HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-6-27, Page 3HEIMAN ELECTRIC DYNAMO SOME PEOPLE If.1Vo MORE OF 'i'HIIS POWER THAN OTHERS. If Your Body Has a Negative Rind You have the Power of a "'Water 1i'itch." fabrics. When they comb thei hair in the dark they can get inch long sparks of snapping brilliancy. It is the eame thing that enables a rubber comb to pick up and hold little scraps of paper after it has been pulled through the hair two or three times. There will bo a faint WHISPERED CRACKLING as the teeth of the comb approach the scraps and a few of them will jump up and cling to the comb. They will continue to do so till the electricity has passed off and left the comb in its usual condition. Some scientists claim that differ- ent people have different kindle of electrical energy stored up in them. Some are positives and some are negatives. It is also as sorted that the greater number o people are positively charged an that it is hard to find the human variety of negative electricity. Here is the test for negative elec- tricity that also seems to explain the power of the "water witch." If you think you have negative electri- city cut from a green tree a small limb that forks into two branches of about equal size. Trim this limb down into a forked wand about two feet in length. Hold the ends of the forks in either hand with the butt of the limbs up- ward. Then take a walk across the fields or through a wood. If you are a person of negative electricity the moisture in the green woad will act area conductor for your particular brand of lightnings, and as you pass over AN UNDERGROUND STREAM, the point of the forked wand will twist in your hands till the butt will be pulled straight down toward the earth. The point will also show the existence of the underground stream. If this is true it explains the abil- ity and the scarcity of the "rural water witch." There are one or two of these men or women in every neighborhood, and they are always consulted when the farmer wants to sink a well. They sometimes charge a fee for all wells that are sunk at their direction. Others take pay only when water is found within a certain depth. Whether they are men or women, the title of "water witch" is given them. According to the theory the posi- tively charged man or woman lYas no ability to make the green twig move when passing over the water or where the earth is dry. Their particular brand of electricity has no affinity for moist sticks. s• ST. VITUS DANCE IN YOUNG CIIILDREN 9 Striking Example of its Ohre By the To io Treatment St. Vitus dance is the commonest form of nervous trouble that afflicts young children, because of the great'domand made on the body by f or growth and development, and there rte.- is an added strain caused by study. It is when these demands become so great that they impoverish the blood, and the nerves fail to receive their full supply of nourishment, that the nervous debility which leads to St. Vitus dance begins. The remarkable suduess of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in curing St. Vitus dance should lead parents to. give this great bleed -building medi- cine to their children at the first signs of tho approach of the dis- ease. Pallor, listlessness, inatten- tion, restlessness and irritability are all symptoms which early show that the blood and nerves are fail- ing to meet the demand upon them. s6 Hero is proof of the power of Dr. O_ \trilliams' Pink Pills to euro this g trouble. Mrs. J. W. Towns, Oahe, wa, Ont., says :—"At the age of ✓ eleven my daughter was attacked _ with St. Vitus dance, and despite all we did for her the trouble grew rapidly worse. • Soon she was scarcely able to walk, her body and limbs jerked and trembled so, and she was quite unable to feed her- self. When she would lie down she would be unable to rise without as- sistance. As nothing was helping her I wrote a friend whose daugh- ter had been similarly affected, and she advised the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which had cured her child. I at once got a supply of the Pills, and even the use of the first box seemed to show an improve- ment. By the time five boxes were used she was completely cured and has had no return of the trouble _ since." Sold by all nedieine deal- _ ers or by snail at 80 cents a box or d six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - i NEW G.T.R. rPR_ESID. ENT. Are you a sort of storage jar electricity? Most folks are app catty. When you rub a comb throu your their, a rubber comb, you w hear faint cracklings and spittin as the teeth of the comb pasts ale of the hair. In the dark you sometimes get a real electric spa like that produced by a laborite machine. There are other folks who able to produce the silme thing b rubbing the feet swiftly back en forth on a oarpet and then touchin their finger tips to another perso If the other person does not kno of this possibility the effect is so times startling. Some people are apparenlJ charged with electrical fluid mo of the .time, They are able to pr duce the same effect by rubbin their hands on silk, woolen or other gh 111 gs ter can rk 1'y are a 11. w m0- WINDMILLS ARE OLD. They Were Used as Early as the Twelfth Century. The farm windmill, used in its widest sense, means a machine by which the energy of the wind is ap- plied to useful purposes. Windmills were certainly in use as early as the twelfth century, but their ex- act origin is lost in the oblivion of the past. Their introduction into Europe is generally ascribed to the Saracens, through tho Orusaders. Flashing their crimson -crossed banners homeward, through Eu- rope, the knights of Richard Coeur de Lion brought many strange cus- toms and innovation With them. The earliest written record of wind- mills in England dated the twelfth century deals with certain disputes in reference to tithes connected with "windmilles." Since those far- away times windmills have been in constant use in Europe, America and outer continents. But modern science has provided us with more efficient and reliable means of grinding corn or driving engines than the somewhat intermittent power of the wind. So in this coun- try windmills have become objects o,t? ornament rather than use, says are London Globo, f\ootor Pill—I understand you. Etre trcatitig old Gotrox, What has ire tett1 I)ocar Pellet—Oh, two hunr \'ed th usend dollars, From a small office on the top floor of the Central Chambers, Ot- tawa, to the pre::idormy and general Managership of the Grand Trunk Railway System and successor to the capable and illustrious Charles M. Hayes, within a period of six. or seven year's, is, in the common vernacular of the day, "going some." Such is the record of Ed- son J. Chamberlin, whose pronto - tion was recently announced. Mr. Chamberlin is a pleasant, mild- mannered, and well-groomed gene tleman. Ho is genial and approach- able, and during the years that ho was general manager of the Canada Atlantic Railway he enjoyed the confidence of both elle public and Mr. J. R. Booth, the owner of the road. So implicit was the trust re- posed in the ability and sound judgment of his general manager that Mr. Booth often allowed weeks to pass without calling at his office When certain requests of varied character were made, Mr. Booth would reply, "SceMr. Chamberlin, and whatever he• decidesit will be all right" The new president of the Grand Trunk has now become an interna- tional figure, and that he will mea- sure up to the estimation of his warmest friends and admirers there is no doubt. Ho. has seen 40 years of service in contracting and rail- road work in Mexico, the United Baby's Rash Became a Mass of Humor Parents Decided He Could Not Be Cured, UCuticura" Soon Made His Skin Perfectly Clear. A Toronto man, Mr. Robert Mann, of 7581 Queen St. East, says: "Our boy was born In Toronto on bat. 13 1008, and when three months old a slight rash appeared on his cheek. What appeared to bo a water blister would form. When it broke, `natter would run out starting new blisters until bis entire fare, bead and shoulders were a mass of scabs �and you could not We adidrtnot of clear what to do for hits and tried About every advertised remedy without avail, in.. deed some of them only added to hissufferingand one in particular, the Remedy almost .put tho Infant into conyulslons. The family doctor pro- scribed for him. This did not do any good s0' Wa took him to a hosptital. Ito was treated as an out-patient twice i► week and he got worse, if an thing. Wo then called In another doctor and inside of a week the boy wee, to all appearances, cured .and the doctor laid his work was done. But UMvery Hast day it broke out as bad an sear. "We decided that it could not be cured And must run its eouroe and so we Just kept his arms bandaged to his aide to prevent Ida tearing hle flesh. The Cuticura Remedies Were recommended. We started using thein ' In May, 1900, and goon the cure was ctimpleta� Cuticura made hie akin porfecl cltear an q bo Is. entirely free !rem the "�k 415088er , (Signed) Robert Nana, May 2,:1010.` In another letter; dated June 80, 1011, he adds: "My boy has never had any more trouble elnce tieing Cutieurilz' Per more thtin a generatien Cuticure Soap end Olntmont have afforded trio most eco- fttl treatment for akin and scalp troubles of meow, children and adult,. A e nglo net Mete often immolent.. Although wild byyu dntge liberral cfmnlel of mioh With the t, beak 0n the skin will be sent free, 00 appIIOatlon to Potter Drug&came Garet, 88 COluutbtfli. area Destine mei States, and Canada. Ho is never is a hurry,never flustered, and never fussy. He will calmly smoke a food cigar and settle the most vexatious and intricate problems. He is Jmas- ter of himself and Ibis work at all times and yet enjoys a joke or a good story. His manner is quiet and unassuming, but he is business to the finger tips. To newspaper men he is a true friend and fre- quently takes them into his confi- dence. His upright carriage, Ms well -poised head, and his winning smile at once place a visitor at ease and, when elle interview is ended, b11In Pi�.,�('Ylll Mr. E. J. Chamberlin. the average man departs with a good impression and kindly feel- ings. President Chamberlin can say "No" without leaving a sting in his words or demeanor, and he is cour- teous to all. Nowhere is he more highly respected than in the Capi- tal City, where he resided for man yearn. A common error made b the Canadian press is in spelling hi name Chamberlain, like that of th distinguished Imperialist, Rt. Hon Joseph Chamberlain.. Tho new chief of the G. T. R. has never used an "a" in the third syllable of his cog- nomen. F OUTDOOR LIFE Will Not Offset the I11 Effects of Coffee and Tea I'1'11cn One Cannot Digest Them. A farmer says: "For ten years or more I suffer- ed from dyspepsia and stomach trouble, caused by the use of cof fee, (Tea contains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee) until I got so bad I had to give up coffee entire ly and almost give up eating. There were times when I could eat only boiled milk and bread; and when I went to the field to work I had to take some bread' and butter along to give me strength. "I doctored steady and took al- most everything I could get for my stomach in the way of medicine, but if I got any better it only lasted a little while. I was almost a walking skeleton. "One clay I read an ad for Pos- tum and told my wife I would try it, and as to the following facts I will make affidavit before any judge: "I quit coffee entirely and used Postum in its place. I have regained my health entirely and can eat any- thing that is cooked to eat. I have ncreased in weight until now I weigh more than I ever did. . I have not taken any medicine for m y stomach since I began using ostem. "My family would stick to coffee t first, but they saw the effects it had on me and when they were feeling bad they began to use Pos- um, ono at a time, until now we 11 use Postum." Name given by C anadian Postum Co,, Windsor, nt. Ten days' trial of Postum in lace of tea or coffee proves the rah an easy and pleasant way. Read the little book, "The Road o Wellville," in plcgsi "There's a reason,'•' Ever read the above lettere A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and lull of human Interest ra A ANVIL SPARKS. Safeguarding Investors It is only the wealthy investor who can afford to jeopardize his princi- pal in the hope of secur- ing unusually targe returns. To the man whose investment repre- sents all or moat of his available capital, security of principal is a prime necessity. The value of a Bond de- pends upon several con- ditions, including : safety, tibiatibiacan be ascertained only after an investigation of the properties which are security for the Bond—rate of i n teres t —readiness with which the Bond can be sold—probable stability or appreciation of market price. These and other facts should be ascer- tained before investing. We maintain in tbo interests of investors a statistical de- partment which contains complete information regard- ing all reputable Canadian and the leading British and American securities. A re- quest to any one of our offices in person. by mail or wire, will secure any desired "information. Such a request carries no obligation what- ever. DOMINION BOND COMPANY, Limited TORONTO MONTREAL OTTAWA LONDON, ENO. NEXT DUTCH QUEEN. The Princess Juliana Had a Birth- day Lately. Recently the Princess Juliana, Y heiress to the Dutch throne, attain- • ed the age of 3, and her birthday s was the occasion of many festivities e throughout Holland. • The Queen of Holland lives the greater part of the year at her country seat of the Loo, near Apel- dourn, in Gelderland. There the Princess spends the whole day in the royal park, where she has her little baby house, her poultry yard with the fowls she feeds with her own hands, her dog, two ponies, and a deer, says the London Daily Mail. Every day at the Loo as. well as at The Hague some children are in- vited to play with her in order to mitigate as much as possible the doable loneliness of her position as a future queen and as an only child. The Queen likes to invite various children by turns, so that the Prin- cess may learn at an early age to be friendly to all sorts of people and not to show too great a pre- ference for a chosen few. These little three -year-olds are quite free in 'their games, and often treat their royal 'hostess with scant re- apere- aped.One of them, proud of her dainty patent leather shoes, said to the Princess: "I think my shoes much prettier than yours." Whereupon little Juliana looked ruefully at her strong laced -up boots, saying, "And. yet 'these are my very best." .y A few days before the Court left The Hague the Princess was taken for a walk in the Scheveningen woods. It had rained during the night, and for the first time it dawned upon her young mind how delightful it is to walk in the pud- dles, and especially 'to stamp one's foot in them till the drops fly about. This performance was witnessed by some admiring juvenile subjects, whose parents will no longer be able to admonish them' with the Bay- ing so common in Dutch nurseries: "Juliana never does this," or "Juliana never does that," Their paragon has proved to bo only hu- man after all. During an audience which the Prime Minister, • Mr, Hoeniskerk,. had with the Queen a few clays ago the Princess was sent for. When the nurse came to take her out for a drive the Queen 'said: "Now say 'Good -by, yon Excellency.' " She could not he made to•repeat those words, but as soon as the footman had opened the door so that her retreat was sato, she cried out, "Good -by, curly head," which allusion to Mr, Heensikerk's flow- ing mane was much appreciated by those present. i P t 0 lx t v 1 e go w C is t ft tb Love keeps no ledger of its ser - ices. The flower never cares who shall nhale its fragrance. It is possible to sacrifice many virtues on a cross temper. When you enjoy the pity of oth- rs, the soul is ill and needs cure. If God planted you for a prim- rose, you can never bloom as a pe- unia. A very large army of evils can en- er a very small gate of comprom- ise. The grass just out of reach looks od to the sheep that grazes along the fence, The way never looks so hard when we are on our feet as it does when e Bat at ease. If you cit down to wait to hear compliments, your seat is apt to bo- oms very hard before you are sat - fled. Daniel would never have walked amid the bronze Ilene that adorned he Bab lonish throne if be bad not est waked amid the teal Bona of, e cave. F SUMMER SKIN TROUBLES. Sunburn, blistering, and irrita- tion are the commonest form of summer skin troubles and Zam-Buie ends those very quickly, It works in two ways. As soon as applied, its antiseptic powers get to work and kill all the poison in a wound, a sting or a sore. This generally ends the smarting and the pain. Then Zana -Duk begins the healing process, and fresh healthy tisane is built up. For sore, blistered feet, sore hands, heat rashes, baby's heat Tots, sore places due to per- spiration, etc., yo0 can't equal Zam-]auk. Druggists and stores everywhere sell Zara -But, 50c. box, Use Zam-Buk Soap also, 250. per tablet. All stores, or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Germany started the first of the teinperanco seciotios in the year YtF17'w ALCOHOL IN Tim TROPICS. German Calls It Not Only Unneces- sary, but Harmful. A German military officer, Lieut. Passche, has intently published an account of extensive travels, in a prolonged sojourn in tropical Afri. ca, where he made a thorough test of the non-alcoholic regimen. His wife travelled with him and shared his experiences. He hunted elephants, rhinocer- oses, lions, buffaloes, braved the rainy season and the subsidence of the Nile floods, and both he and his wife were in better health when they left the country than when they entered it. According to the Scientific Temperance Journal, he never found an occasion when aleo- hol was necessary for any other purpose than the preservation of in- sects. The abstainer, he holds, becomes acclimated without as much bodily disorder as the drinker, heat is more easily endured and suffering from thirst is less. He has less of the skin irritation peculiar to the climate. Infection is apparently leas frequently contracted and more quickly thrown off. In endurance of continued exer- tion the abstaining European is of- ten superior to the native, while in all kinds of mental and physical work the European is many times more active. Sleep is sound, appe- tite keen; mental freshness, work- ing power, the spirit of enterprise are unlimited. There are no tedi- ous moments. The abstainer is al- ways in condition to give attention to the impressions and problems of unexplored country. ABSOLUTELY SAFE FOR LITTLE ONES Mrs. Nelle Steeves, Hill Grove, N.B., writes :—"I know Baby's Own Tablets are an absolutely safe medicine for little ones and they are the only medicine I would give a child without first consulting a doctor." The Tablets are guaran- teed by a government analyst to be absolutely safe and free from opiates and narcotics and cannot possibly do harm—but always good. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Produce and manufactures of the United Kingdom find their largest markets in India, Germany, the United States, Australia, France, South Africa, Canada, the Argen- tine, and Brazil. For Burns and Scalds. — Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will take the fire out of a burn or scald more rapidly than any other preparation. It should be at hand in every kit- chen so that it may be available at any time. There is no preparation required. Just, apply the oil to the burn or scald and the pain will abate and in a short time cease al- together. When birds of a feather flock to- gether it is a pretty safe bet they'll try to pluck each other. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend, Postcards, chiefly illustrated ones, to the number of 108,500,000, were sent through the Swiss postolfices last year. For years Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has ranked as the most effective preparation manu- factured, and it always maintains its reputation, HOPEFUL VIEW. He (despondently)—Our marriage will have to be postponed, I have lost my situation, and haven't any income at all. She (hopefully) — That doesn't matter now, my dear. We won't need any. I've learned how to trim my own hats. If attacked with cholera or sum- mer complaint of any kind send at once far a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial and use it according to directions. It acts with wonderful rapidity in subduing that dreadful disease that weakens the strongest man and that destroys the young and delicate. Those who have used this cholera medi- cine say it acts promptly, and never fails to effect a thorough euro. " Spinster,n as a term, owes its origin to the fact that in olden days the law did not permit a woman to marry until she had spun a complete set of linen. Mileage of the railways of the United Kingdom exceeds 23,000. A Cure for Fever and Ague,—Dis- turbance of the stomach and liver always precede attacks of fever and ague, showing derangement of the digestive organs and deterioration in the quality of the blood. In these ailments Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have boon found most effec- tive, abating the fever and subdu- ing the ague in a few days. There arc many who are subject to these distressing distnrbaneos and to these there is no butter prepara- time proeurable as Is means of re- lief. TO CLEAN "THE CLOCK, Oftentimes when the clock refuses to work it may be clogged with dust. All it needs to make it as good as new is to place inside the case a bit of white cotton thorough- ly saturated with kerosene oil. Let this remain two or three days or a week, and at the end of that time all the dust will have been loosened by the fumes of the oil. Tho clock will be in good condition, while the cotton will be quite black from the dirt it has collected. CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. Such Is the recuperative power contained in Copeland's Cure for Consumption that even the most advanced oases have been introit by its beneficial action. It can be taken by the weakest patient, to whom it gives a fighting strength as nothing elso will. Tho apnotito comes back. That weakening perspiration is etoppod. The lunge and respiratory organs are healed at the same time. Its efficacy to light consumption, weak or bleeding lungs, lingering coughs and bronchitis is proven bwhat is stated bydoubt not h hoseawho hhavebtaken it for those ailments and have been cured. Copies of testimonials of those who after being given up by doctors and specialists, as only having a few days to live, and are alive and well today, are sent on request. Price $1 par bottle at your drug• gist, or direct from Wm. Copeland, 611 Papa Aso., Toronto, Canada. THE WAITER'S REBUKE. Sims—"While in Paris I paid $3.- 78'in tips alone." Waiter (assisting him on with his coat)—"You must have lived there a good many years, sir." It is a Liver Pill.—Many of the ailments that man has to contend with have their origin in a disorder- ed liver, which is a delicate organ, peculiarly susceptible to the dis- turbances that come from irregular habits or lack of care in eating and drinking. This accounts for the great many liver regulators now pressed on the attention of suffer- ers. Of these there is none super- ior to Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Their operation though gentle is ef- fective, and the most delicate can use them. Portugal, Russia, and the Malay Peninsula issue coins of the lowest value; in South Russia theree is a coin in nee worth one four -thou- sandth part of an English penny, and the Malays circulate a wafer worth one ten -thousandth part of a penny. I was cured of Bronchitis and Asthma by MINARD's LINIMENT. MRS. A. LIVINGSTONE. Lot 5, P. E. 3. O was cured- of a revere attach of Rheumatism by MXNARD's LINIMENT, Mahone Bay, JOHN MADER. It was cured of a severely sprained leg by MINAI0n'S LINIMENT. JOSHUA A. WYNACHT. Bridgewater. THE REASON. Pa Bnikins—"Son, never tell a fish story unless—" Sonny—"Unless what 7" Pa Bilkins—"Unless you can tell it the same way at least fifty-five times." Tgi Ti Try Murine Eye Remedy Nosmarttng-Foote Flae-Acte Quickly. O'rylifernod,Wo.l.,WateryE 0eend �� f each t Pn k0ga a EIURINE e1e corn- EY om Epp a ,i� pounded 15 oarOealleta-nota "Patent ..1r dlodlchw' 1,1 uecd In etioeoeetul PLge1- 00 a elf c,nna' Practice for many yearn. Now IE 68 dodteatod t0 tho Public and sold by 0 a re Erng rlats at 00a00c n001,00510. Merino Eye Solve In Montle moon, 0005,00, Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago The young man who tells a girl she is a dream is likely to bump up against a rude awakening shortly after marriage. The ease with which corns and warts can be removed by Holloway's Corn Cure is its strongest recom- mendation. It seldom fails. London boroughs send fifty-nine Members to Parliament, Keep Mlnard's Liniment In the house. A WAY OUT. A tailor with more ingenuity than education had occasion recent - 1y to order two large flatirons of the variety known as the "tailor's goose." He scratched his head in some perplexity over the proper plural form to use. "Two tailors' gooses," he mut- tered, "That doesn't sound right at all. Two tailors' geese—.that sounds worse yet." Re puzzled over the question till it began to worry him, but sudden- ly a bright idea popped into his head. He sat down and wrote : "Messrs. ------ Mono send nue ORO tailor's goose, P.S. You may gond two instead of ono;" Mlhard'e Liniment Hoed he pltytleleee,. FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. IGHT 'THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL Nerthnmberloed 0 n .a�Jntyu ineladin `Stook and Implements. There is in. the stook 4 horses, 10 cows, ere. Tilts ie a snap, and can be had on easy terms. Poeseesfon at once. 000 FARMS IN LINCOLN. WELLAND. 7r Halton, Peol, York, Durham, North, umberland, Prince Edward countlee at reasonable prices. A LBERTA, SARICATCITEWAN AND Manitoba lands in large or email blocks. ,a FEMT FARMS—ALL SIZES, IN THE Ntaonrn Fruit eel% H. W, DAWSON, Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. T)0 AILWAY AGENTS, 'TELEGRAPHERS Alb, and Clerks in great demand through. out Ontario and North West. Six menthe will qualify you. Day and Mail soarers Positions secured. Free Book 15 explafne. Dominion Solvml Telreranfiv. Toronto MISCELLANEOUS. TXAY AND FARIS SCALER. Wilson's Scale Works, 9Esplanade, Toronto. (v ANODE TUMORS, LUMPS. etc. In. i ternal and external eared without Pain by our home treatment. .Write tie before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical Co„ Limited, Cnllingwnnd. Ont te TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's Scala Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. PROBATIONERS TO TAKE TRUDE Hospital `Canton course In training at L ISTEN1-11ANY CHAUFFEURS EARN 930.00 a week, Special reduced rates Campbell Collegeoof ibfoterind g, 426alloor Street West, Toronto. CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Con be done perfectly by our Yrancb process. Try It British American Dyeing Co. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec. PURIFIO® WRITE PROOF ®R CURES CARER AND TUMOR Canadian Branch: Purifier) Ca., nridgeburg, Ont. a .�.. 613- nor CREOSOTE Protect — Preserve — pea utlfy Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANGMUIR & CO., Limited 1874; Bathurst Street TORONTO THE AILINOTON 00. of Canada, Ltd. ae runic, AVCNUC TORONTO CHALLENGE Aokn.wl.dsedm he i .Iin.necre.- el.,, of w.ter- woof Collars too, mole. d A. 0 other. Aft tore, direct stores or COW COMFORT la guarantood to keep Flies off your Cottle 52,00 PEM GALLON Dilute with 4 galloon of water. Write for a gallon now to THE MACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE Co., LTD.. WOODSTOCK. ONTARIO. Solo Mia. The Sapho Mnntofaotering Co., Limited, Mdntreat. "Do you know, little boy, that your sister promised to marry me at the party last night?" "Of course 1 That's what the party was for," Ask for Minard's and take no other. BENEVOLENCE RECOGNIZED "How did you come to vote for that man 7" "He's the friend of the plain peo- ple." "Has he done anything to prove it 7" "I should say so, He hires brass bands and speaks pieces and gives us more free entertainment than we ever had before in all our lives," C 01085ti',R38►�i1C.81rR.' fa an enemy within the camp. It will undermine the strongest constitution and ruin the tweet vigorous health. It leads to indigestion, biliousness, impure blood, bad complexion, sick headaches, and is one of the most frequent causes of appendicitis. To neglect it is slow suicide. Dr. Morse`s Indian Root Pille positively cure Constipation. They are entirely vegetable In composition and do net sicken, weakest or gripe. Preserve your health by taking flee Mors±&. ;tri as Rt 4 ia,r1 MootP`iiits Ell. 4. I8;1UXi !lit ---12