HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-6-27, Page 4(Tire itiraustio zst
'J,'l' YR.. LAY, JUNE 27, xgr2
STICK to Huron Co. and win.
CANALA expects that every man this
day will do his duty,"
NORTH Perth Liberal Association will
hold its annual meeting at Milverton on
Thersdey afternoon of next week, July
4111, at 1.30 o'clock.
SASKATCHEWAN Provincial Elections
are slated fur July xuh. Premier Scott
counts on reelection. 'Phat's faith but
"faith without works is dead" so it is
likely a vigorous effort will be made to
swell the majority.
To give an idea that the iptetest in
the autotnobile is not waning it may be
stated. that Aylmer, Ontario, a very
ordinary town, has 43 autos, which
number will no doubt be increased.
Factories are finding it difficult to keep
pace with the orders pouring in.
A BOOST of $3.00 to $5.0o per day was
given to the salaries of the members of
Norfolk Co. Council by themselves re-
cently. Increased cost of living is given
as the cause. The average Co. Council
could shorten up the sessions very
materially if they set about it. Some.
times as much work is done in one day
when the members desire to get away as
in 2 or 3 days when they don't care.
How many parents in Brussels, Grey
and Morris, to go no further away from
home, visited the public school their
children attend during the past 6
months ? Dont all stand up at once in
case we could not count you. Surely
a wider interest should be manifested in
so important a matter as the education
of your son or daughter.
THE people of the United States who
got to the Chicago Presidential nomina-
tion need not be particular whether
they see the Johnston—Flynn prize
fight or not as they bad a fairly good
representation of what it would be like
only on a more free and easy plan at the
Convention. While Mr. Taft received
first place Mr. Roosevelt is a much dis-
satisfied second.
EDITOR BEGIN, of "La Croix," was
salted to the tune of $3,000 and costs for
slandering Mrs. 1. L. Morin, wife of
Prof. Morin. of McGill University,
Montreal, who is a daughter of the late
Rey. Dr. Chas. Chiniquy, who was
married in Illinois to Euphemia Allard,
in 1864, Mr. Begin stated they were
not married but after the verdict he
will begin to have his doubts about the
marriage question.
A GREAT improvement WRs wrought
during tho past week in mowing the
luxuriant bay and weed crop alongside
a number ofres There ts. Th a are some
vacant lots that produce A x crops of
burdocks and other weeds and these
should be cut and burned when dry.
Not much use in one property owner
working to keep his place tidy unless
these weed seed beds are uprooted.
The town authorities should see that
these eyesores are entirely removed.
Tint POST would like to see Brussels
School Board and teachers inaugurate a
Field Day of sports in connection with
the school in the early Fall. We be-
lieve it would do good and would a-
waken -an added interest to the term,
In all probability the business people
and residents generally would support
the movement so that the prizes offered
would not mean expense to the Board.
There is no doubt the girls and boys
would appreciate the appointment of
such a day and enjoy it to the full,
"TT/Bite's not a land, however grand,
can win my heart from thee," This is
no idle statement but the sober and
well considered sentiment of six million
Canutks as we draw toward another
Dominion Day anniversary. Carefully
reviewing oyr past history, calling to
mind our valuable and almost inex-
haustible resources, many of them yet
undeveloped we know of no more high-
ly favored spot than Canada and con-
sequently feel well satisfied to continue
our stay in the Land of the Maple.
Canada is a land you can cheer for.
WHAT are you doing to keep Brussels
to the front and draw business ? The
methods of xo years ago will not do it as
they are practically obsolete now. It is
not fair to expect that one titan or even
a dotes of them, will carry the share and
yours as well. An awakening all along
the line is what's needed and now is a
good time to get at it. A long pull, a
strong pull and a pull altogether will ac-,
complisb what•sepay`ete individuals can-
not. r)bb't leave it to your neighbor
but step' into the ranks yourself and
yotfr abtiviLy and energy will en-
thuse others. The legitimate trade that
belongsto, Brussels should 001 be allow-
ed to be transacted lo other towns just
because of a. bigger effort on the part of
the busihess people there,
in The Political Realm
The annual meeting of the "North Hu-
ron Liberal Association was held in the
Town Hall Wingham on Tuesdsy after-
noon of last week. Owing to the busy
time with the farmers the attendauce was
not as large as expected but nearly every
section of the riding was represented.
President lsbister occupied the chair.
Many matters of importance to the Lib-
erals of North Huron were discussed.
Officers for ensuing year were elect-
ed as follows;—President, Robt, Shiell,
Fordyce ; 1st Vice, Arch. Anderson. St.
Helens ; end Vice, Sheldon Bricker,
Fordwieh ; 3rd Vice, Abner Cosens,
Wingham ; Treasurer, J A. Morton,
Wingham I Secretary. H. B. Elliott,
Wingham. Municipal Chairmen—Ash-
field, Joe Dalton, Kingsbaidge ; West
Wawanosh, John MoNeb, Dungannon ;
Turnberry, 1'iobt, S. Muir, Gleuaunan ;
East Wawanosh John Shiell, Wingham ;
Morris, W. J, Henderson, Wingham ;
Howick, John Heuaeberg, Fordwich ;
Wingham, Abner Cosens ; Blyth, Geo.
Powell, Wroxeter, John Douglas. The
selection of Chairmen for polling sub -di,
visions was left with the Liberals of the
several divisions.
'rhe following resolution was unani-
mously adopted :—We, the Liberals of
North Huron in convention assembled,
heartily endorse the leadership of N. W.
Rowell, K. C., who during the past ses-
sion of the Legislature has taken so firm
and uncompromising a stand on all ques-
tions affecting the moral and material
welfare of the people of this Province,
and hope the day is not far distant when
he as Premier of Ontario, will have
an opportunity of enacting into law the
many progessive ideas which he and his
lieutenants are so ably advocating.
We desire also to express our contin-
ued confidence iu the leadership of Sir
Wilfred Laurier, who though now in op,
position is universally acknowledged to
be Canada's greatest statesmau and con
fidently look forward to the day in the
near future when his policy will be tri•
umphantly vindicated by public opinion.
The annual meeting of the Liberals of
South Huron was held in Walker's Hall
in Brucefield on Tuesday afternoon of
last week. It was a purely business
meeting and there was a good attend
ante, every municipality in the riding
being represented. The officers and
working committees were appointed and
arrangements made for a thorough re
vision of the Voters' Lists in every
municipality, Henry Smith, of Hay,
was re-elected President ; Df. Sellery,
Hensall, M. Murdie, McKillop and R.
Seldon Exeter, Vice -Presidents ; John
Keteben, Stanley, Fred Hesssr., Zurich,
and Dr. McDiarmid, Hensall, Honorary -
Presidents ; J. G. Stanbury, Exeter,
Secretary ; John Mntdoeh, Stanley,
Treasurer. The following were ap-
pointed Muaieipai chairmen :—John Mc
Dowell, McKillop ; James Watson, Sea.
forth ; Wm.,Btack, Tuckersmith ; Robt.
Gardiner, Usborne ; R. Seldon, Exeter ;
George Mawhinney and T. Collins,
Stephen ; Coarles, Fritz, Zurich ; David
Anderson, Stanley ; L. Scott, Hensall ;
M. Ross, Bayfield and John 'Torrance,
Goderich township ; Edmond Zeller was
appointed to supervise the -work of re
vising the Voters' lists. Resolutions ap•
proving of the policy of the Liberal con.
tingents in the Federal and Provincial
Parliaments were spoken to by Thos.
Fraser, facob Kellerman, J. G. Stan•
bury and Robert Gardiner and were ad-
opted by a standing vote,
The Liberal -Conservatives of East
Huron held their annual meeting in
Brussels on June 14th. Officers were
elected as follows:— President P. W.
Scott, Belgrave ; Ist Vice -Pres., M. H.
Moore. Brussels; and Vice -President,
R. Musgrove, Bluevale ; 3rd Vice -
President, F. Metcalfe, Blyth ; Secre.
tary, C. G. VanStone,, Wingham;'i'reas-
urer, Thos. Stewart. Bluevale. Presi•
dents and Vice•Presidents of municipali-
ties are the following the first mentioned
being President :—Howick— M. Dane,
W. H. Gregg ; Winglham—Dr. Irwin,
George Spotton ; East Wawanosh—J.
J. Kerr, D. Chamney ; Brussels—B.
Gerry, T. Newsome ; Wroxeter—Dr.
Jackson, W. A. Rutherford ; Morris—
R, Procter, N. Taylor ; Blyth—T.
Co de, W. Emigh ; Turnberry— A.
W heeler, W, MMIines ; Grey—J. Pearson,
J. Hunter. After the election of officers
addresses were delivered by James Bow-
man, M. P. for East Huron and A. H.
Musgrove, M. P. P. for North Huron.
Annual meeting of the Canadian
Order of Foresters was held in Hamfl.
ton, Attendance of delegates was very
large, and the meeting was one of the
most successful in the history of the
Many matters of interest to the
membership generally were dealt with
in the various reports and they cover
a great deal of detail all of which in-
dicates marked and steady progress in
the affairs of this national fraternal iu•
surance association. The officers of
this Order have been able from year to
year to indicate conclusively, by their
reports, satisfactory progress in cer-
tain directions, but those of 1912 indi-
cate progress in every department of
the Order's operations. The Canadian
Order of Foresters Confines its business
entirely to the Dominion of Canada
and, if one may judge, by the results
attained, the policy adopted in this re-
gard, at the inception of the Order in
1879, would appear to have been a wise
one from a prudential, as well as a pa-
triotic point of view.
To deal with a few of the points
brought out by the reports of the var-
ious officers, first might be mentioned
the fact that during 1911 9,333 new
members were initiated larger number
than has bees admitted in any previous
year. The net increase in membership
Was 5,022, being 903 in excess of the
previous years's net additions, Total
membership at the end ot 1911 was
In respect to insurance fund 493
death elaftns were paid amounting to
$5oo,56o.68, When it is considered
that in row three more death claims
Were paid, amounting to a slightly
larger gross total than that paid in 1,911
such a favorable showing reflects
creditably on the physical selection
made of business taken, After paying
The Duke of Cannaught
Patron 2na . -Presicbe.r r ,•
g rhe Canacaian Iiighway.Assoeiat[on •
this sum of over half a million for claims
out of the insurance fund the Order was
able to add the very substantial sum of
$330,754 64 to its insurance fund on
hand, being a larger addition to this
fond than that utarle in any previous
year. The total 810 ant standing at the
credit ot this fund on the first of June,
1912, was $3.740.359 07.
In respect to the sick and funeral
benefit branch, this department has
also shown satisfactory progress.
There was a net increase iu member-
ship of 412o, shotvirig a total membership
on December 31, 1911 of 53,448. The
net amount added to the (fends of this
department, after paving 6639 claims,
amounting to $161,455 95, was $3S,460.•
23 The position of this fund on the
first clay of June, 1912, showed a credit
balauce of $;251,769 36. Iuterest earned
by this department on its feuds in 1911
amounted to $9,716 16 It will 'he seeu
from this fact that interest earned is be-
coming an important factor in this de.
partment of the Order's work.
The general fund of the Order is also
in a good position, and on the first day
of June, rg1a, showed a credit balance
on hand of $24,127 28. Funds are in-
vested in the best securities procural le,
being almost entirely in municipal and
school debentures of the Dominion of
Canada. The average rate of interest
realized from the investments in 1911
was 4.62 per cent, a rate which, taking
into consideration the gilt edge nature
of the investments, is a very advantage.
ouS one, and it is interesting to note
that interest earned on the insurance
funds of the Order for the year 1911
amouuted to $149,755 6o, and paid 29 9
per cent, of the death claims ou the
order. This is also the largest return,
in respect to interest, in the Order's
experience, and the largest percentage
of death claims that it was able to pay
from this source of income. The im-
portant bearing this revenue has en the
stability of the Order may be illustrat.
ed by the fact that ten years ago the
amount realized from iuttiest on in•
vestments was $38,283.34, showing an
i vers -ase in triose ten years in revenne
from this source of $111,472 26
A feature of general interest to the
insuring public, indicating as it does
the careful selection of risks is the
death rate of this Order. For the year
1911 it was 5 95 per thousand, and, in
this regard the Order shows for its ex-
perience of neatly 33 years, the very
low average death rate t•f 6 25 per
thousand of the membership
The officers ot last pear vete re-
elected. London was sehcted as the
-.place of meetiug for next vent
The only Huron Co representative in
the officiary is Rev. W. I West, M. A ,
who is High Chaplain having held the
office for several years. -
Mrs. Joseph Smith is serionsly ill at
her home here.
John Balfour had the misfortune to
lose a mare valued at $225 recently.
Bluevale and Junction baseball
teams played a friendly game here.
Score was 19 to 17 in favor or the visi-
tors. Rollie Taylor was umpire.
Mrs. John Galbraith and family of
Loudon are visitors at the homeof the
former•'s mother, Mrs. Robert Hays.
Mrs. Hays has been ill for several
The members of Knox Presby-
teriau Church held their annual gar-
den party Wednesday evening of last
week and the proceeds were more
than $80 at the gate besides what was
hy Wauffl' You Buy
Krauter's Poultry fountain
Because if you do your Poultry will al-
ways get a drink when they want it.
Because your Young Poultry will not
drown in them.
Because they are made of good galvan
ized iron and will not rust and they are so
constructed the frost will not hurt then.
Because it holds water or milk enough to
last 5o or Go hens a day.
Because your poultry
must have a drink as
well as feed to get good
Because it is sanitary
and consequently all
the better for the Poul-
Because over 500 of them are in l.lse and
giving satisfaction.
Because the price is reasonable.
Manufactured and Sold by
Ethel, Ont.
D, McDONALD, Merchant, Jamestown
WM. SIEMON, Cranbrook, and
WM. SCHNOOK, Moncrieff
made at the booth. Wingham Citi -
sons' Band was in attendance.
Last Sunday was observed as Child-
ren's day iu the Methonist Olu rch here
and service was held at 2,80' 1), ul„
]rev, J. E. Conk, pastor, and Will. J,
Hall, superiuCendent of the timidity
school, gave addresses,
Fits Your Case Exactly
Von know how you feel,—blue, sick-
ly and heavy, Each morning yeti
waken in a dull "dopy" condition and
wish it were night again, Your liver
is wrong and needs iixiug with Dr,
Hamilton's Pills ; they do cure liver
ills. At once the system is relieved of
poisons, blood is enriched and pnritled
appetite increases and digestion picks
np. Health and vigor return because
Dr. Hamilton's Pills make the body
proof from weakness or disease. For
your liver, your kidneys, your slou,-
rteli, for the salve of your looks and
feelings,. tt'y Dr, Hamilton's Pills, 25cc.
per box at all dealers.
berry Festival will be held on trite
I Manse lawn, Walton, Thursday even-
Ing one 27. Program will consisto'f
the following excellent talent :,--Heti.
• Cations by Miss Dickson, Seafortli ;
Violin Selections by D. Ewan, Brus-
sels ; Solos by Miss Graydon, Streets-
vil1e ; Miss Jessie MoLauchlin and
Lorne Eckmier, Brussels ; Wtn,
Brown, Fullerton ; and Blaster Albert
Payne, Blyth. Selections by the
Hiawatha Male Quartette and Wal-
ton Choir. Seaforth Brass Band will
supply a musical program. Supper
served from 6 to 8. Everybody wel-
come. Admission 25e. ; children 15.
Rev. R. A. Lundy, chairman.—
Barely Lived Through•it
A terrible experience had Ddw. J.
O'Connor of Sault Ste. Marie. "From
boyhood" he writes, "I have been a
constant sufferer from asthma and ca-
tarrh. My nose aid throat was always
stopped up and I had droppings in the
throat. When attacks came on I
thought I couldn't live through the
night. I would sit np gasp for breath
and endure great distress. Catarrho-
zone made me entirely well," No
stronger proof is requirecl. Asthma is
curable so is catarrh. Use "Catarrh -
ozone" and your recovery is guaran-
teed. Two sizes, 25c. and $1.00 at all
spector Oliver Johnson, of Centre Hu-
ron, made raid on the canteens in
connection with the military camp at
Goderich and seized a dray load of
beer which was being freely sold in
four canteens. On leaving the
grounds a gang of soldiers tried to in-
terfere with them and succeeded in
getting away with two of the kegs.
The inspector was assisted by a con-
stable front Goderich. The officers of
the camp, apparently, had no con-
trol over the men, and it was with di-
fiieulty that the inspector got away
from the grounds with the wen; goods.
Crown Attorney Seager willprosecute
the cases. Colborne township, where
the camp is held, is under local op-
Mervyn Grills has taken a position
as bookeeper in Galt. -
George Zilliax sr., of Toronto, is
visiting ex -Mayor Watson.
Ninetycandidate tote on h
s iv the
Entrance Examinations
•_.wx-Policeman 1Vrn. Hahuilton's little
girl's arm w
hp h was ftact e ed is
ing nicely.
R. T. Kemp was re-elected a mem-
ber of the High Court Executive
Oomutitte Canadian Order of Fores-
Mrs. Melvin Scott has shipped her
household furniture Its Edmonton,
Alta., where Me. Scott has obtained a
lucrative position.
can be cured by the great fruit kidney
and livor remedy,
FIG Furs
Brantford, Ont., Aug. 18, 1.911
Your medicine, Fig Pills, has work.
ed wonders for mc. The rheumatic
pains have entirely left me and I owe'
everything. to your remedy. Yon are
at liberty to publish this.
At all dealer's 25 and '50 cents or
mailed by 'filo Fig Pill Co., St.
Thomits, Ont. Sold and recommend-
ed itt Brussels by .1. Fox Druggist.
NW, MIMI Wet. IIMON•11.1,0,MM6
We Have
• • Why, our Spring and
i Summer Suiting's,
• with all the up -to-
: date tones and col-
• ors, combined with
°o quality, at RIGHT
W. P. Fraser
I3 R U S S L L S
0,1•444,••••••••004,41••0 04044.0
Health Depends on Good Blood
Everyone who uses Ferrozoue has
good color and great vitality. Reason
for this i8 Ferrozone's power to create
nourishing blood, "I was broken
down and couldn't eat" writes
Mrs. Chas, Benny of Oioyne, Ont..
"My nerves were irritable, I was thin -
blooded and continually unhappy. I
tried Ferrozoue. It gave me new en-
ergy, force, vial, It brought ane
strength—made me well." Greatest
tonic and re -builder ever known is
Ferrozone. Sold everywhere in 50r.
P*ca^FI C
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Special Trina leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on
APRIL 2,18, 80 MAY 14, 28 JUNE 11, 25
JULY 9, 28 AUG. 8, 20 SEPT. 8, 17
Second elan tickets from Ontario atahom to principal
Northwest point. at
Mott and Mum $34.00[ Edmonton and return
$42.0u and to other pants in proportion. Ticketa
good to return within 60 days from going date.
through to Edmonton ria Saskatoon, also to Winnipeg
and Callas, via Main Line of all excursion.. Com-
fortahla bertha. fully equipped with bedding, can he
teemed at moderato rater through local agent.
Early application must be made.
containing rata and 1u8 iofonnation.
Apply to neared C.P.R. Aran or
M. G. MURPHY, Dist. Paw Aft., Toronto.
H. L.A
is prepared to supply the hest
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, &c.
Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Maitland Bank
Short Horns for Sale
Scroll Scotch. $hurt Hort) hulls 0 to 29 mon 1'he
old, reds and roans ; big, smooth and stylish ;
elieleest breeding—Campbell hose Buds, Marr
Benntyeand Oautpbell Beosiec. Nene hatter
for milk and beef. Will be sold et any reason.
able offer On 011 easy terilta,
DAVID MIr.NID, nowt.
Stock for Service
• undersigned will keep for eerviee on Nig
Lot 29, lion, 7 Morris,a thorough -bred Tan, -
worth bog, perms, $1,00, to be paid at time of
service wleh privilege of returning If neeee-
sttry1,1 15 S, WALKER,
The People's Column
HOUSE AND LOT for sale or to rent,—As
I impose leaving Brussels shortly my
house and lot on Turnberry street, South, 14
offered for ante or, to tent. Possession ono be
had April 1st, Apply tit once to
Phone No, 80 Brussels,
FABOl FOR SALE—Estate of late J'ait
Olennau, 00111g Ni Log 92, Con. 8, Morris
township, containing WUU auras, 8acres of which
is basil. Good bank barn and never failing
spring close to barn. Good stock farm. Md,
be sold at once For terms apply at oiltea of
Tun Posen, Brussels. 84.4
FARM 15010 SALE.—Splendid 200 acre farm
in the Township of ,uckeremith, County-
of Huron, within two miles o1 Sonforth on G.
'T. R. in one of the t best farming districts of
Ontacrap 1 in xceSoil bent stay loam u • i acres under
crop ; d excellent of spring Ciel ; w°II
the drained ; never failing spring creek near
buildings ; substantial two-story brick dwell-
ing ; belie Welly situated; heated by farmee •
bath room with lot and cold water ; divided
cellar; cement floor; long die bunco telephone;
orehnrd with apron° turns -break on West and
North ; goott barns with stone stabling all in
ilraeeinss repair. Paean in splendid shape to
raise money -making crops or would make tine
dairy farm or stook farm. Anyone loolcieg
for a good farm would do well to see this—an
ideal country home. Address
40.4 MO. T. DICKSON, Sentorth.
AT A BARGAIN.—Will dispose of cottage,
Elizabeth street, Brussels, at $860, a great
largufn ill order to seen', quick sale. key
nifty be llnd from Mr, J. Leckie,- lir further
particulars see Dir. Leckie or write the under-
signed, .1. 11. 0401111110N,
10 St. George St„ London,
1 00 ACRES OF LAND for elle, )54 miles
North of $oarorth. Good ably loam,
all cleared and under cultivation. Bank barn,
cement floors, large flame )louse, newly tpaint-
ed; good wells at barn and house buildings
and fence, in excellent repair. An ideal home
cheap. Apply (Mis+) 10051E GOVIONl.Oc1C,
Seafortli, Ont.
FA1lM FOR SALE,—Tito 102 tore farm. be -
)ng the property of the late Peter McNeil,
Lot 28, Con. 14, Grey, Is offered for sale by the
undersigned. There tt re 86 acres cleared, het-
anoe well timbered. On the farm there is a
good bank barn, large driving shed mud n com-
fortable lame. Plneu in good condition and
well fenced. For further particulars apply to
JAS. A. MONA)Lt or JAS. D. MOHAIR, Exes-
utors, Cratln•ook P.O., or F. S. SCOTT, Bras.
eels. 7•tf
FARM FOR SALE, being South pelf Lot 25,
Uel. 4, Morris township, Huron Co., con-
tei sing 100 mores more or less. On the pren-
ise, inn frame house, hank barn, good orchard,
windmill, 8m. All cleared exsspt about
an acre. School 1K miloa distant. Only 514
miles from Brussels. 0 acres °PPM) wheat fru
and about 50 acres seeder] down. For price,
terms and other information apply on the
premises or if writing Brussels P. O. Phone
128. Or F. S. Scott, Brussels.
11-tt A. 1.. KER1t, Proprietor.
ot ambitious t people
Oita'Ir li L t eo)> n
are being tOtult Oe in their homes by
.our Bene Study Dept. Yoe may 9uit•tt
at College if you desire. Puy wltet-
lenc you wish, Thirty Y01111 'Exper-
ience. Lutties
t trohen in Canada.
Enter tine tiny. guaranteed.
If yon nisi to save board and learn
w hi le you earn, write for pat•tdoulere.
Yingham Business College
GEO. SPOTTON, President i®
Give me a call, t The Business
Ag NAYMANN, Crallbrook 1 $ w al College g
Loudon's Favourite
(11812) E130793
J. J. McOavIn, Proprietor
Will stand itt his own stable, Lot 22, Oon,18,
McKillop, for the improvement of stock,
Terms—To insure n foul $8.00.
Colts sited by this horse won first prises at
Sentorth end bOrnssela Shows kat Pall, beating
the colts that won prizes at'Ee•outo and Lon-
don. and also at Stratford and Iuitolielt.
Farmers' Attention !
Do You Use Fertilizer ?
if Not, Why Not ?
An exact duplicate for barnyard manure. Five
times as strong as Nitrogen, • Phos. Acid and Pot-
ash, A complete organic manure in a concentrat-
ed form, soluble, available, and easily applied to
your land. -
If you want to increase your crops' 50 per Dent. use
this Special Organic Manure as is used and. sold by
The National Land, Fruit &'Packing CO., Ltd„ owls-
ers of 8,000 acres of orchard lands. Local agents—
Brussels Electric, Light Co„
We also handle Flom' and all kinds of feed.
. Soo us about having yont' House wired for Electric Lighting
while house ,loaning 18 00.
Fall tens opens Tuesday, Sept, Ord,
,At iinnteresting.d It wilt be mailedjfree to -
Re any address upon request.
At your home . without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless
p-parentlyhopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured,
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait - Fill in coupon
...... Time Rup, ......
Single or Doable -
Name .......................
and return to
Ja$.S lT
M4 H
88 Calodohla st,
Dept. A Stratford‘ lint.