duties to commence after Summer holidays. Apply, stating salary and gaaltflontiona, to 52.1 JAS. W. EDGAR. Gerrie, Ont. H OUSE F OR A L .— th comfortable frame dwelling house with splendid and good garden. Will be sold et a bargain on cash terms. For further particulars apply to MISS JENNIE BLAIR, Oranbrook. 48•tf TEACHER WANTED for 8. S. No. 9, Grey monoeafterivacaattionu Salary will at lent $500 Applications received by the undersign- ed, up to July 8th. Only qualified teacher, male preferred, Give experience and testi- menials. B. PAYN, Sec -.Tread. Phone 4414. Jamestown, Oat. EAOHElt WANTED for S. S, No. 1,Morris Township, Huron Oo., duties teked trend after vacation. Applicata are asked A statesalary,r ceived tooJ and experience. Applicntioua received July 10th, Emmy it'EAII, Box 827, Seo. 'Trees., Blyth P. 0, • `TEACHER WANTED for S.0. No. 0, Grey • township, duties to commence after Sum- mer vacation. Apply, stating salary and qual- ifications, to , W M. BALL, 40-tf Sec. -Tress., Ethel. TEACHER WANTED, male or female, for 0, S. No, 10Township of Grey, Enron County, duties to commence Sept. 2ad, 1812„1 Apply, stating eatery and qualifications and experienceif any, to ISAAC LAKE, Ethel P. 0. WARM FOR SALE. Being South balvenof 11- Lots 54 and 55, Con. 1, Morrie township, Huron 00., containing 100 acres. On the fat nt is o good inane ]louse 82x003¢ feet ; Titch, n 18x22'r4. • wood shed 20280 • bank barn L8x0i - - straw shed OOx90 ,• lean-to SOx80. Stone w,11 with good stabling under barn. 2 never fa • • ing Wella and n good orchard, Only 54 mile td school and 1 mile to church and post office. Price 01,000, Deed may be seen on application to the proprietor, WALTER L,. BREQI(EN.• RIDGE, Jamestown P. 0. 51.Ont INE 164 ACRE FARM 31015 SALE, -The undsrnlgned offers for anis his fine tel of 104 notes, being Lot' 27 and part of 'Lot 28, Oon. 18, and part of Lot 28, Oon, 14, MoKiltop township, Enron Co. All in good state of ani- tivation, excepting 8 notes 01 hardwood built. Two oornfortubla, frame_housesone bank barn 62x88 feet, with Stone stebiin;g ; a s2rtlW barn BOx48 feet ; hog pi' nand ken house 10x42, and another barn on Oo11,14, 80xR40. 8 good wells, 2M ares of orchard good femme, levet,. ly 'woven wire. Farm in 38:under green and ill prime shape for grazing on' (tropping. Posses, slob given at •nny time to suit puroltnaer. Terms offered are liberal and price right. Property is lgmilea from poetoiltea and aeboot and i% miles to Walton village on 0. P. R., where are nli omtvenianees. For further par. Maulers apply on the property to 1..7, PO2, LARD, Proprietor, Walton Pro. 51.11 Notice to Creditors In the mutter of the estate of Abram Cook, late of the Village of Brus.. . sets, iii the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Stttule, that all creditors and othera haying claims agninet the estate of the amid Abram Cook, • who died. on or about the nlneteentil,day of June,' A, 15, 1012, pro required on or bofoh0 , the 18th 427 of July, 1812, to wand by post prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned Exeou• tore of the last Will and testament of Itis saki demented, at Bruesels P. 0,, their Christian and Sureanoe, addressee .std deacr{ptlees;, end a atatanant of their acooanta hgainet the sold estate and elect the .entureof theeeourity 112 arty) held by them. • •' • • And further take notice that after each last ' Mentioned dote the Executors win procee6 to distribute fate needs of theecqas0 d d rhon et the parties entitled tt U i e titled t r 17tt O Ato A regard velg to the e, and at width. aid. Aeon. then have got nonce and that the daissets or tore Will not be )able for 2110 said assets or pry pert thereof to an o y person or persona yWh0ne lnima noticea11 nothaveboon reoe• 55 bthem se the time of each distribution. dtrib t t n. Dated adsSind t 1It lay b1 rune, 1012, ' syr, LA 801101281 ar JnmsoSINCG rouIRse and henry Jpmo5, 5110 Executors of the deeeaaed,