HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-6-27, Page 51 II A\ BUSINESS CARDS, XXT H, MoORAOKEN— YY Telmer of Marriage Lleensee, Of. floc at Grocery, Tarnberry Street, Brneeels, K. O. T. M. Brussels ITent o1 the Meow/bees, No, 04 hold their regular meetings in the Liedg8 Room, Seeker Block, on the let and 8rd Tuesday evoniug8 of eneh mouth Visitors always woleome, A, trousers, vee. 0. Aloe CURE, It. 15. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER Ole MARRIAGE LICENSES ince in the Post Office, L'titel. 80.4 Arc JOHN SUTHERLAN 1NB083.800, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS, 1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - .1 • Nun, will 8811 for better priaes, to better men, in lose time and lees charges than any other Auctioneer In hla0t Boron or ha won't anal'g0 anything. Oates and orders San always be arranged at this otneo or by _ Oemnatel application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. UT M. SINCLAIR- 1 • Burrleter, Solicitor, Cony eyaneer, Notary 1'oblio, ko, Office—Stewart's Block 1 door Nor Lb al 0eutral Hotel. Bohol for for the Metropolitan Beak. YR0UDF00T, HAYS & KILLORAN RARI±IB'1'ER8 SOLICITORS, -NOTARIES 1SUBLIO, ETU. W. PAOUD800T, K. O. R 0, HATO d, L, KILLOIAN OBiees-7boolo0m0rlh 000aiedbMeaers onnhuou, ()sweat*. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL. TO LIVERPOOL T. T. S. 8, "Victorian" and "Virginian" T. S. S. "Tunisian" and "Corsican" Settings every Friday MONTREAL TO GLASGOW T. S. S. "Grampian" and "Heeperiau" T. S. S. "Scandinavian" and "Pretorinn" Sailings every Saturday T.J HAVRE sC LONDON Service of moderate priced ono aloes cabin (1 1} steamers. Sailings every- Sunday semi information as to rates, em., 0n 83)411 %- tion to W. H. KERR. '.A gent Allan Line, Brussels. r�.Ousrb. .D7a1'.A ,Ov.I1. v`Y, fall Termo from Sept. 3rd Arrange now to orator the 1. ELLIOTT fir TORONTO, ONT. •6 The school that has n great reputation for Slykeg suporiur bueinese and short- hand training. Graduates get and hold v, good positions beonuse they are Y n'ethor- ou hl tired. Write 0,r catalogue. g P tr Open all ycur. Eater tiny time. Oor. Young and i. W. J. ELLIOTT, �j' Alexander lits. i Prinelpal. -r L41;� sta'OAta�PAelO�ct>r tiaVAta'4,ca`V� A:a CENTRAL , STRATFORD. ONT. ONTARIO'S .BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE` Our .graduates are up•ta-date and I pv8011081, We hove n large staff of ex• perioneed instructors end our gradn• Mee get the high grade position. We C do more for our graduates than does. any similar school. We have three de- pallet ants — Commercial, Shorthn±d and Telegraphy. You owe It to your. 'C self to know what we are doing. Got lj yR' our froe ontnlogus nt on00, j� D. A, MCLACHLAN, Principal Sy \ A= Ills',AvG9a4:3•dv50 WAS YAWAVE r.,Y) v.55:01.15 Rr Mo. M n PiRTeR..A U -BER -0 it row 'NI ROOFING is strongly fire -resisting — rated first-olass by Fire Insurance Com- panies. It Will not ignite from sparks or burning brands, and has saved many a building. Made In 3 Permanent Colors. -•-Red, Brown, Green —and in natural Slate. -Sole Canadian Mfrs. 78 3`� S TRESTANDARDPAINTCO. Ali'tAas0JkWP/t0 ofCanada.Llmlled,Moalreat. P. Ament Brussels. The woman of today who has good health, good temper, good sense, bright eyes and a lovely complexion the result of cor'r'ect living and (rood digestion, wins the ltdeniratiott of the world, 1f your digestion is faulty Charnberiain's Stomach and Rivet Tablets will cerr'ece it, 8'ot• sale by .tt11 dealers, .,.........a...... ....... .....A.. 1 W. H. LOVE Funeral !Director and Embalmer Orders promptly and otos- fully at elided to night or day. Phone 228. ETHEL, ONT. • o-r"y' o''-v•'®„'sr`lry"T'wi "®''F it Business Cards DR. T. T. M' RAE Baeholur or Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy- sielans and Surgeons, Ont, ' Post.t,',radue98 Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Idospltal, Ohmage, Ill. Ex -House Surgeon to St. Mich. eel's Hospital, Toronto, Office over F, ft. Smith's Drug Store. Tele- phone connection with Uranbrook at 011 hours. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL., ONT. Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London (ung.), New York and Chicago Hos. phots. Special att81tiou todisense of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes busted for giaeses. DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Gradunte Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office in Smith Stock recently vacated by Dr. Feild. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, Mo0ormiclt l'ledioal College, Ohioago, Ill., Is prepared to test eyes and Bt glasses et her office over. Grewar'e Restaurant, Brussels, Wednesday, Thursday,Friday and Saturday every second week. Office hours 10 to 12 a, In. and 1 to Op. in, In Toronto, at 710 Spedine ave.. remainder of time. Phone 1210 BRUSSELS Gotha Booms GoiNo NOATn Mail Sxpreoo 11:21a m Mail 7 :07 a m I Express 10:55 a 01 0041000m 2:55 p m Express 1:59 p8:52 p m Camitei:i Pa awe WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Express 7:41 a m I Express 11:87 a In Express 2:57 p m Express .•.,..... 7:55 p In WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a, m. and 9:55 p. tn. Going West - 12:40 and 0:47 p.111. All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. goat 1.ews )"tents 50 cents gets TRE Pos'r to Taouary 1st ier3, NexeMonday will be July tst and a public holiday. titl ay. Business places will be closed. BRussals Foot Ball team will play the return match at Sedorth Friday even- ing of this week. We hope to see our boys win one e more. A good -job l was done in R getting the ang grass or hay, cut on the sides of the streets. It looks more business like to say nothing about the tidyness. It is worse than useless to take any medicines internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. All that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealer's. T1s Hackett's appointment on the Ashfield e d circuit,intendgiving lulu an enter - talon -lent on te evening of July sot. Rev, Dr. Oaten of Brussels will be pres- ent to -give Au address on"Pioneer lite or experiences p s in the West." AcOIDEN'r.—Thos. Friendship let his hand get too close to a buzz planer in the Bruce Agricultural Works, Teeswater, and part of the thumb of his left hand was eat off. This is the second ac- cident Mr. Friendship had within a year, There is one medicine that every family should he provided with and especially during the Suuauer months ; viz, Chamberlain's Optic, Oholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Ib M almost certain to be needed. It costs but la quartet'. Can you afford to be with- out it. For sale by all dealers. HURON FRUIT ExFIIni'r.— Those ap- pointed by the County Couucil as a committee to arrange the County's ex. hibit at the Oularlo Fruit Growers at Toronto next Rail were :— F. Metcalf, Blyth ; R. R. Sloan, Holmesville ; Thos. Curry, Brussels ; D. F. Hamlick, Gode- rictr ; and J. A. Mallough, Ashfield. They are strong on fruit, and with Mr, Metcalf as cbairmau they should do gond work. The County Council grant- ed Eno for the exhibit. RArrnev—MArre.ANp,—'rhe home of G. N, and Mrs. Maitlaud 15 Norman st Stratford was the scene of a pretty wed- ding at 9.3o o'clock Tuesday of last week when their daughter Miss Nellie L, Mait- la'hd was united in marriage with Rev. Win. Raitihby, of Dunnville, formerly pastor of St. Marys Baptist church, Rev, Dr, L. S. Hughson, of the Baptist church officiated, Mrs. 1. M. Solley play- ing the Mendeissolin wedding march. 'Che bride, who was given away by her father wore a gown of white embroidered batiste and carried a bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley, The aisle to the marriage bower was prettily enclosed In white satin ribbons and the couple Were married under large bell of or1i ge tilos. sem, Bride was attended by Pfiss Gray her niece whose gown was of white em- broidered mull. tier flowers were pink 891(1 white carnations sod she also wore the groom's gift,a beautiful brooch of pearls. Rev. James Strachan, of Galt, who acted in the capacity of best man, received a pair of gold ouff-links. Atter deleuner which twee held on .verandah at which the entire family were present from far and near the happy couple 1 left ou their hotieymoou for Toronto and from thence to Auburn where they will spend some days, A number of beauti- ful presents were received by the bride. A linen shower from the Young People of the Baptist Church, a ease of silver froth the Sunday School, a brats jarcli- there and fere front her 50001 class at Avon school and a silver fern pot fro Geo, and Mrs. Maitland of ibrm her Sunday school class were but a feprw of the westerns. Among tee guests were: OTMOTHER O� Tweet° • Geo. and Mrs, Rttilliby 1 lobo and Mrs. Ralibby and Miss Mary ta' lhY all of Auburn ; Mrs. Gray and three dough- ters Peers, lrloreuce and Lillian end R, Gray of St, Marys ; and Mrs, T. M. Sel. ley and son, Willie, of St. Marys. The uniform success that has at tended the nae of Oliamberiain's Colic Oho10t'ta arid DiarrhoeaRemedy ha made it a favorite everywhere. T 01211 always be .depended upon, Fo sale by all deniers. LARGE FAMILY . Tells How She Keeps Her I-Iealth --Happiness For Those Who Take Her Advice. FUNNY, 1dN'r rr7— Whenever rho country newspaper's find foreigners in- vading the field of the hone merchants with goods and merchandise or selling them to farmers, they are asked to a• rise and whack the intruders and ad- vise the farmers to buy their goods of the home merchants. And when foreign printing houses send their rep- resentatives among the merchants and business men. many of these same merchantsgive them orders and get in- ferior work for their money. That's reciprocity. Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and ex- pectoration 0047 by giving Chamber- rain's Cough Remedy. It has been used in 1nany epidemics of this disease with perfect success. Por sale by all dealers. NEW INsrxcTORA'rlt PROPosl:n,— The formation of a new school inspectorate, including a portion of the county of Huron with a portion of the county of Bruce, is proposed by the Department of Education. The matter was pre- sented to the Huron county Council at its recent sitting by Mr. Cowley, rep- resenting the Department of Education. The proposal is that the townships of Howiok, Turuberry, East Wawanosh and Morris, and the town of Winglham and the village of Wroxeter all in the county of Huron, be included with a number of municipalities in the southern part of the count of Bruce t form orin the I Y new inspectorate. 'rhe matter had al- ready been laid before the Bruce county council, wliicb declined to do anything in the matter as e present arrange- ment e- meat of inspectorates was considered ered quite satisfactory. 'rhe Huron council discussed the proposition at some length and postponed further consideration to the December session, It is claimed that the time available for school inspec- tion has been considerably curtailed by the extension of the midsummer holiday terns in the rural sections and by the holding of the Entence examination earlier than before, to some extent breaking up the work of the schools. This means that the inspectors cannot cover the same ground as formerly during the school term, The councils of both counties, however, are averse to incurring the additional expense involved in providing a salary for an additional inspector. If the Depart- ment of Education insists on the chauge, the councils will have 120 pay the salary. Y• MOORS— SPEIRAN,•— An interesting event in Cupid's Court was celebrated at the home of J. E. and Mrs. Speirao, Cambria road c er] Go 1 ch, formerly of Brussels,lon Wednesday of last week, when Miss Edna May, their eldest daighter, joined hand and heart with Mahlon Cornelius Moore, also of Gode- rich. The nuptial knot was tied at 12 o'clock noon iu the parlor, AS which w • tasteful! ' Ydecorated with orange blos- soms and ferns, Rev. A. Brown, pas- tor of North street Methodist church, officiating, and the event being wit- nessed by about 25 of the immediate friends of the contracting parties. The wedding march was played by G: H. King, organist of North street Methodist church, and atter the cere- mony Mrs. King sang the solo "Be- cause," The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Effie May Mayers, of Cadillac, Mich., and Percy C. S eiran, the bride's brother, was groomsman. Little Marguerite Moore, niece of the groom, was ring -bearer. The bride wore a dainty gown of white embroider- ed marquisette with bridal veil and car. tied a handsome boquet of bridal roses. The bridesmaid was dressed in pink silk and carried pink carnations. 'rhe groom's gift to the bride was a set of diamond earrings and the e g h bridesmaid received a barpm set with brilliants. The ringbearer received a pretty ring and the best mad" was presented with a pair of cuff links, Mr. and Mrs. King received a cut glass cream and sugar set. Those present from a distance were J, and Mrs, Rogerson, of Bradford, Penn, ; Mrs. Frank Mayers accompanied by her son and daughter, of Cadillac, Mieb.. and John and Mrs. fetch, of Brussel, Amid the boom- ing of torpe10er, acepmpanied by showers of rise and confetti, Mr. and Nirs. Moore left o1 the 2,15 C, P. R. train for a honeymoon trip to 'Toronto, Niagara Falls and Detroit. On their returu they will reside in Godericb. The young couple have the best wishes of their friends for a long, happy and prosperous voyage together over the sea of life. POW Will Eseape The torturing achesof1' Ictus. Be prepal'ed, tileonly painless cure 1s Putnain's Coen Extractor. Fifty years in use and absolutely guitran- teed. winghanr Mrs, John Rich, of London, and formerly of \1Viughltm, is the guest of Dr. W. Tarnlyu and wife. A Beard. aged 18, employed at the work of the new artesian' well had his rum broken, Mum as he was leaning against the shaft, the chill started un- expectedly. The digit caught his el- bow smashing it so Madly that many stitches were t'equi'ed •]n addition to splints and bandages. The A. Y. P. A. of the English churcih here held n most, suree.sefnl social on 1.110 lawn of Dr. '4 V. Tainlyn. The lawn was dreehented with electric fights arid hunting and presented a host at-tweeive appearance. The proceeds were large and the ladies ab the booths diel a splendid business. Miss Emily Mann, who represented Rebecca ae the well was kelt busy disposing of ine elpatn, coffee and l T , sa ld vici'us. 110 ]'i t 1 Citizens' zona Band was present and gave an excellent Alto. gram.. Those tekinrset were Rev. C. 1•i. Oroly, chairman. A, Ii. Mos - grove, Miss Malin, Percy Jenkins, Miss Bea Patterson, d. Taylor, a male ScoLtville, Mich, —"I want to tell you how much good Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etabloCompound and Sanative Wash have done me. I live on a farmandhaveworked very hard. I am Y 1r forty-five ears old, Y and am the mother of thirteen children. Many people think it strange that I am not broken down with hard work and the care of my fami- ly, but I tell them of my good friend, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and that there will be no back- ache and bearing down pains for them if they will take it as I have. I am scarcely ever without it in the house. "I will say also that I think there is no better medicine to he found for young girls. Niy eldest daughter has taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound for painful periods and irregular- ity, and it has helped her. "I am always ready and willing to speak a good word for Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. I tell every one I meeth tatIo we my health and happiness to your wonderful medicine." -'—Mrs. J. G. JmsNsoN, Scottville, Mich., R F D. 3. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, made from native roots and herbs contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy for woman's ills known. chorus composed of Res. C. H. Oroly, Mr. Willis, Me. Jones, Mf. Jenkins, Win. Bayles, H. Murch and J. Taylor. The proceeds of the evening totalled 397.49, which will go the aid of the church. Atwood W. A. Huston has sold his traction engine and threshing entRt to John. McNair, of Grey township. E11na Cheese and Butter Mfg. Oo. Limited, shipped 454 cheese on Wed- nesday morning n of last week, being their make for the first half of June, to Lovell 3s Christmas, Montreal. Atomic t realized'430 .03. S l DICICSON—R'1CKENDRICK.— At half ass two o'clock p \ . oek Weclnescltl.y atter- noon of last week, Chalmers Presby- terian church, corner of Dovercourt road and Dundas street, Toronto, was the scene of a pretty wedding, when Miss Mary Victntia(Minnie)Nc Mc- Kendrick, youngest daughter of P. and Mrs. McKendrick, became the wife of the Rev. Hislop Dickson, M. A., son of Thos. and Mrs. Dickson, of Atwood, Ont. The church was decorated . with palms and white flowers, and the ceremony was per. formed by the Rev. H. A. IticPherson, Fred. Race playing the wedding TAKE A WITH YOU r EVERYTHING FOR KODAKERY AT OUR -STORE J. R. WNDT JEWELLER mid ENGRAVER Wroxeter marches. Albert David sang "3,30. cause', d tiring the signing of the register,. l'he bride, who was given a• We v by IOW father, wore a gowu of while satin trimmed 9711212 crystal and pearle. s H • i e1 tulle 7021 teas crowned with orange bloesams and she carried s, shower of 005e3 incl lily of the val. ley. The gr0onh'e gift to her was a piano, Alm Edna Sleet was brides uloid arid wore pink satin with over- die'ss of crystal, slippers to match and a white Milan hat with white osprey, She carried a shower of pink roses and wore the gloom's gift, it gold bracelet, Mies Rita IllcKee was flower girl and wore a frock of Fame; vale ncic:nues lace over pink silk, white shoes end etol'Ieillge, and tt flowered bonnet. She chivied a bas- ket of white daisies and wore the gr0olu's gift, a gold bracelet. Percy MCKenduek, the bride's Moths' was hest 111a11 and elle ushers Were Ilex, 0. S. eloli Losb, M. A., and F. W. Nlo- Kenclricic. After the ceremony a reception Was held at the family resi- dence in Ossiugton avenue, the bride's mother wearing a gown or black silk voile over mauve silk, with Persian trimming, a black hat with plumes and carrying violets. The groom's mother wore black silk and hat also of black.- After the reception the bride and groom left for a trip to Lhe States and on their return will make several visits to different points in Ontario before going to their home in Rainy River. The bride travelled Inst suit of grey whipcord with collar and cuffs of bebe Irish lace, a blue hat with trimming of grey and ostrich mount. She was Wild With Pain, Froin Willow Creek, Ont., Miss E. Diegel writes : "A fete years ago I was drenched with rain and got lumbago ; it was like a steel rod piercing my back. I also had earache and racked with pain. I applied batting, soaked with Nerviline to my ear and rubbed on Nerviline for the lurnbago. That rubbing relieved and in a few hours I was well. No other liniment could do this." It's the penetrating power of Nerviline that Makes it superior to all other linih menta.lin o g N t beats it 25c. at all dealers Blyth Alex. and Mrs. Elder were visiting at Hanover with their daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) W. McLean. A. W. Robinson was the delegate from the local lodge I. 0. 0. P. to the district meeting at Olintou. • R. Slater was representative of the local Oourt to the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters held. at Hamilton, Miss Thompson, of the public school staff, will not resume her duties here after the holidays. The rest of the teachers have decided to telrhain. Mrs. Morris, of Toronto, who has been visiting her parents, W. and Mrs. rs. Newc nlbe lett Monday la for Newcombe, o n ou Y Edmonton, Alta., whereshe si a will re- side. There died at the family i1 a n y residence, Blyth, after au' illness extending over some months, Roy Alexander, the little son of Alex. anti Mts. Hamm, aged 9 yeats and 9 months. The little fellow had been a great sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism which was the cause of his demise. The following is tt list of those en- gaged int a standing field crop com- petition for prizes offered by the lyth Agricultural Society :—J. B. Tierney, Wm. Grey, Wes. Beacom, A. W. Sloan, Thos. Sloan, R. G. Mc- Gowan, R. B. McGowan, Win, McGow- an, T. H. Robinson, Jas. Snell and David Laidlaw, OLosE CALL.— What might have been a very serious accident happened at the G. 1'. R. station. S. A. Sander- son was unloading pressed bay into a car Wihen the noon express came ]I1 and as it started the team got fright- ened and polled in front of the en- gine. The horses got across the track but the wagon was struck by the eu- ggine,scattering Lhe hay on both sides. Mr. Sanderson was in the wagon at Lhe time and it was expected that he would be seriously injured, but he ettcawled from under the hay Clone the worse, only terrified. The fact that the train had nobu h of speed alone g } c saved him. Mr. Grieve, of Seatoeth, who was there, tried to stop the team, when one of the horses locked him, but he also escaped serious injury. I. 0. 0. F.—The annual meeting of Hut on District I. O. 0. F. was held in Clinton in 1110 Oddfellows Hall with District Deputy Murray, of Exeter, in the chair. Delegates were present from Henson, Olin o , Seafc• Lx, Luc- at1, Exeter and Blyth. The reports were given from the different lodges, all showing an increase in both mem- bership and Bernice. D. D. G. M. Mur- ray gave a splendid address on the success of hie year of office, and was glad that the district 9vaa so' progress. we. G. E. eicTaggltlt, of Blyth, vas elected D. D. G. M. for the coming teem. -A resolution of sympathy was passed ordering that a letter of con• dol) el 11o11 to should d b0 scut to the widow and sots of the late Haley Reid fleet Godericlh IlisLricb deputy, of Huron Lodge. The matter of holding a lodge of iusteuoLion for this district and the nextplace of holding the district meet- ing was left in the hands of the new district deputy, P.RnsRNTATIows.—'The Atnilerstbueg Echo of last week speaks 0.5 follows concerning Rev, and Nies. Clysdale, well known in Blyth:—On Saturday evening the neighbors and friends of, Rev. MI, and Mrs. Olydeslhtie sur- prised them by meeting at the pat- 50114.rtl hila Lateran to(1deeSs had been ready Alf. Sellars testifying to the lova and respeo1 in which they are held, there was presented by Finest Sellars on behalf of the company to Mr, Olysdale b, gentlemen's travelling bag and to i41is, Olysdale a handsome gold jewel case. Mr. Clysdale has proved himself a yonlag man of sterl- ing gnitliLies and has always stood for tate:h] hest type of Christian living, while Mrs. Olysdale by the sweetness of her disposition has won many feielids in Malden and much r'egr'et is felt that they so 00011 were taken a- way to re larger field, They carry with theta the best wishes of the people fill• i11url ltit.ppiness and success in Llt'ir neW 1101110 land work. Tlhe left 0n 'J.nesday and Will spend a week at This hone in Moore before leaving for the West. The young ltd- les of Lite Aduit I3iblo Olass also ea., membered e It n l 11 • 1 s. L;lyedale with 112 pearl handled butter knife as a token of their good will toward teacher and a twilling worker in the Sueclay School, Listowel lodge of CddfelIows I, 0. 0, P. held their aun11111 deoorstion service on Sunday afternoon. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are not -a new and untried remedy our grandfathers used them. Half a century ago, before Confederation, they were on sale in nearly every drug or general store in the Canada of that day, and were the recognized cure in thousands of homes for Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Rheumatism and Kidney and Liver Troubles. To- day they are just as effective, just as reliable as ever, and nothing better has yet been devised to ya Cure Common ills • • O • • 0 O • • • O • • 4 0 • • ••• • • •t 8 r 4 0 0 • 0 m • 0 P • • a N. S. McLauchlin, • • 0....s, ,,a+ .1a 44.64••••a000•••••••0••••••• IL suds decided to.. bold horse races in LlsLowel this Surnither. July 28 and 21 were the (Wee. Exeter 1nernilanta agree to close �, 1 1 a, 1149` oftil al ' a l'• 1�„191 I it ” 1 nts a Thurs. 1 I day afternoons during mouths of July and August. BRUSSELS Granite and Marble Works ALLAN E. HERSEY Proprietor Mnn f e rer u a to HIGH - CLASS - MONUMENTAL - WORK In all kinds of Granite Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to Phone 23 All work Guaranteed 4 ar 404940404400000040040040 4 4 4. • • • • 4 • • • O • • 4 4. O O 4 0 4 • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • If not you may • prevent ct heavy • Do Commercial Fertilizers Pay Well I Probably they do I But an Ounce of Preventative is worth a Pound of Cure, Get twice the use of that Manure Pile and prevent the depletion of your soil by using the famous - Corn King Particulars of this modern necessity 013 every Well Managed Farm, and of the full 111eCorinick Line, for the asking. Have you that Good Brood Mare Insured 1us7 by consulting us in Lillie. • ' O Agent : BRUSSELS 6 New Perfection 't1111111,1111111411411 illre Imo, o 1=�iS65 011111ffillIffilliiiimeseemeepeammil\ l%% Oil Gook Stove Points of Advantage With this Woman's favorite are It uses all- the heat. It cooks evenly. It doesn't smoke. It will bake, boil, toast or roast. It is made with 1, 2 or 3 burners. Get rid of heat and save fuel by investing in a PER- FEOTION. It means a cool kitchen and coal oil is the cheapest cooking fuel you can use. We will be pleased to shote you the stove and explain imumlimilmm. its easy working by a call at our store. Iiti�SiY WILTON GILLES ''iE VARICOSE i4 136br NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "Heavy work, severe straining and evil habits lu youth brought on Varicose Veins, When I worked hard the aching would become severe and I was often laid up fur a week at a tune, try family physician told mo an operation was my only hope—but I dreaded E. I tried several specialists, but soon found out all they wanted was my money. 1 commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogues. One day my boss asked me why I was off work so much and I told bum m condition H my oame to consult Drs. Kennedyw theyedy, w015 square andtaks treatmentl.Ifrom them himself and knew the wore square and skillful. . I wrote them 4 o tl e n and got THE NEW 1tIDTROD TREAmonth's treatment My pI w S s WASSome somewhathat dis001 alge and wsv r the firstn ed area m001'I woe somewhat discouraged. rewarder, Icon complete rete cure. for three methsarn lona and was rewarded with a e trt a men I ow 1 onlylr earn 812 a r in a machine 9 shop beforestreatment, now I atm valuable earning. Sri and never loose a any, 1m/shall suffe'ers knew of your valuable treatment. HENRY°. L0C1ST. HAS YOUR BLOOD SEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent -and most serious diseases. They, sap the very life Wood of the vlctin and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious complications, Beware of Mercury. Itenay suppress the symptoms—our NEW .lIIITHOD cures all blood dieoases. YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MPJN•—Imprudent acts or later oxeeases have broken down your system. You feel the symptoms stealingover von, .dentally, physically and vitally you are not the man you used to he or should be. Willyou heedthedanger signals? EADER Are you a ulcus? havo you lost itope7 Aro you lnttmd155 to ntarryy iias ��1i your blood boon diseaecdP 17070 you. anyrs , wcalmess4. Uur Nn98 Rtsrnon anim.twoNonr will r w o liyou. What ed you, , write,no for for au honest opinion oou, rakCone ion Free. re manor who Ilse treated you wd." iau honest o opl000s00 0 ie Charge. Books Plop—".Boyhood, Naulnood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated) on lllsoase$ Of MOM NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, PRIVATE. No names on Boxes or envelopes. EverrFF��thing. Confidential. Queetiee last and CostofTreatment FREE FOR MIAS TREATMENT. DRs.KENiNEDMKEN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St„ Detroit, Mich. NOTICE letters from Canada must be addressed ha IG to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-, eummastersisesease ascot ire Windsor, Ont. Ifyoudesire to see us personally call at our Medical institute in Detroit as eve seemed treat ran patleatl in our 'Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian businoss only. Address all letters as fallowel DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. Windsor, Ont. iliWrite for ear trivets address. JIB •- `'